Elite Lifestyle Magazine: Issue 57

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E L I TE 時 尚 精 英 JULY-AUGUST 2022

文化藝術 美國旅遊 華裔故事 夏日保養

Stunning Summer Salads 爽脆輕食沙拉

Norman Rockwell's America 繪出美國動人日常

Traditional Japanese Archery 日式弓之道




July-August 2022 $6.99


Editor’s Pick 編輯精選

Candy Box 糖果盒子

Summer Garden 陽光花園


Ask an Expert: Pore Care


The Energy of Meditation


Traditional Japanese Archery: A moving meditation that tones the body and quiets the mind









Giuseppe Castiglione: An Italian Painter in China’s Imperial Court


Norman Rockwell's America

細察繪出動人日常——諾曼· 洛克威爾

Best-Dressed: Stunning Summer Salads

驚豔一夏 爽脆輕食沙拉

Baking With Love: How cookbook author Kristina Cho’s family inspired her creations





58 COVER 清 郎世寧〈仙萼長春〉冊 其一:紫白丁香 Qing Dynasty, Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring, an album of paintings on silk by Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688–1766). Eight of the sixteen paintings in the album feature both birds and flowers. Here the flowers are purple and white lilacs. _Courtesy of the National Palace Museum

A Tribute to Southern Hospitality Enhancing the heartfelt connection with home

Mount Rainier National Park: A Volcanic Paradise in the Clouds



全美最大的家庭裝飾連鎖公司 Carpet One Floor & Home 唯一華人成員


300多年前的夏日七月,是一位在東方聲名遠播的意大利畫師—— 郎世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione)——的誕生月。時值西方的巴 洛克時期,東方的大清康雍乾盛世。他負命遠渡重洋來到中國,此 後,在清朝宮廷鑽研畫技,致力將東、西方的繪畫特點合而為一, 一幅幅傳世之作,細緻的筆觸下,深植著中國與西方文化積澱千年 的傳統特點。本期封面故事,聚焦這名藝術家的創作之路。 不僅是西技東傳,東學亦西漸。本期身心保健專文,帶您從冥想探 究古老的東方哲學與西方醫學理論中,不謀而合之處。此外,您是 否知道,冥想並非只能採用靜坐的形式?當您能高度專注於某一特 定時刻,保持身心平靜,就能達到同樣的效果。傳統日式弓道中, 也蘊含相似哲學,武中有靜,動靜合宜,一起來探究靜心的力量。 本次人物專訪,收錄了華裔食譜作家曹穎怡(Kristina Cho)的烹 飪故事。移民家庭裡相似的經歷,以及承自祖輩的情感,透過一道 道創意食譜,將對家庭、文化的情感訴諸於誠意製作的料理,將西

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式元素融進中式的傳統美食,不僅是美食,還有故事,烘出真心, 煮出鄉味。 盛夏,仍是個適合露營的季節,位於美西華盛頓州內的雷尼爾山國 家公園則是熱門的露營地。雷尼爾山就像是西方版的富士山,看似 沉穩卻蘊藏大自然無可抗拒的威力與威脅,靜時孕育無限生機,動 時卻能毀萬物於一瞬⋯⋯看那巍峨的大山,一同仰歎這壯麗背後的 美麗與憂愁。





Candy Box 糖果盒子 Why not add a bit of sweetness to your summer days? With just the right amount of charm, these colorful gems make great eye candy.









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ADDRESS 229 W 28th Street, 7FL, New York, NY 10001

在 ZAGAT 評級之列

PHONE 646-862-9930 EMAIL editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

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San Francisco

Los Angeles



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Summer Garden 陽光庭園 Bright sunlight beaming through the shade of trees, blooming flowers and those beautiful living beings dancing around, all of these complete an idyllic summer scene.










Ask an Expert: Pore Care Skin care professionals can help us separate myth from fact 美膚專家解惑——毛孔護理篇 By Skylar Parker

我們的膚況有很大部分,取決於日常生活因素,諸如: 飲食、飲水、壓力,以及是否擁有良好的護膚習慣。關 於護膚,其中一項最為人關注的,在於毛孔粗大的問題, 加之市面上出現越來越多標榜緊緻毛孔的產品,這也讓 我們更難分辨好壞、優劣。進行選購前,應先了解保持 良好的毛孔健康所需注意的事項。 我們 請 教了兩位護膚專家,探討如何改善毛孔問 題。其中一位是知名護膚品牌「 寶拉珍選 」的 Desiree Stordahl 女士,另一名為 Mary Schook 女士,她 是 擁有美容護理師執照以及 Beauty by Mary Schook 的品牌創 辦人。二位 在 此探 討 如何利用酸 類去角質產 品,以及改變生活習慣,從而改善肌膚毛孔問題,並且 分享 如何選 擇最佳的妝前乳、粉底液 來 輔助改善毛孔 問題。


1. 什麼樣的美妝、生活習慣,會導致毛孔堵塞與放大, 又有哪些方法能改善此問題?

Desiree Stordahl:毛孔堵塞,主要源自肌膚多餘油 脂與死皮堆積的混合 物,這些碎屑積聚於毛孔的隙縫 中,正是導致毛孔粗大的元兇。這些現象實屬自然,然 而,若未以良好的護膚習慣來調理,將使問題加劇。未 能確實進行臉部清潔,或帶妝睡覺,會使這些堵塞的毛 孔發炎,因而出現面皰與黑頭等擾人的肌膚問題。 挑 選適合您肌膚類型的水溶性潔顏 產品,每天確 實清潔肌膚。透過早晚的清潔,達到最佳效果,完成清 潔步驟後,擦上含有 BHA 酸成分的去角質液,一般來 說,每日塗用濃度為 2% 的該酸類產品,對肌膚仍屬溫 和。如此持續數週後,毛孔、面皰以及黑頭問題減少, 是可以預見的效果。



he quality of our skin is largely determined by lifestyle factors such as diet, water intake, and stress, as well as whether one follows a good skin care regimen. A major concern in skin care is the appearance of enlarged pores, and with the rise of pore-reducing products on the market, it can be difficult to distinguish the good from the bad, as well as knowing what to avoid to keep pores healthy. We discussed pore care with two skin care professionals: Desiree Stordahl, from Paula’s Choice Skincare, and Mary Schook, licensed aesthetician and founder of Beauty by Mary Schook. Here they discuss

ways to improve the appearance of pores through use of beta hydroxy acid exfoliants and lifestyle changes, and how to choose the best makeup primer or foundation to soften the appearance of pores.

針 對 毛 孔 粗 大 問 題, 可 使 用 添 加 維 生 素 B3 (niacinamide)的護膚品,維生素 B3 可以深入肌膚, 修復、縮小毛孔。除此之外,日間別忘了塗擦防曬品, 並且 避免 所有可能刺激 肌膚的成分,如含有變性酒精 (Denatured alcohol),以 及高濃 度香精、薄 荷 醇 配

1. What are some beauty and lifestyle habits that may lead to clogged or enlarged pores, and what are some ways to improve their appearance? Desiree Stordahl: Clogged pores are primarily triggered by a mixture of excess oil combined with dead skin and other debris that accumulate in the pore. This can occur naturally, but not adhering to a good skin care routine can make it worse. Skipping facial cleanses and falling asleep with makeup on contributes to congested pores that go on to become inflamed and lead to breakouts or blackheads overnight. You need to make sure you’re cleansing your skin daily with a gentle water-soluble cleanser appropriate for your skin type. This can be done both morning and night for optimal results. After that, add in a leave-on BHA exfoliant; typically a 2 percent concentration is gentle enough for daily use. Within a couple of weeks of consistent use, you should see a dramatic reduction in congested pores, breakouts, and blackheads. To target enlarged pores, use products loaded with niacinamide. Once a pore has become stretched out, niacinamide can go in and help restore it back to its normal shape and size.

方的產品。 對付那些頑固且難以去除的黑頭,或其他堵塞嚴重 的毛孔,可考慮找一位資深的美容專家進行特殊護理, 而您日常家居的護膚保養程序,則能有效維持淨膚過後 的膚況。

Mary Schook:有一些日常生活習慣,是毛孔問題惡 化的成因,例如酗酒,過量攝取甜品、碳水化合物。此 外,壓力、不好的睡眠習慣,紫外線照射,誤用產品,甚 至是先天基因等,都可能是導致毛孔問題劣化的主因。 隨年齡增長,因為膠原蛋白的流失,以及肌膚保溼 能力下降,日積月累下,毛孔自然會變得粗大。維繫良 好的睡眠品質,嘗試高強度間歇訓練(High-intensity interval training,簡稱 HIIT),飲 用具有高抗氧化 效 果的茶飲,例如綠茶以及「 苦丁茶 」(Guayusa),嘗試 低升糖指數飲食法( 低 GI 飲食),這些都是促進肌膚 健康,且減少毛孔能見度的有效方法。

2. 有些皮膚專家建議,避免在毛孔粗大的肌膚上,使用 含有磨砂或顆粒成分的去角質產品,而應多加使用含 酸產品,您對此的見解為何?

Desiree Stordahl:我同意此觀點,使用磨砂類去角 質產品,會讓您的肌膚問題惡化。因為這些顆粒會導致 您肌膚產生微小的撕裂,進而引發發炎反應。


Other than that, make sure to wear daily sunscreen and avoid irritating skin at all costs by avoiding formulas containing denatured alcohol, highly fragranced products, and menthol. For stubborn blackheads and other types of congested pores that won’t go away, consider extraction from a well-trained aesthetician. An aesthetician can perform extractions without damaging your skin, and your at-home skin care routine can help maintain these results. Mary Schook: Some lifestyle habits that lead to the damage of pores include consuming alcohol, sugar, and excessive carbohydrates. Stress, poor sleep habits, UV damage, product misuse, and even genetics can play a big part when it comes to fast-tracking pores. Our pores also enlarge as we age, as the collagen begins to loosen and hydration levels begin to decline. Getting good-quality sleep, doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT), drinking tea with high antioxidant levels, like green tea and guayusa tea, and adopting a low-glycemic diet are just a few ways to improve skin health and pore visibility.

您能使用含有「 羥基酸 」(hydroxy acid)的去角 質產品,這是被多項 研究證實的有效方法。BHA 酸則 是其中最常見的種 類,使用水楊 酸(salicylic acid), 該酸類為油溶性,可以深入毛孔,被視為毛孔問題的關 鍵救星。

Mary Schook:總地來說,無論您屬於何種膚質,我 們都需要維繫肌膚的屏障。這層屏障能有效抵禦細菌、 病菌、紫外線的侵害,以及其他汙染源。如果您持續使 用那些含有顆粒的去角質產品,破壞這層防護,不僅破 壞了肌 膚自體 防 禦 機 制,長期 下來,會導 致 您肌 膚 乾 燥,肌膚會變得更加粗糙,因為它必須藉此來抵禦外來 的侵害。

3. 對於「 立即見效 」的毛孔縮小方法,您有何推薦的護 膚或化妝品項?

Desiree Stordahl:如 果 談 及 快 速 修 復, 記 得 將 您 的期望值放低。關於化妝品,可選擇以矽基(Siliconebased)為底的妝前乳,該成分可軟化以及讓肌膚表面暫 時平滑,但這並未能讓您的肌膚真正逃離毛孔問題。 以矽基為底的產品,近些年來備受抨擊,原因是有 不少說法,指稱它們會使肌膚窒息以及堵塞毛孔。然而, 這並非正確的認識。含矽基成分,並不會導致毛孔堵塞, 有滲透性。此外,有機矽元素的分子結構,可使空氣及 水穿透其間,它根本不會因此傷及肌膚。雖然該成分本 身並未構成特殊傷害,倘若您不注重澈底清潔臉部,該 成分的殘留物在毛孔內堆積,並造成皮脂無法自由地釋 放至肌膚表層,按理,將會於日後導致毛孔堵塞。



或使肌膚無法呼吸,因為該成分為惰性( 非活性)及具

2. Some dermatologists advise against using abrasive and particle-containing exfoliators on skin with enlarged pores, and instead opt for acid-containing products. What is your opinion?

Desiree Stordahl: I agree that harsh scrub exfoliators will only make your problems worse, not better, as they can cause micro-tears and incite an inflammatory response. One solution is to use gentle hydroxy acid exfoliants, which research has proven effective. BHA—the most common type used is salicylic acid—is considered the gold standard for pores due to its oil-soluble nature, meaning that it can penetrate pores. Mary Schook: In general, one should maintain one’s skin barrier no matter what skin type one has. Your barrier protects you from bacteria, viruses, UV damage, and other pollutants. When you continue stripping away the barrier by using particle-containing exfoliators, you are not only taking away your protection, but drying out your skin, causing it to toughen more as the skin tries to protect itself against the damage. 3. What would you recommend as an immediate pore-minimizing solution—skin care or makeup? Desiree Stordahl: When it comes to a quick fix, it’s important to keep your expectations in check. Silicone-based primers can soften and smooth the appearance of pores temporarily, but your skin still isn’t going to be completely “poreless.” Silicone-based products have been demonized in recent years due to the false assumption that they “suffocate skin” or clog pores. However, this is not true: Silicone ingredients do not clog pores or suffocate skin due to their inert nature and permeable characteristics; the molecular structure of silicone makes it air- and water-permeable and incapable of harming the skin in that way. Nonetheless, if you’re not diligent about thoroughly cleansing your face, remnants from certain silicone products could build up in your pores and prevent sebum (oil) rom f lowing freely to the skin’s surface. In theory, this could set the stage for clogged pores.

A trick I used to use when I was a makeup artist was to apply a high-quality sheet mask—bio-cellulose material is best—that plumps up the skin and makes it appear more even on a temporary basis. As for makeup, choosing a formula that appears dewy on the skin will help to reflect light away from the pores. If you have oily skin, you’ll have to look for oil-free formats. Another trick is using egg whites as a mask to tighten pores. Whip the egg whites until frothy, coat the entire face (and neck) with a makeup brush, and leave it on for 15 minutes to an hour. Then wash your face. While this treatment works on any skin type, it is especially useful on oily skin because egg whites have an astringent effect. The treatment is also helpful in keeping bacteria at bay.

