The Douglas Post | 16.04.09 | #516

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The Word

by George Thompson - Editor

• Below - Craig Condon, a keen young boxer from Ballinacurra, Midleton meets his hero, gary ‘Spike’ O’Sullivan, American Light Middleweight Champion at Funderland last Friday. Pic:George Thompson

We have been kicked in the guts and we’ve taken it with no fight back! I tend to avoid politics but I have read comments by business leaders and have had press releases sent to me from various bodies, welcoming last weeks budget. This I can’t fathom as the budget was a taxing budget and not one which creates jobs! In my opinion, the hardship this budget will bring will lead to further job cuts and further cutbacks putting even more pressure on the public finances. How can there be any confidence – morally, financially, commercially or personally- when the leader of this country can’t lead by example and take a pay cut, citing the fact that Barak Obama has a residence in the White House and Gordon Brown has a residence in Downing Street as an excuse to justify his higher salary than these two world leaders. I have been outspoken in the past in my view that Junior Ministers are a total waste of the taxpayers money and was chuffed when I heard the news that they were being made redundant only to have my bubble burst when in a follow up announcement, 15 of the 20 junior ministers being laid off, are to be reappointed the day after they resign – what a joke. Public comment voiced its abhorance of this budget but as is typical of the Irish psychie, we have been kicked in the guts and we’ve taken it with no fight back! Shame on us as a nation who, by our lack of action, are supporting those who have mismanaged this country’s finances while bailing out the financial institutions who have been involved the most scandalous forms of misappropriation of funds in recent times while these same institutions have had a direct baring on the downturn in our economy today. * * * The current government is in a rut and shows no vision and while I am not a fan of Enda Kenny, I must admire the man for his and his party’s vision to create 100,000 jobs and employ the services of the top brains in this country, as consultants in achieving top performances from government and government departments. * * * There seems to be a regular spate of car crime taking place in Douglas, in the same places and specially at the weekends. I have received calls from motorists who have parked their cars in various locations and have had the door mirrors broken off. This has been going on for some time and its time to stamp it out! I have been on to Douglas Garda Station who have been investigating this crime and they tell me that they are following a definite line of enquiry. * * * If you are a motorcycle fan (racing or otherwise) there are two major events on this weekend worth popping along to:- there is motocross in Vernon Mount with riders from Ireland and the U.K. taking part while The Half Way welcomes back Drag Racing and there will be some machinery taking part here. Enjoy! Slán George Thompson Editor.

• A swan silhouetted on the glistening water of Loughaderra last weekend. Pic:George Thompson

The Douglas Post Magazine | Unit 14 | Morris House | Douglas West | Cork | Ireland Tel: 021 4369000 | Fax: 021 4369148 | Email: | The publishers have made every effort to ensure all information is correct at time of print, however no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. The views expressed in the articles herein are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher of The Douglas Post Magazine. The Douglas Post is published weekly by Douglas Post Ltd.

2 - Thur 16 Apr '09

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