EssentialsMAG September 2023 - North Wrexham/Cheshire Magazine

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essentials MAG September 2023 FREE Your monthly local community magazine ★ Shop local ★ Eat local ★ Spend local ★ Enjoy local ★
Reduce your energy bills by up to 80% with Solar Panels and Battery Storage Smart energi, Unit 14 Miners Road, Llay Industrial Estate, Wrexham LL12 0PJ 01978 437117 Get a Price Quote Today! Remote Survey, call: SOLAR PANELS Take control of your energy! Reduce your annual energy bills by up to 70% with Solar Panels from Smart energi BATTERY STORAGE Power on demand 24/7 Smart energi battery storage systems leave you in control! Save up to 80% on your energy bills when combined with Solar PV Smart energi - local experts in Solar Panels and Battery Storage systems for homes and business. Skyline Electrical Ltd trading as Smart energi 0% PaynoVATonSolarPanels &BatteryStorage!


Cover Image: Owl in an Autumnal forest

October Deadlines:

Editorial - 8th September

Advertising - 15th September

September marks a significant point in the year for many families across the UK. The rhythm of life shifts as school bags are packed, uniforms neatly donned, and schoolyards echo once again with the laughter and chatter of students. It's a time of both adjustment and enthusiasm, as our young people embark on new educational journeys and reconnect with friends after the summer break.

As the days become crisper and shorter, we can appreciate the beauty of our local landscapes in autumnal splendour. From charming woodland walks to seasonal recipes that warm the heart, we encourage you to embrace the changing scenery and savour the simple joys this season brings.

Furthermore, we're excited to feature stories that showcase the remarkable initiatives and talents that make our community truly special.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and as the children embark on their academic adventures, may we all find the same enthusiasm for embracing new horizons.

Wishing you a wonderful September.

We’ve got the local area covered!

Delivered by hand to 6,400 homes and businessesmore than any other magazine in our area.

Rossett, Marford, Gresford, Holt, Farndon, Churton, Aldford, Eccleston, Lavister, Poulton, Pulford, Dodleston, Burton and Golly.

Also available at 25+ pick-up points across the region.

You can also read our magazines online at:


CALL: 01978 855459

EssentialsMAG is published by Essentials MAG Limited, a local independent publishing company. All content within the publication is copyright of Essentials MAG Limited. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for views or opinions expressed by contributors or for the accuracy of claims made by the advertisers. All dates, times, URLs and phone numbers are understood to be correct at the time of submission to print. © EssentialsMAG Limited 2023. @EssentialsMagWrexham @EssentialsMAG1 Follow us today and stay updated locally This publication is printed on FSC® certified paper. When you have finished reading it please pass it on, or put it in your paper recycling bin. Welcome to our September issue!
All the best, Vicky Heathfield

Celebrate the Best of Wrexham Business

2023 marks the inaugural Wrexham Business and Community Awards (WBCA), established to recognise the wonderful work taking place every day within our business and local community. There is so much to celebrate locally – whether it’s the largest multinational organisation that has chosen Wrexham as its base, or the start-up sole trader, breathing new life into our borough. It could be a community leader or charity worker, who are making a difference to peoples’ everyday lives, or the schools and colleges that inspire and empower our workforce of the future to reach for the stars, dream and achieve.

The awards close for entries on Monday 25th September 2023, ahead of the judging, so there is still time to enter. The winners will then be announced on Friday 10th November 2023, at a glittering event being held at founding sponsor, Net World Sports’ brand-new, purpose-built head office on Wrexham Industrial Estate.

For details, please visit:

PPHG Appoints New Chair

After working for 30 years in the NHS, Ben John was fortunate to be able to retire to the lovely area of Pulford. Here, he began to attend the local history group and develop an interest in the subject. Earlier this year, he was elected as the Chair to follow in the footsteps of Mike Nethercott, the founder, and previous Chair of the Pulford and Poulton History Group (PPHG), for over 20 years.

Ben said, “We are fortunate to be so close to the city of Chester and its very rich history of links with neighbouring villages. We are also fortunate to know some people who are very knowledgeable about our local history and want to share that information with us. My wish is to expand the range of topics covered, revive the summer outings for the group, and increase the local publicity for the group, so as to attract younger members. I would welcome all suggestions to that end.”

For details, please visit:

Green Bins

If you wish to have your green bin emptied after 4th September 2023, you’ll need to pay for the garden waste collection service, at an annual cost of £35.00 per garden waste bin.

The service runs from 4th September 2023 to 30th August 2024.

To pay for your green bin to be emptied, visit:

Local News

Fun Time Had at Funday

“Following a largely wet few weeks leading up to the event, the sun shone once again for us as family, friends and the local community gathered on the 15th anniversary of our dear son Jonnie’s passing. Remembering Jonnie was the primary focus and it was so rewarding for us to meet and speak to so many people.

There was something for everyone, with games, challenges, stalls, a 44 prize raffle, entertainment and food and drink. As a result, around £6,000 was raised which will be donated to Bowel Cancer UK and local charities, which we are still discussing. This takes the total amount raised by family and friends over the past 15 years to an amount in excess of £109,000 in Jonnie’s memory.

Successes of this nature don’t happen by accident; indeed a great deal of effort, planning and good will is required. For this we have many people to thank, in particular, Jonnie’s loyal friends who continue to support us as a family and keep him in their hearts and minds. Mr Allan Parrington (landlord of The Golden Lion) whose support for the event was phenomenal. Nothing was too much trouble for him or his team. Thanks also to the entertainers, Vicky at EssentialsMAG, sponsors, stall holders, family members, raffle prize donors, Hyde’s Brewery and all who helped and attended. The support for us from the communities of Gresford, Marford and Rossett over the past 15 years has been very important as we continue to miss Jonnie.

Thank you all sincerely, Rob, Gill, Ian and Dan Ratcliffe”

Customer Reward for Review Feedback

Premier Windows and Conservatories customer, Mrs Sue Barnett, has been presented with a cheque for £500 after submitting a review on the company services. Selected at random, Mrs Barnett sent her review of the windows and doors Premier recently installed. Any customers who submit feedback through the Conservatory Outlet review centre are automatically in with a chance of winning £500 on a 12 month rolling term, meaning they have 12 chances to win.

Caroline Chenery, Managing Director, presented Mrs Barnett with her cheque at the company's indoor showroom at Gledrid. Visit:

Share your news with us:

Staying Well This Autumn

Autumn is such a beautiful time of year. Still, as the weather starts to change, our bodies may become more susceptible to catching colds and flu. Also, with the days getting shorter, it's common for people to experience a change in their mood, sometimes called the "autumn blues" or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Prioritising self-care at this time of year can help you feel better, boost your immune system and keep you healthy.

Here are my five top tips to stay well this autumn:

1. Stay active

As the weather cools down, it can be tempting to stay indoors and become less active. However, it's important to continue exercising regularly to maintain your physical and mental well-being. Try to find activities that you enjoy and are suitable for the autumn season, such as hiking, biking, or even indoor workouts.

2. Eat seasonal and nutritious foods

Autumn brings a variety of delicious and nutritious foods that can boost your immune system and keep you healthy. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables like apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens in your diet. These foods are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre, which can help support your overall wellness.

3. Prioritise sleep

With the days getting shorter, it's essential to prioritise quality sleep during the autumn season. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support your immune system, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, create a sleep-friendly environment, and limit screen time before bed to improve sleep quality.

4. Boost your immune system

To support your immune system, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, manage stress, and consider taking supplements such as vitamin C and zinc.

5. Take care of your mental health

Autumn can bring a change in mood for some people due to shorter days and less sunlight. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as reading, practising yoga, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies. Consider incorporating stressreducing practices like meditation or journalling to help manage any seasonal affective disorder symptoms.

Looking after your wellness in autumn is all about finding a balance, taking care of your physical and mental well-being, and embracing the beauty of the season.

feel better

Smoking and Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease is the disease of gums and bone that surround and support the teeth as a result of inflammation and infection.

In the early stages it is called GINGIVITIS, where the gums are red, swollen and can bleed. In its more serious form, called PERIODONTITIS, the gums can pull away from the tooth, bone can be lost, and the teeth may loosen or even fall out. It is more prevalent in adults.

What causes gum disease?

Poor oral hygiene causes bacteria in the mouth to form a film on your teeth called PLAQUE. When this is not removed it hardens to TARTAR, also called CALCULUS. When this spreads below the gum line, it becomes harder to clean and can only be removed by a Dental Health Professional, in order to stop the disease process.

Regular hygiene visits at least once every six months is essential.

What are the warning signs?

• Bad breath and/or bad taste in the mouth

• Red or swollen gums

• Tender or bleeding gums

• Painful chewing

• Loose teeth

• Sensitive teeth

• Gums that have pulled away from teeth

• Changes in your bite as a result of tooth movement.

What factors increase the risk of Periodontal Disease?

• Smoking

• Underlying medical conditions like Diabetes, AIDS

• Poor oral hygiene

• Crowded mouth making it difficult to clean around the teeth

• Poor fitting dentures, defective fillings and fractured teeth as a plaque trap.

Smoking and Periodontal Disease

Smoking not only possesses an addictive effect, but it aggravates Periodontal Disease by promoting the invasion of pathogenic bacteria. In simple language, smoking weakens your body’s immune system making it harder to fight off infection and this results in gum damage then bone damage and ultimately bone loss around teeth and finally tooth loss. Studies have shown that it does not matter how little you smoke.

Can I stop Periodontal Disease?

Once bone loss has occurred then it is irreversible. However, you can slow down the progression and stop disease (provided you have no other risk factors), if you stop smoking completely, improve and maintain excellent oral hygiene and have regular hygiene treatment.

