Elite Magazine July-August 2020

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E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

A Divine Mission

名人專訪 東西文化 夏風家居 濱海別墅 股票投資

意循天旨 德配天地 ——回顧美國建國時刻

Bettering Others, Fulfilling Oneself 專訪N95關鍵技術發明人蔡秉燚 JULY-AUGUST 2020

Joy and Meaning in Classical Chinese Dance 專訪神韻藝術團領舞演員施逸謙

The Qixi Festival 望雙星寄乞巧情

Luxury Waterfront Living 絕頂風光——邁阿密海濱別墅

The Beauty of Reflection 時尚名人獨家專訪特輯 July-August 2020 $6.99


2020/7/8 下午1:41



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Michelangelo Designs The Italian Design Center

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Editor’ s Note 序


Editor’ s Pick: Bright Biscay Green 戀夏清涼


Editor’ s Pick: Vibrant Saffron 盛夏熱情


The Beauty of Reflection


Beauty: New Launches

時尚名人獨家專訪特輯 護膚新品


Protect Your Skin From the Sun 防晒指南


Bestowing Wisdom and Ingenuity: The Qixi Festival 望雙星寄乞巧情——夢迴七夕


A Divine Mission: The Founding of America 意循天旨 德配天地——回顧美國建國時刻


Little Women: A Gem of American Literature 《小婦人》——美國文學瑰寶


Elsie Shi: Joy and Meaning in Classical Chinese Dance


Bettering Others, Fulfilling Oneself s Core Technology: Taiwanese American Behind N95’ Inventor Peter Tsai 智者仁心——專訪N95關鍵技術發明人蔡秉燚


Home: Summertime Tranquility




The Venetian Islands: Luxury Waterfront Living 絕頂風光——邁阿密海濱別墅


Into Serenity: The Gong Sheng Villa 超然物外 寧靜雅居——與自然「共生」


People: Elsie Shi Photographer: Larry Dai Makeup and Hair Stylist: Wendy Lin Location: Radiance Home Estate www.radiancetea.com|212-888-8060

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黎明之際,雲層間流瀉而來的晨光,輕拂著復甦前的大地,彷若看見「 希望 」的神聖時刻。 轉眼間,2020年已過完了大半。歲月更迭,不問動盪的時局與變化萬千的潮流,人們心中 對美好與良善的嚮往如昔,似乎確保了人們在面臨艱難的考驗下,都能屹立自強,依循光 亮前行。 244年前熾熱的7月天裡,美國宣告獨立。我們尋著歷史的印記,回顧烽火連天的歲月。最 初,那支屢屢挫敗、前景黯淡的大陸軍團,憑著一份信念,捱過8年抗戰,改寫了歷史篇 章。 244年後,人們依然歡慶這份榮光,共同見證了開國元勳們立意深遠的建國理念,何 以形塑美國的世世代代。為了銘記這段偉大的歷史,本期特別從文化、文學、人物各角度 切入,一同探究正直而珍貴的美國精神。 本次我們專訪了一位傑出的科學家——蔡秉燚,他是N95口罩關鍵過濾技術的發明人。他 為了探究學理,飛越太平洋,在美國圓了他求知的夢想。他投入數十年的研究成果,在關 鍵時刻保護了世界上億人的性命。他以幽默風趣的口吻,娓娓訴說著赴美求學的歷程,40 多年前的場景,恍若昨日般清晰;他謙遜地說著自己的平凡,反而讓我們看見那份樸質的 心態,何以鑄造非凡。 疫情下受到重創的時尚產業,如何重建?帶著疑問,我們籌劃了本次的時尚專題,獨家專 訪時尚名人,帶我們重新思考疫情帶來的契機與轉機。 此外,農曆7月在華人文化圈裡,也有一個重要節日——七夕。透過傳統習俗巡禮,我們 將發現女孩們對月穿針的清新畫面裡,蘊含著流轉千載的美好寓意。中華文化五千年的積 澱,自有其富饒的精神文明,奠定著民族的涵養與道德品質。 在當代,則有世界一流的神韻藝術團,自2006年成立以來,便透過舞蹈與音樂,帶全球 觀眾領略人類文明史上最燦爛輝煌的瑰寶。我們有幸專訪該藝術團的領舞演員——施逸 謙,看她如何將內心的秉承的心念,化作翩躚的舞姿,毫無保留地向觀眾傳遞純正的信息。 故事裡的普世價值,恰似破曉前的曙光,看似柔弱,實則充滿生機與力量,照拂大地,帶 來希望。願各位同我們一起,看見這道迎向美好的光亮。

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華麗地毯 窗簾牆紙中心



SENIOR DESIGNERS Hsinyu Lo, Ingrid Longauerová DESIGNERS Benson Xiao, Tan Zhao SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Larry Dai CORRESPONDENTS Pia-Maria Norris, Angela Feng, Janet Ma, Cora Wang, Megan Wang, June Fakkert, Faithe Lo TRANSLATORS Juliet Ma, Kelly Gao

全美最大的家庭裝飾連鎖公司 Carpet One Floor & Home 唯一華人成員

地毯 | 窗簾 | 牆紙 | 地板 華麗地毯窗簾牆紙中心 是您的最佳選擇

COPY EDITORS Connie Phillips, Huixuan Yang FASHION EDITOR Joy Ye



大量現貨 歡迎設計師 洽談合作

BUSINESS EDITOR Hong Wang HOME EDITOR Faithe Lo Assistant Editor Patricia Smiles

Address 229 W 28th Street, 7FL, New York, NY 10001 Phone 646-862-9930 Email editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

San Francisco Ke Bian 510-299-4392

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Los Angeles Yan Lieser 818-836-2937

Boston Timothy Pi 617-388-1688

Adeline Seattle Echo Liu 425-877-5121

電話:718-460-1161 Email: qcarpetone@gmail.com 地址: 18-13 128th Street College Point, NY 11356 (大口福附近)


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盛夏熱情 Not only bold reds but shades of saffron also can symbolize passion. It’s the color you can’t miss for this summer. Mix some yellow and orange with it to create an eye-catching and energetic vacation ensemble.


有別於赤紅的豔麗,今夏流行的番紅 花橘別有一番夏日風采。適合與其他 橙黃色系的配件搭配,打造活力、亮









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BRIGHT BISCAY GREEN 戀夏清涼 Biscay Green is the vogue color for this summer. This shade brings a cool and fresh feel to any outfit during the hot days of the season. Combined with neatly designed sandals and accessories, your summer wardrobe will have a lively yet graceful look.


比斯開綠為今夏流行色之一,自帶消 暑般清涼感,適合炙熱的夏日穿搭。



搭配設計簡約的涼鞋款,以及輕盈的 首飾配件,活潑而不失優雅。







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BEAUTY of REFLECTION An Exclusive Interview: Voices From the Fashion Industry 時尚名人獨家專訪特輯


n this unprecedented time, COVID-19 has placed the whole world on lockdown and has changed the daily lives of millions of people around the world. Some people see this epidemic crisis as a wake-up call from God, while others see it as an opportunity to radically rethink the supply chain of the whole global manufacturing industry. Either way, during the months of lockdown, many luxury brands in the fashion and beauty industry immediately converted their production lines into mask and sanitizer production lines to help with the

2020 年初,COVID-19 病毒爆發,席捲全球。在這場 前所未有的公共衛生事件中,數以百萬計的人們生活狀 態被改變,世界被迫「 封閉 」。 在時尚界,有人將這場瘟疫看作神對人的警醒和啟 示;也有人說,這場危機提供了人們一個從根本上反思 全球製造業供應鏈現狀的機會。無論持怎樣的看法,當 眾多時尚巨頭紛紛改造生產線,轉而生產口罩和消毒液 時,春夏產品線的延遲、銷售的停滯,都無可避免地給 時尚圈、零售業者,甚至全球經濟帶來巨大衝擊。 那麼,時尚界將如何面對這場災難?瘟疫過後,我 們的購物和生活習慣會如何改變?懷著諸如此般疑問, 我們採訪了幾位時尚界資深人士,分別是知名經紀公司


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shortages of medical supplies. However, the delays in the supply chains for spring and summer apparel lines along with stagnant sales have had a catastrophic impact on fashion retail stores and even the global economy. Many of us may have asked ourselves, "How are others dealing with this difficult time?" or "How will the post-COVID-19 era change our lives and how we shop?" With all these questions in mind, our team had the pleasure of interviewing some people who are deeply involved with the international fashion industry. One is the co-owner of a well-known talent agency for the industry, and another is a famous Hollywood hair stylist. The next is a well-known fashion photographer, while another is a rising star in the international modeling world.

Their answers have made me rethink what “fashion” really is. Is it just something fashion designers tell us to wear? Or some new trend from a fashion magazine every season? Maybe we should look at it more deeply. 合夥人、好萊塢明星髮型師、著名的時尚攝影師和國際 名模新星。 他們的分享促使我們重新思考:何為時尚?是知 名設計師教我們如何穿搭?還是雜誌裡隨季節變換的潮 流?抑或是,這些答案都值得我們再次審視。

Many luxury brands in the fashion and beauty industry immediately converted their production lines into mask and sanitizer production lines to help with the shortages of medical supplies. (Photos by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)


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Gunita Stobe Meet Gunita Stobe, who is now the co-owner and director of a leading talent agency in India, Anima Creative Management. She has had decades of experience in the fashion industry, and her agency represents Indian and international models, photographers, hair stylists, and makeup artists in the film, fashion, and advertising industries.

Gunita Stobe 是一名領軍印度模特經紀公司 Anima Creative Management 的 合 夥 人。 她 的 公 司 匯 集 了 眾多才華橫溢的印度及國際名模、攝影師、造型師、髮 型師和化妝師,公司業務涵蓋電影、時尚,以及廣告等 產業。 Photography by Tibi Clenci Makeup by Riviera Lynn


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ELITE: In your opinion, what will be the biggest change in the post-COVID-19 era? Gunita Stobe: Humankind has gone through many pandemics in the past, and history has shown us that society, despite being affected by these events, keeps moving forward, regardless of the damage caused, so I’m very sure things will normalize in time. The economy is driven by human beings' dreams and desires; it is driven by human beings' nature to adorn, to validate themselves through clothing or through things they own, and the desire to show these things off in public. Perhaps the next stage in our fashion industry will be to take a “less is more” approach and also begin to bring at least some manufacturing back home and not to extensively rely on supply chains from abroad, which has brought many businesses to a standstill during this epidemic. A s consumers today become more concerned with the social and environmental issues linked to their purchases, I feel they will adapt an even more responsible approach.

huge part of their process is the lived experience and excitement which having a live show will bring, as well as the interaction of the buyers and the crowd. ELITE: Do you have any special message for our readers? Ms. Stobe: I feel that in the last few months the universe has slowed us down on purpose in order for us to look within and reflect. I feel that there is a reason for everything even if we can't understand it at first.

ELITE:在你看來,疫情過後最大的變化將是什麼? Gunita Stobe: 人類曾經歷過許多次瘟疫,歷史證明了 災難不會使人類社會停滯不前,所以我十分肯定,不久 的將來,一切都會恢復如常。 人類的夢想和渴望推動著世界的經濟,人類天生喜 愛打扮,並在服飾中展現自我。也許,時尚界下一步會 更加重視「 少即是多 」的理念。在疫情中,許多公司因 太過依賴海外供應鏈而導致業務停滯,這些至少會讓一 些製造業者更加注重本地生產,從而減輕對海外供應鏈 的依賴。疫情也會使消費者們更加注重產品的社會和環 境屬性,我想,他們會在購買中考慮到這些因素。

ELITE: Will the pandemic change the way people value fashion and beauty? Ms. Stobe: In the last few years, I feel that we have had an overload of new things entering the fashion market every few months, and designers [have] been delivering up to six collections in the year in some cases. I’ve been asking myself during this time: “Do we need that many new bags, shoes, denims, etc., to be acquired every two to three months?” For me, quality has always come before quantity. I still have some garments from fifteen years ago which haven’t expired and which I still actively wear.

ELITE:您認為瘟疫是否會使人們對時尚和美麗改觀? Ms. Stobe: 我感到在過去幾年中,每隔幾個月時尚界 就會推出一波新品,設計師們甚至一年要舉辦多達6場 秀。我一直在問自己:我們真的每兩、三個月就需要購 入那麼多新的手袋、鞋子、牛仔褲嗎?對我來說,質量 永遠先於數量。我至今還有一些15年前的衣物,但它們 並不過時,而且我經常穿戴。

ELITE:您認為虛擬時裝秀和服飾數位化會成為未來趨 勢嗎? Ms. Stobe: 坦白說我不這麼認為,或許在當下有一些 變化,但虛擬展示不能代替真實秀場,它們帶來的體驗

ELITE: Do you think the virtual fashion show and digital clothing will be the new trend? Ms. Stobe: To be honest, I don't feel that it will be the case. Perhaps in the interim, the industry may take this approach until the situation passes. Virtual shows cannot replace the real shows, since they do not carry the same experience. Designers put a lot of energy and effort into creating their collections, and a

感不可同日而語。設計師在產品上傾注的巨大心血和熱 情,有很大一部分體現在秀場的展示上,所以只有親臨 現場才能體會,而且真實的買家和觀眾互動也非常重要。

ELITE:您還有任何想分享予我們讀者的嗎? Ms. Stobe: 我感覺過去的幾個月,是宇宙的力量讓我們 慢下來,讓我們有機會反觀自省。我感到萬事皆有其因 緣,儘管我們一時半刻可能還無法看清。


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Gabriel Georgiou Australian born but of Greek heritage, Gabriel Georgiou’s talents have opened many doors. A graduate of the famous Toni & Guy Academy of Hair in London, he soon fast-tracked into styling for some of the most elite names in Hollywood; the list includes stars like Robert Downey Jr., Joaquin Phoenix, Cate Blanchett, and Keanu Reeves to name just a few. He was awarded the Vogue India Hair Stylist of the Year award in July 2014 at the Vogue Beauty Awards, and Best Hair Expert in October 2018 at the Elle Beauty Awards. His work is very versatile, and whether it is simple or avant-garde, what is important to him is that it is beautiful and harmonious.

希臘裔的 Gabriel Georgiou 出生於澳大利亞,從倫敦 美 髮 學 院 TONI&GUY Hairdressing Academy 畢 業 後,便一直在好萊塢工作。他的明星客戶包括:茱兒. 芭莉摩、潔西卡.艾芭、凱特 · 布蘭琪、克蘿伊.塞凡妮、 小勞勃.道尼、基努.李維以及瓦昆.菲尼克斯等一線 巨星。 Gabriel Georgiou 曾獲 2014 年「《Vogue》印度年 度髮型師大獎 」(Vogue Awards India Hair Stylist of the Year)和 2018 年「《ELLE》美容大賞:頂尖髮型師 」 (Elle Beauty Awards Best Hair Expert)。

Photography by Errikos Andreou


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ELITE: What is the biggest challenge you have faced during the pandemic? What do you do to overcome it? Gabriel Georgiou: For me, it was a life of go go go work. So having all that stop all of a sudden was quite a challenge. Not being able to go anywhere. I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was bizarre not being able to go to the gym or to the park and being stuck at home with only being permitted to go to the pharmacy and supermarket. So the challenge was to keep busy in a confined space but to also be calm and positive through the time periods where I wasn’t doing much or didn’t have anything to do. It’s very easy to feel bored or restless or let worry and negative thoughts come in. So what helped me the most was doing my Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) exercises every day and reading the teachings of the practice every day. Not that I wasn’t doing that before the pandemic, but I wasn’t diligent as it wasn’t on an everyday basis. So I see it for me as a blessing in disguise as I feel terrific, full of peaceful energy, which is hard to explain unless someone experiences it themselves, a positive feeling through it all. At the same time, it has given me the opportunity to work on projects that were kind of pushed aside due to the busy work schedule. So the key factor was having that Trust in knowing that all is OK and going through every day in peace and harmony not just knowing it but actually feeling it as well.