Mary Schook:比起短期的標治,我個人更為注重長 期的方針,因為短效的方法,往往伴隨未來的隱憂。 不過,我曾使用過的快速見效方法,是我作為一名 彩妝師時,會特別使用高效面模,材質為生物纖維,使 用後,會使肌膚更加豐盈,看起來更加平滑。 對化妝而 言,選擇光澤妝感的產品,可以讓肌膚表面的光澤帶走 毛孔問題,如果您是油性肌,記得特別選用無油的產品。 另一個辦法就是使用蛋白敷 臉,可以緊緻 肌膚毛 孔。使用前,先將蛋白打至起泡的狀態,可使用刷具將 蛋白敷上全臉( 及脖子),可敷 15 分鐘至一小時,然後 再用清水洗淨。天然蛋白適用於任何膚質,尤其對油性 肌更有用,因為蛋白有收斂效果,也可形成防護,抵禦 細菌。

Mary Schook: My philosophy focuses more on longterm strategy than short-term band-aids, as they tend to cause more long-term issues. │11

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS What They Do, and How to Use Them 活性成分:功效與用法 SALICYLIC ACID 水楊酸 An abundance of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface reduces the skin’s ability to reflect light, thus emphasizing the appearance of pores, making them look larger. Unclogging pores contributes to smooth skin, enabling it to reflect light and help conceal pores. Exfoliation with salicylic acid may significantly improve the appearance of pores. A salicylic acid cleanser or a leave-on product can help remove oil and debris from the pore, and also helps the skin look smoother. 為數眾多的死皮細胞在肌膚表層,會減少肌膚光澤,也 會讓毛孔看起來更加粗大。清潔毛孔使肌膚滑順,會讓 肌膚能夠反射自然光彩,且也有助於緊縮毛孔。使用水 楊酸來代謝角質,能有效改善毛孔問題,使用添加水楊 酸成分的潔面霜或塗擦式的保養品,可以幫助除去毛孔 中多餘的油脂與碎屑,也有助肌膚更加滑順。

RETINOIDS 視黃醇 Retinoids help minimize enlarged pores by preventing the buildup of dead skin cells and oil inside the hair follicle. When a hair follicle is clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria and is not open to the surface, it is called a closed comedone; whiteheads are an example. Blackheads, on the other hand, are open comedones that have reacted with oxygen, resulting in the oils and bacteria under the skin turning black. Retinoids have powerful pore-clearing properties and help build collagen, an important component in reducing the appearance of pores and preventing them from sagging due to age and UV damage. With retinoids, you need to start gentle and minimal, and increase usage over time.

粉刺,會與氧氣接觸,導致油脂與細菌在肌膚下堆積, 進而呈現黑色。 視黃酮具有強效的毛孔清潔特性,且有助重建膠 原蛋白,別忘了,膠原蛋白正是減少毛孔放大,且防止 肌膚受到紫外線侵害與老化的關鍵元素。不過使用視黃 酮,初期需選用溫和少量的配方,視情況日漸增量,調 整合適產品。

AZELAIC ACID 杜鵑花酸 This naturally occurring acid is a byproduct of yeast that lives on our skin, and it’s also naturally found in grains such as barley, wheat, and rye. It’s produced by one of the yeasts that form part of our skin’s microbiome, and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in treating acne. Azelaic acid is also good at targeting hyper-pigmentation and is helpful for rosacea-prone skin. Its antioxidant properties also make it a great option for improving skin texture. This yeast extract is great for clarifying pores and works well when combined with retinoids. 這種天然生成的酸類,屬於我們皮膚微生物組織中的其 中一種酵母菌產物,也可以在小麥、大麥以及黑麥中提 取此酸類,本就具有抗炎、抗菌效果,能治暗瘡。該酸 類能有效改善肌膚色素沉澱,也是針對酒糟肌膚常見的 治療酸類,其抗氧化特性,對於膚況改善頗有助益。而 該酵母菌的萃取也能有效淨化毛孔,並且適合搭配其他 視黃酮護膚產品一同使用。

NIACINAMIDE 維生素 B3 Niacinamide is the gentle pore-clearing antidote that also helps with hyper-pigmentation, redness, blemishes, and barrier function. It penetrates into the skin very easily and doesn’t need special measures to protect it in a formula.

視黃醇能去除死皮細胞以及毛囊內生成的油脂,有效抑 制毛孔放大。當毛囊中被死皮細胞、油脂以及細菌堵塞







Editor’s Picks 編輯精選

PAULA’S CHOICE SKINCARE Oil-Reducing Cleanser, 8 ounces, $19 油水平衡深層潔面乳

Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant, 4 ounces, $32 2%水楊酸精華液

DR. SAM’S SKINCARE (DR. SAM BUNTING) Flawless Cleanser, 6.8 fluid ounces, $22 無暇潔面霜

Flawless Moisturizer Light, daily hydrator with 5% niacinamide, 1.7 fluid ounces, $29 無暇保溼霜(輕盈版,含5%維生素B3) Flawless Nightly Serum, with niacinamide, granactive retinoid, azelaic acid, and bakuchiol, 1 fluid ounce, $59 無暇夜間精華液(含維生素B3、視黃酮、






Meditation Ancient and modern medicine, East and West, view our bodies as electrical 冥想的力量 古今、中西醫學皆認為人體蘊含能量

By Jingduan Yang


editation has become a popular health practice that offers a wide range of benefits, including stress reduction, relief from anxiety and depression, improved energy, and relief from chronic illnesses. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of meditation on human psychology and physiology.

冥想近來成為一種流行的健康鍛鍊法,冥想能夠帶來的 好處,包括減輕壓力、緩解焦慮和沮喪,能讓人變得更 有活力,還能減輕慢性病帶來的不適。在心理學和生理 學方面,已有許多研究探討了冥想對人的影響。 古老的中國醫學 現代醫學( 西醫)已掌握了豐富的人體相關知識,像是 解剖學與生物化學,因此藥物治療和外科手術是現代主

ANCIENT CHINESE MEDICINE Modern medicine has accumulated a wealth of knowledge about human anatomy and biochemistry. Thus, pharmaceutical treatments and surgical procedures dominate modern medical practice. By contrast, ancient Chinese medicine is based on human energetics. The therapeutic modalities in Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and herbal remedies, focus on treating energetic imbalance. 14│

要的醫療手法。相對的,中醫以人體中的能量為根據, 會針對能量失調去醫治,例如針灸和草藥治療。

Dr. Jingduan Yang is a neurologist, psychiatrist, and an expert in acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and integrative medicine. He founded the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine, the Tao Clinic of Acupuncture, and the American Institute for Clinical Acupuncture.

QI Human energy , known as qi (pronounced "chee") in traditional Chinese medicine, is the same as the modern concept of electrical activity that controls physical and mental activities of the human body. It's not just neurons (brain cells) that generate a charge; cells use their negative charge as a way to get positively charged ions across the cell membrane for a variety of functions, including signaling. Your whole body relies on a constant flow of tiny electrical charges. Modern medicine measures the human body's electric activity through tests such as electroencephalograms (EEG), electrocardiograms (EKG), and electromyography (EMG). Chinese medicine evaluates qi through comprehensive inquiries of physical and mental symptoms, tongue and pulse reading, and observation of one's mental state.

氣 人體內的能量,中醫稱為「 氣 」。氣的運行,和現代觀 念中細胞放電一樣,控制著人的身體和心理活動。神 經細胞( 腦細胞)會放電,細胞利用負電讓帶正電荷 的離子通過細胞膜,以達成多種功能,包含傳遞訊號, 人 的全身 都倚賴 著這 樣 的 微小電流在 運作。西醫 透 過觀察腦電圖、心電圖和肌電圖來測量人體的電流活 動。中醫則是會觀察病人的身體症狀、心理狀態,再透 過舌診和脈診,綜合去衡量病人身體中氣的走向。

經絡 血液會在血管中循環,人的能 量也會在體內的能量通道中 流 動, 這 樣 的 通 道 被 稱 為 「 經絡」。西醫通常是研究 腦 部、 心 臟 或 肌 肉, 這 種



MERIDIANS Like blood circulating in the blood vessels, human energy moves inside and along the energy channels, known as “jing luo,” often translated as “meridians.” Modern medicine focuses on electrical activity in certain areas, such as the brain, heart, or muscles. Chinese medicine focuses on how human energy channels connect the entire human body through their comprehensive network. The human body is a finely tuned energetic system that system can be severely affected by factors you may not expect, even though medical scientists have been warning about these factors for decades.

重 於研 究 能 量 是如何透 過 遍 布全身 的 網 絡與人 體 產 生 連 繫。 人 的身 體 是個精密的能量系統,有 些你可能想不到的因素, 大大影響著你的身體。

純淨的空氣、營養豐富的食物 後天之氣,是身體利用空氣和食物所產生,所以來源 是否純淨與完整就很重要。如果你呼吸受汙染的空 氣,吃營養不均衡的食物,你的身體將無法產生足夠 的能量來維持身體的運作。

CLEAN AIR AND NUTRITIOUS FOOD Postnatal electrical qi is created from the air we breathe and the food we eat. Our respiratory and digestive systems rely on clean air and nutritionally complete food to create qi, which supports our everyday mental and physical functions. Because our body generates qi from air and food, it's important that these fuels are clean and complete. If you breathe contaminated air and eat unhealthy food, your body will not be able to create the energy it needs to function. │15

INTERACTION BETWEEN HUMANS AND NATURE Besides our food and air, our energy is also affected by constant interactions with the energy of our environment and is sensitive to seasonal changes and local climate. As one example, consider just one impact of sunlight on the body. Our skin uses sunlight to create the hormone known as vitamin D, essential to proper immune function and the hundreds of electrochemical reactions that make up our metabolism. Not getting enough sunlight not only affects mood, but is also linked to dozens of medical conditions due to the resulting deficiency of vitamin D. Chinese medicine emphasizes how we should live in accord with seasonal changes. For example, when we eat food grown locally, we're more energetically in harmony with our environment. As the temperature and daylight hours shift, so too should our behavior and diet. Just as spring is the time of new growth, it is also the time we should take up new projects or habits that require more energy. And just as winter is the time when life recedes and sleeps, so too should we take the season to look inside ourselves and conserve our limited energy.


人與大自然的相互影響 除了食物和空氣,人的能量也會與環境中的能量互相影 響,並對氣候與季節轉變很敏感。以陽光對人體的影響 為例,我們的皮膚透過日曬來合成維生素D,維生素D在 維持免疫功能和新陳代謝中有著重要作用。沒有足夠的 日照,不只會影響心情,也會因缺乏維生素D而導致許 多疾病。 中醫強調,人們應符合季節的改變去調節作息,例 如:吃在地、當令的食物,更能與環境調和。隨著溫度 和日照時間的改變,我們也應隨之調整作息和飲食。春 天是萬物生長的季節,也是人需要精力充沛地開始新計 畫或養成新習慣的時機,而冬天萬物蟄伏、休養,我們 也應該在這時候好好檢視自己、保存精力。 精神與大腦的關係 思想和情緒非常容易影響我們的能量,這便是冥想的重 要之處,冥想能讓我們不受想法和情緒干擾。西醫認 為,長期的壓力會導致疾病,其中很大的原因是,壓 力讓我們的身體充滿了啟動「 戰或逃反應 」 (Fight or Flight Response)的荷爾蒙,還會讓身體的休息與消化 功能停止運作。中醫也注意到相同的問題,發現情緒困 擾是人體健康主要的威脅。 中醫將有特定情緒種類與相應的經絡連結在一起, 舉例來說,憤怒會打亂肝膽的經脈,導致偏頭痛、腸躁 症、纖維肌痛症、失眠和憂鬱症。

THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION Our energy is highly sensitive to thoughts and emotions, which are manifestations of energy. This is where meditation becomes important. Modern medicine recognizes that chronic stress creates disease, largely because it f loods our body with hormones that activate the fight-or-flight response and shuts down our rest-and-digest cycle. Ancient Chinese medicine was concerned with this same issue and found that emotional distress is the primary threat to human health. Ancient Chinese medicine connects specific types of emotion with corresponding energetic systems and meridians. For example, anger upsets liver-gallbladder meridians and contributes to conditions such as migraine, IBS, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and depression. While modern medicine recognizes the contending roles of the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) nervous systems, Chinese medicine understands how emotional distress causes the qi to move in the opposite direction, causing heartburn, nausea, coughing, and wheezing. Emotional distress also blocks the flow of qi and constricts meridians, causing pain, blood stasis, and tumors. From the Chinese medicine perspective, maintaining the sufficient, free flow of qi in the right direction is key to health and longevity. To do that, you need to maintain the right state of mind.

以西醫來說,人身體的不適是因交感神經與副交感 神經系統失調所引起;對中醫而言,當人有情緒困擾時, 身體的氣會往反方向運行,造成胃痛、噁心、咳嗽和呼 吸有喘鳴聲。情緒困擾也會讓經絡堵塞、氣血不通,導 致疼痛、瘀血和腫瘤。 從中醫的角度來看,維持足夠且運行流暢的氣,是 健康與長壽的關鍵。為此,你需要保持良好的精神狀態。 冥想的關鍵技巧 冥想是使思緒平靜下來最好的方法之一,還能夠緩和精 神狀態不佳所引起的許多身體狀況。冥想有很多種類, 每一種都有幾個通用的技巧。只要了解中醫的基本概

KEY TECHNIQUES OF MEDITATION Meditation is one of the best ways to settle your mind and alleviate the cascade of consequences the mind can trigger throughout the body. There are numerous types of meditation, and they share some standard techniques. Understanding the basic concepts of ancient Chinese medicine, we can appreciate why these techniques are essential for effective and efficient meditation. First, we need to keep our minds in the moment when meditating. Human beings tend to become emotionally distressed when they think about things beyond their control, things that happened in the past, or that may occur in the future. Thinking of what is beyond our control can energize out-of-control thinking. We are more relaxed when we live in the present moment. Our qi also moves most freely in open meridians when free of emotional distress.

念,就能達成有效的冥想。 第一,冥想時,要專注當下。當人在想無法掌握的 事、過去的事,或是未來可能發生的事時,情緒往往會 出現困擾。當我們去想沒辦法掌控的事情時,思緒就容 易失去控制。專注想著此時此刻,能使我們比較放鬆, 當不受情緒困擾時,氣也最能夠在經絡中順暢的運行。 現代人思緒繁雜,讓思緒維持淨空是極為困難的事 情。有時候越是努力不去想,越是有更多想法跑進腦海。 為了克服這點,放下那些你無法掌控的想法,並與它們 好好告別吧! 第二個要點,身體坐正、坐直,可以雙腿盤坐為 佳,或是以站姿協雙臂維持特定姿勢來進行冥想。這麼 做時,能夠使身體的能量網絡在最佳的連接狀態,氣的 流動最順暢,且達到最有效率地與大自然交換能量。 第三,將舌尖觸碰上顎,並停留在那個位置。在身 體正面有一條特別的經脈,叫任脈,連接所有來自固體 器官的能量,像是腎臟、心臟、脾臟、肺和肝臟。另一 條經脈在身體背面,叫督脈,它連接所有來自中空器官 │17

Keeping our minds empty is extremely difficult to do. Today's people have so much on their minds, and it's almost impossible to keep these thoughts away. Sometimes the more we try to stop thinking, the more thoughts come in. To overcome this challenge, disown any thoughts you don't control and stop participating in them. Second, sitting straight, preferably with legs double-crossed, or standing with arms in certain positions is essential in meditation. By doing so, the body's energetic networks are best connected. The flow of qi is the smoothest, and the exchange of energy with nature is most effective. Third, we need to keep the tip of our tongue touching the upper palate of the mouth. In the front of the body, there is an extra meridian known as Ren Mai, the conception vessel, which connects all energy channels from the solid organs, such as the kidney, heart, spleen, lungs, and liver. Another meridian in the back, known as Du Mai, the governing vessel, connects all the energy networks from the hollow organs like small intestines, large intestines, stomach, gallbladder, and bladder. These two extra meridians connect in the mouth. By touching the upper palate with the tip of the tongue, the two meridians are


better connected, and energy nourishes the body much more efficiently. We don't need to do anything in particular with our breathing except to breathe naturally. I find it helpful to focus on my breath when my mind gets carried away with uncontrollable thoughts. Human beings are energetic beings as well as physical and biochemical beings. When we can maintain vibrant health, our biochemistry and body structure will take care of themselves. By practicing meditation correctly, we can enhance our physical and mental energy, staying younger and more productive.

