AEHL - eJournal - May 2022

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The Road Ahead

May 2022
Your #AEHL eJournal

Spring is here ! A time of renewal and rebirth , with Covid slowly becoming an eerie specter from the past ( we won ’ t miss it ). This means we are able to purposefully forget our face masks at home and that socializing in groups is back where we left it ( probably at M Bar or at a Stamm event - oh how we ’ ve missed those !).

Aaah , yes It ’s time for hope ; for new beginnings for those who are starting their journey as new graduates set on to discover thrilling new career paths . But also for those of us who were already set in our ways , suddenly seeing our lives shift upside down without predicaments towards what was coming our way.

Yes , it was a tough professional period Some of us held on to our jobs for dear life Others weren ’ t so lucky, finding themselves job hunting when the market was drier than a macaroon I baked in my AP Year. A few of us even went to extremes , taking on completely new directions and ventures . Some new graduates took the period to unwind and wait for the better tides to come Others bellowed , rightly wondering when they would get their chance to shine in the job market

So yes , my dear AEHL colleagues around the world , it ’s time for us to celebrate in unison . We applaud the fact that we ’re starting to see the sun and that we are equipped to stir our lives in the direction we want, regardless of the virus - that - must - not - be - named seemingly blocking our vision

Hoping to reflect this positive sentiment of change , our May eJournal ’s theme is ‘ Transformation ’. We will discuss the EHL name change , why it was necessary, and have internal talks with inspiring people ( be it past and current students , academics , and staff members ) to get their insights on what this renewal means to them

Just as with the shy caterpillar that turns into a splendid butterfly, our EHL bubble grew into something beyond our wildest aspirations . And Spring is a great time for your mind to bloom . Open your thinking to the wonderful possibilities starting to pop like daisies and behold while the world flourishes around you

Your AEHL team is excited to announce a new collaboration with the Honeybee Team for the production of this eJournal . The Honeybee team is proud to be a part of this movement by taking EHL’s hand and , together, transforming the newsletter to reflect this thrilling period of change We hope that this new, more dynamic , and interactive eJournal presentation reflects the road ahead and inspires you to remain connected with our worldwide family on a more regular basis

We really can ’ t wait to read your success stories here !

Editor's Note Your Alumni & HoneyBee Agency Team

3 Editor's Note

EHL Updates

It ' s always a pleasure to catch up with Alumni and hear about what they are up to these days continue within hospitality, others explore different businesses and innovative Augustin Mille has done with Foodetective . Read along to learn more about what the app is abo how it is redefining smart access to great food !

Augustin Mille

Born and bred in Paris , Augustin developed his passion for restaurants and F& B business from a very early age For that, EHL Hospitality Business School was only a natural consequence for his hospitalityoriented inclination .

A former student, from the Class of 2008, Augustin spent the best years of his life discovering this fascinating industry. During his time at EHL , he was able to fully delve into the world of Food & Beverage discovering it in - depth and studying it from every aspect ( ranging from the business management side to the more practical spectrum of the business ).

The diverse environment and stimulating atmosphere stayed engrained in Augustin for the years to come allowing him to make helpful connections and longlasting friendships , both in Paris and internationally.

Connect With Augustin Mille On Linkedin

Since graduating , Augustin fed his passion for building and understanding the food system , working in a variety of different positions in the industry for over 10 years . He' s further worked for four years in the operational side of Food & Beverage , followed by another four years as a business developer in a Fintech platform .

Fascinated by Foodetective ’s mission of digitalising the restaurant industry, Augustin got a job as Head of Partnerships in the company His current position entails building partnerships with other food tech businesses and being also in charge of creating and cultivating connections that increase Foodetective' s value proposition , its products , and as well services ( including the value of the business itself ).

Augustin is responsible for building an ecosystem between Foodetective and its partners This means , facilitating the development of a product that helps solve the problems restaurateurs face on a regular basis , having the end goal of making their lives easier.

EHL Updates - Food Detective
Augustin fed his passion for understanding the food system, working in a variety of different positions in the industry for over 10 years.

"Technology should never become a hindrance, rather it should represent an ally in the transition into this new era. Digitalisation is inevitable and the challenges of today's world for restaurateurs should be simplified and not complicated by technology. This is when Foodetective comes into play: our job is to make this shift as successful, simple, and effortless as possible.”

From his time as a student at EHL to now occupying a senior position in Foodetective, Augustin was not afraid to pursue his passions. His years at EHL were significant to help him develop the skills, the knowledge, and the business know-how to put his interests into tangible expertise and action, creating a professional arch that brought him to the prestigious position he is in today

Discover the best spots near you with Foodetective! Order delicious food, pay with your phone or reserve a table with just a single click. Get access to our daily guides & reviews, created by our community of foodies!

EHL Updates - Food Detective
We are entering a new era in Food and Beverage : after the overall usage of technology to drive operations, it’s now the time to integrate tech stack and centralise data.

EHL Updates

Berceau des Sens ( BDS ) — Yup , we' ve all been there , one way or other Whether you kept returning for delicious meals and a unique experience , or simply serving drinks in your preparatory years at EHL This place brings many of us a sense of home An ever - evolving ambiance with fresh - faced students every semester ( even earning a Michelin Star). Read the interview with Aymeric Le Vot to learn how BDS is managed

Interview with Aymeric Le Vot

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do at EHL?