ELITE: Do you have any special message for our readers? Mr. Georgiou: I would just like to say that yes, it may be tough times for everyone, but there is a reason for everything. I truly believe that nothing happens by chance. I do believe there is a bigger plan. We may not understand it as we are immersed in difficulties, but we have to see it as a positive shift in so many ways.

ELITE:疫情中您面對的最大挑戰是什麼?如何克服? Gabriel Georgiou:我的生活總是十分忙碌,所以面 對如此突如其來的停頓,對我來說,的確是一項不小的 挑戰。 待在家裡,哪兒也不能去,不知道要做什麼,不能 去健身房和公園,只能去藥房和超市,這種情況很容易 讓人感到厭倦和焦慮,或讓頭腦中充滿憂慮和負面思緒。 所以,對我來說,最大的挑戰是在什麼都做不了的情況 下,而且在一個狹小的空間裡,如何保持有事可做,維 持平和、積極的心態。 在這期間,對我幫助最大的是每天堅持閱讀「 法輪 大法 」的著作,並且習煉功法。疫情之前,我並沒有每 天這樣做,所以我覺得,居家隔離對我而言,其實是一 件珍貴的恩賜。我感到身心從始至終都充滿著一種祥和 的能量,心態積極,這種感覺很難用語言描述,除非親 身去體驗。這段時間我也有機會重拾之前被工作延誤的 個人項目。總體而言,最關鍵的一點是夠能在內心深處 有一種堅定、實在的信念,並能夠藉此在平靜美好中度 過這段艱難時光,而不僅僅是知道但難以感受到。

ELITE:您認為瘟疫是否會使人們對時尚和美麗改觀? Mr. Georgiou: 也許會有一定程度的改變,我們只能希 望是朝更好的方向;也或許,這一切就是改變的催化

ELITE: Will the pandemic change people’s values in fashion and beauty? Mr. Georgiou: Maybe to a certain extent, and we can only hope that it does change for the better. Maybe all this is a catalyst for change. There is a lot of ugliness in the fashion industry, and the real change will happen when people start working on their inner selves. That’s when the true shift will happen. When that shift happens, then things will get classier and more elegant, as that will be a reflection of the inner self no matter whether a look is simple or more couture.

劑。現在時尚界中充斥許多醜陋的東西,真正的傑作, 創造於設計師以真實的自我思考的時候,那將是真正的 蛻變。當這種蛻變出現時,會邁向更為經典和優雅的方 向,無論它看起來更加簡約還是精緻高級,都將體現真 實的內在。

ELITE:您還有任何想分享予我們讀者的嗎? Mr. Georgiou: 我想說,現在對每一個人來說都是艱難 時刻,但萬事皆有因由。我相信沒有任何偶然的事情, 這件事情有它更為深遠的意義。即使在現實的困難中, 我們也許還不能馬上理解,但我們必須透過各方面,視 其為正向的轉變。 │15

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Adhiraj Chakrabarti Adhiraj Chakrabarti caught the attention of the fashion industry after he participated in the national beauty pageant for Mister India back in 2007 as one of the finalists. Soon after that, the famous modeling agency Elite Model Management signed an exclusive contract with him. From the first time he appeared on the runway of Wills India Fashion Week, he became the favorite of many world-renowned fashion designers' runways. However, he didn't stop there. He soon became a successful fashion photographer who is loved by top fashion magazines. He found that through the camera lens he could express and enrich lives. This allowed him to express himself in his understanding of life and the world more accurately.

2007 年, 當 Adhiraj Chakrabarti 首 次 出 現 在 印 度 先 生(Mister India) 的 決 賽 場 上 時, 便 立 即 吸 引 了 業界的目光。不久後,他被著名的模特經紀公司 Elite Model Management 簽約成為專屬模特。他首次在威 爾斯印度時裝周他 T 臺亮相後,便成為諸多知名設計師 的秀場寵兒。在亞洲地區,他的才華廣受時尚及商業廣 告界肯定。 然 而,Adhiraj Chakrabarti 並 未 滿 足 於 此, 他 發現站在鏡頭的另一端,有更大的空間去表現豐富的生 活,能更準確地表達自己對生命和世界的理解。如今, 他已成為了頂尖時尚雜誌所倚賴的時尚攝影師。

Picture courtesy of Anima Creative Management


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ELITE: In your opinion, what will be the biggest change in the post-COVID-19 era? Adhiraj Chakrabarti: The biggest change that I expect to happen in this world is that the Chinese Communist Party will be held accountable for creating this current scenario of havoc. I think if they had been honest and informed other countries to take necessary precautions, the world wouldn't be in such a turmoil . Many nations throughout the world are becoming aware of the CCP's human rights abuses. This should definitely be addressed and it must be resolved! Post-COVID-19 era ... The world should come together and improve fundamentally. The fashion industry should focus more on the finer details of traditional craftsmanship by using more traditional fabrics and using proper measures to counter waste products. On the personal front, I also feel that family bonds will become stronger as many people can choose to work from home. Many of us saw the return of wildlife that hadn't been seen for long periods, skies have never been so clear ... so definitely a rise in the concern for a cleaner and greener environment!

well ... most of it was by learning and improving my technical skills as a photographer. But other than this, my growth has mostly been through spiritually and morally uplifting myself ... Being regular with my Falun Dafa exercises and meditation, I feel a deep and profound change in me! Lastly, sometimes we seek externally for answers, but most of the time the answer lies within ... we just have to look deeper!

ELITE:在你看來,疫情過後最大的變化將是什麼? Adhiraj Chakrabarti: 我最希望發生的變化就是全球追 責中共,讓中共為這場災難負責。如果他們能夠誠實地 通知其他國家採取有效預防措施,就不會造成這麼大的 動盪。全世界許多國家都越發了解:中共面對諸多侵犯 人權的議題時其處置態度,這些都應該被提上日程並且 必須解決! 疫情過後,我們應該協同合作從基礎做起,讓世界 變得更好。比如時尚界應當專注於傳統工藝裡的細節處 理,使用傳統的織物原料,對廢物進行合理的處理,因 此,透過利用效率最大化、最少浪費的創造完善的循環。 對個人來說,我感到居家工作讓家庭的聯繫比往常 更加強烈。在這期間,很多人又重新看見往昔的自然生 態回歸日常,天空出現未曾有過的清澈⋯⋯種種變化, 喚起了人們對於清淨、綠意等自然環境的關注。

ELITE: Will the fashion industry be rebuilt and be sustainable? Mr. Chakrabarti: The only thing I draw from this is that the mindset is shifting toward a more humanitarian approach ... the value of lives above anything else! It feels great to see luxury brands stepping up to donate and help out in such a global scenario. We clearly see that the heart for a better world has awakened all the more!

ELITE: 時尚產業是否能重建並且持續發展? Mr. Chakrabarti: 我想表達的是,瘟疫使人們觀念上發 生的轉變,變得更加人性化,對生命的珍惜高過其他一 切。在這場世界的災難中,高級品牌的慷慨援助是令人 感動的一幕,我們真切地看見了人們對美好的嚮往,喚 醒了這一切。

ELITE:您還有任何想分享予我們讀者的嗎? Mr. Chakrabarti: 我們可以從每一段生活經歷中吸取教

ELITE: Do you have any special message for our readers? Mr. Chakrabarti: Every situation in our lives is a learning lesson, and we should strive to grow and better ourselves. This lockdown period was utilized

訓、成長,變得更好。這段居家隔離使我受益良多,不 僅僅是作為攝影師在提升技術、技能方面,更多的是在 精神和道德方面的昇華。我們經常向外尋求解答,其 實,很多時候答案都會在向內探尋的過程中浮現,只要 我們找得足夠深!


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Monica Tomas Monica Tomas is a successful international fashion model from the hill town of Coonoor, in Tamil Nadu, India. She started her modeling career in Mumbai. Presently based in New York, Monica has carved a name for herself on the global fashion platform by walking for famous brands such as Zac Posen, Delpozo, and Ralph & Russo. Other brands include Mac, Sephora, and Estée Lauder.

Monica Tomas 是一位成功的國際名模,她來自印度古 努爾,泰米爾納德邦地區。她的模特事業始於孟買,如 今,她來到了紐約,她的名字出現在全球各大時裝展臺 上,與她合作的公司和品牌有 Zac Posen、Delpozo、 Ralph&Russo、Mac、Sephora、Estée Lauder 等。

Photography by Brogan Chidley


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ELITE: What is the biggest challenge you have faced during the pandemic? What do you do to overcome it? Monica Tomas: Something I felt challenging was not being around family during this time. Eventually as how things always progress for the better or worse, I used this time, occupying myself and catching up with reading, meditation, and also trying my hand in cooking recipes shared by my mother that I never got to try earlier. I understood that it was more important to connect with myself first and see things for what they are, and make those changes within to overcome this situation.

ELITE:疫情中您面對的最大挑戰是什麼?如何克服? Monica Tomas: 這段時期,我覺得特別困難的一點是不 能和家人在一起。但是不管事情最終會怎樣,我利用期 間閱讀、打坐,並且嘗試了之前從來沒機會做,媽媽分 享給我的食譜。對我來說,這些日子的重要之處在於找 回自己,從而看到事物的本質,獲得內在的提升,然後 以此來克服眼前的困境。

ELITE:在你看來,瘟疫過後最大的變化將是什麼? Ms. Tomas: 我想,這場瘟疫讓所有人都有時間思考,並 且想要做出改變。我一直相信,最困難的時候是獲得成 長的最好時機,能夠更加明確人生中重要的事情並積極 行動,這就是成長。

ELITE: 時尚產業是否能重建其持續性? ELITE: In your opinion, what will be the biggest change in the post-COVID-19 era? Ms. Tomas: I think this situation has led everyone to take time, reflect on things, and come together in a way that makes one want to change their old ways. I always believe that during the toughest of times is when we progress the best, and learn the value of our priorities and grow through putting them positively into action.

Ms. Tomas: 我想時間會告訴我們未來將發生什麼。對 現在而言,重要的便是當下要做的事,努力使下一步變 好⋯⋯漸漸地,一切都將完善( 成形 ),也許未來有更 美好的事物在等待著我們,以一種以我們意想不到的方 式,不一定是我們在過去的經驗中所熟悉的形式。

ELITE:您還有任何想分享予我們讀者的嗎? Ms. Tomas: 這段經歷使我意識到現實生活的脆弱,意識 到如何更加珍惜擁有的當下,以更積極正面的心態去面 對現在。

ELITE: Will the fashion industry be rebuilt and be sustainable? Ms. Tomas: I think time will tell us what will happen in the near future. At the moment, it’s more important to maintain what we need to do now, focusing on the present to make a better future ... gradually things will start taking shape. Maybe something that’s better is waiting for us, and it could be in a different form. Not necessarily the way things functioned in the past.

Each of the interviewees have answered differently, but it seems like they’re all echoing what Coco Chanel used to say: "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." 雖然每一位受訪人物的答案不盡相同,但似乎都呼應了 可可 · 香奈兒曾說過的一句話:「 時尚不只存在於衣著 中。時尚在天空、在街上,它是理念、是生活方式,它

ELITE: Do you have any special message for our readers? Ms. Tomas: These moments have made me more aware of how everything is very fragile. I learned how to make the most of every moment we get, in a positive and uplifting way!


Interviews were conducted through email and have been edited for clarity and brevity. 註 : 本篇為英文採訪,中文為翻譯。


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East &West


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Elite Lifestyle Magazine is a leading luxury magazine, published in Chinese and English. At Elite, we celebrate the beauty, wisdom, and values of Eastern and Western traditions. We seek to uplift and inspire our readers in their pursuit of a life of fulfillment. 訂閱者資料 Subscriber Info

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Stronger, together.

感受賽貝格屢獲殊榮的卓越皮膚護理,瞬間恢復光澤,只需使用 微整形焕肤面膜,以提高細胞更新率,再配以高效保濕除紋精華 和玫瑰特效活妍精露混合液,便能使肌膚豐盈、緊實和水嫩,如 想進一步提亮膚色,可將適量高濃度的專利VC粉與面膜或精華液 混合使用,效果更佳。 賽貝格專櫃及drsebagh.com有售。

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NEW LAUNCHES By Pia-Maria Norris

Valmont - Primary Collection The brand's first microbiome-balancing skin care line fortifies and promotes a stable balance in the skin’s ecosystem. Featuring three key ingredients that work both individually and in synergy with each other, Primary offers five products that can be used alone, together, or easily incorporated into your current skin care routine. (lamaisonvalmont.com)

Primary Veil ($118): Prepping mist. Primary Solution ($190): Targeted blemish treatment. Primary Serum ($205): Anti-redness repairing serum. Primary Cream ($200): Smoothing cream that quickly alleviates irritation. Primary Pomade ($275): Rich replenishing balm for intense nourishment and hydration.


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LaFlore - Longevity Barrier Repair Oil Soothes, brightens, and evens skin through a healing blend of soothing oils, immunity-boosting turmeric, and calming Arnica. ($90, laflore.com)

LaFlore This three-step collection is formulated with probiotic flora and organic ingredients to enhance collagen and elastin production, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and alleviate redness and breakouts.

Algenist - Blue Algae Vitamin C Dark Spot Correcting Peel Visibly brightens, and reduces the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. ($85, algenist.com, sephora.com)

The travel-size Discovery Set includes: Probiotic Cleanser (1.0 oz), Probiotic Serum Concentrate 0.5 oz), Probiotic Daily Defense Moisturizer (0.5 oz). ($62, laflore.com)


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Mamonde - Micro Deep Cleansing Oil Washes away dirt, dust, and excess sebum without stripping the skin of moisture. ($25, ulta.com)

Mamonde - Micro Deep Cleansing Foam

Mamonde - Micro Deep Cleansing Oil Tissue

Washes away 98.8% of pore-clogging dirt, dust, and excess residue!

Sweeps away waterproof makeup, dirt, and excess sebum with a single cleansing tissue.

($15, ulta.com)

($18, ulta.com)


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La Prairie - Skin Caviar Perfect Concealer


The perfect fusion of concealer and eye treatment! It smooths, corrects, and brightens the entire eye area, giving eyes a luminous, fresh look.

A new line of innovative, insulated bags that protect makeup and skin care products against humidity and temperature fluctuations! Also great for storing tech devices and medications! Available in a variety of sizes.

