1968 Magazine: Fall & Winter 2022

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Where Past & Present Meet

AND 2021-22 ANNUAL REPORT 1968
Winter 2022

A defining trait of all teachers is the fact that they love to learn. As a lifelong educator, my eagerness and enthusiasm for learning new things has been central to my first few months at Burke. Like adapting to a new culture, there are endless traditions, rituals, and folkways to learn that give shape to a place. The richness and uniqueness of Burke has revealed itself to me in a variety of voices, places, and people.

I have been able to tap into Burke’s origins and the founding vision for the school that Dick Roth and Jean Mooskin set in motion in 1968, a vision that continues to have deep relevance today. have had the good fortune to meet with many faculty, staff, and administrators who were part of those early years and to hear stories of what has made Burke special. The alumni have also been a valuable source of insight and inspiration; their experience at Burke and how it shaped their lives has been a powerful reminder of the impact that the caring, passionate educators have on the young people in our care every day.

Burke’s past is very much alive in its present. have witnessed firsthand the joy and fellowship as many of the restrictions and constraints of the pandemic have lifted. Students have enjoyed PE class, athletics, and assemblies in the newly renovated (and air conditioned) gym, new classrooms, multipurpose spaces, and offices quickly filled with people and energy. My view from the back of classrooms, in the audience during performances, on the sidelines cheering on our teams, as a chaperone for a field trip, or even from the driver’s seat of a Burke bus, has afforded me the chance to see the school from multiple angles. The progressive ethos and participatory, egalitarian, and democratic ideals that are the core of our founding story remain visible and animated today.

Lastly, am hopeful and optimistic about Burke’s future. The healing from the violence of April 22 and the wellbeing of our community overall are at the heart of decisions about curriculum and assessment, student life programs, and the stewardship of our urban campus. am inspired by the resilience of our students; by the dedication and skill of our faculty and staff; and by the visionary leadership of Co-Presidents Dawn Chism P’21, P’24 and Kira Swenkci P’22, and everyone on the Board of Trustees, who have been great teachers for me as well..

I look forward to continuing my listening, learning, and leadership as the year unfolds.

1 Steve’s Study 2 Fall Retrospective 4 “The Names of Places” 7 “The More Things Change” 8 Independent Studies & Senior Projects 10 Year-End Events 11 Graduation & Moving Up 14 Class Notes 18 2021-22 Annual Report 20 Class of 2022 21 Day of Giving 24 Campaign Donors 25 Heritage Donors 27 Financials 28 Annual Giving 29 Auction // 1 Winter 2022 STEVE’S STUDY
Dear Burke Community,
Head of School

fall retrospective

From my vantage point, on the first floor of Hobbes, sandwiched between the drive aisle entrance and the conference room, I may not have the most scenic view. The monuments are nowhere in sight; the concrete-to-tree ratio skews toward the former; and my window is a prime place for students to knock post-dismissal. But I maintain that it’s one of the best spots at school.

I watch the Burke buses pull in each morning, bringing students from Suitland and Capitol Hill, from Greenbelt and Silver Spring, and from Arlington and Foxhall. (Have you heard that Burke students represent 65 different zip codes this year?) hear when the Red Line is predictably delayed, or someone caught the L2 just in time.

I catch the ebb and flow of conversations, mystifying jokes, and impromptu musical numbers on the stairs. And witness the spirited, but futile, arguments for riding the elevator “just this one time.”

Given my location, tend to field a delightful array of questions: are you the nurse? (Nope, Bruce is over there.) Do you have snacks? (Yes.) Can I park my bike right here? (Probably.) Have you seen my shoe? (Um.) Can I recap the plot of the book that just finished? (Always.)

After years of upheaval, and a spring that was violent and undeniably life-shifting, these mundane interactions, the predictable comings-and-goings in the early morning and late afternoon, are newly poignant.

There is no return to “normal,” but there is a return to routine, to more predictability in the chaos inherent to adolescence. This year, we can settle into patterns. We can carve out space to be creative and imaginative, to try a rigorous history elective or a new artistic discipline, to kick back on the 1st floor or in the Commons, and to play endless rounds of Uno in the Atrium. (Seriously, seniors, what’s with all the Uno?)

And that has always been true at Burke.

We make space here. For growing and changing, questioning and exploring, for talking and connecting in simple, casual ways. For trying different things, and for proposing strange and awesome projects. We make space just to be, and maybe play some Uno.

That all matters. And I’m fortunate to see a little of it each day.

- Julia H. Cain Director of Communications / 1st floor destination for sour patch kids and miscellaneous questions





HS Learning Specialist

California Lutheran University, MS, BA

“I grew up in Southern California, originally went to college at USC on a D1 swimming scholarship, and moved to this coast 12 years ago. Prior to Burke, worked for three years at a local Catholic school and for nine years at McLean School in Potomac. When it comes to free time, like to run, read, cuddle with my pup, play trivia, organize and collect vacuums. Yes, have 17 vacuums in a storage unit.”


6th Grade Core / English

Dartmouth College, BA

“Hello! I’m from Philadelphia but love the Mets – which made the last year I spent working at a K-8 school in New Jersey especially fun. I’ve been picking up lots of hobbies lately, including roller skating (and falling over), embroidery, and what call extreme podcast listening.”


HS English Johns Hopkins University, MFA

Emory University, BA

“I lived in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Baltimore before DC. Before coming to Burke, taught introductory and upper-level courses in The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins, and, prior to that, was an assis-

tant to the curators of a rare book library. I’m a poet and freelance book critic, and I also love spending time playing tennis, traveling to new cities, and exploring used bookstores!”


MS French

Michigan State University, MA, BA

“I grew up in Saginaw, MI, and came to Burke from Saint Luke School in McLean.

I enjoy spending my free time with my friends and family, cooking, going to the beach, walking my dog, and reading!”


American University, BA, MA, PhD

“I grew up in Galveston County, Texas, and studied history at American University. Before teaching at Burke, worked as a tour guide, sportswriter, and adjunct professor.

I spend my free time listening to music or playing basketball.”

DENNIS HATHORN Physical Education

The Citadel: The Military College of South Carolina, BS


Antioch University of New England, MS Dickinson College Degree, BA

“I grew up here in the DC area, and later moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. There, I spent many years as

an outdoor guide and an environmental educator before returning to the DC area to co-start The Howard Gardner School in Alexandria, VA. spend most of my non-working time outside as much as possible. run, camp, boat and rock climb. am really excited to join the Burke community!”



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MLS Howard University, BM

“I grew up in Southern California in the San Fernando Valley city of Sylmar, known for the 1971 Sylmar Earthquake. worked as a paraprofessional at Howard University Libraries, a Research Librarian at George Washington University, and aSchool Librarian at Military Road Early Learning Center (DCPS). Since adopted a 13-year-old Snoodle, have liked discovering new walking routes, neighborhoods, restaurants, and hotels that welcome both of us.”



Director of Auxiliary Programs / Admissions Associate University of Maryland, BS


Complutense University of Madrid, MFA

Polytechnic University of Valencia, MFA

Jorge Tadeo University of Bogota, BFA

“I grew up in rainy and hectic Bogotá, Colombia. Previously, I worked as Program Manager of an online art program called Youth Arts Movement (YAM), while also teaching visual and digital arts in Montgomery County Public Schools. I like to spend my free time making art, recording original music at home, or just playing the guitar or the piano. like seeing new art exhibitions in museums and art galleries, and traveling to new places. play soccer twice a week.”


Savannah College of Art and Design, MFA Rhode Island School of Design, BFA

Edmund Burke School welcomed the following administrators, faculty, and staff for the 2022-23 School Year: Painting by Campbell S. ‘25


One of the hallmarks of Burke has been the time dedicated to student affinity spaces. Affinity groups are brave spaces where everyone in that group shares a common identity. These groups are particularly important for people who have been historically underrepresented and marginalized. These meetings happen during community blocks every Wednesday and two lunchtime periods. We have 13 affinity groups that fall into four categories: racial, gender, sexuality, and religious. Within these groups students find solace in being in community with people of shared identities. In addition to being a supportive space, some groups worked on special projects.

A major project that emerged from affinity groups at the end of the 2022 school year was renaming the Thomas Jefferson Room in the high school to the Fannie Lou Hamer Room. Some students were long dismayed by a room at Burke being named after Thomas Jefferson given his sordid history of enslavement of Black people and inappropriate relationship with an enslaved woman named Sally Hemmings. His past was at odds with our mission of equity and our work around consent and sexual assault.

Two of the students who desired change were Leah Winston ‘22 and Yael Nemeth ‘22. Yael said she couldn’t understand how the progressive school that she attended since 7th grade ensured that she learned the complete history of Thomas Jefferson while still having a room named after him. They got approval from the former Head of School Damian Jones to pursue efforts to find a better role model for the room to be named after. Leah, who was an invaluable and integral part of student life and organizing at Burke, went to the Black Student Union to ask for their input on finding an exemplary role model. From that, Fannie Lou Hamer, a Civil Rights activist was chosen.

Fannie Lou Hamer, born in 1917 in Mississippi, fought tirelessly and risked her life for Black people to have voting rights in the United States. In addition to helping secure voting rights she also organized for better economic and educational opportunities for Black people in her community, the Mississippi Delta. One of the motivating factors for Hamer being an activist was being forcibly sterilized by a doctor without her consent, like many Black women at that time. Similar to Sally Hemmings, she endured a violation to her bodily autonomy and it feels restorative to have a room named after her. Leah stated that, “Fannie Lou Hamer was a resilient, determined, and effective organizer, activist, and leader. She inspires me through her courage in the face of adversity and her commitment to equity and justice for marginalized communities.”

Hamer is a person hope our students will look to for inspiration on being a changemaker. am hopeful this will happen because many of them, like Leah and Yael last year, are already passionately pursuing initiatives to positively contribute to their community. am looking forward to the greatness that will come from affinity spaces in the 2022-23 school year.

// 7 Winter 2022
Art by Kalea G.P. ‘21

The More Things Change

“One of the most significant changes has been carpeting in the High School; despite having 100 more students, it’s now quieter than when began!”


are flexible, and we focus on the people who are here now. We are constantly evolving, and we embrace that ethos of bringing your own interests to the table.”

“We were founded to be a school for the square pegs who couldn’t fit in the round holes. We are small and on a first name basis, and there’s no artificial divide. That family feel has stayed the same.”


Performing Arts Faculty, 1989-present

A resident of Upton Street at the start of his tenure, John is an alumni parent (Sam ‘11, Nora ‘14), soccer coach, and creative force behind Burke’s instrumental music and band program. He also performs in Takoma Jazz, alongside faculty members Eugenio Ibarz and Stacy Smith.

Longtime faculty and staff members reflect on what has changed and what endures over many years at school.

“We are no longer all crammed into the High School building, and we now have SIS [Student Information System] and iPads – they changed the way we do things, and yet they haven’t.”

“We had dogs when started in the late ‘90s and we have dogs now. But now we have an actual Dog Policy Before, it was just something people did.”


Director of Technology & Innovative Learning, 1998-present

While serving on the Administrative team, David continues to teach in the History department, including electives in Social and Behavioral Psychology. He was the Cross Country and Track & Field coach for many years, and he is currently an advisor for 12th grade.

“We are in the same location, [almost] the same size. We’ve made significant changes around the edges.”

“What we have always done is look at individual decisions for individual students, and do what is best for them.”

In addition to working with every Head of School in Burke’s history, Karen has advised the Black Student Union, serves as an Equity & Inclusion coordinator and a 9th grade advisor. She earned a BA and MA in Economics and occasionally has taught High School math.

“Years ago, folks had looser job descriptions. If there was a mailing, everyone was doing the mailing.”

“We have always been the place for the non-cookie cutter kid. We were accepting of kids from all different backgrounds, with diversity in its full definition ”

“Burke has established itself as we are, and we always manage to keep that in some form.”

“We have more diversity now among students and adults, which is a distinct positive change; we have more Black men on the faculty, and [past Head of School] Damian [Jones] being one of them was significant.”

“Assemblies are more organized. They used to be highly spontaneous.”

“In recent years, we have done a better job of addressing racial injustice within our walls.”

“The strength of the advisory program has remained the same. [With a different advisor in each High School grade], students have the opportunity to form relationships with more adults in the building.”

“Fundamentally, the adult/student experience is the most important, and they have time to know one another as human beings.”

BOB KULAWIEC Science Department Chair, 1998-present

An alumni parent (Adam ‘16, Claire ‘17), Bob has taught Chemistry and AP Chemistry to hundreds of students. He currently advises the Science Club, serves as a 10th grade advisor, and runs a robust YouTube channel, best known for “Determining the Formula of a Hydrate” (70K views).

“Faculty always have a willingness to help out when things get kind of funky.”

“When folks come to Burke, they love what it does and the relationships they establish here.”

Visual Arts Department, 2000-present

A native Washingtonian, Allen teaches digital + darkroom photography, and filmmaking at Burke, as well as Howard University (where he is also an alum). He is a 12th grade advisor, supports the Young Black Men affinity group and Burke Film Club, and is a prolific artist.

“Fire drills used to be more of a suggestion.”


Associate Dean of College Counseling, 2007-present

Last spring marked Danny’s fifteenth year at Burke, where he also was a member of the Leadership Program team for ten years and an 11th grade advisor for two, plus a stint as the Testing Coordinator.

“I’ve been here, at one school, for so long because we have support from leadership, and that support hasn’t changed. When it comes to leadership, Burke does have a track record of getting it right.”

“Stacy [Smith] often talks about filling your tank, and Burke is very tank-filling. Hearing all the different points of view from everyone here has helped me grow as a person.”

// 9 Winter 2022 8 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine
not a place of too many heavily-imbued traditions. We


• Solana Torres ‘22 engaged in a three-year-long independent study in Chinese, from 2019 until graduation, as she prepared to move abroad for college. This fall, Solana matriculated at Duke Kushan, a partnership between Duke University and Wuhan University

• Ten students in 10th-12th grade pursued independent studies in computer science this past school year, including Liam Widnell ‘22 who proposed building a Wordpress website from scratch and creating a custom theme. He first created a Ubuntu Linux server by installing the necessary software, then moved on to installing Wordpress and a MySQL database before focusing on Wordpress customization.

• Twelve students participated in the teaching assistant (TA) program last year, providing classroom, field trip, and project support in math, science, history, health, visual arts, and instrumental music.


Following a canceled Founders Day in 2020, a hybrid Founders Day in 2021, and a delayed event this past spring, Founders Day was back at last on May 27, 2022. Needless to say, the energy and the volume were high – and even parents were invited to join the festivities.

Early in the spring, students and faculty divided into inter-grade teams, each with a delectable cereal-themed name (“Fruity Pebbles” and “Frosted Flakes”), in line with this year’s theme. On the day, teams alternated between relay races in the Gym and lip syncing battles in the Atrium, complete with choreographed dances and props.

