IR Impact on Women Period 6

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Impact on women dur ing t he indust r ial r evolut ion

FEATURES: - I saac singer


1- cover page 2/3- t able of cont ent s 4/5: feat ur e st or y: Issac singer 6/7: a change of r oles in womens societ y 8/9: what wave w ill be next ? 10 /11: now hir ing 12/13: ar t piece 14: ent er t ainment 15: for sale 16: most famous 17: t odays comic 18: wor k s cit ed Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Feat ur ing: Isaac Singer !


Isaac Singer American Inventor (1811-1875) Inventions: Rock Drilling Machine, Wood and Metal Carving Machine, Sewing Machine Some early t ries There were people who contributed to the invention of the sewing machine. Elias Howe, Thomas Said, James Edward Allen Gibbs, and a Frenchman named Thimonnier. However it was Isaac Singer who became famous and a household name across America and was known to most people as the inventor of the sewing machine. Singer?s Early Years Isaac Singer was born on October 17, 1811 in New York. In his early years, before the sewing machine, Singer invented and patented two other inventions, a rock drilling machine for the U.S. government and then decades later, a wood and metal carving machine. By 1850, while working as a sewing machine repairman he was put to work to fix a Lerow and Blodgett sewing machine. This sparked his first interested in the sewing machine and he was soon to set off to develop a superior model of his own. Success Singer was the first one to create the treadle, which left the operators hands free to help guide the fabric as well as the foot pedal. His machine was great , better than all those who came before him, stitching 900 stitches per minute..Not only was Singer a great inventor but he was a great salesman and businessman. He was ?introduced the installment plan of sale?, saying he wanted ?A machine in every home!? And though his hard work and dedication over 20 million sewing machines per year were made by in the U.S. by the year 1900. These sewing machines were sold across the globe and used in factories all over the world. ?In the history of the world the sewing machine has freed more women from the drudgery of manual labor than any invention to date? ?Isaac's inventions helped kick-start the growth that made America the first Super Power. His business techniques, salesmanship and entrepreneurial skill brought jobs to millions of people around the world and made Singer a household name.?[2. w w alot .com] 5

A change of r oles in womens societ y READ ALL ABOUT IT! Just in: The Indust rial Revolut ion, A Change of Women?s Roles in Societ y The Industrial Revolution first began in England during the 18th century and then spread to other places around the globe including the United States by the early 19th century. The Industrial Revolution was a time in history of great inventions and introduced new ways of manufacturing goods. Along with the effects to technology and science, it also brought changes to ways that people lived in society in general. One of the groups most affected during this time that experienced a lot of changes to their lifestyle and way of living were women. Before the Industrial Revolution women were expected to stay home and take care of children or run households. They basically had no rights, no right to vote or work. Women, just like a child, was dependent on the head of her household, either her husband or her father, to support her and her family. Women of the lower class were aloud to work as servants to upper class homes working as housemaids, nannies and cooks. Some women during this time worked as seamstress ?s making and altering clothes for women of the upper class. For the most part women did not work and had no paid profession. However with new advancements in technology during the Industrial Revolution, new inventions transformed production of goods and factories began to open to make products at a faster rate. W ith all these factories and production of goods, a bigger work force was needed. Industries like coal mines, textile and XXX began to hire women to work in their factories.. The clothing industry ??.shifted from a traditional role of women ?and resulted in women workers entering the workplace textile mills and the coal mines in large numbers. (thousands).(1)


Women began to become employed and paid for their labor, they soon found out that that they were not being treated equally. Common problems to be addressed included the jobs they were given within the factories, unequal pay and poor working conditions . On average women were paid half of what a man was paid.. and men still ??assumed supervisory roles over women?. (2) Women entered the workforce at a very young age, ?about 40% began working in the mills at age 10 or younger. (3) Women worked long hours sometimes over 80 hours a week, often under horrible conditions, that were unsanitary and dangerous. (2) Eventually women shared communication with each other through newspaper articles and holding rallies they banned together to change things. Eventually over time they things became better for women in general, gaining the right to equal pay, to vote and later maternity rights.


What wave w ill be next ?