ALV: Firstly, thank you for having me for this interview, it ' s great to be here I ' m the Fine Dining Manager of the Berceau des Sens restaurant since December 2021, so I am a newcomer * laughs*. I came from Paris where I spent 12 years in a Parisian Palace where I climbed the ladder until I arrived here at EHL I left Paris to come here , to have this role of room manager, to accompany the teachers here , who are permanently with the students from morning to night. My role is to bring the gastronomic vision that I unearthed during my 12 years at the Plaza Athénée Paris , and to continue , assisting my team to further flourish the Berceau des Sens (as it ' s grown since 2019, winning its impressive Michelin Star). I am here to help EHL in this process of always going further. I ' m extremely delighted to have joined EHL .

My role is to bring the gastronomic vision that I've unearthed during my 12 years at the Plaza Athénée Paris, assisting my team to further flourish the Berceau des Sens.

Why did you choose to work at EHL and not elsewhere ?

ALV: In my previous experience , I had the opportunity to work a lot with trainees and apprentices and , to me , the support of young people is key in the job we do Our job is not easy ; the hours are difficult, and the job requires a lot of reflection , and ongoing flexibility And today, I think that after the experience that I ' ve had , arriving here at EHL has allowed me to bring my gastronomic experience in the sense of spreading valuable knowledge .

EHL Updates - BDS

I think that EHL has everything that it entails, both regarding the student side and as well the educational spectrum. In addition, here at the Berceau des Sens, we are lucky to have a restaurant that that is also open to the outside world.

This Michelin Star award also allowed us to have an excellent level of gastronomy, further permitting our students to discover extremely valuable things in advance that I'm confident will help them stand out during their internships later on. Personally, EHL to me was a fantastic place to spread my word, contributing to the school's dynamic gastronomical side.

We're proud to say that the BDS was the first training restaurant in the world to receive a Michelin Star. What's the impact of such a prestigious award on the students?

ALV: Yes, the impact, in the end, is not regarding the professionals or the teachers who are in the restaurant, rather it affects the students. A Michelin Star rings a bell in the students' ears and it puts a little extra pressure to perform There are some who arrive and who have never been to this kind of place This stressful side and this aspect of the unknown play with our students' minds in vigorous ways.

And we should be extra proud! There is rather a large gap between winning a Michelin Star and having mainly students accompanying you during service Three-quarters of the service is done by the students This is huge!

So, yes, the Michelin Star put BDS in a limelight, helping showcase our students' potential, and bringing further notoriety to EHL. This reputable award serves to demonstrate that all our continuous hard work is being paid off And we're ready to keep the wheel turning for years to come

7 EHL Updates - BDS

What are the biggest challenges in your role ?

ALV: My role is quite interesting . I went from a 100% industrial world to a 50% educational and 50% professional world , and that was the biggest challenge for me when I arrived Even though I was used to learning from students , here it ' s from morning to night. Whenever we have students on duty at BDS , it only lasts 2 weeks , which is very short. So , they arrive on the first Monday, it ' s a total discovery in a variety of things : to put a glass or set a place on a table ; these must all be shown and explained . To me , the biggest challenge is and has been , to adapt to this pedagogical side where pedagogy is really part of the restaurant

How do you see the BDS restaurant in 3 to 5 years ?

ALV: Reach for the stars * laughs*. Well , we always hope for more stars , if the Michelin Guide thinks we are deserving I think two would be quite good

But the best direction for Berceau des Sens is to continue to do what it has been doing for years : accompanying its students , and teaching the professional team Our students are simply great ! There' s so much benevolence and the supervisors are filled with valuable experience All this knowledgesharing allows our students to know in their very first semester, before ever leaving for their internship , what they are getting into . Having so much experience in advance is a wonderful superpower.

We have had two years of pandemic and a lot of changes and innovations . What innovations are underway for BDS and what about the new campus ?

ALV: Well , BDS has physically transformed not too long ago The idea is to continue this change to bring more of this exciting contemporary side to the restaurant This means : changing the crockery and perhaps the furniture too The idea is to evolve with time , to do what we do today, but be more hightech .

Today, the old gastronomy is disappearing , little by little But that doesn ' t mean that gastronomy itself is disappearing It ' s just that there were ways of doing things before which are now sometimes becoming obsolete The important thing for us now (and in the upcoming years ), is to move forward with what is being done today in the field in Switzerland , France , and the fine dining universe .

8 EHL Updates - BDS



To wrap up, do you have a message for Alumni who are reading this?

ALV: For Alumni who were lucky enough to discover the Berceau des Sens in its current splendor, where it is now, and with this contemporary progression (whether it's the room or the kitchen), we invite you to come back and see the familiar teacher faces again

For Alumni, this is the opportunity to discover the new BDS location

The message to Alumni is: don't forget what you have learned here. And don't hesitate to visit us whenever you feel nostalgic.

Stop by

We'll be waiting for you, as always.


9 EHL Updates - BDS
Alumni with their Lifetime member card enjoy a 20% discount at BDS

Campus Updates From EHL Singapore

EHL Campus ( Singapore) is officially inaugurated !

We begin this edition of the Singapore Section with a recap of the exciting , long - awaited EHL Campus ( Singapore) Inauguration that took place on 21 st March 2022. From a cosy office space in the city to the stunning Kinloss House it ' s been a long and rewarding journey to open the campus here in Singapore

Swiss Federal Councilor and Head of the Federal Department of Economy

It was an extremely exciting yet emotional day that finally arrived after many years of planning and delays because of the global situation . Having EHL management come to Singapore from Lausanne to be with the team and experience the beautiful campus was a great joy, as was the feeling of finally seeing all our hard work come to fruition and sensing the recognition of the campus globally All this is set against the beautiful Singapore landscape !

