Elite Lifestyle Magazine: Issue 56

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E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

文化藝術 美國旅遊 自然生態 養生保健


The Elegance of the Kayak 赫哲族傳統工藝——皮划艇

Feathered Blessings: Birds in Chinese Culture 中國畫裡的深情鳥語

Superfoods of the Longest-Living People 超級食材揭長壽祕辛

Farmhouse Charm





May-June 2022 $6.99



全美最大的家庭裝飾連鎖公司 Carpet One Floor & Home 唯一華人成員



Superfoods of the Longest-Living People


Feathered Blessings Birds in Chinese Culture: Symbols of Fidelity

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Special Feature: Interview and Fashion Shoot With Model Monica Tomas 時尚專訪特輯:模特新星Monica Tomas


華麗地毯窗簾牆紙中心 是您的最佳選擇


A Touch of the Far East 繫情東方


地毯 | 窗簾 | 牆紙 | 地板

Editor’s Pick

The Elegance of the Kayak: Craftsman Kiliii Yuyan

駕一葉扁舟 悟文化底蘊——赫哲族的皮划艇

A Passion to Serve the Greater Good: Creative Art Director Jane Jin 築夢華裔青年Jane Jin 談廣告創意之用

National Parks: Tips for Camping


The Jeweled Birds of South America The Hummingbird as muse in the works of Martin Johnson Heade

南美瑰寶 點睛之筆 ——馬丁· 約翰遜· 海德筆下的蜂鳥



Preserving Our Pollinators


Farmhouse Charm: A Luxury Hotel in Ibiza



Photographer: Adi Stylist: Ana Tess Makeup and Hair: Sadhvi Babu Model: Monica Tomas Dress, rings and earrings by Alexander Mcqueen Shoes by Dolce & Gabbana

看神韻 喚醒超然智慧 「唯美優雅! 富含生命動力與高超的舞藝。」

經過幾個經濟週期,你有了被驗證的「財富智慧」 經過幾個文明週期,你會有怎樣的「超然智慧」?

—John McColgan, 《大河之舞》製作人及導演

兩個「點」定義了「線」 人類文明過程的意義,不就展現了嗎? 神韻,以世界頂級的表演藝術 遺失的中華文明、高層空間的境界、文明來源和終局

「神韻正在引領人類的 藝術和精神的新風尚,給人類帶來希望。 她展現的中華神傳文化的內涵令人感動, 尤其是對神的敬仰,這是最為重要的。」

了悟����年人類歷史主線 明晰當今世界格局之走勢..... 我們自己的人生,當然也就更明白了!

5 月14-22日

Costa Mesa, CA

Segerstrom Center

5 月24-25 日

Thousand Oaks, CA

The Fred Kavli Theatre

—Christine Walevska,世界頂級大提琴家

「賦予生命更深刻的意義 ...... 大幕落下後你仍久久不能忘懷。」 —《Stage Whispers》表演藝術雜誌

5 月28-29 日

Santa Barbara, CA

The Granada Theatre

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鸝鳥聲囀,綠柳重重,荷香飄送,回暖的初夏,送走春日的涼意, 也不會帶來難耐的暑氣,是個特別適合出遊的季節。 生機盎然,看那勤奮的「 農工 」在空中飛舞。本期收錄自然特輯,特

Michelle Zhao

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◆ ◆

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寫最受歡迎的授粉者——蜜蜂,一起探究這些勤奮採蜜的小生物對 生態系統的影響。再微小的生命之於這大自然,都扮演著至關重要 的角色,讓我們始終對自然萬物抱持著感激之情。 除了蜜蜂,夏日也是美麗的蜂鳥活躍的季節。美加地區,很多人家 會在庭院放置「 奶瓶 」,加入人工糖水,款待這些可愛的造訪者。 本 期 藝 術 專 題, 收 錄 美 國 著 名 畫 家 馬 丁 · 約 翰 遜 · 海 德(Martin Johnson Heade)筆下細緻的蜂鳥繪畫,從藝術角度帶各位一同欣 賞,這定格的豔美羽色下,靈動的生機。 而美麗的鳥兒在中國繪畫作品中,實則藏有諸多綿長的美意。六月 在西方的禮俗中,是個特別適合祝願新婚的時節,因此本刊聚焦中 國傳統文化中,象徵婚姻美好的鳥兒,從東方視角品賞這飛羽下的 文化符碼。 此外,五月是亞裔及環太平洋島族的傳統文化月(Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month),本期專訪文章,寫赫哲 族華裔美國人,《國家地理雜誌》資深攝影師Kiliii Yuyan,他繼承了 古老手藝,製作純手工的皮划艇(Kayak),分享這古老工藝蘊藏的 智慧與狩獵哲學,承順著水流,感受自然的律動。

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Catherine Yang Astrid Wang

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Matthew Little Chrisy Trudeau



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在 ZAGAT 評級之列

PHONE 347-566-0830 (O) EMAIL editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

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(Photography by Mariam Medvedeva)


4 3

A Touch of the Far East


情繫東方 By Faithe Lo






With its rich and ancient culture, China has long been a source of inspiration for designers, East and West alike. During Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, consider Chinese-inspired décor to celebrate the diverse cultures of the Far East.


全世界華人 美聲唱法 聲樂大賽 2022 NTD 8 TH INT’L Chinese Vocal Competition

初賽 2022年9月29-30日 PRELIMINARIES Sep 29-30, 2022

複賽 2022年10月1日 SEMI-FINAL Oct 1, 2022

決賽 2022年10月2日 FINAL Oct 2, 2022 *複賽、決賽觀眾票價 Ticket $30







MIND & BODY Monica Tomas, one of the rising stars of the modeling industry, spoke with us during a photo shoot at a handsome country house in Upstate New York about the beauty of reflection. Monica modeled elegant pieces from pre-summer 2022 collections and explained how she recharges her mind and body in her suburban life.

Photographer: Adi Makeup and Hair: Sadhvi Babu Model: Monica Tomas



Stylist: Ana Tess








What is fashion to you? Monica Tomas: Fashion, to me, means elegant, graceful, and harmonious. What do you like most about fashion? Ms. Tomas: What I like about fashion the most is that it’s a representation of who we are and what we aspire to be. It provides us a medium through which we can represent something higher than us.

view it from a better perspective. Now that I see the depth of it, I understand that there’s a touch of the divine in everything. By improving in virtue and in being able to distinguish that, the beauty of the divine emerges. This brings great meaning and fulfillment to my life. 能否談談您對時尚的理解? Monica Tomas: 時尚對我而言,代表著優美,雅緻以及 諧和。

What do you do when you are not modeling? Ms. Tomas: Learning a form of art inspires and motivates me. Recently, I’ve been learning Chinese and classical Chinese dance. I also like to take photos. Capturing the moment through photos helps me portray the images from my heart. When I’m taking photos, what the heart sees is more beautiful than what meets the eye. It’s the heart with which I’m able to portray the inner significance. By not just focusing on the external appearance, that helps me be creative and enjoy the process.

時尚最吸引您的部分是? Ms. Tomas:時尚最令我傾心的原因在於,它是「 我是 誰 」以及「 我渴望成為誰 」的表現,也提供了我們一種 媒介,用以表現超越自我的存在。 在未從事模特工作時,您都會做些什麼? Ms. Tomas: 我會學習一種可以啟發以及激勵我的藝術形 式。近來,我開始學習中文以及中國古典舞,我也喜歡 攝影,捕捉剎那的瞬間,有助我刻畫我的內心世界。當 我在攝影時,我心中所見的遠比眼見的還要美麗,因為 用心所以我才能去展現那種內涵,而不是只注重外在的

How do you relax in your busy daily life? Ms. Tomas: I like to spend time being inspired by nature, brewing a fresh cup of coffee, taking a walk around the city, organizing my space. Apart from these, I feel most balanced, energetic, and complete when I practice my qigong exercises and meditation, along with reading the teachings of Falun Dafa, a spiritual practice that teaches truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.


What was most challenging when you started your modeling career? Ms. Tomas: When I started modeling, I didn’t know much about the fashion industry. I evaluated it based on other people’s experiences, hence the understanding I had of my job was only at the surface. So my challenges came down to not completely understanding who I was as an individual and what I wanted to represent. Just like everything else, the jobs we do also have so many layers, which I got to experience over the years. I used to believe everything I saw with my eyes, but the eyes don’t always give you a true picture. Being able to understand what fashion means to me—and by holding true to my beliefs—helped me



您在忙碌的生活中,如何放鬆自己? Ms. Tomas:我喜歡與大自然共處的時光,替自己泡一 杯咖啡,也喜歡在城市裡漫步和整理自我生活空間。除 此之外,我感到自己最為平靜、完整,且充滿能量的時 刻,是在我靜坐修煉時,透過修習法輪大法( 一種佛家 上乘修煉大法 ),這門精神修煉教人以「 真、善、忍 」為 指導原則。

何? Ms. Tomas:在我最初從事模特之際,我對時尚產業不 甚了解,我透過他人的經驗來了解這項產業,因此當時 對這份職業的了解只停留在表面。而挑戰,在於我並不 完全了解我作為個體時的身分,以及我所想要表現的角 色。其實就跟其他很多事物相同,我們所從事的職業, 充滿了各種面向與層次,這是我必須花費數年時間去體 會的。以往,我只相信我所能看見的東西,但雙眼卻未 能總是真實地反映事物的本質。 能夠了解「 時尚」於我而言的意義何在,並通過堅信 自我的信念,幫助我從更好的角度來看待一切。現在我 能看見其中的深度,我也能理解萬物之中都有神性。透 過提升自我品行,才能覺察那些神聖之美,這給我的生 命帶來了美好的意義與實現的價值。



Super foods of the Longest-Living People

長壽祕訣——超級食物篇 By Julie Daniluk


Food makes a big difference, but supercentenarians around the world have similar healthy habits 大千世界,無奇不有,食物中也蘊藏著萬種乾坤。 話雖如此,不同國家的「超級」百歲老人卻有著相似的飲食習慣。



o you want to live to be 110? You might be surprised by how many people are reluctant to answer that question with enthusiasm. Many fear their final decade will be full of pain. So a better angle would be to focus on one’s health span rather than life span. What if you could live to be 110 with vitality, purpose, and happiness? Why do some people thrive well past 100 years of age, with mobility, mental clarity, and energy, while others have their light snuffed out too soon? A supercentenarian is someone who has lived to their 110th birthday or beyond. Jeanne Calment of France still holds the record as having the longest confirmed human lifespan, of 122 years, 164 days. Remarkably, nearly all people who live this long are free of major age-related diseases like dementia, type 2 diabetes, or autoimmune disease. When they pass away, they often go peacefully, during a nap, for example. Is it luck? Genes? Or do they have habits that we can adopt that could lead us to this kind of graceful aging? As a holistic nutritionist and anti-inflammatory expert, I have spent my life seeking answers to this question, and the answer is a resounding yes.

你想活到110歲嗎?令人驚訝的是,很多人的回答是否定 的,他們不願如風中殘燭,在病痛中走完最後的歲月。 因此,與其衡量一個人生命的長度,不如關注他健康的 品質。如果你能精神矍鑠地活到110歲,既不移白首之 心,又享天倫之樂,你的答案會是什麼呢?為什麼有些 人到了一百多歲,仍然行動敏捷、頭腦清晰、不失風 采,而有些老人的生活早已黯淡無光了呢? 「 超級 」百歲老人指活到 110 歲及以上的長者。法 國的 Jeanne Calment 女士是迄今為止世上最長壽的 老人,她活了 122 年又 164 天。值得注意的是,幾乎所 有的超級百歲老人都沒有患上常見的老年疾病,如失智 症、第二型糖尿病和自身免疫性疾病,他們往往是在睡 夢中安詳辭世的。這一發現是巧合嗎?是基因導致的嗎? 安享晚年的超級百歲老人有沒有值得我們借鑑的生活習 慣?身為營養學家兼消炎專家,我一生都在追尋他們長 壽的祕訣,而我的答案是肯定的。 長壽冠軍的生活習慣 我們選擇的生活方式對壽命長短的影響最為關鍵,這一 發現可能與基因論恰恰相反。國家地理探險家、《藍色地 帶》作者Dan Buettner曾走訪世界各地,總結出了身體 健康的百歲老人在生活習慣上有何相同之處。最長壽的 人們居住在如下地區:希臘伊卡利亞島、日本沖繩縣、 意大利撒丁島的奧格利亞斯特拉地區、美國加州的洛馬 琳達及哥斯達黎加的尼克亞半島。在介紹長壽老人的日 常飲食之前,我們先回顧一下他們共通的生活習慣。 │17

LIFESTYLES OF THE LONGEST-LIVED PEOPLE Contrary to gene theory, it is our lifestyle choices that make the greatest impact on longevity. Dan Buettner, a National Geographic explorer and author of The Blue Zones, has reported on distinct lifestyle practices that many people living over 100 with vitality have in common. The longest-living people reside in the following regions: Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Ogliastra Region of Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; and the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Before looking at their diet, let’s review a few of the lifestyle habits that are common among the longest-living on earth: Authentic Movement: All long-lived people get lots of exercise from physical work in gardens, farms, and around the house. Dog walking, bike riding, and gardening also contribute to the longevity "healthstyle." Purpose: Instead of retirement, many centenarians embrace jobs that they love, including managing community gardens or taking care of grandchildren.


Love: A cornerstone of longevity is expressing gratitude and sharing love with one’s tribe. The reduction of stress dramatically reduces inflammation. Anti-inflammatory Food: Menus of the long-lived are packed with anti-aging nutrients that have the power to enhance and extend life. A focus on plants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids is key, and every menu has flavorful fats that make meals taste great.

第一,真正運動起來。百歲老人們都會或多或少的鍛 鍊,比如:打理花園、在農場勞作、遛狗、騎車、在家 附近運動。 第二,確立生活目標。超級百歲老人們在退休後也不會 無所事事,他們選擇從事自己熱愛的事情,如打理社區 的花園或者照顧孫子、孫女。 第三,熱愛生活。經常向親朋好友表達感激與愛意是長壽 的基石,不但能夠紓解壓力,還能極大地減輕炎症。 第四,多吃消炎的食物。長壽老人們都喜歡吃抗炎的食 物和水果,延年益壽。消炎的食物富含纖維、多元不飽 和脂肪酸和健康的脂肪,美味可口。

Foods for Centenarians

Let’s take a tour around the world to learn some of the powerful foods that are eaten in longevity zones. 現在,讓我們環遊世界,探究世界長壽地區的美食。

COSTA RICA Coconut: This fruit has different parts and uses: The liquid portion contains high levels of B vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and vitamin C. The dried kernel (copra) is mainly fat and used for oil extraction. The fatty-acid profile of coconut makes it one of today’s most popular superfoods. Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These MCTs are absorbed and used quickly by the body as a source of energy, or are converted to ketone bodies beneficial for brain health. Coconuts and coconut oil also contain f lavonoids and other polyphenols that act as antioxidants, protecting against free radicals, oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and cancer.

