Industrial Revolution Magazine

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On page 4 we talk about the new creations of inventions and how many new jobs will come from these inventions. w w w

The Industrial revolution was a time of hardships and suffering. As machinery and technology continued to advance, work labor become more extensive for both children and adults. This picture depicts people of all ages working in rough conditions such as confined spaces, extreme temperatures, and handling dangerous machinery. For many people, the industrial revolution put them in a place where tomorrow wasn't promised.

Table Of Con t en t s

1. News Stories? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 2. Art Review? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ............................................................ 2 3. Jobs Section? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ... 7 4. For Sale? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .4 5. Top 10 List? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 6. Political Cartoons? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? ? ? . 13 7. Obituary? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? . 8 8. Entertainment? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? ? 12 9. Feature Story? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ....? ? ? ? ? ? ..9 10. Editorial Story? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10

The Cotton Gin is a

Watt?s Steam Engine was the

machine that will

invention that basically started

change the revolution

the revolution. He did not

and the way many

create the first steam engine

people live. The

but he did invent a much better

machine was created

one that produced more power

to make cotton

and did not waste as much

produced ten times

steam as the other passed

faster than actual

inventions. This invention

people picking cotton.

made businesses grow at an

The Machine was

extreme rate because of

created to make work

transporting goods and

easier and produce

machines making the goods

cotton at a much

instead of workers. Businesses

faster rate. It also

were able to have more

separated seeds and

machines and less people

cotton fibers, which

working in factories and make a

makes cotton much

massive profit. Instead of

faster. The man who

paying people to do the work

created this Machine

they had machines to do it. The

was Eli Whitney. The

steam engine cost anywhere

Gin costs $60.00 plus

between $1,800 and $5,000. In

$40.00 for shipping

present day this cost between

and handling.

$50,000 to $150,000.

The Telephone was the beginning of long travel communication all around countries. Instead of sending mail and having to wait days for a response you could call them. The telegraph and the phone were pretty much the same, being both wired based inventions. Alexander Graham Bell accidently invented the phone when he was working on the telegraph to make it better. When the telephone first came out bell did not want to sell them, he wanted to rent them out to people. At the beginning of the telephone they sold for around 50 pounds or $75.00 to $100.00.



CALLING COAL M INERS: When working in the coal mines, you will be extracting coal from the ground. You will be working 14-16 hours a day for six days a week. You will be given tools to work with at the job sight. BOILER M EN WANTED: You will be working to tend the fire in a steam engine. You will be working 14 hours a week. You must be able to stay in a hot area for a long period of time. You will be working with a minimum break. FACTORY WORKERS! HELP WANTED: You will be working in a factory with glass. Gloves will be needed as it is very dangerous to be working with glass. You will be working 6 hours a day for 7 days a week.

OBI TUARY HENRY FORD- Henry was born July 30, 1863 and died April 7, 1947. Henry Ford was a American Industrialist. Ford revolutionized factory production. He invented the Model T automobile. He then made the Ford company.

THOM AS EDISON- Edison was born February 11, 1847 and died October 18, 1931. Edison was a very successful businessman and inventor. He was the inventor of the public demonstrations of the phonograph.

FEATURE STORY ELI WHITNEY Eli Whitney, born December 8, 1765 and died January 8, 1825. Whitney was a very successful inventor. He made a huge impact on the revolution. Whitney invented the cotton gin which was one of the most important inventions during this time. Creating the cotton gin was a huge concept for mass production. In 1789, Whitney attended Yale College, where he learned about science and technology. He graduated in 1972 with a lot of knowledge learned and ready to be used in the new invention that would occur. At the time, English mills were hungry for cotton. Whitney discovered that a machine that could clean the green-cotton seed could make the South prosperous and their inventors very rich. The cotton gin had four parts. The first part was a hopper to feed the cotton into the gin. The second part was a revolving cylinder studded with hundreds of short wires. The third part a stationary breastwork that strained out the seed as the fibre flowed through. The last and final part of the cotton gin was a clearer, which was a cylinder with bristles that brushed the cotton from the hooks and let it fly off on it?s own. This invention made the cotton business way more efficient and was able to be a mass working business. It was very important in the industrial revolution because cotton was a huge source in making many items. Cotton was used to make clothing, material, and many other important things. The cotton gin gave us a lot of factors that we now use today.

Editorial Story Over the course of many years, the world has advanced in several ways including work ethic, jobs, family, science, technology, and economics. During the first wave, which occurred from 8000 BC - 1650 AD, people didn?t usually have a set destination to settle in. Families tended to travel all over in order to find farming communities and cultivated land. Arranged marriages were very common and the economy became border based. When the second wave began in 1650-1955 AD, machinery advanced and many jobs were maintained in factories working with new technology. Families migrated to cities, for they didn?t need to farm as often in order to survive. People working with machinery found new ways to advance the machines and better the factories, many new inventions were made. The second wave affected the economy greatly by transitioning into capitalism, where education was offered to the public. The third wave began in 1955, and the entire world changed. As a whole, the people depend on technology throughout their everyday lives. Over half of the world?s jobs consist of technology related things such as cell phones, gaming sites, internet access, and digital photography. The way of life for many families has changed drastically as well, for most families are non-nuclear, meaning many parents are single and non traditional marriages are extremely common. The economy has invented new tools which disobey the ?correct way of life? such as birth control, and many other prescription/ non prescription drugs.