的能量,像是小腸、大腸、胃、膽囊、膀胱。這兩條脈 在嘴裡交會,用舌尖觸碰上顎能讓它們連接得更好,也 能讓這兩條經脈更有效地提供能量給我們的身體。 不需特意講究呼吸的方式,只要自然的呼吸即可。 當思緒不小心開始奔馳時,專注於自己的呼吸會有助於 讓自己平靜下來。 人類是充滿活力的生命,人體也由物質與生物化學 組成,當我們保持精力充沛,我們的生化機能和身體結 構便能好好的運作。透過正確的冥想練習,我們可以提 高身體和心理的能量,保持年輕、增加生產力。



ou may never have considered trying traditional Japanese archery—kyudo—but it offers a profound form of exercise that combines physical activity with mental clarity. In 1948, a slender paperback titled Zen in the Art of Archery by German philosophy professor Eugen Herrigel, introduced Westerners, particularly Americans, to Zen Buddhism. But this is not a book on meditation; it is a book on Japanese archery. Herrigel had taught in Japan, where he became interested in Zen. He was advised to approach learning Zen through one of the Zen arts, such as calligraphy, archery, flower arranging, or the tea ceremony. Herrigel chose archery and narrated his struggle to do it in the Zen way, letting go of his rationalist habits and learning to trust the intuitive and mystical “Way of the bow.” Mindfulness is much sought after. But anyone who has tried meditation knows that it can be challenging to empty your mind. This is partly why Herrigel was advised to choose a physical art in which Zen practice is embodied. Traditional Japanese archery is highly formalized, and even the slightest movement has been prescribed and honed to the utmost gracefulness and efficiency. You cannot practice kyudo without attending closely to your body and breath.

TRADITIONAL JAPANESE ARCHERY A moving meditation that tones the body and quiets the mind 修練身心的傳統日式箭術

日本弓道,是一種結合身心靈的鍛鍊。學習弓道是 一種深刻而特殊的體驗。 1948 年,德國哲學教授 Eugen Herrigel 寫了 一本薄薄的平裝書《箭藝與禪心》 (Zen in the Art of Archery),將「 禪 」的思想介紹給西方人,特 別是美國人。這本書不是關於打坐靜心的,而是關 於日本弓道的書。Herrigel 在日本教授哲學期間, 「 禪 」引起了他的興趣。有人跟他說,最好是透過諸 如書道、弓道、花道或茶道等方式來理解禪,最終 他選擇了弓道。他在書中敘述了自己走向禪之道的 掙扎,如何放下對理性主義的執著,並學著相信自

By Jennifer Margulis

己直覺的過程,當然,還有神祕的弓之道。 近來, 「 正念覺知 」 (Mindfulness)備受推崇, 不過任何嘗試過打坐的人都知道,想在打坐中讓腦 中清淨、無雜念,是非常困難的事,這也是為什麼 │19

A MARTIAL ART Close your eyes for a moment. Think of the sound an arrow makes as it is released from a bow. In your mind, you are probably hearing a “thwoosh,” a cross between a “whoosh” and a “thwang.” But that’s not the sound you will hear when you shoot an arrow in the Japanese style. Traditional Japanese archery uses very large bows made from bamboo. When you release an arrow— which your sensei won’t allow you to do until you’ve done dozens of hours of preparation—you hear a high-pitched whistle. When your arrow hits the target, it makes a clattering noise, like bamboo chimes blown together by the wind. My husband, 53, has been enthusiastic about archery since he got his first toy bow at the age of 7. Since high school, he has wanted to learn kyudo, but has never lived near one of the few places in the United States where it is practiced, until now. He recently found a kyudo center and a sensei to teach him. “I like how I feel like I’m engaging with archery in a deeper way,” he told me. “Kyudo is not about hitting the target. The objective is inside yourself.” Kyudo is done in a special building with one wall open to an outdoor target range. The archers stand perpendicular to the target with their legs splayed widely apart. They stand indoors and shoot out through the open wall toward the outdoor target. Every movement is formalized into a graceful ritual, from the first step into the room through the stance and the bow draw. Even where the archer looks and the timing of the breath are formalized. This is very different from Western archery. It is a moving meditation. The bamboo bow is about seven and a half feet long and asymmetrical. It is too long to hold in the middle, as in Western archery, so the kyudo archer must learn to hold it a third of the way up from the bottom. The bow makes the shape of a sail above the archer when it is drawn. The arrows are large, too— more than a meter long—and the string must be drawn further back than in the archery Westerners are used to, far behind the archer’s head.

有人建議 Herrigel 挑一種帶有禪意的藝術來學習禪。 傳統日本弓道非常嚴謹,即使是最微小的動作都有其規 矩,並需力求優雅、精煉,使動作達到最好的效能。要 修習弓道,就一定要仔細地覺察身體的律動和呼吸。 動中有靜 武中有藝 現在,不妨閉眼片刻,想像箭從弓彈射出去的聲音。你 的腦海中,可能會聽到「 嗖咻 」的一聲,一種介於「 咻 」 和「 嗖 」的聲音。但這可不是日式射箭會發出的聲音。 傳統日本箭術使用的是一種非常長的竹弓,放箭 時,會聽見一聲高聲調的哨聲。當然師父不會隨便同意 你放箭,除非事先已經先投入了長時間的準備與調整。 當箭射中箭靶時,會發出吭啷的響聲,就像竹製風鈴同 時被風吹響的聲音。 筆者的丈夫,今年 53 歲,從 7 歲時第一次拿到玩 具弓箭組起就非常熱愛射箭。他高中時就很想學弓道, 無奈家附近並沒有任何可以學習日本弓道的地方,而美 國教授弓道的地方本就不多見。直到最近,他終於找到 學習弓道的場所以及願意指導他的師父。 「 與箭術深刻連結的感覺令我醉心,」他說。「 弓道 目的不在於射中靶心,而在人心。」 弓道場的場地特殊,需打通一面牆並朝向戶外的靶 場。射箭者兩腳岔開,與箭靶呈垂直,射手站在室內屋 簷下射向位於戶外的靶。每道動作都嚴謹如儀式般,從 踏進道場的第一步起,到站立、定位、拉弓皆是如此。 甚至射箭者的眼神方向,以至呼吸的頻率都有其形式, 與西式射箭迥異,是一種動態的冥想方式。 日式竹弓長約 2.3 公尺,且上下不對稱。由於弓身 實在太長,無法如西式弓一般從中間握住,因此弓道射 手必須學習如何握住從下往上三分之一處的弓身。當弓 拉緊時,弓的上半部形如帆船。不僅是弓,箭也很長, 超過 1 公尺,且拉弦時的手超過射手的頭後方許多,幅 度也比西式射箭還要大。 身有所向 意有所本 日本弓道已有上千年的歷史,最初主要是用於狩獵和戰 事,漸漸由武士發展為高度儀式化的弓道。在西元1500 年後,弓箭逐漸被槍砲火藥取代,武士們將射箭轉化為 一種自我修練的方式,因而傳統弓道被保存了下來。 弓道沉靜安定的本質,讓其乍看之下不像體育活 動,不過僅半小時的弓道訓練,不僅能沉澱心緒,同時 也是全身性的鍛鍊。弓道會運用到幾乎上半身的所有肌 肉,還有大、小腿及核心肌群。

A MIND-BODY WORKOUT “Kyudo,” in Japanese, means the Tao (Way) of the bow. Japanese archery developed over millennia from its origins in hunting and warfare into the highly technical form the samurai perfected. 20│

弓道是左手持弓,右手拉弦,由於這個動作無法 均衡運用左右兩側的肌肉,因此肌肉也無法藉此平衡發 展。不過無論使用身體的左邊還是右邊,這項運動都是 需要全身投入的,因此,前胸、腹部和背上的肌肉群都 會派上用場。

Japanese archery has evolved from a sport or martial art to a meditative discipline.

As guns overtook archery’s importance in war in the 1500s, samurai preserved traditional archery by evolving it into a form of self-cultivation. The serene nature of this archery practice may not seem like exercise at first glance. But half an hour of it not only benefits your mind; it also gives you a fullbody workout. Kyudo engages nearly every muscle in the upper body, as well as your calves, glutes, and core. Bows are drawn to one side. Since the motion is asymmetrical, you might assume that your muscles would develop unevenly. Yet both the left and right sides of the body are fully engaged, and your chest and stomach muscles are worked as well as your back muscles. There is an isometric component to archery— a static contraction of muscle without any visible movement in the joint. You have active pullback from the bow, and must hold it at full draw.

等長收縮(Isometric contraction)是射箭運動 的要素之一。等長收縮是一種靜態的肌肉收縮模式,當 肌肉收縮時關節沒有明顯位移,較能維持關節穩定。拉 弓時,由於弓弦會產生很大拉力,需要費很大力氣才能 維持滿弓。已有證據顯示,等長收縮運動對身體非常有 益處。根據 Edward R. Laskowski 醫師的說法,等長 收縮運動可以緩解關節炎以及低血壓。 想試試射箭嗎? 在日本以外的弓道中心不多,不過射箭則是幾乎隨處可 學的運動。 雖然有些政府單位限制練習射箭,不過許多地方可 以在自家後院練習。如果你對射箭感興趣,那麼選擇非 常多元了:你可以嘗試用弓箭打獵、弓箭射魚、3D 射 箭( 一種類似打獵的射箭活動,在森林中各處設置真實 大小的動物模型,並像高爾夫一樣用點數卡紀錄成績 ), 或者攻防箭(archery tag,一種類似躲避球的射箭競 賽,使用海棉製箭頭 )。 │21

Isometric exercise has been shown to be highly beneficial. According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, isometric exercise can help patients suffering from arthritis and may also help lower blood pressure. INTERESTED IN ARCHERY? There are only a few dozen kyudo centers outside of Japan, but archery is a sport you can do almost anywhere. Some municipalities place limits on shooting a bow, but in many places, you can practice in your backyard. If you become interested in archery, you open up a wide range of other activities: You can try bowhunting, bow fishing, 3D shoots (a course through the woods with a series of life-size foam animals to shoot at, with a scorecard like golf), or even archery tag or a dodgeball-like game using foamtipped arrows. You don’t need a giant kyudo bow or an expensive mechanical compound bow, like hunters use, to enjoy archery. Before you buy your own bow, consider taking an archery class at a local range or recreation center that can provide the required equipment. If you take to the sport, the equipment you need (a bow, arrows, archery glove, quiver, target, and backstop) can be purchased at an archery store, where you can try out different brands and models. Basic equipment can be quite inexpensive and can also be found used for even less.

If you want to practice at home, but don’t have a backyard space or an appropriate backstop, just use foam-tipped arrows, widely available for live-action role playing. For safety reasons, foam-tipped arrows are a good choice for beginners and young children. If you would like to study kyudo, you can find a sensei by contacting American Kyudo Renmei, a nonprofit organization with a mission to promote Japanese archery in the Americas. The states where kyudo is being practiced include California, Georgia, Indiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington. 你不需要擁有巨大的日式弓,或者獵人用的那種昂 貴的機械複合弓,才能享受射箭帶來的樂趣,在你買一支 屬於自己的弓之前,可以考慮先就近在所在地的射場參加 射箭課程, 或先在提供射箭設備的運動休閒中心體驗看看。 當你真的喜歡上射箭之後,所有需要的設備( 弓、箭、 射箭手套、箭袋、靶和擋箭布 )都可以在射箭用品店買到, 並實際試用不同品牌、型號。初級設備通常不會太昂貴, 如果選擇二手用品則會更便宜。如果想在家練習,但後院 不夠大,或者沒有適合的擋箭布,可以使用常見於真人實 景角色扮演活動中的海綿箭頭,這種箭頭對初學者或兒童 而言,也比較安全。 如果想學弓道,可以透過美國弓道聯盟(American Kyudo Renmei)找到師父。美國弓道聯盟是專門在美國 推廣日本弓道的非營利組織。在加州、喬治亞州、印第安 納州、明尼蘇達州、北卡羅來納州、南卡羅來納州、維吉 尼亞洲和華盛頓州都有人學習弓道。

Left: Each movement in Japanese archery is honed to achieve the upmost gracefulness. _Cathrin Mueller/ Getty Images Right: In Japanese archery, the archer stands in a semi-indoor space facing targets outside.


Different Forms of Archery


Western archery: “Mediterranean archery”—the type of archery most people in the West are familiar with—is what children in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts learn. This archery style has been part of the modern Olympic games since 1900. Important during the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453), it was practiced with English longbows. After the Middle Ages, this form of archery was barely practiced for 400 years, and came back into favor in the 19th century as a leisure pastime. In Western archery, you stand perpendicular to the target, use three fingers to pull the bow, and draw the string back, with your right hand, to just in front of your face.

西洋箭術:「 地中海式射箭」是最受西方大眾所熟知的 一種,即童子軍們所學的門類。這種射箭形式自1900年 起,便是奧運會的其中一個項目。在英法百年戰爭( 西 元1337~1453年)中扮演著重要的角色 ,當時用的是英 式長弓。中世紀後,這種弓法沉寂了近四百年,在19世 紀時捲土重來,搖身一變成為休閒活動。西式射箭中, 射手跟靶成垂直,用右手3根手指頭拉弦,弦最多只會 拉到臉側,不會再往後拉。 韓國箭術:韓國箭術的根源是 韓國的文化認同,時至今日 仍備受尊崇,因為數世紀 來,箭術是韓國人得以維 持獨立的重要方式。韓國箭術使 用一種很短、彎曲幅度很大的弓, 拉弓時需要搭配使用特殊的扳指,

Korean archery: Korean archery is at the root of Korean cultural identity and is still much revered today, as the practice of archery was how the Koreans preserved their independence for centuries. In Korean archery, you use a very short, very curvy bow that is pulled with a special thumb ring, and you shoot at targets about 150 yards away—about twice the distance of targets in the Olympics.

射向140公尺( 約150英尺)遠的靶, 約是奧運射箭距離的兩倍。

中國傳統箭術:儘管在文化大革命 時期,中國傳統製弓技法幾近滅絕,近期才開始在中國 及海外有復興之勢。中式弓的製作多採用三層複合式材 料,曲線有致,中等長度,主要以木頭、水牛角和筋為製


材。弓箭手運用一種稱之為「 尺

Chinese traditional archery: Although the art of traditional Chinese bowmaking was nearly lost during the Cultural Revolution, Chinese traditional archery is making a comeback both in China and abroad. This form of archery uses a three-layered, curvy medium-length bow, made of wood, water buffalo horn, and sinew. Archers use the “inchworm technique,” in which the elbow of the drawing arm is pulled up overhead like an inchworm. China has embraced many forms of archery in its long history, and its importance is reflected in the fact that today, there are more than 100 million people named Zhang—“Archer” in Chinese. Tatar and Mongolian archery: The Tatars and Mongols excelled in horseback archery, shooting at their foes while galloping on the short ponies of the Asian Steppes. They used very short and curvy three-layered bows. Horseback archery, Genghis Khan’s weapon of conquest in large swaths of Asia, allowed his men to be fast and mobile as they fought their enemies.