哥斯達黎加 椰子: 椰子的脂肪酸成分,令其成為了當今 最受歡迎的超級食物之一。椰子不同 部位用途各不相同。椰子水富含維生 素B、酶、胺 基 酸 和 維 生素C;乾 椰子 肉的主要成分是 脂肪,可提取出精油; 而 椰 子 油 是 中 鏈 三 酸 甘 油 酯(Medium chain triglycerides,MCT,一種飽和脂肪) 最豐富的來源之一。人體吸收MCT後可以快速轉 化成能量,或者轉化為對大腦有益的酮體。椰子 和椰子油還富含類黃酮和其他多酚,能夠防止自

Cocoa: Not only is cocoa delightful to eat, but it also contains approximately 380 bioactive compounds such as polyphenols (catechins) and methylxanthines. In fact, cocoa has a higher level of phenols than green tea and red wine, making it a powerful antioxidant. Studies show that regular consumption of cocoa rich in polyphenols is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. The high polyphenol profile increases HDL, decreases LDL, and improves blood sugar and blood pressure.

由基氧化,抵抗低密度脂蛋白膽固醇( 壞膽固醇) 的氧化及癌症。 可可:可可不僅香味濃郁,還含有約380種生物活性化 合物,如多酚( 兒茶素 )和甲基黃嘌呤。它的酚 類物質甚至超過紅茶和紅酒,是一種強大的抗氧 化劑。研究表明,經常食用富含多酚的可可,能 降低罹患心血管疾病、高血壓和癌症的風險。高 含量的多酚類物質,能增加高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 ( 好膽固醇 ),減少低密度脂蛋白膽固醇( 壞膽 固醇 ),降血糖、血壓。 │19

SARDINIA Dandelion Greens: These rank high in overall nutritional value among leafy greens and are loaded with antioxidants such as polyphenols, plus vitamins A and C. Their antioxidant potential is of significance for longevity because it decreases oxidative stress (which underlies the disease process) and slows down the aging of cells. Dandelion greens are also wonderful for protecting the liver and supporting its role as the body’s main detoxification organ, clearing toxins that can both age us and increase our risk of diseases. Fennel: In Indian and Greek mythology, fennel symbolizes longevity and immortality. Part of the parsley family, fennel is used both as a vegetable and a spice. It is well-known as a natural remedy for digestive disorders and also acts as an antiinf lammatory food, reducing the risk of disease and increasing antioxidant activity in the body. It also affects cholesterol levels by increasing good cholesterol (HDL) and inhibiting the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL). Between that and its high potassium content, fennel can support the cardiovascular system.

意大利撒丁島 蒲公英嫩葉:蒲公英嫩葉營養價值高,含有多酚等抗氧化 劑,富含維生素A和C,經常食用可以減輕氧化壓 力( 氧化通常會致病 ),減緩細胞衰老。蒲公英葉 還能保護肝臟,促進其解毒功能,幫助清除導致人 體衰老和患病的毒素。 茴香:茴香在古印度和古希臘神話中,象徵著長壽與不

Sardines: They may be small in size and environmental footprint, but sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin B12. The health benefits of omega-3s come from their anti-inflammatory action, which helps to prevent medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids can keep LDL cholesterol in check, while increasing HDL cholesterol levels and nourishing the cardiovascular system. 20│

朽。作為歐芹的一種,茴香既可作為蔬菜食用,也 可作香料。它既是消化不良的天然良藥,又可以消 炎,降低患病風險,增強體內抗氧化劑的活性。茴 香還可以均衡膽固醇,增加好膽固醇、抑制壞膽固 醇的氧化。茴香富含鉀,對心血管系統有益。 沙丁魚:沙丁魚也許很不起眼,但它富含Omega-3脂肪 酸、維生素D、硒和維生素B12,其中Omega-3可 以消炎、預防心血管疾病、抑制壞膽固醇、增加好 膽固醇。

JAPAN Seaweed: This multicellular marine algae contains many bioactive compounds and polysaccharides that are not found in any terrestrial plant. Studies comparing Japanese to Western diets have linked the consumption of seaweed to a decrease in chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Many seaweed species contain healthy fatty acids like long-chain omega-3s and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that are protective for the cardiovascular system. As well, seaweeds have anti-cancer properties as shown by studies linking seaweed to reduced cancer risk, especially breast cancer in premenopausal women via estrogen metabolism.

日本 海藻: 多細胞的海洋藻類富含生物活性化合物和多糖, 這種特性在陸生植物中是找不到的。有研究對比 了日本和西方的飲食,發現食用海藻或能減少慢 性疾病,如癌症和心臟病。許多海藻都含有健康 的脂肪酸,如長鏈Omega-3和多元不飽和脂肪 酸(Polyunsaturated fatty acids,PUFA), 能保護心血管系統。此外,海藻也可以降低患癌 的風險,尤其是乳腺癌,這一疾病在雌激素代謝 降低的停經前婦女中常見。 生薑:薑富含植物營養素,常被用作香料和調味品。生薑 還可以作藥用,減少炎症、降低膽固醇和血壓。 經常使用薑可以降低患癌風險,如結腸直腸癌、 卵巢癌、肝癌、皮膚癌、乳腺癌及前列腺癌。薑

Ginger: Rich in phytonutrients, ginger is frequently used as a spice and condiment to add flavor to food. But flavor and aroma is not the only reason to use ginger; its medicinal properties help to decrease inflammation, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Regular consumption of this herb can also decrease the risk of various cancers such as colorectal, ovarian, liver, skin, breast, and prostate. Gingerols, shogaols, and paradols are this plant’s main constituents that work to promote health and alleviate many ailments, even slowing the aging process in cells.

辣素、薑烯酮類和副薑油酮類有益於健康,可以 緩解多種疾病,甚至延緩細胞衰老。


GREECE Garlic: This is a truly wonderful herb with strong healing powers. It can kill microbes (bacteria, fungus, viruses), lower blood pressure and cholesterol, thin the blood to prevent blood clots, and even prevent cancer. What makes it so powerful is its high content of sulfur compounds, which are responsible for its flavor, odor, and medicinal benefits. Another important component is allicin, which is what makes garlic such a terrific natural antibiotic that can kill or inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms including salmonella, E. coli, staph aureus, and H. pylori, to name a few.

希臘 大蒜: 大蒜其實是一種奇妙的草藥,療效多多。它可以 殺死許多微生物,包括細菌、真菌和病毒,降低 血壓和膽固醇,稀釋血液、防止血凝塊,甚至能 預防癌症。大蒜的「 殺手鐧 」是它所含的硫磺類化 合物,味道十分濃郁。大蒜素是一種天然的抗生 素,可以殺死或抑制人體內有害的微生物,如沙 門氏菌、大腸桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌和幽門螺旋 桿菌。 橄欖:橄欖和橄欖油是地中海地區人們的最愛。該地區 的人們患心血管疾病和癌症的機率較低,壽命和 預期壽命更長。橄欖富含油酸( 一種單元不飽和 脂肪酸)和酚類物質,這兩種物質有助於保持正

Olives: Olives and olive oil are staples in the diets of those who populate the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. These people tend to have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and enjoy increased longevity and life expectancy. Olives are high in oleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid) and phenols, which are both beneficial for normalizing cholesterol levels. Olive oil contains more squalene (a plant-based fat) than other seasoning oils. This compound has chemoprotective attributes that help cancer patients weather the damaging effects of chemotherapy. It is also linked to lower incidence of cancers. Olive oil’s components are anti-inflammatory and play a role in decreasing the inflammation involved in bone resorption in postmenopausal women, decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.


常的膽固醇。與其他調味油相比,橄欖油的角鯊 烯( 一種植物性脂肪)含量更高。這種化合物具 有化學保護屬性,有助於化療後的癌症患者的恢 復,還可以降低癌症的發病率。橄欖油的成分亦 可消炎,能降低患骨質疏鬆症的風險,對於停經 後婦女骨質吸收的炎症有益。


CALIFORNIA Avocados: Avocados deliver significant vitamin K, E, potassium, and magnesium. Avocados are also high in B vitamins, choline, phytosterols, and healthy fats that support a wide range of health benefits. Eating avocados every day can help keep cholesterol levels and body weight healthy. Avocados contain vitamin C and E, as well as xanthophylls (a class of carotenoids), which all act as antioxidants to protect against DNA damage. Not only are avocados great at supporting longevity internally, but when applied topically, they also inhibit the aging of the skin, due to highly bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which protect against UV damage.

美國加州 牛油果: 牛油果( 酪梨)富含維生素K、維生素E、維生 素B、鉀、鎂、膽鹼、植物甾醇( 植物固醇)和健康 脂肪,對人體大有裨益。每天食用,有助於保持膽 固醇水平和體重。牛油果中豐富的維生素C、維生素 E和黃體素( 一種類胡蘿蔔素)可作為抗氧化劑,

Spirulina: This microalgae is rich in carotenoids and antioxidant compounds. Spirulina has been reported to decrease oxidative stress and reduce cholesterol levels. The exact compound in spirulina responsible for lowering cholesterol levels is still unknown but is suspected to be phycocyanin, a protein. Phycocyanin is also important for cancer prevention, along with beta-carotenoids, which can potentially help protect against cancer due to their antioxidant action and immune modulation characteristics. Spirulina is low in calories but high in nutrients, iodine, folate, and magnesium.

保護DNA免受損傷。食用牛油果可以延年益壽,外 敷也可以抑制肌膚老化。牛油果內含高生體可用率 (Bioavailability)的葉黃素和玉米黃素,能保護皮 膚免受紫外線傷害。 螺旋藻:螺旋藻是一種微藻,富含類胡蘿蔔素和抗氧化 劑化合物。據悉,螺旋藻可以減輕氧化壓力和膽固 醇水平,具體何種化合物起到該作用仍是未知,但 很有可能是植物花青素( 一種蛋白質)。植物花青素 和β-胡蘿蔔素可以抗氧化、具有免疫調節特性,可 以預防癌症。螺旋藻熱量低、營養價值高,富含碘、 葉酸和鎂。 │23

宋 緙絲文石錦雞 軸 Rainbow Pheasant, anonymous, Song Dynasty. A pair of golden pheasants frolick among pomegranates, lilies, hollyhock, and other flowers beside a lake. The golden pheasants and the flowers symbolize eternity and everlasting love, making this painting best-suited for wedding celebrations.


FEATHERED BLESSINGS Birds in Chinese Culture: Symbols of Fidelity 禽鳥報喜 「畫」外之音 ——中國畫裡的深情鳥語

By Astrid Wang Pictures courtesy of the National Palace Museum


n the traditional Chinese idiom, the following images often symbolize a perfect marriage: a lute and zither playing in harmony, flowers blooming under the full moon, dragons soaring and phoenixes prancing, mandarin ducks playing in water, and swallows and nightingales flying in pairs. These symbols are inspired by objects in nature, among which bird-related analogies are the most common. Such admiration of the creatures dates back millennia, as birds were believed to herald good luck. Bird-and-flower paintings (“hua niao hua”) are one of the three major genres of Chinese painting, and chirping birds are typically used to convey the painter's earnest wishes.

琴瑟和鳴、花好月圓、龍騰鳳翔、鴛鴦比翼、燕鶯成對 ⋯⋯ 琳琅滿目的新婚祝詞裡,充滿著生動活潑的意象, 能見蟲鳥飛禽、時而花果樂器。從中國託物言志的傳統 來看,這些比喻其來有自,多從自然萬物的蘊理衍生發 揮,其中以鳥類的比喻最為常見。 中國傳統文化裡,許多鳥類帶有吉祥的寓意,特 別適合用於喜慶祝賀。這或許與形塑千年的崇鳥文化有 關,遠自上古時期,龍鳳、玄鵬已在神話傳說中占有一 席之地。中國傳統寄情於鳥的特殊情懷,非三言兩語能 道盡。而作為中國三大國畫的「 花鳥畫 」中,亦時常描 繪相關主題,不僅寫意,更傳遞了深刻的期盼與祝福, 茲舉最為經典的幾例,一同欣賞那於歇於枝梢、花下, 美豔靈動的鳥兒們,藏有哪些綿長的美意⋯⋯ 來自五彩神鳥的高貴祝福

NOBLE BLESSINGS FROM A SACRED BIRD The phoenix (“fenghuang”), a sacred bird from ancient days and regarded as the king of birds, is considered the noblest emblem for grand weddings. Married couples sharing in the ebb and flow of each other's lives are compared to male and female phoenixes flying in blessed harmony. In Shuowen Jiezi, an ancient Chinese dictionary from the Han Dynasty, the phoenix is said to appear only in places blessed with utmost peace, auspiciousness, and fortune. According to the dictionary, the phoenix has the breast of a goose, the back of a tiger, the neck of a snake, the tail of a fish, the surface texture of a dragon,

帶有神祕色彩的上古神鳥,且歷來被譽為百鳥之王的鳳 凰,在莊嚴、盛大的結婚典禮之上,自然是最好的祝 福,如「 鸞鳳和鳴 」、「 鳳凰于飛 」,用來比喻夫婦相伴 而行,和睦共處。 根據《淮南子 · 墬形訓》記載,「 羽嘉生飛龍,飛龍 生鳳皇,鳳皇生鸞鳥,鸞鳥生庶鳥 」,羽嘉為飛禽之遠 祖,龍生鳳,鳳生鸞,三者關係如此。起初鳳凰二字, 有雌雄之別,因而象徵夫妻。然而,古時帝王被尊為 「 龍 」,「 鳳 」遂成為皇后嬪妃的象徵。因此,鳳凰原有 的雌雄之意逐漸式微,鳳凰的女性形象深植人心。 在東漢許慎所著的《說文解字》中, 「 鳳 」的釋意為 「 神鳥 」。據諸多古籍,能見此鳥天下安寧, 「 鳳凰之翔 至德也 」 ,就是祥瑞之兆。關於其型態的描述,大多都是: │25

the face of a swallow, and the beak of a rooster. Its body contains the five fundamental colors in Chinese culture: white, black, red, green, and yellow. According to the ancient Chinese text Writings of Huainan, Yu Jia is the name of the ancestor of all birds. Dragons were said to have given birth to phoenixes, and the phoenix (“fenghuang”) symbolized both husband and wife, as male phoenixes were originally called “feng” and the females “huang.” The luan is another mythological bird similar to the phoenix—red, flamboyant, and rooster-shaped. Both the phoenix and luan are totems of auspiciousness and are often seen in royal rituals, paintings, and accessories. No ordinary bird could compare with the appearances of phoenix and luan—their superiority is everlasting. Many believe that the image of the luan is derived from golden pheasants. Therefore, paintings with a pair of pheasants can also convey wedding wishes. 鴻前麟後,蛇頸魚尾,龍文虎背,燕頷而雞啄、五 彩備明。「 鸞 」也是傳說中的神鳥,形似鳳凰, 「赤 色,五采,雞形」。無論是鳳凰或鸞鳥,皆為吉祥 之徵,加之神祕奇特的形態,歷來為禮制、皇室御 用、圖騰,在上古時期的帛畫與器物上,就有許多 相關的圖樣。 兩種神鳥在古時文字記載中的形象,皆非世 間鳥類可比擬。祂們的至尊地位,歷時數千年如一。 由於鸞鳳不存於現世,因此有一說認為,「 紅腹錦 雞 」為其現世原型,亦被賦予吉祥之意,因此成雙 的錦雞圖,亦可表達新婚祝賀。 死生契闊之模範「 夫妻 」 清 余省、張為邦〈合摹蔣廷錫鳥譜〉——鳳、鸞

談及夫婦忠貞不渝的代表,非「 鴛鴦 」莫屬。雄曰

Collaborative Imitation of Jiang Tingxi’s ‘Birds Genealogy’ by Yu Sheng (18th century) and Zhang Weibang. On the right is a depiction of various birds and flowers done in fine-line brushwork and Western painting methods. On the left, the bird’s ecological habits are explained in Mandarin and Manchu.

