Industrial News

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Indust r ial News

The St eam Engine!

Tableof Contents

Scientific Advancements 4 Edison Shines Bright 6 Top 10 New Inventions................ 8 Job Listings............. 10 Obituary ................. 16 Art review............... 20 Items For sale......... 24 Comic Strip............. 30

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Scientific advancement improves the steam engine By Tyler Markovsky

Glasgow, England-James Watt findings greatly improves

The compressor made many improvements but still had

the steam engine. While working at the Glasgow University,

many flaws. So James Watt partnered with Matthew Boulton

Watt noticed that the steam engine invented by Thomas

to remove the steam engines flaws. Matthew Boulton helped

Newcomen was highly inefficient due to the single

fund James Watt?s advancements on the steam engine with

condenser that heated and cooled down. James Watt fixed

Boultons help Watt developed a double action piston, and a

Thomas Newcomen?s invention by adding a separate

speed control.

condenser. This is said to be the greatest patent to date.

The steam engine soon surpassed the water wheel, and

Sir Humphry Davy stated ?Those who consider James Watt

horses as the main power for the British, making it one of the

only as a great practical mechanic form a very erroneous

main inventions of the industrial revolution.

idea of his character: he was equally distinguished as a

inefficiency problems. He worked on improving the steam

natural philosopher and a chemist, and his inventions

engine for 11 years and by 1776 James Watt had made his

demonstrate his profound knowledge of those sciences, and

more efficient steam engine.

that peculiar characteristic of genius, the union of them for

While the steam engine pumped coal from the mine there

practical application.? ? Sir Humphry Davy As reported in

was the problem of removing the water, the process of

Proceedings of the Public Meeting held at Preemasons' Hall, on

removing the water was slow and expensive because it

the 18th June, 1824, for Erecting

usually involved animals to remove the water and boiler

In 1765, James Watt was convinced that adding a

explosions were not uncommon because of unadvanced

compressor would solve the steam engines inefficiency


problems. He worked on improving the steam engine for 11

James Watt added a separate condensing chamber, and

years and by 1776 James Watt had made his more efficient

because the main cylinder and the condenser were separate

steam engine.

there was not much loss in heat.

While the steam engine pumped coal from the mine there

?Watt's next improvement to the Newcomen design was to

was the problem of removing the water, the process of

seal the top of the cylinder and surround the cylinder with a

removing the water was slow and expensive because it

jacket. Steam was passed through the jacket before being

usually involved animals to remove the water and boiler

admitted below the piston, keeping the piston and cylinder

explosions were not uncommon because of unadvanced

warm to prevent condensation within it. The second


improvement was the utilisation of steam expansion against

James Watt added a separate condensing chamber, and

the vacuum on the other side of the piston. The steam supply

because the main cylinder and the condenser were separate

was cut during the stroke, and the steam expanded against

there was not much loss in heat.

the vacuum on the other side. This increased the efficiency of

?Watt's next improvement to the Newcomen design was to

the engine, but also created a variable torque on the shaft

seal the top of the cylinder and surround the cylinder with a

which was undesirable for many applications, in particular

jacket. Steam was passed through the jacket before being


admitted below the piston, keeping the piston and cylinder

The compressor made many improvements but still had

warm to prevent condensation within it. The second

many flaws. So James Watt partnered with Matthew Boulton

improvement was the utilisation of steam expansion against

to remove the steam engines flaws. Matthew Boulton helped

the vacuum on the other side of the piston. The steam

fund James Watt?s advancements on the steam engine with

supply was cut during the stroke, and the steam expanded

Boultons help Watt developed a double action piston, and a

against the vacuum on the other side. This increased the

speed control.

efficiency of the engine, but also created a variable torque

The steam engine soon surpassed the water wheel, and

on the shaft which was undesirable for many applications, in

horses as the main power for the British, making it one of the

particular pumping.(wiki)?

main inventions of the industrial revolution.

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Edison shines bright By:Tyler Markovsky

Middlesex County, New Jersey-Thomas Edison will change the world with the electric light bulb. Today households burn oil lamps for lighting. The future looks bright with the research and patents Thomas Edison has made with electric lighting.

Edison established a research lab in 1876 where he invented the phonograph, carbon telephone transmitter, and the electric light.