' 'Thank you to the internal EHL Group community for your dedication, the Singapore Advisory Board for your support, and to all the guests It was a great moment to commemorate the opening of EHL’s first international campus and celebrate the work of so many who have made this campus in Singapore possible. We are all extremely proud of our new campus. This is the beginning of an exciting EHL chapter!” Jenny Ang , Managing Director of EHL Campus ( Singapore).

' 'The day when the ribbon is cut, something special happens It's a bit like if you built your own hotel and you suddenly have visitors telling you that they feel like they're at home. As a manager, you are not proud of yourself but rather, proud of your team, to whom you have been able to transmit your passion to achieve this common goal." Dr Luciano Lopez , Dean of EHL Campus ( Singapore).

10 EHL Singapore - The Inauguration

Video Highlights

Catch up on the highlights of the inauguration: EHLCampus (Singapore) inauguration , 21 March 2022

Watch the full ceremony: EHL Singapore - Inauguration


Fireside Chat With Stephen Alden , CEO Raffles & Orient Express


We were honored to have Stephen Alden , CEO of Raffles & Orient Express join us on campus for a fireside chat with our Regional Director, Joshua Gan The session was held onside and live streamed to the Lausanne campus and as well our friends abroad .

During the session , Stephen spoke about the raffles ' evolution from an Asian brand into a global player, the rebirth of the Orient Express legend , sustainability in the industry, and what it takes to be a top hotelier onsite We had the iconic Long Bar set up at our own EHL bar to serve classic Singapore Sling cocktails

Watch the video

11 EHL Singapore - Highlights / Events

Wine Masterclass


In conjunction with the Embassy of Switzerland ’s Swiss Weeks 2022, Swiss - Singaporean winemaker Isabella Kellenberger conducted a wine tasting masterclass with wines from her winery, Vin d ’ Oeuvre at EHL Campus ( Singapore).

During the evening , attendees discovered the art of winemaking in Switzerland and tasted 6 types of wine from Vin d ’ Oeuvre , along with canapes by Atout Restaurant Isabella ’s husband and business partner Stéphane also dialed into the session to bring guests on a live tour of one of their vineyards .

Watch the event highlights: 2022 04 08 Swiss Women in Wine Masterclass.mp4

Meet The Alumni Session


We welcomed our ‘84 Alumni Paul Hugentobler on Friday, 8 th April for another Meet the Alumni Session ! Paul is the Cluster General Manager at Millennium Hotels and Resorts in Singapore , overseeing The Orchard Singapore and Grand Copthorne Waterfront Singapore

A Word From Shinn Teo


You may have heard of Shinn Teo , EHL alumna from the class of 2013 and a key member of the EHL Asia - Pacific Team since 2016. Throughout her six years of experience with the EHL team , Shinn developed and led the admissions and recruitment functions for Asia - Pacific , excluding Mainland China . She is also an active member of the EHL Group , participating in the Talent Academy 2021 and leading the CSR Taskforce in Singapore .

We are excited to share that Shinn has now transitioned to the Graduate Programs Recruitment function ! Read a few words from her about her journey thus far and what she looks forward to in this new role :

12 EHL Singapore - Events/Short Courses

''I’m looking forward to speaking with driven professionals who are keen to self-direct their learning based on their personal interests, as well as companies willing to support their employees professional development needs. May we continue to spread our passion and belief in hospitality for it transcends across many different industries today


to take charge of your professional development journey ? Connect with Shinn now to explore EHL’s line - up of short courses and graduate programs !

Interested in attending short courses in Singapore? Here are some exciting upcoming ones:

• Luxury Brand Management, 16-18 June 2022

• People Analytics , 26-28 August 2022

• Advanced Certificate in Hospitality Finance Leadership , Nov. 2 nd , 2022–Apr 30, 2023

Contact Shinn Teo to participate .

Singapore Fun Facts

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy So , in line with the event held with Raffles , here are some fun facts about Singapore and the Raffles Hotel :

1. The Singapore Sling was born in 1915 at the Long Bar in the iconic Raffles Hotel , created by Ngiam Tong Boon

During that time , etiquette dictated that ladies could not consume alcohol in public , so the Singapore Sling was created to look like a fruit juice With its feminine pink color and the use of clear alcohol , people thought it was a socially- acceptable fruit punch for ladies

2. There is a peanut shell exception to the littering law in Singapore .

No one can say where this tradition originated , but patrons are actually allowed to drop their peanut shells on the floor of the elegant Long Bar !

Contact Us

We'd love to get to know you ! Connect with your Singapore Campus .

13 EHL Singapore - Short Courses/Fun Facts

Campus Updates From EHL Passugg

We' ve been busy ! A lot has happened at the EHL Campus Passugg these last couple of months . To name a few, we hosted various short courses , our students organized a successful pop - up taco restaurant in Chur, the Swiss Professional Degree graduation took place , and so much much more

At the moment, our Swiss Professional Degree students have finished their final exams and some have already started embarking on new and thrilling internship experiences that will create life - long memories On the other hand , our Hotel Specialists apprentices and Bachelor students are still working on their final exams before the much - deserved semester break Students are slowly but surely leaving campus for their much - anticipated 2022 summer break

Regardless , this does not mean that our Campus gets any calmer. Oh no .

Read more about the upcoming activities at EHL Campus Passug.

EHL Passugg
The resplendent EHLPassug Campus

Upcoming Short Courses

In the upcoming months , we will host some exciting short courses on campus .