鴛,雌曰鴦,「 喜締鴛鴦 」、「 鴛鴦璧合」,常用於 訂婚祝賀。鴛鴦偶居而不相 離,成對鴛鴦如影隨 形,宋朝羅願所著的《爾雅翼》如此描寫鴛鴦: 「雌 雄 未嘗相 捨,飛 止相 匹,人得 其一,則 其一思而 死。」成對的鴛鴦若被拆散,會鬱結而死。後來任 何成對的物件,多以鴛鴦之美名作比擬。 在歷朝文學著作中,但凡出現鴛鴦一詞,大 多影 射男女、夫妻之間 的悲歡情節。如唐朝 詩人 盧照鄰《長安古意》中的著名詩句: 「 得成比目何辭 死,願作鴛鴦不羨仙。比目鴛鴦真可羨,雙去雙來 君不見。」寫的是男子濃厚的愛意,願與心上人結 合的渴望。


明 佚名 花下雙鴛圖 軸 Yuanyang Under the Blooming Peonies, Ming Dynasty painting, anonymous. Blooming peonies sway in the wind while a pair of mandarin ducks sit nestled among the flowers. The peonies symbolize wealth and glory, while the mandarin ducks symbolize love.


TILL DEATH DO US PART Mandarin ducks (“yuanyang”) represent the unwavering faithfulness and commitment of married couples. Male ducks are called “yuan,” and the females “yang”—so together, they're often used as a metaphor for wedded bliss. Mandarin ducks often swim and inhabit in pairs. Luo Yuan, a literati from the Song Dynasty, famously depicted the yuanyang as never leaving one another and of dying of grief if torn apart. ​​The yuanyang was used by the literati as a symbol of inseparable couples, and it was widely used in many contexts—sadness, happiness, separations, and reunions. For instance, Lu Zhaolin, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote in "Changan: Poem Written in an Antiquated Form”: “I would die without regret if we were flatfish swimming together. / I wish to be mandarin ducks with you more so than immortals.” The poem expresses a man’s earnest wish to be with his love. The Book of Odes and Hymns (Shi Jing) shows the auspiciousness of yuanyang in this way: “They flit in pairs and the net captures them. May men be blessed with luck and fortune! / They swam in pairs gathered aside by stakes, and folded their left wings. May men be blessed with auspiciousness!” In the past, people would catch and gift Mandarin ducks. Poems convey that though this custom endangered the birds, they would suffer together rather than abandon one another. As such, the birds are widely seen as conveying blessings for newlyweds: No matter what hardships the couple faces, they will get through them together. The unwavering character of the yuanyang is frequently interpreted by poets, and its symbolic meanings have endured since ancient times.

鴛鴦之於新婚的祝福,可見《詩經 · 小雅 · 桑扈之 什》一詩,「 鴛鴦于飛,畢之羅之。君子萬年,福祿宜 之。鴛鴦在梁,戢其左翼。君子萬年,宜其遐福。」採 用常見的借物起興創作手法,描繪鴛鴦雙飛,遇難而不 相離棄;以及收斂羽翼以相互依偎的恩愛形象,下句緊 接「 福祿宜之、宜其遐福 」,引出「 鴛鴦成雙 」則福祿 相隨的美好寓意。此詩於歷代註疏有不同版本的解釋, 但作為「 祝賀新婚 」的說法已被大眾接受。雖說鴛鴦至 死不渝的形象多是文人加諸自然生物的情感,但如今其 恩愛的文化表徵已擁有無可取代的地位。 寄情鳥語——靈鵲報喜、海燕雙棲 除上述兩大經典,也有與人們日常更為親近的鳥兒們。 例如,飛入尋常百姓家築巢的燕子。 燕子形體短小,毛黑頸白,又被稱作「 烏衣 」。 燕字在古時與「 宴 」字通用,如「 燕爾新婚 」的燕字, 取「 宴 」之意,有安閒、安樂之意。因此與燕字相關的 諸多詞彙,多為和樂、閒適,如燕樂、燕居等詞。而「 燕 好 」一詞多指男女相愛,因此雙燕齊飛,時常作為繪畫 主題表達相關的祝福,成語「 燕侶鶯儔 」,意思為成對 的燕與鶯,形容兩人恩愛,難捨難分。 再 看 李 白《琴 曲 歌 辭: 雙 燕 離》詩 句:「 雙 燕 復 雙燕,雙飛令人羨。玉樓珠閣不獨棲,金窗繡戶長相 見。柏梁失火去,因入吳王宮。吳宮又焚蕩,雛盡巢 亦空。憔悴一身在,孀雌憶故雄。雙飛難再得,傷我寸 心中。」寫那原本令人稱羨的一對飛燕,但遭逢變故, 徒留雌燕獨飛,令人心碎。全詩首尾呼應,雖以悲劇收 尾,但亦寫出燕鳥情深意重的意象。 此外,時常在樹頭喳喳叫的「 喜鵲 」,也有特殊的 文化地位。古時認為鵲躁即喜兆,粗啞嘈雜的叫聲,卻 能帶來好運與福氣,因此又被稱為「報喜鳥」。 據西晉《古今注》記載,喜鵲又名「 神女 」。關於 神女的故事,可據宋朝一冊名為《奚囊橘柚》中記載的 故事:有一人名叫袁伯文,七月六日路過高唐時下雨, 於是借宿山中人家,晚上他夢見一名自稱神女的女子, 他想讓她留下,但神女說:「 日當為織女造橋,違命之

HARBINGERS OF JOY AND LOVE There are birds more commonly seen in our everyday lives, such as the swallows who often build nests under traditional roofs. Swallows are small and often have a black back and a white throat, giving them the nickname “black cape” in Chinese. In traditional Chinese culture, swallows symbolize a home of joy and comfort. They can also be used to describe a loving and inseparable couple. In "Swallows Leaving in Pairs," the poet Li Bai wrote about how people admired swallows for always flying in pairs, forever by their mate’s side. 28│

辱 」,他從夢中驚醒後,天已亮,他開窗望見一群東飛 的鵲鳥,其中有一隻就從他的窗前飛去。 相傳這則故事就是「 喜鵲 」被視作「 神女 」的典 故,而在七夕典故裡人們熟知「 鵲橋 」也與此相連結, 作為牛郎、織女相會的關鍵助手,後來,喜鵲也像搭起 男女姻緣般的「 邱比特 」,為人所喜愛。後來,無論是 喜上眉( 梅 )梢,抑或梧桐枝上的喜鵲圖樣,都非常 適合在喜慶之際張貼,獻上祝福。 儘管鳥兒擬人般的情感與寓意,或為數千年來, 透過人們想像力以及文人墨客的渲染而成,但卻也印 證了文化積澱的可貴之處,讓鳥語花香裡藏有無盡的 妙趣。

However, after their nest was burned down, one female swallow was left alone without her partner. It was a heartbreaking sight, seeing the swallow now flying alone. This tragedy shows the swallows’ fidelity and commitment. Magpies are another significant cultural symbol in China. In ancient times, grumpy magpies were actually considered auspicious—their chirping could bring good luck and fortune. This is why magpies are called “happy magpies” in China. Magpies are also seen as fairies. In the Song Dynasty, a man named Yuan Bowen dreamed about a fairy and asked her to stay during the night. The fairy replied to him: “I shall make a bridge for Zhinu during the day; staying would bring disgrace to my duty.” When Yuan woke up, the sun had risen and he saw a flock of magpies flying eastward. Among them was one that had flown away from his window. Zhinu is the youngest daughter of the Jade Emperor, and magpies are also associated with the folktale of the weaver girl Zhinu and the cowherd Niulang. When Zhinu came down to Earth, she fell in love with Niulang, a mortal cowherd, and the two got married. However, their love wasn't allowed, and the Queen Mother of the West banished them to opposite sides of the Heavenly River (Milky Way). On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge, connecting the two lovers and allowing them to briefly reunite. Thus, magpies are seen as a type of Cupid that brings lovers together and are often used to signify marital bliss. The symbols embodied by birds have been imagined and reimagined by literati, inviting us to explore the cultural heritage behind chirping birds.

清 惲壽平 燕喜魚樂 軸 Joyful Swallows and Cheerful Fishes by Qing Yun Shouping. Swallows fly among drooping willow trees and falling cherry blossoms. Through delicate lines and muted colors, the painting has an elegant, refined feel.



THE ELEGANCE OF THE KAYAK Craftsman Kiliii Yuyan reveals what this humble boat can teach us 駕一葉扁舟,悟文化底蘊:赫哲族的皮划艇 By Savannah Howe Photography by Kiliii Yuyan


If you hunt something, how can you love it? How can you both love an animal and hunt it?” These words of National Geographic photographer and indigenous kayak craftsman Kiliii Yuyan reverberated in my mind when I floated down the Cedar River in Iowa on my last kayak trip of the past year. It was late October, just after 7 a.m., and dense mist hovered above the water, reluctant to let dawn give in to day. The wind that rattled near-naked tree limbs was brisk. Just a few months earlier, I had made this same float with thighs burning under the sun. My kayak is a humble vessel, 10 feet of yellow polyethylene purchased at a big-box outdoors store, and was currently the only thing separating me from a polar plunge. While this was not something I’d ever been particularly aware of in any of my countless prior kayak trips, Yuyan made me painfully conscious of a kayaker’s vulnerable position: With me being mostly submerged in the vessel and the vessel being mostly submerged in the water, who’s to say where the boat, the river, and I all began and ended? From somewhere beyond the bank, a mourning dove cooed. And in a shallow portion a few dozen yards ahead, a deer crashed through the water, hustling to the other side. At the sight of the doe, I was reminded, again, of Yuyan’s questions to me a few days earlier. Can you love something that you hunt, that you kill? Can you respect it? Do you think the animal giving its life to you respects you?

去年最後一次皮划艇之旅是在十月底,早晨七點多,我 沿著愛荷華州的錫達河漂流,秋意漸濃,黎明的曙光還 未揭去夜幕的輕紗,河面濃霧瀰漫,岸邊枯枝搖曳作響。 就在幾個月前,划著皮划艇旅行時,我的腿還曬得火辣 辣的,但現在鼻子凍得通紅,只能蜷縮在羊毛衫裡,靠 著 保溫 壺裡 咖啡冒出的 熱氣 取暖。此 時,Kiliii Yuyan 的一番話在我耳邊迴響: 「 你會捕殺你喜歡的動物嗎? 如果你很喜歡動物,你又怎麼忍心殺牠呢?」Yuyan 是 《國家地理》雜誌的攝影師,亦是一名獨木舟工匠。 我的皮划艇比較簡陋,10 英尺長,聚乙烯材質,是 在一家大型戶外用品商店購買的。此刻風雨交加,灰色 的浪花拍打著船身,要是沒有這皮划艇,我可能早就跌 入河 下。在 Yuyan 提 醒我之前,我從未意識到划艇者 有多麼脆弱——我坐在皮划艇裡,艇身幾乎都浸在水面 下,誰知道河流、船與我是從哪裡來,要到哪裡去呢? 岸邊不遠 處 有隻哀鴿 咕 咕叫著,前 方淺水區,一 隻小 鹿匆 匆 趟 過 水面,跑 到 對岸去。這 時,我再 次 想 起 Yuyan 前幾天的問題——你忍心獵殺你喜歡的動物 嗎?你如果尊重牠,你還會殺牠嗎?被你殺掉的生命會 尊重你嗎? 微小而偉大 古老皮划艇工藝 Yuyan住在西雅 圖,是赫 哲 族(Nanai)華裔美國人, 赫哲族是西伯利亞地區的民族。幾十年前,Yuyan的父 母為 躲避中國的共產主義革命逃至美國,這段 經 歷令 他母親深感恐懼,怕因背景不同顯得格格不入,帶來嚴 重的後果。因此,Yuyan童年時期,對流淌在血液裡的 民族文化,幾乎一無所知,只從奶奶的隻言片語裡聽過 些許故事。長大後,Yuyan逐漸了解赫哲族的風俗和底 蘊,學會了捕魚、打獵、鞣 製 鹿 皮、編 織 籃子及陶藝,

SMALL BUT MIGHTY Yuyan, a resident of Seattle, is Chinese-American and Nanai-American. The Nanai are an indigenous people native to Siberia. His parents were immigrants to the United States, fleeing the communist revolution in China. With a mother who was fearful of the consequences of being different, Yuyan spent his childhood years ignorant of his indigenous heritage, only catching glimpses of his background when Grandma would

其中一項習俗已在全世界發揚光大,至今保留著土著海 洋航行的傳統,那就是製造獨木舟的工藝。 獨木舟曾是土著人相互聯繫的重要工具,在外出行 及捕獵都要靠它。Yuyan 說: 「 眾多北方民族的文化都 與獨木舟有很深的淵源。」Yuyan 所說的皮划艇( 愛斯 基摩輕艇),和我這種批量生產的塑膠船截然不同,他 是按照古代北極和亞北極土著人( 由亞洲和西伯利亞遷 徙到今阿拉斯加北部和加拿大)的方式製作,以便在刺 骨的冰河裡航行捕獵。 這種製作工藝已流傳了四千多年:把白樺樹枝捆在 一起,打一個手工結,再用海豹皮包起來,這樣獨木舟就 「 所向披靡 」了。當時的土著人以航海打獵為生,而在北

Left page: “A lot of different northern cultures have powerful ties and spiritual relationships with kayaks,” Yuyan said. He follows 4,000-year-old methods to assemble kayaks, creating a vessel capable of going where others cannot.