The waves of our time greatly impacted us on how we live life today.The first wave was an agricultural type of wave and lasted from 8000 b.c through 1650 AD. It consisted of settled communities on cultivated land, villages and marriage and family. This wave had focused on more of the basics in life such as farming and family. As years passed, the 2nd wave began, and this wave was the industrial wave. This wave was a little more advanced and lasted 1650-1955 AD. It was a machine based culture, new inventions were discovered, there was a new development of cities, people worked for others, and people had public education. These were the main things that people focused on and made a huge impact on life back then. Now this bring us to the 3rd wavetechnology. This is our current wave and began in 1955. This wave focused on computer related technology. Birth control, white collar, and nun-nuclear families were all present during this time. As time goes on, things are always changing.W hat will the next wave be? Technological innovations and the internet has lead to global consecutiveness We are all are part of the information age, access to information at our fingertips at anytime.. With these changes we can see new products being built to support us and the way that we live. For example smart phones, smart cars, voice activated control of technology in our house etc. But this is now and what will be the next wave? Some people, including me, think that the next wave of technological innovation will be sustainability. Sustainability is defined as ?the ability to sustain?.or ,put another way, the capacity to endure?. One of biggest problems today is population growth, there?s too many people here on earth and Its only going to get more populated ???nine billion people are expected on Earth by 2050?. W ith all these people we have more waste (pollution), more people to educate, more people to house, more people to feed, and more people to take care of (hospitals) . We therefore need many creative people to come up with solutions to help the world with these problems and help people in the future sustain good healthy peaceful lives. The future of our society will depend on working together to come up with forward thinking innovations, services and commercial products. Today some sustainable products have only just started to show up. Some examples of sustainable innovations can be seen in countries such as Africa and Tunisia. In Africa (specifically Rwanda), they have ?mobile platform kiosks?where people can instantly charge their mobile devices, developed so that people can stay connected remotely. This is a perfect example of an technological sustainable innovation that is more of a ?service?so people don?t have to buy their own chargers, they can just go to a station to charge their phones or devices. [Sciencedirect .com] In Tunisia, the windmills that are used to create energy were killing birds and other wildlife so someone developed a ?Blameless?windmill.. Others, including the popular shoe store Adidas also came up with a sustainable product, ?? Adidas celebrated its new partnership with Parley for t he Oceans by unveiling the world?s first shoe with an upper made entirely of ocean plastic waste?. [sust]. We are in need of more creative innovations to be developed that support sustainability, so we don?t all end up having to live somewhere else?.like Mars!


Now hir ing: Seamst r ess


At tent ion all Seamst resses?.Seeking Young women age 10 to 30 years of age needed to work in Mr. Mills Dress shop! ?Please apply in person at 1825 Hampton Court street, Halstead South Essex, England. On 20, October 1845. 0800 hours. Please be prompt. Job description: ?Daily shifts from 0800 to 22:00 with an half hour tea break. Only healthy which are able to sew for long period of time may apply. Miss Havisham, the overseer will be at the establishment to greet all applicants in the mornings. If employed workers will be paid a weekly wage of: 8 shillings a week.?


Take a look at a beaut if ul ar t piece!


about thepiece ARTIST: Édouard Manet MOVEMENT: Realism (later Impressionism) NAME: A Bar at the Folies-Bergere (1881-82) Medium: Oil on Canvas

notes: Realism was an Art Movement that started in France during 1840 at the same time as the Industrial Revolution, and lasted into the early 1900?s. Artist focal point was on subjects from everyday life showing the truth of how they actually were living in society.

Realist painters such as Courbet, Manet, Millet and Breton all painted the middle class ( and the lower class (peasants) in everyday life situations. (1)The public and the academic community were shocked at the new raw/real portraits painted during this time. At first not liking these artists who used dark colors and values to paint. The public eventually got used to this style of painting, but at first rejected them. Manet?s art was considered modern for it?s time, ?His Formula of art (was) very new, and very personal (Earnet Chesneau, art critic 1882.)? (2).

The Evidence that supports that this is a Realist style of painting:

Subject matter: This is a perfect example of a subject which is a women working in everyday life situation. She is a barmaid or bartender of the working class.