Relay components included “transport the 6th grader carrying a balloon” and “complete a three-legged race while falling only slightly less than one’s opponent.” Lip sync judges included faculty, administrators, and one of the numerous Class of 2021 alums who kept popping up.


In May, Lena Streitwieser ‘22 checked in from her past hometown (Berlin, Germany), where she spent her senior project period on a multimedia portfolio, writing:

“My senior project is a multimedia artistic portfolio surrounding the theme of “belonging.” I have explored this theme through creating various mini sketches, a collage, a drawing, a pen drawing, a watercolor painting, and a short film.

“My objective was to examine the ways in which belonging” is naturally represented in Berlin, the way I see it. Naturally, art is subjective, and may require some explanation at times if the artist wants their audience to fully understand the purpose and intention behind the work. That is why I have crafted descriptions for each of my art pieces that may help contextualize the pieces and ground them in the theme.”

The collage “Woher kommst du wirklich” (English: “where do you really come from”)


Vocal Music Concert featuring Advanced Chorus, Chorus & Singing in the Spotlight

Burke Bands at Blues Alley featuring Advanced & Intermediate Band at Blues Alley jazz club in DC

“High School Musical Jr.” featuring the Burke Middle School at American University’s Greenberg Theatre

The pen drawing “My heart hurts”

Community Art Show featuring mixed media, photography, sculpture, ceramics, and painting from students, faculty, staff, and alumni; organized by Allen Jackson (Visual Arts, Chair) and alumni Etienne Jackson-Jones ‘20, Kalea GeorgePhillips ‘21, Nick Crews ‘20 & Sofie Shore ‘20

Peruse the work in our online gallery: burkeschool.org/arts/special-projects



Fair for Languages Against Gun Violence:

On Wednesday, June 1, students and faculty from the World Languages Department celebrated French and Spanish-speaking countries through games, presentations, and food –and raised funds to support antigun violence measures. Students gave lessons in merengue, painted patterns from zapotec rugs, served cuisine marocaine, wove bahía bands, and presented on Aztec numbers and Mayan glyphs – as well as spoke passionately about reducing gun violence here in the District and sold 1,375 carnations to support their cause.



Recognizing this past school year’s leaders and grade representatives:

Co-Presidents: Ingrid G. and Jay S. ‘22 Secretary: Lena S. 22 Treasurer: Aidas P. ‘22

Grade Reps - High School

Hunter H., Shelby W., Sophia R. ‘22

Gabrielle B., Catherine R., Sanja O. ‘23

Carrie J., Jonah D., Riley D. ‘24 Aaron H. Miriam K. G., Nora S. ‘25

Grade Reps - Middle School

Lina B., Sydney J. ‘26

Jane P., Wyatt J. ‘27

Gabriel D. ‘28, Henry B. ‘28

10 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 11 Winter 2022


by Montanna Norman’22 University of Maryland ‘26


Class of 2022 Graduation

On Sunday, June 5, 2022, the Class of 2022 joined the ranks of alumni.

At the University of the District of Columbia’s (UDC) spacious Theater of the Arts, this year’s ceremonies featured seven student speakers, three band performances, and an address from Ty Hobson-Powell, Founder & Director of Policy for Concerned Citizens DC.

Outgoing Head of School Damian Jones P’20 and Chair of the Board of Trustees Sharon Davis P’19 awarded diplomas to the 50 members of the class, who have taken their talents, tenacity, and compassion to nearly 40 different colleges and universities – both in the United States and abroad, including Canada, China, France, Ireland, and Scotland.

Here is one of the times where I let my words flow candidly in my mind and allowed them to find me, as opposed to trying to find them before putting them on paper. Never did think time would fly by so fast. Four years feels so much like four months. It feels like only yesterday when eight of my peers and I walked into Sean’s 6th grade classroom, noticing new, unfamiliar faces, for the very first time.

During my seven-year career at Burke, have been graced with the most incredible teachers, who have all taught me with the utmost passion, care, and patience. They have helped me not only have successful years as a student, but extremely successful years just as Montanna. The interactions and memories have made with teachers, faculty, staff, and friends inside and outside of the classroom are always and forever, and that’s exactly how long I will cherish them.

I am forever grateful.

I would first like to allot this precious moment to thank my mom, dad, younger sister [Marli ‘28] grandfather, grandmothers, aunts, uncles and mentors. Thank you so much for the countless sacrifices you have made.

I appreciate you for instilling meaningful values in me, teaching me the importance of pairing my academic interests with my social justice passions and for doing absolutely everything possible to put me on a solid path to greatness. It never goes unnoticed. Thank you for always believing in me, even when I sometimes did not [...] The love I have for you all is immeasurable and no words could ever express my gratitude.

Over the past few years, I have also realized that my experiences at Burke and beyond were certainly not defined by the challenges of the pandemic. 2020 was all about self-cultivation, 2021 was fruitful, and honestly I’m still in the process of figuring out what 2022 has in store and that is perfectly okay. I’ve realized that my journey doesn’t always make sense

and it doesn’t always have a transparent direction, but nothing replaces the feeling of the growth in those moments.

The dimmer moments.

The “gots to see it through” moments. And those moments when I really thought I was starting all over.

Over the course of the last amazing seven years, I’ve truly realized that my goals do not care about my excuses. One of the many things that encourages me to improve each day is knowing my future is literally based on how make it. I’ve learned that life is not really a test. Instead, it is a learning curve and decisions and responsibility go hand in and hand.

look forward to giving back, taking my future and doing something big with it. I am so excited for new beginnings and bittersweet endings.

Burke School Magazine
Photos courtesy of Freed Photography
Excerpted from a speech delivered on

In the morning on Friday, April 22, Department Chairs for English, History, Math, Science, and World Language recognized graduating seniors who had achieved distinction in their subject and selected a senior from each discipline to reflect on their academic career to date. Those speakers were Lena Streitwieser (English), AJ Anderson (History), Jacob Zuckerman (Math), Leah Winston (Science), and Gabriel Brumberg (World Language).

Leah and Gabriel’s remarks are re-printed below.


AJ Anderson

Calvin Atchison

Ila Atkinson

Emilia Bouillon Glassman

Gabriel Brumberg

William Clyburn

Xiyao Di

Justin Edwards

Graham Eynon-Holloway

Lucy Geffen

Miranda Gentin

Alexander Gottron

Ingrid Gruber

Rachel Grupp

Leah Hall

Liam Hamilton

Margaret Hampe

Hunter Harold

Sydni Ming Hill

Jacob Jaffee

Gerzee Johnson

William Kenneally

Amelia Lashway

E. Lieberman

Lucca Maley

Elliott McMaster

Leila Nelson

Yael Nemeth

Montanna Norman

Max O’Rourke

Tabor Plunkett

Aidas Puskorius

Sophia Rasevic

James Sims III

Lena Streitwieser

Georgia Svoboda

Miles Tanner

Amos Toh

Kaixin Tong

Solana Torres

Emma Tucker

Ella VanStory

Anya Weller

Liam Widnell

Cameron Wilson

Leah Winston

Shelby Wright

Jacob Zuckerman

Rachel Zuckerman

Robert Zuckerman

On French: Finding My Way

of Chicago ‘26)

There’s an old joke I’ve heard many times that goes something like: If someone that speaks three languages is trilingual, and someone that speaks two languages is bilingual, what do you call someone that speaks only one language? American.

That may be a stereotype, but there’s also truth to it. Just one in five Americans can comfortably converse in more than one language.

Burke fights that stereotype head-on. In the rest of the country, one-quarter of high-schoolers will ever study a foreign language. At Burke, it’s 100%. It gets worse in college; just seven percent will ever enroll in a single foreign language class.

Burke treats foreign languages with the care they deserve. The school knows that studying languages is not just a practical undertaking to open up new worlds of communication, but also a vehicle for tremendous expansion in our cultural knowledge and understanding.

Spanish, with 40 million speakers in this country – heck, it shouldn’t even be called a foreign language. French is listed as an official language in the second-most countries in the world: 29 countries across five continents. And Latin. Well, I’m not really sure why anyone takes Latin. But you are building an understanding of the bones of numerous languages, and equipping yourself to jump into many classics in their original language.

Burke forces us to engage with these languages, even those of us that are reluctant. As we sit, grumbling over the conjugation worksheet we have to fill out, we are unwittingly being armed with the tools we need to communicate with millions of people and engage with entire worlds of culture and history. By the time we reach AP languages, we are having entire class-long discussions about anything you can think of in a new language.

love the department’s focus on conversation - putting yourself out there while speaking and explaining yourself even when you can’t always find the exact word. In fact, my French class this year is cramming to study for the AP exam because we’ve spent so much time just having fun in French: joking about ridiculously shaped motorcycles, gossipping about school drama, or sharing what we did over the weekend. All without a word of English. Usually.

Studying a foreign language at Burke has allowed me to help a lost Frenchman on the metro (true story). It has broken the secrecy of the only way my parents used to be able to communicate with each other without me understanding. It has allowed me to find my way through Paris and develop a relationship with a host family.

want to thank all the teachers in the world languages department for their work. To all of you, keep taking languages. Don’t worry too much about the worksheets, just try your best to speak and listen as much as you can. With some luck, we’ll make that stereotype old news.



Evolving Into Passion

I hated science. Well honestly, hated science class.

Before Burke, felt ostracized and out of place in my science classes. Then I got here, and while didn’t quite understand what was going on at first, could feel the difference in the culture. My teachers reviewed with me after school, answered all my questions with a smile, and hopped on Zoom calls to help me complete problem sets during a global pandemic.

The theme I quickly felt in the Burke Science Department is that no one is left behind.

My teachers have been committed to supporting their students as best they can. Committed to creating class environments where we feel safe to fail, to get the answers wrong, but try again and thrive. Attending Burke has been the first time I felt like I belonged in my science classes.

I now know that science is and should be for everyone. The innovations that we desperately need for the future can only occur if people from diverse backgrounds and life experiences are working together to change the world.

The greatest lesson that the Burke Science Department taught me was not about the mitochondria, acid-base reactions, or electricity – while those are important too. It was to not let the restrictions of my past hamper the trajectory of my future.

While I’m still not the biggest fan of Algebra, I can confidently say that my “hate” for science has evolved into a passion, love and career path – and I have all the teachers of the Science Department to thank for it.


As is the 8th grade tradition, our 31 members of the Class of 2026 gathered in the theater on Tuesday, June 7, to celebrate the conclusion of Middle School and mark the start of High School –through a ceremony that they had conceptualized and planned together throughout the spring, with guidance and support from Amy Cataldo P’23, ‘24 (MS Dean of Special Programs) and Susan Hearn P’14, ‘16 (Head of Middle School).

Brooklyn M. ‘26, Hilliard N. ‘26, Jay B. ‘26, Lina B. ‘26, Taylor S. ‘26 and Zuri K. ‘26 shared the hosting duties – and brought all the requisite flair and quips. Student speakers were Brooklyn, Jay, Mel A. ‘26, Rahaf A. ‘26, and Taylor, and the Middle School band performed three songs, concluding with “Lean on Me.”

14 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine




This September 16th and 17th brought another joyful, in-person Alumni Weekend! On Friday evening, over 120 members of the Burke community, including alumni, students, and parents, gathered at Nationals Stadium to cheer on the Nats in a game against the Florida Marlins. It must have been that lucky Bengal spirit that led our home team to a win that night!

Then, Burke grads spanning six decades gathered together on a beautiful Saturday evening for a rooftop reception on Burke’s fourth floor terrace, where we raised a glass in celebration of our milestone reunion years (classes ending in 2 & 7), and our alumni had an opportunity to meet and hear from Steve McManus.

Thanks to all those who joined us for a fun and festive weekend! We look forward to seeing you again soon!


Julia Robey Christian ‘94 announced that The Fuss just released their second full-length album, called “In Person!” Julia reports that The Fuss, “just did a little tour (Rochester NY, Ferndale MI, Chicago IL, Indianapolis, IN) ahead of releasing our album on October 8.” Formed in 2014, The Fuss is a dynamic ska and rocksteady band and has shared the stage with The Skatalites, The Toasters, The Pietasters, Eastern Standard Time, The Interrupters, Save Ferris, The Steady 45’s, JC Brooks & The Uptown Sound, The Scofflaws, and many more. thefussdc.com/listen/ Congratulations to Jessica Rice ‘03 and Ben Brokaw ‘03, who shared the wonderful news that they and big brother Teddy welcomed baby Daniel this past July.

Bella Bergman ‘18 has joined the team on the 1st floor of Hobbes, completing an internship in development and special events at Burke, while concluding her degree program at the University of Maryland. Welcome back!

Haverford College Athletics announced that “cross country sophomore standout” Katie Hirsche ‘21 was named FirstTeam All-Centennial Conference and to the Conference All-Sportsmanship team following a 7th place finish at championships. On November 13, Katie traveled to NCAA Division III Metro Regionals, where she took 5th out of 170 runners and qualified as an individual to the NCAA Championships.

Following the shooting on April 22 and before the new school year began, alumni and past faculty from across the decades penned notes to students – offering support, kindness, and encouragement for the coming year. Above are excerpts from Lisa Grove ‘72, Pam Herath (past faculty), Ruby Kules ‘18, Laura Sahm ‘03, and Jessica Seidman ‘98.

Graduation for the Class of 1972, outside the old Wyoming Avenue building; Lisa Grove ‘72 front row center, holding a young Siobhan Roth ‘88 and P’26 & ‘28


Noah Philip MacMillan ‘07 died peacefully on July 31 at his childhood home in Takoma Park, MD, surrounded by the love of his family.

Son of Lucinda Leach (longtime Burke faculty member), Noah was a dedicated illustrator, marathon runner, soccer player, killer chef, and ardent Arsenal fan. He was a gentle giant who could also throw down on the dance floor. He was always up for adventure and loved learning more about the world in ways both big and small. Noah’s vibrant illustrations and murals can be seen around the US, from downtown Chicago to the City Museum in St. Louis.

On October 24, the US Postal Service revealed the new stamp designs for 2023, including a stamp celebrating US Women’s Soccer, illustrated by Noah – ensuring his beautiful work will endure, far and wide in the country.


When the pandemic interrupted her service in the Peace Corps in Belize, Maggie Eckerson ‘14 returned to the United States and ultimately joined AmeriCorps for two 10-month sessions, first in the National Civilian Community Corps and then Volunteers in Service to America.

Just two years later, Maggie received two United States Presidential Volunteer Service Awards and the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award in a ceremony at the White House, hosted by President Biden. To be eligible for the latter award, individuals must record more than 4,000 hours of volunteer service.

Alejandro Veracruz, Q’eqchi Language & Cultural Facilitator in Peace Corps Belize, reported that “[Maggie’s] interest in pursuing a career in service was sparked by Burke’s service program and I hope the Burke community is proud of the profound impact it has had.” He added that Maggie also received a job offer to become an FBI Investigative Specialist.

