Dreamosity's Remarks - November 2024

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“The richest people in the world look for and build networks, the rest just look for work." This is one of my favorite quotes from

Robert T. Kiyosaki




Humor Heals and all Leaders can Embrace LAF Tech Skills.


Navigating Dark Waters and Choosing our Face.


Funny Business can be Measured and Improved.


Photos from my Fundraiser Comedy Show in 2023.

Visualizing Chapter Growth for PNAnw. OUR GROWING MATRIX


Instagram Directory



My business partner, Brian Trendler, has brought more joy to my world and this is a THANK YOU to him and our outstanding network.

He’s the “fun one,” and I’m the “cute one.” Or am I the “smart one,” and he’s the “silly one?” We always have fun introducing our dynamic teamwork to new business owners.

Brian runs three companies; two of which I will feature in this issue.

Brian’s my favorite seagull, (referral partner) as he’s never afraid to go to bat for me. His generous skills as an Auctioneer were experienced first-hand by me last year... and for that I’m extremely grateful.

Start building your team before you need it.


From Rant to Relief in 30 Days

Asking for help is hard. Processing anger and fear is tricky. One of the things I enjoy at our comedy shows is that I facilitate about 15 minutes of improv. Rants and Raves come out occasionally.

In July of 2023, I met with a surgeon who basically said, “You could die from this complex abdominal wall rebuild surgery.” I tanked. I went to our Comedy that week and I let it all out in a rant. Nearly in tears and terrified, people came together to assist me in my journey.

First, I found a surgeon that wasn’t afraid of my situation and had remarkable skills. Second, these four pictured above began a fundraiser event for me.

I had no idea how generous people would be. Strangers came out to help! Almost every PNAnw chapter represented, Mill Creek Chamber members showed up, friends from my past, LAF Tech graduates, ECN buddies, BLOS gals, clients, and family. I felt so loved.

Brian and I often joke about “Choosing our face” in response to challenges. We always have a choice once we feel heard and we help people choose well.

I have a lot to be grateful for this year. It’s so important that we find a place to serve but also a place where we feel heard.


Events and Media Bling

WhenIfirstmetBrianataDistrictwideToastmasterseventIlaughed moreonthatdaythanIhadthe previousseasonstuckinmygrief. Ifellinlovewiththeideaofhumor asagift.Previously,Ididn’treally honoritorcareaboutit.Ithought itwasanunproductivewayof spendingtime.

Afterstrugglingtoencouragemy clientstoleveragevideobackin 2013&2014,Irealized“Videoisn’t theanswer!”Havingadynamic messagethatiswellpresentedon videoistheanswer.Howdoyou getfunny?Howdoyoumake otherslaugh?Cananyonelearn confidencewithamicrophone? Canyoustillteachifyouarealittle sarcasticorsilly?Willtheytakeyou seriously?Howfaristoofunny?

ThatinitialToastmasterConference wascalledCHITalks.ComedyHumor andImprov…similartoaTEDtalk butfocusedonthefunandfunny businessofpublicspeaking.

AtDREAMOSITY,Itrulypridemyself inhelpingclientsachievetheirdream. Brianhadavisionofstartingahumor educationcompany,buthewaskneedeepinhisgraphicdesigncompany makinghisclientslookgood.Ialso hadahandfulofclientsIwasn’tsure howtohelp.Humorishard!! Together,werealizedwewereagreat teamhelpingeachother’sclients.

BecauseIhadpreviousexperience withinformationdesignandpreparing curriculumfrompriorprojects,inmy mind,creatingahumoreducation companywouldbeeasy.

Brian is also a skilled graphic designer with over 20 years in the world of advertising. Our ability to execute on ideas is pretty special.

I can bring him a scrap piece of paper with a little sketch and he can produce something useful from it!

On the left it says “Silence” and on the top center it says “Chuckles” and the far right says “Snorts.” I do like to measure things!

We’re definitely scientific-ish!
Chuckles Snorts

More from the Dreamosity Discovery Deck

A series of videos loop in the background to give an idea of what we do.

Copywriting that sounds like Brian; kind and playful.

Media bling! All these logos represent place we’ve been seen or heard on.

Collaborators! It’s never the “us” show, is about the people we serve.

How does media bling help a brand?

Mediagetsyouin frontofnew audiencesandit alsocreates credibility.Instead ofsaying“we’re amazing”,you’re noddingtothefact thatyou’vehad yourmessageon notablestages.

It’s been said that exposure doesn’t pay the bills but when people admire you and respect you, it helps to increase opportunities.