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An Attitude of Gratitude

A little gratitude can do wonders for your mood. When you practice gratitude, you shift from negative emotions to positive. Instead of being consumed by the lack in your life, you focus on the good things, often small and seemingly mundane, that you may have previously overlooked.

Rather than feeling flat on a Monday morning at having to go to work, appreciate that your job allows you to buy food, put fuel in your car, has brought friendships with people that you otherwise wouldn’t have met.

If you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed or depressed, it can be difficult to find any positivity. But every day is full of things to be grateful for. Big things, like a lottery win, are easy to notice, but it’s the small, every day things that really fill the gratitude cup, such as the uplifting feeling of your favourite song on the radio, the way you feel when playing with your dog, the fresh smell after rain, the smell of freshly laundered sheets on the bed. Noticing the small things makes a big difference.

The benefits of practising gratitude are well documented. An increase of serotonin and dopamine - chemicals in the brain associated with happiness and pleasurelead to decreased stress hormones, a reduction in anxiety and an improvement in mood, quality sleep with fewer sleep disturbances, improved focus and a higher self esteem.

There are some simple ways to cultivate a gratitude practice;

• Start a gratitude journal. Spend a few minutes every day listing 10 things that you’re grateful for.

• Write little thank you or appreciation notes to people who are important to you, or have shown you a kindness.

• Start a gratitude jar. Write every great thing on a card, pop it in the jar, and at the end of the year, reread to remind yourself what a great life you have.

• Create a mindfulness practice. Sit quietly for a few minutes, and allow yourself to savour pleasant, simple, everyday moments.

Gratitude is like a muscle that you can build and strengthen. And whilst it might sound a bit ‘woo woo’, research shows it has very real benefits. And the more time you spend being grateful, the more you have to be grateful for.

Bodywork-Pilates was established in 2002. They offer the very best in pilates, yoga and holistic fitness, with over 20 classes a week to choose from in and around Wrexham and Chester.

EssentialsMAG fitness contributor is Helen Conway from Bodywork-Pilates Ltd Tel: 01978 512401

Ear Wax Removal & Hearing Aids

All Saints’ School


Choosing the right school for your child is a very important decision and we warmly invite you to visit our school to support you in making that decision

The admissions window for Reception entry in September 2024 (children aged 4 by 31/08/2024) will open in late September 2023

The admissions window for Nursery entry in September 2024 (children aged 3 by 31/08/2024) will open in January 2024

Open Day

We will be holding our first Open Day of the new school year on Thursday 28th September 2023 for you to come and visit our school, meet staff and see our excellent facilities first hand

Headteacher tours of the school will take place at: 10am, 1:30pm and 4:30pm

To reserve a place, email:

and invisible hearing aids by qualified
HOME OR CLINIC VISITS Tel: 01978 799387 E: Schwarz Opticians, Charles Street, Wrexham LL13 8BT in partnership with
your ears feeling blocked? Do you have hearing loss or tinnitus? Microsuction ear wax removal
audiologist Olivia Austin.

Dates for your Diary

SUN 3, 10, 17, 24 SEPT

WED 6, 13, 20, 27 SEPT

Marford Karate Club

Marford Community Centre, Pant Lane, Marford LL12 8SH

Come and learn traditional Shotokan-style Karate. Adults & children welcome.

10.30am - 12pm (Sun)

6.30pm - 8pm (Wed)

£4.00 child/£5.00 adult

Tel: 07708 404043 (Jeremy)


Gresford and Marford

Picnic in the Park and Summer Artisan Market

Gresford Trust Memorial, Gresford, LL12 8PS

An afternoon of fun for all the family - artisan market, dog show, yummy food, displays, local groups and charities. Bring a picnic!

12pm - 4pm Free


Coffee Morning

The Golden Lion, Chester Road, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HN

Coffee morning to raise funds for The Rossett Food Cupboard. All welcome. Includes cake and a coffee.

10am - 12pm



Zumba with Sian

Gresford Trust Memorial, Gresford, LL12 8PS

Zumba is a fun dancebased fitness workout for all abilities. All welcome.

9.30am - 10:15am (Tue)

6.30pm - 7:15pm (Wed)

Tel: 07708 149517 (Sian)


Zumba with Sian

St. Margaret’s Church Hall, Garden Village, Wrexham LL11 2SH

Zumba is a fun dancebased fitness workout for all abilities. All welcome.

9.30am - 10:15am

Tel: 07708 149517 (Sian)


Farndon Rocks

Farndon Community Club, Sibbersfield Lane, Farndon CH3 6NX

Join us for an afternoon and evening of great live music, real ale, food, bar and entertainment! Five live bands and a selection of real ales. Your ticket entitles you to one free drink (pint of beer/medium wine/regular spirit + mixer) and a festival glass.

From 2:30pm

£7.50 18+/under 18 free


The Addams Family

Grove Park Theatre, Hill St, Wrexham LL11 1SN

They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky – but then isn’t every family a bit strange? A hilarious macabre musical based on the iconic characters created by Charles Addams.


2.00pm Saturday matinee

£8.00 Adults/£5.00 Child


Coffee Morning

Penley Village Hall, Penley LL13 0NH

Coffee morning for parents after they drop off their children at the school. All welcome.

9am Free



'Allo 'Allo!

Village Hall, Dodleston, Chester CH4 9NN

‘Dodleston Players’ present this ever popular comedy based on the TV series. Cash bar. (Rated PG).


£15.00 (includes a light super)

Tickets available from Chapel Stores, Dodleston


Bingo Night

Penley Village Hall, Penley LL13 0NH

Eyes down, full house for a prize, bring your friends and join a fabulous night of bingo!


Eyes down 7pm



Farndon Soapbox Derby

Farndon village

Bringing the Farndon and Holt village communities together to share a family day of fun, laughter and celebration, raising money for charity. Come and see teams racing hand-built karts through the village. Plus an array of stalls, live entertainment, food and refreshments.

Car parks open 10am

First race 11am

Prize giving 5pm Free


Klinik Community Event

Gresford Trust Memorial, Gresford, LL12 8PS

Alyn Family Doctors Klink software training day.

9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.30pm & 2.30pm Free

For a comprehensive list of local events, shows, groups and classes please visit:


Pulford & Poulton Local History Group

Pulford Village Hall, off Burganey Court CH4 9ES

A talk by Mark Leah

“The Archaeology of the Northgate Development, Chester”.


£3.00 members/£5.00 non


Dodleston History Group

Village Hall, Dodleston, Chester CH4 9NN

A talk by Gavin Hunter "The History of Wirral's Dee Coastline".


£3.00 (visitors)

Tel: 07966 436073 (Bernard)


Holt Local History Society

Holt Community Centre, Holt LL13 9DJ

A talk by Michael Blackburn “Roman Invasion and Structure of Britain”.


£5.00 (visitors)

Tel: 01829 270562


Garden Village Last Night of the Proms launch

St. Margaret’s Church Hall, Garden Village, Wrexham LL11 2SH

An opportunity to purchase your tickets for the 'Last Night' (18th November) and to hear live music as featured at the Proms, played by David Evans on the church organ, plus local singers. Includes tea/coffee and biscuits and there will be a cake stall in the Church lounge. The 'Last Night' sold out in 2022 and was a resounding success, so please come along and buy your tickets early!



Share your events with us - it’s FREE!

Let us know your events taking place next month so we can feature them. /whats-on

While every effort has been made to ensure all the details are correct at the time of going to print, it is advisable to check details with the venue concerned.

Unveiling Local Heritage

Our local history groups are invaluable repositories of community heritage, serving as windows into the past that help us understand our roots, culture, and evolution. Comprising of passionate individuals with a shared enthusiasm for uncovering hidden narratives, these groups are dedicated to preserving and sharing the unique history of our region.

These organisations play a crucial role in researching, documenting, and celebrating our history. Members delve into archives, sift through documents, and explore local landmarks to piece together the intricate tapestry of our community's past. The stories they uncover range from tales of everyday life to significant historical events and ‘finds’, that have shaped the area.

Through engaging talks, workshops, and publications, our local history groups offer insights into how our communities have evolved over time. In doing so, they ensure that the essence of the past continues to resonate in the present, reinforcing connections between generations and fostering a deeper appreciation for the landscapes we inhabit.

Our local history groups hold regular meetings. Whether you're a seasoned history enthusiast, or simply curious about the stories that lie beneath the surface, these talks are designed to inspire, inform, and foster a deeper connection with our community's heritage.

So mark your calendar for a month of enlightenment and insight!

Pulford & Poulton Local History Group

A talk by Mark Leah:

“The Archaeology of the Northgate Development, Chester”

Date: Wednesday 20th September

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: Pulford Village Hall, Pulford, off Burganey Court CH4 9ES

Cost: £3.00 members/£5 non

Dodleston History Group

A talk by Gavin Hunter:

"The History of Wirral's Dee Coastline"

Date: Thursday 21st September

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: Village Hall, Dodleston, Chester CH4 9NN

Cost: £3.00 (visitors)

Tel: 07966 436073 (Bernard)

Holt Local History Society

A talk by Michael Blackburn:

“Roman Invasion and Structure of Britain”

Date: Thursday 28th September

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: Holt Community Centre, Holt, Wrexham LL13 9DJ

Cost: £5.00 (visitors)

Tel: 01829 270562 LOVE OUR LOTTERY 01978 313134 A Charitable Company Limited Guarantee Registered in England and Wales No. 3139714 Registered Charity No. 1035600 Licensed by the Gambling Commission under the 2005 Gambling Act NIGHTINGALE HOUSE LOTTER Y Lewis’s Farm Shop Brook Cottage, Eyton, Wrexham LL13 0SW T: 01978 780852 The Home of Real Food OPENING TIMES Wed / Thur / Fri: 10:00am - 5.00pm Saturday: 9:30am - 4.00pm Award-winning, family run farm shop, offering an extensive range of fresh, local quality produce, and delicious tempting homemade sweet and savoury goods. KITCHEN & DELI • THE BUTCHER’S COUNTER • FARM SHOP

Going Solo

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - MARK

Solo travel is on the increase: we are more curious and adventurous than ever before. However, the prospect of travelling alone can be daunting: even though the desire to travel is there, the uncertainty of how you will fit into a new social environment can give rise to doubts about whether you will feel entirely comfortable.