Thomas Edison wanted to make something that is electric and can compete or surpass gas and oil based lighting. To do this Thomas Edison would have to fix many of the flaws with electrical lighting.

The first few problems that arose was that the lamps would not last long, they were expensive, and needed a high amount of electrical current. To fix the problem of how long the lamps lasted Thomas Edison saw that he would have to make a lamp with high resistance and lower voltage

After many experiments Thomas Edison found out that carbon filaments lasted the longest at, 13.5 hours. The lamps that used carbon filaments were the first useful commercial electric lights.

?Although the patent described several ways of creating the carbon filament including "cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papers coiled in various ways" it was not until several months after the patent was granted that Edison and his team discovered a carbonized bamboo filament that could last over 1,200 hours.(wiki)?

Edison was so confident in his electrical lighting that he said ?We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles?

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6 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16

Top 10 New Inventions By Tyler Markovsky

1.iron/steel-Iron and steel made it possible for machines and factories to be built. Iron and steel was the main resource of the industrial revolution. 2.spinning jenny-Spun wool faster than any person or people could. Dropped price and upped speed. 3.steam engine-Basis of many machinery in factories and transportation. Made by James Watt and improved family life and job work. 4.power loom-Made by Edmund Cartwright was a key development in weaving. Made textiles faster and cheaper. 5.cotton gin-Separates cotton from its seeds. Made work easier faster and less pain staking. 6.light bulb-Thomas Edison made the light bulb. Lead the way for faster, more and better lighting. 7.trains-Let items and people travel further and faster. Helped drop the price of goods. 8.modern assembly line-Each worker only had one job so they were more efficient. Could also pay less because workers did less. 9.interchangeable parts-Improved machines because if they broke they could be easily repaired. Also helped improve quality of parts. 10.first airplane-Set the path for modern planes. Was a single person airplane that flew for a very short period of time.











Job Postings By Alex Montelongo Textile Factory Worker Job Requirements - Must be 7 years old or older - Must have basic knowledge of machinery - Must work 12 to 16 hours a day, 6 to 7 days a week Job Duties - Manufacture clothing - Operating the following machines: 1.spinning jenny 2.steam engine 3.power loom 4.cotton gin - Machine Repairs Wages - 2-4 shillings per week for children - 5-7 shillings per week for women - 10 shillings per week for men Work Conditions - Long hours, extreme heat and noise. Dangerous moving machine parts and air filled with lint.

Coal Miner

Job Requirements - Must be 7 years old or older - Must work 12 to 16 hours a day, 6 to 7 days a week - Must be able to do heavy lifting Job Duties - Hand cutting coal with pick-axe - Heavy lifting of coal carts - Climbing ladders with heavy baskets of coal - Opening and closing air vents - Climbing through shafts on hands and knees Wages - Payment depends on the amount and quality of coal Work Conditions - Must work in the dark. Coal dust in mines. Work hazards include flooding, tunnels collapsing and explosions.

Iron Factory worker Job Requirements - Must be 7 years or older - Must be able to work 12 to 16 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week - Must be able to operate and repair machines Job Duties - Repairing machines - Operating machines - Making iron Wages - 2-4 shillings per week for children - 5-7 shillings per week for women - 10 shillings per week for men Work Conditions - Long hours, extreme heat and noise. Dangerous moving machine parts.



Obituary By Alex Montelongo

Marx, Karl Karl Marx, May 5,1818 - March 14, 1883 passed away at the age of 64 of pleurisy. Karl Marx, son of Heinrich Marx and Henriette Marx, husband of Jenny Von Westphalen. He is survived by his wife Margaret and two daughters Eleanor and Laura. Karl Marx is known as the Father of Communism. He was a philosopher, historian and was an advocate of the revolution. In 1842 he was editor in chief of the Rheinische Zeitung a 19th century newspaper. He is known for his most famous writing the Communist Manifesto, written in 1848.

Sm it h , Adam Adam Sm it h , Ju n e 5, 1723 - 1790 passed aw ay at t h e age of 67 of illn ess. Adam Sm it h , son of Adam Sm it h an d M ar gar et Dou glas. Adam Sm it h w as a ph ilosoph er , edu cat or , jou r n alist , sch olar , econ om ist , an d polit ical scien t ist . In h is you n ger year s h e gave a ser ies of lect u r es at t h e Un iver sit y of Edin bu r gh His m ost f am ou s w or k is An In qu ir y in t o t h e Nat u r e an d Cau ses of t h e Wealt h an d Nat ion s in 1776 w h ich is t h e st u dy of polit ical econ om y.