($180, laprairie.com)

Insulated Beauty Case Clé de Peau - Lip Glorifier Collection

Insulated Beauty Bag

Delivers radiant color and glow while protecting lips from dryness. Available in three shades.

Insulated Pouch

($45, cledepeaubeaute.com)

($68–$98, wellinsulated.com)


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he sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are the single largest reason for premature aging, as they damage the skin by destroying the skin’s collagen and elastin, which are needed to maintain a youthful complexion. Avoiding the sun altogether is virtually impossible, particularly during the summer months, so it is important to take preventive measures to protect your skin. While UVB rays (that cause sunburn) are strongest in summer, U VA rays (that cause wrinkles) remain constant throughout the year, regardless of season and weather. These powerful rays are also able to penetrate glass windows to impact our skin negatively. Hence, sunscreen should be worn daily, all year round. Make sure to add sunscreen as the last step of your morning skin care routine, and reapply it throughout the day on days when you get direct sun exposure.

La Prairie - Cellular Swiss UV Protection Veil Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Offers powerful sun protection while also providing brightening and hydrating benefits. ($200, laprairie.com)

Clé de Peau - UV Protective Cream SPF 50+ Delivers advanced sun protection for the face while also hydrating and leaving the skin divinely radiant. ($135, cledepeaubeaute.com)


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Coppertone - Glow Hydragel Sunscreen (SPF 30, SPF 50) Blended with illuminating shimmer to give skin a radiant glow while protecting it from UV rays. ($10.99, cvs.com)

Kypris - Pot of Shade: Heliotropic Gives a divine, translucent radiance to your skin while providing gentle, yet effective, non-nano UVA protection. Dr. Sebagh - Vitamin C Brightening Primer SPF 15

($75–$175, kyprisbeauty.com)

This smart pre-makeup treatment with SPF 15 leaves skin smooth, illuminated, and protected. ($75 / £55, drsebagh.com)


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Coppertone - Pure & Simple Botanicals Faces Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50 Delivers broad-spectrum UV protection without irritating even the most sensitive skin. Made with naturally sourced zinc oxide and 100% natural botanicals. ($4.99, target.com)

Dear Dahlia - Skin Paradise Pure Moisture Sun Lotion Face & Body SPF 50 Provides nonchemical broad-spectrum sun protection against UVA, UVB, and HEV (blue light) rays. Absorbs quickly with a fresh, sheer finish. ($45, deardahlia.com)


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Bestowing Wisdom and Ingenuity:

The Qixi Festival 望雙星寄乞巧情——夢迴七夕 English text by Megan Wang Chinese text by Cora Wang

清院畫 十二月月令圖 七月 Activities of the 12 Months: The Seventh Lunar Month, court artists, Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). (Picture courtesy of the National │29 Palace Museum)

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五代/北宋 佚名 乞巧圖 軸 Details of Palace Banquet. Palace maidens celebrate the Qixi Festival on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Before night arrives, they decorate their homes according to tradition, and set up a table full of items that pay tribute to the Cowherd and Weaver Maiden. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)


ivacious and intriguing, stars tw inkle brightly against the inky summer sky. Among them, two of the brightest are Altair and Vega. They are light-years apart, separated by the visible band of the Milky Way—much like two star-crossed lovers who are forced into different destinies. In ancient China, this phenomenon was personified to be a “tragic romance,” and passed down as a popular folk tale known as the Cowherd and Weaver Maiden. The story is associated with the socalled Chinese Valentine’s Day, also known as the Qixi Festival, which is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. According to Chinese folklore, there was once a beautiful fairy named the Weaver Maiden (Vega), who fell in love and later married a mortal man called the Cowherd (Altair). Heaven, however, did not allow such intermarriage, and the two were soon banished

農曆七月七日,孟秋的夜裡,金風輕拂而來,牛郎與織 女久別重逢於鵲橋,一段遠在銀河的愛情故事,讓仰望 星空的人們暗添許多優美、浪漫的遐思,卻又不免獨自 神傷,感歎人間別離之悽景。 「 纖雲弄巧,飛星傳恨,銀漢迢 迢暗渡。金風玉露 一相逢,便勝卻人間無數。柔情似水,佳期如夢,忍顧 鵲橋歸路。兩情若是久長時,又豈在朝朝暮暮?」字句 生動傳情,詞末的懸問,成千古金句,慰藉無數相隔兩 地的才子佳人,歷來成了多少情人間聊表情意的寄語? 如今七夕,已然成為男女互訴情誼節日,這大概是 各執一方的牽牛、織女星始料未及的結果吧!然而,在中 國古代的七夕傳統裡,那些活潑而饒富意趣習俗,其實 蘊含更加深遠、綿長的美意。 京中盛景 回溯千年前的北宋,北宋孟元老《東京夢華錄》第八卷中 清晰描繪繁華的汴京城內,在七夕來臨前數日以至七夕 當日的盛況。臨近七夕,市井氣息已然人聲鼎沸,「 車馬


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to opposite sides of the sky, separated by the turbulent Heaven River—aka the Milky Way. Empathetic of the lovers, a flock of magpies would gather and form a “bridge” every year on the seventh night of the seventh lunar month, so that the Maiden and Cowherd could briefly reunite. This faithful yet difficult love story has come to move generations of Chinese valentines. As this narrative became deeply ingrained in the culture of the Qixi Festival, it became known mostly for its romantic aspect. However, this is merely an incomplete representation. The Qixi Festival encompasses many more layers of cultural complexity, including goodness and numerous virtues.

傳 明 仇英 乞巧圖 Details of Test of Skill on Double Seventh Day, by an unidentified artist. Drawn in the style of Qiu Ying, one of the four Master Painters of the Ming Dynasty. This painting depicts the vividness of the Qixi Festival. Under the moon, ladies chat, read, and pray to Heaven. The table is set with wine, fruits, and mohele statues as tributes to the Cowherd and Weaver Maiden. (Picture courtesy of the National Palace Museum)

盈市,羅綺滿街,旋折未開荷花,都人善假做雙頭蓮, 取玩一時,提攜而歸,路人往往嗟愛 」,街上充滿女子 的身影,購貨置辦七夕當日所需。 此外,「 潘樓街東宋門外瓦子、州西梁門外瓦子、北 門外、南朱雀門外街及馬行街內,皆賣磨喝樂,乃小塑 土偶耳。悉以雕木彩裝欄座,或用紅紗碧籠,或飾以金 珠牙翠,有一對直數千者。」城中東南西北皆販售各色各

BUSTLING SCENERY The festival’s roots date back to as early as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (771 BC–256 BC). In a Song Dynasty memoir, The Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor (1187), author Meng reminisces about the bustling scenes of Qixi. Days before the festival, the streets are filled with chatter and laughter. “From beautiful maidens in glamorous f lowing gowns, to the hustling of horses and carriages, the streets were overtaken by the excited crowd.” On the day of Qixi, the towns were filled with peddlers along the roadside selling moheles—small clay statues of a little boy holding a lotus. These were often considered as mascots for the festival. Children and adults alike adored them for their exquisite carvings and cute faces, as well as for the

樣的「 摩喝樂 」,這是專用來供奉牽牛、織女星的泥偶。 女子藉以乞巧與乞求多子多福,官宦世家乃至平民百姓 皆然,亦點出七夕「 拜雙星 」的重要習俗。七夕當晚,人 們會備好花果、酒炙,焚香設案以拜之。 一心乞巧 女子專屬的「 乞巧」活動包括:穿針乞巧、投針驗巧、喜 珠應巧等。其中最為人熟知的就是「 穿針乞巧」,即女 子對月穿針的競賽,正對眉月,在皎柔的月光下,將纖 細的五色線穿入七孔針內,穿過越多代表乞得越多巧。 這可不是雕蟲小技,微弱的光線下,將細柔絲線穿入細 小的孔洞,若恰逢起風之時難度更甚,若非眼明手快, 難以實現。 「 投針驗巧」即七夕當日正午將針投於盆水之中,據 明劉侗、于奕正《帝京景物略》卷二記載,將針投於水面 後,過一會兒觀盆內水影,「 有成雲物,花頭,鳥獸影者 │31

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tiny colorful clothes they wore. The more aff luent could purchase moheles delicately carved from wood and adorned with gold beads. Since the price range varied, common and noble families alike could treasure at least one mohele statue for festivity and good blessings. On coming home, unmarried young girls would excitedly enshrine the statues in preparation for the worshiping of the Weaver Maiden, as the fairy was well-known for her ingenuity. Prior to praying, the girls gathered and set up a table with tea, wine, fruits, hazelnuts, peanuts, melon seeds, and other desserts as tributes to the fairy. As night arrived, the maidens prayed to Heaven for the endowment of wisdom and a pair of deft hands.

very seriously by young girls, as many would sob over unfortunate results. In traditional Chinese culture, outstanding needlework skills were a highly praised quality among maidens, as it suggested the progress a girl made

;有成鞋及剪刀水茄影者,謂乞得巧」;倘若水底影像粗 如木槌、或細如絲,筆直如軸蠟,則為「 拙 」象。 得巧與 否,觀水影而知。女子得拙象者,為此悵然而泣者有之, 可見她們有多看重此驗巧之說。 另一項原盛於宮廷內的「 喜蛛應巧」,民間亦效之。 五代後周王仁裕《開元天寶遺事》載道,女子們捉喜蛛 ( 即蜘蛛)置於盒內,直至隔日破曉之際開盒,「 蛛網稀 密,以為得巧之候。密者言巧多,稀者言巧少」,除疏密 之別,另有一說,若蜘蛛網圓正,亦象徵得巧。

INGENUITY BESTOWED In the past, before people’s thoughts about Qixi were overwhelmingly occupied by its romantic aspects, it was in fact considered a festival for maidens. Unmarried girls not only prayed to the Weaver Maiden but also engaged in activities such as the many “gifted-hands prediction” games and “handy-girl competitions.” One of the most popular traditions was the Needle-Threading Competition, where participating girls would attempt to thread a seven-hole needle. Under the soft moonlight, with an occasional breeze fluttering by, this task could be incredibly challenging. The maiden who completed the task in the least amount of time was said to have been blessed by the Weaver Maiden. The Sewing-Needle Predictions were also well known. As recorded in volume 2 of Survey of Scenery and Monuments in the Imperial Capital (1635), during the Ming Dynasty, maidens would gently set a needle on the surface of a shallow basin of water under the midday sun. As the needle floated, it would cast a shadow at the bottom of the basin. After a while, “some shadows appeared as clouds, f lowers, or even birds; if the shadow shaped into a shoe or a pair of scissors, or other interesting shapes, the maiden had been bestowed ingenuity.” However, if the basin’s bottom showed a shadow that was too straight, slim, or thick, it was concluded that the maiden had not yet been blessed. Seemingly lighthearted, the games were in fact taken

綜上乞巧之舉,頗有一番妙趣。無論透過何種習俗, 都代表著閨閣女子乞求得巧的渴望,心思純粹。話說回 來,試想女子們乞巧所為何事?答案想來也顯而易見。 何為「 巧」?《說文解字》謂之「 技 」也。女子需具備 的手藝與本領,關乎嫁娶之大事,婚後賢慧與否的準斷 也與此緊密相關。古時女子能幹好針線活,也能幫忙補 貼家用,手藝優劣,也象徵著古代女子修養。由此可知, 七夕並非情人節,而是專屬女子的祈願佳節,期許一個 更好的自己。 人間有情 那麼這七夕的愛情成分又是如何衍生而來?若見 《詩經》 小雅〈大東〉一曲: 「 跂彼織女,終日七襄。雖則七襄,不 成報章。睕彼牽牛,不以服箱。」直述二星無所作為,可 見西周時期,這兩顆星宿,尚未出現愛情元素。隨季節 更迭,兩星在空中的位置流轉,有如牽牛追逐織女星, 遂衍生出富有人情味的傳說。 至漢朝,《古詩十九首》中〈迢迢牽牛星〉一首,將牽 牛與織女人情化後,文人開始借物起興,以此為題,寄 託抒情。後世也有越來越多創作以此為題,加深了人們 對七夕浪漫的遐想。星宿本無情,有情的是坐望而觀之 的人群。此外,七夕並非中國習俗裡的良辰吉日,人們不 會歡慶此節,旨在乞巧。而「 織女 」一名,本就象徵著女 紅之宜,在愛情之前,陶冶修養自身,才是紛呈多彩的七 夕習俗所欲傳遞與延續的真諦。 文人抒情也好,時人多情也罷,七夕著實是一個充 滿人情味的傳統節日。不如隨著唐朝杜牧一首《秋夕》, 在 秋日 涼 適 的 晚 風 中 細 細 品 味 ——「 銀 燭 秋 光 冷 畫 屏,輕羅小扇撲流螢。 天階夜色涼如水,坐看牽牛織女 星 」。無論是對空遙想故人,抑或對星祈願,又或者親 試乞巧習俗,都可為初秋夜裡添上一道美麗回憶。


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in cultivating her inner beauty. Moreover, through honing this skill, they could develop great patience and a virtuous heart. Both were essential to being successful in marriage, which back then, was arguably the most important matter in a girl’s life. Times are different now, and marrying well is perhaps no longer a woman’s most significant goal in life. However, what remains timeless is the importance of cultivating oneself before embarking on a romantic journey. ROMANTIC NOTIONS Indisputably, the romantic aspect of Qixi is overly emphasized. According to the Classic of Poetry, people’s observation of the starry sky sparked enormous imagination dating all the way back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1047 BC–772 BC). Through lighthearted metaphors, people mocked that the stars of the Cowherd (Altair) and Weaver Maiden (Vega) were not actually able to herd cows or weave. This suggests that literary works associated with them had yet to become focused on the story’s romantic elements. Prior to the Han Dynasty (202 BC–AD 220), literary works began to further personify the two stars, thereby giving rise to a tragic romance. Numerous famous pieces, such as the tenth poem in Nineteen Old Poems, told a stirring account of how the two lovers longed to see each other. For thousands of years, poets and writers would continue to nourish this romantic sentiment in their works, as the Cowherd and Weaver Maiden reference became almost the default for scenes of languishing lovers. However moving the tales may be, though, perhaps the only ones with such impassioned sentiments were the literati themselves. Although the Qixi Festival is now often referred to as the Chinese version of Valentine’s Day, the two holidays are not quite the same. In fact, people in the past often avoided holding marriage ceremonies on this day, so as to avoid meeting the same tragic fate as the story’s characters. Thus, Qixi is not necessarily about celebrating romantic couples. Its real essence, perhaps, lies in the traditional values of ingenuity and constant self-improvement. Ultimately, we should all strive to become better for the ones we love.