Oneofmyfavoritecorporate trainingswasatoneofthetop accountingfirms,MossAdams. Themassiveabacusmadeforafun photo!

MyheartforFinancialJoyandfor peopletoreallyunderstandthedata behindtheirdreamshasevolved overtheyears.Whenwereceived thisopportunitytotrainabunchof brilliantbuttimidaccountantsto communicatemoreeffectively,I wasthrilled!Thiswasourthird accountingfirmandtheyhave suchanimportantroleinbusiness.

Wehaveproventoourselvesthat ANYONEcanlearntodevelop theirmixofhumor.It’snoteasy.It actuallyrequiresalotofwriting, practicing,experimenting, FEELING,andhelpingothers toFEEL. Peopleoftenaskwhywedon’t LIVEstreammoreofourevents andit’sbecausewewanteveryone tofeelextremelysafe.


Whenwetossoutsomeimprov activitiesoraskseriouspeopleto experimentwith“SOUND”Idon’t blamethemfornotwantinga recordofit.It’snotsupposedtobe amazingonthefirstattempt.It’s supposedtobeawkwardandweird.

Theexperienceofstretchingbeyond yournormalstyleofspeakingreally needslove, encouragement,and safety.It’snotaperfectequation; yetpeopledostumbleacross somethingusefulandcleverthat theywanttokeepintheir communicationtoolbox.

One of my big reflections around fundraising events is that I don’t prefer ‘just’ reading details of auction items (this could have been the pain talking). I am more of motivator than a Vanna. It’s important that we reflect on our failures or the things we don’t enjoy. It’s been difficult putting my speaking career on hold for years because of my medical challenges.

Ironically in this photo, I wore black to hide the (unbeknownst to me) massive growing cyst that I had removed several months later. I never wear black, but I didn’t know what was happening to my body. After all; to be a great speaker you must stand tall for hours at a time.

On the other hand, its been AMAZING to see Brian’s career take off in the Emcee and Fundraising arena.

Hewon’tletmepublishhistotalamountraisedbecauseapparentlyit’snot proper;butit’simpressive.Tothinkthathe’shelpedhundredsofpeople anddozensofcommunitiesisreallyatalentedformofgenerosity.Ididn’t knowI’deverbearecipientofhisskillsatthislevelbutwhenmymedical mysterytookaturnandallmysavingsandconfidenceinthisscenario wasn’taddinguptobeenough.

Injustover30days,Brianralliedwithsomeofourclosebusinessfriends, comedianswithinourLAFTechcommunity,andthatentiregroupof awesomeindividualsputonanall-day,two-parteventatalocal Snohomishvenue.TherewasaSilentAuction,LiveAuction,cateredfood, wine&beersales,andComedicentertainmenttohelpraisethemoneyI wouldneedsoIcouldliterallyAFFORDmedicalcosts,achancetorest, heal,andjusthavetheluxuryofknowingthatitwasallgoingtobeok.I willneverforgetthis.

PhotosinthiscollageabovebyJohnWatkinsofWatkinsPhotography.It’s alwaysfunseeinghowdifferentphotographerscapturepersonality.

I’msothankfulKrystal&BobbyShultz,comedianKateCarlson Carlsen,andBrianforgoingtobatforme.Theyeachdidamajor roleinfindingresources,askingforhelponbehalfofme,bending overbackwardsamidsttheirbusyschedules.

Everypersoninthefollowingpicturespicturescamefrommysphere ofinfluence.WhileIwasdownanddiscouraged,theyliftedmeup!

Every smile came because people care about people. The comedians were excellent, the decor was on point, people brought friends, gifts were donated to be auctioned, food was prepared with kindness and love, and sponsors came out of the woodworks.


Thankful Thankful

One of the things I loved after our first few LAF Tech events was checking all the photos out a few days later.

It’s exciting to see how much joy we were able to generate because of the dedication to a vision. Vetala Hawkins, long time friend of Brian has photographed many of our events including this fundraiser.

Depending how similar our circles are, you’ll recognize a lot of beautiful people! I’m still so grateful for every donation, kind word, laugh, hug, and prayer!

I’m glad I was able to get the financial assistance I needed for all of the lost hours & medical costs. Initially, I was embarrassed because I had written a book called, “Financial Joy,” but in reflection, what I really do is help people build a sphere of influence and this outpouring really made me realize just how remarkable mine is. I’m so thankful to my community!


It’s really encouraging to see so many leaders and kind souls in one room to help someone down on her luck.