蠖勢」的拉弓法,以手臂將 弓拉超過頭的型態拉弓, 姿勢看起來像尺蠖。 中國在漫長的歷史 中,採納揉合了許多 不同種類的箭術。 透過上億人的姓氏 「 張 」——意思是 拉開弓弦——也可 以看到弓箭在中國 文化中的重要性。

韃靼和蒙古箭術:韃靼人和蒙古人騎射技藝精湛,能從 疾馳的馬背上舉弓準確地射向敵人,在亞洲大草原所向 披靡。他們使用一種短而呈大曲形的三層式複合弓。騎 射,是成吉思汗征服亞洲的武器,蒙古弓讓士兵在草原 上對戰能快速移動。 │23


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TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Saving Lives, and Making the World a Greater Place to Live

Global Hero Foundation USA was created and founded in 2022 by Sir Gary Kong. We are a privately, self-funded charity organization paying tribute to people who dedicate their lives to helping others. While building relationships between the USA and China and offering financial and medical support.


CONTACT US 917-881-7133 info@globalherofoundationusa.com

Sir Gary Kong; a humble, Chinese-American, entrepreneur came to the United States at sixteen years old with no money in his pocket and strived to achieve the American Dream. He is a self-made real estate mogel and a dedicated philanthropist, has employed hundreds of people with similar backgrounds, and has received multiple prestegious awards throughout his career. Global Hero Foundation USA also supports Sino American Commerce Association, the Arts, Dance & Music bringing other non-profits to unite together at our events & fundraisers.

We Welcome Your Support Ashley Liang is a dance artist, dance choreographer, and dance educator. She is the founder and artistic director of nonprofit Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc. and the president of Ashley Dance Center. She received a master degree of dance education (Teaching Dance in The Profession) at New York University (NYU), and a bachelor of fine arts in dance at Queens College. She also studied professional Chinese dance at Beijing Dance Academy in China. She held her own dance production “Flowing Colors of Charming Flowers” at Alice Tully Lincoln Center on July 6, 2019. She was the female lead, YuHuan, and dance choreographer in the dance drama, The Story of YuHuan at off-Broadway theater for sixteen performances in 2014. Ashley Liang and her dance group were the featured performers at our April 2022 event. For more information: www.ashleyliangdance.com. Sir Gary Kong Founder Global Hero Foundation USA

Ashley Liang Founder & Artist Director of Ashley Liang Dance Company and President of Ashley Dance Center


GIUSEPPE CASTIGLIONE: AN ITALIAN PAINTER IN CHINA’S IMPERIAL COURT Harmonizing Eastern and Western art for a higher purpose 東西合萃 會其中深意 來自西洋的中國宮廷畫師——郎世寧 By Da Yan Pictures courtesy of the National Palace Museum


t may be difficult to believe that a sublime Chinese landscape was painted by an Italian artist. However, Giuseppe Castiglione (1688– 1766), a Baroque-era painter who studied art in Milan, Italy, succeeded in capturing the essence of Chinese landscape painting. He is better known by his Chinese name, Lang Shining. In one of his paintings, the receding layers of mountains, ridges, and misty valleys, lushly embellished with sinuous pines, illustrate a sensibility to Chinese literati aesthetics. From a secluded villa, two figures stand atop a cliff admiring a waterfall. The water disappears into the mist and re-emerges, from under a footbridge to cascade through a rocky terrain into the foreground. To the left, another villa sits amid the woods, and a gentleman sits in pensive solitude by his hut.


清 郎世寧 畫山水 軸


Shan Shui painting is a typical style in traditional Chinese painting. Its essence conveys a sense of mindful expression. Thus, it showed the painter's imagination, which is completely different from Western realism. Here Castiglione included dimensional elements along with a fixed viewing angle.


以參透一二。而這一幅精緻典型的山水畫軸,卻出自一 位意大利畫家 Giuseppe Castiglione,他是一名出生 於巴洛克時期的畫家,在米蘭攻讀藝術,而後遠赴東洋, 習得中國繪畫的精髓,成功畫出一幅幅傳世之作,而其 為人所熟知的便是其中文名--郎世寧。 表現山水畫境 他的這一幅〈畫山水〉之作,層疊的山巒,仙韻飄渺的山 谷,蜿蜒其中,還有鬱鬱蔥蔥的松杉點綴,描繪得正是 中國文人志士眼中的經典之美與信手的韻味。一座藏身 在山丘邊上的涼亭,兩位居士正站在山沿邊交談,望向 直流而下的銀泉。流水消失在霧氣繚繞的山巒間,然後 又在畫軸的下方湧現,泉水潺潺流於木橋之下,在高低 層疊的岩堆上川流不息,流向畫面之外。再看向畫面左 方,有另一座居所隱於衫林旁,一位居士坐在簷廊閱讀 沉思。 崇峻的自然意象,渺小的人物存在,以及對於隱居

寫實主義置入 畫作之中,這是 透 過一雙訓 練有素的雙 眼,以光學透視法,在一固定的視角下表現出的構圖, 而這也是明清山水畫中鮮少具備的特點。 │27

The sense of sublime nature, the insignificance of human presence, and the yearning for a hermetic life were all common themes in Chinese painting. On a closer examination, however, Castiglione’s painted architecture displays a heightened effect of realism seldom seen in contemporary works of this genre. The buildings appear to be rendered from a fixed viewpoint in accordance with a trained, optical perspective. The masterful techniques of chiaroscuro (strong contrasts between light and dark) and linear perspective were the hallmarks of European art and were especially admired in the imperial court. Castiglione painted this landscape in Beijing in the early 18th century, during a period of increasing cultural exchange between Baroque Europe and Qing Dynasty China.

成熟高超的明暗繪畫技法( 強烈的明暗對比),以及 歐洲美術中標誌性的直線透視法(Linear perspective), 這些都是當時清廷所崇尚的技法。郎世寧於北京繪製的這 一幅山水畫,成於 18 世紀初期,彼時,歐洲的巴洛克時期 與中國清代的文化交流日益頻繁。 中西合璧之技 在郎世寧加入耶穌會士數年後,他被其所屬教會委任一項 非比尋常的任務,1715年,這名27歲年輕藝術家被送往遙 遠的東方——中國,並成為清朝治下的宮廷畫家。此後,他 便於北京渡過了51年的餘生,留下許多傳神、精湛的靜態與 肖像畫作。這些年來,其繪畫主題為植卉與馬兒的畫作備受 矚目,這些作品中,可見其如何鎔鑄歐洲繪畫與中國傳統的 象徵技法,展現中西合璧的獨特韻味。 其畫作《聚瑞圖》,是為了慶祝 1722 年雍正登基之際 所繪。其中並蒂的蓮花、禾穀,象徵著治者的賢明,而青瓷 器物則反映了當時的宮廷風尚,廣收上好的古瓷瓶。儘管 郎世寧透過渲染陰影,營造畫面的立體感,卻也特意減少

A WESTERN TOUCH IN CHINESE PAINTING A few years after Castiglione joined the Jesuit order, he was called to serve his church in a very unconventional


了明暗法對比,並移除單一光源的西方傳統繪圖概念。而 其畫中,蓮花醇厚的光澤感,與花器的暖色釉面相平衡, 散發一種優雅寧靜的氣息,該畫作備受清朝貴族所青睞。

way: The 27-year-old artist was sent to China in 1715 to become a court painter for the Qing Dynasty emperors. He lived in Beijing for the next 51 years and executed an impressive number of still lifes and portraits. Throughout the years, he became especially known for his paintings of horses and flowers, which incorporated both European techniques and traditional Chinese symbolism. He painted Gathering of Auspicious Signs to celebrate Emperor Yongzheng’s coronation in 1722. The double-blossom lotuses and the two-eared grains were symbols of a sagacious rule, while the celadon vase ref lected the court fashion of collecting fine antique porcelain. Though Castiglione continued to render shading to create a sense of volume and depth, he nevertheless diminished the use of chiaroscuro and removed the uniform light source. Instead, the lotus flowers glow with a mellow luminosity that is balanced by the warm glaze of the vase. Together, the composition exudes a graceful tranquility that Qing aristocrats greatly appreciated.

為崇高的真理 郎世寧前來這遙遠的東方之洲,並不是為了在貴族面前 顯擺自我,他堅信自己在清廷創作別具意義。儘管他從 未被正式指任為神職人員,他亦堅信得到清廷的賞識, 能讓耶穌會士在中國的傳教工作得以順利進行。因此, 他在朝廷任職期間,咬牙克服重重難關。 對一名來自歐洲的藝術家而言,想在中國宮廷生存 並非易事。尤其在乾隆治下(1735~1796 年),皇帝對西 方藝術產生濃厚的興趣,為迎合皇上的品味,郎世寧與 其他歐洲同行不斷地嘗試各種不同的作畫方法。潛心創 作,讓他們幾乎無心閒暇,也因皇帝格外喜愛觀賞他們 作畫的過程,他們天天被召入宮中,並須按照乾隆的特 殊指示作畫。

清 郎世寧 百駿圖 卷 One Hundred Horses, Qing Dynasty. Castiglione was especially good at depicting animals, and this is one of his most famous works. He painted the horses in a variety of poses, some stationary and others galloping.


清 郎世寧 聚瑞圖 軸 Gathering of Auspicious Signs, Qing Dynasty. Castiglione combined Chinese cultural meaning and traditional European painting skills in his work. Since the Song Dynasty, double-blossom lotuses and two-eared grains have symbolized a sagacious ruler. The light on the vase and the petals give the picture a three-dimensional effect, unlike traditional Chinese painting.

missionary work in China. Therefore, he endured much hardship in the service of the emperor. Court life for the European artists was not an easy one, especially during the reign of Qianlong (1735– 1796), who took a keen interest in Western art. To cater to his taste, Castiglione and his European colleagues had to continually experiment with different artistic styles. They seldom had time for themselves and enjoyed very little freedom. As the emperor enjoyed watching them at work, they were required to paint every day and were often given specific instructions. Few of Castiglione’s colleagues were able to endure the isolated and tedious lifestyle. Some complained about the lack of spiritual nourishment, and others simply left the court and returned to Europe. Castiglione, always of a gentle temperament, never complained. For 51 years, he commuted almost daily from his resident church to the studio in the Forbidden City, immersing himself in minute lines and delicate colors. He believed that the realism of European art could serve as a mirror for the Christian faith, and through beauty, his artwork would communicate that truth. A poem composed toward the end of his life summarizes the extraordinary mind of Giuseppe Castiglione, the artist who believed and persevered: Endowed with imperial grace in the sagacious age of Kang[xi] and Qian[long], [I] become a courtier in the dynasty of the Qing; With Chinese moderacy and Western methods, [I] draw the meticulous brush, [So that] the true image of still [lifes] may wake ten thousand souls. 如此與世隔 絕與嚴苛的宮廷生活,未有幾 人能忍 受。與郎世寧同行的其他藝術家開始埋怨,認為這種生 活狀態使內心枯竭,並且決定離開清廷,回到歐洲。然 而,郎世寧卻始終保持著平和的心境,從未抱怨。 51 年 來,他日日從其教堂居所往返紫禁城內的畫室,讓自己

ARTISTIC AMBITION WITH A HIGHER PURPOSE Castiglione did not travel to another continent merely to paint at the aristocrats’ pleasure; he firmly believed that his work at the Qing court had a purpose. Though never officially ordained as a priest, Castiglione believed that winning the imperial favor would allow the Jesuits to smoothly carry out their 30│

時刻潛心作畫,鑽研那細微的線條變化與細緻的色彩調 整。他堅信,歐洲寫實的藝術風格如面明鏡,能反映基 督真理,如此,其畫筆傳遞的不再只是吉祥如意、花卉 玩物,也映照其內心信仰與信奉的真理。 一首郎世寧在其晚年寫下的詩,貼切描繪與歸結了 自我的心境: 聖世康乾受帝恩,入清一代作朝臣; 中庸西法摹工筆,靜物圖真醒萬民。

清 郎世寧 畫孔雀開屏 軸 This is another of Castiglione’s famous paintings that were done according to Emperor Qianlong’s instructions. During that time, western regions paid tribute to China, the suzerain, with peacocks. Thus, Castiglione received this special request from Qianlong. He not only captured the beauty of the peacock's fanned tail, but also included several plants —magnolia, peony, and begonia—to symbolize the theme of “wealth and rank in the jade hall.”


After The Party, circa 1922.




AMERICA Heartwarming portrayals of everyday life

細察繪出動人日常 美國藝術家諾曼·洛克威爾

By Bob Kirchman



orman Rockwell’s career spanned six decades, and he is certainly one of America’s bestknown 20th-century artists. Many of us love him. Many dismiss him as a romanticist and kitschy caricaturist, but a showing of his works gives a much deeper appreciation of “America’s best-loved artist.” When the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley hosted Norman Rockwell’s America, we went to see it with anticipation. “Will it have any original paintings in it?” my wife asked. “I certainly hope so,” I replied. Yes, I would have enjoyed a selection of Saturday Evening Post covers, but I really wanted to see brushstrokes. I was not to be disappointed.

諾曼.洛克威爾(Norman Rockwell)的畫家生涯持續 了六十餘年,他無疑是二十世紀美國最出名的藝術家之 一。有很多人喜愛他,也有很多人對他不屑一顧,認為他 是個浪漫主義和庸俗的諷刺畫家,但是一場關於他的展 覽,讓我們對這位「 最受美國人喜愛的畫家 」有了更深一 層的欣賞。 去(2021)年,雪倫多亞河谷博物館舉辦「 諾曼・洛 克威爾畫筆下的美國 」展時,我和太太滿心期待的前去 觀賞。 「 會有原作展出嗎?」我太太問, 「 我很希望會有,」 我回覆她。當然,如果是展出《週六晚郵報》的封面作品 選集,我覺得也很棒,但是我真的很想看到原作才有的 筆觸,希望我的期待不會落空。 洛克威爾年輕時便以繪畫為業,21 歲時就開始為 《週六晚郵報》繪製雜誌封面。他是個訓練有素、畫技精 湛的畫家,而且很早就獲得了成就。大多數人比較熟悉

REMINISCENT OF THE OLD MASTERS Rockwell began painting professionally at a young age. At 21, he was painting covers for The Saturday Evening Post. He was a disciplined and masterful

的是他在該報刊中刊載的插畫,因為那些畫經常被複製 或模仿。然而,卻很少人知道他早期的創作也有相當卓 越的作品,從這些作品可以看出他強大的觀察力和構圖 能力,也顯示出他有像古典藝術大師般的技巧與實力。 │33

painter and achieved solid success very early. While most of us are familiar with the oft-reproduced Saturday Evening Post illustrations, few are aware of other masterful works that appear early in his career. These paintings show a keen sense of observation and composition, and a genuine knowledge of the techniques of the old masters. A young girl stands erect before an audience, lit from above and behind, in a style reminiscent of the works of Degas or Rembrandt. The light is accentuated by a touch of impasto and skilled brushwork. The subject is a serious one. The Young Valedictorian, painted in 1922, captures the girl standing before her school in a white dress at graduation. The interior behind her is meticulously detailed. In the shadows, a row of seated faculty members listens. A globe on stage reflects a spot of light in highlight on its varnished surface. A clock on the wall, to the upper right of the speaker, marks time. All eyes are on the face of the young speaker. Rockwell’s lighting and masterful composition see to that. Here are the brush strokes of a genius. Amazingly enough, this work was never published. Few people are aware of it, and if it were on a wall by itself, perhaps few would attribute it to Rockwell. There is no irony, no humor, and no caricature. It is a beautiful capture of a poignant moment. It reveals a Norman Rockwell I want to know.