Designing Hotels And Restaurant Concepts

Gain a deeper understanding of the creation of a hospitality concept the strategic and creative level to the day- to - day operations beyond physical assets and discover how existing businesses can seemingly transform by having a strong concept

- Date : 5-7 September

- Online introduction on August

- Location : EHL Campus Passugg

- Course language : English

- Cost : CHF 1700

(use Alumni discount code

EHLP 1022 and pay CHF


Vegan Cuisine

Learn the importance of vegan offerings in today ’s business environment and how vegan dishes can be easily implemented into daily operations to serve the increasing consumer demand Enjoy your creations in a delicious tasting dinner following the workshop.

- Date : 11 October 2022

- Location : EHL Campus Passugg

- Course language : German

- Cost : CHF 440,

(use Alumni discount code

EHLP 1022 and pay CHF 395)


15 EHL Passugg - Short Courses

People Analytics

Develop a solid foundation of HR analytics , building the technical skills to source , analyse , and visualise HR data Learn as well how to use your HR data to make informed talent acquisition decisions

- Date : Future dates to be announced

- Location : EHL Campus Passugg

- Course language : English

- Cost : CHF 1700

(use the Alumni discount code EHLP 1022 to pay CHF 1360)



16 EHL Passugg - Short Courses

Food Festival Revival

Furthermore , our popular food festival experiences a revival in 2022. Save the date - on the 10 th of September the famous food festival on EHL Campus Passugg will be back . Meet other EHLAlumni from all around the world in Passugg and enjoy a fun day with delicious food , good drinks , and great company

As you can see , a lot is going on on EHL Campus Passugg . We are looking forward to the exciting summer months !

17 EHL Passugg - Food Festival
Contact Us
connected with us !

EHL Name Change

It ' s not always easy to let go of the past Safe to say, most of us grew attached to the name École hôtelière de Lausanne Today, Inès Blal will explain why the transformation into ' EHL Hospitality Business School ' was necessary.

Hey, it ' s Springtime after all Out with the old , in with the new !

Interview with Inès Blal

The million - dollar question . Tell us why EHL changed its name to ‘ EHL Hospitality Business School ’?

IB: As you know, EHL started as a hospitality management school and it ' s been evolving ever since , with many of our students embarking into activities outside of the hotel and restaurant sectors upon graduating Little by little , recruiters recognized the need for the EHL graduates ' competencies outside hotel operations , so the type of employers recruiting our students became more varied The needs grew to demand more workforce in private events , management in luxury brands , investment banking , and a variety of functions outside the hotel industry.

Given this evolution , the board decided to change the school ’s name to reflect its current and future positioning And true to its mission to serve the employer with the best talent, we evolved our curriculum to strengthen the academic level of our customer - centric management courses

How many times have you tried to explain in a job interview that EHL is not a cooking school? With the name change and the mention of “business school”, our purpose is to settle this common misconception on behalf of our graduates.

What does this entail for the new activities EHL will embark on in the future ?

IB: Adding on to my above point, at the end of the day, we firmly stand behind being a hotel school . That ' s who we are in both history and positioning . We also train our learners with university- level academic capabilities , so we need to endorse that to remain true to what we are in the market

With Inès Blal On LinkedIn
EHL Name Change

Given the skills required by employers and what they foresee necessary for the future , EHL is wellpositioned to cater to those needs Our graduates benefit from high academic and practice standards immersed in the service sector.

How will the name impact the Alumni community ?

IB: You tell me * laughs*. Our Alumni are key to EHL , so I always look forward to hearing from the community and collecting their valuable feedback . We are privileged to have a large and diverse community with Alumni as a backbone . My hope is that this change will support them in their professional path . For instance , hopefully, they won ' t have to explain that they are not there to serve coffee but to offer managerial expertise in service management ( to refer to an anecdote an Alumni once shared with me).

Will the name change keep EHL true to its core ?

IB: It must If we enter the business space without having a hospitality background we have little to no competitive edge Also , our community and EHL spirit are at the center of our core

Service , as we know, is becoming a key component of the GDP of many countries around the globe . And the design and execution of service - centered systems are more and more critical . Compared to other business schools , we bring this ground into practice , which is a key differentiator

What can the Alumni do to embrace these new values and continue being great EHL ambassadors ?

IB: I feel uneasy giving recommendations or advice to my fellow Alumni As mentioned , this unique community of diverse and driven persons constitutes the fundamentals of EHL They also inspire us through their different career choices and paths . I ’d rather ask for their feedback , suggestions , and recommendations . Our current and future projects need to be co - created together. This allows us to leverage our strengths

Beyond the brand and the infrastructure , EHL is people It is the sum of its learners , staff, faculty, and Alumni . We are a community and that is our core asset for us to develop and leverage .


EHL Name Change

Sitting With A Staff

EHL has grown into so much more than a hotel school, expanding beyond our founder’s wildest dreams. Learn from our CAO, Juan F. Perellon, what he’s most loved about working at EHL for nine years and what ‘Transformation’ means to him, in his own words.

Interview with Juan Perellon

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at EHL.

JP: I’m the Chief Academic Officer of EHL Group I’ve been in this function for the last two years I started at EHL as Director for Accreditations and Quality Assurance and progressed over the 9 years to this position. I’m in charge of formulating the education strategy of EHL Group, submitted to the Board of Directors, and, more in general the education and training portfolio of the EHL Hospitality Business School and EHL SSTH

Why did you choose to work at EHL? How did that happen?

JP: It goes without saying that EHL’s variety of cultures is captivating on its own What’s more, I’ve known Michel Rochat from previous jobs and have always been fascinated by how fast the School continually evolved over the years. Mr. Rochat always seemed like a huge motivator, having always had ambitious projects for EHL

Congrats on your 9 years work milestone. Care to share with us your most memorable experience working at EHL?