清 佚名 時令三景——七夕掛軸 The Seventh-Night Festival, from a set of hanging scrolls titled Three scenes from festivals of the twelve months. On the night of Qixi, the Cowherd and Weaver Maiden meet on the “magpie bridge”—only once a year. In the courtyard are young maidens hoping to be blessed by the Weaver Maiden’s dexterity. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)


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A Divine Mission The Founding of America 意循天旨 德配天地——回顧美國建國時刻 English text by Angela Feng Chinese text by Cora Wang


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Declaration of Independence (1819) by John Trumbull. July 4, 1776, marked a milestone for freedom and democracy, as the colonists officially declared their independence from Great Britain. (Public Domain) │35

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” July 4, 1776, marked a milestone for freedom and democracy, with the ratification of the Declaration of Independence. Through the feather quills of the Founding Fathers emerged the foundation for a new nation—the birth of the United States. The sacred document liberating the colonies from England was composed by some of the most important men in American history. However, one equally significant figure was not present at the scene. While the Declaration of Independence was being signed in Philadelphia, George Washington was nearly a hundred miles away, preparing to face the British army in New York. The document was delivered to Washington days later on July 6, who relayed the invigorating news to his troops. Inspirited with hope and patriotism, the soldiers took to the streets in celebration. From this point forward, they were no longer fighting in defense of their colonies, but rather for the birth of a new nation. A MAN OF VIRTUE Washington’s ambition and leadership was evident from an early age. When the French and Indian War broke out in 1754, he was appointed lieutenant colonel and eventually put in charge of all of Virginia’s militia forces. At the time, he was only twenty-two and had little military experience. Throughout his five years of command, Washington was not immune to mistakes, and his inexperience often showed. However, he was undeniably a natural born leader— he had a way of inspiring trust, no matter how dire the circumstances. The French and Indian War was pivotal to Washington’s development; his experience during it heavily influenced his later actions. Through the various ups and downs, he learned many valuable lessons regarding command and politics. The war also played a major role in shaping his perception of the relationship between the colonists and the British, subsequently affecting his role in the American fight for independence. Though Washington entered the war a relatively naive, bright-eyed young man, he emerged from it a sage commander.

Lansdowne Portrait of George Washington (1796) by Gilbert Stuart. Washington made history as the only president elected unanimously for two terms. This iconic life-sized portrait depicts him during his final year in office. (Public Domain)

「 我們認為下面這些真理是不證自明的:人人生而平等, 造 物主賦予他們若干不可剝奪的權利,其中包括生命 權、自由權和追求幸福的權利。」1776 年 7 月 4 日,美 國《獨立宣言》宣告的那一天,一群有志之士在尚未創建 的國度,翻開人類近代史上的嶄新篇章。他們以深邃的 遠見與正直的信念,追尋造物主賦予的生存權利,毅然 踏上獨立之路。 在《獨立宣言》一字一句宣讀的當下,有位至關重要 的人物,卻未能出席,他就是歷來被尊為「 美國國父 」的 喬治.華盛頓(George Washington)。當時,他身處 100 英里外的紐約戰場,面對英軍的砲火,隨時挺身而 戰。 7 月 6 日,這份乘載著眾人冀盼的《獨立宣言》送達 他的手中,他身為大陸軍總司令,向其軍隊鄭重宣讀, 傳遞信念之基石,深明為何而戰。 華盛頓親自率領的北美大陸軍隊,最初由一群民兵 組成,素質良莠不齊,配備不良,連戰服都無法統一, 各方面的外在條件都無法與敵軍相提並論,孰料最終卻 成為戰勝世上強權的軍隊,帶回美國的第一次勝利⋯⋯ 獨立之戰 1775年4月19日的清晨裡,列星頓的槍聲,開啟了民兵 與英軍交戰的第一聲戰火。這一天,被視作獨立戰爭的 首場戰役,前景充滿未知。同年6月,第二屆大陸會議


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THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE By the late 1760s, turmoil was boiling among the colonies. As tensions increased, the fight for freedom seemed to draw closer by the day. Sure enough, in 1775, the “shot heard round the world” rang through America, signifying the beginning of the Independence War. That same year, Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the newly established Continental Army. Though full of bravery and passion, the colonial army initially lagged far behind the seasoned British forces. The troops didn’t have the time to receive proper training and were mostly made up of young men with little experience. They lacked food, ammunition, and essential medical supplies. In fact, conditions were so dire that soldiers were often forced to go without shoes—even in the frigid winter. As a result, more men died from hunger and disease than in battle.

上,華盛頓正式被委任為大陸軍總司令,他率兵抵禦英 軍的攻擊,北美大陸軍隊於此正式創建。 戰爭前 數月,大 陸軍 隊與英國軍 隊 的實力相差 懸 殊,節節敗退。 1776 年 11 月,英軍為了能在年底回家過 節,決定乘勝追擊大陸軍,連連發動突襲,大陸軍隊狼 狽應戰,倉皇撤退,因而丟失了許多辛苦籌得的軍火大 砲與戰略物資。最後英軍順勢攻下紐約的華盛頓堡,大 陸軍大敗,紐約這塊政經重地澈底失守。大陸軍在此役 折損了 3 千士兵,元氣大傷。 華盛頓 萬般 無奈下,只能與 其軍 隊退守新澤西地 區,大陸軍士氣低靡,前景晦暗。大陸軍隊內部出現意 見分歧,對於華盛頓擔任總司令一職的質疑聲浪漸起, 國會也開始動搖,考慮是否要將華盛頓換下。

Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851) by Emanuel Leutze. Despite the harsh winds and sleet, Washington’s troops managed to successfully cross the Delaware River and defeat their enemies in a surprise attack. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)


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The New York Campaign was one of the lowest points in Washington’s military career. Throughout 1776, his army faced a series of devastating defeats across New York City. The disastrous campaign came to a crushing end on November 16 as British forces led by General William Howe attacked the colonists at Fort Washington. The Continental Army was overwhelmingly defeated and forced to retreat to New Jersey. Morale was at an all-time low, and the prospect of independence seemed to grow bleaker by the day. However, things soon took a turn for the better. A few weeks later, on Christmas Day, Washington led his men in the iconic crossing of the Delaware River.

與此同時,華盛頓面對步步逼近的敵軍,他寫信求 助卻頻頻受阻,甚至遭到下屬的背棄。儘管身陷內外膠 著的窘境,他仍意志堅決,未因責難與挑戰而退卻,只 要他還在任,他便克盡職守。同年 12 月聖誕節期間,華 盛頓決定主動出擊,一場至關重要「 翠登戰役 」(Battle of Trenton)翻轉了戰局。 革命曙光 凜冽的聖誕節夜裡,華盛頓領兵發動奇襲,計畫兵分三 路展開行動。不料,突襲計畫卻被敵軍掌握,提早嚴加 防守。當日深夜,暴風雪來襲,天氣惡劣,華盛頓率領 的大陸軍身著單薄的外衣,鞋也早被泥濘浸溼,舉步維 艱。由於擬定的行軍路線必須渡過德拉瓦河,充滿浮冰 的河面讓前進難度倍增。當晚只有華盛頓率領的軍團成


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功渡河,其他兩隻軍隊則未能順利渡河抵達作戰處。華 盛頓只好領兵孤軍奮戰,一路挺進敵營。 塞翁失馬,焉知非福。惡劣的天氣也打亂了敵軍的 步 腳。低 溫溼 寒 的 12 月 26 日清晨 裡,大 陸軍 與 駐守 敵營的黑森軍團開始交戰。由於天候狀況極差,能見度 低,敵營的巡哨人員無法有效掌握華盛頓軍隊的一舉 一動,炮火、彈藥等武器也因溼冷的氣候而失靈。這些 外因條件使黑森軍隊猝不及防,屢屢失利。華盛頓率領 的民兵部隊陷陣搏鬥,以刺刀迎擊,與敵軍近身作戰, 浴血奮戰,終於等到援軍加入。 黑森軍團的總指揮官在戰火中因重傷身亡,其他分 隊亦相繼潰散,大陸軍最終取得了勝利。這奇蹟似的反 轉,著實振奮軍心。翠登戰役的勝利訊息傳開後,終於 讓人們看見獨立之路的曙光。後人憶起此戰時,都不免 感歎這是一場「 聖誕奇蹟 」。 1781 年的約克鎮圍城戰役(Siege of Yorktown), 是獨立戰爭中最後一場大型的陸戰,美法聯軍圍困英國 主力軍隊,最終逼得他們向華盛頓統領的大陸軍隊投降, 並未造成大規模的傷亡。自此,大陸軍團已勝券在握。 1783 年於法國簽訂的《巴黎合約》,為戰爭劃上句點。 功成身退 華盛頓深諳大陸軍的弱點,8年作戰期間,盡量避開了 與英軍的直接 衝突,並 透 過傑出的外交手段獲 取 盟軍 支援。戰爭結束後,華盛頓在美國人心中的威望可想而 知,但他毫不戀棧勝戰帶來的榮光。 1783 年 11 月 2 日,華盛頓於新澤西州解散大陸軍 隊。當日,他向其珍視的部下們,下達了最後一道命令: 他讓所有士兵解甲歸鄉,學習如何做一位好公民。與其 說是這是一道命令,更像是一份請求。 據美國國會圖書館文獻記載,該命令提到: 「 他們 ( 此指大陸軍)應將最和穩的情操帶入公民社會,他們

The plan was to launch a surprise attack on roughly 1,400 Hessian soldiers in Trenton, New Jersey. Washington had hoped for a quick victory to boost his army’s sagging morale and hopefully inspire more men to enlist. It was a cold, stormy winter night. Harsh winds, snow, and sleet lashed down relentlessly on the already fatigued Continental soldiers. The original attack plan involved three separate forces crossing at different points along the river; however, only the main force, led by Washington, ended up making it across. Navigating an ice-filled river in near complete darkness proved more difficult than expected. By the time they finally arrived on the other side, they were nearly three hours behind schedule.

也應證明自己作為公民將足具同等的美德與用處,如同 先前作為一名堅毅不懈的勝利軍人。」華盛頓對於這群 英勇的同胞、戰士們能 立足於 未來的公民社會充滿信 心,這不僅是一份期許,更源自其信任。 「 願充分的正義在此( 美國)被實踐,也願上天在 此與此後的選擇,在神聖的指引下,確保他人擁有無盡 的祝福。在擁有這些祝福與祈願下,大陸軍總司令將從 崗位退休,分別的帷幕即將拉下⋯⋯」華盛頓不再是運 籌帷幄的統領大將,而是與將士們平起平坐的美國公民。

The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 by John Trumbull. After a series of devastating defeats, Washington’s victory at Trenton revived the revolutionary spirit. (Public Domain)


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With all the odds stacked against them, Washington almost considered calling off the operation. However, at that point retreat would have been too costly, so he decided to push forward. On December 26, at around eight a.m., Washington’s soldiers descended on the unsuspecting Hessian forces. It was a cloudy morning with low visibility, which prevented enemy patrols from tracking their movements. Additionally, the Hessians—overconfident from their previous victories—underestimated the power of the Continental soldiers. As a result, Washington’s men rapidly overwhelmed their enemies, capturing nearly 1,000 Hessians at the cost of only four American lives. As news of the victory spread, soldiers and families all across America rejoiced. The Continental troops were filled with a renewed sense of confidence, and the fire of revolution burned stronger than ever. The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War. On October 19, 1781, British forces led by General Lord Charles Cornwallis were forced to surrender to Washington’s army and their French allies. The Treaty of Paris was signed two years later, putting an end to eight long years of conflict.

A month later, on December 23, Washington gave his official resignation in front of Congress. “Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of Action,” he announced, according to the National Archives. “Bidding an affectionate farewell to this August body under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my Commission, and take my leave of all the employments of public life.” As commander-in-chief during the war, Washington was given a substantial amount of power—so much 同年(1783)12 月 23 日,華盛頓向大陸會議交回 他手握的軍權,遞交辭呈。當天議會上,他簡短地發表 了一段演說,謙遜樸實的字句,打動在場的每一位。 「現 在,我已經完成了賦予我的使命,我將退出這個偉大的 舞臺,並且向莊嚴的國會告別。在她的命令之下,我奮 戰已久。我謹在此交出委任並辭去我所有的公職。」語 畢,他將辭呈遞交予議長。 立國之本 那份輕薄的一張辭狀,承載著美國立國之本的重量—— 國家並非靠武力豪 奪,它只是 一種置 於國家以下的手 段。功成,身退,華盛頓毫無猶疑地選擇釋權與退位,樹 立了美國數百年來的政治典範,可謂綜觀古今中外的創 舉。大會議長接過華盛頓的辭呈後,向他致上敬意與祝 福,隔天他便回到弗農山莊,過起「 短暫的」退休生活。

A HUMBLE RETIREMENT As the fighting came to a stop and peace slowly returned, there was no longer a need for the Continental Army. Therefore, on November 2, 1783, Washington gave his final orders before disbanding the troops. He took the opportunity to remind his soldiers of the qualities necessary for an upstanding American citizen, stating, as recorded by The Library of Congress: “They should carry with them into civil society the most conciliating dispositions; and that they should prove themselves not less virtuous and useful as Citizens, than they have been persevering and victorious as Soldiers. May ample justice be done them here, and may the choicest of heaven's favours, both here and hereafter, attend those who, under the divine auspices, have secured innumerable blessings for others; with these wishes, and this benediction, the Commander in Chief is about to retire from Service.”

當然,華盛頓並未從此退出歷史舞臺,數年後,他 為了國家與人民再次出仕。他參與制定美國憲法,成就 了人類歷史上第一部成文憲法,為後世奠定著保障基本 人權的重要準則;在眾盼之下,成為美國第一任總統, 並二次連任,都獲得全票通過的支持與人民愛戴,直到 1797 年主動卸下總統之職。 獨立之戰的槍聲響起後,至戰爭落幕的最後一刻, 體現了美國建國之初的格局與高度;一群德行兼備的建 國者們闢出一條前無古人的道路,開啟此後數百年人類 的民主自由之路。 200 年 後, 世 界 知 名 作 家 克 萊 恩. 斯 科 森(W. Cleon Skousen)的著作《飛躍 5000 年》 (The 5000 Year Leap: The 28 Great Ideas That Changed the World,1981 年出版),詳述了美國 28 條良好的立國原 則何以改變世界。書中點出,美國開國元勳因堅信神的 旨意且謹遵道德原則,因此造就了過去這 5 千年歷史中 最榮光的時刻。誠如第 28 條原則寫道: 「 成為全人類的 表率與福音,是美國的使命」,正是這份使命感,締造了 這段偉大的建國史話。


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General George Washington Resigning His Commission (1824) by John Trumbull. On December 23, 1783, Washington officially resigned as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. (Public Domain)

so that he could have easily taken sole control of the nation, becoming essentially a dictator. However, he willingly gave up this power, choosing instead to lead the life of an ordinary citizen. His lack of hesitation demonstrates his altruism, as he constantly put the good of the country ahead of his personal ambitions. BUILDING A NATION Nevertheless, Washington’s retirement was shortlived; he continued to play a crucial role in building the American republic, helping to set up the country’s new government at the Constitutional Convention. The hundred-day event was one of the most momentous occurrences in United States history, as the brightest minds from around the nation laid out the blueprint for future generations. Following the convention, Washington’s thoughts turned away from the assembly halls and battlefields, as he longed for a humble life at his Mount Vernon estate. Nevertheless, his role in shaping America was far from over. To Americans, there was

no one better fit for presidency. As a result, in 1789, Washington became the first president of the United States—the only candidate in history to be elected unanimously. Throughout his time in office, he set many important precedents, including the two-term limit. He stepped down in 1797, leaving behind one of the most enduring legacies in American history. From the first sparks of the Revolutionary War to after the dust settled, the Founding Fathers regarded themselves as being on a divine mission: They wanted to build America into a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. In The Five Thousand Year Leap, author Cleon Skousen detailed the twenty-eight principles of liberty on which America was founded. As stated in the last principle, number twenty-eight, “The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing in sharing and promoting the principles of liberty.” This sacred sense of duty reflects the mindsets of the Founding Fathers, who paved the way for democracy and freedom for hundreds of years to come. │41

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Little Women: A Gem of American Literature 《小婦人》——美國文學瑰寶 English text by Susannah Pearce Chinese text translated by Kelly Gao

美 國 知 名 作 家 露 意 莎. 梅. 奧 爾 柯 特(Louisa May Alcott) 的《小 婦 人》於 1868 年 出 版, 在 文 學 史 上 的 地位獨樹一幟。許多以此為藍本的創作誕生,透過舞臺 劇以及電影作品,遍布在人們的生活之中。然而,這部 文學著作卻被一些人貶低為幼稚、說教性質的「 兒童讀 物 」。甚至在維基百科的「 美國文學 」條目中都未被提 及,僅簡要列於「 兒童文學 」的條目之中。 此外,《小婦人》也未能進入「 偉大美國小說 」的名 單,該名目源於小說家約翰.威廉.德.佛瑞斯特與《小 婦人》同年發表的一篇文章。德 · 佛瑞斯特將此名目定義 為「 能夠展現美國人日常情緒與舉止畫面 」的作品。當 學者們將《白鯨記》——講述一位捕鯨者瘋狂執著於報仇 的故事——列入名單之中,我們不禁想問,一部真正描 繪美國家庭生活中日常情緒與舉止畫面的《小婦人》,何 以被排除在名單之外?

