In 1969, the late Bruce McCarty, FAIA, then-President of the local AIA, alongside several local architects, returned from a trip to the community design center in Philadelphia and gathered roughly forty local professionals to discuss the need for such a center in this region. On April 15th, 1970, the East Tennessee Community Design Center (ETCDC) was founded.
The objective of ETCDC has been to make East Tennessee a better place by bringing professional design and planning assistance to communities and organizations lacking resources to acquire those services. Our mission is to Envision, Inspire, and Improve East Tennessee communities through design, collaboration, and leadership. The ETCDC also serves as a catalyst to initiate projects within our service area and serves as an advocate for quality design in the public realm. The ETCDC offers these services through the pro-bono contributions of area architects, landscape architects, planners, engineers, and other professionals.
Since its founding, the ETCDC has completed over 1,200 projects in the 16 county region it serves!
We serve a 16 county region within East Tennessee. The star is Knoxville. The counties we serve, seen in blue, include:

• Anderson
• Blount
• Campbell
• Claiborne
• Cocke
• Grainger
• Hamblen
• Jefferson
• Knox
• Loudon
• Monroe
• Morgan
• Roane
• Scott
• Sevier
• Union
2022 has come and gone, and so it is time once more to share our projects and involvements from the year. As the first full year since 2020 without any lasting concerns from the pandemic, 2022 was the busiest year for the Design Center in a few years, and in-person meetings and events were back in full swing. You will find highlights about those projects and events in the following pages, as well as some other information relating to the ETCDC, such as our 2022 project volunteers, Board of Directors, and more. Projects shown in this book were worked on during the calendar year; some were completed, and others were still in the design process as we transitioned into 2023. We hope you enjoy what follows.

Project Selection Criteria
The ETCDC and its volunteers work on a number of projects throughout the year.
Design Center projects and clients must meet 4 qualifications:
Be from a nonprofit or community organization

Be for the benefit of the entire community and not solely for the benefit of their members
Be unable to acquire financial or other resources from the private sector
Be able to demonstrate the commitment and ability to pursue the project through to completion
2022 Project Volunteers
*Volunteers are arranged in alphabetical order
Adam Buchanan, AIA, McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects || Sunset Gap Camp Master Plan, Cocke & Sevier County || Family Promise, Knox County
Elizabeth Ellis, Arcadis IBI Group || Cavett Station Historic Cemetery, Knox County
Don Horton, AIA, Horton Built Environments Consulting, Inc. || SEEED Mixed-Use Office Development, Knox County
Emanuel Huber-Feely, AIA, McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects || Sunsphere Welcome Center, Knox County
Nathan Hunter, ASLA, Arcadis IBI Group || Beaver Creek Blueway Plan, Knox County
Randy Merritt, The Christman Company || Sunsphere Welcome Center, Knox County // Heritage Park, Union County
Ric Mixon, AIA, Wystwynd Designs || Knox County Rescue Headquarters, Knox County
Allison Montgomery, AIA, McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects || Fountain City Ballfields Master Plan, Knox County
Thomas Noggle || Vestal UMC Post-Foster Care Housing, Knox County
Frank Sparkman, AIA, Sparkman & Associates Architects || Greenback Heritage Museum Expansion, Loudon County
Josh Shaffer, AIA, Sparkman & Associates Architects || Vestal UMC Post-Foster Care Housing, Knox County
Susanne Tarovella, AIA, Sparkman & Associates Architects || Vestal UMC Post-Foster Care Housing, Knox County
Oren Yarbrough, AIA, Design Innovation Architects || Heritage Park Music Wall & Farmers Market, Union County
Knox County Rescue Headquarters
Renovation and expansion plan for existing emergency services building

County: Knox || Volunteer: Ric Mixon, AIA

Gary Underwood Park
Studies and surveys for park improvements

County: Knox || Staff work

Greenback Heritage Museum Expansion

Expansion of existing rural museum into adjacent historic building space
County: Loudon || Volunteer: Frank Sparkman, AIA
Cavett Station Cemetery
Analysis and plan for preservation of a historic west Knoxville cemetery

County: Knox || Volunteer: Elizabeth Ellis, AIA

Fountain City Ballfields Master Plan
Master Plan for improvements to the existing ballfields

County: Knox || Volunteer: Allison Montgomery, AIA

Sunsphere Welcome Center
Design for Visit Knoxville’s new welcome center for the Sunsphere.
County: Knox || Volunteer: Emanuel Huber-Feely, AIA / Randy Merritt

Vestal UMC Foster Care Housing

Conversion of former church education building into post-foster care young adult housing
County: Knox || Volunteers: Josh Shaffer, AIA / Susanne Tarovella, AIA / Thomas Noggle

Family Promise of Knoxville
Office redesign and plan for on-site housing for clients
County: Knox || Volunteer: Adam Buchanan, AIA

Plan for a six story, mixed-use office building with a LEED Platinum certification County: Knox || Volunteer: Don Horton, AIA

Heritage Park Music Wall & Farmers Market

Pan for a farmers market expansion and monument wall honoring local country music artists
County: Union || Volunteers: Oren Yarbrough, AIA / Randy Merritt

Beaver Creek Blueway
Site plan for walking trails and access to Beaver Creek Watercraft Put-In County: Knox || Volunteer: Nathan Hunter, ASLA

Sunset Gap Community Center & Camp

Phased Master Plan for existing camp and community center County: Cocke & Sevier || Volunteer: Adam Buchanan, AIA

Martin Luther King Jr.
Avenue Urban Master Plan
Plan for a six story, mixed-use office building with a LEED Platinum certification County: Knox || Staff Work

Other Involvements

The ETCDC and its volunteers also participate in various events throughout Knoxville, Knox County, and the region. Some of these are one-time events and some are recurring. We are also involved in various ongoing local committees in Knoxville. Some of these events and involvements include:
The Community Collaborative
Our Annual Celebration
Open Streets
AIA East Tennessee’s Architecture Week
Various Symposiums

Infill Housing Committee
Downtown Design Review Board
Bike Walk Knoxville Advisory Committee
The Community Collaborative is a focused effort between multiple local organizations on the challenges facing our communities. The goal of the Collaborative is to highlight an area’s history, bring awareness to its future potential, and then promote sustainable growth.