JP: Thank you so much *laughs*. Opening our Singapore Campus definitely was an amazing one And on a more personal level, I’d say meeting my colleagues, meeting new people from all over the world.

One person who I’ve learned a lot from was Michel Ferla Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but he’s taught me so much over the years and this is something that I will always remember and be grateful for.

As you may know, the theme for this edition is ‘Transformation’. Tell us, on the brighter side of things, what would you take from the pandemic?

JP: Probably what I learned is to remain even more aware of how my colleagues feel and their internal struggles

Connect with Juan Perellon on LinkedIn
Sitting With A Staff

In the past, I would have regular face - to - face meetings on campus With the remote work possible , this is a huge aspect that has certainly changed for me Virtual interactions have made this social awareness aspect of my job more important.

I want to find more sources of motivation outside of work that can improve my situation and my capacity to help out my colleagues. It’s all about the importance of humanness, ease, and never taking anything for granted.

For the School was the acceleration of digitalization From one day to the next, in one week we managed to do what would have taken us 2 years This was a huge tangible transformation for the Bachelor ' s program and I ’m proud to have contributed to shaping this evolution

When talking to Ines about EHL’s rebranded name ( page 18), she said we should come to talk to you , so here we are . To your mind , what does the name change entail for EHL?

JP: Oh really ? I ' m flattered . Some still see us as a “ Cooking School ”, which we are not. We are so much more than that.

This to say, our old name was not aligning with what we were preparing our students to be The new name change also helps us position ourselves in international recognition , and how others see us .

It ’s anchored in our ecosystem : we are a business school with hospitality know - how, hence the new branding “ EHL Hospitality Business School ”. This to say, EHL is a very specific type of business school and we want this to be our USP

Enlighten us , Juan How can Alumni embrace the name change and keep up being great EHL ambassadors ?

JP: Basically by turning to us and challenging us to what we provide in the market in terms of education .

Let us know how we can support you in developing your career We ’ ll be thrilled to learn what you need in terms of new competencies and skills We ’ ll make sure that we formulate the most adequate training program to be delivered both online and on our state - of - the - art new Campus facilities !


CONTACT US HERE Sitting With A Staff

Sitting With A Faculty

Anthropology, eco - tourism , and sustainability - all these buzz words have one thing in common : professor Peter Varga . He is the one delving right into and exploring each of these topics in his courses at EHL . Read our interview with him to learn about his experience , what got him into this topic , his perspective on current world affairs , and on sustainability, of course

Interview with Peter Varga

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at EHL .

PV: I started teaching at EHL in 2008, it ’s been 15 years now * laughs*. I actually came from a more tourism and sustainability background . I was working in different countries in the field of tourism . In Ecuador, the United States , and different parts of the world When I joined EHL , I taught sustainability, I taught a course titled ‘ Eco - tourism and Environmental Awareness ’, it was a mandatory subject for last semester students at the time .

Connect With PeterVarga On

At the present, I have 3 subjects and 2 electives for BOSC 6 students One is entitled ‘ Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Innovations ’ with a colleague of mine , professor doctor Martin Rios , and another is business Ethics , also for BOSC 6, with another colleague , MrJerome Bisière Lastly, I also teach a course for BOSC 3 students , titled Corporate Sustainability

If we go back 15 years , what made you choose to work at EHL?

PV: Good question . There are different reasons . A personal reason is that my wife is from the French region , around Evian . Upon moving moved back to Europe , I found myself attracted to joining academic institutions and , naturally, EHL seemed very interesting to me Also , they seemed to have a smart orientation and vision toward sustainability

On a more professional level , a lot has changed and evolved since , but another reason I joined EHL was to teach a course on Environmental Awareness and Eco -Tourism .

I also love the international context of the school , with so many students from different parts of the world , giving a nice cultural diversity. Being an anthropologist, I love this context of switching between languages , as I do with you * laughs*, around the food court and the halls - it ' s absolutely wonderful !

How would you describe the pre - Covid days and post - Covid days ?

PV: It ’s very difficult to speak about Covid as a positive outcome , but I believe there are some Of course , it ’s a very sad element of our history, but an important positive outcome could be the realization of the necessity of being environmentally sustainable .

Sitting With A Faculty

I am saying this because , if we want to maintain the Paris agreement, then we should aim to live something similar to the pollution level we had during Covid time I mean , can you imagine that during that time most of us didn ' t take any flights ? People mostly stayed at home and this is something which would signify a more sustainable life (one where we pollute less , thus contributing less to climate change). I would say this whole experience has brought us awareness about how far we should go , and how we should live sustainably Of course , this is something difficult to imagine at the present time because it would be extremely challenging

I hope that post - Covid , people will also travel with more purpose ( i e not going for a shopping spree weekend to London , but rather, having a longer - lasting purpose); that people will adopt a kind of slower tourism and of course , realize that it is still possible to practice sustainability when we are traveling .

We won ' t stop traveling , but we can travel with more sustainability, awareness , and caution when we go somewhere I would say that this is the positive outcome : that people realize that we are fragile and that tourism is not something that will resist such a crisis . This is to say, we must be careful and mindful as to what kind of tourism we will practice in the future .

Along the same line of the topic , from your perspective , how has the pandemic affected the field of cross - cultural hospitality management ?

PV: I think Covid has made it very clear that, despite the fact that we believe that we are more and more globalized ( technologicallywise , communication - wise , transportationwise , business - wise , and even , to a certain extent, politically But not culturally I believe this is mainly because , regardless of where we were during Covid , the kind of decisions the government took depended a lot on the mainstream culture , causing safety decisions to be vastly different. And this is interesting because t allows us to observe a kind of cultural 'deglobalization '.