極地區,如果不幸船翻了,如果不能在半分鐘內扶正坐 穩,人就必死無疑。皮划艇當時是最先進的發明,象徵 著本土技術的巔峰。Yuyan 表示: 「 造這種傳統的船並


come to visit and share hushed stories of the culture that pulsed through his veins. After discovering his heritage, Yuyan dove into many traditional practices, such as fishing, hunting, buckskin tanning, basket weaving, and clay pottery. One in particular has flourished into a global business, preserving an indigenous tradition that has changed the course of marine navigation: the art of building kayaks. Kayaks are a cornerstone in indigenous peoples’ connections with each other, the earth, and the animals that they hunt. “A lot of different northern cultures have powerful ties and spiritual relationships with kayaks,” Yuyan told me. Starkly different from my mass-produced plastic vessel, Yuyan’s kayaks are made in the way that ancient Arctic and subarctic natives (who had migrated from Asia and Siberia to what is now upper Alaska and Canada) did to navigate the dangerously icy waters they hunted in. He follows 4,000-year-old methods: Cold-weather tribes used birch branches— lashed together with hand-tied knots—and seal skins to assemble their kayaks, creating a vessel capable of going where others could not. The people depended largely on hunting in the ocean, but capsizing in the Arctic meant instant death if they couldn’t right their boat and get back inside within 30 seconds. Regarded as one of the pinnacles of indigenous technologies, the kayak represented the height of what was possible at the time of its invention. And yet the traditional boat is “not rocket science,” Yuyan said, but rather “just a basket,” with its lack of metal reinforcement and absence of modern boat materials. “The real sophistication comes in how the parts are put together and how the joints are attached. The joinery is a really huge part of assembly, as well as design. The ways in which the boat is bowed and not a basket shape-wise—that’s where all the magic is.” Some of Yuyan’s kayaks are made for cultural events, while others are built for recreation or function. One kayak takes Yuyan about six days to finish, but novices and DIYers can expect to invest thousands of hours in crafting their vessel. He uses western red cedar and bamboo for his frames, and seal, caribou, or cow—“land walrus,” Yuyan said with a laugh—for the skin in cultural kayaks. In his traditional kayaks built for function, ballistic nylon is used for the skin instead. 32│

Kiliii Yuyan is an award-winning photographer, a National Geographic contributor, and an indigenous kayak craftsman. For more than a decade, his team has been preserving the knowledge of his culture and teaching people across the world how to make traditional Nanai kayaks.

非難事,既沒有金屬加固,也沒有現代材料,與其說是 船,不如說像個籃子。」造皮划艇真正的難度在於配件 組裝和接合方式,大部分船身採用榫卯結構接合,其彎 曲方式( 不像籃子之處)是技術的關鍵所在。 Yuyan 會為許多文康休閒活動訂製皮划艇,製作 一艘皮划艇大約需要六天,而親力親為的新手可能得花 上千個小時才能完成。Yuyan 會用西部紅衫和竹子做框 架,用海豹、馴鹿、或牛皮做文康用途的皮划艇外殼。 Yuyan 笑著說: 「 牛有『 陸地海象 』的美譽」。在製作 實用的皮划艇時,他會用彈道尼龍替代動物皮。 Yuyan 的團隊正在教世界各地的人們如何製作皮 划艇,用這種方式傳承赫哲族的文化。十五年來,他在 美國、加拿大和歐洲多地授課,之後還會前往澳洲和紐 西蘭教學。他製作的皮划艇在 Seawolf Kayak 網站獨 家出售。

Yuyan’s team teaches people across the world how to make traditional Nanai kayaks and preserve the knowledge of his culture. For the last 15 years, he’s taught classes across the United States, Canada, and Europe, and he will soon be teaching in Australia and New Zealand. His kayaks are sold individually as well as through his business, Seawolf Kayak.

與萬物共生 皮划艇復古回潮 近年來,越來越多的人開始對古老的皮划艇感興趣,想 要划艇捕獵海豹,赫哲族的土著居民又開始建 造船隻 了。Yuyan表示,皮划艇能夠再次流行,主要是因為人們 對這段歷史感興趣,但原因不止這些。擺在我們面前的 問題是,如今批量生產的產品更優惠、便捷、樣式統一, 為什麼傳統工藝還能經受時間的考驗呢?為什麼世界各 地的本土文化能一直延續下去呢?顯然不是因為成本低

THE KAYAK COMEBACK Modern-day interest in these ancient vessels has increased in recent years. Indigenous people in the far north have begun building them again, and the desire to seal-hunt from traditional kayaks has increased. Yuyan says that a lot of the kayak resurgence is just because of interest in history, but there’s more at play. One wonders why these traditional methods withstand the test of time when mass production offers simpler, cheaper, more uniform options. The same can be asked in any culture, whether indigenous, Chinese, European, or any other: Why do our traditions continue year after year? It’s certainly not because they cost any less money or are any easier to produce. Ancestral hunters in Greenland used to say that their kayaks were spiritual brothers, sharing the same life force. A man without a kayak was not considered an eligible bachelor.

廉,也不是因其技術簡易。格陵蘭島上獵人的祖輩流傳 著這樣一句話: 「 皮划艇是我們靈性的手足,與我們共進 退。沒有皮划艇的單身漢是不夠格的。」 Yuyan 說,獵 人和他 的皮 划 艇有很深的感情,接 著便提出了開頭獵人與獵物的問題。我不禁想到,中西 部獵人是不是也熱愛自己的橙色背心和獵槍彈呢?我們 是否應該熱愛並尊重自己的獵物?我清晰地記得,我父 親在狩獵盲區裡一坐就是幾個小時,看到小鹿在不遠處 漫步,也沒有把槍上膛。有了皮划艇,獵人彷彿和河流、 動物成為了一體。傳統的皮划艇非常靈活,能讓我們在 關鍵時學會變通——雪松木製的皮划艇漂流方式與聚 乙烯皮艇不同,前者移動起來更安靜,而後者對河水而 言宛如一個屏障。傳統皮划艇木料柔軟,外殼輕薄,能 順著潮起潮退漂流。

Kayaks connect hunters with the water, the animals, and each other. “The kayak is flexible, so one of the coolest things about traditional kayaks is that you feel things from underneath—like ocean life, ” Yuyan said.



The connection between a kayak hunter and his vessel is deeply spiritual, Yuyan said. This is similar to his thoughts on the love between the hunter and the hunted. I pondered whether the same can be said of the orange vests and shotgun shells I know of Midwestern hunting. Do we love and respect our bounties? I fondly remember my father, who often sits in his hunting blind for hours watching deer meander by, before even loading his gun. Kayaks connect hunters with the water, the animals, and each other. Perhaps we could take lessons in flexibility from these vessels and learn to offer some bend where it might be easier to stay rigid. A cedar-boned kayak moves differently and more quietly than a polyethylene one. Whereas the latter is a stiff barrier to the water below, traditional kayaks are creatures that move with the waves: Flexible bones and thin skin allow the kayak to gently bend with each ebb and flow. Hunting is a necessary practice that commands respect from the hunters. The Nanai used to sing to marine animals as they hunted them. As the tradition goes, the animals would decide if they wanted to surrender to the hunt based on how beautiful your kayak was and how well you sang. Following the advice of his ancestors, Yuyan sings to the orcas when he’s paddling in the San Juan Islands—he sings songs from The Beatles album. (The only way he shoots orcas is with his camera; these creatures aren’t hunted nowadays.) Sure enough, a curious orca calf will swim up to bump the underside of his kayak. Kayakers can even feel the vibrations when the calf echolocates underneath the vessel. The orcas respond to the singing from as far as a couple miles away, as they are very sensitive to acoustics.

狩獵 是 生存的必備 技 能,獵 人要尊重獵物。古代 赫 哲 族 人 捕獵 時,會 唱 歌 給 海 洋生物 聽。傳 說中,如 果動物們覺得你的皮划艇漂亮 、歌聲動聽,就會願意 「 投 降 」。Yuyan 遵 照祖 輩 的 教 誨,在 聖 胡 安 群島划 船時,對著虎鯨唱披頭士的歌,拍下了虎鯨的許多珍貴 影像( 法律禁止捕殺虎鯨),還有天真爛漫的虎鯨幼崽 游過來衝撞 Yuyan 的皮划艇。划船的人甚至可以通過 船底回聲定位的震動感知到小鯨魚的位置。虎鯨對聲音 十分敏感,在幾英里之外都會對歌聲做出反應。Yuyan 表示: 「 虎鯨在海裡穿梭時,你坐在皮划艇上能感受到 水壓的變化,傳統的皮划艇非常靈活,能帶你體驗水下 世界的變化,這是我最喜歡的體驗之一。」 虎鯨綽號「 殺人鯨 」,令人望而生畏,不過 Yuyan 說,虎鯨也有愛玩愛鬧的一面。Yuyan 有皮划艇作伴, 關鍵時刻能保護自己。他的船重不到 30 磅,沒有任何 金屬或電子零件,在海浪的推力下,比玻璃纖維的材質 更耐用。在阿拉斯加,人們會把同樣類型的船用海豹皮 包起來,用馴鹿的筋線縫在一起,駕駛著捕殺弓頭鯨。 也就是說,皮划艇是多人心血凝結而成的,包括捕殺海 豹的獵人、剝海豹皮的人、捕馴鹿的獵人、會縫紉的婦女 和捕鯨人。 「 我們的每一步都和土地息息相關,因此我們和大 自然、和各種動物都要打交道。」 傳統 經驗告訴我們,人類和其他物種是相互依存 的。批量生產的皮划艇無法帶給我們傳統工藝的啟示: 就算我們捕獵為生,我們也應該關愛動物。所以,針對 開篇的提問,Yuyan 對此的回答為: 「 如果你不愛牠, 你怎 麼會去捕獵 呢?」在地 獵 人從 鵝 巢裡拿 鵝 蛋的 時 候,也會在巢穴周圍挖壕溝,以免剩下的蛋被北極狐吃 掉。獵殺之際,獵人們也會想著如何保護生命。 皮划艇 維繫著獵 人和動物相互依存的關係。上個 世紀,隨著馬達和現代船隻技術的進步,皮划艇漸漸被 阿拉斯加土著民族淘汰了。如今,在 Yuyan 等人的努力 下,皮划艇再度興起。Yuyan 的工匠之手,承載著四千 多年的知識結晶。 Yuyan 在 Filson Journal 裡 寫 道: 「我 最 近在因

Top: Assembling the parts and making the joints is the most sophisticated aspect of making a kayak the traditional way, according to Yuyan. Bottom: Yuyan follows 4,000-year-old methods: Coldweather tribes used birch branches—lashed together with hand-tied knots—and seal skins to assemble their kayaks, creating a vessel capable of going where others could not.

紐皮雅特的學校裡教青少年們如何製作皮划艇,我想讓 這門手藝再次流行起來。我教他們如何把那些框架綁在 一起,如何製作既堅固又輕便的船身,如何縫上滿是鬍 鬚的海豹皮 ......」「 皮划艇歷史悠久,在鋁製品和汽油還 沒普及之前就開始流行了,我們會不改初心,繼承傳統, 讓皮划艇復古回潮,延續民族的故事。」 │35

The kayak is flexible, so one of the coolest things about traditional kayaks is that you feel things from underneath—like ocean life. It’s one of my favorite experiences.”

“You can feel the change in pressure as they dart back and forth,” Yuyan said. “The kayak is flexible, so one of the coolest things about traditional kayaks is that you feel things from underneath—like ocean life. It’s one of my favorite experiences.” With a nickname like “killer whale,” it’s easy to be afraid of the orca, but Yuyan says he can feel their playful energy. After all, he has his partner, lifeline, and protector—his kayak. It weighs less than 30 pounds, contains no metal or electronics, and can outlast fiberglass under the brute force of ocean waves. Boats like his are used to hunt bowhead whales in Alaska; they are covered with seal skin and sewn together with caribou sinew. The vessels connect dozens of people: seal hunters, seal skinners, caribou hunters, sinew twiners, women who sew the skins together, and whalers. “Every step along the way, there’s a direct connection with the land, a direct connection that goes back to requiring you to be out on the land, having a relationship with these animals,” he said. Traditions teach us lessons. They bring us full circle back to our relationships with each other and other creatures. The kayak made in a man’s shop rather than a company’s factory teaches us that even though we hunt animals to sustain ourselves, we should also be caring for them at the same time. Yuyan’s response to the question about love and respect is, “How can you possibly hunt for something if you don’t love it?” Indigenous hunters, for example, collect goose eggs out of nests, but they also dig moats around the nests to protect the remaining eggs from arctic foxes. The hunters take life, and they also protect it.


At the center of this ancient relationship is the kayak, lost in Alaskan native practice over the last century as motors and modern boats took the lead, but making a comeback through efforts like Yuyan’s. He builds the vessels with only his two hands, but 4,000 years of knowledge are behind him. “I’m bringing the kayak back by teaching Iñupiat teenagers how to build them in school. We’ll lash those frames together, strong and light. We’ll sew bearded sealskins around them,” Yuyan once wrote in a blog post in Filson Journal. “We’ll bring those kayaks to life just as they did in the old days, before aluminum and gasoline. We’ll take part in the cycle of Native tradition, passing forward our knowledge the way it’s been done since the beginning. In this way, our stories live on.”

The animals decide if they want to surrender to the hunt based on how beautiful your kayak is and how well you sing. Following ancestral traditions, Yuyan sings to the orcas. _Unsplash/Bart van meele


A PASSION TO SERVE THE GREATER GOOD Creative Art Director Jane Jin 築夢華裔青年 Jane Jin 談廣告創意之用 By Cora Wang


ith advancements in digital tools, people have more avenues for accessing information. However, in China, under the strict media censorship, people cannot access the truth. A group of art directors in Germany came up with a design-driven campaign using typography—True Type Freedom. The design has the Chinese characters 自由門 for ”freedom gate” at its base. The designers created a series of typography designs that make use of homophonic words in the Chinese language. There are over 160 combinations of different types of “freedom” graphics that can be saved as graphic posters online. When saving the JPEG and opening the image as a text file, the code for a download link will be hidden within. The campaign is designed to help people download and use VPNs despite strict media censorship. Jane Jin is the conceptual art director for the project, which showcases her creative design abilities and conceptual thinking. The project has brought awareness to the issue of free access to the truth and won the Clio Award in the category Experimental/Event in 2019 and a Gold in Summit International Award in 2019 .