In my experience, these doubts disappear when people know that they will be with other solo travellers and, once they have taken the leap, their confidence grows and their only limit is their budget!

If you prefer to be only in the company of other solo travellers, a group tour is ideal. Enjoying the companionship of likeminded people, and having a knowledgeable guide to ensure you get the best experience possible from your destination, is a great way to travel.

Expedition holidays may sound strenuous but, in fact, they can be as energeticor relaxing - as you wish. Visiting remote destinations such as Antarctica, Machu Pichu or the Galapagos Islands gives a real sense of discovery and achievement.

Cruising is another superb way of travelling. Solo passengers are given the opportunity to meet for pre-dinner drinks and then often dine together - new friendships are easy in such a social atmosphere. Alternatively, river cruising offers a more intimate atmosphere and is perfect for touring in a safe environment whilst still enjoying all the good things in life.

And single room supplements can be minimised - or sometimes completely avoided - if your travel specialist knows where to look.

Delmar World are leading travel experts in Worldwide tailor-made holidays & cruises.

Tel: 01978 853 886,

54-56 Chester Road, Gresford, Wrexham LL12 8NE

Bring Your Stories to Life

Your walls are more than just partitions within your home; they're blank canvases waiting to come alive with your personal touch. Infuse your living space with character, emotion, and sophistication through the captivating allure of framed art, prints and photographs.

City Framers is Chester’s leading bespoke picture framer. For more than 35 years we have been providing high quality, individually designed frames for homes and businesses. We offer over 350 different frame mouldings displayed in our Chester shop, but we can source many other additional designs from our wide list of moulding suppliers.

Our experienced team of highly skilled framers is led by our shop manager, Becky, and supported by Ben, Ruth and Liz. The team prides itself on being able to frame almost anything... even cricket bats, football boots, golf clubs, beer canswe have even framed a carpet and a wedding dress!

We specialise in framing:

• Prints

• Certificates

• Original artwork

• Photographs

• Canvas stretching & framing

• Needle work

• Medals

• Cross stitches

• Sports shirts and memorabilia

We work both with individuals and local businesses and will guide you through your choices to ensure you make the right decision. And if you are changing your décor, we can reframe your existing images or mirrors into frames to match your new décor. We also offer a reglazing service and can make bespoke mirrors to match your new or existing frames.

So whether you're looking to transform a cosy corner, enliven a hallway, or revitalise your entire interior, City Framers can help you to express yourself and create an atmosphere that resonates with your individual style.

ESSENTIALSMAG READERS: 10% off bespoke picture frames and mirrors - only with this advert

Terms & Conditions apply

City Framers is located at: 98, Boughton, Chester CH3 5AQ (opposite Waitrose). Tel 01244 349431 / 07920 462214 or email

DEAN OLSEN Tree Surgeon Tree Surgery Hedge Work Grass Cuts Garden Tidy Local Log Deliveries CONTACT US: 07802 609296 or 01978 761792  Pedestrian & Ride-on Mowing  Hedge Trimming & Reduction  Conifer & Shrubs Shaping  Wood Chipper & Operator t: 01978 855 513 m: 07734 532 052 CuttingEdge LANDSCAPES BASED IN GRESFORD Regular Lawn Cutting All our Garden Rooms are built to order allowing you to design the perfect outdoor space that best reflects your individual needs. Any size. Any shape. Any style. GARDEN ROOMS Beautiful, bespoke hand-crafted CHRIS JONES Relaxing Garden Room Garden Bar Garden Office T: 07734 791536 Working With Timber For 17 Years Contact us today to create your perfect building

BRHS - Burton Rossett Horticultural Society Gardening News

September is the start of the pruning season. I have quite a number of shrubs that need a tidy-up. They look so much better when they are done, and grow really well afterwards. This is a good time to plant your spring bulbs, the garden will look really good for you next year if you do. Roses need deadheading too.

Harvest your Sweetcorn now, and Onions; you can dry these before storing them for the winter. The lawn will need to be raked now and an autumn fertiliser applied. If you are intending to sow a new lawn, this is a good time to do it too.

Vegetables that can be sown now for overwintering are Turnip, Spinach, winter Lettuce and Oriental vegetables and Onion sets. If you sowed Spring Cabbage last month, they are probably ready to plant out now.

Autumn Raspberries can be picked now too. We have had a good crop this year, and I have frozen a lot to be used in the winter. Tomatoes and Cucumbers are still growing, but are nearing the end of the season, so the watering can be scaled down so the compost shouldn’t dry out.

If you have harvested Peppers and Chillies, put them in a sunny spot in the greenhouse to make the most of the sun.

Tidy up your borders and put away any plant supports, and divide any herbaceous perennials which will give you new plants and help the plants to regrow well. It helps the plants to do this on a regular basis. Autumn is also a good time to give your plants a feed.

By the time you read this article, our summer show will have taken place and a good time will have been had by all. Many thanks to all who were involved in the preparations and on the day itself.

We have allowed our lawn to grow long this year. So far, quite a few butterflies have flown around our garden, which is lovely. One of our neighbours must have a pond as we have been visited by a dragonfly which made our cat jump, so we are doing our bit for the environment.

We hope that next year the weather is much more like summer, so here’s hoping that the rest of this year gives us more sunshine and warm days.

Information provided by:
L AW N M O W E R S & G A R D E N M A C H I N E RY CHESTER SMALL PLANT Brymau Three Estate, River Lane, Saltney, Chester CH4 8RQ 01244 674 447 • WEATHERPROOF • ANTI-THEFT ALARM • LIFT & TILT SENSORS Upgrade your everyday with award-winning robotics from the world leader with a model to suit every garden, find your perfect Husqvarna Automower® match All Husqvarna machinery carries up to a 2 year warranty. Registration is required INSTALLATION SERVICE IS AVAILABLE PLEASE ASK FOR DETAILS R E PA I R S , S A L E S & S E R V I C E

Local Birds and Wildlife News

Last month, there were more sightings of the Eagle Owl around the Rossett area. Two of the people who kindly contacted me live in Harwoods Lane, where the bird was seen in a back garden consuming a Wood Pigeon!

It then obligingly sat on the house roof where it was photographed. The photo is what is known in wildlife circles as a “record shot” but it does clearly show a very bulky bird with two feather tufts on its head.

Eagle Owls are the largest of the owl species, about twice the size of our native Tawny Owls. Most of the Eagle Owl sightings in the British Isles are birds that have escaped from captivity. I have been in touch with a couple of falconry centres, but so far, without success.

Throughout August, a buddleia bush in our back garden has attracted a selection of butterflies, including Red Admirals, Small Tortoiseshells, Peacocks, assorted Whites, Meadow Browns and Small Coppers.

Family groups of Long-tailed Tits and House Sparrows have monopolised the bird feeders. The largest family group of Long-tailed Tits I have seen locally was 40+ by Gresford Flash in September 2016.

This summer, none of our House Martin nest boxes has been inhabited, although some have been visited briefly by birds on migration.

This month summer visitors like Swallows, Martins, Swifts and assorted warblers will be replaced by visitors from the north such as Whooper and Bewick's Swans, and a variety of waders and wildfowl.

Wrexham Birdwatchers

Sunday 17th September

Outing to Wirral Coast

Meet at 9.30am at Gresford Lakeside Car Park.

Indoor Meeting

Friday 6th October

“Two Decades at Venus Pool”

Talk by Jim Almond

7.30pm, Gresford Memorial Hall.

Contact Trevor Britton on: 01978 855266

Call Steve: 07720 315 885 Evenings: 01978 823 750 All types of groundwork undertaken Replace your damaged or old loose fitting fence panels.Made-to-measure. Old fencing debris disposed of. Registered waste carrier. Fencing | Decking | Gates mint fencing FREE Prosecco forEssentialsMAGreadersWHENBOOKING-WITHTHIS ADVERTONLY TO BOOK PLEASE CALL 07850 096282 LONG WEEKEND HIRE: THUR-MON. FREE DELIVERY & ASSEMBLY. IF MORE THAN 10 MILES FROM LL12 THEN A MIN. £10 SURCHARGE APPLIES. We hire the Helsinki 5-7 adult 180 Jet Spa, plus gazebo and festoon lighting. Enjoy a relaxing hot tub in the comfort of your own garden. IDEAL FOR: Birthdays / Anniversaries Special Weekends funtubs_hottubhire Fun Tubs - Hot Tub Hire GILRHOS, OVERTON ROAD, ST MARTINS, OSWESTRY SY113HA 01691 770148 / 07534 077755 Call your friendly, local tree surgeon & landscaper today: * Tree Removal * Tree Clearing * Tree Prunning * Fully Qualified and insured * Hedge Trimming * Stump Grinding * Woodchipping 24 Hour Call Out * Landscaping and Construction * Garden Design * Patios and Decking * Fencing and Gates Erected * Hedge Trimming LANDSCAPING TREE SURGERY Nathan’s TREE SURGERY AND LANDSCAPING

Harnessing Clean Energy

Renewable energy solutions like solar panels and battery storage systems offer transformative benefits for homes, positioning them at the forefront of sustainable living and energy efficiency.

