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COMPANY / Xyngular HEADQUARTERS / Lehi, Utah Something that makes Xyngular the best place to work in direct selling is our voice. We understand that it is not our job to tell people their lives could be better—

NUMBER OF FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES / 130 everyone knows that! We simply offer a spark, then fan

YEAR FOUNDED / 2009 the flames. The fuel is simply the natural, blossoming confidence of each distributor that causes real, lasting change. We support and cheer, but they are behind the wheel. People know they could start their own business. People know they can feel good about how they look. We’re just a mirror reflecting how great they are becoming. We don’t push people to make these changes, and we don’t tout an “ideal image” of how people should look. You won’t find any beforeand-after images associated with our products—only before-and-becoming! We know happy, successful, I love working at Xyngular healthy, and empowered looks and means different things for many people. We offer tools, support, because they let every community, and a wide variety of products to help employee in the door with accomplish any number of goals! a full bank of trust. You are trusted to manage yourself and your schedule HOW DOES YOUR COMPANY BRING THE SAME REDas you need to complete your work. This trust CARPET TREATMENT TO YOUR EMPLOYEES THAT permeates everything else the company believes YOU GIVE TO YOUR DISTRIBUTORS? in, including its six core values. Xyngular embraces In our company, we have something we call “WOW them every day, during every company meeting, and even during extracurricular activities the company hosts (hiking days, anyone?). The company also treats everyone very fairly and encourages internal growth. In my short time here, I’ve seen no less than Service.” This term encompasses not only how we interact with the field of distributors but also a program in which members of our company who share a personal interaction with field members can follow up with a card, message, or gift afterward. Now, this is no small endeavor as, on average, each five different people in various parts of the company of our 60+ member service agents sent 6-10 WOW be transferred into a role that requires a totally gifts a month. Hundreds of these gifts go out to different skillset or more responsibility. If you want distributors and strengthen our connection to them, to work for a company that takes your career growth especially during these difficult times. But we also as seriously as you do and treats you fairly with full believe in giving “WOW Service” or WOW experiences trust to do your job well, come work at Xyngular! to our employees internally. Throughout 2020 we were able to host socially distant events like Drive-In —JD CARGILE / SENIOR MANAGER OF ENGINEERING moves, Top Golf, outdoor Holiday light displays, and drive-thru dinner for their family at the office. But the list doesn’t stop there! We also found ways to do

virtual 5ks, wellness challenges, outdoor summer ski resort activities like the alpine slide, raffles, Holiday and Halloween parties via Zoom, and much more! We are sending personalized packages and swag to their door every few months, as well as Doordash gift cards in their inbox, and scheduled activities to gather on their Zoom. We believe in fostering connections internally as much as we do externally. And we put our money where our mouth is when it comes to carrying out that goal and getting creative on how we can do that in pandemics and beyond!

HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE YOUR COMPANY, AND WHAT ARE THE KEYWORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE? We have six core values meticulously chosen by our leaders and earnestly lived by each of our employees. Xyngular’s Core Values include Excellence, Completion, Ownership, No-Egoness, Clarity, and Courage. You won’t find these words on a wall anywhere in our office. But we guarantee every employee could name them to you and often call them out in communications and meetings. We live with intentionality and are proud to be part of the direct sales industry.

WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY WHEN IT COMES TO MAINTAINING A GREAT WORK ENVIRONMENT? One of our top priorities is to provide tools employees need in their job and helping them be successful—no matter the environment. With our workforce going 90100 percent work from home this year, our environments changed drastically. We put a lot of effort into getting employees what they need at home by working with IT to send our company equipment home for employees and also giving employees a $250 stipend to spend on any needs they may have to create a comfortable work environment at home. Additionally, we realized the importance of fostering a positive virtual environment that mirrors the culture, safety, and comradery of the physical environment our company has. We encourage and facilitated employees to connect virtually. We have had to get creative this past year in how we maintain a great work environment and culture!

HOW DOES YOUR COMPANY SUPPORT TEAM MEMBERS IN THEIR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT? In 2020, one of our main company priorities has been Grow Our People. Employee development has been at the forefront of our conversations. We have invested increased time in training our managers on how to better lead and support their employees—whether that is in their mental health or in what skills they wish to develop. We also have a program we call League of Leaders. In League of Leaders, employees from any level or department in the company join a sort of book club where we read books that relate closely to our foundational principles and discuss current roadblocks in the company together. It works as not only a great avenue for employee development but also increases networking opportunities in the company and company comradery. We know that sustainable growth happens over time and that it may vary from person to person. With that in mind, a major focus for us right now is laying out personal growth plans companywide so we can help employees develop where they want to go and get them the resources they need to learn.

WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT HELPED YOUR COMPANY PIVOT AND SHOW RESILIENCE IN 2020? We are a very frugal company, thanks to the careful planning of our Finance department, making layoffs or salary cuts unnecessary in 2020. However, instead of planning on a trimester basis, we switched to planning on a 6-week basis to better handle changing circumstances, our director and above level employees met weekly to discuss the emergency needs of the company once the pandemic began and we changed our monthly companywide meetings to be weekly in a virtual setting. We did this to keep all employees in the know about how our company was doing financially and systematically in our operations. This also created increased clarity and confidence in the company as a whole. We also communicated to every employee that they were an asset not to be lost and discussed the opportunity that this peculiar time would be to “sharpen our saws” and get more agile with how we work. n

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