In the past few years, Jane Jin has won more than 30 awards in advertising design. Originally from China, she now she lives in New York City. Besides creating successful advertising campaigns, she uses her talent to contribute to the good of society.

在網絡時代下,人們獲取資訊的渠道多元,也能輕易地 了解發生在世界各地的大小事。然而,在中國,嚴格的 言論審查制度下,許多於自由世界流通的真實資訊,無 法被人們接觸與了解。一群設計師以此為發想,展開了

THE PASSION BEHIND AWARD-WINNING DESIGNS True Type Freedom was featured in Novum (Zeitschrift), a German graphic design magazine founded in 1924. Jin’s work was featured in the spring 2020 edition on the magazine cover as one of the main graphic design projects for the typography edition.

一項名為「True Type Freedom」的設計案。 該設計案以「 自由門 」的中文字為起點,設計一系 列的特 殊字體,以中文諧 音展開高達 160 種的配 對組 合,在拆解漢字結構下,展現中文字組的創意搭配度, 並將 這些文字 轉換 為可以存取圖檔,藏 入翻 牆軟件的 下載代碼,供受到言論審查的網絡使用者下載。如此, 這 些 特 殊字體,有如展 開一 道自由之門,讓 牆內民 眾 │37

TRUE TYPE FREEDOM, an international award-winning design. The team created more than 160 pairs of homophonic "freedoms" in Chinese typography to present a brand new concept to serve the good of society. _Courtesy of Jane Jin

Breaking through the Chinese regime’s censorship is very difficult, Jin said. Nonetheless, since leaving China, she has utilized her skills to bring awareness to the issue, and hopes to bring about change for the good. “This project is close to my heart. It is something I’ve always wanted to do.” She said that if she could use art and design to help society move in a better direction, then that would make her campaign all the more meaningful. 38│

隨時 擁有跨出牆外的自由。這項令人驚豔的設計概 念獲 得廣告設計界的青睞,一舉奪下多項國際大獎,其中包括 CLIO 的銀獎 Summit International Award 以 及 NYF Advertising Award 的金獎等,而來自中國的 Jane Jin 是這項設計案的發起人。 從心的設計 「True Type Freedom」設 計案,為 德 國 著名設 計雜 誌 《NOVUM》,作為2020年春季刊封面主打專題報導。回

As a creative art director at Digitas in New York City, Jin expanded her field even more. A lot of the fun twists in some of her ideas came from her passion for advertisements. This year, she worked as the art director for Irish Spring, marketed by Colgate-Palmolive, for its first-ever 30-second TV commercial—on Super Bowl Sunday. The campaign has generated 36 million impressions on TV and ranked among the top 10 best Super Bowl commercials by Chron. As the lead social media art director for the commercial, she generated visuals and creative elements that engaged audiences on Twitter and Instagram.

想該設計案,Jane 感歎表示: 「 在中國,媒體的審查制 度非常嚴重 」,縱有無奈,卻也是憑一己之力無法改變 的現實。到國外後,過往的生活經驗並未被拋諸腦後, 她 透 過 其所擅 長 的 領 域,期 許能帶 來一 點 改 變。「 這 對我而言就是一個從『 心 』的項目,一直都是我想做的 事。」她說,若能藉由人們日常中能接觸的設計,喚起 社會 對 特定議 題 的關注,並與之進一步產生 互 動與連 結,這一切便別具意義。 Jane 現任廣告公司 Digitas 的創意藝術總監 ,在 紐約這個創意之都追尋她的夢想。學生時期起,她便熱 愛寫詩與繪畫,廣告中的巧思,總能激發 Jane 的無限熱 情。以創意藝術總監一職為志,就像是一條注定之路。 今年於超級盃期間( 美國兩大美式橄 欖球聯盟冠

IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT CREATIVITY People generally don’t care to watch advertisements, so building trust and engaging them is critical. “Creativity is important, but that’s not all,” Jin said. “Everything around a campaign is equally important—the strategies, the research, and all the elements should be there for the creatives to thrive. Sometimes you can sit there for hours and have nothing at all.” “How can you simplify a message and really talk to your target audience?” Jin said that all the good ads have achieved good communication; however, that isn’t easily done. “I want to actively train my brain to be dynamic.” She said that strategic thinking takes years of professional experience; it is not just about smart ideas. Learning things on your own by watching all the winners of the Cannes Lions Award can be helpful, but doesn’t make you creative.

軍隊之間的年度總決賽),她擔任廣告藝術總監,參與 了高露潔旗下品牌 Irish Spring 的電視廣告。這是其中 一則於比賽轉播期間的插播廣告,該廣告在全美有高達 3,600 萬的收視率,為 Chron 網站評為前十名的「 超 級盃廣告」。Jane 作為該品牌廣告的藝術總監,於社 群媒體上,設計了一系列和網絡群眾互動創意。 創意不是唯一 一般人對廣告,並不總是抱著開放的態度,甚至有所戒 備,因此要如何突破人們的重重心防,接受其中想要傳 遞的資訊後,還願意以實際的消費行動來支持?這項心 理拉鋸戰,則由廣告創意總監衝鋒陷陣。 Jane 接受本刊專訪時,分享了許多她對於廣告產 業的獨道見解。作為一名創意總監,Jane 強調: 「 創意 很重要,卻不是唯一」,「 其周邊所有與之相關的一切都 同等重要,策略以及其他所有元素齊聚一堂,並且能夠 發揮相互扶持的效果,如此一來,才能成為一個好的戰 略。」她說: 「 坐在那裡數小時,但仍舊一無所獲 」是從

CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE The United States has the biggest advertising market, and in Jin’s view, people here are more open to being engaged by advertisements, especially when ads are fun and entertaining. Successful ads don’t try too hard to sell, but rather aim to identify with their audience in a creative way, so that the audience participates in building the advertised brand. Jin spoke about a classic advertising campaign that she especially liked—the famous Under Armor TV commercial that featured Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps. In a TV commercial, every second is precious and expensive. The Under Armor commercial shows a lot of footage of Michael Phelps doing things that are not relevant to swimming, such as eating a meal and staring at a deserted pool in someone’s backyard. From scenes of him sleeping and swimming alone in

事這項職業再正常不過的體驗了。 「 你如何將一個複雜的訊息,用一個簡潔的方式與 觀眾溝通?」Jane 表示,這是所有好的廣告必須達到的 效果,但這不是朝夕可成的功夫,「 我想將自己的腦袋 訓練得相當活躍 」,她坦言這得耗費數年的工程,需要 豐沛的實戰經驗,才能一點一滴地習得在這產業中,立 足與生存的相應技能。 動之以情的要領 「 美 國是世 上 最大 的廣 告市場,這 是 一項 無 法 爭 論 的 事 實。」Jane 分 享 到, 從 廣 告 史 上 來 看, 美 國 廣 告 獨 具 魅 力,許 多經 典 的 廣 告案,都 來自美 國。這 些 廣 告不僅 展現 產品本身,而是 成 功 運 用創 意,讓 觀 眾獲 得 參 與 感。Jane 信 手 拈 來 美 國 廣 告產 業 中, 許 多 經 典而成 功 的 行 銷 案例。其中,她分享了美國運 動品 牌 Under Armour 與蟬聯多屆奧運金牌游泳選手菲爾普 斯(Michael Phelps)的合作案。 │39

For this award-winning ad design for Nespresso, Jin used a traditional Chinese drawing genre to illustrate an idea: Coffee beans are harvested in tropical countries like India and Colombia, and when we enjoy coffee in big cities like New York, we can take a mental break from our busy lives as if traveling to an exotic place. _Courtesy of Jane Jin

the dark to the frame of him standing on the Olympic champion stand, the simple advertising copy fades in with the words: “It's what you do in the dark that puts you in the light.” Jin says that if all the details of storytelling are going in the same direction without showing any conflict or ambiguity, then the commercial will seem unreal. She explained that if advertisements can show the genuine conflicts and mundane moments in life, the commercial can be more impactful since it is true to life. These kinds of details come from the insights and observations of daily life. These observations of life and human behavior can be extremely valuable in creative advertising, according to Jin. If a commercial is instilled with an emotion or a good story, then its audience can identify with it, and it will be a successful communication. However, the search for true insight is a lifelong quest. As an award-winning art director in advertising, one who is recognized by professionals in the industry, Jin hopes that she can contribute to making an impact for the good of society. “In this industry, it is not all about creativity and ego, but also about collaborating with others.” Only through genuine hard work can one touch people’s hearts. 40│

她對於當時負責這廣告的創意總監之理念印象深 刻。商業廣告中,每一秒都下了重金成本,短短 90 秒 的廣告內,堅持呈現了許多跟「 游泳 」無關的畫面—— 像是他進食、他望著布滿落葉的戶外泳池、他就寢時等 畫面,最後的畫面則停在他一枝獨秀於賽道上,然後, 一句簡潔的廣告臺詞浮現: 「 那些你在黑暗中做的一切, 將你推向光亮。」該廣告的創意總監認為,這些細碎的 生活片刻,投射人人內心的矛盾,當你生活中所有的片 刻都指向同一個方向,儘管看似再平凡的日常,卻是引 起人們共鳴的關鍵。Jane 解釋: 「 如果能在廣告中展現 這種猶疑與不確定,反倒最真實、最能打動人。」而這一 切細節,實則源自對於人性的洞察。 Jane 強調,這些對生活、人們行為的獨到觀察, 在廣告創意中極具價值,若能在廣告中把這種人人都能 有共鳴的情感或經驗置入,才會具備成功要素。然而, 探究人心的功夫,可以是一生的課題。Jane 在業界初 試啼聲,便廣受業內人士的認可,她期許自己能始終保 有「 真誠 」,並且讓自己成為在團隊中能發揮價值的夥 伴,「 在這產業中最重要的不僅是有創意,另一項要點 在於你如何和他人一起合作。」她深知在這項產業中, 所有努力只為了成就一個成功且能打動人心的創意。



TIPS FOR CAMPING 露營趣 國家公園周邊露營小貼士


By Juliette Fairley


hen Mark Koep first started camping with his family 12 years ago, one of his fears was being attacked by a bear. “We've seen black bears invading trash cans, but that's about it,” Koep said in an interview. “There's not a lot of danger when you're out camping, especially when there's a lot of people in the campground, just because animals shy away from that.” Although bears are rare, Koep said he has seen other wildlife emerge from the surrounding forest

12年前,當Mark Koep剛開始跟家人一起露營時,他最擔 心的事,就是被熊攻擊。Mark Koep是美國著名營地搜 索網站「 營地視界 」 (Campground Views)的創辦人。 「 我們看過黑熊翻垃圾桶,但也就這樣了,」Koep在一 次採訪中表示。「 在外露營並沒有那麼危險,尤其是營區 裡還有很多露營客,其實這樣動物就不太敢靠近了。」 雖然露營時很少見到熊,Koep 說,不過還是看過 別種野生動物在營地外的森林裡徘徊。「 我們在營區附 近看過麋鹿、山獅和狼,不過從沒感受到生命威脅,」 他說,「 每次看見他們,總是感到又敬畏又驚喜。」 │41

at campsites. “We have seen moose, mountain lions, and wolves in and around campgrounds, but never in a threatening way,” he said. “There was always a sense of awe and amazement to see them.” Koep and his family are among the 10.1 million households who camped in 2020, according to a Kampgrounds of America study. “We already had growth in camping, but then COVID just accelerated it,” Koep said in an interview. “With the loss of other types of travel, camping became a fallback; plus it has the benefits of you’re relatively isolated, so you're able to stay distant from people, and you're able to go out into remote areas.” 根據美國野營協會(Kampgrounds of America, Inc.,簡稱 KOA)在 2020 年發表的數據,美國有 1,010 萬戶左右的露營家庭,而 Koep 和他的家人也是其中的 一員。「 本來露營人數就在成長中,而疫情讓露營客變 得更多了,」Koep 在採訪中表示。「 因為其他旅遊方式 都被限制了,很多人退而求其次選擇露營,再加上,露 營的時候幾乎與世隔絕,在維持社交距離同時,也可以 去外面透透氣。」

Koep, who founded the resource site Campground Views based on his camping experience, expects campsites to be packed this year now that COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted state by state. “A lot of the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands where you can camp for free by just parking off the side of a road are going to see record numbers of people,” he said. For newcomers to the campsite scene, Koep offers the following tips.

在許多州針對防疫規範逐漸撤銷的情況下,「 很多由森 林局或土地管理局管理的免費營區,可能會迎來破紀錄 的造訪量,」Koep 說。同時提供了幾個實用建議: 再次電訪營地 當營區管理人員告訴你,接下來的2~6個月營位都訂滿 了,可以過一陣子再打回去問。「 可能過個週末,就會有 人取消預定,」Koep說,「 常有人提早預訂,又在最後 一分鐘取消。全美有超過百萬個露營區,但露營者不超 過百萬人,總之,一定可以找到空營位的。」

Check Again. When campgrounds tell you they're booked two to six months out, call back. “They may have just had a few cancellations for the weekend,” Koep said. “Generally, people are booking up campgrounds, but then the trend we're seeing is cancellations at the last second. There are about a million campsites nationwide, and there's never going to be a million people camping. So there's always availability.”


擴大尋找營地的範圍 從洛磯山、黃石、優勝美地和大提頓等知名國家公園內 的營區向外拓展。「 在黃石公園之類的國家公園裡的營區 非常少,但往外擴展半徑50英里的範圍之後,就能找到 上百個露營地,」他說。「 雖然需要多花點心思研究,但 一定可以找到的。」


Broaden Your Search. Look for campsites outside of major national parks such as Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Grand Teton. “There's a handful of campgrounds inside Yellowstone National Park and other national parks, but if you do a 50-mile-radius search around Yellowstone, there are literally hundreds of campgrounds,” he said. “It may require a bit more research, but you can always find a campsite in the surrounding area.”

Check State Fire Restrictions. Ask before transporting firewood across state lines. “Some states don’t allow it,” he said. “Research and understand the rules of where you're going before you get there so that you don't inadvertently do something that causes damage to the area.” 自行攜帶野炊爐 「 如果你開RV,那麼車上一定有爐子或微波爐,甚至 可能連烤爐都有。而帳篷的話,你可能會帶個科曼野炊

Bring a Propane Stove for Tent Camping. “If you're in an RV, you'll have a stove or microwave in the RV and maybe even a power-appropriate barbecue. And in a tent, generally, you’ll have a Coleman camping stove that's propane powered,” Koep said. “Sometimes you can cook on a fire at a campsite, but there's usually a lot of fire restrictions in the summertime, especially out west.”