Technique of the artist: The use of dark color was also typical of the Realist painter, not concerned with making things ?pretty? artists would focus on the raw truth of their subjects to exploit them on how they actually were. This ended up offending the upper and upper middle class who were not used to this type of painting style. Story: What is this painting saying about the time and what story does it tell? This painting shows us a picture of what it probably was like during the time of the Industrial Revolution, where women had entered the workforce. We can see here from the subjects face that she is a young tired looking woman who is not very happy in her work environment. A man, is her customer and his reflection is shown in the mirror behind her. The color pallet is painted in a dark values, with bold brush work that was typical of the Realist painter of that time period. 13

Now for some ent er t ainment ! Song: The Distressed Seamstress


(Sung to the air "Jenny Jones") You gentles of England, I pray give attention, Unto those few lines, I'm going to relate, Concerning the seamstress,I'm going to mention, W ho long time has been, in a sad wretched state, Laboriously toiling, both night, noon, and morning, For a wretched subsistence, now mark what I say. She's quite unprotected, forlorn, and dejected For sixpence, or eightpence, or ten pence a day. Come forward you nobles, and grant them assistance, Give them employ, and a fair price them pay, And then you will find, the poor hard working seamstress, From honor and virtue will not go astray. To shew them compassion pray quickly be stirring, In delay, there is danger, there's no time to spare,... The pride of the world is o'er whelmed with care, Old England's considered, for honor and virtue, And beauty the glory and pride of the world, Nor be not hesitating, but boldly step forward, Suppression and tyranny, far away hurl.


This song is directed to the gentlemen of England and writer of this song is asking people, men, to listen to his view. He thinks that the woman seamstress is being exploited and he is obviously concerned with not only long hours but poor pay too. 14

For Sale! FOR SALE!: Elect ric light bulb Our Lights will Light up your world! Are you tired of using oil lamps to light your way down the dark hallway? Are you sick of going to bed early in the winter because you can?t see? Ladies do you have trouble seeing to apply your makeup or powder your face,or do your hair? If you answered ?yes?to any of these questions, we have the product for you?. Int roducing Edison?s Light Bulb! With the invention of the new light bulb by Thomas Edison we will bring you: -

Light anywhere anytime Seeing means safety, Lights = a safer way to get around the house Saving on money - it?s expensive to use a gas lamp, buy a light bulb and save your money. Convenience. Our products are now being sold at local corner stores, we?ve expanded to a store near you...come and ?see?for yourself.

For just a small price of $1.00 per bulb you can own this fabulous new invention and try it in your own home. Don?t miss out get yours today! A new way of seeing...We will Light up your world! Please visit us at : General Elect ric stores for more informat ion or to purchase you very ow n bulb.

only one dollar !


Who wer e t he t op most famous people dur ing t he indust r ial r evolut ion? 1 Edison, Thomas (Light bulb, 1879) He was an inventor who invented and patented the light bulb. 2 Stephenson, George (Steam Locomotive,1830) He was a mechanical engineer who developed the steam engine. 3. Bell, Alexander Graham (Telephone, 1876) He was a Scottish inventor who invented the modern Telephone 4. W hitney, Eli (Cotton gin, 1793) 5. Singer, Isaac (Sewing machine, 1857) 6. Wallstone, Mary (1759-1797) Author of, ?A Vindication of the Rights of Women?early feminist movement writer. Her brochure "laid down a moral and practical basis for extending human and political rights to women. She was a pioneer in the struggle for female suffrage?.



Todays comic



Crunch ?Impacts of the the Industrial Revolution?

Women in World History, ?The Plight of Women?s Work in the Early Industrial Revolution in England and Wales? Textile Workers common wages, Seamstresses, Industrial Revolution Source: Hellerstein, Hume & Offen, Victorian Women: A Documentary Accounts of Women's Lives in Nineteenth-Century England, France and the United States, Stanford University Press, ?Economic Change and Sex Discrimination in the Early English Cotton Factories?, Galbi, Douglas A., March 8 1994 Art piece/painting souces: ?Édouard Manet Overview and Analysis.? The Art Story, artist-manet-edouard.html. Abrams, Harry N., The Easton Press. Manet, New York 1984 Picture source: (2). Manet, The Easton Press, 1984, page. 125 Roy Palmer, A Ballad History of England: Job web source: [, Textile Workers common wages, Seamstresses, Industrial Revolution] Feature article:, A&E Networks Television, . ?SUSSEX SEWING MACHINES.SEWALOT.COM HOMEPAGE.? SUSSEX SEWING MACHINES.SEWALOT.COM HOMEPAGE, Bellis, Mary, ?The Sewing Machine and the Textile Revolution?, June 21, 2017, Ad source: Williams, Ashley. Ad source picture: Image:

Top (6) Important People source:

Entertainment/Song Source: Seamstresses Industrial Revolution(Song of the Distressed Seamstress) Most important people during IR: ?Famous People of the Industrial Revolution | .? Biography Online, people/ famous/ industrial-revolution.html. [Su st ain abilit y,w w st ain abilit ,] London/New York/San Francisco] Pictures: bing

created by Ashley Williams

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