Of course , as time went by, Covid regulations ended up being better coordinated . But, especially at the beginning , it was very clear that we handled this difficult situation very differently I would say this is very much influenced by our cultural background , and to a certain extent, Covid may have shown us how different we are from one another

23 Sitting With A Faculty
Somehow we must realize that nature does not belong to us. We are part of it. Sadly, most people in the world live unsustainably today.
We won't stop traveling, but we can travel with more sustainability, awareness, and caution when we go somewhere.(…)Thistosay,we mustbecarefulandmindfulas towhatkindoftourismwewill practiceinthefuture.

But in the last two decades , other nations appeared in great masses and we realized that we have very different cultures I believe hospitality is not completely ready for this and that hospitality managers , (even schools ), should pay attention to these more and more visible differences Cultural intelligence should be part of the business curriculum today.

Through our research in Geneva and other parts of the world , I realized that hospitality is not ready for this cultural complexity Employees handle foreign cultures because of SOPs but they don ' t really understand WHY those cultures are different. Additionally, it would be too much to expect that guests will change their behavior when they visit a country, especially if they are only staying a few days . They might adapt to some cultural specificities but, typically, it ' s the host culture that adapts to the guest

In this sense , I believe we should develop improved cultural intelligence and it should be much more part of hospitality education . And actually, this is what we are doing in BOSC 3 with the students . We discuss cross - culture theories - they even have a mid - term project about this .

To pick your brains on what you said about different restrictions from different cultures : was there a specific restriction that really surprised you coming from a specific culture during this pandemic ?

PV: I was actually surprised by the acceptance of so many restrictions in many countries Looking back , it is a very delicate topic . We should treat this problem as something normal and probably something that will be part of our future lives . Look at what is still going on in some countries in the world . I was surprised how in France , the country of human rights , people accepted all these restrictions If we are forward - looking , this raises lots of questions for the future - of what kind of control to accept

Moving outside of the pandemic , what would you say is , in your opinion , the next upcoming trend with regards to sustainability hospitality culture ?

PV: Right now, we have the knowledge of what we should do and what are the solutions for most of the problems , but we do very little to tackle this

So in this sense , we should be more pragmatic , aiming for tangible results When we speak about companies , for example , they report more and more on sustainability, which is great, but I think we need more than simply reporting what they would like to show We should have the government or legitimate certification agencies support this There should be more transparency and accountability so it would encourage people to choose sustainable solutions and not just talk about this

Sitting With A Faculty
I believe that sustainability trends or the next sustainable decades will be highly dependent on governmental support and government decisions. And this will be rather painful as we will need to adjust to many compromises.

What are the biggest takeaways from your research experiences related to this field of expertise ? Considering the cultures you ’ ve met, what I one or even a couple of things you ’ ve learned from these experiences ?

PV: I like Ecuador very much and , actually, I will have a call with Ecuador later today * laughs*, but I think the biggest takeaway from my experience was working and living in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest

As you may know, I studied the anthropology of tourism and I am still in contact with those indigenous people from the Ecuadorian Amazon . And what I believe is the biggest takeaway is that we humans are very good at our basic foundations .

Of course , we can be vastly different When you are in the rainforest or in remote areas , you can live simply and you don ' t need as much . And that these people in remote areas are infinitely more sustainable than we are . We can learn a lot from these people who have been living in the same place , in harmony and in coherence with their ecosystem In Europe (and most countries ) we are very far from this balance

Let ' s wrap up on a happy note . Would you mind sharing one of the most memorable moments at EHL during these past 15 years ?

PV: There are various significant moments during these past amazing 15 years What I think is memorable is when you are in remote areas in the world or in places , where you really wouldn ' t expect, and you meet people from EHL . It ' s happened to me , in Thailand and in Japan . Obviously, EHL is everywhere These are very fantastic memorable moments

This article will be read by EHL Alumni globally Is anything you 'd like to share directly ?

PV: What can I say, it ' s always difficult because they are already professionals I would probably give a hint to our very recent alumnus , who just recently graduated . A kind of message that I would like to say is ‘ Do not rush ’.

Take some time , and reflect on what you really want to do , because these are really the best years of your life I think it ’s always good to take some time off after EHL , to travel , to understand what you like , and better understand yourself before moving to the next step in your life . If we jump into something that we are not so keen on , it may impact our future meaningfully I

So don ' t rush , enjoy life and when you know what you really want to do , then make the step .



25 Sitting With A Faculty

1 CHF For The Climate

Enabling consumers and businesses to offset the carbon footprint of their food and support the local economy : these are the objectives of the " 1 CHF for the climate" initiative created by the non - profit organisation Webeelong and led by Simon Hude , project manager

Passionate about everything related to sustainability and the environment, I joined the Webeelong Association after finishing my studies at EHL in February 2021 at the age of 25. Piloting this project is a great entrepreneurial experience that is very formative as it is never easy to launch a new concept like this.

How does it work ? It ' s simple : the consumer who eats in a partner restaurant sees his bill increased by a small franc , which is redistributed to local producers in the form of vouchers to the restaurant owners (40%) and to tree planting in Switzerland (45%). The remaining 15% goes to the association to keep the project alive .

By favouring the short circuit, the consumer reduces the environmental impact of his meal; and by allowing reforestation, he offsetspartofthisimpactbycapturingCO ₂ .Wewanttostrengthenthe synergy between the consumer, the restaurant owner and the producer.Everyoneshouldbenefitfromthis.

26 1 CHF For The Climate

The initiative is also known as "the carafe that plants trees" because most restaurant owners see it as a simple and symbolic way of charging for their water carafes, which have often been offeredinthepast.