Solar panels

Solar panels, designed to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, bring about a host of advantages. Firstly, they drastically reduce electricity bills by generating power from a free and abundant source – the sun. This leads to long-term financial savings and shields homeowners from the volatility of energy markets. Additionally, surplus energy generated during sun-rich periods can be fed back into the grid, earning home owners credits or payments through net metering programs.

Furthermore, solar panels contribute significantly to environmental well-being. By harnessing clean, emissions-free energy, they help combat climate change and decrease reliance on fossil fuels, thus curbing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This move towards sustainability sets a powerful example for future generations and fosters a greener, healthier planet.

Battery storage

Battery storage systems complement solar panels by addressing the intermittent nature of solar energy production. These batteries store excess energy generated during sunny days, making it available for use

during cloudy periods or at night. This capability enhances energy independence, ensuring a continuous power supply and reducing dependence on the grid during peak hours when electricity costs are higher. It also offers a reliable energy solution in areas prone to power outages or for homeowners looking to live off-grid.

The synergy between solar panels and battery storage not only maximises energy utilisation, but also increases the value of homes. Properties equipped with these technologies are more attractive to environmentally conscious buyers, often commanding higher prices due to the promise of reduced utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

By tapping into the sun's energy and storing it for consistent use, these technologies pave the way for sustainable living, financial benefits, and a brighter, greener future for all.

The Greener Group

Chester based, The Greener Group, were established in 2010 as a dedicated solar panel installer in the UK, with a wealth of expertise and deep rooted passion for sustainability. We deliver top-quality products and services to our clients and are here to support your vision by offering a range of turnkey renewable energy solutions.

EXPERTS IN RENEWABLE SOLUTIONS Solar PV (Domestic & Commercial) Battery Storage Electric Vehicle Charging Service & Maintenance ASHP & GSHP Energy Audits For your FREE Energy Audit, call today! ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ For your Home or Business Fed up with ever increasing energy costs? Break free with Solar PV and generate your own free, clean electricity TEL: 01244 405285 OFFER INCLUDES: 4.8kWP Solar PV Array (all black) Solis 3.68kW Hybrid Inverter 4.8kW Battery Storage The Greener Group, Unit 9 Europa Court, Dee View Boulevard, Chester CH1 4NP INSTALLED from as little as £9,999

Gresford Football Club

Gresford Athletic have kicked off their 2023/24 season!

First Team

The First Team had a positive pre-season and have played three games in all competitions so far, with the highlight coming through a 3-0 win against Bangor 1876 in the Nathaniel MG Cup.

The First Team have completed seven signings – Charley Edge, Jack Roberts, Tom Killilea and Haci Ozlu, as well as the re-signings of Joe Chaplin, Mike Jones and Toby Gallagher-Keenan. Chris Hibbert, Rhys Williams, Sam Pickering and Steffan Gittins have all left the club and we wish them well.

The First Team’s full list of fixtures and results can be found on:


The Reserves are also well into their preseason preparations, ahead of the start of their season.

Rhys Davies, Bassel Abulmagd, Josh Hughes and Rhys Patel have all been signed, with Zak Dobie leaving the club. Jordan Jackson has been appointed as the new Reserves Captain, alongside Adam Taylor as Vice-Captain.

Updated home grounds

It was announced in March 2023 that the club’s First Team would be moving from Clappers Lane to The Rock in a multi-year deal, ground sharing with Wrexham Women. This was because of the increasing requirements for Tier 2 licensing not being possible to achieve at Clappers Lane. The First Team’s new home ground will now be: The Rock, Rock Road, Rhosymedre, Wrexham, LL14 3YF.

However, the club’s Reserves will continue to play at Clappers Lane, keeping the club’s feet within the village.


Thank you to everyone who attended any of our fundraising events during the 2022/23 season! They really help to keep the football club going.

The club Committee have already started preparing the fundraising events for the 2023/24 season and we will announce some upcoming events soon. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media accounts.

Follow us online:

Facebook: @GresfordAthleticFC

Twitter: @GresfordFC

Instagram: @gresfordathleticfc


Latest News
Call us today for a free, no-obligation quotation: 01978 710 585 / 07725 583628 OUR TREE SERVICES INCLUDE: • TREE FELLING/TREE REMOVAL • TREE PRUNING & MAINTENANCE • EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL • INSPECTIONS & SURVEYS • STUMP GRINDING/REMOVAL • TREE PLANTING • SITE CLEARANCES • LOG FOR SALE Family-run Professional Tree Surgery Company Based in Wrexham

Better Than You Are Today!

How many of us watched the Women’s World Cup last month? The Lionesses came so close! As a local Rossett family, much of our leisure time has revolved around sport – both playing and watching. Last month’s Women’s World Cup gave us an opportunity to watch fantastic football while supporting women in sport simultaneously.

Unfortunately, many of the world’s top players were sidelined from the tournament due to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries, including England’s Leah Williamson. This ligament is central within the knee. Ligaments attach bone-to-bone and are one of our supporting struts. Women are between two and eight times more likely to tear their ACLs than men, and football is one of the sports where the injury occurs most frequently.

Physical differences between females and males are thought to exacerbate the problem. One area of research suggests that female ACLs are smaller than males. Another suggests that the ratio of hipwidth-to-femur-length (thigh bone) can also increase stress on the ACL. But ACL injuries can occur in anyone, not just sports performers.

Physical attributes aside, teachers, coaches, physiotherapists and parents can help reduce the risk of these

injuries occurring by encouraging rounded physical development at an early stage, when working with young people. Simple body weight strengthening, endurance, balance, flexibility, co-ordination and control activities included, the challenge is how to make it all fun!

Irrespective of age, ability, gender or activity, this is what we do every day here at Natural Balance Physiotherapy and Sports Injury. We address force imbalances in the body to enable efficient and effective movement through the kinetic chain (forget the ‘core’, think ‘kinetic chain’). The kinetic chain incorporates all the links from your head to toe that help to bring about movement. Once all the chain links are working well, people are back in balance and they can move freely without pain. Then the fun begins. They can start to fly. To do what they really want to do. Push the boundaries of their capabilities. Reach new heights and learn new things.

Our belief is that irrespective of your starting point, it is always possible to get a little better than you are today! So, if you really want to fly and something is stopping you, please contact us today, make an appointment and let’s see how we can help you get going.

Tel: 01244 639898


Facebook: @philthephysio

01978 253965 07760 395512 Call Lee for a free estimate: Interior/exterior painting, wallpapering & artex Family-run business with 30 years experience Friendly & Professional Podiatry Treatment C.J. Miles Podiatry and Chiropody Surgery Miss C.J. Miles BSc, Pod.Med, MRCPod TATTENHALL PHYSIOTHERAPY & WELLBEING CENTRE MERCURY HOUSE, HIGH STREET, TATTENHALL, CHESTER CH3 9PX 07546 570961 CONTACT: Garden Waste Disposal • Skip Runs Shed Clearance • Deliveries: Local & Distant Heavy Lifting Help • Furniture Disposal Other Services on Request Gresford Man & Van FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT RICH ON: 07891 200 990 / FULLY LICENSED WASTE CARRIER 07467 916749 Skilled Carpenters & Joiners DELIVERING QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Kitchen fitting • Flooring • Interior doors Skirting boards • General maintenance HOMEPROVE Your Trusted Electrician! Residential & Commercial T: 07759 894600 Advertise Your Business Here For Just £15 (+VAT) Call Vicky on: 01978 855459 Home and Office Cleaning 07753 254866 TIDY SPACE Are You in Pain? Call Gayle on: 07766 701479 Bowen Therapy is a gentle, non invasive therapy that aims to help your body to realign, easing pain and discomfort. Ask me about Bowen Therapy My clients typically present with: Back ache, joint issues, frozen shoulder, neck restriction, plantar fasciitis, trigger finger, carpal tunnel, headaches and more. Based in HOLT PERSONAL TRAINER F itness Packages for I ndividuals & Groups CP FITNESS T: 07876 368646 www.cp 4 E : pchris 696@ 4 Specialist in Outdoor Training & Home V isits

A Journey Filled with Delicious Aromas and Flavours

Get ready to uncork your potential and become a wine connoisseur! Wine School of Cheshire has unparalleled expertise in the wine industry with over thirty years dedicated to mastering the art of wine tasting and knowledge. Every event is designed to explore the marvelous world of food and wine pairing where wine snobbery in never on the menu!

Our comprehensive schedule of wine tasting events caters to both wine aficionados and beginners alike. You can demystify the complexities of wine-making and learn the secrets behind the swirling and sniffing. Our relaxed and informal environment will make you feel at ease, just like at a dinner party with friends.

Explore an array of event themes from an evening of Asian wines to our Saturday Wine Schools featuring eight wines from a specific region of the world with a fivecourse lunch always with Riedel Performance varietal specific crystal glassware for every event.

We always select wines that are easily accessible and offer amazing value for money for you to continue your wine journey beyond our event - we feature local, national and online retailers and don’t sell wine ourselves, so there’s no pressure to buy.

Events are hosted by our founder Richard J. Smith: with over three decades of experience and training from some of the most prestigious hotels in the world Richard’s knowledge about all things wine is unmatched in Cheshire.

Richard and Wine School of Cheshire were thrilled to be selected as one of the top 100 small businesses in Britain for 2020 by Small Business Saturday and have been featured regularly in local and national media.