刻畫靈韻與生動 一名女孩 在觀 眾前站 得 挺直,畫中光 線 來自上方和 後 面,讓 人聯 想 到竇 加 或林 布蘭的 畫 風。一抹厚塗和 純 熟的用筆,將光線突顯出來,這是幅絕佳的作品。《年 輕的畢業生代 表》 ( The Young Valedictorian)繪 於 1922年,畫中女孩身穿白洋裝,在畢業典禮上站在全校 面前,畫面後方也充滿了細節,陰暗處,一排坐著的老師 們在聽女孩的致詞,臺上有座地球儀,上過漆的表面反 著光,右上方的牆面上掛有一個時鐘,標示著時間。 洛克威爾的光線處 理及出色的構圖,讓 觀 畫者的 目光聚焦在年輕演講者的臉上。這幅畫可以看到他的筆 觸,感受他出色的才華,不過這件作品竟從未被發表過。 鮮少人知道這幅作品,如果這幅畫被單獨掛在牆上,大 概也很少人會認為這是洛克威爾的作品。這幅畫不帶諷 刺、不滑稽,也不刻意誇大,它細緻刻畫了這令人動容 的一刻,展現出的我想認識的洛克威爾。 《派對之後》(After the Party)是他在 1922 年畫 的另一件作品,它是洛克威爾為馬茲達燈泡( 後來的「 通 用電氣 」)繪製的廣告。運用高明的明暗對照技巧,洛 克威爾描繪了對話中的年邁婦女與年輕女子,一盞電燈 從後方照亮了兩人,從畫面看來,她們是在一場重要社 交活動結束後,交談著直到深夜。構圖創造出兩人對話 的樣子,這幅畫再次地展現出洛克威爾嫻熟的藝術手法 和絕妙的觀察力。 《兩個 祈禱中的孩子》(Two Children Praying) 繪於 1954 年,是他較晚期的作品。在畫中,洛克威爾 描 繪的是一個仍然保有核心價值的美國。這 幅畫 是幫 Longchamps 餐廳繪製的廣告看板,這座走入歷史的 老餐廳,先前立址於紐約聯合廣場。畫面的背景是一片

PICTURES THAT TOUCH THE HEART After the Party is another painting of his from the same year. It was painted as an advertisement for Edison Mazda (later to become General Electric). In a masterful bit of chiaroscuro, Rockwell captures a conversation between a young woman and an elderly lady. A single electric lamp backlights the two figures—presumably talking late in the evening after an important social event. The composition creates the conversation. Again, it shows Rockwell’s mastery of his art, as well as his observational skills. In Two Children Praying, painted much later in his career, in 1954, Rockwell captures an America still in touch with its core values. This painting was done for a billboard advertisement for Longchamps Restaurant in Union Square, New York. The background is a night sky illuminated by a bright star, 34│

夜空,由一顆燦爛的星星照亮著,那顆星的光芒也照亮 了祈禱中的男孩、女孩的臉龐。洛克威爾細膩的鉛筆手 稿,體現出畫家對藝術傾獻相當的心力,才得以成就如 此傑出的作品。 用細節體現故事 他的素描令人聯想到李奧納多・達文西,達文西的手稿正 是他為畫出《最後的晚餐》所做的鋪墊。達文西受託在食 堂繪製壁畫,題材取自 《聖經》故事的「 最後的晚餐」,他 使用新的媒材來作畫,還在畫中加上了具戲劇性的背叛 場景。如果記得這個故事,便也不難理解是洛克威爾的 藝術技巧,使其插畫可具有如此戲劇張力。 達文西和洛克威爾都能夠將人物性格刻畫的細緻 入微,而洛克 威 爾在 雜 誌 封面繪 製 上 所追求的 巧思, 常常將這個能力發揮到極致。一幅命名為《洛克威爾參 訪 鄉 間 學 校》(Norman Rockwell Visits a Country School)的畫,作於 1946 年。在畫中,洛克威爾描繪

Young Valedictorian, circa 1922.


I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed.” —Norman Rockwell 我把我眼中的美國畫下來,讓那些沒注意過的人看。 ——諾曼 · 洛克威爾

and its light falls across the faces of a young boy and girl as they pray. Rockwell’s detailed pencil study for the work shows the artist’s commitment to excellence in a work like this.

了一位富有愛心的老師在一間小校舍( 或是一間教室) 裡為學生們讀著書。大家全神貫注,一字一句仔細地聽 著,除了一個人,在燒柴暖爐的另一邊,有個女孩沉浸在 自己的書裡。畫作中充滿故事性,此外,洛克威爾畫的 室內構圖非常引人入勝,如果我想重建一個鄉村校舍,

DETAILS THAT TELL A STORY The sketch is reminiscent of those that Leonardo da Vinci did leading up to painting The Last Supper. When one remembers that Leonardo took a commission for a rather common refectory scene and added the drama of the betrayal—rendered in the relatively new medium of oil paint—one can begin to appreciate that Rockwell stepped up to the easel of an illustrator and brought to it the drama that his artistic skills made possible. Both da Vinci and Rockwell could capture the fine nuance of personality. Though Rockwell would often push it to the limit in his magazine covers, he could pursue subtlety. In a painting titled Norman Rockwell Visits a Country School, painted in 1946, Rockwell depicts a loving teacher in a small (perhaps one-room) schoolhouse reading to a rapt group of students hanging on her every word—all but one, that is. There, on the other side of the wood stove that heats the room, sits a girl lost in her own book. The painting tells its own story. Here I must tell you, Rockwell’s interiors are gorgeous. If I wanted to recreate a country schoolhouse, this painting is the template, rendered down to the minutest detail. Even the children’s art on the walls is amazingly realistic. Norman Rockwell was witness to an America in transition. The body of his work is no less than a historical record. His work spans the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, and the Great War. Read the headlines of The Saturday Evening Post covers, and you discover an America whose journalists were not afraid to call out the evils of communism. 36│

從畫面空間到最微小的細節,我會以這幅畫當作範本, 就連牆上小朋友的作品都逼真得不可思議。 畫筆下的美國精神 洛克威爾見證了變遷中的美國,其作品主體不遜於那些 歷史文獻,這些畫作橫跨第一次世界大戰、咆哮的二十 年代到經濟大蕭條。在讀《週六晚郵報》的封面標題時, 可以發現在當時的美國,記者們無所畏懼地揭示共產主 義的邪惡。洛克威爾可能確實有將他的一些作品理想 化,但是他畫出了對生活的體會和美國百姓的努力。 他受政府所託而設計的一系列海報,就是最明顯的 例 子。《四大自由》(The Four Freedoms)是根 據 富 蘭克林・羅斯福總統的 1941 年國情咨文演說內容繪製。 在那場演說中,總統提出了四項「 基本自由 」 :言論自由、 信仰自由、免於匱乏的自由和免於恐懼的自由。前兩項 是直接取自 《美國憲法第一修正案》,重申人民在有限的 政府制度下,能保有發表言論、個人信仰的自由,在《言 論自由》這幅畫中,一名身穿舊工作夾克的男士站著,正 在地方政府的會議中發言,這樣的畫面讓人想起在學校 委員會議中,為了維護子女的權益而起身發言的我們, 能引起人們強烈的共鳴。 第二幅畫,《信仰自由》,畫中形形色色的面孔,有 著同樣虔誠的表情,讓人憶起自己的祖先是為了宗教信 仰的自由來到這塊土地。而接下來要講述的自由,從能 自由的「 做 」什麼事,變成能「 免於」某些事而自由。 《第一修正案》中沒有保障免於匱乏的自由和免於 恐 懼的自由,這是羅斯福 總 統在新政策中表明的一些 理想。為了達到免於匱乏,在接近華盛頓特區的美國國 家農業研究中心,發展了很多現代化學農業的研究。在 研究中心的旁邊,是馬里蘭州的綠帶城,是當時的第一 夫人愛蓮娜・羅斯福為了改善因美國經濟蕭條造成的貧 困,而規劃的中央城市最初計畫地。

The Four Freedoms, a series of four oil paintings painted by Rockwell in 1943, were inspired by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s words about four basic freedoms in his 1941 address to Congress. _Courtesy of Norman Rockwell Museum Collection


Rockwell may indeed have romanticized some of his work, but he had a sense of the life and struggle of ordinary Americans. IMAGES OF AMERICAN VALUES Nowhere is this more evident than in a series of posters he designed for a commission from the government: The Four Freedoms. The paintings are based on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1941 State of the Union Address. The president laid out four “fundamental freedoms” in that speech: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. The first two, taken directly from the First Amendment of our Constitution, reiterate freedoms unique to people living under a system of limited government— freedoms that belong to the people. In the painting Freedom of Speech, a man in a worn work jacket stands to address a meeting of local government. The image resonates with all of us who are now standing up at school board meetings to protect the interests of our families. The second painting, Freedom of Worship, shows a rich composition of diverse faces—the faces of the devout. This resonates with all of us whose ancestors came here for freedom to practice our faiths. But here, the freedoms take a turn from freedom to “do” something to freedom "from" something. Freedom from want and freedom from fear are not in the Constitution. They are rather a statement of some of Roosevelt’s New Deal ideals. They would play out in the work of the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, near Washington, D.C., where much work was done to create our modern, chemically dependent agriculture. Located next to Beltsville is Greenbelt, Maryland, originally an example of Eleanor Roosevelt’s idea of a centrally planned city, intended to replace the squalor of depression-era America. In 1963, Rockwell left The Saturday Evening Post and worked for Look magazine. Here he was given more creative latitude, and he freely pursued his passion for civil rights and space exploration. He painted right up to his death in 1978 at the age of 84, leaving an unfinished work on his easel.

Norman Rockwell (1894–1978), one of the most influential American painters of the 20th century. Most people were familiar with his cover illustrations for The Saturday Evening Post magazine, which he contributed to for nearly five decades. Several of his early works, which were largely unknown, showed his outstanding painting skill and his ability to touch peoples hearts.

1963 年,洛克威爾離開了 《週六晚郵報》並開始為 《展望》(Look)雜 誌作 畫。在 那 裡,他的創作 有了較 多的自由度,於是他開始熱衷於公民權和太空探索等題 材。一直到 1978 年過世前,他都未曾停止 創作,臨終 前,其畫架上還留著他未完成的作品,享年 84 歲。

Young Valedictorian, After the Party, and Two Children Praying courtesy of Norman Rockwell’s America 2021 Exhibition, curated and organized by National Museum of American Illustration, Newport, Rhode Island (Americanillustration.org) and the American Illustrators Gallery, New York, NY (Americanillustrators.com).



BEST-DRESSED Stunning summer salads make the most of the season’s bounty 驚豔一夏 爽脆輕食沙拉


All recipes reprinted with permission from “Salads Are More Than Leaves” by Elena Silcock, published by Hamlyn.


un, don’t walk, to your nearest farmers market—the stands are about to burst with a rainbow of glorious, sun-ripened produce. There’s no better time to turn it all into a big, beautiful salad. For inspiration, we’re turning to chef, author, food stylist, and seasoned salad guru Elena Silcock, whose newest cookbook, Salads Are More Than Leaves, offers a cornucopia of dazzling examples. Follow her expert tips and recipes for salads that will refresh and impress all summer long.

快,用跑的,跑去離你最近的農夫市集,各種嫩黃、鮮 紅、翠綠的夏季蔬果,快要在攤位上架起一道道彩虹了! 現在正是將各種爽脆的夏季蔬果做成沙拉的最好時機。 我們請到集廚師、作家、食物造型師、季節沙拉專 家於一身的 Elena Silcock 帶來她的新書——《沙拉不 僅是生菜》 (Salads Are More Than Leaves),其中登 載了大量令人目眩神迷的沙拉作法。看看她的專家貼士 和沙拉食譜,如何讓人清爽一夏!


Triple Tomato I could have filled my book with tomato salads, but I held back and instead chose a couple that I feel really hit the spot. This one is packed with cherry, chunky, and sun-dried tomatoes. I like to serve the pecorino in big fat wedges, but feel free to shave it over the top if you prefer.

Subs: Use a vegetarian hard cheese. Use vegan Parmesan-style “cheese” or omit. Get ahead: Salt the tomatoes up to an hour in advance. Make the croutons and dressing in advance. Nice on the side: Pastas, focaccia, or grilled meats. Makes 4 servings



1 pound large tomatoes 10 1/2 ounces cherry tomatoes 7 ounces sun-dried or semidried tomatoes 3 1/2 ounces pecorino cheese Salt and pepper

1. Cut the large tomatoes into wedges. Halve the cherry tomatoes. Put both in a large mixing bowl and season generously with salt while you make the rest of the salad. (Salting your tomatoes removes some of their water and consequently intensifies their flavor.)

Dressing Lemon and olive oil (recipe follows) Toppers 9 ounces bread, such as sourdough, torn into 3/4- to 1 1/4inch chunks 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt Handful of basil leaves


2. Make the croutons: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spread the croutons out in a roasting tray, drizzle with the oil, and season generously with salt. Toss well, making sure that the croutons are well-coated with the oil. Roast for 10 to 15 minutes. Set aside to cool before using. 3. Whisk up the dressing in a large mixing bowl. 4. Drain the salted tomatoes in a sieve and add to the dressing. Add the sun-dried or semi-dried tomatoes to the bowl. Toss, taste, and season with extra salt if needed. Transfer to a large plate. 5. Cut the pecorino into triangles and tuck into the salad.Top with the croutons, basil leaves, and black pepper.

