Recode Knoxville Charrette Final Report

Page 7

The Site This site was selected because of the connection to Downtown Knoxville and the variety within the zoning transect, which ranges from the newly created DK-E (Downtown Edge) zoning to Commercial C-G-2 to Residential RN-3. It was the most ‘traditionally urban’ site of all sites selected, and was assumed to be the location where denser developments would fit in most naturally. It is arguably the least car-dependent site being studied. This site allowed the team to use the proposed zoning changes to explore opportunities for a diversity of housing types, critique the compatibility of new development with the form and character of adjacent neighborhoods, and consider historic structures and overlays including Historic Knoxville High School, Emory Place, and the Fourth and Gill Neighborhood. Historic Knoxville High School was the only structure in the study area that was required to remain.



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