16 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 17 Winter 2022
EVENTS Save the Date! December 15 Young Alumni Open House at Burke (for college alumni) December 28 Thanksgiving Alumni Basketball Game (all alumni and families welcome!) January 4 Alumni Holiday Party (for alumni 21+) April 15 Burke Auction for Financial Aid (for alumni 21+) ALUMNI NEWS
Photo Credit: Jeffrey MacMillan

Dear Burke Community,

As we reflect on the 2021-22 school year, it feels nearly impossible to articulate the multitude of emotions that we know that we share with our Burke family. We continued to persevere through far-reaching challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the incomprehensible events of April 22; it is easy to be overwhelmed by what we have experienced. But as much as our world and our school have endured, we have never lost our sense of community, and in fact, our resilience has made us collectively stronger than ever. As we move forward together with joy, hope, and Burke Love, the light of our community burns so brightly. We are immensely grateful to each and every one of you that stand with Burke and support the school in so many ways. You are what allows us to remain the very special community that we are, and there is certainly much to be proud of!

This past spring, we were overjoyed that the newly-renovated spaces made possible by the historic $6 million Stand with Burke Campaign were officially completed and opened for our community to enjoy. These renovations to our original building space in Mooskin-Roth Hall have allowed us to truly utilize all square footage of our urban campus to its fullest potential. It has been so gratifying to see students enjoying additional community and classroom spaces, a fully renovated and air conditioned gym, a brand new fitness center and locker rooms, and a new servery area for lunch. Faculty are thriving in their much-needed new office spaces, and we are proud of the improved accessibility on all floors of the building. We look forward to finalizing plans and commencing some external renovations in the near future.

The end of this last fundraising year concluded most of our campaign pledges. We are so very grateful to all who contributed. As we embark on a new year, we hope that our community will continue to make inspirational commitments to Burke.

This was once again a record-breaking fundraising year on more than one front. Burke’s second annual Day of Giving inspired over 300 Bengals near and far to contribute nearly $127,000 to Burke’s Annual Fund. If that wasn’t enough to celebrate, April 9th’s Auction for Financial Aid certainly was! Your generous donations enabled us to raise nearly $400,000 for Financial Aid. These incredible achievements illustrate your devotion to Burke.

Following the events of April 22, the most difficult time in Burke’s history, we were overwhelmed by the swell of outreach from our Burke family, seeking a way to support our school. After careful consideration, we established Burke’s Fund for Restoration, Healing, and Joy. We are truly grateful to all those who have made gifts to this fund. Your kindness will enable us to provide joy and healing to our community in the coming months and years.

At the end of this last school year, we closed one chapter as we said farewell to Damian, who shepherded us so well through eight years of Burke’s history. We could not be more grateful for his service, leadership, and partnership and wish him continued success in his next journey. And, as we began this new year at Burke, we opened the next chapter of our book, welcoming our new Head of School, Steve McManus. This is undoubtedly an important moment in our school’s history, and we are proud to have Steve at the helm. Over these last several months, we have been nothing less than impressed and delighted by Steve’s connection with the members of our community, how he has absorbed what makes Burke, Burke, and his enthusiasm for helping to lead Burke fearlessly (and thoughtfully) into its next era. We are thrilled to partner with Steve to make Burke’s future a bright one.

With much to look forward to, we are excited to embark upon this new chapter in Burke’s story. We are encouraged by the tremendous culture of engagement, support, and care within our community, and are delighted that we have the opportunity to partner with you to continue to help Burke move forward.

Finally, to each of you listed among these following pages: please accept our personal thanks for the exemplary ways in which you have supported our school. We are grateful, and we celebrate you!

With Gratitude, Dawn Chism P’21 ‘24

Co-President, Board of Trustees

Kira Swencki P’22

Co-President, Board of Trustees

// 19 Winter 2022 21-22 ANNUAL REPORT
Edmund Burke School Magazine



Kai and Karena Anderson

Daniel and Laura Atchison

Roderick and Catherine Atkinson

Daniel and Laurie Brumberg

Christopher and Lisa Edwards

Jill Eynon

Daniel and Roxana Geffen

Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg

Lisa Green Hall

Carl and Frances Hampe

Jane Holloway

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Joel and Thonya Nelson

David and Jessica Nemeth

Travis Plunkett and Alison Jones

Rimas and Ruta Puskorius

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Steven and Emma Svoboda

Evan Tanner and Adriana Delgado

Sharone and Seng-Guan Toh

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

Elizabeth VanStory

David Weller and Laelia Gilborn

Nicholas and Kathleen Widnell

John Wilson and Katherine Scoville

Walter and Marjorie Winston

Landon Zee ‘90

Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman


It has been a longstanding tradition that the families of the graduating class join together in support of a special class fundraising effort in commemoration of their students’ accomplishments and in recognition of what Burke has meant to them. Parents from the Class of 2022 wanted to leave behind a gift that would contribute to the eventual reimagination of Burke’s outdoor space outside of the older building on Upton Street, helping to make it an inviting place where members of the community can gather and share time together.

Congratulations, and thank you to the Class of 2022 graduates and their families!

College Matriculation

Class of 2022

Boston University

Bryn Mawr College

College of Charleston

Dickinson College

Duke Kunshan University

Elon University

Emory University

Fordham University (3)

Franklin and Marshall College

Indiana University

Lafayette College

McDaniel College

New York University

Northeastern University Old Dominion University

Pennsylvania State University (2)

Rutgers University

Savannah College of Art & Design

Temple University (3)

The New School: Parsons School of Design

Toulouse Business School

Trinity College Dublin / Columbia University

Tulane University

University of Arizona University of British Columbia

University of California - Davis (3)

University of California - Los Angeles

University of California - San Diego

University of Chicago (3)

University of Denver (2)

University of Maryland - College Park

University of Miami

University of St Andrews

University of Vermont (2)

University of Virginia

Ursinus College

Vassar College



In December 2021, Burke held its second annual Day of Giving and far exceeded the previous year’s Day of Giving successes! This community heeded the call, and we quickly sailed past

$20,000 challenge grant from Kira Swencki and Mike Mihalke P’22. Then, things got even more exciting when we crossed the 300 donor mark, exceeding a secondary participation goal of 250 and securing a bonus challenge grant of $15,000 issued by an anonymous alumni supporter. There were additional generous challenge gifts for each and every current parent class, as well as for alumni and past parents — and the challenges were all met, and in many cases exceeded. When the day came to an official close, nearly $147,000 was raised in support of Burke’s Annual Fund. We are incredibly grateful to our Burke family — near and far, past and present — for showing up as members of “Team Burke” during this special day. Your collective participation allows us to ensure the school’s ability to remain nimble and to respond to the immediate and long-term needs of our students, teachers, programs, and operations. Together, we are TEAM BURKE!

All donors who participated in the Day of Giving are listed within the Annual Giving participation lists, as well.

Nearly $147,000 raised

We are all Team Burke!

Over half of the dollars raised during the Day of Giving are attributable to advocacy: participation in challenges and matches, link sharing, and volunteer outreach.


of 250 donors)

20 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 21 2021-22 Annual Report
300 donors (exceeding our initial participation
goal of 200 donors and our second participation goal
Anonymous Alexandra Clark Abdelatey ‘90 Naomi Abera and Alemseged Debele Isabel Albores ‘19 Sarah Armstrong Alex ‘88 Robert and Chao Ambrosi Anna Anderson ‘04 Dylan Andresino ‘19 Judyth Andresino Maya Andresino ‘17 Julia Andrews Chary and Maia Annaberdyev Halley Ascher Ginger and Archie Attarian Beth Bartel and Christopher Miller Susannah Baruch and Seth Green Andrew Beck and Claire Sharp Steven Beckman and Rachel Ritvo Mary Bednar Julie Bindeman Belgard ‘96 Harvey and Stephanie Benjamin Marc and Sharon Bennett Frederick and Bethany Bentley Daniel A. Berkman Clara R. Bertaut ‘13 Eddie and Jeanne Black David Bowman and Jennifer Roush Antonia Brathwaite-Fisher Patricia Bredthauer R. Emery Bright and Lisa Veneklasen Douglas L. Brown Daniel and Laurie Brumberg James and Laura Brunetti Aleria Butler Andrew Campbell and Monica Lypson Jordon Daley Cardone ‘77
Carter and Elizabeth Herrington


Jack and Barbara Kelley




Walter and Jennifer Cerna

Dawn Chism

Emilio and Wendy Cividanes

Arnold and Sue Cohen

Jaime Cohen ‘97

Neal Cohen and Briana Maley




Dan Cook and Aynat Ravin

Michael Craig ‘90

Joseph Craugh, III and Pamela Arluk

Victoria Croog

Yvette Cuenco

Kyle and Jennifer Danish

Jonah G. Davenport


Gregory Davis

Jamilah Davis

Jonathan and Julie Davis

Michael and Madelyn Davis

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Mary Claire Delaney ‘91

Takisha Diaz

Fergus and Kristen Donaldson

Ashley Donovan ‘02

Jeffrey Dorn and Airi Maeno

Ruth Ellis and Thomas Styner

Andrew Emery ‘86

Jeremy and Allison Evans

Sarah Evelyn ‘88

Andrew Ewalt and Emily Beckman

Kelly Falk

Khaled and Laura Farhang

Andrew Ferguson and Alissa Starzak

Dante and Catherine Ferrando

Danielle Feuillan ‘87 and Lee Benaka

Toya Fisher

Bryan and Patricia Flynn

Ruffin and Sandy Franklin

Elise Friedland


Daniel and Roxana Geffen

Richard and Victoria Gersten








Keith and Mary Ann Kenney

Kyle Kenney and Carla McKinney

Finley Kernan-Schloss ‘06

Julia Kernan-Schloss ‘06

Walid Khuri and Eleanor Smith-Khuri

Junga Kim and Soong Sup Lee

Daniel and Stacey Kohl

Fernando and Kate Laguarda

Marc and Lauren Laitin

Kyra Layman ‘21

Paul Legere and Melissa Kimball

Carrie Siler Levy ‘89

David Lewis

Michael-Anne Lowry

Aaron and Noriko Maitland

Isabel Manalo

Bonnie Mandell

Joshua Mandell and Carolyn Reynolds

Lauren and Lynn Mandell

Jason Manning and Anita Sharma

Jerome Marindin ‘88

Marcia Markowitz

John Martin and Jill Lawrence

Doug and Kathleen Pagliaro

Eric and Elizabeth Paisner

Elizabeth and Louis Paladino Joan Parker

Stoff Smulson ‘88 Daniel Spelta Eleanor C. Spivey ‘01

Frank Spradley

Lydia Placid

Elizabeth Pleshette

Mark Stacey ‘90 and Jill Stacey

Steven and Catherine Stanzione

Lisa Stewart

Robin Stolk

Daanen Strachan and Shaunda Patterson-Strachan

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Max Streitwieser ‘20 Emmanuel and Wendy Sturley Shaochen Sun ‘20

Steven and Emma Svoboda

Kira Swencki and Michael Mihalke




Jacob Heilbrunn and Sarah Despres

Allison Hendricks ‘87

Eugene and Esther Herman

Melissa C. Hill

Keith and Holly Hinderlie

David and Denise Hunt

Joan Husted

Jason Hutt and Maria O’Donnell

Neil and Angela Jaffee

Bonita James

John Jenkins and Joseph Catlett

David Johnson and Kara Strong

Alexandra Jones ‘14

Benjamin and Elizabeth Jones

Bruce Jones and Elizabeth Cousens

Damian Jones and Tasha Jackson-Jones

Hal and Anne-Lise Jones

Susan Kay Jones

Kathleen Kaupp Rachel Keen

Nicholas Keenan and Marie Collins

Peter and Susan Keisler

Ezra Martin-Rosenthal ‘19

Andrew Mascolino ‘91

Kate Maskarinec

Kenny McCombs ‘91 and Mel McCombs

Andrew McGuire and Barbara Rutland

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Jose Mejia and Pamela Roberts

Peter Mellen and Valerie Parker

Peter and Carol Mellen

Barton and Jane Meroney

Christopher Miller

Louise Millikan

Maureen and Alexander Minard

Mia Montgomery

Stacy Moseley

Justin and Alicia Moyer

Jon Nathan and Dora Chen

David and Jessica Nemeth

John and Rachel Niles

Mitchell and Camille Norman

John Norris

Rachel O’Malley

Daniel and Ashley O’Neill

Benjamin Oko

Michael and Jennifer Oko

Evan Tanner and Adriana Delgado Howard Toorie

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

Ky Tran-Trong and Allison May Lenora Tynes

Christopher VanArsdale and Kat Song Oliver VanArsdale

Maelene Watson

Aimée Perez Weil

Nathan S. Weisbrod ‘21

Stephen Weisbrod and Elizabeth Singer

David Weller and Laelia Gilborn

Scott Whipple and Ann Hoog Donald White ‘86

Kevin Willcutts and Beth Foster

John Wilson and Katherine Scoville Savannah Windham ‘12

Walter and Marjorie Winston

David and Jennifer Wiseman

Steve Wishod and Jennifer Lowe

Zachary J. L. Wishod ‘25

Sarah Pollinger Wockley ‘87

Kelvin and Vangie Wright

Joy Zarembka Landon Zee ‘90

22 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 23 2021-22 Annual Report
Thomas and Elizabeth Crafford Cataldo and Stuart Turner Colbert and Jill Jackson Compton and Mary Cutter Connelly and Elaine Fitch Davidson and Erin Sheehy Gault-Brown and Barbara Gault Richard Giardina and Michele Sampson and Jonica Gibson Gifford ‘89 and Angela Gildner Glatt ‘75 Rachel Glick ‘97 Glick ‘75 Godwin and Isabel Gottron Gray and John Chesley Green ‘21 Mark Green ‘86 Sabrina De Jesus Greenman ‘97 Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg Stephen Hage and Mary Faint Priscilla Hailey Lisa Green Hall Jonathan Haray and Stacy Beck Julia Harman Cain Keith and Shelby Harper Joshua Hart ‘97 Benjamin S. Hartheimer ‘15 Joyce Hearn Susan Hearn and Michael Desautels W. Hearn-Desautels ‘16 Matison A. Hearn-Desautels ‘14 Heidepriem-Baird
James and Caitlin Oppenheimer
Adjoa Oriyomi and David Randolph
Yumiko and Atsushi Oshima
Michael Oyugi and Sydnye White-Oyugi
Jonathan Parker and Tierney Hunt Gretchen S. Peters Marna Peters
Antony Petrilla and Cathleen Carpino
Travis Plunkett and Alison Jones Jeffrey Price ‘85
and Ruta Puskorius Sigita D. Puskorius ‘21 Jennifer Kozak Rawlings D. Britt Reynolds Eleanor Robb ‘12 Amber and Jeffrey Roberson Paula Robinson Roxana Robinson Martine Rodriguez Kwesi and Tiffany Rogers Larissa Rogers Eric Rosenthal and Jeffrey Menzer Sam Ross and Ann Nelligan Dick
Pat Roth Siobhan Roth ‘88
Joe Fiorill Howard
Nan Rubin Jacob
Dana Rubin Paul Ruppert and Sarah Buscher Nathan L Saindon ‘17 John and Victoria Salmon Sasha Samberg-Champion
Rachael Yocum Daniel Sarewitz and Erica Rosenberg Joe
Suellen Savukas Jason D. Schloetzer Martha Schloetzer Ronald Schneck and Laura Lauth Schneck Yael R. Schoenbaum ‘16 Carl D. Sciacchitano ‘05 Gabriel Scribner ‘15 Daniel and Kristin Searing
Seejattan-Forrester ‘20
Joanna Pumple ‘03 Rimas
Cynthia Bryant
Tasha White-Sims
Elizabeth Sislen
Brian Smith
Jane Shrewsbury Benjamin Simmons and
‘98 and
Stacy and
Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman Michael Zuckman ‘90


5 Years or More

Richard Albores and Louellen Stedman

Judyth Andresino

Julia Andrews

We are especially grateful to our Heritage Donors for their continued commitment to Burke. This list represents a group of dedicated individuals and foundations who have supported Burke consistently over many years. Gifts from these donors are a meaningful symbol of Burke’s importance in their lives. We deeply appreciate their ongoing support of Edmund Burke School.