These last few months of physical therapy, stretching my body’s limits, being annoyed a those limits, has been hard. It’s been easier knowing that this group of people are a click or a call away.

One of the biggest compliments my Mom ever gave me was that I’m good at asking for help. While this wasn’t my most graceful ask, it was pretty special to see so many people from so many communities come together. Brian was the ringleader of it all, but they all said “Yes.”

Krystal and Bobby Shultz, Jiahna Lu Chapman worked magic in ways I still don’t fully understand. If you were a part of this day, thank you so freaking much. I was so scared and your love and talents and resources brought so much relief and strength to me.

We all get to choose our face every day and it was so special to see these smiles full of joy from our amazing comedians at this show. Extra special thanks to these playful faces. I am forever grateful!


Let’s get really good at asking for help! Try rants and raves as a way to see how your team* is truly feeling. I love this graphic from Instagram about perseverance and asking for help!

*If you don’t have a team, start building one.

Aren’tthosepictureinspiring!?Ilovelookingatthesmilesand gigglesfromthisgenerousevent!

IoftenjokethatBrianismyfavoriteSeagull.Seagullsareagood thinginmybook,(FinancialJoy)becausetheyaren’thesitantin askingforwhattheywant.Mineminemine.Theyclose.They refer.Theymakemagichappenbecausetheygetpeopletoyes.

ForyearsnowI’vebeenanactive memberofhisothercompany, PNAnw,whichheacquired in2019.Hetrainsbusiness ownerstobecomebetter communityleaders,strongreferralpartners,and bettercommunicators.

Imadeaspecialvisualtoshowcasethebeautyand connectivenessofthisPNAnwnetworkingorganization.

20-70% of my business comes from this community each month and Brian tends to be my best referral partner.

Networkinginpersonhasa levelofcharmthatonline doesn’t.Youcanseejusthow nervoussomeoneisorhow adorabletheirlaughisina room.Theirwrittenskillsaren’t noticedbuttheirpassioncomes throughbrilliantly.

WhenIbegantotrulybuilda salesforcewithPNAnwmy worldchanged.Irealizedhow unclearIwasandthatmanyof theskillsIthoughtIhad desperatelyneededwork.

I’vebouncedaroundabitinthe PNAnwcommunityandhave heldeveryrolepossibleand initiatedtheDigitalPNAgroup forbrandslikeminethatdon’t currentlyhaveabrickand mortaroraren’t tiedtoonespecificzipcode.

WhenIbeganthinkingabout, “HarmonyintheHome”asthe purposeforthispublication,it waseasytoidentifyinthe PNAnwreferralnetwork “PowerTeams.”Graphic designersandwebdevelopers aremybestreferralsources. Doyouknowyours?

Thenaturalsequenceofsome transactionscancreateaPowerTeam. Anexampleiswhenapersonwantsto purchaseahome;theymovefrom qualifyingforahome,(Mortgage)to buyingahome,(RealEstateBroker) theninsuringahome.(Propertyand CasualtyInsurance)

This may seem a little obvious at first glance, but not all categories have such a clean synergy.

Inmanycasesonepersoncould handleallthreeoftheseofferings.I’ve definitelysoldpackagesthatincludeall threeinthepast.

I’veleanedawayfromwebdesignover theyearsasit’snotmyfavoritething todo.It’sbeeninterestingtoseeover theyearswhereandhowthePower Teamsform.

Power Teams

AcommonphraseinthePNAnw Communityis1-to-1.It’swhentwo individualsmeetupforcoffeeor lunchandshareanhour.Oftenit’s 30minutesallaboutyouand30 minutesallaboutthembutitnever seemstobeequalbecauseas humanswe’renotrobots!


WiththeexceptionofDigitalPNA, thisisaclosedcategory organization.Thatmeansonlyone typeofprofessionalperchapter. Forthisvisual,I’mgoingto representanopencategoryasa hexagonthat’scolorlessor identifiesacategorythat’sdesired.

Open category

Thisinfographicisn’tbasedon Facebookgroupslikemanyofmy sphereofinfluencecommunity matrixexamples. Itdoesreflectthevarietyof categoriesandpotentialopenings perchapter.

Hereisalegendofsomeofthe keycategoriesheld.


















Thesecategoriesareconstantly changingandoftenevolving.Brianis theconnectionpointtoallchapters andI’venoticedsomepatternsof who’snotthereyet.Doyouknow someoneinoneofthesecategories?

