La Freccia EXPO - giugno 2015

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24 // SPECIALE EXPO 2015

This should be supported by specific nutritional interventions, medical assistance, clean water, hygiene and education. The second objective is access to food for everyone always. Promoting suitable farming practices and food systems alongside careful marketing policies, sustainable and productive working conditions and increasing local food production through open, fair and effective markets are required to ensure this can be achieved and halve the number of people suffering from hunger by the end of the year. The third objective is to ensure that all food systems are sustainable. Farmers, industries, cooperatives, trade unions and civil societies should adopt compatible standards and practices capable of withstanding climate changes. The fourth objective is to increase overall productivity and income for the two and a half billion small farmers who produce 80% of the food consumed in developing countries. Investments must also focus on empowering women, fishermen, shepherds, young people and native populations, improving land management and ensuring access to tools and resources. The last piece in this global challenge is to stop food waste, which has reached one-third of the amount produced. The final objective

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giorni del bambino è vitale per lo sviluppo delle sue capacità fisiche e mentali. A questo vanno affiancati interventi nutrizionali specifici, assistenza medica, acqua pulita, igiene e istruzione. Al secondo posto c’è l’accesso al cibo per tutti e sempre. Gli strumenti di cui dotarsi sono la promozione di un’agricoltura e di sistemi alimentari adeguati che devono andare di pari passo con attente politiche della commercializzazione, condizioni lavorative sostenibili e produttive, aumento dei nutrimenti prodotti localmente grazie a mercati aperti, equi e ben funzionanti. Tutto ciò per dimezzare entro l’anno la percentuale di chi soffre la fame. Terzo obiettivo: sostenibilità di tutti i sistemi alimentari.


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