Richard was thrilled to be appointed to the professional judging panel for The People’s Choice Wine Awards, in March 2022, and was selected as a lead judge for the 2023 Awards!

Wine School of Chester is located at: 96-98, Boughton, Chester CH3 5AQ (opposite Waitrose) Tel: 01244 264734

BEAUTIFUL BLINDS AND SHUTTERS EXPERTLY FITTED Let’s Bring Beauty to Your Home Here at Realm Blinds, we pride ourselves on supplying and fitting quality, made-to-measure blinds and shutters at affordable prices. We offer a wide range of blinds to enhance any room in your home, from: kitchen roller blinds; living room Venetian blinds; conservatory roof blinds; or maybe, bedroom blackout blinds - AND MORE! Call us today for more information, or to book an appointment. 15% Discount for EssentialsMAG readers only! WHEN PRESENTING THIS ADVERT FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION • MEASURING • FITTING 07961 955474 WREBASEDIN XHAM

EssentialsMAG Tasty Recipe

Creamy Pork & Pear Cassoulet with Cider


2 tbsp vegetable oil

400g pork loin steak, cut into strips

2 medium onions, sliced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

Small pack sage leaves, chopped

2 tbsp plain flour

500ml bottle apple or pear cider

2 medium pears, cored and each cut into 8 slices

100ml double cream

Crusty bread, to serve



Heat half the oil in a medium saucepan or flameproof casserole over a high heat. Season the pork and fry for 3-4 minutes, then transfer to a plate. Reduce the heat to medium and add the remaining oil and onion. Soften for 8 minutes, then add the garlic and fry for another 2 minutes.

Add the sage and flour, stir and cook for 1 minute. Increase the heat, then pour in the cider and bubble for 4 minutes. Return the pork and juices to the pan, season, then reduce to a simmer and cover. Cook for 10 minutes.

Add the pear slices, stir and cook for another 10 minutes. Stir through the cream, season, then divide between bowls and serve with crusty bread.

A warming one pot recipe makes for a wonderful autumnal dinner for four. Pork with fruit is a lovely combination and here the fruit of choice is succulent, autumnal pears.
Trying out our recipe? Share your photos with us on Facebook @EssentialsMag Wrexham

Seasonal Treats in September

In September, the seasonal produce undergoes a delightful transition, as summer's bounty gracefully makes way for the flavours of early autumn. This month serves as a bridge between the sun-kissed offerings of summer and the heartier, earthier fare that defines the approaching colder months.

Apples and pears

As the days gradually grow shorter and the temperature begins to drop, September sees a harmonious blend of summer and autumn produce. Plump tomatoes share space with the first crisp apples and pears of the season. Varieties like Braeburn, Cox's Orange Pippin, and Conference pears run the gamut from sweet to tart. These fruits are the quintessential harbingers of autumn, seamlessly blending into comforting pies, crisps, and compotes.


The appearance of figs adds a touch of exotic indulgence to the autumnal palette. Roasted figs are delicious and can be enjoyed as an appetiser or dessert. Simply cut the fig in half and lightly drizzle with olive oil, honey and balsamic vinegar. Place in the oven on a baking sheet for 10-15 minutes. They can be enjoyed on their own or paired with creamy goat cheese, ricotta, or Greek yogurt.


Root vegetables, a hallmark of autumn, begin to emerge in September. Carrots, beets, and turnips offer their vibrant hues and earthy flavours, promising rich soups and roasted dishes that are both comforting and nourishing.

Hardy greens like kale and Swiss chard thrive as well, adding a depth of flavour.

From the wild

Foraging enthusiasts are in for a treat during September. Hedgerows and woodlands become treasure troves, yielding plump blackberries and elderberries. These berries lend themselves to jams, preserves, and even the crafting of infused spirits, to enjoy later in the year.

Pheasant shooting season begins in September, making this game bird a common feature on menus. Roasting the bird whole is the easiest and most popular way of cooking pheasant. It makes an excellent Sunday lunch with the usual sides. Pheasant is a juicy meat and has more protein, less fat, and less cholesterol than chicken, turkey or beef.

Mackerel is abundant in UK waters during the late summer and early autumn months, making it a popular and healthy choice.

September shopping list

Apples, Pears, Plums, Blackberries, Raspberries, Grapes, Elderberries, Damsons, Figs, Quinces, Pumpkins, Squashes, Carrots, Beetroot, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Leeks, Spinach, Kale, Courgettes, Corn, Green beans.

A.D.G. ALPINE WINDOWS • DOORS • CONSERVATORIES The Area’s Most Experienced Double Glazing Company uPVC Double Glazed Windows & Doors WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS We specialise in double glazing repairs to ensure your double glazing windows and doors last for longer Call us on: 01978 720311 Alpine House, Old Mold Road, Gwersyllt, Wrexham LL11 4AP Mr Mack PAINTER & DECORATOR & MAINTENANCE  Fully Qualified  Experienced  Fast & Efficient  Trustworthy  Affordable Call Now For a Free No Obligation Quote! 07713 824669 Discount forOAP’s-Askusfordetails Traditional Carpenters & Restoration Specialists T. 01948 662450 M. 07786 635222 RESTORATION OF PERIOD BUILDINGS & FEATURES CREATION OF NEW TIMBER FEATURES BESPOKE SERVICE CUSTOM-MADE FURNITURE ALL CARPENTRY & JOINERY WORK Timber Traditions specialise in traditional carpentry work and restoration projects

Free Music Workshops For Young Musicians

Chester Folk Festival is offering an exciting opportunity for young music makers that will take place in Chester later this year and into 2024.

There will be a series of free two-hour music workshops aimed at 10 - 18 year olds. The workshops will be fun and encourage self-confidence and ability to play music by ear.

Playing as an ensemble, participants will develop teamwork and communication skills as well as improving technical skills, musicianship and competence on their instrument or voice. The workshops are designed to develop skills rather than teach basics, so ideally participants should already be able to play a short tune by ear (‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ or similar) to gain the most from the experience.

The workshops will be led by Clare ‘Fluff’ Smith (CT ABRSM), a hugely experienced

music leader, performer and teacher, and assisted by other fine folk musicians and tutors.

The workshops will be held once a month, on Sundays (dates and venue to be confirmed) and the project will culminate in a performance by participants at Chester Folk Festival in May 2024.

For more details and to register for a place, please visit the Chester Folk Festival website

The workshops have been made possible by the kind support and donation by The Earl of Chester’s Benevolent Fund.

PLUMBING, HEATING & BATHROOMS Tel: 01978 357238 / 01978 264456 E: VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Foundry Road, Wrexham LL13 7AB (next to St. Giles Church) FREE PARKING OUTSIDE We have a full range of Bathroom Suites & Wall Panels on display OPEN TO PUBLIC & TRADE

St. Peter’s School

St. Peter’s Church in Wales Primary School in Rossett, for children aged 3 - 11

At St. Peter’s School we combine the traditions and expectations of a good standard of education, behaviour and self-discipline, with the latest curricular developments together with the development of skills and characteristics which will be needed in the future.

Come and explore our school!

Applications for Nursery places for September 2023 are now open and available on the Wrexham Council website. Please ring the school on: 01244 570594 to make an appointment and see our wonderful setting.

St-Peters-Primary-School-Rossett @stpetersrossett

All Saints’ School

Ysgol yr Holl Saint - All Saints' School in Gresford is a Church in Wales Primary School for children aged 3 - 11.

We are a forward thinking and innovative school, combining curriculum and teaching excellence with traditional values. Our school leads a number of national and local priorities, ensuring our pupils have every opportunity to succeed.

To find out more about our school, or to arrange a visit, please contact us on: 01978 852342 or email:

St. Peter's Playscheme

Wrap around childcare at St. Peter’s Primary School, Rossett

We offer wrap around childcare for all our pupils, including those of nursery age. We are open from 7:45am to 5:30pm during term time. We also offer childcare during the school holidays.

St Peter's Playscheme

For details contact Mrs Sophie Cannon 07958 915685



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high-quality childcare all year, including school holidays (except

Business Advice Learning Hub

The price paradox: should you be the cheapest business in your industry? In today's competitive business landscape, the pursuit of profitability often leads companies to engage in pricing strategies that can either make or break their success.

While it may seem logical to assume that offering the lowest prices will attract more customers and generate higher sales volume, the reality is far more complex. The decision to position your business as the cheapest in the market entails a careful evaluation of various factors, including the nature of your industry, your target customer, the quality of your products, and your long-term business goals.

Price-conscious consumers

On one hand, being the cheapest business can create an initial appeal by drawing price-conscious consumers and driving short-term sales growth. Lower prices can serve as a powerful competitive advantage, particularly in price-sensitive industries or during times of economic uncertainty. Moreover, for start-ups or small businesses aiming to penetrate established markets, undercutting competitors' prices can be a viable strategy to gain market share.

The pitfalls

However, the pursuit of the lowest prices is not without its pitfalls. Operating on razorthin profit margins can strain cash flow, limit resources for innovation, and potentially compromise the quality of the

products or services offered. Businesses that solely rely on price as their competitive edge may find it challenging to build customer loyalty and sustain longterm growth. When customers only choose a business based on price, they are less likely to be loyal to that brand because they are always on the lookout for better deals.

Added value

A better approach to pricing strategy is delivering value-added propositions, such as providing excellent customer service, quality products, and offer unique features to gain customer loyalty. Customers are willing to pay more when they perceive that they will get better quality, reliable products and support. Adding value can help a business differentiate itself, thereby creating a loyal customer base.