番茄三重奏 我可以用番茄沙拉填滿整本食譜, 不過我決定不那麼激進,只選了幾 個真正深入我心的作法。這個番 茄三重奏食譜有著滿滿的櫻桃番 茄、牛番茄和油漬番茄。我個人 喜歡把佩可里諾起司切成大大 的三角形,不過想要削成薄片 灑在沙拉上也可以。

替代品:選用素食硬起司,純素 /維根帕瑪森風味起司,或不加。 先備料:先用鹽輕漬番茄一小時, 準備好脆麵包丁和沙拉醬汁。 可搭配:意大利麵、佛卡夏麵包或烤 肉。 四人份

材料 作法 1磅大顆番茄 10又1/2盎司櫻桃番茄

1. 將大顆番茄切塊,櫻桃番茄對半切,放進料理碗中,撒入適量的


鹽後放置一旁,進行下一步驟( 鹽能夠讓番茄釋出多餘的水分,




2. 製作脆麵包丁: 預熱烤箱至350°F。將麵包丁鋪散在烤盤上,淋上橄欖油、適

沙拉醬汁 檸檬和橄欖油( 作法後述) 撒料 準備9盎司麵包,比如酸麵包, 撕成3/4到1又1/4英寸大小 2大匙橄欖油 鹽 1把羅勒葉

量鹽,翻攪均勻,並試吃,以確保麵包丁有足夠的鹽和橄欖油。 烤10到15分鐘,放涼備用。 3. 在料理碗中混合所有沙拉醬汁材料,並攪拌均勻。 4. 用濾網將稍微醃過的番茄濾掉鹽水,加入沙拉醬汁,再加進油漬 番茄或油漬半乾番茄,拌勻,試吃,不夠鹹可再多加點鹽。 5. 將所有材料放入大沙拉盤中,塞入切成塊狀的佩可里諾起司,再 撒上脆麵包丁、羅勒和黑胡椒少許,即可食用。


Frozen Pea, Mint, and Cucumber Using frozen peas in salad was a bit of a revelation to me. They defrost as you toss the salad, but they also keep everything cold and fresh.

Subs: Swap the honey in the dressing for sugar or maple syrup and the feta for firm tofu. Get ahead: Make the couscous up to 24 hours in advance and set aside to cool completely. Toss with the peas and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Roast the nuts in advance. Nice on the side: Chicken, fish, sausages, or slowcooked lamb shoulder Makes 4 servings



7 ounces couscous 7 ounces boiling water 1 jalapeño or other medium-hot green chile 6 ounces frozen peas 1 small cucumber 1 small bunch mint (about 1 ounce) 1 small bunch cilantro (about 1 ounce) 1 block feta cheese (7-ounce) Salt and pepper

1. Put the couscous into a bowl with a pinch of salt. Pour over the measured boiling water, cover with plastic wrap, and leave to sit for 10 minutes.

Dressing Honey and mustard (recipe follows), plus 1 extra tablespoon vinegar or more to taste Toppers 3 ounces walnuts or blanched hazelnuts A few of the herbs (see above)

2. Remove the plastic wrap, fluff up the couscous with a fork, and leave for 10 to 15 minutes to cool to room temperature. 3. Whisk up the dressing, including the extra tablespoon of vinegar in a large mixing bowl. 4. Finely slice the chile, add to the dressing, and set aside. 5. Roast the nuts: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spread the nuts out in a roasting tray, and roast for 15 to 20 minutes until golden. Cooking the nuts at a relatively low temperature means they become golden and sweet rather than risking turning them dark and bitter-tasting. 6. Add the peas to the chile in the bowl and top with the couscous—the residual heat will defrost the peas. 7. Chop the cucumber into 1/2-inch chunks and add to the bowl. 8. Pull the herb leaves from the stems, roughly chop, and add most to the bowl. 9. Toss, taste, and season generously with salt and pepper, adding more vinegar to taste. 10. Add the feta, crumbling it into chunks with your hands, and gently toss again. Don’t break up the feta too much. 11. Top with the remaining herbs. Roughly chop the roasted nuts and sprinkle on top.


豆仁薄荷小黃瓜 在沙拉中使用冷凍碗豆仁,對我而言算是滿創新的做 法。冷凍碗豆仁在沙拉攪拌時會開始解凍,同時也讓 其他的蔬菜降溫,並保持冰涼爽脆的口感。

替代品:可將蜜蜂替換為糖或楓糖漿,菲達起司換成 板豆腐。 先備料:24小時前先將北非小米(couscous)煮好, 放涼後和冷凍豆仁拌在一起,裝入保鮮盒放進冰箱冷 藏。堅果烤好備用。 可搭配:雞、魚、臘腸或燉羊肩 四人份

作法 1. 將北非小米放進料理碗中,加上少許鹽,和7盎司滾水,用保鮮膜 包起。


2. 放置10分鐘後除去保鮮膜,用叉子將北非小米撥鬆,放涼至室 溫,約10到15分鐘。

7盎司北非小米 7盎司滾水 1根墨西哥辣椒或其他中等辣度的 辣椒 6盎司冷凍豆仁 1根小黃瓜 1小把薄荷( 約1盎司) 1小把芫荽( 約1盎司) 1塊(7盎司)菲達起司 鹽和胡椒 醬汁 蜂蜜和芥末( 作法後述),可依個 人口味決定是否額外加上1大匙左右 的醋

3. 在這個時候,將所有製作醬汁材料( 包括1大匙醋,如果決定要用 的話)放入料理碗中快速攪拌。 4. 加入切成薄片的辣椒後備用。 5. 製作烤堅果:烤箱預熱至350°F,將堅果均勻置於烤盤上烤15 到20分鐘直到金黃。用較低的溫度將堅果烤至金黃,可以更突 顯堅果的甜味,也可以避免烤焦或烤出苦味。 6. 把豆仁加到有辣椒的料理碗中,並放入北非小米,餘溫可以為豆 仁解凍。 7. 加入切成1/2吋的小黃瓜段。 8. 把香料去除莖部後,粗切幾下,留下一小部分,其他的大部分加 入料理碗中。 9. 翻拌,試味道,加入足夠的鹽和胡椒,有需要的話可以再加多一 點醋。

配料 3盎司核桃或燙過的榛果 香料( 如上所列)酌量

10. 用手將大塊菲達起司掰成小塊( 不要掰得太碎),加入沙拉後 拌勻。 11. 把剩下的香料和烤過的堅果略切幾下,最後灑到沙拉上。 │43


BAKING WITH LOVE How cookbook author Kristina Cho’s family inspired her creations 烘焙,以愛之名 By Annie Wu


ristina Cho has vivid childhood memories of the scene at her grandparents’ Chinese restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio. It was the kind of place where everyone in the family chipped in to help. “I remember, growing up, all my aunts and uncles and my mom had full-time jobs elsewhere, working at hospitals and banks—you know, very normal professional jobs. But they would still come to the restaurant after work,” Her mother was an all-around talent. “She would do everything,” from hostessing to

曹穎怡(Kristina Cho)是一名出色的麵點師,也是《月 餅與牛奶麵包》(Mooncakes and Milk Bread)的作 者;在其烹飪路上,家人的身影常伴左右,亦師亦友。 在曹穎怡的兒時記憶中,祖父母經營的中餐館幾乎 與家的比重不相上下。位於俄亥俄州克里夫蘭,這間中 餐館可以稱得上是她最初的起點。那時,幾乎家裡的每 個人都來餐廳中幫過忙。 「 我記得在我的成長過程中,我所有的叔叔、阿姨 和我媽媽都在醫院和銀行從事全職工作——他們都有一 份專業工作。但在下班後,他們還是會來餐廳,」曹穎怡 的母親是一個很全能的人。「 她什麼都會做,」她說,無 論是服務員還是吧檯招待,抑或是去送外賣。「 我只記 得我媽媽經常在餐廳裡穿梭,儘管當時她在醫院有一份 全職工作,每週工時長達 40 小時。」 她的外祖父母在 1960 年代後期,從香港移民到美 夢得以啟航。 曹穎怡 對 食 物 的 熱 愛,也 來源 於她 的 家人。她兒 時就經常和祖父一起去吃港式飲茶,有點像是早午餐, 有各式一碟碟、一口大小的點心,配上茶飲,「 我們點餐 時,祖父總會小聲告訴我各式茶點的名字。」 後來在食譜的創作過程中,她還揭開了一段往事: 她發現祖父的第一份餐館工作就是烘焙師。雖然這項工 作地位不高,只比洗碗的人重要一點, 「 但是這樣的工作 在中餐廳很少見,因為除了簽語餅(forture cookie) 和切好的橙子之外,很少有中式餐館提供甜點。曹穎怡

While working at an architecture firm, Kristina Cho found her true passion—baking and cooking. She started to share her recipes on her blog, Eat Cho Food, and in 2021, she published her first cookbook, Mooncakes & Milk Bread.


在書中寫道,那時的祖父,日復一日地準備著一盤盤無 法盡數的金色杏仁餅,而那時的日子,彷彿漫長得沒有 盡頭。」



making drinks at the bar to being the carry-out runner, Cho said in a recent interview. “I just remember my mom zipping through the restaurant constantly, even though I knew that she was working at the hospital, like 40 hours a week.” Her maternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from Hong Kong in the late 1960s and later decided to open a restaurant to support the family. Her family members worked hard to keep the American dream going. Cho’s family instilled in her a love for food. She recalls regular childhood trips with her grandfather to get dim sum, the Cantonese brunch meal that typically serves bite-sized treats with tea: When we would order things, he would whisper in my ear and explain what the different dishes were. Later, while researching for her cookbook Mooncakes & Milk Bread: Sweet & Savory Recipes Inspired by Chinese Bakeries, she discovered a little more about her family history: Her grandfather’s first restaurant job was as a baker. The job was a step above dishwasher in the kitchen. “It also was a rare station because few Chinese restaurants served desserts beyond fortune cookies and sliced oranges. He spent day after day making endless trays of his golden, almond-studded cookies,” Cho wrote in her cookbook. HER GRANDFATHER’S INFLUENCE This discovery also held special significance. Her grandfather’s background as a baker meant that her passion for baking had a family connection. “When I was writing the book and I learned a little bit more about my grandpa’s baking journey, it made me feel like, ‘Oh, there’s some type of connection there.’ I’m not the first baker in the family. My grandpa actually did it first,” she said. Cho wrote in her cookbook that her grandfather, who passed away several years ago, once made his family-famous almond cookies for her before she left for college. The cookbook includes a recipe for the cookies as she remembered from that day baking with her grandfather. She also turned to her grandmother for help developing recipes for traditional Chinese desserts (which are often steamed rather thant baked), but she wished she had learned more from her grandfather.


祖父的影響 祖父在餐館裡的經驗,讓曹穎怡不禁感到,這一切似乎 有著一種宿命般的連繫,原來自己對於烘焙的愛,一直 都有跡可循。「 當我寫這本書時,我對祖父的烘焙之旅 有了更多了解,這讓我覺得,『 哦,有種連繫一直都在。』 我不是家裡的第一位烘焙師,其實祖父早就做過了。」 幾年前,她的祖父去世了,儘管如此,她仍在其書中 寫下源自祖父的愛。她仍記得,在 離家 就讀 大學前,祖 父曾烤了祖傳口味的杏仁餅。而這酥脆杏仁餅乾的作法, 也被完整寫在了書中。她也從祖母那裡學了一些中式的 傳統甜點作法,很多是蒸而不是烤。不過沒能和祖父學 習更多烘焙手藝,一直是她的遺憾, 「 如今回想,我那時 真應該把所有食物作法都認真筆記下來。祖父對於烘焙 很有心得,他總是有辦法應對廚房中發生的種種狀況。 我彷彿繼承了這些,引領我走上烘焙的道路,也成就了 今天的我。」 曹穎怡原是建築專業出身,之後移居舊金山,曾在 幾家公司擔任過設計師。但從事建築行業期間,她總覺 得心中的某個角落缺了一塊⋯⋯直到她再次投身烘焙和 烹飪 領域,才突然發覺,原來之前的尋覓都有了答案。 2017 年初,她開設了一個名為 「Eat Cho Food」的博客, 以家鄉的港式美食為靈感創作食譜,也改良了一些自己喜 歡的食物。

The cookbook includes the recipe for a family favorite—the almond cookies that Cho’s grandfather made for her before she left for college.

“He always had a mind of tinkering and figuring out how to do stuff. I definitely took that with me as I got older and went through different career paths and ended up doing what I do now,” Cho said. She wasn’t always a baker; she trained to be an architect and moved to San Francisco to work as a designer for several firms. But being an architect did not satisfy her creative energy the way baking and cooking did. In early 2017, Cho started a blog called “Eat Cho Food,” creating recipes inspired by her family’s Cantonese cooking and developing her own twists on her favorite foods. UNIQUE FLAVORS Mooncakes & Milk Bread is a compilation of her inventive projects, as well as an homage to the Hong Kong-style bakeries that are a fixture of Chinatowns across the country. Owing to more than 100 years of British rule, bakers in Hong Kong adopted Western baking traditions, creating pastries, biscuits, and cakes “using the ingredients they had access to and incorporat[ing] flavors and ingredients more aligned with the Asian palate.” “Sugar levels were reduced, cakes became lighter, and ingredients like black sesame seeds and mango worked their way into everything. Thus, the classic Chinese bakery style is a quirky melding of Western and Eastern cultures,” Cho explained in her book. Cho said that this is similar to how bakers in America use the ingredients native to their region. “[They] are adjusting their recipes and flavors to wherever they are. So did the bakers back then in Hong Kong. Instead of using cream or butter, maybe they’d use coconut milk or lard because that’s what they had.” Cho melds East and West in her recipes, too, with fun takes on classic Western pastries like black sesame souffle cheesecake, Asian pear turnover, and Thanksgiving “guabao” with leftover turkey, brussels sprouts, and cranberry sauce sandwiched between

獨特的風味 《月餅和牛奶麵包》整理了曹穎怡多年來的改良食譜, 同時也對美國所有華埠的港式烘焙店致敬。由於英國在 香港100多年的統治,香港的烘焙師開始採用西方的烘 焙傳統,「 使用他們可以接觸到的原料,並融入更符合 亞洲人的口味和原料,製作糕點、餅乾和蛋糕。糖含量 降低了,蛋糕變得鮮軟蓬鬆,還加入了像是黑芝麻和芒 果這樣的食材,令口味變得更加豐富、充滿層次感。因 此,西方人眼中經典的中式烘焙風格,其實是西方和東 方文化的奇妙融合,」她在書中如此寫道。 她也表示,這有點像是美國的烘焙師會使用當地食 材一樣。「( 他們)會根據當地的食材和口味來調整他 們的食譜,當時香港的烘焙師也是如此。也許他們不用 奶油或是鮮奶油,用椰奶或豬油來代替,因為那就是當 地的食材,所以他們做了改良。」 她的食譜中同樣做出了很多融合東方和西方的嘗 試,像是黑芝麻蛋奶酥芝士蛋糕、亞洲梨派和感恩節刈 包,用火雞、球芽甘藍和蔓越莓醬夾在麵餅之間。為了 紀念她在中西部成長的歲月,她創作了「 意大利辣香腸 麵包 」的食譜,被她稱為「 俄亥俄美食 」:將意大利辣香 腸放在湯種麵包裡,麵包鬆軟,香味直擊味蕾。


Cho’s grandfather used to work as a pastry maker in a Chinese restaurant. Decades later, when she learned about her grandfather’s cooking, the connection made her feel that she had inherited her enthusiasm for baking.

