The Industrial Revolution

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Art Review PAGE5 TOP10 LIST



REVOLUTION byal es wessl ing The industrial revolution was a period in time that took place from the late 1700?s to early 1800?s. During the Industrial Revolution many new Invention were created such as the telephone, the cotton gin, and the steam engine. The Revolution began in england but quickly spread all throughout the world. The American Industrial Revolution was commonly referred to as the second revolution, as it took place during the 1820's through the 1870?s.

Factory systems during the industrial revolution quickly exploded with new automated machinery making work much easier. And while that was a plus it also meant that many people lost their jobs. Almost 60% of people who worked in factories lost their jobs due to the placement of new machinery. Many people gave up their farms in order to work in factories. So there was a large reduction in agricultural production. As a result of new

factories opening up, more and more people left the current jobs they had to go and work in these factories. Which lead to more people to pay for their work, which then ment people were getting paid less and less as more people can to work in factories. The industrial revolution was a time of many new inventions. The first large one was the cotton gin. The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. The cotton gin enabled farming to

be much easier. It speed up production of cotton and made removal of the seed much easier. Another large scale invention that changed the world was the steam engine. The steam engine was invented by James Watt in 1755. The steam engine enabled locomotives to be produced which lead to fast shipment. Stem engines also powered many of the machinery that factories used. 3




Communism, a political point of view brought from Karl Marx consist of the Idea that all factories, companies, mines, and or farms, are owned by the government and all profits made from those industries were evenly distributed throughout the communities. This way of looking on how things should be was based off of the effect of the idea of Capitalism. Capitalism was the proposal in which companies

were privately owned and money was distributed based on how the owners seemed fit. Many people have different views on how to run our government, or how to distribute money. People, such as the main activist for communism, Karl Marx, believed that communism was the simple answer for a very complex question, ?The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all

private property.? Karl Marx simply states. But there are others such as many high paid, wealthy company owners, who believed communism would be the end of our government all together. All in all communist, believed by most, would fail tremendously leaving our country poor and on the verge of defeat. Karl Marx Did not live in luxury and wealth, in fact he was known to be an

alcoholic with poor diet and unfortunate living circumstances with his wife and four kids. This showed many people a short glimpse of what could be if communism was as accepted as wanted. If communism were to be existing wildly today i feel our country would not succeed.


Ar t r eview By: St eph en

This is a

and inevitably

midst of trying to

neoclassical piece

failing to stay in

create equality.

of art that I chose

the air. This is a

because its of the


representation of

representation of


communism and

something, trying

how it causes

to elevate higher

division in the

San ch ez Th e Fall Of Icar u s¨ by Jacob Pet er Gow y (c. 1636)


TOP10 LIST byStephenSanchez 1. Thomas Edison 2. Alexander Graham bell 3. The invention of the cotton gin 4. The steam engine 5. A more efficient way of creating steal 6. The spinning jenny 7. Power loom 8. Railroads 9. Flying shuttle 6

10. Telegraph

Job Select ion s By: Alex Wesslin g

Most jobs during the

six days a week, and a

adults couldn?t. Some

industrial revolution

typical shift was 10 to

also work on the

were in factories, they 14 hours. Operating

street as street

produced goods such automatic equipment

cleaners or street

as cotton, wool, flax,

was especially

hawkers. Many

silk and lace for sale

dangerous, many

children also worked

in Britain and its

works got seriously

in coal mines because

overseas colonies.

injured, some leading

their size allowed

Factory workers

to loss of limbs or

them to craw deep

operated spinning

even death.

into the mine shafts

equipment such as

Most children during

in order to get any

the spinning jenny,

the industrial

coal residue.

water frame and

revolution had jobs as

spinning mule, or

well, some worked in

weaving equipment

factories were they

like the power loom.

were able to fit into

Factories could run

smaller places that

up to 24 hours a day,


ENTERTAINMENT byal ex wessl ing

The most popular music during the industrial revolution were operas. Particular ?Lo! Here The Gentle Lark? from Twelfth Night 1820. The song was originally composed by Sir Henry Rowley Bishop in 1724, then was later composed into the opera Comedy of Errors, Originally a play by William Shakespeare. Comedy of Errors has seen the likes of many stages including a long run on Broadway.


Obit u ar y By: St eph en San ch ez Thomas Edison Born February 11, 1847 Died October 18. 1931 Without Thomas Edison we wouldn?t have electricity cause factories to still have to be near a water source. This also gave light to people so they wouldn?t oil or even to eat

Andrew Carnegie Born November 25, 1835 Died August 11, 1919 Without Andrew Carnegie we wouldn't have found an easier way to make steel which would have suppressed the efficiency of transporting good with railroads. 9

For Sale Telephone: The telephone created by Alexander Graham Bell is world changing, now you no longer have to wait days, weeks, even months to hear from friends and family members. With the telephone you can almost instantly communicate with anyone and everyone for only

Cot t on Gin The Cotton Gin created by Eli Whitney, is the invention that will save you money energy and time! You will never hand separate cotton again! Now only $78.99 plus $4.99 shipping and handling you can have the deal of a lifetime!order now!


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