Le Désespéré

Name- Le Désespéré Type- Romantic canvas painting Artist- Gustave Courbet

This piece of art is an example of a romantic painting from the time of the industrial revolution. A piece being romantic means that the artist focused more on the emotion of the painting and how it feels; whereas non-romantic painting focus more on reason and order. The man?s facial expression is conveying how he feels to the audience. The way that the artist uses the man?s hands makes his emotions feel more authentic and genuine. Le DĂŠsespĂŠrĂŠ, translates to ?The Desperate Man?. This relates to the time period of the industrial revolution by showing how people were desperate for a job and money in the new and adapting world of new technology and inventions. The way the author uses the art and the emotion to portray the struggles and desperation of the people in this time works well because of all of the aspects of the painting, including, the lighting, facial expression, body language, and clothing.

Th is pict u r e is of a par t of t h e or igin al scor e of Beet h oven's " M oon ligh t Son at a"

Song Name- Moonlight Sonata Composer- Ludwig Van Beethoven Era of Music- Baroque Instrument- Piano Beet h oven?s ?M oon ligh t Son at a? is on e of t h e m ost w ell k n ow n pieces in all of h ist or y. Th is piece br in gs h appy an d sad em ot ion s t h r ou gh t h e m ajor an d m in or k eys in t h e f ir st m ovem en t . Th e per f or m an ce don e by An dr ea Rom an o is am azin g, t h e piece is per f or m ed w it h per f ect dyn am ics. Dyn am ics in m u sic ar e h ow t h e m u sic is played. Som e exam ples of dyn am ics ar e, a gr adu al in cr ease in volu m e (cr escen do), a gr adu al decr ease in speed (r it ar dan do), an d t h e m an y volu m e m ar k in gs su ch as Pian o (Qu iet ), For t e (Lou d), an d M ezzo Pian o, an d M ezzo For t e (M ediu m Qu iet , M ediu m Lou d). Th is piece n ever get s bor in g as you list en t o it , it is alw ays m ak in g you w an t in g t o h ear m or e an d m or e, an d it is becau se of t h at t h at t h is son g is alm ost 15 m in u t es lon g. Beet h oven's M oon ligh t Son at a, per f or m ed by An dr ea Rom an o, is a gr eat son g t h at h as a lot of em ot ion an d w ill n ever get bor in g w h en you ar e list en in g t o it .

For Sale: The Spinning Jenny

Invention: The Spinning Jenny Inventor: James Hargreaves Price: $27.99 (Price May change due to shipping fees)

Are you tired of only using one spindle while weaving? Thanks to James Hargreaves now you don't have to with the new invention of the spinning j Jenny hitting the market for the first time. One day, Hargreaves was weaving and had the idea of improving weaving with one spindle. Hargreaves Spinning Jenny has eight spindles so that you can weave and make clothes at a much more efficient rate. Right now we only have one spindle that takes hours upon hours for us to weave and make clothes. Now with the Spinning Jenny's eight spindles it will take a maximum of 20 minutes to make clothes. Don't believe us? Buy one and try it out.

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For Sale: Power Loom consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed

diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero

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Invention: Power Inventor: Edmund Cartwright Price: $215.99 (Price may change due to shipping fee's)

Edmund Cartwright has just invented a revolutionary project that will change forever. Cartwright invented the power Loom. The power loom makes clothes at an efficient rate. Before the Power Loom all cloth was made by hand and it required many hours of labor. The power loom uses steam power so it requires little to no human labor. People like me and you should buy the power loom because instead of threading cloth by hand for hours now you can use the power loom to thread cloth at a much faster rate.

For sale: Steam Engined diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor

Invention: The Steam Engine Inventor: Thomas Savery Price: $2,000.00 (Price may Change Due to shipping fees)

The Steam engine has already greatly impacted our society. Before the steam engine it was not possible to move heavy objects from one place to another and if it was possible it required a lot of man power. Now with the steam engine all you need to do is put coal in a fire and it could move very heavy objects from one place to another. The steam engine has greatly impacted society already and now you could buy your own!

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