Lift Off - Issue 49

Page 10



EAAA Aftercare. Patient David King

David, Patient and CCP Luke

Chamberlain and Doctor Peter Temesvari.

David said; “Everything was handled so

The team all worked seamlessly together to

smoothly and professionally, I am incredibly

stabilise David’s condition before flying him to

impressed and grateful. The work that you

the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

do is beyond measure and mere thanks can

for further treatment. David’s case highlights

never suffice.”

the tremendous importance of early bystander CPR and the chain of survival. It all came together in the right order on that day


ftercare is a really important part of the service we provide at EAAA. Some people might think that our crew flies in on the helicopter, treats the patient, takes them to hospital and that is the end of our interaction with them, but that couldn’t be more wrong.

and saved David’s life.

EAAA has an Aftercare Team that provide

treatment he received on scene, and to see

post incident care to patients and families.

the helicopter that transported him. David said

This service can take many forms; it can be to

this was a really important part of his recovery,

offer patients the chance to meet the crew who looked after them and ask questions about the care they received, to offer support to bereaved families, or to gain feedback

important for the patient it also offers our crew the chance to see the difference their care has made to somebody’s life, not just to

David and his wife Caroline visited our

the patient but also to their family and friends.

Cambridge base in December 2017 to meet

Being a HEMS team member can be a really

CCP Luke and piece together what happened

tough job, but meeting the people they have

to him that day. David has no recollection of

helped is a great inspiration for our crews.

the events that took place, so it was really important for him to be able to ask the questions about what happened to him, what

“Everything was handled so smoothly... The work you do is beyond measure”

As well as these aftercare meetings being

making this a strong reminder that the care we provide on scene is just the beginning of the

If you have been a patient treated by EAAA, or a family/friend who has suffered a bereavement and would like to chat to our Aftercare Team please email and someone will be in touch.

journey for some of our patients.

on the service we have provided in order to continually develop and improve. One such case highlighting the importance of this service perfectly is former patient,

(who happened to be driving past) had put a

David. On 27th August 2017 David King,

distressed David into the recovery position.

who had always been fit and healthy, was

However within minutes David had gone into

out cycling with his son, Justin. While biking

cardiac arrest. Fortunately a second person

up a small hill, Justin turned around to

stopped, and between them they began

see David had fallen off his bike and was

immediate CPR. The ambulance crew arrived

collapsed on the floor. Justin immediately

within 10 minutes, followed shortly after by

called 999. Within minutes a first responder

EAAA carrying Critical Care Paramedic Luke





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