Right page: Little Women (1868) has been a timeless classic from its first publication up to today, and it has been the inspiration for many adaptations for the stage and silver screen. (Public Domain)



ouisa May Alcott’s Little Women (1868) holds a unique place in the literary annals. It has enjoyed popularity from the time of publication until today and has even inspired numerous interpretations for the stage and silver screen. On the other hand, it is discounted by some as juvenile and preachy—“only” a children’s book. It doesn’t get even a mention in Wikipedia’s “American Literature” entry, and is only briefly listed under its “Children’s Literature” entry. Little Women also evades the canon of “The Great American Novel,” a term coined by novelist John William De Forest in his essay written the same year as Little Women. De Forest defined the designation as “the picture of ordinary emotions and manners of American existence.” Considering academics include on the list Moby Dick, which is about a revenge-crazed whaler, we can’t help wonder why Little Women, which portrays exactly the ordinary picture of emotions and manners found in American family life, does not!


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It was publicly vindicated in the 2003 BBC survey “The Big Read,” which polled three-quarters of a million readers. Little Women ranked 18th in the list of the UK’s best-loved novels, coming fourth among American novels. What makes Louisa May Alcott’s work inspire such differing responses among critics? It may be its seeming ordinariness that causes it to be overlooked by academics, yet beloved by generations of readers. Perhaps Alcott does have something truly unique to offer, which the academics have missed. LEMONADE FROM LEMONS Alcott’s bestseller is often described as an autobiographical work because the author lifts from her own experience much of what we see in the story: a family of four sisters living in New England, guided in their growth by loving parents. The March family has fallen into difficult financial means familiar to the Alcotts. The identities of the story’s March sisters (Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy) line up with the Alcott family (Anna, Louisa, Elizabeth, and May). Alcott certainly based many of the events in the story on the doings of her actual family, but her story is far from an autobiography. Doubtless, she and her sisters enjoyed putting on plays, composing newspapers, and doing general household tasks as did the March sisters of the book. However, her real childhood was not quite the cozy, rooted existence enjoyed by the March family. While the Marches remember more prosperous circumstances, the Alcotts were sadly accustomed to humiliating poverty and even outright penury and hunger. Their family had to move time after time as Mr. Alcott experienced one failure after another. This upbringing nevertheless provided Louisa not only with material for her stories about a family living in poverty but also with an impetus for writing: making a decent living.

Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women. (Public Domain)

此觀點於 2003 年,英國廣播公司(BBC)開展的 「 大閱讀 」計畫調查中得到了驗證。民調結果顯示:《小 婦人》在英國最受歡迎的小說中排名第 18 位,在美國小 說中排名第 4。是什麼因素,引發評論家對奧爾柯特作 品如此不同的反應? 碩果源自刻苦 歷來,許多人將這本奧爾柯特的暢銷書視為一部自傳, 因為她從親身經歷中,汲取了諸多創作元素,如故事中 的基本背景:一個住在新英格蘭的四姐妹家庭,在父母 的關愛與引導下成長;馬區一家( 主角一家 )陷入財務 困難,這也是她親歷的生活;馬區姐妹( 梅格、喬、貝 絲和艾美 )共有四位,正如她生長家庭中的四姐妹。 儘管書中許多故事取材自作者的現實生活,但故事 本身與「 自傳 」相去甚遠。事實上,奧爾柯特一家的經 濟狀況比馬區家艱苦許多,也未有穩固、舒適的童年生

A TIME OF CHANGE During her lifetime, Louisa May Alcott witnessed a period of head-spinning growth and change in America and the world. Locally, her parents were members of the Transcendental Movement, which arose in New England at that time. Its adherents grappled through a philosophical fog toward an

活。不過,她和姐妹們喜歡戲劇表演、撰寫報紙、做家 務,和書中的馬區姐妹如出一轍。 奧爾柯特筆下的馬區一家,生活條件越趨明朗,但 她卻一生貧困。此外,她的先生在職場上屢屢失利,一 家人不得不一再遷徙。逆境中並未使其放棄,貧困家庭 的生活樣貌是她現成的寫作素材,而為了過上體面的生 活,使她擁有持續寫作的動力。


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understanding of human anthropology better than those who followed the tradition of Puritanism or the Rationalism of the Industrial Age, which were then at odds. A far from exhaustive list of changes in the United States from her birth to the book’s publication includes the ongoing acquisition of territory and creation of new states, the growth of railroads, the founding of universities, hospitals, libraries, banks, and publishers, wars for territory in the frontier, the temperance movement, a cholera pandemic, industrialization, the gold rush, a surge of immigration, and clashes among abolitionists and proponents of slave labor culminating in the American Civil War, which ended just three years before the publication of Little Women. Alcott’s characters apparently experienced little of this. Mr. March was away from home, having volunteered as a chaplain to the brave men fighting at “the front.” We are only left to assume, for lack of explication, that this is the Civil War, which would be in the forefront of the minds of her readers, but it is left vague.

劇變時代 奧爾柯特在她的一生中,見證了美國和世界的變革時 期, 這 湧 動 的 時 代 裡 充 滿 了 激 勵 人 心 的 故 事。 1830 年代,新英格蘭地區興起的超驗運動( 因超越主義, Transcendentalism,帶動的一種文學和哲學運動 ), 與當時的主流思潮格格不入,而奧爾柯特的父母為當地 成員。該運動的擁護者,在浩蕩的哲學裡探尋真理,主 張更適於人類以至形上學的精神理論,後來成為美國重 要的文化資產。 從她出生到《小婦人》一書出版,美國社會歷經的動 盪變化難以盡述,其中包括了持續進行的領土收購和新 州創建;鐵路的發展,大學、醫院、圖書館、銀行和出 版商等的建立;邊境地區的戰爭;禁酒運動、霍亂大流 行、工業化、淘金熱、移民潮,以及奴隸制引發的廢奴 主義者和擁護者之間的衝突,最終導緻美國內戰,而《小 婦人》一書則是在戰爭結束後的第 3 年出版。顯然,書 中的角色幾乎並未經歷過這些。除了離家在外的馬區先 生,他自願為在前線戰鬥的英勇士兵擔任牧師。由於故 事中並未明確指出時代背景,大多數讀者只能設想這就 是內戰。 「 內在 」戰爭 奧爾柯特在書中置入經典不衰的內涵,而非盛行一時的 流行元素,廣受各世代讀者喜愛。故事設定沒有與任何

BATTLES WITHIN Vagueness, rather than vogue-ness, is employed by Alcott and contributes to the book’s appeal over so many generations. It is not definitely tied to any particular time or set of beliefs but speaks to transcendent human qualities. Its center and focus is the family home and the human heart. The beliefs of the March family are not explicit. Reference is made to John Bunyan’s Puritan classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress, as inspiring games of play-acting in the girls’ younger days. Mrs. March later exhorts Jo to find consolation in her “ever-present Father above” when Jo appeals to her mother’s aid in conquering her volcanic temper. Amy learned the benefits of solitary meditation aided by a beautiful image of the Madonna and Child, from her aunt’s French servant, a Catholic. However, the struggle to grow in virtue and self-control is central to the book. While the Civil War may be somewhere in the background of the story, the main battles are fought within the hearts of the March girls, under the gentle tutelage of their wise mother. “Marmee,” as they call her, never scolds

特定的時代或信仰直接連結,側重家庭生活和人物內心 世界的描繪。 以馬區一家不明確的信仰為例。書中描寫到少女們 小時候扮演的話劇遊戲時,引用了清教徒約翰 · 班揚的 經典著作《天路歷程》;當喬尋求母親幫助她征服自己的 火爆脾氣時,馬區夫人則勸告她向「 永遠在上的天父 」 尋求慰藉;艾美從姑姑家中一位信奉天主教的法國僕人 那裡,學會了透過凝視恬靜優美的聖母子畫像,獨自靜 坐冥想,身心受益。 此書的核心體現了美德和自制力之間的掙扎。儘 管故事背景可能為美國內戰,但在母親明智、溫柔的照 料下,主要的「 戰爭 」其實就在馬區姐妹們的心中進行 著。她們稱呼馬區夫人為「Marmee」( 這個單詞不僅音 近 Mommy,在希臘文化中別有寓意,有啟發人心的意 義 ),她從不罵人或喋喋不休,引導並鼓勵女兒們在面 對誘惑時,做出賢明的抉擇。 馬區家的貧窮以各種形態成為姊妹們各自的憂慮: 梅格渴望其他女孩擁有的美好事物;脾氣暴躁的喬想要 出名、賺錢,用來做點大事;天生賢惠善良的貝絲覺得 自己不應該老是做那些微不足道的小事;艾美則希望成 為一位受人尊敬的淑女。 每個女孩都面對著自己的誘惑,歷經掙扎,並在最 終克服了它。梅格發現自己身處於富有、時髦的朋友之


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Amy finally becomes the fine lady she always aspired to be by nurturing the virtue she held inside. (Public Domain)

or nags, but leads and encourages her daughters toward virtuous decisions as they face their individual temptations. The Marches’ genteel poverty grates on each of them in different ways. Meg desires the nice things other girls have. Quick-tempered Jo wants to make a name (and fortune) for herself, doing something big. Beth, who is naturally virtuous, feels her little part is not what it should be. Amy wishes to be esteemed as a lady. Each girl comes face-to-face with her temptation, teeters, and ultimately overcomes it. Meg finds herself among wealthy, fashionable friends and succumbs to the allure of vanity, being dressed up in borrowed fineries and behaving frivolously. Her disgust with herself returns her to the realization that integrity and the regard of those she loves is a greater good than pretty trifles. Jo battles her choleric temper, which flares up at Amy when the younger sister destroys months of writing work (the pride of her heart) in an act of resentment. Jo’s disdain for Amy nearly ends in tragedy when she allows her younger sister to fall through thin ice while skating. The occasion brings Jo to

間時,她屈從於虛榮,身著借來的高級禮服,表現輕浮。 她對自己感到厭惡,這使她重新意識到,比起浮華的事 物,擁有正直和所愛之人的尊重更為重要。 喬則和她的易怒脾氣持續對抗。當艾美因為怨恨, 摧毀了喬數月以來引以為傲的寫作成果時,喬怒不可 遏。喬對艾美的蔑視幾乎以悲劇告終——她任由妹妹在 滑冰時跌入冰層之下。歷經此事,喬意識到放縱憤怒只 會帶來悲傷,她因此決定要努力控制自己的負面情緒。 貝絲面對的考驗,相較於他人則隱晦許多,因為她 天性善良、甜美。這位害羞女孩在她臨終前的覺悟,使 其戰勝心魔——她終於發現,奉獻自我成就的家庭幸福 不容輕視,過去她自認渺小的付出,實則舉足輕重。 自命不凡、最年幼的艾美,似乎實現了她所有的 想望。她一直夢想成為自己理想中最美好的模樣。她傾 心學習,對美好事物冥想,不斷調整自己的性情,一步 步地接近理想狀態,最終如願成為了一位溫婉賢慧的女 士,並擁有富裕的生活環境。 獨具的優勢 奧爾柯特透過《小婦人》一書取得成功,此著作也持續受 到後代讀者的青睞。 在哲學、技術、教育和婦女權利等迅速變化的時代, 奧爾柯特在學者和作家的影響下度過了一生,因此,她 非常適合回溯美國社會的發展之路。她的聰慧,足以勝


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dedicate herself to working to control her passions, the free run of which brings only sorrow. Beth’s frontline of temptation is more subtle than the others’ because she is naturally virtuous and sweet. The shy sister’s victory is the realization, on her deathbed, that her contribution to domestic happiness is, in fact, enough. Amy, the pretentious youngest, seems to achieve all her outward desires. Her ambition was to become the best she could aspire to. Through prayerful meditation on the good and beautiful and constant adjusting of her tendencies to a closer approximation of her aspiration, she actually does become a fine lady, with all the attendant luxuries. A UNIQUE VANTAGE POINT Alcott had had some small publishing success when her publisher suggested she write “a girl’s book.” Whether or not her heart was in it as she wrote, she certainly hit the bull’s-eye with Little Women. It was right on target at the time and has remained a hit in the hearts of succeeding generations of readers ever since. Having spent her life within the sphere of influence of intellectuals and writers at a time of rapid change in philosophy, technology, education, and women’s rights, among others, Alcott was well-placed to see back along the path from which American society was emerging and forward toward the direction in which it was headed. She was smart enough to make something of this pivotal position. Her book embraces traditional goods as well as the changes that allowed for a greater development of the person than had been acceptable in the strict social atmosphere of the time. Today’s reader finds more that is familiar than is outdated in this work written over 150 years ago. Much of the Transcendentalist thought and theory became the foundation of the educational system that is now standard in the United States. While Alcott bore little resemblance to the feminists of today, she supported women’s suffrage and increased opportunity for women to excel in their area of talent beyond what was common at the time. She endorsed literacy in the arts and wholesome exercise. These newer views are woven (sometimes unevenly, sometimes didactically) through her book, all the while remaining

pinned to the traditional and enduring goods of virtue, integrity, and domestic happiness. Little Women is a bright and attractive refuge of familiar domestic life, realistically rendered. G.K. Chesterton suggested that Alcott’s book “anticipated realism by twenty or thirty years.” The success of Alcott’s little women lies in the development of their characters, rather than merely their happily-ever-after marriages. As in real life, marriage is not the end, but one of the events that help shape the person. Louisa May Alcott gathers into Little Women the goods common to people of all times, and builds newer ideas onto that foundation in a natural way that was not shocking to her contemporary audience. Nor do they seem dated to today’s readers. Her subtle insight into the enduring truths of human nature may have been overlooked by academics, yet Alcott deftly navigates the rapid current of change in her time to produce a valuable piece of literature that refuses to be relegated to the nursery as “just a children’s book.” She has produced a gem of American literature.