爐,而那就需要以丙烷為燃料,」Koep說。「 有候你可 以在營地用真的柴火做飯,不過有不少營區,特別是在 西部地區,夏季時有許多用火限制。」 了解州際限制與規定 跨州露營時,務必先了解木柴運輸的規則。「 有些州禁止 運輸柴火,」Koep說。「 在出發之前,多了解你要去的 地方,才不會不小心破壞當地環境。」 ( 防範當地自然生 態遭外來物種入侵)



THE JEWELED BIRDS OF SOUTH AMERICA The Hummingbird as muse in the works of Martin Johnson Heade 南美瑰寶 點睛之筆 ——馬丁‧約翰遜‧海德筆下的蜂鳥 By Jeff Perkin


加拿大民謠大師萊昂納德 · 科恩(Leonard Cohen)曾 這樣描述蜂鳥: 「 我一直很喜愛這些嬌小的生命,每次看 見就覺得無比幸福,牠們有種奇妙的魅力。」 蜂鳥是美洲大陸的一顆明珠,它們在樹林裡穿梭哼 唱,羽毛五光十色,令人思緒萬千。蜂鳥宛如鳥類王國 的仙子,嬌小俏麗,純真靈動,超凡脫俗。牠們在花叢 中輕快地飛著,一不留神兒,就懸停到了另一朵花旁, 把細長的喙伸進花朵採蜜。蜂鳥因其獨特的外型、高超 的飛行技術,經常出現在花鳥畫中,近年又成為了商業 商標的靈感,我們在花卉業、園藝界、繪畫界都可以找 到蜂鳥的「 粉絲 」。 19 世 紀 的 美 國 畫 家 馬 丁· 約 翰 遜 · 海 德(Martin Johnson Heade)曾坦言自己是蜂鳥的狂熱愛好者: 「我 自小就對蜂鳥情有獨鍾,童年時的某天,對牠們的愛湧 上心頭,至今未曾改變。」懷揣著這份喜愛,海德從美國 東海岸跋涉至巴西熱帶雨林,終其一生繪出蜂鳥百態。 雖然在海德之前,已有畫家以蜂鳥為主題創作,但他是 首位踏上「 朝聖之旅 」、親自觀察南美洲蜂鳥的美國藝 術家。 海德 1819 年出生於賓州 Lumberville,師從愛德 華 · 希克斯(Edward Hicks),22 歲時在賓夕法尼亞美 術學會展出肖像《小女孩》(Portrait of a Little Girl), 這是他的畫作首秀。隨後,海德的興趣漸漸由肖像轉為


I always loved those little creatures, always feeling blessed when they appeared nearby. There’s a magical quality to them.”—Canadian musician Leonard Cohen Hummingbirds are a source of endless fascination for people throughout the Americas. With their graceful, rapid movements and shining spectrum of colors, hummingbirds are one of life’s intrinsic pleasures to behold. Like fairies of the ornithological world, they embody a certain innocence or ethereal essence in their small, fragile forms as they flit from flower to flower, on imperceptible wings, repeatedly plunging their long, thin beaks into the nectars of life. Their unique and appealing features have long made them the subject of artistic adoration and commerce, transcending borders and uniting enthusiasts of art and garden decoration alike. Nineteenth-century American artist Martin Johnson Heade was a hummingbird adorer of the highest degree. In his own words, Heade admitted, “From early boyhood, I have been almost a monomaniac on hummingbirds. … A few years after my appearance in this breathing world, I was attacked by the all-absorbing hummingbird craze

Left: Black-Breasted Plovercrest by Martin Johnson Heade, ca. 1863–1864. Oil on canvas. Right: Black-Eared Fairy by Martin Johnson Heade, ca. 1863–1864. Oil on canvas. _Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

and it has never left me since.” This obsession stayed with him until the end of his life and led him from the eastern United States all the way to the jungles of Brazil in pursuit of these tiny subjects. While not the first to depict hummingbirds in paintings, he was the first American artist to make this pilgrimage to study and paint the hummingbirds of South America from observation. Born in Lumberville, Pennsylvania, in 1819, Heade was trained by painter Edward Hicks and made his professional debut at the age of 22 when his painting Portrait of a Little Girl was exhibited

風景畫,而《小女孩》作品現下落不明。他喜歡欣賞波詭 雲譎的景色,尤其擅長繪畫鹽沼和大海,畫作中對光影 變化、氛圍的把握廣受好評。 1863 年,海德啟程前往南美洲,追尋兒時的熱愛, 專攻以蜂鳥為主題的風景畫。出發時,美國牧師 James Fletcher 曾對海德說: 「 我向你保證,蜂鳥在巴西隨處 可見,而且品種繁多,但據說在北美洲,從墨西哥到北 緯 57 度只有一種蜂鳥。」Fletcher 牧師在其著的巴西 旅遊指南中提到,不過他的說法並不完全正確——事實 是,生活在中美洲和南美洲的蜂鳥共有 350 多種,而北 美洲則有十幾種。


Cattleya Orchid and Three Hummingbirds by Martin Johnson Heade, circa 1871. Oil on wood. Gift of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation. _National Gallery of Art

at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. The painting’s current location is unknown, and before long, he generally lost his interest in portraits. Landscape painting became a suitable match for Heade’s proclivity for moving and changing scenery. In this new artistic chapter, he began to specialize in paintings of salt marshes and seascapes. His works were recognized particularly in their mastery of atmosphere, light, and changing weather conditions. In 1863, Heade set out to fulfill the passions of his childhood by focusing his landscape abilities on South America and particularly on paradisal paintings of


皇天不負苦心人,三次探險中,海德才思泉湧,產 出的佳作不勝枚舉。首次前往巴西的途中,他創作的繪 畫 多 達 45 幅, 其 中 包 括《巴 西 瑰 寶》(The Gems of Brazil)系列。海德大膽運用鮮豔的色彩,突出蜂鳥「 寶 石般 」絢麗的羽毛。對此,法國作家 J.Hector St. John de Crevecoeur 曾放言: 「 再大膽、創新的畫家、再豐 富的調色板,也繪不出蜂鳥的斑斕。」南美熱帶雨林的 異域風情讓西方世界浮想聯翩,很多人甚至相信,伊甸 園就藏在南美萬花筒般的熱帶雨林某個角落。 海德立志成為一名探險家,他不畏路途艱險,在熱 帶雨林裡潛心研究蜂鳥,終成為了最前沿的專家之一。 藝 術史學 家 Robert G. McIntyre 對 海 德 稱 讚 有 加:

hummingbirds. The Rev. James Fletcher, an American missionary and author of a Brazilian guidebook, pointed Heade toward Brazil, assuring him, “Everywhere throughout Brazil this little winged gem, in many varieties, abounds, while in North America, from Mexico to the 57th degree of latitude, it is said that there is but one species of hummingbird.” Fletcher was incorrect about this last fact (there are over a dozen), but was correct in his general sentiment since, by comparison, there are over 350 species of hummingbirds that live in Central and South America. The daring decision to journey abroad paid off immensely for Heade’s level of inspiration and productivity. On the first of three trips he made to Brazil, Heade produced an incredible 45 paintings, including a series known as The Gems of Brazil. He used vibrant colors to showcase the birds’ “jewel-like” feathers, about which French writer J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur hyperbolically remarked, “The richest pallet of the most luxuriant painter could never invent anything to be compared to the variegated tints with which this insect-bird is arrayed.” The exotically abundant jungles of South America understandably captured the imagination of the Western world to the extent that theories began to be popularized that Eden existed somewhere in the kaleidoscopic rain forests of the south.

Top: Hooded Visorbearer by Martin Johnson Heade, circa 1863–1864. Oil on canvas. Bottom: Brazilian Ruby by Martin Johnson Heade, ca. 1863– 1864. Oil on canvas. _Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art


To be compared with John James Audubon was a pinnacle of success since Audubon’s greatest work, The Birds of America, was an artistic achievement pivotal to ornithology. In subsequent years, Heade began incorporating another exotic and popular group of subjects into his paintings—orchids. Without failing to please, his paintings continued to specialize in beautifully depicting hummingbirds alongside orchids, set against lush backdrops. Toward the end of his life, he lived in Saint Augustine, Florida, and began to paint landscapes of the marsh and swampland. It was there that he died on September 4, 1904. Though his works had fallen out of popular attention at the time of his death, his dedication to carefully documenting the details and peculiarities of hummingbirds has earned him a respected place in art history forever. Art historian Robert G. McIntyre further espoused this sentiment when he wrote: Heade stands aloof from his fellows, an isolated phenomenon in the ebb and flow of his time, sharing with none but nature his deepest thoughts. He dedicated his whole being to nature: She was his thesis, in the writing of which, though he sometimes faltered, he never ceased to persevere. She was also his swan song, for he painted almost as he died. Amethyst Woodstar by Martin Johnson Heade, ca. 1863–1864. Oil on canvas. _Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

「 哈佛大學比 較 動 物學博 物 館 的 Ludlow Griscom 先 生表示,海德的藝術造詣在某種程度上,甚至超過了奧 杜邦。」奧杜邦(John James Audubon)是著名鳥類 博物學家,他的鳥類圖鑑 《美國鳥類》是鳥類學的巔峰之

Heade aspired to be a bold adventurer, braving the wild of the rain forest to study these birds and to be regarded as among their foremost experts. Art historian Robert G. McIntyre honored him greatly when he reported: As a painter of hummingbirds, Heade … has been pronounced by Mr. Ludlow Griscom, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, better, in some respects, than the great Audubon. This comparison is significant, for, if the hummingbirds of Heade are to be classed with the accomplishments of Audubon, they alone entitle him to an eminent place in the history of American art, even had he painted nothing else.


作,被譽為「 美國國寶」。將海德的成就與奧杜邦的相 提並論,意義重大,就算海德一生中只畫過蜂鳥,他也 會在美國藝術史上占有一席之地。 在創作中後期,海德開始畫蘭花,為自己的蜂鳥畫 又添了幾分異域風情。畫中鬱鬱蔥蔥的雨林裡,精巧的 蜂鳥在蘭花旁飛躍,令人心曠神怡。海德晚年居住在佛 羅里達州的聖奧古斯丁,在他筆下,當地的沼澤和溼地 顯得十分靜謐。 1904 年 9 月 4 日,海德於佛州逝世。 雖然他晚年的作品得到的關注寥寥無幾,他 對蜂鳥精 湛的描繪與為藝術的奉獻精神,在藝術史上永不磨滅。 McIntyre 曾如此評價: 「 與同時期的畫家相比,海德特 立獨行,不隨波逐流,只在大自然中尋找心靈的共鳴。 他將一生獻給了大自然,偶有動搖,但堅持不懈。大自 然也啟發了海德的落幕之作,陪伴他直至人生的終點。」

Two Hummingbirds With Their Young by Martin Johnson Heade, circa 1865. Oil on canvas. Gift of Jerald Dillon Fessenden. _Yale University Art Gallery



PRESERVING OUR POLLINATORS Why protecting bees is critical to the health of our ecosystem and food supply

養蜂之必要 蜜蜂保育對生態與糧食供應的影響

By Kelly Frey




hey fly at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour, flapping their two sets of wings up to 15,000 times per minute. Covering a radius of three to four miles, and visiting up to 5,000 f lowers per day, these tiny creatures are responsible for pollinating up to one-third of the world’s fruits and vegetables. Many have a lifespan of about six weeks, but in that time, they might travel the equivalent of around the world and then some. They manufacture all their own building materials, and they live together in colonies of up to 50,000 or more, dividing up chores without argument. They all ultimately pay service to the queen, who mates only once in her lifetime but can lay approximately 2,000 eggs a day. These amazing creatures are scientifically identified a s Apis mel lifera , more commonly known as honey bees, and their existence is vital to our world. Honey bees are not the only pollinators contributing to the wonders of nature and reproduction of plants. Many other insects also fill that role, as do some birds and mammals. The yellowa nd-bla ck bumblebee is known for pollinating fruit trees and small crops, as are the wasp, the hornet, and even some mosquito species. Surprisingly, the beetle contributes significantly to the task of pollination, while the most beautiful pollinator is the butterfly. Moving outside the insect world, pollinators exist in birds like the hummingbird, or in arid parts of the country , the white-winged dove, which specializes in pollinating cactus species. In mammals, the nocturnal bat contributes to the cause, as do some marsupials, and even a few rodent species. In tropical climates, the lizard plays a role. However, insects make up the largest group of pollinators, especially those within the bee family—and it is a rather large family. Although human-managed honey bees are most popular, there are wild bees and

他們的飛行速度最高為每小時20英里,每分鐘揮動兩對 小翅膀的次數高達15,000次,在半徑約3到4平方英里的 範圍內拜訪5,000朵花。這些小小的生物,負擔了世界上 近三分之一的花朵及果實的授粉任務。他們平均壽命僅約 6週,不過,在這段短短的時間裡,他們的飛行距離可能 等同於地球圓周長,甚至更長。牠們自己製造所有築巢所 需的材料,大約50,000隻左右構成一個群落,各自分工 合作且不起爭端。牠們都是女王的屬下,女王一生只交配 一次但每天可產下近2,000顆卵。 如果讀到這邊你還沒猜到的話,這種了不起的生物 在生物分類中的學名為「Apis mellifera」,以「 蜜蜂 」之 名廣為人知,牠們是這世上不可或缺的存在。 不過,蜜蜂也非世上唯一對大自然及植物繁衍具有 重要貢獻的授粉者。許多昆 蟲,甚至鳥類、哺乳類也肩 負著這項任務。除了黃黑相 間的熊蜂,還有胡蜂、虎頭 蜂,甚至某些種類的蚊子, 也能幫果樹和小型作物傳遞 花粉。令人意外的是,甲蟲 類對植物授粉亦功不可沒, 而自然界內公認最美授粉者 則非蝴蝶莫屬。 除了昆蟲之外,有些鳥 類,如蜂鳥,也是授粉者; 在較乾燥的地區,白翅哀鴿 會為仙人掌科植物授粉。哺 乳類當中,蝙蝠、部分有袋 類甚至有些嚙齒類都能為植 物傳遞花粉。在熱帶地區, 蜥蜴則扮演授粉者的角色。 也就是說,授粉者中占 最大比例的就是昆蟲了,更 具體地說,是蜂家族——而 蜂家族種類繁多龐雜。雖然 人為飼養的蜜蜂是最受歡迎的,蜂家族還有許多野生蜂, 以及不同種類、更具地域性的壁蜂、果園蜂等成員。各蜂 種獨特而迥異,但都同樣重要,也同樣面臨著都市擴張及 殺蟲劑的威脅。大多數農場主人都能告訴你,多樣化的授 粉方式能為作物帶來最好的產出。 蜜蜂巧妙 各有不同 儘管每當提到理想中的環境保育和平衡生態系統時,總 有人提起蜜蜂,然而,最受歡迎的授粉者卻不一定是最 有效率的。有時,在地的物種反而能在小範圍中更快地 授粉。根據美國中西部養蜂專家Jeff Maddox的說法, 要想為家庭式小花園或者一畝大小的果園授粉,交給地 區性的蜂類來做會更恰當,如藍壁蜂。同樣的,由熊蜂 │51

many varieties of area-specific mason and orchard bees. Each species is different and unique, and yet all have faced challenges with the emergence of urbanization and pesticide use. All, however, are equally important, and most crop owners will testify that a diversified pollination effort always yields the best harvest.