The fourth wave can be argued that it will bring more damage than good. Technology has advanced already more than it needed to. Bringing more technology advances to the world will most likely take away low income jobs such as a cashier, table waiter, and driver. Technology does not need to advance anymore than it already has, because there is no problems that need to be fixed by technology. Within a matter of time, it is thought that children will no longer grow up learning the tools for life success, for robots and machines will run more than half of the world. Many can say that it is unhealthy to grow up disconnected from the rest of the world. Technology advances began to solve problems which were ending the human race, but it is thought now that technology might end the world. If there is not enough jobs for everyone, people will not have enough money to buy necessities such as drinkable water and food. I believe that people will become more angry and hateful as technology advances continue and more war will occur. Overall, there are many reasons why there needs to be an end in technology advances, before we destroy ourselves with it.

Pete Seeger - What Side Are You On This song talks about the hard work everyday that men, children, and women did. They would work up to 16 hours a day, 6 days a week only getting Sunday off to go to church. Some people weren't even lucky to get Sundays off.

In this cartoon Marie Antoinette is getting her head cut off because of her and her husbands treason to France and this was nine months after they killed King Louis XVI.

Top t en M ost im por t an t people,even t s,an d in ven t ion s

The telephone took the number one spot on my top ten list because of the massive amounts of communication used with the telephone today. People use a phone every single day. People do not just call anymore but they are able to text, to email, and to use social media as a way to communicate using the phone. People carry phones in their pockets every second of the day ready to receive calls and texts or even communicate through the various usages today.

At the second spot i have the light bulb that was first invented by Thomas Edison. Without light bulbs everyones day ends when the sky turns dark. The light bulb also set the path for many other inventions. Computers use light bulbs that are tiny to show their screens. Phones and cars and many other things use light bulbs to function. Light is needed for many different tasks and without this invention much of the Earth would be unseen and never discovered.

With number three comes a very special invention that paved the way for another invention on this list. The cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney is very important.With its increase of speed of taking out seeds in the cotton made cotton production skyrocket in the late 1700s and through the 1800s. The increase of cotton production made the transportation of cotton extremely higher because there was much more cotton to be moved and shipped around. The method of transporting the cotton changed due to the increase demand of cotton. The cotton gin influenced the life so much that it pushed the process of better transportation to be faster and the steam locomotive was born.

At number four the French Revolution comes to the list. The French Revolution changed all of France. The French were done being treated poorly by the king and his wife so they killed them both. They also also made a new government that made all the social classes more equal with the help of the guillotine. The guillotine when used correctly would slice a persons head off in second from the neck. This was a miserable time in France but it was a huge step towards the modern day.

Number five goes to the Model T invented by Henry Ford. The Model T went a fraction of the speed of the cars of this time but it was a huge invention that helped transportation. Cars were used instead of carriages pulled by horses. With a horse drawn carriage you have to let the horse stop to rest but with the invention of the Model T people were able to drive anywhere they wanted as long as they had the gas. Without the invention of the Model T transportation could be very different.

Six. The invention of dynamite was very different. Dynamite is used alot today and helped with many other inventions working. Dynamite blows away rocks on the side of mountains so we could create railroads. It is also used in coal mines to make new shafts and to get more area to move in. Dynamite is a simple explosive that has helped other things work. Number seven is the steam locomotive. The steam locomotive helped move all of the cotton that was being more rapidly produced. The increase of cotton production did in fact push this invention being invented. The cotton production increased so much that they needed a faster way and something bigger to hold more to transport all of the cotton. Without this invention also many other transportation devices wouldn?t be invented.

At the eight spot we have the bessemer process. The machine converts iron into steel. Iron is hard but heavy and when the processor is working it rids iron of all he bad qualities it has and creates steel. Steel is harder and lighter than iron. Without this vital invention skyscrapers couldn?t have been made and made other things like football face masks could have not been made.

Coming in at number nine is the wright brothers. They created the first airplane not powered by wind. The plane only flew for 12 seconds but was a huge step forward for transportation. Planes are used every day by millions of people. Planes have made getting 500 miles away from your current destination easy. You can fly that in 2 hours and still have plenty of daylight to burn if you leave early in the morning. Also people can travel around the world easily in just a couple of hours.

To finish off the list we have the sewing machine. The sewing machine made it extremely easier to make clothes and and to make blanket. It took hours to sew clothes but with the sewing machine it shortened time immensely. Clothes were expensive because of the time it took to make clothes. The price of clothes dropped and people were able to have lots of clothes.

The effect of the Industrial revolution was huge. The Industrial revolution branched off the scientific revolution. The scientific approach allowed investors to create new technologies to improve life. The industrial revolution quite literally paved the way for the modern era. Without the many inventions like the Model T and events like the French Revolution the modern era could be enormously different. People might not be able to gab their iphone X from their pocket and play a game. We might not live the way we are now with schools and work. We could be living in our own small little cottages with our own farms without the industrial revolution. Without the change of the way people lived hundreds of years ago our world would be flipped upside down. Schools and the modern way of education could be limited. The way of life was completely changed during the Industrial Revolution.

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