Sarah Armstrong Alex ‘88

Kai and Karena Anderson

Jane L. Angarola

Svein and Michele Backer

William and Olivia Baker

Benjamin and Anne Barnes

Jennifer L. Bauduy

Daniel A. Berkman

Rachel and Steven Braun

35 Years or More

Charles Campbell ‘73

Caroline and Bob Lyke

Jean Mooskin and Monica Miracky

Dick and Pat Roth

Ann Imlah Schneider

Alice H. Trowbridge

Thomas and Kay Wells

Susan P. Willens

30 Years or More

Walter Ailes

Allie and Ellen Ash

John and Jackie Hunt

Peter and Dilyns Lande

William and Sheila Moore

Saul and Mercedes Rothman

25 Years or More

Mary C. Clute

Donna Damico

Tony and Marjorie Elson

Danielle Feuillan ‘87 and Lee Benaka

Richard Fieldhouse ‘76 and Ann Fieldhouse

Sarah Gifford ‘89

Araceli A. Gonzaga

William Gruen and Margaret McDonald

Thomas and Donna Hart

Judy Hill ‘73

Nigel Hinshelwood and Teresa Ahmann

John Howard and Mary Ann Bittner

Cynthia McCarther-Parker

David Plocher and Mary Brittingham

Sam Ross and Ann Nelligan

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joe Fiorill

Steven Salky and Gail Ifshin

Ronald Seele and Michelle Fill-Seele

Lila D. Suna

Thomas Thomas and Theresa Clifford

Robert Vigersky and Karen Fitzgerald

Peter Winkler and Barbara Kraft

20 Years Or More

Ginger and Archie Attarian

Peter Cohn ‘82

Mark Colley and Deborah Harsch

Brendan Harrington

Robert Hartheimer and Nancy Golding

Susan Hearn and Michael Desautels

Gilbert and Elizabeth Kaplan

Mahmoud Katirai and Shahla Panbechi

Adam and Lucy Kernan-Schloss

Robert Kulawiec and Suzanne Michel

James and Karen Langford

Regina S. Litman ‘70

Geralyn Krupp Lobel and Martin Lobel

Jonathan Moreno and Leslye Fenton

David Panush and Nicole Lindquist

Eric Rome and Ruth Ticktin

Richard Seltzer and Grace Lopes

Stacy and Brian Smith

Bryant Withrow and Elizabeth Casey

15 Years Or More

Amanda Bozarth

Rhoda Bush

Amy Cataldo and Stuart Turner

Stephen and Jeannette Dubrow

Andrew Emery ‘86

Larry Forrester and Elsa Newmyer

Kenneth Geller and Judith Ratner

Gail Guttman

Joyce Hearn

Joanne Hurt and John Moore

Dr. Tawann P. Jackson

Bruce Lerner

Andrew and Linda Loewinger

Wallace Mlyniec and Abby Yochelson

Michael Pafford and Kali Collins

Anders Sandstrom and Barbara Lee

Benjamin Sislen ‘98 and Elizabeth


Eugene Sofer and Judith Bartnoff

Daniel Weiss and Anne Stewart

Chuck Wexler and Jan Hirshberg

William and Serena Wiltshire

Landon Zee ‘90

10 Years or More

Richard and Emily Alexander

Chary and Maia Annaberdyev

Robert and Ann Baker

Susannah Baruch and Seth Green

R. Emery Bright and Lisa Veneklasen

Nicholas Carson Alison Denton Jones ‘94

Stephen and Jeannette Dubrow Kelly Falk

Sean Felix and Jeannine Marino

Gil Strobel and Janine Goodman

Michael and Rena Gordon

Rebecca Gray and John Chesley

Meredith Jason

Nicholas Keenan and Marie Collins

Peter and Susan Keisler

Fernando and Kate Laguarda

Richard Landfield

Morgan Landy and Katharine Landfield

Benjamin P. Leubsdorf ‘04

Robert and Linda Lorndale

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Maureen and Alexander Minard

David and Jessica Nemeth

Bernard Ohanian and Kate Kelly

Elizabeth and Louis Paladino

Jennifer Kozak Rawlings

D. Britt Reynolds

Joshua Rosenbaum and Wendy Meltzer

David Sahr and Lori Milstein

Daniel Spelta

Joseph Taylor and LaNilta Farrior-Taylor

Scott and Linda Weidman

Stephen Weisbrod and Elizabeth Singer

Daniel and Laurie Brumberg

John and Lucia Cataldo

Haining Chen and Huili Guo

Dawn Chism

Jennifer Chudy

Wilbur Chung and Rachelle Sampson

Emilio and Wendy Cividanes

Joseph Clark and Keisha Streeter-Clark

Maxine Clark

Thomas and Elizabeth Crafford

Gregory and Jeannie Crist

Kyle and Jennifer Danish

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Ronald Del Sesto and Rachel Tillman

John and Sandy Dewey Daniel Donovan

Lori Donovan

Russ and Judy Dulaney

Helen Dyson

Peter Eisler and Margaret Hall

Ruth Ellis and Thomas Styner

Susan Feldman

Kevin Forde

Jim Gagne

Carlos Garcia and Lucinda Eng-Garcia

Andrew and Kim Gentin

Richard and Victoria Gersten Wayne and Jonica Gibson

Stephen and Diana Goldberg

Tobias Goldstone ‘92

Jeffrey Goodell and Beth Kanter

Frank and Isabel Gottron

Jacob Heilbrunn and Sarah Despres

Eugenio Ibarz

Charles and Tanjam Jacobson

Neil and Angela Jaffee

Robert and Marie Jefferson

John Jenkins and Joseph Catlett

Susan Kay Jones

Damian Jones and Tasha Jackson-Jones

Phillip Kemelor and Donna Blum-Kemelor

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Junga Kim and Soong Sup Lee

Norman and Wendy King

Karen Klautky

Daniel and Stacey Kohl

Brett and Janet Lambert

Carrie Siler Levy ‘89

Ryan and Jenny Lipford

John Martin and Jill Lawrence

Alexis LS Martina

Kate Maskarinec

April and Larry Mathis

Brendan McEntee ‘06

Elliott McEntee and Karen Bopp

James and Lisa Means

Peter Mellen and Valerie Parker

Karen E. Mitchell ‘78

Juan Morillo and Kai Luigend-Morillo

Joel and Thonya Nelson

Steven and Gayle Neufeld

Tania Nkungula

Mustafa Nusraty and Molly Rohal

Steven O’Rourke and Anita Cicero

Barry and Cheryl Ohlson

James and Caitlin Oppenheimer

Richard Mirsky and Donna Orem Mirsky

Michael Oyugi and Sydnye White-Oyugi

Kateryna Paliy and Clayton Richey

John Parachini and Hadley Boyd

Charles A. Parker

Thomas and Charlotte Peddicord

Rimas and Ruta Puskorius

Robert Raven ‘78

Amber and Jeffrey Roberson

Martine Rodriguez

Daniel Running and Lillian Mattiaccio

Wan Ryu

JD Sand

Daniel Sarewitz and Erica Rosenberg

Joe and Suellen Savukas

Sarah E. Schriber

Vidya Seejattan

Peter and Pamela Sheridan

Debbie Shore

Michael Lewis and Linda Singer

Terry Snyder and Jennifer Pharaoh

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Kira Swencki and Michael Mihalke

Nancie Thomas

Andrew Thompson and JoAnn Zinn

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

David and Audrey Walker

John Walsh and Joan Alker

Kevin and Georgia Weaver

David Weller and Laelia Gilborn

Nicholas and Kathleen Widnell

Monique Willard

Carole Yanofsky ‘83 and David Anderson Nathan Zee ‘88

Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman

24 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 25 2021-22 Annual Report


Mystery Solved, and Record-Breaking Dollars for Financial Aid Raised!

On Saturday, April 9, the Burke community gathered for the very long-awaited return of an in-person Auction for Financial Aid Burke’s campus was transformed into the Clue mansion, and guests enjoyed musical performances, tasty eats, and joined in to help solve the mystery to rescue the Bengal from a sticky end (Whodunnit?! Turns out it was Mrs. Peacock!). Not only was there record-breaking attendance (our biggest crowd to date!), but together, we raised record-breaking funds for the school’s Financial Aid Program — nearing $400,000!

A highlight of the evening was the paddle raise for Financial Aid, which this year was held in thanks and celebration of outgoing Head of School Damian Jones. The Burke community — both in the Clue mansion and virtually from destinations near and far — dedicated over $190,000 in honor of Damian and his many contributions our school.

We are so incredibly grateful to all of the members of the Burke community who helped us pull off an event more exciting than we could have imagined. Your generosity of time, talent, and financial support help us to continue to ensure that our students and families continue to have the resources they need to experience a Burke education.

Diane D. Dallas

Kyle and Jennifer Danish

Karen Davenport

Jonathan and Julie Davis

Richard and Emily Alexander

Paul and Linda Alpuche

Kai and Karena Anderson

Kristin Arndt

Daniel and Laura Atchison

Ginger and Archie Attarian

William and Olivia Baker

Susannah Baruch and Seth Green

Andrew Beck and Claire Sharp

Mary Bednar

Frederick and Bethany Bentley

Eddie and Jeanne Black

Stephen Bocanegra and Meredith Rathbone

Daniel and Laurie Brumberg

Ellis and Christine Butler

Andrew Campbell and Monica Lypson

Eric Carter and Elizabeth Herrington

Amy Cataldo and Stuart Turner

Dawn Chism

James Chism

Wilbur Chung and Rachelle Sampson

Emilio and Wendy Cividanes

Joseph Clark and Keisha Streeter-Clark

Neal Cohen and Briana Maley

Roger Colaizzi and Allyson Senie

Kent and Erin Collier

Ronald Connelly and Elaine Fitch

Joseph Craugh, III and Pamela Arluk

Gregory and Jeannie Crist

Victoria Croog

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Ronald Del Sesto and Rachel Tillman

Morgan DeShazier ‘21

Jason DeVinney

Eleanor Dooling

Jeffrey Dorn and Airi Maeno

Thomasenia Duncan

Edmund Burke Parents Association (EBPA)

Andrew Emery ‘86

Carlos Garcia and Lucinda Eng-Garcia

Jeremy and Allison Evans

Andrew Ewalt and Emily Beckman

Susan Feldman

Andrew Ferguson and Alissa Starzak

Keith and Gwen Flanagan

Scott and Kristen Franklin

Matthew Gardner ‘88

Morgan Gargulak

Susan Gault-Brown and Barbara Gault

Daniel and Roxana Geffen

Wayne and Jonica Gibson

Craig and Angela Gildner

Angela Godwin

Jeffrey Goodell and Beth Kanter

Michael and Rena Gordon

Frank and Isabel Gottron

Rebecca Gray and John Chesley

Martin Griffin and Joanne Jee

Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg

Beth Grupp

Madison and Sara Jeanne Gulley

Keir and Kenya Gumbs

Stephen Hage and Mary Faint

Lisa Green Hall

Jonathan Haray and Stacy Beck

Julia Harman Cain

Keith and Shelby Harper

Robert Hartheimer and Nancy Golding

Joyce Hearn

Matison A. Hearn-Desautels ‘14

Jane Holloway

Jason Hutt and Maria O’Donnell

Benjamin and Elizabeth Jones

Bruce Jones and Elizabeth Cousens

Damian Jones and Tasha Jackson-Jones

Susan Kay Jones

David Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Nicholas Keenan and Marie Collins

Peter and Susan Keisler

Alan Kellogg

Kyle Kenney and Carla McKinney

William Kules and Julia Washburn

Marc and Lauren Laitin

Brett and Janet Lambert

Morgan Landy and Katharine Landfield

Anne Langerak

Jonathan Lave and Quynh Tran

Matilda Lee

Paul Legere and Melissa Kimball

Benjamin P. Leubsdorf ‘04

Ryan and Jenny Lipford

Aaron and Noriko Maitland

Joshua Mandell and Carolyn Reynolds

Lauren and Lynn Mandell

Jason Manning and Anita Sharma

John Martin and Jill Lawrence

Alexis LS Martina

Kate Maskarinec

Mitchell Masucci

Cynthia McCarther-Parker

Andrew McGuire and Barbara Rutland

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Jose Mejia and Pamela Roberts

Peter Mellen and Valerie Parker

Karen E. Mitchell ‘78

Mia Montgomery

Jean Mooskin

Ruth Moses

Aza Nedhari and Melvin Butler

David and Jessica Nemeth

Steven and Gayle Neufeld

John and Rachel Niles

Rachel O’Malley

Daniel and Ashley O’Neill

Steven O’Rourke and Anita Cicero

Bernard Ohanian and Kate Kelly Michael and Jennifer Oko

James and Caitlin Oppenheimer

Eric and Elizabeth Paisner

Elizabeth and Louis Paladino

John Parachini and Hadley Boyd

Charles A. Parker

Jonathan Parker and Tierney Hunt

Kenneth Patchen and Elizabeth Ralston

Thomas and Charlotte Peddicord

Stephen and Kristina Penhoet

Antony Petrilla and Cathleen Carpino

Stanley Pierre-Louis and Natalie Williams

Travis Plunkett and Alison Jones

Stefan Prosky and Tatiana Kaupp

Rimas and Ruta Puskorius

Jennifer Kozak Rawlings

D. Britt Reynolds

Peter Ringenberg ‘98 and Elizabeth Ringenberg

Amber and Jeffrey Roberson

Joshua Rosenbaum and Wendy Meltzer

Benjamin Rosenthal and Nancy Martin

Dick and Pat Roth

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joe Fiorill

Paul Ruppert and Sarah Buscher

Wan Ryu

John and Victoria Salmon

Anders Sandstrom and Barbara Lee

Martha Schloetzer

Ronald Schneck and Laura Lauth Schneck

Sarah E. Schriber

Adam Schwartz and Sara Kropf

Vidya Seejattan

David Shapiro and Scott Kenison

Peter and Pamela Sheridan

Ariel Silber and Minozka King Silber

Benjamin Simmons and Cynthia Bryant

Terry Snyder and Jennifer Pharaoh

Mark Stacey ‘90 and Jill Stacey

Daanen Strachan and Shaunda Patterson-Strachan

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Emmanuel and Wendy Sturley

Deana and David Sullivan

Steven and Emma Svoboda

Kira Swencki and Michael Mihalke

Evan Tanner and Adriana Delgado

Edward Thrasher ‘01

Jon and Betty Tilley

Sharone and Seng-Guan Toh

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

Ky Tran-Trong and Allison May Alice H. Trowbridge

John Vance and Jennifer Stolk Vance

Rory and Tamara Verrett

Scott Whipple and Ann Hoog

Nicholas and Kathleen Widnell Monique Willard

Kelly Williams

John Wilson and Katherine Scoville

Sara Winkle

David and Jennifer Wiseman

Carole Yanofsky ‘83 and David Anderson

Landon Zee ‘90

Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerma

26 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine
(includes non-Auction Financial Aid contributions)


The Library ($5,000)

Edmund Burke Parent Association (EBPA)

Heritage Investors

The Conservatory ($2,500)


The Study ($1,000)

MELE Associates, Inc.