任此一舉足輕重的角色。她筆下的故事,涵蓋了傳統美 德以及使人 正向發展的啟發。她在 書中呈現的發展變 化,比起當時嚴格的社會環境更具有包容性。 現代讀者對這本在 150 年前完成的作品仍感到親 切。此外,多數超驗主義思想和理論,成為當今美國標 準教育體系的基礎。 雖然奧爾柯特與當今的女權主義 者,幾乎沒有什麼相似之處,但她支持婦女擁有選舉權, 並支持社會為婦女提供更多機會,在其擅長領域發揮, 這在當時的社會並不尋常。她的著作成了這些新穎觀點 的媒介,時而隱微,時而明快地在故事中呈現。值得注 意的是,儘管她的觀點不落俗套,卻始終立足於傳統美 德與家庭幸福之上。 《小婦人》以溫暖而迷人筆觸展現了人們熟悉的家庭 生活。 英國知名文學家,吉爾伯特.基思.卻斯特頓認 為,書中的「 預期現實會在 20 或 30 年後出現 」,該 書的成功在於其人物性格的發展,而不僅限於幸福的婚 姻。現實生活中婚姻並非終點,而是人生裡其中一件有 助於塑造人格的大事。 奧爾柯特將所有時代人們常見的良好品德,集結於 《小婦人》一書中,故事似乎也未讓後世的讀者感到老套 過時。她巧妙地駕馭著時代迅速的變化,創造出極具價 值的文學著作,這絕不僅是一本「 兒童讀物 」,而是美 國文學中的瑰寶。


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Elsie Shi:


English text by June Fakkert Chinese text by Cora Wang

Umbrellas, a piece on the Shen Yun program, presents heavenly maidens dancing through a summer drizzle. As they elegantly walk into sight with their dainty umbrellas, they invite us into a world of beauty and serenity. (Picture courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts)

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ew adults get to experience the joy of soaring heels above the head through the air. However, for dancer Elsie Shi, this is one of her greatest delights. On top of her packed training schedule, she will sometimes learn new f lips—like the backflip—“just for challenging myself,” she said in an interview with Elite Lifestyle. Elsie has been passionate about tumbling since she was 10 years old, and she used to dream of becoming a gymnast. However, her fate has a different arrangement for her in life. Due to aging out of gymnast training back then, Shi decided to take lessons in classical Chinese dance, which also has a tumbling component. Little did she know then that the flips she saw in gymnastics competitions actually originate from this dance form. After China opened to the rest of the world in the 1970s, the country’s gymnasts began entering international competitions. They often incorporated classical Chinese dance techniques and f lips into their routines. Gymnasts and dancers from other countries started copying these movements, which soon became ubiquitous, although they have since been altered so that most people do not recognize their origin. Shi is now a principal dancer with Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. “Dancing is a joyful part of my life,” she said. Her dance career gives her daily pleasure, as well as the deep satisfaction of knowing that she is contributing to something much bigger than herself. Based in upstate New York, Shen Yun seeks to revive authentic, “divinely inspired” Chinese culture. For decades, the communist regime of Mainland China has been waging an ideological war against these traditional beliefs, trying to replace them with its culture of atheism. Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by Chinese artists who wished to preserve their heritage. Seven touring companies now perform around the world every year, giving around 750 performances all together.

她身輕如燕,動作凝練,凌空一躍,在空中劃出一道圓滑 而美麗弧線後輕盈落地。她喜歡各種翻騰跳躍以及凝滯空 中的瞬間。這些年來,她穿梭在世界各地知名的劇院舞 臺,和同台的藝術家們共創無數場精采絕倫的演出。 她是來自台灣的施逸謙,從小就喜歡觀看競技體操 表演,曾經想成為一名體操選手。然而在命運巧妙地安 排下,轉而學習舞蹈。如今躋身世界頂尖音樂與舞蹈藝術 團——美國神韻藝術團,並擔任主要領舞演員。 她從10歲開始接觸中國古典舞,從此對舞蹈產生濃 厚興趣,後來如願考入美國飛天藝術學院( 系統教授正 統中國古典舞的專業學校 ),因此決定赴美深造舞藝。她 隻身從臺灣到美國,跨越一萬兩千兩百多公里,一次單程 的飛行,展開尋夢之旅。 願志相契 誠舞生韻 施逸謙開始學習中國古典舞後,便發現那些在競技體操中 令她興奮的翻騰技巧,中國古典舞也有,而且表現形式更 加豐富,包含跳、轉、翻以及毯子功等。其實,競技體操 中有許多高難度動作,皆源自中國古典舞。 據神韻的官網介紹,中國古典舞是數千年來由宮 廷、民間以及古代戲劇中延續而來。 1970年代末,中國 改革開放後,中國體操隊參與各項國際賽事,他們將古典 舞的高難度翻騰技巧,加入了體操表演,如此形式的表演 驚豔世界,榮獲無數金牌。 在正式學習舞蹈前,施逸謙還曾是一名花式跳繩好 手,擁有相對優越的體能條件,如敏捷的身手與出色的 跳躍力,但她仍認為學習中國古典舞極具挑戰。中國古 典舞不僅有嚴格的身法要求,藉以表現其深厚內涵的「 身 韻 」,更是體現民族韻味的要領,身韻與跳舞者本人的精 神、氣質、以至深層的情感緊密相連。 「 以前我只是在做動作而沒有放入情感 」,起初她僅 專注於技巧學習,未能領會中國古典舞的韻味,也對其中 柔美的表現感到彆扭,這致使她的舞蹈動作十分生硬,一 度因此失去學習的自信。隨著她舞臺經驗的積累與閱歷增 長,加之老師們的耐心指點與同儕鼓勵,她靜心體會、勤 加練習,漸入佳境。 她提到中華文化課程的薰染,讓她明白歷史故事中 的意蘊,進而領略人物心境。這段探索過程雖然漫長,但 卻對其舞蹈生涯影響深遠。當她體認到中國古典舞更加深 邃的內涵後,舞蹈與她的內心產生更加緊密的連結。 秉謙自省 思行合一 如今,施逸謙在神韻演出已有8年,無論是日常排練或是

Left page: Born in Taiwan, Elsie Shi joined New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts in 2013 and has been touring with the company ever since. For Shi, dancing has become not just her career path but also her lifelong aspiration. (Photography by Larry Dai)

巡迴演出期間,難免遇上各種狀況,她認為每一次失誤的 發生都是檢視自己的機會,且不論失誤是否發生在自己身 上,作為整體的一部分都可藉此反省。此外,她體會到儘 管失誤的產生有外在因由,與內在修為也息息相關。


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New performances are created every year, containing dances from China’s different dynasties and ethnic minorities, such as Mongolian, Miao (or Hmong), and Tibetan. Also included are narrative dances that depict traditional folk tales and stories from Chinese literature. FIXING MISTAKES, THE TRADITIONAL WAY An undertaking of this magnitude is, of course, not without challenges—both for the performers and for the company. Though Shen Yun is frequently praised for its f lawless performances, Shi said that mistakes do occasionally happen. She recalled one dance that involved doing a high sidekick while balancing a porcelain vase on her head. During one performance, she almost knocked the vase off with her toe. She still remembers this close call and said that whenever mistakes happen, there is always an outer reason but often an inner one too. So, when there is a mishap or near miss on stage, the company’s members reflect on what they might have been thinking that contributed to it. “[T]here was a bit of showing off like, ‘See how high my leg can go,’” she said in the follow-up interview email, recalling the near miss. This kind of ref lection is a very traditional Chinese characteristic. Inf luenced by Buddhism and Taoism, ancient Chinese people held that one’s destiny and attitude shaped the course of that person’s life. Thus, mishaps and difficult situations offered opportunities to improve one’s character and, later, one’s lot in life (or at least one’s lot in the next life). In the same vein, material wealth was also attributed to destiny and merit from past lives. Thus, traditionally, the ancients placed more emphasis on striving to be the best and noblest person one could. They believed that although people are destined to live in different walks of life, everyone can advance themselves by aligning their thoughts and actions with higher principles. In contrast, Marxist theory says that class is an unfair social construct, and the Chinese Communist Party carried out a series of genocidal campaigns and the Cultural Revolution to fix this supposed injustice and incorrect thinking.

古人講「 修身養性 」,以高標準的道德自我要求, 提升內在修為,言行才會端正。而作為一名舞蹈藝術 家,舞蹈的表現即是內在涵養的體現,若能時刻反求諸 己,外在的舞藝也會有意想不到的收穫。她知道,一位 品行良好的舞蹈家,可以透過演出感染觀眾,她將此內 化為鞭策自我的動力,數年來,專心致志地提升自我。 辨明善惡 揭露真相 去年(2019年 )神韻的演出有一劇目名為《女兒國》, 改編自明朝吳承恩《西遊記》,故事講述女兒國的女王被 蠍子精附體,試圖傷害唐僧,後來被打敗,女王得以恢 復原樣。施逸謙接演此角,需詮釋女王善惡兩面的表現。

Top: Elsie Shi dances in Elegance in the Middle Kingdom, a breathtaking piece with nimble maidens and their flowy fans. (Picture courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts) Left page: Elsie Shi performs in Mu Guiying Takes Command, a dance based on the story of an outstanding female general of the Song Dynasty. (Picture courtesy of Larry Dai)


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FINE LINE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL Every year, Shen Yun performs a narrative dance from the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. One year, Shi played a queen who has been possessed by an evil scorpion. The scorpion wants to eat the protagonist, a monk who is on a quest to bring precious Buddhist scrolls from India to China. Shi found this role “quite challenging” and said that key to performing this character—and portraying the evil through movement—was having a running script in her head, on top of the right feeling. On stage, the possessed queen with her clawing hands and sinister, slinking movements appeared quite vile. However, Shi’s mental script was pretty mundane, consisting of phrases like “Welcome to my home,” with a feeling of pride. This is a reminder that certain emotions and desires are fertile ground for the seeds of hatred and destruction. The existence of good and evil in human nature is not just theoretical for Shen Yun performers. In 1999, China’s Communist Party (CCP) launched a persecution against adherents of the Falun Gong spiritual practice. The persecution continues to this day, and CCP propaganda has convinced many ordinary citizens that it is right to physically and mentally torture practitioners in order to change their spiritual beliefs. Shen Yun also includes in each year’s program a piece that portrays this persecution, and Shi said that based on feedback in recent years, many audience members around the world find these stories to be the most powerful and moving part of Shen Yun performances.

她為兩種表現設計不同的潛台詞,細膩揣摩兩者的 轉換與心理狀態,其中一項詮釋關鍵,就是對「 善 」與 「 惡 」的深刻認識。其實善、惡的表現猶如一種提醒, 倘若縱容負面情緒與慾望滋長,就會成為惡之溫床,進 而產生仇恨等背離正道的表現。這不僅存於虛構的情節 中,也是現實裡對人性的刻畫。 每年神韻的演出中還包含了由真實事件改編的現 代舞劇,故事背景就發生在當今的中國。中國共產黨統 治中國之初,便極力宣揚「 無神論 」,並發起數次的革 命運動,試圖毀壞中國人民對神的信仰以及善惡有報等 普世道德觀。 1999年,它又發起一場大規模的信仰迫 害——對法輪大法信仰者進行打壓——至今仍未結束。 他們操縱輿論欺騙民眾,並且對所有不願放棄信仰的民 眾進行身、心靈的折磨。 施逸謙身為神韻藝術團的一員,對此深有感觸, 她解釋道,為了能讓世上更多人明白真相,透過舞劇的 演出形式,帶給觀眾真實的訊息。兩年前(2018年 ), 施逸謙出演一位小女孩,女孩因堅定信仰法輪大法而遭 遇迫害,為追尋「 真、善、忍 」的真理,不畏苦難,堅 守到底。她說:「 在將近演出的最後,我有個動作是拉 開( 真相 )橫幅,然後做著哭的動作,演出那時我是真 的哭了,因為我突然感覺到那種情緒,它就是自然地流 露。」 她表示這些年來,觀眾的反饋一年比一年深刻,許 多觀眾在接受訪談中,表明瞭解了迫害的真相,並且願 意站出來聲援善良與正義,對此她欣慰地說,「 我們做 到了!」 境隨心轉 領悟珍惜 「 很少人可以把興趣當作職業 」,施逸謙覺得自己是幸運 的,選擇舞蹈為志業,她從未後悔。她特別感謝家人多 年來的信任與支持,「 只要我生活得好,一切都好,那 麼他們( 家人 )就會覺得挺開心。」家人們性格隨和,



Shi said that her Chinese name has two characters:


逸 (yi) which translates as “to fly or flow with ease,” and 謙 (qian) which means “modest.” Her English name derives from an ancient Hebrew name that means roughly “my oath to God” and from an old English surname that means “elf” and “victory.” All of these meanings pretty well sum her up: a heavenly lady who loves to f ly but knows she must be modest and humble to fulfill her divine promise. She said that it’s the meaning in what she does that keeps her going despite tough challenges and other setbacks. “Meaningfulness makes the hardships worthwhile.”

她與親人遙隔千里,年年奔走各地,過著緊湊忙碌 的生活,在旁人眼裡看來這或許是一種犧牲,但她卻不 這麼認為。長年巡演確實曾讓她感到疲累,但她選擇告 訴自己:「 如果妳覺得,妳是在做一件很美好的事情, 就不會覺得那麼累。」 從中她逐漸領悟何謂「 珍惜 」:「 有時候覺得自己怎 麼那麼辛苦,或是自己如何又如何⋯⋯如果學會珍惜, 就會覺得其實這一切都這麼的寶貴。」心境轉變後豁然 開朗,她認為能和神韻一起將中華文明的純正美好帶向 世界,與有榮焉,眼下讓她最想珍惜的,就是未來每一 次登臺演出的機會。


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Bettering Others, Fulfilling Oneself Behind N95’s Core Technology: Taiwanese American Inventor Peter Tsai 智者仁心——專訪N95關鍵技術發明人蔡秉燚 English text by Megan Wang Chinese text by Janet Ma │55

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Top Right: This bedroom is adorned with a screen that exemplifies symmetry and balance.


ntense yet down-to-earth, Peter Tsai is an accomplished material scientist. In a video call interview with ELITE, he patiently explained rigorous scientific principles while maintaining a keen sense of humor. One of his many inventions is the core technology behind the N95 masks that are used to protect the health of over a billion people worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over his years conducting research at the University of Tennessee, Tsai earned 12 U.S. patents and over 20 commercial license agreements. He was also one of the two recipients of the 2006 Wheeley Award, which is the highest honor from the school’s research foundation (UTRF). He continued with his achievements and just last year was awarded the school’s most prestigious Innovator Hall of Fame Award. This award goes to an individual who “proactively advances their individual innovations to the marketplace where they can change lives for the better,” as praised by the president of UTRF. Behind Tsai’s dazzling glory are his 30-plus years of painstaking effort and his continuous thirst for higher knowledge—the same thirst that led him on a journey of over 7,000 miles from a small town in Taiwan to America.