為一個溫室授粉是再適合不過的了,他們能迅速地為小 範圍內的植物傳遞花粉。 不過,由於蜜蜂巢比許多在地蜂類及其他昆蟲的家 大上數百倍,撇除效率問題,蜜蜂即是大範圍授粉的首 選。他們在長距離授粉中別具優勢,一旦散開,就像一 個大型軍隊一樣,能在商業果園或廣闊的農田中傳遞花 粉。由於他們可以被養在蜂箱中,讓專業養蜂人照顧起 來更輕鬆,更容易繁殖,也讓搬運蜂群變得更容易。

NOT ALL BEES ARE CREATED EQUAL Even though honey bees get the most “buzz” when it comes to romanticizing the idea of preserving our environment and balancing the ecosystem, the favored pollinator isn’t always the most efficient. In many cases, species more native to a particular area can pollinate a small space faster and with fewer bees. Pollinating a family garden or small one-acre orchard, for instance, might actually be a job better-suited for regional area bees like the blue mason bee, according to Jeff Maddox, a professional beekeeper in the Midwest. Similarly, pollination within a greenhouse is handled best by the bumblebee. These insects pollinate small areas quickly and then return back to their homes. But the sheer size of a honey bee hive, which can outnumber native bees and other insects a hundred-fold or more, makes the honey bee the pollinator of choice for big jobs, regardless of hive efficiency. They hold the overall advantage of long-range 52│

「 他們能成為高效率的授粉者,因為他們的數量龐 大,」Maddox 說。 「 我們能輕鬆地把有 30,000 隻蜜蜂 的蜂巢運到不同的農田或果園,而且相較於其他授粉者, 牠們更能勝任這項工作。」 如何成功並有效地授粉固然重要,但「 授粉 」對農 業經濟本身的重要性,更是不容忽視。在農夫市集和超 市中,最受人歡迎的蔬果都倚賴著蜜蜂幫忙授粉。藍莓、 桑椹、櫻桃、蘋果、桃子、梨子和西瓜等,都非常需要 蜜蜂把花粉從一朵花帶到另一朵花上。蔬菜,像是瓜類、 酪梨、南瓜、甜椒和小黃瓜等;堅果類,如巴西堅果、 夏威夷豆和杏仁,都同樣仰賴蜜蜂授粉。 為這些作物授粉對人而言是至關重要的,因此,終 年溫暖的州,必須仰賴養蜂人在較冷的州下雪時,把蜜 蜂連蜂帶巢送過去。這能帶來兩個好處:溫暖的氣候能 讓這些來自寒冷地區的蜂群在此度冬,變得更加強壯, 同時,當加州聖華金谷的杏仁花開時,這些蜜蜂的進駐, 也能幫助提高授粉率,讓產量大大提高。 不僅如此, 「 除了幫農田作物授粉,別忘了,我們的 畜禽跟野生動物的食物,也是需要由蜜蜂傳遞花粉的,」

pollination, spreading out like a massive army over large-scale commercial orchards or expansive farm crops. The fact that they can be maintained and cultivated in bee boxes allows for easy reproduction under the care of a good beekeeper, and it certainly makes transporting them ideal as well. “They are the most effective pollinators simply because there are more of them,” Maddox said. “We can move one or more hives of 30,000 honey bees to a crop field or fruit orchard, and they can get the job done better than other pollinators.” Perhaps more important than getting the job done is simply the importance of the job itself. Many of the fruits and vegetables we regularly shop for at our local farmer’s market or grocery store are dependent upon the honey bee. Blueberries, blackberries, cherries, apples, peaches, pears, and watermelon are highly dependent on bees carrying pollen from one flower to the next. Vegetables such as squash, avocados, pumpkins, peppers, and cucumbers also rely heavily on honey bee pollination, as do many of our nuts, such as the Brazil nut, macadamia nut, and almond. The pollination of these crops is so crucial that states with warm climates year-round rely on apiarists from cooler climate states to bring in their hives during the deep winter months. The tradeoff is twofold: The warmer weather strengthens the out-of-state hives, and the rotation helps where extra bee-power is needed, for example, among the almond crops of San Joaquin Valley, California. There’s more. “In addition to pollinating food crops, don’t forget that our livestock and wildlife forage for food that is also pollinated by bees,” Maddox said. That encapsulates the integral role played by pollinators across our entire ecosystem—and testifies to the miracle of nature that is packaged into one tiny insect. Although this type of pollination is often overlooked, conservationists and professional beekeepers like Maddox have largely been educating the general public about the critical role these tiny creatures play. The effort began after studies in 2006 revealed huge declines in bee populations due to the varroa mite, a parasite that carries viruses and feeds on honey bees. After another sharp decline was detected in 2018— a staggering 40 percent of the population—education and preservation efforts ramped up even more. Greater awareness has helped bee populations recover. However, the pollinators continue to struggle.

Maddox 表示。這也概括地描述了授粉者在整個地球生 態系中所扮演的角色,同時,也代表這個大自然的奧妙 環節,竟然維繫在一隻小小昆蟲的身上。 儘管野生植物的授粉常被忽略,但生態保育人士 和養蜂專家們經常在教育大眾這種小生物在生態中扮演 的重要角色,特別是在 2006 年時,一份研究報告揭示 了蜂群由於受到一種攜帶病毒的寄生蟲——蜜蜂蜂蟹 蟎 (varroa mite)的影響而數量銳減。 2018 年,科學家們 再度發現蜂群數量又下降了 40%,減少幅度驚人,這也 促使教育大眾及蜜蜂保育的工作顯得刻不容緩。 當喚起社會大眾對此議題的重視後,蜜蜂數量便有 所回升,然而,這些授粉者仍為了生存掙扎著。就如同 公司裁員後,每個留任者的工作量都增加了一樣,工蜂 在整體數量銳減的狀況下,工作量也變大了。 「 蜂 」潮崛起 許多人養蜂雖是出於興趣,但仍能幫忙解決蜂群面臨的 困境。越來越多人開始關注蜜蜂,加上近期開始流行採 野蜜,或許,這就是為什麼在自家後院養蜂逐漸盛行的 原因吧! 後院養蜂絕對是最近的新「 蜂 」潮,但養蜂可不只是 抓幾隻蜜蜂,裝進箱子裡,安放在院子角落,然後祈禱 牠們活下來這麼簡單。蜜蜂所需的照護就跟養動物一樣, 而且照顧得越好,他們長得越好。 身為一個資深養蜂人及養蜂機構負責人,Maddo 致 力於蜜蜂保育已逾 20 年。他花很多時間幫助養蜂人,同


Like a workforce downsized from a company that continues to demand output, the worker bees continue the immense job of pollinating and producing.

時也在培訓新的養蜂人如何照顧好蜜蜂和建立健康的蜂 巢。Maddox 將他所熟知的專業知識傳遞出去,例如, 如何確保蜜蜂有足夠的存糧過冬,還有在春天繁殖季到 來時如何分蜂等。

THE BUZZ ON BEEKEEPING Joining forces with them are beekeepers, or apiarists, many of whom are hobbyists yet can help bees and their plight. A growing empathy for bees, along with the latest craze of harvesting wild honey as a hobby, is perhaps why the word is out that caring for a swarm of stinging insects in your backyard might actually be a sweet deal. Although backyard bees are definitely one of the latest buzz activities, handling bees requires much more than gathering some into a box, placing it in the far corner of your lot, and hoping the bees survive. Honey bees require attention just like any other animal or herd, and they will do better if tended to properly. When not in the field himself, Maddox spends a great majority of his time helping local apiarists, and training new beekeepers how to do just that: care for the bees and build healthy hives. Maddox passes on his expertise by teaching how to provide enough food storage for the winter, and the art of splitting hives during the spring when bees reproduce. A veteran beekeeper himself and long-time president of his beekeeping organization, Maddox has been working to preserve bees for more than 20 years. In the Midwest, where Maddox is based, winters can be challenging and rainfall sporadic. But he explained that every part of the country has its own challenges for beekeepers and their hives. Climate, elevation, soil, and rainfall affect how best to maintain hive numbers. “Beekeeping is just like gardening because bees depend on the same ingredients that plants do, and just like a garden, they need to be tended to and cared for, Maddox said. What might the world look like without bees or beekeepers? Maddox explained that managed honey bees help fully pollinate a crop or orchard, as well as ensure that fruits like apples that require multiple pollinations are adequately covered, so “without bees, we would have a lower quantity of food, and lesser quality of food.” Statistics show this to be true. According to the American Beekeeping Federation, honey bees 54│

Maddox 主要在美國中西部活動,這裡的冬天很難 熬,降雨也很零星。但他解釋,對養蜂人和蜂群而言, 每個地區都有該處獨特的挑戰。氣候、海拔、土壤和降 雨,在在影響著蜂群的數量。「 養蜂就像種花,因為蜜 蜂和植物都仰賴著相同的東西,」Maddox 表示,「 而 蜂巢也跟花園一樣,需要細心照料。」 如果世界上沒有蜜蜂和養蜂人,會變成什麼樣子? Maddox 解釋,人為管理蜜蜂能協助作物或果園完 整授粉,同時也能滿足蘋果這類需要多重授粉作物的需 求。所以, 「 沒有蜜蜂,食物的產量和品質都會下降。」 數據證實了他的說法。根據美國養蜂聯盟的資料,蜜蜂 藉由提高農作物的產能及品質,為美國農業貢獻了相當 於 200 億美金的經濟效益。這些數據最終轉化為食品架 上的蔬果,經過買菜籃,進到我們的廚房和餐廳。 蜜蜂代言人 要想擔起復育蜜蜂的責任,不需要每個人都在後院裡放 個蜂巢。Maddox指出,有幾個實際的作法每個人都可以 做到,能幫助的不僅是蜜蜂,連其他種類的昆蟲、動物、 以及生態系中的關鍵生物,都能受惠。Maddox鼓勵人 們多種植物,特別是蜜源植物。 人們許多日常行為,如庭園美化,不經意間都會破 壞蜜蜂的自然生存環境。Maddox 建議大家多種植當地 原生植物,並且不要添加化肥,讓草皮維持在有蒲公英、 酢漿草和苔蘚的天然狀態下,捨棄過去那種人工草皮。 「 我們必須改變漂亮草皮在人們心中的刻板印象,」 Maddox 為蜜蜂辯護, 「 捨棄那種單一品種、化肥養大的 綠草皮,多多種植原生植草和花卉,以環境友善的方式, 孕育生態豐富的庭園。」 Maddox 也鼓勵大家種植香草植物,就算沒有庭院 也不要緊。香草能生長在較小的空間,或長在陽臺花盆 裡,而且每個人都可以種。 「 照顧香草植物很簡單,」他 說。 「 迷迭香、俄勒岡草、羅勒之類的都很適合,對蜜蜂 也都很有益處,而且還可以點綴您的盤中美食。」 Maddox 也進到學校去,一面教育小學生,一面展 示著,只要簡單地轉變一點想法就能事半功倍。他告訴 他們,保護蜜蜂,小學生也辦得到。他們可以在窗邊種 幾盆香草,然後用自己彩繪的石頭裝飾水盆。香草會引 來蜜蜂,提供蜜源,並且傳遞花粉。而布置了彩繪石頭 的水盆,則能讓蜜蜂短暫停留,喝水休息。 「 孩子們可以直接在窗戶邊直接觀察到一個小型的生 態系統!」Maddox 說, 「 能近距離觀察這些屁股上有刺 的小昆蟲,讓孩子更能體悟到萬物彼此連結的道理。」


contribute nearly $20 billion to U.S. crop production through increasing yields and ensuring superior quality. This translates into the massive stocks of produce that show up in our grocery stores, end up in our carts, and are consumed in our restaurants and kitchens. BE A BEE ADVOCATE Sharing in the work of preserving our pollinators doesn’t require that everyone maintain a bee box in the yard. Maddox states that there are several practical things people can do that help not just bees, but other important insects, animals, and key contributors to our ecosystem: He said to plant more plants— those that support foraging. With human activity such as landscaping, bees’ natural habitats are getting destroyed. Maddox recommended that homeowners plant flowering plants native to the area, and keep unfertilized lawns that contain dandelion, clover, and other sedges, rather than the traditional manicured lawn. “We need to change the image of what a pretty lawn looks like,” Maddox said in defense of the tiny pollinators. “Changing from the perfectly manicured, fertilized green lawn to an eco-friendly diversified

landscape of natural grasses and flowers would go a long way for our environment.” Maddox also suggests planting an herb garden, even for those with minimal or no lawn space. Herbs can grow in a small space and can be housed on a back deck or patio, opening up the project to just about everyone. “Herbs are easy,” he stated. “Rosemary, oregano, basil, or any number of other herbs—they’re all good for the bees, and good for utilizing when it comes time to fixing a meal as well.” While Maddox was speaking about bees to a group of elementary-age students, he exhibited how a few simple mindset changes can go a long way. He told them that they can help save the bees by planting a few herbs in a window box and placing their colorfully-painted rocks in a watering pan. The herbs attract the bees, helping them forage and thus pollinate, while the colorful rocks provide a place for them to perch momentarily while sipping water. “[Children] can watch a microcosm of nature at work right outside their window,” Maddox said. “Catching small glimpses of it through the work of a tiny stinging insect reminds us of creation’s interconnectedness.” │55


Farmhouse Charm A Luxury Hotel in Ibiza 地中海「田園」時光 伊維薩島度假酒店

By Beth Hendricks Pictures courtesy of Cas Gasi


careful restoration turned a 19th-century country house in Ibiza, Spain, into an idyllic hotel getaway. Miles away from the ordinary, yet mere minutes from the glitz and glam, Ibiza has become world-famous for a quaint hotel in a picturesque valley. Nestled amid sumptuous orchards and olive trees, Cas Gasi is a 19th-century Spanish country house that was transformed from a private residence to a luxury hotel more than two decades ago. Its whitewashed exterior is surrounded by lush vegetation, while the interior is resplendent in warm hues, handpainted tiles, and Moroccan-inspired textiles. Known for its privacy as well as its proximity to the sparkling nightlife, Cas Gasi is a favorite of loyal visitors who return to the carefully curated 12-room property time after time. “The original farmhouse is from 1880, and it belonged to the family whose name it still has, the Gasi family,” according to Cas Gasi Founder and Director Margaret von Korff. The main house contained five rooms, while adjoining structures included animal pens and spaces to store tools, carts, and carriages. According to Balearic law, the eldest son of the Gasi family would become the primary recipient of the family’s inheritance, including the farmhouse. 56│