Launched last summer, the initiative already has some fifty restaurant and hotel partners and twenty or so suppliers , mainly in Frenchspeaking Switzerland , and is set to be extended to the rest of Switzerland .

Thousands Of Trees To Be Planted Soon

A pilot phase in partnership with the École Hôtelière de Lausanne' s food court has already made it possible to plant a hundred trees in April 2021. The second planting (200 trees ), supervised for the choice of locations and species by Almighty Tree , took place on 1 April in Froideville ( VD ), and the following ones should follow every six months .

Of the 8,000 or so establishments based in French-speaking Switzerland, it seems realistic to us that 1.5% of them, or 120, will take partintheprogrammebytheendoftheyear,"announcesSimonHude. This should make it possible to plant around 7,000 trees or the equivalent of 2,000 tonnes of CO ₂ . Without any constraints, the restaurant owners thus contribute to giving back a little oxygen to the planet.

1 CHF For The Climate

Privilege Program


Freya is a fine jewelry brand that is influenced by the Nordic goddess Freyja , a symbol of assumed feminine power All designs are inspired by geometric shapes that represent the modern woman ; strong and fearless .

The jewels are designed and made in Switzerland with the help of exceptional craftsmen . To make them last a lifetime , they are exclusively made of silver 925 and recycled gold 18 k Diamonds and precious stones also embellish the pieces

Recently featured in fashion magazines like Vogue UK , Conde Nast Traveller, and Cote Magazine , the brand is expanding through Switzerland and Europe .

Follow all the news on the Instagram account @freyageneva !

You can find the collection directly online or contact Fanny Dufour ( EHL Alumni ) at contact@freyageneva com for bespoke pieces


Choose your favorite jewelry pieces and enter the promotion code EHLFREYA10 .

This offer is valid on the collection and on bespoke jewelry ( for men and women ).


28 Freya: Privilege Prgrame

Privilege Program


Aero is a semi-private jet service that delivers an elevated flying experience in comparison to commercial and private air travel as we know it The company values curation over the endless selection, authenticity over influence, and ease over extravagance because they are committed to making your travel experience exceptional from the moment you are inspired to take a trip.

If you need any help with the booking,


Choose a destination and enter the promotion code EHL .

This offer is only valid for EHL Staff, Students, and Alumni.


Aero: Privilege Prgrame

Sitting With A Student

Some people think it ’s too late in their life to make a change and never take a chance to transform Jonathan found himself in his late twenties and unhappy with the direction his life was going when he started EHL’s Bachelor program . Learn his story and why EHL was the best place for him to be .

Interview with Jonathan Matti

Tell us a bit about yourself, Jonathan .

JM : Gladly, yes , I ’m 30 years old , a Bosc 2 student, and before EHL I did 2 CFC ( Certificat Féderal de Capacité , one in mechanics ( for motorbikes ), and another one in electronics at ETML ( Ecole technique - Ecole des métiers de Lausanne) in Lausanne

I worked two more years after my CFC as a mechanic for Honda and then Triumph Crissier. It was an amazing experience and I met amazing people but I finally joined EHL to unlock more opportunities and become independent in the future

Why did you choose to go to EHL after studying these other courses ? How did that happen ?

Connect With

Jonathan Matti On LinkedIn

JM : Both my grandparents ( Peter Barakat and Richard Gérald Matti ) and my great grandfather ( Alfred Gérald Matti ) are EHL Alumni . Crazy right ? I was actually born super close to EHL . My family always spoke so fondly about it so the school has always been in the back of my mind .

To be honest, it took me a while to get started because the level required is very high and I was afraid to fail But I took my chance and so far it ’s not going so bad * laughs*. I ’m actually super happy to be here .

Why was EHL the right school for you then ?

JM : Well , I was feeling a bit stuck in mechanics , not making as much money as I would have hoped . And as for how the world goes , mechanics is not the most interesting job . Well , not as interesting as it was in the past, at least

Also , a big goal of mine is to be independent, and opening a workshop is not easy.

Sitting With A Student
I think that EHL will give me the keys that will allow me to open many doors. At the end of the day, I wanted more opportunities, more than mechanics could ever give me.

You said you’ve heard about EHL throughout your entire life How did those expectations meet the actual reality of studying there?

JM: I was really afraid Not only because of my age, being older than everyone else in my intake, but the level of study I was scared of the academic level and I felt like I didn't have the equivalent maturity for this Also, I was afraid of all the younger people, everyone being in their early twenties

As far as things go, the academic part is quite hard but I am managing well. Regarding the students, I met the most amazing people, guys, and girls who are so open and mature for their age The age difference was never a problem and I easily integrated It was a daily pleasure to discover this new world.

Even the teachers and staff are welcoming and so interesting, everyone speaking so many languages fluently EHL has met my high expectations at every level, everything is perfect I love being there I learned so much I realize that every subject we study is useful and applicable in the field, I give tips to my sister. I feel like I learned so much in only one semester.

What are your expectations for the remainder of your studies?

JM: I want to learn more and more every semester, like a new sponge. Honestly, I’m really looking forward to my next internship and to learn more about finance because I want to work for a moment for one of the Big Four

You’ll find this crazy, but I already have an SBP group. I know it is super early, but that’s how excited I am. I believe I have a great team. I don’t think I will ever leave the school, I will just want to live there forever *laughs*.

How do you see your own personal transformation?

JM: Physically, I see a huge difference from the time when I was working as a mechanic Now I need to maintain my beard properly shaved and I’m well dressed to the point my friends comment on how I look, ‘’oh, you’re wearing a tie’’ *laughs*.