steamed buns. Sometimes, she celebrates her Midwest upbringing. The book includes a recipe for pepperoni bread, which she calls “an Ohio delicacy”: pepperoni stuffed into a roll. Her version uses milk bread, a fluffy bread made with “tangzhong,” a roux of milk and flour. Cho also pays tribute to pillars of her Cleveland community who are not blood-related, including Auntie Lydia, a close family friend. Cho’s grandmother first got to know Lydia through the latter’s mother-in-law. “After living in Hong Kong and immigrating to Cleveland, she hung on tightly to the practices she’d learned from her own family and found Lydia’s mother-in-law’s food comforting and familiar. Over decades, the three of them bonded in the kitchen as they gossiped, swapped recipes, and made enough food to feed their loved ones and more,” Cho wrote in the book, noting that without Auntie Lydia, her grandmother may not have learned to make some of the traditional recipes showcased in the book. 48│

The baker expressed gratitude for the keepers of important food traditions. “I’m thankful that someone like her exists in our small Chinese community and continues to carry on the history, culture, and recipes for future generations. It’s not only the bakeries and restaurants carrying on our food traditions— it’s also the quiet home-cooks and Auntie Lydias of the world,” Cho wrote. 除了家人,當然還有朋友,其中最重要的當數 Lydia 阿姨,是家族的重要友人。曹穎怡的祖母通過 Lydia 的 婆 婆認 識了她。「 帶 著在香港生活的經 歷來到克 里夫 蘭,她( 祖母)無時無刻都在懷念故鄉的味道,這時她 發現 Lydia 的婆婆,手藝溫暖又熟悉。幾十年來,她們 三個人在廚房裡閒聊,交換食譜,一同為家人烹飪,」 她在書中寫到,如果不是因為 Lydia 阿姨,她也不會從 祖母那裡學到這些故鄉的傳統作法。 不只有餐廳、烘焙店能傳承傳統的飲食,其實味道 的傳承更在於普通家庭中的主廚:日復一日在廚房工作 將味道保留,為後代傳承歷史、文化和食譜。


By Kristina Cho


hese Chinese sausage and cilantro pancakes are a variation of the beloved classic green-onion pancake. I would take a plateful of crispy green-onion pancakes topped with a big spoonful of chili oil over a stack of buttermilk pancakes any day. They should be salty, crispy, and a little greasy (in a good way). Some people like them thin and crunchy, bordering on cracker texture, while others prefer them thick and doughy. In my world, the perfect pancake is light and flaky on the outer rings and progressively doughier and chewier toward the center. That chewy center nugget of dough is the best piece to dunk into a generous amount of chili oil. Thin layers of unleavened dough are rolled up with sesame oil and chopped fillings to create a quick lamination of sorts to create all those layers. The Chinese sausage renders into crunchy bits of sweet-and-salty pork, and the cilantro brings a welcome freshness. The combination is delicious, complex, and textually more exciting than the classic green-onion pancake. Don’t stop at Chinese sausage and cilantro, though. Consider filling your pancakes with other tender herbs, such as basil, dill, and tarragon, and maybe swap out the Chinese sausage for crisp bacon or crunchy fried garlic.

這款中式香腸香菜煎餅是經典蔥花餅的改良版。比起美式 鬆餅,我更愛一盤香脆的洋蔥煎餅配上一大勺辣椒油。鹹 香酥脆,油香四溢。每人的口味不盡相同,有人喜歡薄薄脆 脆,像餅乾一樣的口感,而有些人喜歡厚厚軟軟的軟糯口 感。而我最愛的煎餅是外圈輕薄酥脆,向中心逐漸變得柔 軟、富有嚼勁。用那個有嚼勁的中心處蘸上辣椒油,一口 咬下,享受那酥酥的麵餅裹著辣椒油的麻香,在味蕾上綻 開的滋味。 沒有發酵的麵團擀成薄薄的麵餅,再塗上芝麻油,灑 上切碎的餡料後疊起來重新擀平,反覆幾次,這樣就形成 了千層餅,下煎鍋時,這些薄薄的層在油中滋滋作響,變得 酥脆可口。選用中式香腸則是因為它甜鹹的絕妙平衡,最 後的香菜則是點睛之筆,一解油膩。將這所有食材搭配得 宜,豐富的層次口感讓它超越了經典的蔥花餅。 不過,除了中式香腸和香菜,你也可以試試在煎餅中 加入其他香草,像是羅勒、蒔蘿或是龍蒿,也可以將中式香 腸換成培根或脆炸大蒜。 │49



Makes 6 servings 6人份

1. In a medium bowl, combine the f lour, salt, and warm water. Mix with chopsticks or f lexible spatula until a shaggy dough forms. Knead with your hands until you form a smooth ball, 6 to 8 minutes.

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

300 克(2又1/2杯)通用麵粉

2. Lightly brush a medium bowl with oil. Transfer the dough to the bowl, turn to coat, and cover with plastic wrap. Rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes or up to 8 hours. The longer the dough rests at room temperature, the flakier the pancakes will be. 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt


3. In a medium skillet over medium-high heat, cook the sausage, stirring occasionally, until the fat renders, and the sausage is crispy, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer the sausage to a bowl to cool completely.

3/4 cup warm water

170 克(3/4杯)溫水

1/4 cup canola or other neutral-flavored oil, plus extra for brushing 1/4杯菜籽油或其他無香味油, 多預留一些備用

3 Chinese sausages, finely chopped


2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil


1 cup fresh cilantro leaves and tender stems, finely chopped



4. On a lightly f loured surface, divide the dough into six equal pieces, preferably with a digital scale. Lightly brush a wooden cutting board with oil. Roll one piece of dough into a roughly 6x10-inch rectangle. 5. Brush the dough with some sesame oil and sprinkle some sausage and cilantro evenly over the surface. Starting at a long edge, tightly roll up the dough into a 10-inch-long rope, pressing out trapped air. Starting at one end, form the rope into a coil shape, tucking the opposite end underneath at the end. Set aside and repeat with remaining dough, sesame oil, sausage, and cilantro to form six pancakes. Brush the cutting board with more oil as needed. When you’ve formed the last pancake, cover the coils with a kitchen towel and allow them to rest for 15 minutes. Don’t skip this step, as the pancakes will not roll out as easily without a proper rest.) 6. Working with one piece at a time, gently f latten each coil with the palm of your hand. Then roll into a 6-inch round. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If the pancake bursts in some places, don’t panic. That’s natural. It will still cook just fine. 7. In a heavy-bottomed skillet, heat the 1/4 cup oil over medium-high until shimmering. Cook one pancake in the oil until the underside is golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes. Then f lip and cook the other side until golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes more. Place the pancake on a baking sheet fitted with a wire rack. Repeat with the remaining pancakes and serve. (The pancakes are best eaten soon after frying.)

Note: Uncooked pancakes can be stored in the freezer for up to three months. Sandwich the pancakes between 7-inch squares of parchment paper. Then place the stack in a resealable plastic bag and freeze. Do not thaw the pancakes before cooking and frying. Cooked pancakes can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to three days. Reheat the pancakes on a baking sheet in a 400-degree oven until hot, 8 to 10 minutes.

5. 在麵團上刷一些芝麻油,在表面均勻撒上一些香腸 和香菜。然 後 將 麵 團緊緊地捲成一根10英寸長的長 條,擠出多餘的空氣。從一端開始,將這個長條捲成 螺旋狀,放在一邊。剩下的五個麵團都是重複以上的 步驟( 可以根據需要在砧板上刷油)。都做好之後, 用一些廚房用的厚紙巾都蓋住,等15分鐘。 6. 取一塊捲好的麵團,用手掌輕輕壓平,然後擀成6英 寸的圓形,放在襯有羊皮紙的烤盤上。如果麵餅有些 地方壞掉或是有缺口,沒有關係,這是很正常的。

1. 取一個中等大小的碗,放入麵 粉、鹽和溫水。開始攪 拌,直到它們在碗中完全混合。拿出來用手揉麵團,大 概6到8分鐘。

7. 取一個厚底平底鍋,將1/4杯菜籽油加熱至中高溫, 直至油 開。放入麵 餅,煎到底部呈金黃色,大概 用1 到2分鐘,然後翻轉並將另一面煎至金黃色,同樣也

2. 取一個碗,將菜籽油輕輕刷在碗壁,然後將麵團放到

是1到2分 鐘。將煎 好 的餅 放 在 配有金 屬絲 架 的烤 盤



碗 上,在 室溫下 醒 麵 至少30分 鐘,最多可以8小 時。


( 麵團在室溫下放置的時間越長,煎餅就會越脆。) 備註:做好還沒有煎的麵餅,可以在冰箱中存放長達3 3. 取平底鍋中,用中溫煎香腸,不時翻一下,直到香腸變

個月。將麵 餅夾在7英寸見方的羊皮紙之間,然後將其




解凍麵餅,這樣煎好就像新鮮做的一樣。做好的煎餅可 以在密閉容器中冷藏長達3天,想吃的時候可以放在華

4. 在砧板上撒少許麵粉,將麵團分成六份,可以用數字


秤來保證每張餅大小相同。將菜籽油輕輕刷在木製砧 板上,麵團擀成大約6x10英寸的長方形。 │51

Traditional Southern homes include porches that encourage guests to relax and stay awhile.





Hospitality Enhancing the heartfelt connection with home

南方款待之道 會說故事的家居布置

By Annie Wu Pictures courtesy of Susan Sully



he American South has a reputation for its warm hospitality. This cultural feature has influenced the way houses are decorated and built in the region. Susan Sully describes herself as a “Southern-style anthropologist” of sorts. She’s written several books about Southern architecture and design in which she highlights the design principles and traditions that give the region’s aesthetic its distinctly unique identity. The culture of hospitality has led to a local emphasis on making one’s home comfortable and welcoming.

美國南方人以熱情好客而聞名。這項文化 特點影響著生活中的方方面面,其中也包 括建築的裝飾設計和建造。 Susan Sully 著有多本關於南方建築 與設計特色的專書,著重在南方建築的設 計原則和傳統,也記錄了此地獨有的美學 觀,她自稱為「 南方美學的人類學者」。 南方溫暖好客的地方特色,讓屋宅更為注 重舒適溫馨、賓至如歸的設計方向。 懷舊之情 Sully 表示,在有現代化交通工具之 前,人們往返各地需要花費許多時間。「 有 時甚至需要在陌生人家短暫停留,或者要 杯水喝,或者借宿一夜。因此,當時的人 們都挺願意接待陌生客人。」 │53

Consider decorating the dining room table with seasonal plants. Using your best tableware shows the sincerity of your hospitality.


Top: Southerners love to use antiques to add character to a room and often decorate their sitting rooms to promote a warm, inviting feeling. Bottom: Decorating your home with family heirlooms not only adds character to the space, but also is a great way to share family stories.


REMEMBERING THE PAST Sully explained that before the advent of modern transportation, people spent a lot of time on the road. “They would sometimes just have to stop at a stranger’s house and at least ask for water, and sometimes ask for a place to spend the night. So there was this sort of readiness of providing hospitality to the stranger.” Southerners have thus adopted a real affinity for welcoming guests to their home. “Southerners are social. They’re more garrulous. And in a way, when you think of a Southern house, with the porch on front, it’s like the house is almost reaching out toward you. … So I think, architecturally, the Southern house speaks about that friendliness,” Sully said. The hot, humid climate also played a hand in the emphasis on socializing: People would cool off by sitting on their porches, relaxing, and chatting for hours on end. Southern homes also tend to have elaborately decorated sitting and dining rooms. “They have a little bit of a ceremonial quality … so that, you’re really saying, ‘Hey, we’ve made this really special for you because we’re glad that you’re here.’” At the same time, the furnishings would be comfortable, so that guests would feel encouraged to stay a while. The entrance hall is also important, as it is the first thing a visitor sees upon entering. “If they enter a place that instantly engages them with something interesting, that’s more welcoming than something that hasn’t really been thought about or is kind of bland,” Sully said. Above all, Southerners have a real nostalgia for the past. This, too, has roots in history. Prior to the Civil War, the region was home to many wealthy aristocrats who bought the latest wares and beautiful things. But after the devastating conflict, “they couldn’t afford the best anymore,so they really hung on to what they had.” “Part of that was just a way of holding on to memories of your forebears,” as well as a way of life that was lost, Sully said. The South’s strong sense of family tradition is also ref lected in people’s preference for using heirloom furnishings. “There really is … a deep sense of fondness … for using your grandmother’s things and using it to tell stories. Southerners love to tell stories, and they love to have their houses full of things that tell stories.” 56│

有鑑於此,南方人骨子裡便有著樂意招待人到家裡 來做客的特質。「 南方人善於社交,喜歡談天說地,因而 當人們提起南方的住宅設計,那門廊的樣貌,就像張開 雙手歡迎客人來訪的姿態。所以我想,南方住宅在建築 形式上,便傳達著這樣的友善態度,」Sully 解釋道。而 悶熱潮溼的氣候,也影響著人們的社交模式,許多人會 花上大把時光待在門廊下乘涼、休息或聊天。 裝飾華麗的起居室或飯廳空間,時常出現於南方的 建築。「 這其實帶著一點儀式感,向客人傳達『 我們很重 視您們的到來,因此為您展現最好的一面 』的心意。」 同時擺放著舒適的家具,藉以鼓勵客人們待久一點。門 廳設計也很重要,畢竟這是客人進到大門後第一眼所見 之處。「 如果觸目所及就能讓人感到新奇有趣,比未經 思考,甚至平凡無奇的門廳,更能感受到主人的巧思。」 更重要的是,南方人非常念舊,而這一點也有其根源。 在南北戰爭之前,許多富裕階層家族都聚集於此, 他們是最高等級的商品和一切美麗事物的消費者。而戰 後,Sully 說: 「 他們再也沒有同樣的消費能力,因此越 發珍視自己現在擁有的物品,而一部分則是依戀於過往 美好的回憶。」同時,他們也遙望著逝去的榮光。

Left: Design or arrange some exotic elements in the outdoor area. Right: Susan Sally describes herself as a “Southern-style anthropologist.” Her book Southern Hospitality at Home (Rezzoli, 2019) explores the unique design styles of the South.

DECORATING WITH ANTIQUES If you have inherited antique pieces, Sully suggests using them to add meaning and character to your living space. For example, Sully places a large 1936 unabridged Webster’s dictionary that she inherited from her grandmother in her living room. Her grandmother was a librarian. “It’s a connection to something that my family valued, which is language,” she said. Antiques can easily be incorporated into the home as accent pieces. The key to preventing the look from veering toward old-fashioned or kitschy is to offer contrast. For example, a French Louis XVI chair, with its curvaceous shape, can complement modern furniture pieces that have simpler silhouettes or straight lines. Sully also suggests reupholstering antique furniture with a bolder color that you don’t usually associate with the time period. If it is not a fine piece, you can also paint it a new color or apply a high gloss. Antique tableware can also be repurposed for everyday use. For example, instead of using silver cups or teacups as formal china, they can become flower vases. For those who are new to antiques, Sully recommends going to antique stores and f lea markets or f lipping through auction catalogs to see what attracts you. Your selections would then be more personal and have long-lasting appeal compared to old pieces collected at random.