Each year a focus area or issue is established, community input is gathered, and multiple studies and efforts are performed. The Collaborative concludes each year in a public event and a publication that summarizes the research, designs, concepts, and efforts performed that year. This discourse in turn begins to shape public policy and private development strategies. The Collaborative is the vehicle for our community to envision the possibilities of our region and shape our collective aspirations for the future.
Community Collaborative study areas so far:
2018/2019 - Burlington neighborhood
2020 - Sutherland Avenue Corridor
2021/2022 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue Corridor
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue Corridor
A segment of the corridor from S. Olive Street to Castle Street was chosen for the 2021-2022 Collaborative.

Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue Corridor Survey

Over 80 community members filled out a corridor survey; the results packet, seen above, guided our plan

Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue Corridor - Urban Master Plan
Our plan was guided by the commmunity input and best current practices for walkable, bikeable cities.

In August we held our annual Celebration, this time at Knoxville’s World’s Fair Park, which was celebrating the 40th anniversary of the city hosting the international Fair. We had our main event under the canopy of the Tennessee Amphitheater as well as offered tours of the Sunsphere. We honored former Knoxville Mayor Randy Tyree - who was crucial to getting the World’s Fair in Knoxville - with our Bruce McCarty Community Impact Award. ETCDC client Sunset Gap Community Center & Camp recieved the Annette Anderson Directors’ Award, and our main speaker was Bo Roberts, who was President of the 1982 World’s Fair. We were also honored to present a donation of $36,000 to Visit Knoxville for their Sunsphere Restoration Fund, which will allow the iconic structure to be enjoyed for generations more.




Executive Director

L. Duane Grieve, FAIA
Board Officers
Scott Busby, AIA
Kristin Lee Grove
Carey Parker
Dr. Dasha Lundy
Nathaniel Shelso
Nathan Honeycutt, AIA
Kathryn G. Baldwin, AICP
Patrick Brown, PLA, ASLA
Megan Chafin, AIA
Dwane Dishner
Alicia Griego
Mary Wells Holbrook
Nathan Hunter, PLA, LEED AP BD+C


Ex-Officio Directors
Ken McMahon
Jeff Welch
Jason Young, AIA Emeritus Directors
Dr. Joseph E. Johnson
Douglas H. McCarty, AIA
Dr. Gideon Fryer*
Bruce McCarty*, FAIA
John A. Walker, Jr. Esq. *
*in memoriam
John Anderson, Jr.
Gene Burr
Charles ‘Pete’ Drew
Dr. Gideon Fryer
Will Griffin
Donnell Hurley
Bruce McCarty, FAIA
William Moorefield, RA
William Oliphant
Jerry Risenhoover
Bill Shell
Lewis Sinclair
Ravendoor Sood
John Walker
William Earl White
Danny Whittle
Woodrow Wilson
Shana Love
Peter Ludman, AIA
Randy Merritt
Alli Montgomery, AIA
Lane McCarty Odom, Esq.
Mary Beth Robinson, NCIDQ
Charley Sexton
Amy Taylor
Lizz Wetherall, NCIDQ
L. Duane Grieve, FAIA
Jan Mosadegh
Perry Childress
Dustin Durham
William Oliphant
Gideon Fryer
Gene Burr, AIA
Robert Wilson
Bob Netherland
John Walker
Hugh Neil
L. Duane Grieve, AIA

Dr. Gideon Fryer
Gerry Eastman
Bill Lauer
Doris Scott Crawford
Mike Parker
Doug McCarty, AIA
Mark Mitchum
Betsy Quinn
Beth Phillips
Faris Eid, AIA
Curtis Catron
Frank Sparkman, AIA
Sharon McKee
Chuck Morris
Brian Ewers, AIA
Ric Mixon, AIA
Jason Woodle
Mary Holbrook
Jan Evridge
Rick Blackburn
Nathan Honeycutt, AIA
Scott Busby, AIA
Ed Dusek
William Oliphant
Annette Anderson
Terry Shupp
Tim Ledford
Gideon Fryer
David Watson
John Merino
Mary Linda Schwarzbart
Wayne Blasius
L. Duane Grieve, FAIA

2013: Carol Evans / Paul James / Randy & Jenny Boyd
2014: David Dewhirst
2015: Ashley Capps
2016: Faris Eid, AIA
2017: Natalie Leach Haslam
2018: Pat & Joe Johnson
2019: Mayor Madeline Rogero
2021: Thomas N. McAdams, Esq.
2022: Mayor Randy Tyree

2016: Tanner Preservation Alliance

2017: Good Shepherd Center
2018: Delaney Museum at Beck
2019: The Change Center
2021: CareCuts Knoxville
2022: Sunset Gap Camp
Thank You

*Note: many of the projects shown in this book were still in process at the end of 2022; we will include the finished results for these projects in our 2023 project book. As well, we wish to thank all our Staff members for the work they did to further our mission in 2022.