Massage Therapist


Personal Stylist

App Developer

Visualizingour Visualizingour connectionsand connectionsand

ouropportunities ouropportunities

Mill Creek
Bothell M


When I started this publication, I When I started this publication, I wanted it to have a “Highlights” wanted it to have a “Highlights” feel, but for professionals. Who feel, but for professionals. Who remembers that childhood remembers that childhood publication? See if you can connect publication? See if you can connect the dots of what categories are the dots of what categories are open, and if you know someone, open, and if you know someone, send them our way! send them our way!

Click on any city to get times and openings

Nominate a remarkable leader

Does your friend fit the definition of “remarkable” and are they leading a community well?

Suggestaremarkable leadertofeature!

Now accepting applications for 2025. Data art in every issue

Encouragement & inspiring social media success stories


One of the things data art does is keeps us humble and shows us our gaps and weaknesses. Nobody has to walk in this world alone! PNAnw has been a family of sorts for me and I’m happy to be connected to such a sweet and supportive group of people.

o m er Service

Social media can touch ALL 7 of these core competencies of a business

Social media can touch ALL 7 of these core competencies of a business

Iwilloftentellmyclients itonlytakes7elements tocreateasuccessful business.Wedon’t needtobeat100%all thetime;wedoneed toconsiderhowthey connectandhowwe canimprove.

Doaquickanalysis;How isyourleadershipfrom1 to100?Howisyour Marketing?Sales? CustomerService?How aboutFinancial ManagementandProduct Development?Areyour Operationsworkingwell?

Giveyourselfarough %foreachcategory. BeinspiredbyBrain’s remarkablenetwork. He’llalwaysintroduce youandhealwaysknows aguyorgalthatwill makeyourlifebetter.

Check out my mastermind The Revenue Ringlet and grow your influence online. Brian was one of my first members and it’s fun to see him thrive! See his kind words above from Alignable.

Dive into Brian’s podcast! Dive into Brian’s podcast!

Check out some of Brian’s interviews on his podcast, Shut Up and Laugh. All these links are clickable!

Connect with your Local Chamber Connect with your Local Chamber

I’ve recently accepted a volunteer position on the Mill Creek Chamber of Commerce Board as a way to give back and share some social media marketing strategies. I’m really grateful for this opportunity.

This photo was fun a wild golf cart ride after a golf tournament a few years back.

Scrollingismorefun withafriendorfamilymember!

Askabuddythesecuriosityquestionsandsee ifyoucanmakeagreatconnectionorreferral.

Check them out and hone your conversational resourcefulness.

All Instagram usernames are clickable or you can use the search feature. Click through to learn about these business resources in our community. Network away! Interview each other. Have some fun with data art discussions.

Behind every username is a wealth of information and sometimes it takes some digging to truly get to where we need or want to go.


Want your kids to be strong with a healthy self-esteem?


Is your voicemail full?


How has your husband's pornography addiction affected your self confidence?


Tired of drawing your eyebrows on and taking too long to get ready?


Do you need custom embroidered swag?


Have you considered moving to the Pacific Northwest?


Ready to organize and optimize your body of work and leave your legacy behind?


If you had to list your home in 30 days, would you be ready?

@Elisa_ Hawkinson

Need to strengthen your pelvic floor and feel better in your body?


Are you ready to be professionally trained in sales?


Get included in our Remarkable Resources Directory

Only $100 for 12 months.

Would you like to be exceptional at connecting?


Ready to ignite your visibility with publicity?

@Fireralker_ PR

Do you know the steps to get your home ready to SELL?


Craving fitness encouragement and zoom accountability?


Need advice about money matters during a divorce?


Want to develop your mix of humor and be more confident on stage?


Ready to invest in Mill Creek?

@mill_ creek _guy

Ready to grow your business connections in Mill Creek?


Hopeful for a safe place to move forward with others who will understand?


Want to trust yourself more?

@natashaventer_ ac

Ready for some grief resources?


Would you like to build a sales team and earn referrals?


What does it look like to overcome trauma?


All links click through to Instagram

Want to live a happy life?


If life is a game, who’s writing your rules?


Ready to show up visually in your brand?


Wanttovisitthebestselfcare centerinRentonlaunching Summer2024?


What are the popular choices for living situations after 62?

@teresa barthol managing broker

Want the best most effective massage of your life?


Network with these remarkable people!

Reflect carefully

Twice a month we review our marketing efforts together, discuss leverage points, and examine results.

Advance enthusiastically

Leverage your sphere of influence in new ways, collaborate creatively, share intentionally and enjoy expanding.

Your data, your medium

Know the data behind your dreams for the week, month, and each quarter. Be able to connect the dots and gain new insights.

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Create a flipbook
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