Red Coats, Inc.

Seasonair, LLC

The Billiard Room ($500)

C2C Innovative Solutions, Inc.

Kalmia Construction



Freed Photography

GALA Hispanic Theatre

Geoff Galster and Michelle Russo

Daniel and Roxana Geffen

Craig and Angela Gildner

Paula Glauber

Godet Woodworking

Frank and Isabel Gottron

Martin Griffin and Joanne Jee

Stephen Hage and Mary Faint

Harmonic Music Studios

Keith and Shelby Harper

Matison Hearn-Desautels

Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens

Host Hotels

John Howard

Jason Hutt and Maria O’Donnell

John Howard

Eugenio Ibarz

Christopher and Krystal McLear

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Krystal Meeks

Jose Mejia and Pamela Roberts

Alexandre Miera Da Rosa and Nicole Sade

Maureen Minard

Miss Pixie’s Furnishings and Whatnot Mia Montgomery

Jade Moore

Morley Bethesda

Stacy Moseley

Mount Vernon Estate

Movement Climbing Yoga and Fitness

Joel and Thonya Nelson

David Nemeth

Steven and Gayle Neufeld


Burke Class of 2022

Burke Class of 2023

Burke Class of 2024


Richard and Emily Alexander

Dawn Chism

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Frank and Isabel Gottron

Kira Swencki and Michael Mihalke

Stanley Pierre-Louis and Natalie Williams

Red Herring ($2,500)

Eric Carter and Elizabeth Herrington

CASE FILE ($1,000)

Emilio and Wendy Cividanes

Thomasenia Duncan

Andrew Ferguson and Alissa Starzak

Susan Gault-Brown and Barbara Gault

Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg

Kier and Kenya Gumbs

Bruce Jones and Elizabeth Cousens

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Chad and Caitlin Oppenheimer

John Parachini and Hadley Boyd

Jonathan Parker and Tierney Hunt

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse


Victoria Croog

Andrew Ewalt and Emily Beckman Scott and Kristen Franklin Keith and Gwen Flanagan Daniel and Roxana Geffen Wayne and Jonica Gibson Beth Grupp

Keith and Shelby Harper Brian Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Peter and Susan Keisler

Jason Manning and Anita Sharma

Andrew McGuire and Barbara Rutland Daniel and Ashley O’Neill

Eric and Elizabeth Paisner

Kristina and Stephen Penhoet

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joseph Fiorill

Jason and Martha Schloetzer

Adam Schwartz and Sara Kropf

Peter and Pamela Sheridan

Jill and Mark Stacey ‘90

Daanen Strachan and Shaunda Patterson-Strachan

Monique Willard

Edmund Burke School Magazine

1789 Restaurant Abramson and Associates, LLC

Academic Ascent

The Adventure Park Airbnb

Al Dente

Allan Woods Flowers

Chary Annaberdyev

Arena Stage

Arlington Arts Center Daniel and Laura Atchison

Ginger and Archie Attarian Baked by Yael Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Susannah Baruch and Seth Green

Stacy Beck Photography

Elli Benchimol

Benihana Marc and Sharon Bennett

Black Cat

Eddie and Jeanne Black

Blu Water Day Spa and Salon

Blue 44 Restaurant and Bar

David Bowman and Jennifer Roush

Brasserie Liberté

Dr. Jill Bruno Orthodontist

Burke Class of 2025

Burke Class of 2026

Burke Class of 2027

Burke Class of 2028

Camp Twin Creeks

Capital Fencing Academy

Eric Carter and Elizabeth Herrington

Circle Yoga Cooperative

Fiona Conway

Kevin Conway and Shelli Avenevoli

Joseph Craugh, III and Pamela Arluk

Victoria Croog

Crow and Crown Yvette Cuenco

The Culinistas Private Chef

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Marie De Amicis

Ronald Del Sesto and Rachel Tillman

Takisha Diaz

Daniel and Lori Donovan

Down Dog Yoga

Ellē DC

Fabio Trabocchi Restaurants

Khaled and Laura Farhang

Five Guys Operations, LLC

Imagination Stage

Immigrant Food


InHouse Test Prep International Spy Museum

Allen Jackson

Gregory Jeffries and Shamiram Feinglass

JetBlue Airways

JW Marriott Essex House

David Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Mason Kalfus and Susan Burgess

Beth Kanter

Keegan Theatre

Paris Keena

Kendra Scott

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Kenwood Animal Hospital

Kin Da Marc and Lauren Laitin

Brett and Janet Lambert

Lapis Restaurant

Ledo Pizza and Pasta

Glen and Jennifer Leon

Lil’ Fishy

Marvin and Wendy Lunde

Luray Caverns

Brian MacDevitt

Airi Maeno

Andrew McGuire

// 29
Officina Olney
Joe Fiorill
Ice Cream Jason
New York EDITION The Nimble Barber
Theatre Company James and Caitlin Oppenheimer
Palettes Elizabeth and Louis Paladino Gretchen S. Peters Pinehurst Resort Elizabeth Pleshette David
Peter and Zinovia Psaromatis Rimas and Ruta Puskorius Joseph Reo Massage Therapy Catherine Reynolds
Kwesi and Tiffany Rogers
Rosenthal and Jeffrey Menzer
Roth ‘88 and
Salamander Resort and Spa Sarah’s Handmade
Schloetzer Dan Searing
52 Vidya Seejattan Shadowland Shop Made in DC Benjamin Simmons and Cynthia Bryant Joan Sinclair Rhonda Smith The St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort Brent Stansell
Storybox Photography Strategies for Independent Living, LLC David Sullivan Summer House Santa Monica Kira Swencki and Michael Milhalke Takoma Baseball Academy Theater J Ky Tran-Trong and Allison May Trapeze School New York, Washington, DC Nathan Tyrrell and Elizabeth Marlantes Uptown Market Mónica Vallin-Munoz Vatica Contracting, Inc. The Washington Ballet Washington Nationals Baseball Club Washington Photo Safari Watermark
Jamila White and Associates Wintergreen Resort Winterthur
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
NA Co Yoga District Zips Dry Cleaners Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman


*Please note: 1968 Magazine generally goes to print before the annual audit is complete, and thus these numbers are subject to change. Audited financials are available upon request.

Gifts to the Annual Fund provide Burke with a critical source of unrestricted funds and the flexibility to use those dollars where our students, teachers, programs, and facilities need them most.

This list represents donors to the Annual Fund during the 2021-2022 fundraising year. We are so very thankful for your support

The following is a list of all donors who made gifts to either the Annual Fund or Financial Aid between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. We list our donors by class year, giving circle, and special funds, so many names appear more than once. We’ve made every effort to provide an accurate and complete list of donors. However, if we have accidentally made an error in your listing, please accept our sincerest apologies and contact the Development Office so that we can correct our records. Please note that any tax deductible gifts, including gifts made through the 2022 Auction, are reflected in the donor’s giving circle placement.

PHILOSOPHERS $7,000 - 12,499

Kai and Karena Anderson

Ginger and Archie Attarian

Haining Chen and Huili Guo

Kent and Erin Collier

Ronald Connelly and Elaine Fitch Daniel Donovan

Carlos Garcia and Lucinda Eng-Garcia

Scott and Kristen Franklin Frank and Isabel Gottron

Rebecca Gray and John Chesley

Martin Griffin and Joanne Jee

Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg

Gilbert and Elizabeth Kaplan

Norman and Wendy King

Brett and Janet Lambert

James and Caitlin Oppenheimer

Stephen and Kristina Penhoet

Stanley Pierre-Louis and Natalie Williams

Martin and Maria-Antonieta Rodil

Ronald Schneck and Laura Lauth Schneck

David Shapiro and Scott Kenison

Peter and Pamela Sheridan

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Joshua Rosenbaum and Wendy Meltzer

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joe Fiorill Adam Schwartz and Sara Kropf

Karyn Smith

Mark Stacey ‘90 and Jill Stacey Steven and Emma Svoboda Nathan Tyrrell and Elizabeth Marlantes

Stephen Weisbrod and Elizabeth Singer

Nicholas and Kathleen Widnell

Carole Yanofsky ‘83 and David Anderson

ARBITERS $2,000 - $3,499

Diane Ball

Stephen Bocanegra and Meredith Rathbone Amy Cataldo and Stuart Turner

Victoria Croog

Jonathan and Julie Davis Thomasenia Duncan Keith and Gwen Flanagan

Daniel and Roxana Geffen Wayne and Jonica Gibson Jeffrey Goodell and Beth Kanter Keir and Kenya Gumbs Melissa C. Hill



Richard and Emily Alexander

Dawn Chism

Michael and Rena Gordon

Robert and Linda Lorndale

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Mary Elyn and Robert McNichols

Juan Morillo and Kai Luigend-Morillo

Steven and Gayle Neufeld

Kira Swencki and Michael Mihalke

William and Serena Wiltshire


Ky Tran-Trong and Allison May


$3,500 - $6,999

Svein and Michele Backer

Eric Carter and Elizabeth Herrington

David and Elana Cohen

Roger Colaizzi and Allyson Senie Fergus and Kristen Donaldson

Andrew Ewalt and Emily Beckman

Andrew Ferguson and Alissa Starzak

Susan Gault-Brown and Barbara Gault

Beth Grupp

Jason Hutt and Maria O’Donnell

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally Kyle Kenney and Carla McKinney

Glenn and Jennifer Leon

Andrew McGuire and Barbara Rutland

Justin and Alicia Moyer

Daniel and Ashley O’Neill

Jonathan Parker and Tierney Hunt

Antony Petrilla and Cathleen Carpino Rimas and Ruta Puskorius

Sharone and Seng-Guan Toh

Aaron Zebley and Catharine Easterly

$12,500 - $24,499

Susannah Baruch and Seth Green

Emilio and Wendy Cividanes

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Danielle Feuillan ‘87 and Lee Benaka

Lisa Green Hall

Jeff Hunt ‘01

John Jenkins and Joseph Catlett

Nicholas Keenan and Marie Collins

Barry and Cheryl Ohlson

Scott and Linda Weidman

Keith and Shelby Harper

Bruce Jones and Elizabeth Cousens

Damian Jones and Tasha Jackson-Jones

David Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Peter and Susan Keisler

James and Lisa Means

Peter Mellen and Valerie Parker

Joel and Thonya Nelson

Bernard Ohanian and Kate Kelly

John Parachini and Hadley Boyd

Peter and Zinovia Psaromatis

D. Britt Reynolds

Annual Giving

30 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 31 2021-22 Annual Report Income
Expenses Salary & Benefits $8,490,193 Instructional $662,547 Financial Aid $2,261,639 Administrative $770,341 Plant $807,975 Debt $819,245 Total Expenses $13,811,940 20212022 FINANCIALS
$ 13,426,570 Annual
$ 921,838 Other $1,061,953 Total

