Ingles bridges 7

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words in action

• CELI02 • CELI04

Nas seções anteriores, você refletiu e conversou sobre diferentes tipos de moradias e ouviu a descrição de uma casa. Agora, vai conhecer o nome de itens que compõem uma casa, de partes dela e algumas palavras que pode utilizar para descrevê-la.



2 Os alunos podem fazer esta atividade em trios para que comparem as palavras destacadas às imagens, fazendo eliminações e deduções que os ajudem a identificar a qual foto cada termo se refere.

1 Read another extract from the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In your notebook, write the best answer to this question: what is the excerpt about? […] ‘Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr Willy Wonka,’ said Grandpa Joe, ‘and asked him to […] build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.’ ‘Did Mr Wonka do it, Grandpa?’ ‘He did, indeed. And what a palace it was! It had one hundred rooms, and everything was made of either dark or light chocolate! The bricks were chocolate, and the cement holding them together was chocolate, and the windows were chocolate, and all the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate […]. […] DAHL, R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. London: Puffin Books, 2007.


a. A dream.

c. The description of an ordinary house.

b. The description of a palace made of chocolate.

d. The effort to convince someone.

Read these extracts from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again and from the audio in Listen Up! Then use the highlighted words to name the pictures below in your notebook. […] then we have a huge fridge.

And these are just cupboards and all these things…

[…] and the kitchen sink is. The bricks were chocolate […]

And then, mirror, of course, and it comes with toilet…

[…] so then we have window and tables and TV and then couch…


b. kitchen sink ARI N/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM


a. table


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