南方人守護家庭傳統的強烈情感,也反映在經常使 用家傳古董上。「 南方人對於使用奶奶傳下來的古董有 種濃重的喜愛,同時也藉這一件件物品,講述一段段故 事。南方人熱愛說故事,也很喜歡將家中四處擺放各式 充滿故事的物品。」 畫龍點睛 Sully建 議,如果 繼 承了古董或 家傳 老件,可以 放置在 經常使用的空間中,讓屋宅饒富意義。舉個例子,Sully 自宅的客廳內,放著一本1936年版《韋氏大字典》,繼 承自祖母,而祖母以前是位圖書館員。「 我的家庭很重 視『 語言』,這本家傳字典便是傳遞我們家族價值的媒 介。」她說。 古董能作為裝飾點綴,輕易地融入家中,而讓此舊 物不俗且雅的關鍵,在於「 對比 」。例如,將一把曲線 玲瓏的法王路易十六時期椅子,和線條簡潔的現代風格 家具放在一起,更能襯托出繁複曲線之美。 此外,Sully 也建議,可以為布製古董家具重新繃 布,並且選用比那個時期慣用色調更大膽的配色為佳。 如果不是矜貴的古董,也可以選擇漆上新色或者塗上高 光塗料。老件餐具也可以改變原始用途,以供日常使用。 比如,銀杯或骨瓷,除了作為待客專用器皿外,平常用來 插花也是很好的。 Sully 建議尚未接觸過古董的讀者,可以先到古董 店或二手市集轉一轉,或者先翻看古董拍賣的手冊,看 看吸引自己的都是什麼樣的物品。Sully 認為,這比隨 意挑選舊物更能體現自我的審美,且能營造經典耐看的 氛圍與美感。


From mid-July to midAugust is the peak season for wildflowers, with their vibrant colors. There are several popular wildflower hikes for visitors to explore, such as Reflection Lakes, Grand Park, Summerland, and Naches Peak Loop.



A volcanic paradise in the clouds 雷尼爾山國家公園 雲中的火山樂園


By Jeff Perkin


owering over the surrounding landscape like an earthbound deity, Mount Rainier in Washington state simultaneously possesses the power for bountiful creation and extreme destruction. With over two dozen glaciers on its nearly three-mile-high peak, the water gathered by the mountain is the source of five major rivers that continuously fuel life on the slopes and land below. From sub-alpine meadows to ancient forests, the mountain is home to hundreds of species of flora and fauna. The beauty and peace found climbing up the mountain’s solitude earned an area of the park the name “Paradise” in the early 20th century. However, as the largest active volcano in the Cascade Mountain range, Mount Rainier has the potential to take away much of what it has given. Scientists and park enthusiasts keep a watchful eye on the perennial gifts and threats that this magnificent mountain provides to growing population centers of the Seattle region.

如同地上矗立在天地間的神祇,座落於華盛頓州內的雷 尼爾山 (Mount Rainier),擁有孕育及毀滅生命的力量。 超過20條冰川和5條主要大河,發跡於這座將近3英里高 的山峰,為土地注入源源不絕的生機。從亞高山溫草原 到古老的森林,這座大山孕育了上百種不同的動植物群。 公園中有一個區域,在二十世紀初期被命名為「 天 堂 」,因為獨自登山的旅者,在其中感受到祥和與美。 但由於雷尼爾火山的活躍,令人擔憂它可能將這片大自 然的寶物化為烏有,甚至危及西雅圖的人口稠密地區。 因此科學家與公園愛好者始終留心觀察雷尼爾山的動靜。 人間樂園 令人目不暇給的色彩和繽紛的生物種類,每年吸引了兩 百萬人前來,在雲端上的壯觀景色中健行。溪水輕輕流 過綠地,可見正在嚼食紫色羽扇豆的肥碩土撥鼠。木製 階梯似乎準備引領你前往仙境。抬頭一看,明亮的綠色 襯著藍天白雲,14,410 英尺的雷尼爾峰聳然而立。 北美原住民部落稱此地為 Tahoma 或 Tacoma, 意為「 水源 」或「 養分的來源 」。千百年來,當地人爬 上山,獲取食用和藥用植物或打獵。直到現在,雷尼爾

AN EARTHLY PARADISE Hiking above the clouds on this natural wonder, around 2 million annual visitors marvel at the myriad colors and abundant life that combine to make this destination uniquely attractive. Streams peacefully flow through the mountain’s verdantly green meadows as plump marmots busily chew on purple, broadleaf lupine flowers that sway subtly in the breeze. Winding trails climb through the meadow with wooden steps looking like a stairway to heaven. In the distance, above the vibrant green are bright blue sky, white clouds, and Mount Rainier’s weathered summit, 14,410 feet above sea level. Known as Tahoma or Tacoma to Native American tribes, these names mean “the place where water begins” or “the source of nourishment.” For thousands of years, tribes in the area would climb the mountain

山 仍 然 是 這 些 部 落 族 群, 包 括 Nisqually、Cowlitz、 Puyallup、Squaxin、Muckleshoot 和 Yakama 的 精 神象徵。 雷尼爾山上 5,000 英尺高的「 天堂 」,是遠近馳 名的亞高山溫草原,其豐富的動、植物種類讓原住民早 於數千年前,便紮根於此山坡區,時至今日,則吸引了世 界各地的人前來朝聖。歷史悠久的天堂旅館(Paradise Inn)建於 1916 年,由於冬季的超大雪量,會在旅館的 周圍築起一道雪牆,成為著名的景點。夏季有生機勃勃 的野花草原,冬季則是白雪晶瑩的皚皚美景,一年四季 都非常值得參訪。 雷尼爾山 雷 尼 爾 山 是 1792 年 英 國 皇 家 海 軍 上 校 喬 治 · 溫 哥 華 (George Vancouver) 以 他 的 朋 友 —— 海 軍 少 將 彼 得 · 雷尼爾(Peter Rainier)的姓所命名。 1899 年, 此處被定為第五座國家公園,當時著名的環保運動領袖

Hoary marmots are common in the subalpine regions of the park, where they eat vast amounts of meadow vegetation.

to gather food and medicinal plants and to hunt. The mountain continues to be a venerated place of spiritual significance for the descendants of these tribes. The Mount Rainier area was home to six major tribes, including the Nisqually, Cowlitz, Puyallup, Squaxin, Muckleshoot, and Yakama. Some local towns and places are named after the tribes that maintain a connection to this sacred place. The very popular, sub-alpine meadow known today as“Paradise is 5,000 feet up the mountain. Its rich plant and animal life enticed Native American tribes up its slopes for thousands of years and continues to attract people from all over the world today. Historic Paradise Inn was built in 1916 and since then has been forced to endure extreme snowfall that famously forms a wall of snow around its exterior in the winter. Roads are cleared year-round so that visitors can enjoy Paradise’s wildflowers in summer or its white wonderland in winter. Called the “bringer of rain,” Mount Rainier makes its own clouds, which can shield it from view for weeks on end. HISTORY OF MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK Mount Rainier was established as the fifth National Park in 1899. As with other parks, John Muir and the Sierra Club lobbied for several years alongside other conservation groups, railroad companies, scientists, and business interests who all had a desire to see Mount Rainier enter the National Park system. Muir hiked to the summit, gave lectures, and wrote articles advocating for the conservation of Mount Rainier. Before that time, the mountain had already received its current name when, in 1792, Captain George Vancouver of the British Royal Navy named the mountain after his friend, Rear Admiral Peter Rainier. Interestingly, Rainier never once set foot on the mountain or even in the western United States. Mount Rainier National Park was an instantly popular destination with tens of thousands of visitors coming annually just a few years after its opening. This was due to the fact that it was the first national park to allow cars. In the years that followed its opening, the park service had difficulty keeping up demand for roads and lodging. President Roosevelt’s New Deal brought over 1,000 men in the Civilian Conservation Corps to work on the mountain. By the 1930s, all of the roads in the park had been built

Mount Rainier National Park offers more than 260 miles of maintained trails for your enjoyment. You can hike through the peacefulness of the old-growth forest of the river valleys and the high subalpine meadows on the flanks of trails.

約翰 · 繆爾,聯合其他希望雷尼爾山成為國家公園的保 育團體、鐵道公司、科學家等,利用演講、撰文和親自 登頂,積極遊說各方針對雷尼爾山的環境保育行動。 有趣的是,彼得 · 雷尼爾本人從未涉足雷尼爾山。 雷尼爾山國家公園成立後,是第一個開放車輛進入的國 家公園,迅速成為觀光勝地,每年吸引數以萬計的遊客。 後來,大量的道路修建需求,使園方無以負荷。小羅斯 福總統的新政上路,促使超過一千名民間的保育人員赴 雷尼爾山工作,到 1930 年代,園內的道路已經盡數整 建或勘測完成。至 1960 年代,雷尼爾山一年接待超過 150 萬名遊客。 1988 年的《華盛頓荒野保護法案》,指 定園內 98% 的區域為荒地,更進一步保護園區免於被 開發。 P .B. Van Trump 與 Hazard Stevens 將 軍 於 1870 年創下首度於雷尼爾山登頂的紀錄。此後累計數 以萬計的人成功登頂,卻也有許多在途中重傷,甚至死 亡的登頂挑戰者。每年都有數千人嘗試登上這座 9,000 │61

or surveyed, and by the 1960s, Mount Rainier was hosting more than 1.5 million visitors every year. In 1988, the Washington Wilderness Act designated 98 percent of the park as wilderness, which allowed for more protection against future development. The first recorded climb to Mount Rainier’s summit was achieved by P .B. Van Trump and his friend General Hazard Stevens in 1870. In the years since, tens of thousands of people have made the climb, and many were seriously injured or killed in the process. Thousands of people attempt the 9,000-foot high, 8-mile climb every year, though it is said that less than half reach the summit. In the early days of the park, visitors caused serious damage to meadows and wildlife by freely walking wherever they pleased. This unnecessary destruction led to the creation and enforcement of designated trails by the park service. Desperation during the Great Depression led to decisions that seem uncharacteristic of the National Park system. The Paradise area became home to a nine-hole golf course in the 1930s. The golf course was open only two to three months of the year due to snow, and before long, it was closed because it was unprofitable. Visible scars were left on the land for decades—a lesson learned in conservation history.

The most luxuriant and the most extravagantly beautiful of all the alpine gardens I ever beheld in all my mountain-top wanderings.” —John Muir

這座美得最不可思議而又最妙不可言的高山 花園,是我山區漫遊生涯中僅見。 ——約翰 · 謬爾

英尺高、總計 8 英里長的路線,但估計只有不到半數成 功攻頂。 國家公園早期開放時,任由遊客隨意踩踏綠地,後 來園內的草地曾一度嚴重遭受損害,因此公園管理處訂 定並強制執行了行走的路徑。在 1930 年代大蕭條期間, 「 天堂 」區域設立了一個 9 洞的高爾夫球場,沒多久就 因為無利可圖而關閉,但造成的環境破壞,經過數十年 仍無法復原,是環境保育史上的慘痛教訓。 來自火山的威脅

THE VOLCANIC THREAT According to geologist Thomas W. Sisson of the United States Geological Survey (USGS): “There is nothing to suggest that volcanic activity has ended at Mount Rainier. Mount Rainier will surely erupt again, and this will affect people who live in the surrounding areas or who visit Mount Rainier National Park.” Mount Rainier is classified as a stratovolcano, which means it is episodically active. The last time the volcano is thought to have erupted was in the 1840s, although it seems that a definitive date was not recorded. Towering over 3.7 million people in the Seattle– Tacoma area, there is immense incentive to closely monitor the mountain’s volcanic activity. Much of the threat to surrounding civilization is the potential for large debris flows that would result from the mass melting of snow and glacial ice. Called lahars, these debris flows would have the potential to violently rush down river valleys all the way to Puget Sound. Nearly 100,000 people live in the immediate danger zone of lahars, while damage to infrastructure, 62│

據美國地質調查局的地質學家Thomas W. Sisson所述: 「 雷尼爾山的火山活動在未來仍將會爆發,屆時附近區域 和遊客將遭到波及。」雷尼爾山被歸類為「 複式火山」, 其特點為週期性的火山爆發。儘管沒有確切資料紀錄, 它前一次的爆發或許可以追溯到 1840 年代。 雷尼爾山聳立在超過 370 萬人居住的西雅圖 - 塔 科馬地區,也因此對於火山活動的監測十分重視。雷尼 爾火山爆發對居民的最大威脅是火山泥流——挾帶大量 融雪和冰川冰,且高速移動的土石流。它可能會順著河 谷,朝普吉特海灣直衝而去。受火山泥流直接威脅的人 口數近十萬人,對公共設施、水道和生物的危害,也不 是一時二刻能恢復的。塔科馬和西雅圖的低地也是由古 代的火山泥流堆砌而成,可以想像雷尼爾山不安分的過 往。為此,直到今(2022)年都持續在改良喀斯喀特火 山觀測站的火山泥流偵測系統。 火山氣體和水溫變化顯示,雷尼爾山仍然是活火山。 這裡的地震活動時時被拿來分析,Sisson 解釋: 「 從其 他火山的經驗來看,震源在火山下方,而且持續數週, 甚至好幾個月的小型地震,是火山爆發的前兆。這些地 震會伴隨火山地勢、地面溫度和散發火山氣體的改變。」 地質調查局表示,火山爆發並非唯一的威脅,光是「 區域

Myrtle Falls, 72 feet high, flows year-round and is an iconic spot for photography enthusiasts.

(This is Tuolumne Meadows.)

waterways, and surrounding life would create serious long-term impacts. Sisson claims that these mudflows would have the “consistency of churning wet concrete.” Lowlands around Tacoma and Seattle are formed of this kind of prehistoric debris—evidence of Mount Rainier’s dramatic past. As recently as this year, expanded efforts have been made to improve the Cascades Volcano Observatory’s lahar detection system. Volcanic gases and hydrothermal activity are evidence that Mount Rainier is still an active volcano. Earthquake activity is constantly being analyzed because, as Sisson explains: “Experience at other volcanoes indicates that renewed eruptions will likely be preceded by weeks or months of small earthquakes centered beneath the volcano. These earthquakes can be accompanied by swelling or other changes in the shape of the volcano, as well as changes in ground temperatures and the amount and type of gas released from the volcano.” Eruptions aren’t the only threat because, as the USGS explains, lahars can 64│

even occur by “sector collapse or magma-water-ice interaction rather than from an eruption itself.” An expanded understanding of how these natural disasters unfold helps improve the early warning detection system for people who live in close proximity to the volcano. It seems that an eruption at Mount Rainier, a pyroclastic flow, or a destructive lahar event is not a question of if, but when. Until that time, the mountain will remain poised in its relatively peaceful power as a beautiful backdrop to a growing metropolis and a mighty peak in the National Park system.

性的山崩或岩漿、水與冰,三者的交互作用就足以引發火 山泥流。」如果對這些自然災害有更多的認識,將有助於 預警系統能更早向火山周圍民眾發出警告。 現在的問題不在於火山碎屑流或火山泥流會不會到 來,而是何時到來。而在那之前,大山仍然會維持沉靜 安定的表象,靜靜地作為都會的天然背景,以及國家公 園系統中那座讓人仰望的巨峰。


Despite the unpredictable threat Mount Rainier may pose, this giant peak spectacularly sits as the backdrop of Seattle.

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