ADVOCATES $1,000 - $1,999

Robert and Chao Ambrosi

Daniel and Laura Atchison

Andrew Beck and Claire Sharp

Frederick and Bethany Bentley

David Bowman and Jennifer Roush

Daniel and Laurie Brumberg

Maxine Clark

William and Carla Clyburn

Joseph Craugh, III and Pamela Arluk

Ronald Del Sesto and Rachel Tillman

John and Sandy Dewey

Jeffrey and Jeanne Dorn

Jeremy and Allison Evans

Craig and Angela Gildner

Madison and Sara Jeanne Gulley

Jonathan Haray and Stacy Beck

Robert Hartheimer and Nancy Golding

Jacob Heilbrunn and Sarah Despres

Harold and Bonnie Himmelman

Joan Husted

Matthew and Melissa Jezior

Keith and Mary Ann Kenney

Lawrence Kirk and Laurie Lipper

Daniel and Stacey Kohl

Marc and Lauren Laitin

Matilda Lee

Paul Legere and Melissa Kimball

Benjamin P. Leubsdorf ‘04

Paul Loftus ‘82

Marvin and Wendy Lunde

Isabel Manalo

Kenny McCombs ‘91 and Mel McCombs

Arthur and Ellen McMurdie

William and Jacalyn Moyer

Ann D. Navaro

John Norris

Rachel O’Malley

Michael and Jennifer Oko

Eric and Elizabeth Paisner

Mark A. Pendleton ‘74

Marna Peters

Jeffrey Price ‘85

Steven Salky and Gail Ifshin

Joe and Suellen Savukas

Benjamin Simmons and Cynthia Bryant

Daanen Strachan and Shaunda Patterson-Strachan

Thomas Thomas and Theresa Clifford

Rory and Tamara Verrett

John Walsh and Joan Alker

David Weller and Laelia Gilborn

Monique Willard

Susan Willens

Landon Zee ‘90

HISTORIANS $500 - $999

Edward Abramson and Ariane DuBois

Richard Albores and Louellen Stedman

Nicholas Anderson ‘74

Kristin Arndt

Benjamin and Anne Barnes

Marc and Sharon Bennett

Eddie and Jeanne Black

Mary W. Carpenter

James Chism

Wilbur Chung and Rachelle Sampson

Neal Cohen and Briana Maley

Christopher Conte and Meredith Jason

Kevin Conway and Shelli Avenevoli

James and Megan Curran

Christopher DeGannes

Jeffrey Dorn and Airi Maeno

Daren Firestone and Nicole Hanrahan

Marilyn Flood

Hilary Halpern ‘04

Susan Hearn and Michael Desautels

Joyce Hearn

Jane Holloway

Charles and Tanjam Jacobson

Bonita James

Hal and Anne-Lise Jones

Benjamin and Elizabeth Jones

Jack and Barbara Kelley

Junga Kim and Soong Sup Lee

William Kules and Julia Washburn

John and Kristie Lamberg

Morgan Landy and Katharine Landfield

Aaron and Noriko Maitland

Joshua Mandell and Carolyn Reynolds

Jason Manning and Anita Sharma

Jose Mejia and Pamela Roberts

Maureen and Alexander Minard

Jonathan Moreno and Leslye Fenton

John and Rachel Niles

Steven O’Rourke and Anita Cicero

Elizabeth and Louis Paladino

Travis Plunkett and Alison Jones

Bill and Diane Race

Jennifer Kozak Rawlings

Dick and Pat Roth

Martha Schloetzer

Richard Singleton

Terry Snyder and Jennifer Pharaoh

Esosa and Bibiana Stewart

Evan Tanner and Adriana Delgado

Joseph Taylor and LaNilta Farrior-Taylor

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

Adam and Lynn Tsao

Scott Whipple and Ann Hoog

David and Jennifer Wiseman

Joy Zarembka

Richard Singleton

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

Adam and Lynn Tsao

David and Audrey Walker

Scott Whipple and Ann Hoog Monique Willard

Michael Wilson and Allison Lewis

Peter Winkler and Barbara Kraft

Kimberly Worthy ‘92

Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman

DEBATERS $200 - $499

Paul and Linda Alpuche

Victoria Ambrosi

Jane L. Angarola

Robert and Ann Baker

William and Olivia Baker

Jose Bassat and Nathalie Goldfarb

Sonia Bauduy

Richard and Lynda Beck

Mary Bednar

Harvey and Stephanie Benjamin Moris Beracha and Yael Marciano

Daniel A. Berkman

James and Laura Brunetti

Suzanne Caldwell

Andrew Campbell and Monica Lypson

Walter and Jennifer Cerna

Thomas Chiancone and Wynne Griffith

Robert Christiansen and Eva Maria Israelsson

Mary C. Clute

Jaime Cohen ‘97

Michael Colbert and Jill Jackson

Gregory and Jeannie Crist

Edward and Carolyn Curcio

Kyle and Jennifer Danish

Karen Davenport

Peter and Ellen Davis

Michael and Madelyn Davis

Philip Dale Dean, Jr. Mary Claire Delaney ‘91 Helen Dyson

Harry Easterly Jill Eynon

Khaled and Laura Farhang

Dante and Catherine Ferrando Richard Fieldhouse ‘76 and Ann Fieldhouse Monroe and Marsha Firestone

John and Patti Flanagan

Matthew Gardner ‘88

Kenneth Geller and Judith Ratner

James Geoghegan and Elizabeth Thornhill

Richard and Victoria Gersten

Richard Giardina and Michele Sampson

Angela Godwin

Sabrina De Jesus Greenman ‘97

Stephen Hage and Mary Faint

Thomas and Donna Hart

Leslie Holland

Jeremy Horowitz and Nora Gordon

John Howard and Mary Ann Bittner

Joanne Hurt and John Moore

Allen Jackson

David Johnson and Kara Strong

Rachel Keen

Judith R. Lave

David Lewis

Michael-Anne Lowry

Lauren and Lynn Mandell Eric and Nancy Markus John Martin and Jill Lawrence Alexis LS Martina

Kate Maskarinec Bill and Marion May

Cynthia McCarther-Parker

Susan McGee

Alexandre Meira da Rosa and Nicole Sade El Juri Joseph Melrose ‘94 Barton and Jane Meroney

Wallace Mlyniec and Abby Yochelson

Mia Montgomery Bill and Sheila Moore

Thomas Moreno and Elizabeth Shashaty Donald and Irene Morgan

David and Jessica Nemeth

Mustafa Nusraty and Molly Rohal James and Isabelle O’Donnell

Richard Mirsky and Donna Orem Mirsky

Adjoa Oriyomi and David Randolph Charles and Jeannine Parker

Joan Parker

Kenneth Patchen and Elizabeth Ralston

Gretchen S. Peters

Lydia Placid

Elizabeth Pleshette

Roxana Robinson

Setsuko Rosen

Benjamin Rosenthal and Nancy Martin

Eric Rosenthal and Jeffrey Menzer

Saul and Mercedes Rothman

Paul Ruppert and Sarah Buscher

John and Victoria Salmon

Anders Sandstrom and Barbara Lee Daniel Sarewitz and Erica Rosenberg Jason D. Schloetzer

Kathryn Schmuecker

Sarah E. Schriber

Daniel and Kristin Searing Vidya Seejattan

Richard Seltzer and Grace Lopes

Jane Shrewsbury

Ariel Silber and Minozka King Silber

James Sims and Tasha White-Sims

Benjamin Sislen ‘98 and Elizabeth Sislen Charles and Mary Sjoquist Stoff Smulson ‘88

Eugene Sofer and Judith Bartnoff Dr. Sang Song

Emmanuel and Wendy Sturley Nancie Thomas

Andrew Thompson and JoAnn Zinn Jon and Betty Tilley

Howard Toorie

Susan Tracey

Joseph A. Turner, III

Christopher VanArsdale and Kat Song

George and Clarice Walker

David and Audrey Walker

Maelene Watson

Kevin and Georgia Weaver Aimée Perez Weil

Donald White ‘86

John Wilson and Katherine Scoville

Michael Wilson and Allison Lewis

Sara Winkle

Sarah Pollinger Wockley ‘87 Patrick and Joyce Zickler

32 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 33 2021-22 Annual Report


Alexandra Clark Abdelatey ‘90

Naomi Abera and Alemseged Debele

Isabel Albores ‘19

Sarah Armstrong Alex ‘88

Anna Anderson ‘04

Dylan Andresino ‘19

Maya Andresino ‘17

Judyth Andresino

Julia Andrews

Chary and Maia Annaberdyev

Jadéa Asante

Halley Ascher

Allie and Ellen Ash

Roderick and Catherine Atkinson

Crystal August Debbie Ballard

George Bannon

Virginia Rose Barbatti

Justin Barrow ‘86

Beth Bartel and Christopher Miller

Jennifer L. Bauduy

Steven Beckman and Rachel Ritvo

Marila Belcher

Julie Bindeman Belgard ‘96

Michael and Bonnie Benetato

Jim and Genie Bentley

Clara R. Bertaut ‘13

Elizabeth Billett

Benjamin Blatt and Helen Pross

Amanda Bozarth

Antonia Brathwaite-Fisher

Rachel and Steven Braun

R. Emery Bright and Lisa Veneklasen

Douglas L. Brown

Rhoda Bush

Aleria Butler

Ellis and Christine Butler

Zachary Byam ‘07

Charles Campbell ‘73

Jordon Daley Cardone ‘77

Michael Carroll and Pamela Surprenant

John and Lucia Cataldo

Christopher and Blake Cestaro

Jennifer Chudy

Arnold and Sue Cohen

John Collette

David Compton and Mary Cutter

Dan Cook and Aynat Ravin

Thomas and Elizabeth Crafford

Michael Craig ‘90

Robert Croog

Yvette Cuenco

Diane D. Dallas

Donna Damico

Jonah G. Davenport

Jonathan Davidson and Erin Sheehy

Gregory Davis

Jamilah Davis

Carol B. Day

Marie De Amicis

Morgan DeShazier ‘21

Jason DeVinney

Mayra Diaz

Takisha Diaz

Marcelle Dominguez ‘71

Ashley Donovan ‘02

Eleanor Dooling

Jeffery Doyle

Stephen and Jeannette Dubrow

Russ and Judy Dulaney

Laurette Dunkley

Christopher and Lisa Edwards

Peter Eisler and Margaret Hall

Ruth Ellis and Thomas Styner

Andrew Emery ‘86

Larry and Joan Evans Sarah Evelyn ‘88

Kelly Falk

Susan Feldman

Sean Felix and Jeannine Marino

Richard Figueroa and Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Toya Fisher

Bryan and Patricia Flynn

Kevin Forde

Richard Foucheux and Mary Jacobsen

Ruffin and Sandy Franklin

Elise Friedland

Sigmund and Joan Friedland

Jim Gagne

George Galster and Michelle Russo

John Garcia and Karlene Ware

Morgan Gargulak

Michael Gaugh and Alexandra Field

Andrew and Kim Gentin

Kai-Anasa George

Sarah Gifford ‘89

Sandra Glatt ‘75

Paula Glauber

Richard Glick ‘75

Rachel Glick ‘97

Araceli A. Gonzaga Jeremy Green ‘21 Mark Green ‘86

Leonard Greenberger K. Lisa Grove ‘72 and Luis Zavaleta

Gail Guttman

Priscilla Hailey

Carl and Frances Hampe Julia Harman Cain

Brendan Harrington Joshua Hart ‘97

Benjamin S. Hartheimer ‘15

Barbara Heard

Matison A. Hearn-Desautels ‘14

Gabriel W. Hearn-Desautels ‘16

William Heidepriem-Baird ‘09

Allison Hendricks ‘87

Eugene and Esther Herman Keith and Holly Hinderlie

JoLynne Hough and Louis Orphanous

Robert and Joyce Hundley

Birtukan Hunegnaw and Nigussie Gobena John and Jackie Hunt

David and Denise Hunt

Eugenio Ibarz

Neil and Angela Jaffee Alexandra Jones ‘14

Susan Kay Jones

Alison Denton Jones ‘94

Charles Kaplan and Rhonda Backinoff

Mahmoud Katirai and Shahla Panbechi

Kathleen Kaupp

Alan Kellogg

Finley Kernan-Schloss ‘06

Julia Kernan-Schloss ‘06

Walid Khuri and Eleanor Smith-Khuri

Karen Klautky

Sara Krulwich

Robert Kulawiec and Suzanne Michel

Raul and Alice Laguarda

Fernando and Kate Laguarda

Richard Landfield

Anne Langerak

James and Karen Langford

Jonathan Lave and Quynh Tran

Maria Lawson

Kyra Layman ‘21

Bruce Lerner

Carrie Siler Levy ‘89

Ryan and Jenny Lipford

Regina S. Litman ‘70

Daniel and Elaine Lozier

Owen and Elaine Lynch

Allison MacDonald

Bonnie Mandell

Peter Manning and Susan Scheckel

Jerome Marindin ‘88

Marcia Markowitz

Ezra Martin-Rosenthal ‘19

Andrew Mascolino ‘91

Mitchell Masucci

April and Larry Mathis

Charles Mayer ‘94

Brendan McEntee ‘06

Elliott McEntee and Karen Bopp Branden McGarrity

Eugene McGuire

Peter and Carol Mellen

Christopher Miller

Charlotte Harward Miller

Louise Millikan

Karen E. Mitchell ‘78

Henry Molofsky ‘08

Stacy Moseley

Ruth Moses

Jon Nathan and Dora Chen

Aza Nedhari and Melvin Butler

Tania Nkungula

Mitchell and Camille Norman

Benjamin Oko

Yumiko and Atsushi Oshima

Michael Oyugi and Sydnye White-Oyugi

Doug and Kathleen Pagliaro

Kateryna Paliy and Clayton Richey

Thomas and Charlotte Peddicord

Nicholas Pietrzak

David Plocher and Mary Brittingham

Stefan Prosky and Tatiana Kaupp

Joanna Pumple ‘03

Sigita D. Puskorius ‘21

Aidas Puskorius ‘22

Robert Raven ‘78

Thomas Reynolds ‘82

David and Carol Reynolds

Peter Ringenberg ‘98 and Elizabeth Ringenberg

David Rios and Yanira Umana

Eleanor Robb ‘12

Gregory Robb

Amber and Jeffrey Roberson

Paula Robinson

Martine Rodriguez

Kwesi and Tiffany Rogers

Stephen and Mary Rojcewicz

Sam Ross and Ann Nelligan

Jacob and Dana Rubin

Howard and Nan Rubin

Daniel Running and Lillian Mattiaccio

Wan Ryu

David Sahr and Lori Milstein

Nathan L Saindon ‘17

Sasha Samberg-Champion and Rachael Yocum

Jondavid Sand

Ann Imlah Schneider

Yael R. Schoenbaum ‘16

Daniel Schuchat ‘81

Charles Schulman and Juliet Bellow

Carl D. Sciacchitano ‘05

Gabriel Scribner ‘15

Daniel and Mary Lou Searing

Ormond and Nina Seavey

William Seejattan-Forrester ‘20

Ronald Seele and Michelle Fill-Seele

Debbie Shore

Karen Singleton

Harold and Helen Singleton

Stacy and Brian Smith

Margaret Soltan

Nancy Somerville

Daniel Spelta

Eleanor C. Spivey ‘01

Frank Spradley

Ayinde Spradley

Brent Stansell

Steven and Catherine Stanzione

William and Elizabeth Starrels Michael and Anndrea Starzak

Lisa Stewart Robin Stolk

Max Streitwieser ‘20

Deana and David Sullivan

Shaochen Sun ‘20

Lila D. Suna

Evelyn Svoboda

Eric S. Thiel

Edward Thrasher ‘01

Judith Touchton and Mary Leonard Alice H. Trowbridge

Lenora Tynes

Mónica Vallin and Michael Clark

Oliver VanArsdale

John Vance and Jennifer Stolk Vance Elizabeth VanStory William Vinyard

Molly Vlach ‘06

Dennis Wallick ‘78 Jacqueline G. Webb

Nathan S. Weisbrod ‘21

Daniel Weiss and Anne Stewart Renee L. Weitzner

Thomas and Kay Wells

Chuck Wexler and Jan Hirshberg

Martin B. White and Anne Cauman

Kevin Willcutts and Beth Foster

Kelly Williams

Savannah Windham ‘12

Walter and Marjorie Winston

Zachary J. L. Wishod ‘25

Steve Wishod and Jennifer Lowe Bryant Withrow and Elizabeth Casey

Nathan Zee ‘88

Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman Michael Zuckman ‘90

34 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 35 2021-22 Annual Report