西班牙伊維薩島(Ibiza)一座19世紀的鄉間別墅,經過 精心修復,成了田園詩畫般的度假勝地。 遠 離日常 的 喧 囂, 並 且 距 離 舉 世 聞 名 的 派 對 勝 地——伊維薩島,僅有幾分鐘的路程,這家古色古香的 酒店,座落於風景如畫的山谷中。建築本身曾是一座 19 世紀建成的鄉間別墅,現為 Cas Gasi 酒店,約莫二十 多年前,從私人住宅轉型為豪華酒店,隱身於茂密的果 園和橄欖樹叢中 。酒店外部粉刷過的牆為植被所包圍, 而內部的暖色調、手繪瓷磚和摩洛哥風格的紡織品而熠 熠生輝。 Cas Gasi 以其私密性和鄰近多姿多彩的夜生 活而聞名,是許多一再回訪的遊客最愛,酒店精心打造 的 12 間客房令其回味無窮。 「 最初的農莊別墅建於 1880 年,屬於現在酒店仍 在沿用的家族名,即 Gasi 家族,」Cas Gasi 創始人兼 董事瑪格麗特 · 馮科爾夫(Margaret von Korff)說。 這座傳統的「finca」——字面意思為「 莊園 」,指的是 西 班牙鄉 村的一塊 土地,通常帶有農莊別墅或 農舍小 屋——主屋有五間房,附近還有動物農場和存放工具、 手推車和馬車的空間。 根據巴利阿里(Balearic)當地的法律,最初 Gasi 家族的長子為其家族遺產的主要繼承人,其中就包括這 幢農莊別墅。他後來將房產賣給了馬略卡島(Mallorca) 上的一個人,而後該名買主又想轉手他人——他想尋找 一位不僅會買下房子,而且會愛上它的人。 當馮科爾夫和她的丈夫路易斯 · 特里格羅斯(Luis Trigueros)第一次進入這所房子時,就對其「 一見鍾

Cas Gasi, a 19thcentury Spanish country house that was transformed from a private residence to a luxury hotel, has become a wellknown tourist spot.


He eventually sold the property to a person from Mallorca, who later also wished to sell it and looked for someone who would not simply buy the home, but fall in love with it. When von Korff and her husband, Luis Trigueros, entered the house for the first time, it was “love at first sight,” von Korff said. “Was it luck, or was it fate?” she wondered. In 1989, they bought the property, a traditional “finca”—literally meaning estate, a piece of land in the Spanish countryside, usually with a farmhouse or cottage. Von Korff described the house as being in relatively good condition at the time. Thick whitewashed stone walls protected it from both harsh hot and cold temperatures. Sabina beams held the flat roof, designed to collect rainwater and move it to a cistern. Small windows let in natural light. Yet the roof required restoration, and humidity presented 58│

情」 , 「是運氣,還是命運?」她說自己當時是這麼想的, 他們在 1989 年購入了這座房產。馮科爾夫表示,這棟 房子當時的狀況相對較好,粉刷過的厚石牆能保護它免 受嚴冬酷暑的影響。用香柏木樹製成的橫梁支撐著平 屋頂,旨在收集雨水並導入蓄水池。小型窗戶讓自然光 灑進。然而,屋頂亟待修復,室內的溼度也是個問題。 他們當初帶著兩個年幼的孩子,將其作為私人住宅,從 未想到過,這個家會成為今天地中海的度假勝地。 「 重新建造比修復更難,」馮科爾夫說。「 傳統的元 素與比例調配,是保留建築靈魂的基礎。在建築師整合 彼此的想法和觀點下,每天持續進行部分的修復工作, 我們則在旁引導。」馮科爾夫表示,努力永遠不嫌多,也 不應忽視任何細節,團隊希望保持西班牙農莊別墅的獨 特風貌,同時避免過於花俏的元素。她說,損壞的橫梁 被換新了,但原件仍然是「 一個重要的美學元素 」。地 板用手工製作的赤土翻新,並在下面安裝了地暖。 原有占地 9 英畝的農地,包含橘園、杏仁、無花果、 刺槐和橄欖樹等植栽皆被保留,其中橄欖園,直接為酒

Top: From the indoor furnishings to outdoor furniture, the decor shows the owners’ exquisite taste. Left: Each guest room has a different atmosphere and an outdoor view.

a problem. Neither of its new owners, with two small children in tow, envisioned the home would become the Mediterranean getaway it is today; they initially thought of it only as a private home. “To build anew is more difficult than to restore,” von Korff said. “The traditional elements and proportions were fundamental to keep the soul of the house. [It was a] partial restoration, lovingly guided ... on a day-by-day basis, with the architect integrating … ideas and points of view.” No effort was too great, and no detail was too small, von Korff said, adding that the team wished to stick to the sober character of Spanish farmhouses and avoid fancy elements. Damaged beams were exchanged, yet the originals remained as “an important aesthetic element,” she said. The f loors were renewed with handmade terracotta tiles and enhanced with f loor heating beneath.

店的餐廳生產有機冷榨橄欖油。夫婦倆也希望保持農莊 與周圍鄉村之間的和諧,所以他們增加了玫瑰園、菜園、 動物農場,後來又增設了兩座游泳池。 而後,飯店主決定以「 農業生態旅遊 」為核心來經 營酒店,逐步打造與擴建相應的旅遊體驗。他們想和來 自世界各地的旅行者分享 Cas Gasi 的美麗,同時保留 了原萃,別具目的性的家居設置以及可續性。 原本的動物農舍改造成精緻的客房,並在不同階段 的改造計畫下,增設了花園、水療、瑜伽空間以及餐廳 等設施。 「 買新的很容易;但保持傳統是一種宣言,」馮科 爾夫說。她遊歷甚廣,對細節有著過人的洞察力。「 我 深信,所有事物都能經受時間的考驗,因為考驗使這些 事物更有價值,有故事可以訴說。」因此,馮科爾夫在 酒店裡擺滿了家中的古董,這些都是她父母從歐洲各國 買到的。這些獨樹一幟的家具,有當地工匠手工製作的, 也有通過伊維薩島拍賣行和古董店等高級購物場所中選 購而來的。 │59

Top: The airy kitchen space and dining area provide guests with a welcoming atmosphere. Center right: The cold-pressed olive oil was made on Cas Gasi’s farm. Center left and left: Cas Gasi’s chef makes a wide variety of cuisines, and some of the ingredients are harvested fresh from the owners’ farm.


Mrs. Von Korff, Cas Gasi founder and director, said that she wanted the hotel to represent the idea of“farmers becoming hosts to visitors.”

Orange groves and almond, fig, locust, and olive trees that were part of the original 9-acre farmland remained—the latter producing organic cold-pressed olive oil for the hotel’s restaurant. The couple also wanted to retain the existing harmony between the property and surrounding countryside, so they added rose gardens, vegetable plots, farm animals, and later, two swimming pools. As the idea to build a hotel based on agritourism was born, the goal became to share the beauty of Cas Gasi with travelers from around the world, yet maintain its authenticity, purposeful furnishings, and sustainability. Animal pens were converted into exquisite guest rooms. Gardens, a spa and yoga deck, and a restaurant were added in stages. “It is easy to buy new; it is a statement to wear old,” said von Korff, who herself is well-traveled and has a keen eye for detail. “[I am a] strong supporter of everything that has stood the test of time, since it makes it more valuable. It has something to tell.” To that end, von Korff filled the hotel with antiques from her family home, sourced by her parents from different European countries. 62│

Eclectic pieces of furniture include those handcrafted by local artisans, and others collected via a sophisticated shopping scene among Ibiza’s auction houses and antiques shops. Personal touches are apparent throughout the hotel: a kitchen that draws from the property’s vegetable gardens, and luxuries like feather pillows and fine linens. Von Korff said that she wanted Cas Gasi, which is situated on a sunny hillside, to represent the idea of “farmers becoming hosts to visitors,” despite the shift toward bespoke accommodations that promise the perfect Mediterranean escape. “We are ambassadors to the island’s culture and bounty,” she said.

酒店的 12 間客房風格各有千秋,處處都能體現屋 主的獨到眼光。此外,一座可以隨時從新鮮菜園汲取靈 感的廚房,以及精心挑選的優良寢具,無微不至的細節 帶給賓客最舒適的體驗。 坐在陽光明媚的山坡上,馮科爾夫說,她希望 Cas Gasi 能夠呈現「 讓農夫成為主人 」的理念,她自信地 說: 「 我們是島上文化及資產大使。」

德立昂冠軍團隊 屢創硅谷房產業界新標竿 美 國 房 源 平 臺 MSL 數 據 顯 示,2021 年 德 立 昂 地 產

部分都是上市一周內賣出。德立昂還多次賣出「 天價中

(DeLeon Realty)總銷售額達 11 億美金,超出排名第

的天價 」,2021 年成交價超過市場價一百多萬的共計 19

二的房產公司 2 倍多,再創硅谷房產銷售新標竿。


遙遙領先的銷售業績 【案 例 一】1807 Walnut Drive, Mountain View


屋:4Bds, 3Bths, 1750 sqft home, 7600 sqft

的排名第一,也是 2019 年全美排名第一的的房地產團

隊(《華爾街日報真趨勢》評比 )。

lot, Listed at $2,498,000 and sold at $3,700,000.

2020 年和 2021 年,德立昂未參與任何評選。但

More than $1.2M over the asking price.

在 硅 谷 地 區(Santa Clara 及 San Mateo)MLS 數 據 【案 例 二】584 Cuesta Drive, Los Altos 豪 宅:

顯示,德立昂地產團隊穩坐硅谷房產銷售 No.1 寶座。

3Bds, 2Bths, 1942 sqft home, 11900 sqft lot, Listed 一周內賣出天價

at $2,988,000 and sold at $4,500,000. More than

2021 年 MSL 的一組數據表明:德立昂地產在兩個縣的

$1.5M over the asking price.

每套房屋平均售價分別超過 367 萬和 448 萬,比其他 【案例三】3673 Ramona Drive, Palo Alto 別墅:

公司高出約 1.6~2.5 倍。 在 每 平 方 英 尺 售 價 上, 德 立 昂 比 其 他 公 司 高 出

3Bds, 2Bths, 1335 sqft home, 6185 sqft lot, listed at $1,988,000 and sold at $3,220,000. More than

20~60%。 2021 年,德立昂 75% 的代理售房最終成交價超過

$1.3M over the asking price.

了掛牌價格;至少 60 套賣出超過 50 萬的「 天價 」,大

01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 (Selected 10 out of 2000 Agents)

1.DELEON TEAM, TEAM Deleon Realty ( DLRPA01) 1717 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303

2.TROYER, DAVID Intero Real Estate Services ( NTERO07) 496 First St., Suite 200, Los Altos, CA 94022 3.LO, STANLEY Green Banker Realty ( GRBA01) 398 Primrose Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010

136.0 (List #) 490,291,097 (List $)

80.0 (Sell #) 326,583,600 (Sell $)

216.0 (Total #) 816,874,697 (Total $)

73.0 (List #) 245,818,812 (List $)

5.0 (Sell #) 19,967,500 (Sell $)

78.0 (Total #) 265,786,312 (Total $)

68.0 (List #) 167,732,889 (List $)

14.0 (Sell #) 62,390,000 (Sell $)

82.0 (Total #) 230,122,889 (Total $)

圖表一顯示:2020年,德立昂地產賣方銷售團隊業績4.9億;比No.2的Troyer與No.3 的Lo 銷售業績之和,多出0.8億左右。 01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021 (Selected 10 out of 2000 Agents)

1.DELEON TEAM, TEAM Deleon Realty ( DLRPA01) 1717 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303


2.BRIDGMAN, KATHY Compass ( APR04) 167 S. San Antonio Road, # 1, Los Altos, CA 94022

3.TSE, ANDY Intero Real Estate Services ( NTERO08) 12900 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA 95070

179.0 (List #) 707,499,979 (List $)

77.5 (Sell #) 393,389,500 (Sell $)

256.5 (Total #) 1,100,889,47 (Total $)

56.0 (List #) 311,615,000 (List $)

8.5 (Sell #) 47,955,000 (Sell $)

64.5 (Total #) 359,570,000 (Total $)

95.0 (List #) 251,274,568 (List $)

34.0 (Sell #) 107,542,298 (Sell $)

129.0 (Total #) 358,816,866 (Total $)




賣家的裝修成本至少三倍返還 德立昂室內設計師,為待售房屋做各項檢查和改進工



家,購買德立昂代理的上市房產,則賣家只需支付 3%


的佣金,德立昂已經為賣家節省愈 1400 萬佣金。

費為賣家租賃室內家具、藝術品、戶外擺設。通常德立 昂賣家裝修舊房的成本,能獲得 3 倍以上的回報。比如

首創「 銷售帶薪制 」

Mountain View 一套獨立屋,市場價 330~350 萬,裝

德立昂率先在房產業內創「 銷售帶薪制 」。銷售經理

修成本不足 5 萬,最後 370 萬成交。

Audrey Sun 說:「 當一個經紀有固定薪水、不拿佣金 時,沒有後顧之憂,會把客戶利益放在首位,客戶認可

「 全方位重金推廣 」


德立昂市場行銷專家 Pamela Tao 說:德立昂本著「 客


戶第一 」,不惜成本做全方位的房屋營銷。而一般賣家






在房源平臺(MSL 等 ),以及主要社交媒體上做推廣; 給周邊鄰居寄 postcard。所有的推廣都是免費的。 售房承諾「39 天成交 」 德 立 昂 承 諾:「 上 市 9 天 內 售 出, 再 過 30 天 完 成 所 有成交手續。」一般 Listing 經紀與賣家的合同週期是 60~90 天,甚至有一年的。德立昂的合同只有 39 天。 從上市那天計算,39 天內房屋賣不出去,賣家無須支付 任何佣金和市場推廣費。 道德標竿:3%佣金制 不少房產經紀人,在同一筆房產交易中,從買家和賣家 同時獲得買賣佣金。有經紀稱不會「 兩頭撈好處 」,暗 地裡收取「 推薦費 」代替佣金。 64│


AudreySun: 650-785-5822 audrey@deleonrealty.com 地點:1717 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 網站:DELEONREALTY.COM

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