I'm also more organized Before I wasn't very hands-on, quite a mess actually, and now I get more and more organized I also take pleasure in both studying and working, this is crazy

Even my French has improved, believe it or not, being Swiss and all My vocabulary seems more advanced and I feel more comfortable expressing myself in front of people Lastly, whenever I have any type of work to do, I always want it to be perfect now. At the end of the day, this is the main point I aim to achieve; to reach for excellence, every day




Sitting With A Student

Sitting With An Alumni

We' ve reconnected with Chloe Charmillot during this interview to look back at her experience at EHL and hear about how studying with us has brought her to do what she is doing today. Read the interview to reminisce about the EHL experience and learn more about where she currently works , OnePlanet

Interview with Chloe Charmillot

Can you give us a quick intro about yourself ?

CC : Sure , I ’m Swiss , from canton Jura , close to Basel , and I graduated from EHL back in 2018.

I then started working in London as a hospitality consultant, shifted to sustainability, and moved to Milan to get a master ’s I liked Milan as a city and felt so comfortable that I stayed there and have been living here for over a year now

Can you share one of the most memorable times in eHL?

CC : SBP was a wonderful time . My team had to create a business plan for a hotel in France , and we had a chance to go to Burgundy It was a great bonding time for us The project was very interesting and we had a great client to work with We were very lucky.

Connect With

Chloe Charmillot

On LinkedIn

Can you tell us about where you work now and what ’s your position ?

CC : I ’ ve been working as a project manager since August last year at OnePlanet, a tech company based in London We offer consulting services on sustainability strategy as well as a platform to manage your sustainability strategy

Is there a connection between where you are and EHL , or do you believe that you ’ ve completely gone out of the scope ?

CC: No * laughs*. There is a connection

At EHL I ’ ve gathered very valuable knowledge that I can now apply to my everyday life when it comes to managing client expectations and delivering projects among others .

Sitting With An Alumni

One of the themes for this eJournal is transformation and it aligns with OnePlanet What is your company trying to achieve and what are some KPIs for the next 2 to 3 years ?

CC : We realised that the world is working in silos , be it within society or companies This can lead to misalignment of a company ' s overall strategy and its purpose can be diluted at different levels

We come in to check the alignment and progress of strategy between different departments and offer a way to easily manage the sustainability strategy, bringing everyone on board with the objective of reaching Shared Outcomes This is done by implementing specific Actions and tracking Shared Indicators

One of the issues with sustainability today is that there are lengthy processes to get a certification . Our platform simplifies this : data can be seen in different frameworks simultaneously. Reporting is also facilitated : documents are created in one click

Is there a way Alumni can collaborate with OnePlanet ?

CC: Absolutely, we are always looking for new partners to embrace the platform , we also give advice and consult as needed .

Many companies realise the importance of sustainability but don ' t know where to start We can help get the ball rolling Kind of practical guidance until they are able to manage our intuitive platform by themselves . Clients often feedback on how simple we make managing sustainability !

Who can they reach out to to get more information ?

CC: I ’d love to speak to anyone who is interested We also give free demo calls and we have some extra resources available on our website , such as quick explainer videos You can also sign up for a free account from our website , to get a taste of the platform

What would you say to the students and Alumni in general in terms of your experience ? Any wise advice to share ?

CC: For the ones that are now graduating , it ’s very important to find a job that aligns with your values and something that you are making an impact on

For the Alumni that graduated before me , sustainability has become an integral aspect of any business , and making this change is very important Complying to sustainable matters will not only be about challenges , but it will also bring in new opportunities .

And if anyone reading this is in Milan , send me a message I ’d love to meet more Alumni


Sitting With An Alumni

EHL Connect

Stay up to date!

It’s been over 2 years since we've launched our Alumni Platform and we are delighted to see how many of you have been using it and its functionalities! We are adding content and events on a weekly basis, ensuring we regularly connect, share and exchange with you, dearAlumni

As you've probably seen by now, we have migrated all the registrations to our events through EHL Connect Therefore, it's important to ensure you have access to your profile and that your details are up-to-date so as not to miss any communication or event from our network

In case you have any questions on how to activate your account or utilize EHL Connect, we are more than happy to guide you. Please reach out to us at

We wish you all the best and looking forward to seeing you all on EHL Connect

34 EHL Connect


Congratulations to

• Olivier Bonard ( AEHL 1997) for his wedding

• Grégoire Beun ( AEHL 2013) for the birth of his daughter

• Martine Hoffmann ( AEHL 2015) for the birth of her daughter

• Nicola Gryczka ( AEHL 2007) for the birth of her daughter

• Charlotte & Leonard Grüter ( AEHL 2015) for the birth of their son

• Cecilia and Constantin Blum -Tempus ( AEHL 2016) for their wedding

Our deepest condolences to the friends and family of


After a successful 1 st edition , we are delighted to share with you that we will be organizing the 2 nd Global Online Alumni Conference from the 1 st to the 2 nd of June 2022.

This will be the perfect opportunity to connect with Alumni from around the world , talk about industry trending topics , and participate in round table discussions as well as in some more relaxed sessions

Register on our event page EHL Connect so that you stay up - to - date with the latest information .

35 Bottin
• Rosmarie de Saint - Félix ( Füri ) ( AEHL 1967)
CONNECT WITH US on social media Grégoire, Fabienne, Sébastien, Daniel & Stéphane Your Alumni & Industry Relations Team #EHLFamily EHL Alumni Network Route de Cojonnex 18 CH - 1000 Lausanne +41 21 785 13 60 Share your stories with us! Contact to be featured in our eJournal
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