Offering the cheapest price may seem appealing to attract customers, but it can have damaging long-term effects that may jeopardise profits and the sustainability of the business.

Whether you’re starting a new business, working for yourself or managing a team, EssentialsMAG Learning Hub is home to a growing collection of jargon-free marketing and business resources. Visit:

Tel: 01978 855459

Direct local customers to your local business using our local magazine! ADVERTISING LEAFLET DELIVERY WEBSITES E: T: 01978 855 459 Make your business a household name! By offering bespoke advertising packages, and having extensive knowledge of our circulation area, we have given hundreds of business owners the perfect platform for reaching local customers and growing revenue. Our magazines could work for you too! To gain competitor advantage, advertise your business in the next issue of EssentialsMAG. Please contact Vicky for rates and details.

Book Club

The Beach Party

Six friends. The holiday of their dreams. One night that changed it all... A beach party marks the pinnacle of their fun, until it isn't fun any longer. Because amidst the wild partying - sand flying from dancing feet and revellers leaping from yachts - an accident happens. The night of a lifetime becomes a living nightmare.

Red, White & Royal Blue

A wonderfully witty and escapist read, McQuiston’s transatlantic romance centres on a very special relationship between America’s First Son and a British prince that could have serious diplomatic consequences. When the tabloids get hold of a photo involving an altercation, U.S./British relations take a turn for the worse.

Topsy & Tim Start School

Join Topsy and Tim on their first day at school. Topsy and Tim are taught about the school bell and where to hang their coats and school bag. They learn all about the school canteen, lessons and - of coursethe playground! Packed with playful illustrations and a clear guide to the school day, this story is perfect for all children.

Fearless: Adventures with Extraordinary Women

Driven to bring more attention to female stories of courage and endeavour, Louise Minchin pushes herself to the extreme and embarks on thrilling endurance adventures with trailblazing women. With her natural empathy and sense of humour, Louise forms close bonds with 18 incredible women. She explores what drives them and how they find the resilience and determination to go on despite life’s setbacks. Prepare to be touched and inspired.

Professional Will Writing Service At Armour Wills, we understand all aspects of estate planning - including how to use Wills and Trusts to protect your family and assets or support a charity. We are happy to meet online or in the comfort of your own home. Helping You Protect What Matters Most PLAN FOR YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE Call Simon Davies for a FREE consultation T: 01352 860 360 | M: 07845 019999 Embark on an unforgettable journey with our expertly crafted travel experiences, where every destination is a treasured memory waiting to be discovered. Land & Sea Time to Explore Book your next holiday with us! Part of the One Travel Group Ltd TTA X0558 Contact Becky today! Approved Travel Agents for all the major brands. TTA and ATOL protected. 07846 673666 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PLANNING & BUILDING CONTROL APPLICATIONS HOUSE EXTENSIONS DREAM HOME CREATING YOUR BESPOKE NEW BUILDS INTERNAL ALTERATIONS RICS HOMEBUYER REPORT & BUILDING SURVEY Foxall Surveyors have a wealth of experience in all areas of residential householder design and planning applications Plan your dream home today! T: 01244 292421 / M: 07736 286663 Nick’ •Lawn Cutting & Weeding •Hedge Trimming / Fencing •Painting / Decorating •Repairs / All Odd Jobs Any job considered FREE ESTIMATES 07960 608084 Odd Jobs & That! s

Sarah Atherton MP

Member of Parliament for Wrexham

Following the news that the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority is consulting on the provision of fire service emergency cover for Wrexham, I have launched a petition to save Wrexham’s second full-time appliance (fire engine) and crew. Nearly 200 residents have already signed my petition. I urge everyone in Wrexham to make their voices heard and sign my Fire Service petition. We need to send a strong message to the Fire Authority. To sign my petition, please click ‘Fire Service Petition’ on my website homepage. I will be presenting this petition as part of the consultation process, so the more signatures we can gather the stronger our voice will be.

The Welsh Government’s phosphates policy sets new targets for phosphate pollution in rivers and has severely impacted housing and wider planning developments in Wrexham. Due to this policy, in 2021-22, only 5,273 council houses were built in Wales – 24% less than in 2015-16. For two years, I have worked with Wrexham Council, developers, the Welsh Government, Dŵr Cymru and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to overcome this issue.

I am therefore very pleased to hear that revised Environmental Permits are being issued to the Five Fords and Gresford Wastewater Treatment Works. As a result, Wrexham Council can start determining planning applications in the areas served by these two treatment works. With 4,500 people on a waiting list for housing and businesses lining up to invest in our city, Wrexham cannot afford any further delays caused by policies cooked up by the Welsh Labour Government in Cardiff!

To see everything that I have done so far on the permits issue, please visit my website.

Back in February last year, the UK Government was set to introduce a new Code of Practice to help protect motorists and keep cowboy private parking firms in check. Having worked tirelessly with the UK Government and relevant Ministers to ensure Wrexham residents are protected, discussions went quiet due to legal challenges from private parking companies. After a year, little information had been shared. To get the ball rolling again I met with the Levelling Up Minister, Dehenna Davison MP, to request an update on the Code of Practice. Following on from this meeting, the UK Government has now launched a private parking ‘Call for Evidence.’ I would now encourage everyone in Wrexham to have their say. To give evidence, please click on ‘Private Parking Code of Practice: Call for Evidence’ on the ‘News’ section of my website. The consultation closes on the 24th September.

If you are a resident in the current Wrexham constituency and need my help, please email

Parliament for Wrexham / Parliamentary Candidate for the new Wrexham Constituency.

Tel: 020 7217 4885 / 01978 291742

Carol McGuire has specialised in all areas of Family Law, including: Divorce; Separation; Issues Relating to Children and Financial Remedy for over 30 years. Carol can provide sound, impartial advice and guidance that comes from years of family law experience

So, whether you are having child custody issues or problems with negotiating financial settlements, we are here to help.

Email: 19 Grosvenor Road, Wrexham LL11 1DE OFFICES IN WREXHAM & SHOTTON YOUR
TEL: 01978 367 830

Twenty’s Plenty

This month sees 20mph become the default speed limit in residential and builtup areas in Wales. This change has both safety and environmental benefits, yet it’s generated significant controversy.


• 1,131 people were killed or seriously injured on Welsh roads in 2018 - 40% of incidents happened in 30mph zones

• A person hit by a vehicle travelling at 30mph is around five times more likely to be killed than by a vehicle travelling at 20mph

• At 20mph stopping distances are halved (from 30mph)


We need to increase active travel and making our roads safer is a key element in encouraging this. Most of us accept that 20mph limits outside schools are a good idea - extending them makes it safer for children to walk and cycle to school and for all of us to make active travel journeys. So why the opposition to this change? Is there any basis to arguments against 20mph limits?

20mph limits don’t increase pollution

According to the RAC, the optimum speed for fuel efficiency for most cars is 4550mph. A 50mph limit, such as on the Wrexham bypass, will help minimise emissions. It’s our driving style which becomes a more significant factor at slower speeds and when we’re stopping and starting more often.

Air pollution isn’t just exhaust emissions

Over 75% of harmful particulates generated by vehicles can come from the brakes and tyres rather than the exhaust. An electric vehicle doesn’t eliminate these sources of air pollution and additional weight can actually increase them. Hard acceleration and braking creates more pollution and decreasing our speed to 20mph can help reduce this.

More dangerous?

There’s zero evidence supporting the idea that 20mph limits are more dangerous because people are looking at their speedometer rather than the road. Sticking to 20mph is no more difficult than any other speed limit.


The most commonly stated concern about 20mph speed limits is that people won’t comply with them. Whilst some trials have shown compliance to be an issue, this highlights the importance of education and enforcement. Non-compliance is clearly a matter of choice and not the inevitability some present it as. We need to recognise the real issue is whether we’re willing to prioritise the environment and the safety of others above our own convenience. We might prefer to drive at 30mph, but the evidence is clear - 20mph speed limits benefit the environment and save lives.

contributor is Rob Renouf

EssentialsMAG environment



Ty Pawb Learning Studio, Market Street, Wrexham, LL13 8BY

Wednesday 13th September 2023, 10am - 4pm

If you think you, or a member of your family, have experienced negligent medical treatment, it can be very distressing and difficult to know where to turn. Why not come and have a free, no obligation chat, over a cuppa with the outstanding team from Oliver & Co Solicitors, including our dual qualified doctor/solicitor?

You can meet us at Ty Pawb to discuss your potential claim further in a relaxed and confidential environment. We’ll even provide biscuits! Drop in on the day, or call the number below to secure your place now via appointment.


Tel: 01978 265 381 Unit 2, Fairfield, Barkers Lane, Borras LL13 9TP Showroom open: Monday - Friday 9am to 4:30pm with evenings and weekends by appointment Transform your home with bespoke fitted furniture At Reflections we specialise in the bespoke design, manufacture and fitting of high quality bedroom, kitchen, offices and bathroom furniture.
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Alyn Family Doctors Latest News

Patient Engagement

As a surgery we are looking to head out into the community more and build valuable relationships and connections with our patients.

During the month of July, we were welcomed into community groups in the local area to gain feedback and suggestions regarding the surgery. We have visited several groups including the Rossett Community Café, Gresford Retirement Group, Llay Friendship Group and had the pleasure of joining the Gresford Community Agent on some home visits to housebound patients. We have gained very useful insights from a patient’s perspective which will help improve the service we provide. Moving forward, we look forward to regularly visiting new community groups and building on relationships with our patients.

If you are a member of a community or special interest group and would like to arrange one of these visits, we encourage you to contact the Patient Engagement Co-ordinator at the practice.

