The Edge magazine 0915

Page 14

  Maitreya

continued from p. 8

disincarnated beings so that we may tune into them and gain from their experiences. You will be able to view the relics and, if you choose, also receive a blessing from one of the monks with a chalice containing relics placed over your head. During my first viewing of the relics, I watched with interest as those before me knelt for their blessing and were sent on their way. When my turn came, I did the same — and to my amazement, I was offered the opportunity to hold the vessel containing the relics. My hands shook and the tears flowed as I accepted the added blessing, and I left my body for a brief time. I watched carefully and did not see anyone else offered the same opportunity. The second time I viewed the relics, I was again offered the opportunity to hold them and was as emotionally overcome as the first time. Again, no one else during my visit was offered the opportunity to hold the chalice. “When is Maitreya going to reveal himself?” I began asking the question publicly and privately in the early months of 2013. I felt it was time. And then, a trip to Banff in June 2013 turned into one of the most magnificent adventures. While walking down the main street of Banff, I could feel someone staring deeply into me. As I walked closer to the person, I looked up and was startled to see him able to gaze clear into my soul and I could begin to see all my lives start to flow out towards him. This alarmed me, so I immediately drew in my energy field and quickly walked past him. I did not share this with anyone. The next evening, I again walked down the same street and experienced the same person staring at me. This time I was determined to face up to this challenge. I looked at him and could tell he was again seeing right into my soul and through all my lifetimes. What was amazing to me was that I could do the same with him. There were no barriers between us. We were one. That night in my meditation, I asked who he was — and he came to me. He said I knew who he was and I had asked for him to reveal himself to me. After some sparring back and forth, with me denying that I ever asked for anything like that, I had my “aha” moment. With my realization that this was Maitreya energy, he said “I am.” Lord Maitreya has been with me ever since, mostly for my private growth and development, but sometimes he gives me a message to put out for others. I was prompted to tell this story in hopes that it will compel you to support the Maitreya Project while it is in Minnesota. Many continued blessings. a Shirley Moore is a hypnotherapist, intuitive and spiritual coach based in White Bear Lake, MN. She is a teacher, healer, leader and resource. She speaks to your soul and assists you to re-member who you are: Divine Light. “What does Spirit want you to know?” she asks. Learn more about what Shirley offers the community at , call 651.815.5030 or email Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.


Breathe open a closed connection: consciously choosing, creating by Robert Winn We all have times when things aren’t going the way we expected in our day or in our lives. Maybe we feel anxious, frustrated or upset with someone or something. We feel closed off from the flow, like we are not supported by the universe. And this closed feeling is the perfect gift! It is a wake-up call from our soul: an intimate communication inviting us to “choose again” and reconnect. The truth is, our separation and suffering is optional. We know that we create our experience with our thoughts and the meaning we give to life’s events. Stress is caused by our judgments of and reactions to our circumstances, not the circumstances themselves. So, our constricted feeling is an opportunity to make a conscious decision: how do we want to experience life— open or closed, loving or and fearful? It is up to us to make the connection. After all, it was us who chose (often unconsciously) to disconnect. So, how do we get back home? Simple, we breathe. Like going to the mountains, forest or ocean to get some fresh air, we simply step outside of where we are in the moment — physically, mentally, and emotionally — and make the conscious choice to take a deep breath and let it go. Then take another, and another. Simply feel the breath coming in and going out. Merely shifting our breath will shift our

thoughts. When our breath flows, our perception becomes more fluid. We let go of our insistence and resistance. It is this easy to reconnect with the universe. Whenever we disconnect, we constrict our breathing. A deep breath will bring us back to our center. As we inhale, we fill our bodies with the oxygen needed to replenish our most basic physical needs, allowing the air to circulate within us. Exhaling, we release the old, that which no longer serves us. We let go and allow, releasing tension that constricts us. Deep relaxed breathing can take us gracefully into the stillness that lies at our center. We reconnect to the universe. So, feeling closed off can become a blessing, a transformative experience, once we become conscious of it and notice our tight shallow breath. We consciously choose to breathe deeply. Once we make the connection in our minds, our bodies know what to do and gently bring us back to the connection we seek. a Robert Winn, Spiritual Teacher and Transmutation Catalyst for 39 years, is the founder of Soul Breathing™ and an expert in Higher Consciousness and Body-MindSpirit Integration. He is a “Polarity Integrator,” a master of the spiritual ascension embodiment process: the synthesis of polarities to allow the integration of higher frequency light/consciousness to be available to the individual, the planet and the human race. Visit www. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

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