他的眼中閃動著智慧的光芒,他幽默的話語是長者的一 片慈心。對談中,他時常開懷大笑,他耐心地向我們解釋 空氣過濾原理,叮囑我們一定要告訴讀者,口罩為何起 效。 30多年的研究歷程,他娓娓道來,歷歷在目。他曾 二獲田納西大學頒授的最高獎項——惠利獎(Wheeley Award),歷經此次疫情又使他名聲大噪,對此,他則認 真解釋大眾的誤會:他並非「N95發明人 」。他是臺裔 科學家,N95口罩關鍵技術發明人——蔡秉燚。 救人的發明 「N95是美國頒發的一個規格,也是一種標準,就是過 濾懸浮微粒效果必須達到95%以上。」蔡秉燚進一步解 釋口罩是否起效,不是通過去是否能聞到氣味來判斷, 要想阻隔氣味,那是另一種技術,而一般口罩只是透過 纖維表面吸附顆粒來過濾氣體。一般說來,纖維越細, 對空氣過濾效果越好,如果帶電,就又多了一層電磁力 來捕捉顆粒,過濾效果會增強。 1992 年,蔡秉燚發明了兩個用於製作 N95 口罩過 濾層的關鍵技術,即熔噴加靜電技術。他在熔噴不織布 製程中,搭配電暈加電法加上靜電,運用此駐極處理技 術捕捉空氣微粒,將過濾效果提高 10 倍;他潛心鑽研, 又在 2018 年發明了水力摩擦加電的新技術,這樣製成 的過濾效果比電暈加電法又高效一倍,效果相當於 20 個普通過濾層。 本次疫情爆發後,「N95 口罩 」竟成為稀缺資源, 令人始料未及。有人對蔡秉燚說,他的發明現在很值錢,

A YEARNING FOR KNOWLEDGE Growing up without much money, Tsai graduated from a technical school and entered a textile firm. Back in 1970s Taiwan, the textile industry offered alluring prospects. A diligent worker, Tsai put in conscientious effort, working 16 hours a day, and successfully assisted his boss in turning the firm from running in deficit to being profitable. With his hard work and dedication in a booming industry, Tsai was able to earn a comfortable living in Taiwan, although he still felt as if something was missing. “The work I did was highly routine, and not much thinking was needed. We relied on the technology that came from countries in the West, just buying their machines and following their instructions, and that was it.” Tsai recalled, “I didn’t understand the theory or intuition behind the technology, but I knew there had to be one.” Following his eagerness to learn, Tsai quit his job at the height of his career and splurged most of his savings toward studying in America. More than 40 years later, Tsai still remembers this life-changing journey and his first impression

「『 你要多少,人家就給你多少。』我說,你如果給我兩 個選擇:給我 1 億美元,還是救 1 億人的生命,我寧願救 1 億人的生命,而捨棄那 1 億元。」他開朗地說,「 這是 一個人格的光輝,是個高貴的情操,人性的光環,對吧?」 退而無休 疫 情剛在美國爆發時,雪花 般的信件湧入蔡秉燚 的郵 箱。「 很多醫生跟我聯絡,他說我一個口罩要戴一個禮 拜,每天去都受到生命威脅,叫我幫助他。太多了。我趕 快去找文獻。」蔡秉燚回憶道: 「 都是攸關生命的問題, 是屬於緊急的,不能不馬上回,所以我白天做不完的事 情,晚上做;晚上做不完的事,週末做;週末做不完的 事,假日做。」為應對疫情,已退休兩年的蔡秉燚被田納 西大學返聘,他奔走於研究所和企業間,解疑答惑,樂 此不疲。他從專業角度出發,告訴人們如何在保證安全 的情況下,盡量提高現有口罩的利用率,同時還幫助企 業增加口罩產量。

Previous page:Dr. Peter Tsai receives the 2019 Innovator Hall of Fame Award, the highest honor given by the University of Tennessee Research Foundation. (Picture courtesy of Peter Tsai)


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More than 40 years later, Tsai still remembers this life-changing journey and his first impression of America: the vibrant and bustling city of Los Angeles. It carried excitement and a sense of longing for the young man who had traveled thousands of miles to satisfy his intellectual curiosity. (Photo by Shutterstock)

of America, which was marked by his first stop, the vibrant and bustling city of Los Angeles. “I observed the city from above as cars passed by like f lowing water. It was a scene I’ve only seen described in my childhood fairy tales.” Overlooking the then-finest highway system in the world, “so advanced and well-coordinated,” he marveled, “no wonder people called it the Golden State.” On arriving at the University of Kansas, Tsai started with the most fundamental classes, like college calculus and basic science theories, before moving on to the more advanced and technical classes of higher-level math and engineering. As his course load increased, his excitement grew and grew as he strove to grasp a fuller picture of the field. “Knowledge is like one water pipe—not much use by itself, but when joined and connected with others, water is able to flow.” Following this mindset, Tsai eventually earned 500 credits toward his doctorate degree, exceeding the 90 credits taken by most other Ph.D. students at the university. As good things take time, so did the 500 credits. But Tsai said it was well worth it. Thinking back, he

前陣子,蔡秉燚還與美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)合作改製 N95 口罩核 心材料——熔噴布——生產線。他自行開車往返兩地, 自帶設備支援協助,「 日以繼夜這樣幹,不計酬勞。」蔡 秉燚笑說,「 很多美國主流 媒體採訪我說,您現在對人 類做出的貢獻,您的感覺如何?您的東西用在 N95 口 罩材料上,幫了很多人。我說: 『 我現在很忙,沒有時間 去感覺,但是我的人生,有這麼一段歷程,可以對社會 有所貢獻,這帶給我餘生美好的回憶。』」 孜孜不倦 蔡秉燚早年就職於臺灣紡織業,他工作出色,深受老闆 器重。然而,儘管升職加薪在望,蔡秉燚總覺得若有所 失——行業內機器、技術、管理理念全部來自歐、美、 日,自己只需遵循流程、按部就班。「 我不太了解道理, 但是我知道一定有學理存在。我沒有學得那麼深,沒有 去全盤了解,所以我就一直想要出國,一定要去學這些 道理。」彼時的他求知若渴。 他毅然辭去工作,自籌學費前往美國留學。蔡秉燚 來美後就讀堪薩斯州立大學,他從數理著手,再選工程, 接著橫跨各領域,一步一腳印。「 數理知道後,去學工程 就很簡單了,就得心應手了,( 看到 )公式一下知道了它 的意思,也能計算,所以我一下就能學很多較為高深的 │57

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compared the time poring over studies as a necessary effort, much like the “sharpening of the ax before chopping wood.” He found he was able to accomplish more in his later years thanks to this strong foundation he had instilled in himself. By combining the knowledge he had learned with the experience he had gained working in the textile industry, Tsai soon transcended the realm of fancy theories and was able to apply them in practical use. “That was what pushed many of my inventions to excellence,” he remarked proudly.

工程,越學越有興趣,越學越多,最後我( 博士學位 ) 學了 500 個學分。」 「 後來我看到方程式,我就知道是在講什麼東西了, 很快地就能吸收很多知識。」深入才能淺出,融會而後 貫通,「 如果你給我 8 個小時去砍一棵樹,我就用 6 個 小時去磨斧頭,2 個小時去砍樹。」蔡秉燚引用林肯名言 解釋,「 一切準備就緒,當時我這樣應用下來,研發很多 東西。而且都沒有差錯,短時間內可以完成,研發出來 的東西也可以比較高超。然後我就感覺到,那一段漫長 的( 學習)歲月非常值得。」蔡秉燚深感其中奧妙,「 當 時我就感覺,我心靈的深處,綻放出無限智慧的光輝,

REVOLUTIONIZING IMPACTS Due to the recent outbreak of the coronavirus and the surge in the need for medical supplies worldwide, Tsai has gained much recognition for his essential contributions to the filtering process of the N95 respirator. As a result, many mistakenly attribute Tsai as the inventor of N95 masks. As he humbly clarified the misunderstanding, he also explained how an N95 respirator works. “It is different from liquid filtration, where only particles larger than the space provided by the filter net are kept out,” Tsai explained, illustrating with gestures. “In air filtration, airborne particles like the coronavirus are electrically attracted toward the microfibers of the filtering fabric.” That way, when a person inhales, almost all the particles passing through the mask get attached to the microfibers and are thereby blocked from reaching the respiratory tract. Tsai’s early accomplishments in the areas of corona electrostatic charging, which embeds permanent charges into a fiber, and melt blowing, the method that turns microfibers into a fabric by scattering a polymer resin at a high air velocity, collectively made the N95 respirators possible. Upon receiving the patent for corona electrostatic charging of nonwoven fabrics in 1995, he continued to perfect the technology. Just last year, he came up with yet another novel approach—hydro triboelectrification—a process that increases the fabric’s filtration efficiency by 20 times, according to the University of Tennessee Research Foundation. For more than 20 years, Tsai’s technology has protected the lives of more than one billion people worldwide, mainly among medical professionals and construction-site workers. But as the pandemic has increased globally in recent months, this audience has since expanded.

無限智慧的光芒,開竅的感覺。」 此生不虛行 數十 年前,蔡秉 燚 帶 著 憧 憬 來 到美 國,第一站是洛杉 磯。「 在飛機上鳥瞰整個洛杉磯城,看到童話中所說的 『 車如流水,馬如龍 』,它那個寬闊整齊、全世界上最複 雜的高速公路網,心裡想:這不愧是世人所稱的黃金國 度,」蔡秉燚笑道,「 但是摸摸口袋,只有700美金。當 時是淚灑機場。」 30 多年來,蔡秉燚紮在紡織材料研究領域,做無 數的實驗、從事生產、優化流程,在不被青睞的低利潤 行業苦心鑽 研。他 深入 業 界 與企 業合作,做 實 在 的 技 術,親自動 手為工人 示 範,向他們 解 釋 操 作 背 後 的原 理, 他 笑 稱自己 是「 拿 螺 絲 刀 的 教 授 」(screwdriver professor)。 30 多年後,一場突如其來的瘟疫,將蔡秉燚推上 了世人矚目的舞臺,他是 N95 口罩過濾技術發明人,救 命材料的權威專家。他處之泰然,平淡道: 「 一部機器, 每一個螺絲釘對這部機器都有很大的貢獻,那這個螺絲 釘缺乏的時候,人家就會特別去注意。」他笑, 「 我做的 這東西不是什麼高端的,我也不想成為名人,也不是說 不想成為名人,我只是盡我的一份心力,該我去做的我 去做。」 蔡秉燚說,「 現在我這個材料做得很好,是一路改 進而來的,也不是說第一天就做的那麼好。」成敗順逆, 此時他都能坦然看待,「 有很多挫折,如果沒有挫折,你 也不知道什麼叫做精采,對不對?所以真正奮鬥的人,一 生中是可以經得起考驗的。能夠重建輝煌,從失望中重 新找回希望,人生就精采。」 年近古稀, 蔡秉燚卻覺得「 人生始於 70 歲 」 ,他 相 信「 人生不在於長短,要看你這個人活得精采不精 采 」,對於當年毅然決定赴美求學,他肯定道:「 跑了這 一趟,我現在已經到了人生的這個端點, 我說『 此生不 虛此行 』。」


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Behind Dr. Peter Tsai’s dazzling awards and recognitions are his 30-plus years of continuous dedication and innovation. (Picture courtesy of University of Tennessee Research Foundation)

If I was given the choice between 100 million dollars, or the lives of 100 million people, I would no doubt choose the latter. HIGHER WISDOM When the media asked recently how he felt making such an impactful contribution to the world, Tsai laughed and said, “I am too busy to feel anything right now.” This has been indeed true; as the pandemic crisis grew, many professionals have flooded his inbox with questions. “Many were asking urgent questions that were matters of life or death. I couldn’t bring myself to respond any slower than immediately.” During this busy period, the work is unceasing. “So, if I couldn’t finish something during the day, I do it at night; whatever I couldn’t complete at night, I do it during the weekends or even holidays,” he said. Many professional institutes, including the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, reached out to Tsai seeking his help in establishing production lines for the N95 masks. He worked hard day and night, despite receiving no pay. Coupled with the painstaking efforts to research and experiment with ways to sterilize N95 masks for reuse purposes, Tsai admits he hasn’t taken a break in the past few months. “It

is part of my responsibility,” he smiled. “I am simply making my necessary contribution to this world.” Some have said to him that he could really make a fortune from his inventions now. Tsai responded in determination: “If I was given the choice between 100 million dollars, or the lives of 100 million people, I would no doubt choose the latter.” To him, fortune stems from the contribution made to humanity and the upholding of social morality. Seemingly glorious, Tsai’s life leading up to this point wasn’t without struggles. Many of his inventions weren’t profitable, some went through years of trial and error, and still some could never be achieved. But coming along, he said that “a resolute, true fighter can endure through any ordeals.” From following his dream to study in America, to all the extraordinary contributions he’s made to the world, every victory and obstacle has become part of the splendor. Reflecting back, Tsai smiled. “It was truly a journey well worth it.” │59

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ummer is the perfect time to relax in the warm sunshine. Transform your home into a personal resort! Whether you live in the city or the suburbs, you can create a comfortable outdoor space to rejuvenate your body and mind.

盛夏來臨,正是享受陽光與補充正能量的最佳時刻。無論身處城市或郊區,都可以為 自己打造舒適的室外空間,讓身心休息,恢復活力。家裡,也可以蛻變為度假勝地。





POOLSIDE DAYDREAM On a hot summer day, there is no better feeling than taking a dip into a pool of cool water. From sunbathing, to hanging out with friends, to getting your daily exercise—enjoy the endless possibilities.

沁涼池畔 炎炎夏日,消暑首選莫過一池沁涼的水。無論是在池邊 休息、聊天、晒太陽,還是泡在水裡避開高溫的空氣, 又或者徜徉水面隨意漂浮,都是專屬夏季的療癒時光。


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DINING IN THE SUN Enjoy your meals in the warm summer breeze— with a fully equipped outdoor kitchen and dining area! Surround yourself with the peaceful yet lively ambiance of nature as you catch up with family and friends.

饗食戶外 擁有一套設備完善的戶外廚房和用餐空間,享受有別 於室內用餐的氣氛。除了餐桌上的美食與笑語,搭配 周遭充滿野趣的自然環境音,別有一番情調。







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LOUNGING AROUND It’s important to take time to relax, no matter how busy you are. Soak up some sunshine while you do so in a comfortable and elegant lounge chair. Pair this with a good book and a glass of lemonade to make it the perfect lazy afternoon. 慵懶午後 選個合適的角落,擺上舒適的躺椅,再拿一條色彩清新 且材質親膚薄毯,悠閒躺下,享受午後時光。可以搭配 一本書或一杯現榨的新鮮果汁,創造平凡生活裡的幸福 時刻。


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STARRY NIGHT Give your backyard a dreamy makeover with some cozy lighting. Finish your day by snuggling with your loved one under the twinkling stars, taking in the beautiful summer night.