Do you want to know more about how the surgery triages patients, and how to use the online services? A date for your diary!

On 20th September, we welcome patients to join us at Gresford Trust for our Klinik community event.

Members of our team and patient advisors will be joined by a member of the company, Klinik, which provides the software used by our GPs to triage your appointment requests.

This event is designed to help patients gain confidence in using the system and how it works within our surgery.

Patients will have the opportunity to speak with team members and ask any questions they may have regarding Klinik and the triage process. We will have laptops and mobile devices set up for patients to access a dummy system and complete a dummy form with the support of the team.

The address is: Gresford Trust Memorial, High Street, Gresford LL12 8PS.

Sessions will take place throughout the day at 9:30am, 10:30am, 11.30am, 1:30pm and 2:30pm. No appointment needed.

Please note: it will not be possible to discuss individual cases and medical details on the day of the event. There will be no clinical staff present. We look forward to meeting you and chatting with you about the system and your experiences.

Tel: 0333 332 3260

Lesley Griffiths MS

Member of the Senedd for Wrexham

Visiting schools in the constituency is always a highlight of my job. Before schools finished for the summer break, Ken Skates MS and I were invited to St Joseph’s Catholic and Anglican High School to find out more about the ‘No Hungry Learners’ campaign.

Working in partnership with TCC (Together Creating Communities) – the UK’s oldest community organising charity – students recognised there were issues surrounding school dinner debt. They are now leading the campaign and determined to ensure no child goes without food at school.

The wonderful St Christopher’s School is one of a select few in the UK working with the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust. As part of the project, staff and students have created the ‘Wales’ and ‘Wrexham AFC’ wall. I had the honour of signing the display and I am grateful to Keira and Leon for telling me all about the work.

Thank you to students and staff at St Peter’s Primary School in Rossett for such a warm welcome. I’d recently met pupils at the Senedd whilst they were promoting their ‘Project Seagrass’ campaign, which supports the protection and restoration of Welsh seagrass. Working alongside WWF Cymru, the Year 6 students were invited to the Senedd to perform their ‘Seagrass Rap’ and present a special book detailing all their work on the project to the Welsh Government’s Minister for Climate Change, Julie James MS.

The children had a wonderful time in Cardiff and it was good to catch up and answer questions about my role as Wrexham’s MS.

My visit to St Peter’s coincided with everyone in school dressing up as different musicians and pop stars from throughout the decades in aid of the Help Hari Remember project, which helps increase awareness about dementia.

Finally, Year 5 and 6 students from Victoria CP School also visited the Senedd before the summer holidays. Unfortunately, my busy diary meant I was unable to meet them in Cardiff so I visited the school to talk about their trip and take part in a Q&A session.

Now we’ve reached September and the new term is upon us, I look forward to visiting more schools in the constituency in the coming weeks and months.

As always, if you’re a constituent in Wrexham and there is an issue I could help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tel: 01978 355743 Facebook & Twitter: @lesley4wrexham
Talwyd costau’r cyhoeddiad hwn gan Gomisiwn y Senedd, o gronfeydd cyhoeddus / The costs of this publication have been met by the Senedd Commission from public funds.
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with Hadlow Edwards

Protecting you and your family

We are all worried about the strain on our finances with current cost of living, which is why thinking about what would happen if your income stopped altogether due to an unfortunate accident, long term sickness, or even death, is more important than ever. How would you and your family manage your bills if this were to ever happen?

Many people take out insurance for certain assets they acquire in case they break, get damaged, or even destroyed, such as their car, phone, or the contents of their house. But what about your biggest asset – YOU?

When we speak to clients, some of them feel that they could rely on the State if they were ever in a situation where they were unable to continue paying their bills due to ill health. So let’s consider this scenario. From the Government website, Statutory

Sick Pay is £109.40 a week for up to 28 weeks* and is not available for selfemployed people. Employment Support Allowance is currently a maximum of £129.50 a week**. Given that, in 2022, the average household in the UK spends £528.80 a week***, this would leave you with a significant shortfall.

So, what is life insurance and income protection?

Life cover – this cover can be used for either mortgage or family protection. It cannot compensate emotionally for the loss of a loved one, but it can take off financial pressure by ensuring your dependents have the financial resources to maintain their standard of living as before, should the worst happen.

Critical Illness cover - this cover is also used for mortgage or family protection.

ADVERTISING FEATURE Financial News Tel: 01978 311 611

Common critical illness claims are having a heart attack, contracting cancer, or suffering a stroke. This cover can help if you or your partner fall seriously ill and were unable to return to work.

Even if returning to work was an option after treatment and rest, the financial support available to help you get back on your feet and adapt to life ahead would be one less thing to worry about.

Income Protection – this cover will ensure you continue to receive a regular monthly income (after your employer’s sick pay period) if you’re unable to work for a time, due to ill health or injury, to enable you to maintain your lifestyle with as little disruption as possible.

If you feel that you would like to review your existing protection cover, or you would like to see what protection options are available for you and your family, please contact us via email on, or call the office on: 01978 311611

* Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Gov.UK, 2023

** Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Gov.UK, 2023

*** Family spending in the UK: April 2021 to March 2022, ONS, 2023

Hugh Jones & Ross Shepherd Councillors for Rossett

Rossett Church Bench

The bench by the bus stop has been removed as it was unfit for use and severely damaged. Rossett Community Council will be replacing this in due course.


Street Scene Services continue to attend various gullies and drains throughout the ward ensuring they are clear and able to cope with heavy deluges of rain which we have been accustomed to this summer.

Almere Ferry

We are pleased that Street Scene Services have completed the necessary work to the road in this part of the village. The surface and visibility have been greatly improved.

Green Bins

Due to pressures on Wrexham County Borough Council’s budget the cost of emptying a green bin for 2023/24 has risen to £35. There has, unfortunately, been no alternative to increasing the charge which will ensure this service continues across the county. Our charges remain below neighbouring councils and our bins have a much greater capacity.


We continue to work hard on ensuring that overgrown hedges and shrubbery are cut back when affecting accessibility to pavements and causing problems to visibility. It is the landowner’s responsibility to ensure boundaries are kept clear.

Speed Monitoring

We have been out with the PCSO carrying out speed checks on Chester Road, by the Chemist, Trevalyn by the Griffin and the B5102 near the junction with Burton Road.

Pavement Works

We can, at long last, confirm that the work on improving footpaths in Lavister is due to start within the next few weeks. The delay is due to all projects being evaluated and Lavister remains first on the list.

Post Box

At long last, a replacement post box has been placed on Station Road, opposite the Church Hall.

Fly Posting

The Council is adopting a zero tolerance policy to any signage that is applied to highway signs or furniture. Items such as event adverts and houses for sale will be removed. Posters for local events can be placed on locations with the agreement of highways for a limited period of time. In such cases, contact either of us and we will speak to highways.

Bellis Fields

The posters and flags were erected without planning permission and enforcement gave them 28 days to either remove or apply for planning permission. An application has been submitted and we have objected on the grounds of inappropriate for a rural location.

Hugh: Tel: 07769 706999

Ross: Tel: 07715 473776

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Beryl Blackmore - Deputy Mayor & Councillor for Marford & Hoseley

What do you do on a very wet morning in August? Sit and write my article for EssentialsMAG and make a cake for the Denbighshire Show. Cake done.

What a wet month August was! Not cold, but so dreary. I accompanied TEMPS Out of School Club, as a Trustee, to Tŷ Pawb for a film-making morning. We also had fun in the afternoon at The Play Day. The weather was good and the rain didn't spoil it.

The Lwyn Isaf was full of fun activities - a credit to Wrexham and all the volunteers.

The following week, we had a visit to Park Hall Farm - a place you can easily stay for the day.

A quiet month with just an issue with overgrown bushes, on the corner of Woodridge.

As we enter September, let's have a look at areas around our properties, where people walk. Get the shears out and let's have a quiet autumn with no more complaints about overgrown hedges.

The Tuesday Caffi is back at Gresford Methodist Church and I am always happy for residents to call in between 10am and 11.30am for a chat and coffee.

Mayoral Duties

Dot and I attended the Civic Visit at St Giles Church, Wrexham at the end of July, with the Mayor, Andy Williams, and dignitaries. It was a lovely service and so nice that our friends joined us.

We then visited Hollybank Care Home near Erddig, for their Summer Fair and judged the Bake Off competition. Dot and I enjoyed a dance with some of the residents and finally, tasted the winning cake, which was lovely. A good choice!

On Saturday 12th August, we visited Dolywern to meet the staff and residents of the Leonard Cheshire Home for their Summer Fair. What a beautiful setting!

The Home has a lovely, caring feel and the residents had been very busy as they showcased their artistic talents.

We both feel very privileged to share these events. The residents enjoy meeting us and we gain so much from the visits, and meet such super staff making life a little easier for residents and, especially, the relatives.

Do keep in touch.

Tel: 07933 201731
TEL: 01244 752304 / M: 07968 237086 e: C.H. BUILDERS LTD DEVELOPMENTS Specialising in New Build & Extensions LOFT & BARN CONVERSIONS • ROOFING • POINTING • WALLING STONEWORK • DECKING • REPAIRS • UPVC WINDOWS & DOORS FACIAS & SOFITS • MINI DIGGER & DRIVER Call us today for a free site visit and estimate

Jeremy Kent Councillor for Gresford

It is hard to imagine how fast the summer seems to have gone. It doesn’t feel that long since I was writing my article wishing everyone an enjoyable summer ahead. Sadly the weather didn’t really show us much in the way of summer!