Class of 2022

Kai and Karena Anderson

Daniel and Laura Atchison

Roderick and Catherine Atkinson

Daniel and Laurie Brumberg

William and Carla Clyburn

Roger Colaizzi and Allyson Senie

Christopher DeGannes

Thomasenia Duncan

Christopher and Lisa Edwards

Jill Eynon

Daniel and Roxana Geffen

Andrew and Kim Gentin

Frank and Isabel Gottron

Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg

Beth Grupp

Lisa Green Hall

Carl and Frances Hampe

Leslie Holland

Jane Holloway

Neil and Angela Jaffee

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Joel and Thonya Nelson

David and Jessica Nemeth

Steven and Gayle Neufeld

Mitchell and Camille Norman

Steven O’Rourke and Anita Cicero

Travis Plunkett and Alison Jones

Rimas and Ruta Puskorius

James Sims and Tasha White-Sims

Karyn Smith

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Steven and Emma Svoboda

Kira Swencki and Michael Mihalke

Evan Tanner and Adriana Delgado

Sharone and Seng-Guan Toh

Cesar Torres and Loral Patchen

Elizabeth VanStory

David Weller and Laelia Gilborn

Nicholas and Kathleen Widnell

John Wilson and Katherine Scoville

Walter and Marjorie Winston

Kelvin and Vangie Wright

Stuart Zuckerman and Patricia Levy-Zuckerman

Class of 2023

Halley Ascher

Marc and Sharon Bennett

James and Laura Brunetti

Aleria Butler

Amy Cataldo and Stuart Turner

Michael Colbert and Jill Jackson Gregory and Jeannie Crist

Jamilah Davis

Mayra Diaz

Takisha Diaz

Ruth Ellis and Thomas Styner Khaled and Laura Farhang

Toya Fisher

Bryan and Patricia Flynn Wayne and Jonica Gibson

Rebecca Gray and John Chesley Keith and Holly Hinderlie

Jason Hutt and Maria O’Donnell

Junga Kim and Soong Sup Lee

Brett and Janet Lambert

Brian MacDevitt and Nancy Bannon

Juan Morillo and Kai Luigend-Morillo

James and Caitlin Oppenheimer

Michael Oyugi and Sydnye White-Oyugi

Allison M. Randall

Catherine Reynolds Martine Rodriguez

Joshua Rosenbaum and Wendy Meltzer

Paul Ruppert and Sarah Buscher

Sasha Samberg-Champion and Rachael Yocum

Kathryn Schmuecker

Karen Singleton

Richard Singleton

Eric S. Thiel

Adam and Lynn Tsao

Christopher VanArsdale and Kat Song

Kevin Willcutts and Beth Foster

Class of 2024

Moris Beracha and Yael Marciano

Andrew Campbell and Monica Lypson

Eric Carter and Elizabeth Herrington

Amy Cataldo and Stuart Turner

Dawn Chism

James Chism

Robert Christiansen and Eva Maria Israelsson

Wilbur Chung and Rachelle Sampson

David and Elana Cohen

David Compton and Mary Cutter

Joseph Craugh, III and Pamela Arluk

Jonathan Davidson and Erin Sheehy

Christopher DeGannes

Ronald Del Sesto and Rachel Tillman

Fergus and Kristen Donaldson

Jeremy and Allison Evans

Scott and Kristen Franklin

Elise Friedland

George Galster and Michelle Russo

Susan Gault-Brown and Barbara Gault

Richard Giardina and Michele Sampson

Jonathan Haray and Stacy Beck

Jacob Heilbrunn and Sarah Despres

Bonita James

David Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Jonathan Lave and Quynh Tran

Jose Mejia and Pamela Roberts

Peter Mellen and Valerie Parker

Thomas Moreno and Elizabeth Shashaty

Aza Nedhari and Melvin Butler

Doug and Kathleen Pagliaro

Charles and Jeannine Parker

Stanley Pierre-Louis and Natalie Williams

Peter and Zinovia Psaromatis

Amber and Jeffrey Roberson

Eric Rosenthal and Jeffrey Menzer

Ronald Schneck and Laura Lauth Schneck

Peter and Pamela Sheridan

Daanen Strachan and Shaunda Patterson-Strachan

Deana and David Sullivan

Howard Toorie

William Vinyard

Michael Wilson and Allison Lewis

Aaron Zebley and Catharine Easterly

Class of 2025

Ginger and Archie Attarian

Jose Bassat and Nathalie Goldfarb

Eddie and Jeanne Black

Kevin Conway and Shelli Avenevoli

Gregory Davis

Ruth Ellis and Thomas Styner

Angela Godwin

Jeffrey Goodell and Beth Kanter

Martin Griffin and Joanne Jee

Michael Gruber and Gretchen Lamberg

Jason Hutt and Maria O’Donnell

Thomas Kahn and Susana Sanchez

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Paul Legere and Melissa Kimball

Juan Morillo and Kai Luigend-Morillo

Steven and Gayle Neufeld

Michael Oyugi and Sydnye White-Oyugi

Elizabeth and Louis Paladino

Antony Petrilla and Cathleen Carpino

Stefan Prosky and Tatiana Kaupp

David Rios and Yanira Umana

Martin and Maria-Antonieta Rodil

Ronald Schneck and Laura Lauth Schneck

Emmanuel and Wendy Sturley

Steven and Emma Svoboda

Rory and Tamara Verrett

Class of 2026

Paul and Linda Alpuche

Stephen Bocanegra and Meredith Rathbone

Ran Chen and Natalie Gutman Chen

Victoria Croog

Keir and Kenya Gumbs

Birtukan Hunegnaw and Nigussie Gobena

Matthew and Melissa Jezior

Kyle Kenney and Carla McKinney

Matilda Lee

Lauren and Lynn Mandell

Mia Montgomery

John and Rachel Niles

Brian O’Malley

Rachel O’Malley

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joe Fiorill

Peter and Pamela Sheridan

Ariel Silber and Minozka King Silber

Benjamin Simmons and Cynthia Bryant

Stacy and Brian Smith

Lisa Stewart

John Vance and Jennifer Stolk Vance

Tarik Warner and Melanie McGhee

Scott Whipple and Ann Hoog

Class of 2027

Eric Carter and Elizabeth Herrington

Andrew Ewalt and Emily Beckman

Andrew Ferguson and Alissa Starzak

Dante and Catherine Ferrando

Daren Firestone and Nicole Hanrahan

Craig and Angela Gildner

Stephen Hage and Mary Faint

Bruce Jones and Elizabeth Cousens

David Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Glenn and Jennifer Leon

Aaron and Noriko Maitland

Andrew McGuire and Barbara Rutland

Alexandre Meira da Rosa and Nicole Sade El Juri

Christopher Miller

Stacy Moseley

Aza Nedhari and Melvin Butler

Daniel and Ashley O’Neill

Darryl and Adrienne Packard

Eric and Elizabeth Paisner

Elizabeth and Louis Paladino

Jonathan Parker and Tierney Hunt

Lydia Placid

Kwesi and Tiffany Rogers

Ayinde Spradley

Mark Stacey ‘90 and Jill Stacey

Esosa and Bibiana Stewart

Class of 2028

Andrew Beck and Claire Sharp

Frederick and Bethany Bentley

David Bowman and Jennifer Roush Kent and Erin Collier

Dan Cook and Aynat Ravin

Gregory Davis

Christopher DeGannes

Keith and Gwen Flanagan

David Johnson and Kara Strong

Benjamin and Elizabeth Jones

Marc and Lauren Laitin

Joshua Mandell and Carolyn Reynolds

Jason Manning and Anita Sharma

Maureen and Alexander Minard

Justin and Alicia Moyer

G. Derek and Michelle Musgrove

Jon Nathan and Dora Chen

Mitchell and Camille Norman

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joe Fiorill

Jacob and Dana Rubin

Jason D. Schloetzer

Martha Schloetzer

Daniel and Kristin Searing Joy Zarembka


36 \\ 1968 Edmund
School Magazine


Edward Abramson and Ariane DuBois

Richard Albores and Louellen Stedman

Richard and Emily Alexander

Judyth Andresino

Jane L. Angarola

Chary and Maia Annaberdyev

Ginger and Archie Attarian

Joseph Taylor and LaNilta Farrior-Taylor

Allie and Ellen Ash

Crystal August

Robert and Ann Baker

William and Olivia Baker

Benjamin and Anne Barnes

Beth Bartel and Christopher Miller

Blake and Sydney Bath

Seth Green and Susannah Baruch

Jennifer L. Bauduy

Marila Belcher

Michael and Bonnie Benetato

Elizabeth Billett

Benjamin Blatt and Helen Pross

Carter and Katrina Brandon

R. Emery Bright and Lisa Veneklasen

Ellen Brown and Lawrence Mishel

Rhoda Bush

Ellis and Christine Butler

Mary W. Carpenter

Walter and Jennifer Cerna

Haining Chen and Huili Guo

Thomas Chiancone and Wynne Griffith

Dawn Chism

James Chism

Emilio and Wendy Cividanes

Joseph Clark and Keisha Streeter-Clark

Mary C. Clute

Roger Colaizzi and Allyson Senie

Christopher Conte and Meredith Jason

Thomas and Elizabeth Crafford

Edward and Carolyn Curcio

Thomas and Gale Curcio

Donna Damico

Kyle and Jennifer Danish

Sharon and Jeffrey Davis

Carol B. Day

Philip Dale Dean, Jr.

Ronald Del Sesto and Rachel Tillman

John and Sandy Dewey

Lori Donovan

Stephen and Jeannette Dubrow

Russ and Judy Dulaney

Laurette Dunkley

Peter Eisler and Margaret Hall

Tony and Marjorie Elson

Carlos Garcia and Lucinda Eng-Garcia

Dante and Catherine Ferrando

Danielle Feuillan ‘87 and Lee Benaka

Richard Figueroa and Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Bryan and Patricia Flynn

Larry Forrester and Elsa Newmyer

Richard Foucheux and Mary Jacobsen

John Garcia and Karlene Ware

Michael Gaugh and Alexandra Field

Kenneth Geller and Judith Ratner

Kai-Anasa George

Richard and Victoria Gersten

Stephen and Diana Goldberg

Gil Strobel and Janine Goodman

Michael and Rena Gordon

Rebecca Gray and John Chesley

Leonard Greenberger Gail Guttman

Brendan Harrington Thomas and Donna Hart

Robert Hartheimer and Nancy Golding

Susan Hearn and Michael Desautels

Eugene and Esther Herman

Hal Hiemstra and Dawn Hill

Harold and Bonnie Himmelman

Keith and Holly Hinderlie

John Howard and Mary Ann Bittner

Robert and Joyce Hundley

David and Denise Hunt

John and Jackie Hunt

Joanne Hurt and John Moore

Charles and Tanjam Jacobson

John Jenkins and Joseph Catlett

Gilbert and Elizabeth Kaplan

Mahmoud Katirai and Shahla Panbechi

Nicholas Keenan and Marie Collins

Peter and Susan Keisler

Walid Khuri and Eleanor Smith-Khuri

Junga Kim and Soong Sup Lee

Norman and Wendy King

Lawrence Kirk and Laurie Lipper

Karen Klautky

Daniel and Stacey Kohl

Sara Krulwich

Michael Kubzansky and Anne Binder

Robert Kulawiec and Suzanne Michel

William Kules and Julia Washburn

Fernando and Kate Laguarda

Morgan Landy and Katharine Landfield

James and Karen Langford

Maria Lawson

Bruce Lerner

Geralyn Krupp Lobel

Andrew and Linda Loewinger

Robert and Linda Lorndale

Daniel and Elaine Lozier

Eric and Nancy Markus

John Martin and Jill Lawrence

Cynthia McCarther-Parker

Elliott McEntee and Karen Bopp

Henry and Christine McEntee

Susan McGee

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Arthur and Ellen McMurdie

James and Lisa Means

Barton and Jane Meroney

Wallace Mlyniec and Abby Yochelson

Bill and Sheila Moore

Jonathan Moreno and Leslye Fenton

Donald and Irene Morgan

Ruth Moses

Ann D. Navaro

Joel and Thonya Nelson

David and Jessica Nemeth

Steven and Gayle Neufeld

Robert Neuman and Kathrine Henry

Tania Nkungula

Steven O’Rourke and Anita Cicero

Bernard Ohanian and Kate Kelly

Barry and Cheryl Ohlson

Richard Mirsky and Donna Orem Mirsky

John Parachini and Hadley Boyd

Charles and Jeannine Parker

Thomas and Charlotte Peddicord

David Plocher and Mary Brittingham

Rimas and Ruta Puskorius

D. Britt Reynolds

Gregory Robb Setsuko Rosen

Joshua Rosenbaum and Wendy Meltzer

Benjamin Rosenthal and Nancy Martin

Sam Ross and Ann Nelligan

Dick and Pat Roth

Saul and Mercedes Rothman

Paul Ruppert and Sarah Buscher

David Sahr and Lori Milstein

Steven Salky and Gail Ifshin

Anders Sandstrom and Barbara Lee

Daniel Sarewitz and Erica Rosenberg

Joe and Suellen Savukas

Kathryn Schmuecker Ann Imlah Schneider

Ormond and Nina Seavey

Ronald Seele and Michelle Fill-Seele

Richard Seltzer and Grace Lopes

Debbie Shore

Charles and Mary Sjoquist

Terry Snyder and Jennifer Pharaoh

Eugene Sofer and Judith Bartnoff

Nancy Somerville

William and Elizabeth Starrels

Bernhard Streitwieser and Mary Beth Warner

Lila D. Suna

Joseph Taylor and LaNilta Farrior-Taylor

Nancie Thomas

Thomas Thomas and Theresa Clifford

Andrew Thompson and JoAnn Zinn

Judith Touchton and Mary Leonard Alice H. Trowbridge

John Vance and Jennifer Stolk Vance John and Ellen Villa

George and Clarice Walker John Walsh and Joan Alker Kevin and Georgia Weaver

Jacqueline G. Webb

Scott and Linda Weidman

Stephen Weisbrod and Elizabeth Singer

Daniel Weiss and Anne Stewart

Renee L. Weitzner

Thomas and Kay Wells

Chuck Wexler and Jan Hirshberg

Martin B. White and Anne Cauman

Monique Willard

William and Serena Wiltshire

Bryant Withrow and Elizabeth Casey

Carole Yanofsky ‘83 and David Anderson


Robert and Chao Ambrosi

Victoria Ambrosi

George Bannon

Richard and Lynda Beck

Steven Beckman and Rachel Ritvo

Mary Bednar

Harvey and Stephanie Benjamin Jim and Genie Bentley

Antonia Brathwaite-Fisher

Patricia Bredthauer

Douglas L. Brown

Michael Carroll and Pamela Surprenant

John and Lucia Cataldo

Maxine Clark

Arnold and Sue Cohen

John Collette

Chip and Rebecca Conradi

Robert Croog

Diane D. Dallas

Stanley and Brenda Daniels

Michael and Madelyn Davis

Peter and Ellen Davis

Jeffrey and Jeanne Dorn

Harry Easterly

Larry and Joan Evans

Monroe and Marsha Firestone

John and Patti Flanagan

Marilyn Flood

Ruffin and Sandy Franklin

Sigmund and Joan Friedland

Paula Glauber

Priscilla Hailey

Barbara Heard

Joyce Hearn

Eugene and Esther Herman

Harold and Bonnie Himmelman

JoLynne Hough and Louis Orphanous

Joan Husted

Hal and Anne-Lise Jones

Charles Kaplan and Rhonda Backinoff

Kathleen Kaupp

Rachel Keen

Jack and Barbara Kelley

Keith and Mary Ann Kenney

Raul and Alice Laguarda

John and Kristie Lamberg

Richard Landfield

Anne Langerak

Judith R. Lave

Robert Lerner

David Lewis

Michael-Anne Lowry Owen and Elaine Lynch

Peter Manning and Susan Scheckel Marcia Markowitz

Bill and Marion May Eugene McGuire

Mary Elyn and Robert McNichols Jewel and Beverly Meeks Peter and Carol Mellen

William and Jacalyn Moyer James and Isabelle O’Donnell Benjamin Oko Joan Parker

Kenneth Patchen and Elizabeth Ralston Marna Peters

Bill and Diane Race David and Carol Reynolds Paula Robinson Roxana Robinson Larissa Rogers