夜中柔光 夜色降臨之際,運用自然的火光或盞燈柔和的光亮,營 造別緻的氛圍。窩在沙發一隅,和心愛之人談心,時而 抬頭仰望星空,為美好的夏夜劃上句點。明天,又是嶄新 的一天。






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The Venetian Islands:

LUXURY WATERFRONT LIVING 絕頂風光 邁阿密海濱別墅 English text by Angela Feng | Chinese text translated by Ada Tian Photography by Claudio Manzoni


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Florida’s Venetian Islands are known for their luxurious, beautifully landscaped waterfront homes.


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ituated among the sprawling turquoise waves of the Atlantic Ocean are the Venetian Islands, a chain of six man-made islands that are a part of Miami Beach, Florida. Known for beautifully landscaped waterfront homes as well as spectacular views of the Miami skyline, the Venetian Islands are the epitome of luxury. Residents of this elegant oasis can easily access the trendy shops and exciting nightlife of Downtown Miami via the Venetian Causeway. Thus, people from all around the globe have been attracted to this tropical paradise that offers the best of both worlds—a relaxing island lifestyle as well as the bustle of city life.

Top left: On entering the home, one steps into a great room that contains the living room, an open lounge, the dining room, and the kitchen. Top right: Throughout the home, floor-to-ceiling sliding doors offer an abundance of natural light and provide a continuous flow from interior to exterior spaces. Left: The designers chose to go for an open floor plan that blurred the lines between indoors and outdoors, highlighting the property’s beautiful surroundings.


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As a result, the Venetian Islands contain some of the most sought-after properties in all of South Florida. EXCLUSIVE ISLAND HOME Among the Venetians’ many magnificent homes is this 7,000-square-foot residence located on the exclusive Di Lido Island. It was designed by Alexandra Mangimelli of STRANG Design, a Miami-based architecture firm. The home combines notions of modernism and mid-century ideals to create a space that feels sleek yet homey. The spacious abode contains five bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a private dock, three-car garage, and a heated pool. With such beautiful surroundings, it’s no surprise that the designers chose to go for an open floor plan that blurred the lines between indoors and outdoors. Throughout the entire house, f loor-to-ceiling windows offer an abundance of natural light and stunning vistas of the ocean. “We believe that encouraging a connection to the outside lends to a happier and healthier home,” Mangimelli said in an email interview. With Miami Bay on one side and dramatic

由 6 個人造島嶼組成的威尼斯群島,介於邁阿密市區 與邁阿密海灘之間,隸屬佛羅里達州邁阿密海灘的一 部分。威尼斯群島以豪華的海濱住宅和邁阿密天際線 的壯觀景色而聞名,體驗過此地生活,方知何謂奢華。 該地居民可以順著威尼斯堤道,輕鬆進入邁阿密市 中心的時髦商城,抑或享受令人興奮的夜生活,來自世界 各地的人們,都被這個熱帶天堂所吸引。它既有島嶼般的 悠閒氣息,又兼具精采的城市體驗,因此這裡有許多南 佛羅里達最搶手的地產。 優尚島嶼之宅 威尼斯群島之中一棟令人驚豔的豪宅建築,便是這座位 於迪麗多島的海濱住宅,總面積7千平方英尺,由建築設 計公司STRANG的建築師 Alexandra Mangimelli 帶領 其團隊,共同打造的傑出之作。該住宅結合了現代主義和 本世紀中葉的設計理念,創造了一個時尚而溫馨的空間。 整棟建築,包括5間臥室、7間浴室、一個私人碼頭、可容 納3輛汽車的車庫和一座恆溫泳池。 住宅所在地,坐擁邁阿密灣的海景與吸睛的海岸天 際線,為了不辜負得天獨厚的環境,設計師選擇了開放式 設計,消弭室內和室外之間的界限。搭配落地窗的設置, 為室內帶來充足的自然光和遼闊的景致。 │71

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architectural elements on the other, the openness and lack of boundaries give the home a larger-thanlife quality. The house is arranged so that upon entry, one immediately steps into a great room that contains the living room, an open lounge, the dining room, and the kitchen. With an area so vast and multi-purposeful, it was important for the designers to differentiate the spaces so as to avoid the blending into one seamless mass. This was achieved through meticulously chosen ceiling details, furniture, and material transitions. In the lounge, a wood ceiling was designed to give the space a warm and cozy ambiance. A recessed lighting cove around the living room adds drama and scale, while f loor-to-ceiling sliding doors offer picturesque views of the terrace and pool. While most of the main living space uses light-colored furniture, the kitchen stands out with its matte black cabinetry and honed Dekton counters from

Mangimelli 女士在接受本刊郵件採訪中表示: 「我 們相信透過促進與外界的聯繫,有助於打造一個更幸福、 健康的家庭。」開放式設計給住宅帶來更好的生活品質。 擁抱質感生活 住宅內部空間通透、開闊並保持視覺流暢性。踏入住宅 之際,隨即體驗廣闊的空間感,其中包括客廳、休息室、 餐廳和廚房。由於空間面積大、用途多,為了避免視覺混 亂,區分不同用途的空間就成了設計要點。設計師通過精 心選擇的天花板細節、家具和材料的過渡來實現此效果: 休息區採用木質天花板,提供溫暖而舒適的氛圍;客廳周 圍採用嵌入式的照明設置,以有效劃分使用區域,而通高 的滑動門在完全開啟時,打破內外界限,將客廳空間延伸 至風景如畫的露臺和泳池。 這座住宅包含許多引人注目的現代風格設計,同時 採用傳統元素,為室內空間注入愜意的生活感,如溫暖 的木材平衡工業元素的冰冷,營造出舒適、友好的氛圍。 此外,屋 主和 設計團 隊一同發想如何運用露臺空 間,悠閒地享受週末時光。Mangimelli 女士談到,露臺 已經成為屋主最喜歡的空間之一,它是完美的娛樂休閒 場所。因為露臺的分區設計,滿足客人各式的活動需求:

Top: With a stunning view of the ocean and the Miami skyline, “Her Bathroom” is one of the designer’s favorite rooms in the house. Left page: The terrace and pool comes with four different seating areas, making it the perfect spot for entertaining guests.

可以在酒吧區小酌、休憩區放鬆、就餐區裹腹,或是隨意 地在躺椅上晒日光浴。這座海濱住宅是 STRANG 建築 和室內設計團隊辛勤合作的成果,構築了專屬當代邁阿 密海灘別墅的度假美景。 │73

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Binova. “The dramatic dark kitchen was a bold decision,” Mangimelli explained. However, upon putting the palette together, the designers were thrilled by how it highlighted the home’s masculine undertones. Though the house contains many dramatic, modern features, more traditional elements were included to add warmth. The exposed concrete, crisp details, and minimal trimmings are balanced out by warm wood accents that give the home a cozy, welcoming feel. LIVING IN TRANQUILITY When asked about her personal favorite room, Mangimelli explained that it’s the bathroom of the female resident. “I love ‘Her Bathroom’—the materials are feminine but strong,” she said. The room’s elegant design makes it the ultimate tranquil sanctuary. A freestanding bathtub sits in front of the floor-to-ceiling sliding doors, allowing one to relax while enjoying the stunning view of the ocean and Miami skyline.

Throughout the process of designing the exteriors, the STR ANG team and homeowners envisioned delightful Sunday evenings out on the terrace by the pool and barbecue. According to Mangimelli, this has become one of the residents’ favorite parts of the house. With four different seating areas, it is the perfect spot for entertaining. Guests can enjoy different activities, whether it’s hanging out by the bar, lounging, dining, or sunbathing on a chaise. This stunning waterfront abode resulted from the diligent collaboration between STRANG’s architectural and interior design teams. Through their careful coordination, they’ve created a contemporary Miami Beach villa that embodies the idea of luxury island living.

The Venetian Islands offer residents the best of both worlds— a relaxing island oasis, with the bustle of the city just a short drive away.


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INTO SERENITY The Gong Sheng Villa 超然物外 寧靜雅居——與自然「共生」 English text by Megan Wang Chinese text translated by Ada Tian Photography by Wu Yongchang

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ocated in the charming coastal city of Shantou, China, the Gong Sheng Villa centered its design around the owner’s affinity for nature, serenity, and tradition, while also incorporating elements of modern grace.

宅邸位於中國汕頭,這一座迷人的海濱城市。業主夫婦 是園林設計師,他們喜愛自然,嚮往寧靜的生活。堅持探 索符合東方人文氣息空間的「 今古鳳凰空間策劃機構」, 為他們量身設計了這座與其內在氣質相契的「共生宅 」。 古今共存

TRANQUIL AMBIANCE The Gong Sheng Villa features a nature-oriented, classy interior design. On stepping inside, one is greeted by the garden on the side and the atrium in the middle, as well as small plants dotting the space, immersing one in the calming ambiance, almost like there’s a meditative effect in simply being there. To wander through the greenery, simply step outside to the garden through the living room. Every floor provides spacious balconies, allowing a fresh intake of daily sunshine. As the centerpiece for the villa, the atrium serves to connect the different elements of the home. Growing inside the atrium is a maple tree, with its vibrant green color and refreshing scent transmitting a sense of life and tranquility.

中國傳統元素遍布住宅各處,通過其簡潔的外觀,傳遞 深刻的文化寓意。客廳沙發後的白色屏風,乍看之下是 一種裝飾品,實際上是講究中國的風水理論,位置擺放 得宜,可以有效改善家中的氣運,有利於屋主的幸福和 財富。三樓的六角形開窗,同樣與民間傳統文化中的吉

Top: Surrounded by the garden in the front and the atrium on the side, the living room imparts a state of tranquility to all who enter. Right page: Top right: Adjoining the rear balcony is the dining room, with its large, traditional Chinese round table signifying inclusivity and harmony among people. Bottom: Rendering a modern chic design, the walnut-wood staircase elegantly mellows the boundary between each level. Previous page: As the centerpiece for the villa, the atrium boasts a vibrantly green maple tree and an open ceiling, filling the house with life and sunshine.


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The atrium also evenly distributes sunlight across the rooms, illuminating the building’s interior during the day. Though the atrium is now primarily adopted in different architectural projects for lighting and aesthetic purposes, in the ancient Roman Empire, where the concept of the atrium first originated, it was often seen as a direct link to the heavens and thus bore spiritual significance. The significance of the atrium here at the villa is for seeking serenity and a deeper connection with nature.

祥觀念有著密不可分的連繫,它像徵著一段順利的人生 旅程,沒有太多的逆境。 與古典元素形成對比的是大膽、新穎的結構設計。 住宅的內部空間結構極富特點,地下室、一層、二層為 錯層結構,每一樓層與上下空間都有互動,為人與人、人 與空間增加交流場所。住宅每層都設有寬敞的陽臺,在 欣賞庭院景致之際,享受暖陽與清新的空氣。生活的細 節無處不在,這才是住宅空間本該有的面貌。 依循自然 找回寧靜 內部空間以中庭與樓梯展開,縱向貫穿了各層空間,為

HARMONY BETWEEN ANTIQUE AND CONTEMPORARY The home’s design company, JG Phoenix, is committed to design projects that shine light on the spirit of the East, especially that of the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization. Highlighting traditional cultural elements in each design piece, JG Phoenix also does not shy away from adding contemporary touches, as the company takes pride in the unique harmony produced by blending the essences of distinct eras. Traditional Chinese components are seen throughout the home, each delivering profound cultural

內部空間引入溫暖光線的同時,中庭內從老宅移植的楓 樹,也為各樓層帶入綠意與生機。地下室客房、一樓客 廳、二樓廚房,每處都與自然融合,充滿著寧靜與平和 的生活氣息。

Top: On the second story are three bedrooms of varying sizes, each with a complementary bathroom. Bottom left: Situated on the top floor, the master bedroom enjoys a complementary balcony and a highly individualized study space adjoining it. Bottom right, right page: Awash with a scholarly atmosphere, the minimalist design of the study and tatami room reflects the need for a clear mind with a room devoid of clutter.


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significance through its rather simple appearance. The door panel behind the living room couch might seem like nothing more than an adornment, while in fact, according to Chinese feng shui theories, such door panels when correctly placed can drastically improve the airflow in the home and, in effect, benefit the owner’s well-being and fortune. Similarly, the hexagonal window on the third floor is symbolic of a smooth life journey, without much adversity. In contrast with the antique elements are the bold, novel structural choices, each holistically blending in while still drawing attention to its stylish design. Outstandingly, the first two levels and basement are built structurally staggered to develop more of a connection between each floor. This connection is further realized by the stunning glass-railed staircase, which harmonizes a modern feature with traditional walnut-wood elegance. Just as our ancient forbears realized, through a home built around the intimate connection with nature, one can regain a tranquil mind devoid of clutter. Through such inner peace, as emphasized by many Chinese people in the past, one can enlighten to profound perspectives.

此外,中庭還有其象徵意義。「 中庭 」的起源,最 早可追溯到數千年前的中國古代庭院,中國傳統民居有 「天井 」與「 四水歸堂 」,既可以讓陽光照入,也可以接 受雨水,象徵天降甘霖,福氣進入宅中。 一樓 客廳保 留了原有牆 體 結構,以白色作為主基 調,通過落地窗,將室外庭院的景觀作為客廳主背景, 尊重自然元素,使室內與室外自然共生,鼓勵住宅內的 人,打開內心與自然對話。客廳利用屋體的結構柱,設 計成開放式的和室品茶區。品茶區與天井之間加了活動 式的胡桃木屏風,讓此區域在一開一合之間與綠植、陽 光和空氣相連。二樓為父母臥室和兩間次臥空間。每間 臥室的窗戶,或面向內部庭院,或連接室外庭院,都確 保了充足的採光和通風,並擁有各自的觀景方式,父母 臥室還連接著寬大的觀景臺。三樓整層為主人區域,樓 梯上端開設的天窗,讓陽光撒入,主臥區域則設計成屏 風式拉門,敞開時與開放書房區共通。由於業主喜歡閱 讀,設計師將三樓整層設計為一個安靜、私密的空間, 並提供大量的書籍收藏空間。 整棟住宅設計,融入東方美學特有的雅緻與靈動, 細 膩 地 刻畫了溫潤與 澄 靜 的意蘊。正如古人領悟 的智 慧——通過與自然的親密接觸,可以重拾寧靜,感受內 心的平和,使頭腦保持清醒。在這種平和的狀態下,有 益於參悟更加深刻的人生意境。 │79

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股票投資隨筆(一): 個人業餘時間玩股票的巨大陷阱 文 宋仁

一般人接觸股票這一行,都是從 聽到鼓舞人心的故事開





以看得出來,再知道 這個人 好 炒股,找 好 的女朋友 就











查:70% 開中餐館的最後 5 年內都轉讓或關門了,但你幾







其實不要炒股的道理很簡單:你在 這個專業上是






是 熱 門股 票,所以常常是買的時候價位都已經比 較高



但 這樣 就更危險,以 為自己很聰明,就會信心 滿滿地投








後果是,炒股的人幾乎都落得人生不幸福的下場 。


炒股的人,只要不是金融專業人士中比較優秀的,一 般都脾氣急躁,平時顯得很不穩重,並且睡眠不好,因為

( 本文內容不代表本刊立場、觀點)

白天總是怕股票下跌,總是要看一看,又害怕第二天一早 股票大跌了,所以夜長夢多,長期下去,嚴重影響身心健康。


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