Despite the council meetings being limited over the summer, there continues to be a number of issues raised with me by residents and I will work hard to ensure that these are resolved as swiftly as possible. They range from subjects such as housing and social care, as well as some unique issues that always provide me with some interesting solutions!

No issue is too small, obscure or too much effort and it is my pleasure to help. Even helping track down rogue farm animals!

Party in the Park

As I write, plans are coming together for the Party in the Park that is being held on the 3rd of September in conjunction with the Artisan Market. It looks to be a great event, as always, and hopefully well attended. With all the stands and activities planned, I am sure it will have a real ‘Summer Fete’ feel, so why not pop along!

My thanks and ‘well done’ to all those who organise these events for the village. I will be there on hand to meet with any residents that would like to talk about any issues that they may have.

By now, the Scarecrow Trail will be coming to an end, and if you took part and supported IMAGE with this great activity, thank you.

It was great to see so many scarecrows and the range of designs and interesting takes on the topic of ‘Authors’. I look forward to hearing who the winners were. My thanks again to those who take the time to plan these events.

Green Bins

Whilst I have the opportunity, I wanted to address some concerns regarding the increase of the green garden bin charges. Those who have their green bins emptied will be aware that the cost this year has gone up by £10 (from £25 to £35) a year.

This is in response to the current financial pressures faced by the Council. I know that this was not a wanted decision, and consideration given to the current situation many residents face. This is one of the many tough decisions ahead as costs rise for the council and they try to safeguard services and jobs.

As always if you have anything you wish to raise with me, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tel: 07832 211085
Bathrooms Plumbing, Heating & Gas Services Plumbing Heating Complete Bathroom Installations Boiler Service & Breakdown Boiler Installations Central Heating Installation General Plumbing Services FOR A QUOTATION CONTACT 01978 532635 07860 834700 BASED IN GRESFORD Richard Edwards
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Legal Advice

Buying a house together?

Protect your interests!

In the current financial crisis, fewer people are splashing out on grand weddings and more couples are deciding to co-habit instead. Add this to the fact that landlords are passing on rising finance and compliance costs to their tenants, and it is hardly surprising that despite rising mortgage rates, couples are purchasing property, rather than pay ‘dead’ rent money.

So, what are the implications of people buying property together when they are not married? And what happens if they split up, become ill or die?

The first thing to know is that legal steps can be taken to outline exactly what you want to happen in such circumstances, that will protect your interest in the property. This is important, because joint property owners in England and Wales, who are not married to each other, do not have the same legal rights as those who are married.

All property owners, married or not, must decide whether they wish to own the property as ‘Joint Tenants’ or as ‘Tenants in Common’. Joint tenants own property jointly and if one dies, their share of the property automatically

passes to the other. With Tenants in Common, each owner’s interests remain completely separate, and each party can leave their share to whomsoever they wish in their Will. If there is no Will, then the share will pass to the next of kin. So, it is a good idea to make a Will at the same time as purchasing the property.

Holding a property as Tenants in Common is a particularly good idea for those who are not married and where one party has made a larger financial contribution. This applies not just to ‘couples’ but also to single friends who choose to buy property together as an easier way of getting onto the property ladder.

The two most important legal documents for cohabitees to have drawn up are a Declaration of Trust and a Cohabitation Agreement. Your solicitor can do this for you.

A Declaration of Trust lays out the legal arrangements under which the parties will own shares in, fund and sell the property, and how sale proceeds will be divided. A Cohabitation Agreement drawn up by a solicitor is a legally binding document that sets out arrangements for finances, property and children, for unmarried couples whilst they are living together and if they split up, become ill or die. Without this, cohabiting couples who are not married do not have many rights!

a Licensed Conveyancer with GHP Legal. Tel: 01978 291456

To get in touch please use the ‘Contact us’ form on the website:

This article has been written by
BALMUIR GARAGE We believe QUALITY, SERVICE and PRICE can go together 01978 852412 3 Chester Road, Gresford (behind Texaco service station) Aircon service&repair Servicing and mechanical repairs for all makes and models of cars and light vans • MOT Testing Station for cars and light vans • Exhausts, clutches and brakes • Cam belts • 4-wheel alignment • Courtesy cars available DON’T FORGET WE DO TYRES MINI-DIGGER WITH DRIVER FOR HIRE WILLIAM M. CHADWICK Small and compact digger for use on smaller projects, or in areas where space is limited COMPETITIVE RATES USES INCLUDE: • Garden landscaping • Brick work • Trench digging • Demolishing • Removing tree stumps • Garden walls • Removing undergrowth • Digging holes • Inserting fence posts T. 07824 317376 E.

Useful Numbers

ANIMAL CARE Daleside Veterinary 01978 311 881 Farndon Kennels & Cattery 01829 270 198 Gatehouse Veterinary 01244 570 364 Green Lane Veterinary 01244 683 858 Park Lane Kennels 01978 852 914 Rhyd Broughton Veterinary 01978 720 362 RSPCA 0300 1234 999 Vets4Pets 01978 352 499 COUNCILS Cheshire West & Chester 0300 123 8 123 Wrexham 01978 292 000 DOCTORS Alyn Family Doctors 03333 323 260 Farndon Village Surgery 01829 771 588 Marches Medical Practice 01244 520 615 Strathmore Medical Practice 01978 352 055 NHS Direct 111 DENTISTS Bridge End Dental Practice 01978 762 030 Chapel Cottage Dental Practice 01978 854 745 Rossett Dental Care 01244 571 544 Springfield Dental Care 01978 851 300 OPTICIANS Gresford Eyecare 01978 855 828 HOSPITALS Countess of Chester 01244 365 000 Wrexham Maelor 01978 291 100 LEISURE CENTRES Gwyn Evans 01978 269 540 Northgate Arena 01244 380444 Plas Madoc 01978 821 600 LOCAL FACILITIES 3C Pest Control 01948 838 111 Adult Social Services 01978 292 066 Citizens Advice 0300 330 1178 Foodbank - Chester 0151 355 7730 Foodbank - Wrexham 07538 547971 Recycling Centre - Chester 01244 372 764 Recycling Centre - Tattenhall 01829 771 337 Recycling Centre - Whitchurch 0345 678 9007 Recycling Centre - Wrexham 01978 292 000 Samaritans 116 123 LOCAL SERVICES Air Ambulance - Wales 0300 0152 999 Fire & Rescue - Cheshire 01606 868 700 Fire & Rescue - North Wales 01745 535 250 Environment Agency 03708 506 506 Natural Resources Wales 0300 065 3000 Severn Trent Water 0800 783 4444 Welsh Water 0800 052 0130 LIBRARIES Chester Library at Storyhouse 01244 409 113 Gresford Library 01978 852 627 Llay Library 01978 855 100 Overton Library 01978 710 557 Wrexham Library 01978 292 090 SCHOOLS & NURSERIES Abbey Gate College 01244 332 077 All Saints’ Primary School 01978 852 342 Benison Nursery School 01244 676 199 Bishop Heber High School 01948 860 571 Dandelions Day Nursery 01829 272 277 Darland High School 01244 570 588 Dodleston Pre-School 01244 661 611 Dodleston C E Primary School 01244 662 990 Eccleston Primary School 01244 981 000 Farndon Primary School 01244 981 280 Gresford Playgroup 07523 398 880 Holt Primary School 01829 270 021 Holt Under 5’s Playgroup 07496 231 275 Leaps and Bounds Pre-school 01244 678 997 Little Scholars Nursery 01978 314 912 Marford Playgroup 07947 473857 Rhosnesni High School 01978 340 840 Rossett House Nursery 01244 571 872 St. Paul's VA Primary School 01978 661 556 St. Peters Primary School 01244 570 594 Shocklach Primary School 01829 250 285 The Catholic High School 01244 981 600 The Homestead Day Nursery 01978 853 946 The King’s School 01244 689 500 The Maelor School 01948 830 291 The Queen’s School 01244 312 078 The Rofft Primary School 01978 853 116 The Spinney Day Nursery 01244 577 948 Ysgol Bryn Alyn 01978 720 700 TRAVEL National Rail Enquiries 03457 48 49 50 Traveline 0871 200 22 33 In an EMERGENCY always dial 999 For your local POLICE STATION in a NON EMERGENCY dial 101
Beautiful, Bespoke Websites at (very) sensible prices! Website design doesn’t need to cost a fortune! If you are a small business owner, or a business start-up, my ‘pay monthly’ websites might be the perfect solution. For more information call Vicky on 01978 855 459 Your own business website £35 per month or £350 per year That’s it! My simple pricing for setup, design and ongoing management, ensures that your website is mobile-ready right from the start and fully hosted too. (+VAT)

Puzzle Page... Just For Fun



1 Style of art or architecture (6)

4 Pertaining to vinegar (6)

9 Ancient Egyptian ruler (7)

10 Live longer than (7)

11 State indirectly (5)

12 Awake (5)

14 Needing to be scratched (5)

15 Mortise partner (5)

17 Long flower-stalk (5)

18 Flightless seabird (7)

20 Epicure (7)

21 Gives in (6)

22 Stick of wax (6)


1 Made good on a debt (6)

2 Winner of a contest (8)

3 Insane (5)

5 100 years (7)

6 Fish (4)

7 Middle (6)

8 Cheat someone financially (5-6)

13 Unscathed (8)

14 Damaged (7)

15 Embody (6)

16 Mild or kind (6)

17 Underwater breathing device (5)

19 Point of intersection (4)

If you want to find out the answers they will be published in next month’s edition.

Here are the answers from August:

Classic Sudoku
ROSSETT HOUSE NURSERY Contact us today to arrange a visit ‐01244 571872 Rossett House Nursery, Llay Road, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HT
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