Stephen and Mary Rojcewicz

Dick and Pat Roth

Howard and Nan Rubin

John and Victoria Salmon

Daniel and Mary Lou Searing

Jane Shrewsbury

Michael Lewis and Linda Singer

Harold and Helen Singleton

Dr. Sang Song

Frank Spradley

Steven and Catherine Stanzione

Michael and Anndrea Starzak

Robin Stolk

Mary Sullivan

Evelyn Svoboda

Jon and Betty Tilley

Joseph A. Turner, III Lenora Tynes

Oliver VanArsdale

David and Audrey Walker Maelene Watson

Susan Willens

38 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 39 2021-22 Annual Report


Alexandra Clark Abdelatey ‘90

Isabel Albores ‘19

Sarah Armstrong Alex ‘88

Anna Anderson ‘04

Nicholas Anderson ‘74

Dylan Andresino ‘19

Maya Andresino ‘17

Justin Barrow ‘86

Julie Bindeman Belgard ‘96

Clara R. Bertaut ‘13

Zachary Byam ‘07

Charles Campbell ‘73

Jordon Daley Cardone ‘77

Jaime Cohen ‘97

Michael Craig ‘90

Mary Claire Delaney ‘91

Morgan DeShazier ‘21

Marcelle Dominguez ‘71

Ashley Donovan ‘02

Andrew Emery ‘86

Sarah Evelyn ‘88

Danielle Feuillan ‘87 and Lee Benaka

Richard Fieldhouse ‘76 and Ann Fieldhouse

Matthew Gardner ‘88

Samuel A. Geoghegan ‘13

Sarah Gifford ‘89

Sandra Glatt ‘75

Rachel Glick ‘97

Richard Glick ‘75

Tobias Goldstone ‘92

Jeremy Green ‘21

Mark Green ‘86

Sabrina De Jesus Greenman ‘97

K. Lisa Grove ‘72 and Luis Zavaleta

Hilary Halpern ‘04

Joshua Hart ‘97

Benjamin S. Hartheimer ‘15

Gabriel W. Hearn-Desautels ‘16

Matison A. Hearn-Desautels ‘14

William Heidepriem-Baird ‘09

Allison Hendricks ‘87

Jeff Hunt ‘01

Alexandra Jones ‘14

Alison Denton Jones ‘94

Finley Kernan-Schloss ‘06

Julia Kernan-Schloss ‘06

Norman J. King, IV ‘19

Kyra Layman ‘21

Benjamin P. Leubsdorf ‘04

Carrie Siler Levy ‘89

Regina S. Litman ‘70

Paul Loftus ‘82

Jerome Marindin ‘88

Ezra Martin-Rosenthal ‘19

Andrew Mascolino ‘91

Charles Mayer ‘94

Kenny McCombs ‘91 and Mel McCombs

Brendan McEntee ‘06

Joseph Melrose ‘94

Karen E. Mitchell ‘78

Henry Molofsky ‘08

Mark A. Pendleton ‘74

Jeffrey Price ‘85

Joanna Pumple ‘03

Aidas Puskorius ‘22

Sigita D. Puskorius ‘21

Robert Raven ‘78

Thomas Reynolds ‘82

Peter Ringenberg ‘98 and Elizabeth Ringenberg

Eleanor Robb ‘12

Siobhan Roth ‘88 and Joe Fiorill

Nathan L Saindon ‘17

Yael R. Schoenbaum ‘16

Daniel Schuchat ‘81

Carl D. Sciacchitano ‘05

Gabriel Scribner ‘15

William Seejattan-Forrester ‘20

Benjamin Sislen ‘98 and Elizabeth Sislen


Judyth Andresino

Julia Andrews

Chary and Maia Annaberdyev

Ginger and Archie Attarian

Kristin Arndt

Jadéa Asante

Diane Ball

Debbie Ballard

Sonia Bauduy

Daniel A. Berkman

Amanda Bozarth

Rachel and Steven Braun

Rhoda Bush

Suzanne Caldwell

Amy Cataldo and Stuart Turner

Jennifer Chudy

Yvette Cuenco

Marie De Amicis

Jason DeVinney

Eleanor Dooling

Jeffery Doyle Kelly Falk

Susan Feldman

Sean Felix and Jeannine Marino

Kevin Forde

Jim Gagne

Morgan Gargulak

Kai-Anasa George

William Gruen and Margaret McDonald

Julia Harman Cain

Susan Hearn and Michael Desautels

Matison A. Hearn-Desautels ‘14

John Howard and Mary Ann Bittner

Eugenio Ibarz

Kathleen and Arnold Isaacs

Allen Jackson

Damian Jones and Tasha Jackson-Jones

Susan Kay Jones

Alan Kellogg

Karen Klautky

Robert Kulawiec and Suzanne Michel

Ryan and Jenny Lipford

Allison MacDonald

Isabel Manalo

Bonnie Mandell

Alexis LS Martina

Kate Maskarinec

Mitchell Masucci

April and Larry Mathis Cynthia McCarther-Parker Branden McGarrity Charlotte Harward Miller

Louise Millikan Maureen and Alexander Minard

Mustafa Nusraty and Molly Rohal Elizabeth and Louis Paladino

Kateryna Paliy and Clayton Richey

David Panush and Nicole Lindquist Elizabeth Pleshette

Jennifer Kozak Rawlings

Peter Ringenberg ‘98 and Elizabeth Ringenberg

Amber and Jeffrey Roberson

Eleanor T. Rosenfeld

Sam Ross and Ann Nelligan

Dick and Pat Roth

Daniel Running and Lillian Mattiaccio Wan Ryu

Jondavid Sand

Sarah E. Schriber

Vidya Seejattan

David Shapiro and Scott Kenison Benjamin Sislen ‘98 and Elizabeth Sislen

Stacy and Brian Smith Margaret Soltan Daniel Spelta Brent Stansell Lila D. Suna

Susan Tracey Lori Tyer-Ellis

Mónica Vallin and Michael Clark Aimée Perez Weil

Thomas and Kay Wells

Susan Willens

Kelly Williams

Michael Wolf-Branigin and Karen Wolf-Branigin

Patrick and Joyce Zickler


Pew Charitable Trusts Employee Matching Gifts Program Union Privilege


Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile Foundation

American Online Giving Foundation

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.

Cipherlogix, Inc.

Comcast Corporation

Discount Tree Service Incorporated

Edmund Burke Parents Association

Fidelity Charitable

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

Greater Washington Community Foundation Harris Teeter LLC


Luther I. Replogle Foundation

Merrill Lynch

Morgan Stanley Network For Good

Omidyar Network Fund, Inc

Rencourt Foundation, Inc

Ropes Wealth Advisors

Schwab Charitable Stephen A. and Diana L. Goldberg Foundation

The Nathan Cummings Foundation

The Rosenfeld Rumford Steckler Family Foundation, Inc.

The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving

The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust


Vanguard Charitable GIFT IN KIND

Brian McMaster and Kathleen Strouse

Peter D. Winkler and Barbara Kraft


Larry Forrester and Elsa Newmyer


Mary Elyn and Robert McNichols

40 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine // 41 2021-22 Annual Report

On April 22, the Burke community endured what every modern school fears. The sniper-style attack directed at our campus seriously injured three members of our school community, caused additional minor injuries, and significantly damaged the physical building. The shooting also inflicted fear and trauma upon the students, faculty, staff, coaches and caregivers within the building that day, and on those watching helplessly from the outside, sick with worry about their children, parents, spouses, teachers, friends,and colleagues. The trauma rippled out to our extended family, too — our alums, our past parents, our grandparents, past faculty and staff, and neighbors — who know Burke to be a place of joy and safety.

Though months have passed and much joy and “normality” has returned to Burke’s halls, the healing and caring for our community and our campus continues. Following April 22, there was an amazing outpouring of interest in supporting the school, and we thought very carefully about how to respond to this generosity. We knew that establishing Burke’s Fund for Restoration, Healing, and Joy would be the best way for us to thoughtfully direct funds toward activities that will allow our community to continue to move forward: community building activities; continue therapeutic services; additional security measures; building restoration projects; and beyond.

To date, 119 members of the Burke family — near and far, past and present — have contributed over $26,000. We are incredibly grateful for the strength and resilience of our shared Burke community and for the love and care that our extended Burke family has shown over the last several months. Together we are strong!

We continue on a journey to reclaim our home as a place of safety and comfort, to heal the hearts, minds and bodies of our community members, and to replace fear with peace and joy.


Victoria Ambrosi

Daniel and Laura Atchison

Crystal August

Robert and Ann Baker

Diane Ball

Debbie Ballard

Virginia Rose Barbatti

Jennifer L. Bauduy

Mary Bednar

Harvey and Stephanie Benjamin

Frederick and Bethany Bentley

Moris Beracha and Yael Marciano

Elizabeth Billett

David Bowman and Jennifer Roush

Rachel and Steven Braun

Ellen Brown and Lawrence Mishel

Zachary Byam ‘07

Andrew Campbell and Monica Lypson

Christopher and Blake Cestaro

Thomas Chiancone and Wynne Griffith

Dawn Chism

Arnold and Sue Cohen

Jaime Cohen ‘97

John Collette

Ronald Connelly and Elaine Fitch

Robert Croog

Edward and Carolyn Curcio

Carol B. Day

Philip Dale Dean, Jr. Richard Fieldhouse ‘76 and Ann Fieldhouse

Keith and Gwen Flanagan

Marilyn Flood

Richard Foucheux and Mary Jacobsen

Elise Friedland

Jim Gagne

Kenneth Geller and Judith Ratner

Samuel A. Geoghegan ‘13

Paula Glauber

Leonard Greenberger

Beth Grupp

Robert Hartheimer and Nancy Golding

Allison Hendricks ‘87

Keith and Holly Hinderlie

JoLynne Hough and Louis Orphanous

Joanne Hurt and John Moore

Joan Husted

Charles and Tanjam Jacobson

Susan Kay Jones

David Kacedon and Ryan Wechsler

Rachel Keen

Stephen and Kelly Kenneally

Benjamin P. Leubsdorf ‘04

David Lewis

Lauren and Lynn Mandell

Bill and Marion May

Charles Mayer ‘94

Andrew McGuire and Barbara Rutland

Eugene McGuire

Arthur and Ellen McMurdie

Charlotte Harward Miller

Henry Molofsky ‘08

Donald and Irene Morgan

William and Jacalyn Moyer

Richard Mirsky and Donna Orem Mirsky

Joan Parker

Jonathan Parker and Tierney Hunt

Marna Peters

Nicholas Pietrzak

Jeffrey Price ‘85

Stefan Prosky and Tatiana Kaupp

Joanna Pumple ‘03

Bill and Diane Race

Stephen and Mary Rojcewicz

David Sahr and Lori Milstein

John and Victoria Salmon

Jason D. Schloetzer

Daniel Schuchat ‘81

Debbie Shore

Benjamin Simmons and Cynthia Bryant

James Sims and Tasha White-Sims

Terry Snyder and Jennifer Pharaoh

William and Elizabeth Starrels

Robin Stolk

Evelyn Svoboda

Bob and Sheila Timbers

Ky Tran-Trong and Allison May

John and Ellen Villa

Molly Vlach ‘06

David and Audrey Walker

// 43 2021-22 Annual Report

Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

Jennifer Kozak Rawlings, Director of Development and Alumni Affairs

Susan Kay Jones, Assistant Director of Development, Advancement Services

Kate Maskarinec, Assistant Director of Development, Special Events

Office of Communications

Julia Harman Cain, Director of Communications and Marketing

Jadéa Asante, Assistant Director of Communications and Marketing

Our Mission

Burke consciously brings together students who are different from one another in many ways, actively engages them in their own education, holds them to high expectations, gives them power and responsibility, and supports and advances their growth as skilled and independent thinkers who step forward to make positive contributions to the world in which they live.

Equity and Inclusion at Burke

Burke respects the dignity and humanity of our students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and trustees, as well as our broader community. We embrace a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. We strive to cultivate understanding and appreciation of diversity that includes, but is not limited to, age, ability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, gender identity, political perspectives, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. We acknowledge and encourage differences of opinions, ideas, and interests, and we expect thoughtful discussion and civil engagement.

44 \\ 1968 Edmund Burke School Magazine

Burke affirms the individual worth of all community members, and we challenge behaviors that demean, marginalize, or exclude others. Our goal is to maintain a diverse school community that exemplifies these values and to fulfill our commitment to equity and inclusion consistently in all areas of school and community life.

of Trustees 2022-2023

Dawn Chism, Co President

Kira Swencki, Co President

Monique Willard, Vice President

Peter Sheridan, Treasurer

Ruta Puskorius, Secretary

Steve McManus, Head of School

Julia Andrews, Faculty Representative

Burke Parent Association 2022-2023

Tiffany Rogers, President

Claire Sharp, Vice President

Adrienne Packard, Treasurer

Joe Fiorill, Events Chair

Ryan Weschler, Communications Chair

Layout & Design by Jadéa Asante

Additional photography by Linnea Farnsworth

of School Steve McManus Board
Gretchen Lamberg Hadley
John Jenkins Kenny
Lisa Hall Kristen Franklin Martin
Griffin Sharon Davis Siobhan Roth Thomasenia
Address 4101
Avenue NW,
20008 Website www.burkeschool.org Phone 202-362-8882 Social @edmundburkeschool Alumni Email alumni@burkeschool.org
Caitlin Carroll Oppenheimer Chris VanArsdale David Cohen Emily Alexander Eric Carter Gayle Neufeld
“Tommie” Duncan
Washington, DC
1968: Edmund Burke School Magazine is produced by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs and the Office of Communications and Marketing for alumni, parents, family, and friends of the School. Letters and comments are welcome. The editors express their appreciation to all the writers and photographers who contributed to this issue of 1968

4101 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008


Burke students are creative and critical thinkers. They are compassionate and socially-responsive young people eager to make their mark on the world.

Together, your support ensures that this and future generations are equipped with the tools to bring about a more hopeful future and the just, inclusive world we all believe is possible.

The Burke Annual Fund provides the flexible and immediate support needed to sustain the experiences that define Burke, directly impacting every student, every day.

Make your Annual Fund gift today at www.burkeschool.org/give.

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