The Whole Kid-and-Kaboodle - Summer 2024

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The Team

Jerri Bankston CEO/Owner/Publisher/Editor 281-703-7742

Sherrie Stone Graphic Designer 936-449-0138

Rebecca Goff


Prayer and Praise Coordinator 713.376.5454

Joe Martin

Sales and Marketing for Crockett and surrounding areas 281-702-1572

TiMMark Find Us Online!

Summer 2024 Table of Contents

Jerri’s Corner



the Cover

I was recently presented with a beautiful card with those encouraging words. The tears that came to my eyes were not only for the blessing I was receiving but for the precious family friend that gave it to me. She is like one of my kids and she is such a blessing to many. She has a gift of hospitality and uses her gift constantly with the many gatherings of family and friends at her home. So you can imagine the honor I felt for her to consider ME a blessing. All of us need to stop our busy lives for a minute and ask God to help us to be a blessing, not only to our friends but others as well. Sometimes, just a smile and caring attitude can lift a stranger even for just a moment.

At my age, I am having a little trouble navigating curbs and open sidewalks with nothing to grab. Being a little out of balance, and finding it hard to open doors especially heavy ones, I always appreciate a gentleman that runs to hold the door open for me. Even though I thank him profusely, he probably does not realize what a blessing he has been to me. I hope that my friends, family and those that I am acquainted with and those that I am not have seen Jesus in me.

It would be wonderful if those of us that consider ourselves Christian would take some time to pray to be a blessing at every opportunity. I know I need to do better. What about you?

correspondence and editorial submissions are welcomed and encouraged, but we reserve the right to edit and reject all submissions. Advertisers assume all liability for content in their ad, and Kid and Kaboodle assumes no responsibility for sales or misleading advertisements. All publications of The Whole Kid and Kaboodle can be viewed on our website: TiMMark and also on our Facebook Page, The Whole Kid and Kaboodle. To receive the magazine by mail, submit your address to:
Kids Eat Free....................................................6 Mobilize Montgomery.................................8-9 The Value of Families...............................10-11 Local Events page..........................................12 Local Parks and Activities ............................14 Splendora ISD Reflections............................16 2024 Vacation Bible School..........................18 Area Libraries.................................................20 Humble ISD: Reinvesting.............................22 Cleveland ISD - Growing and Thriving......24
Children’s Ministry..........................26 The Search is Over.........................................28 Lessons From My Mirror..............................32 On
The happy little muffin maker is Brooks, Grandson of Lisa and David Niccum who reside in Galveston and Patti Buras, Louisiana. Sweetie Pies at the pool are Isaiah and Elijah, Proud grandparents are Janice Hardeman, Porter, and Alex, Boston, MA, Also, Rachel and Preston Venzant, Kingwood. Kayden and Brooks are the handsome dudes at the beach. Grandparents are Jennifer and John Persinger of Livingston. The little cuties w/Tigger are Kaylie and Kodi 5 FALL REGISTRATION FOR 2024 NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! SCAN THE QR CODE to view available classes!

Julio’s Mexican Grill

33418 Egypt Ln,ste A,Magnolia, TX 77354 kids eat free with purchase of adult meal

Freebirds World Burrito

free meals to kids under 12 with the purchase of an adult entree. Maximum two free kids meals per order.


Free Kids Combos,

All day Wednesday and Saturday from 11am to close.

Three B’s Bar and Grill

Kings Crossing - 4590 Kingwood Dr., Kingwood Tuesdays, 3 – 10 PM – 12 and under. Kids meal Only with purchase of adult entree.

Marsala’s Italian Grill

12 and under. Kids meal Only with purchase of adult entree. Tuesdays, 3 – 10 PM. 5324 Atascocita Road, Atascocita, TX 77346

IHop Humble

Sunday-Saturday 4 – 10 PM

Jason’s Deli’s Tuesdays


Tuesdays and Saturdays – 4 PM – 10 PM

Kingwood - 22671 Eastex Fwy, Kingwood, TX 77339 1314 & 59 Porter, Texas 242 & 59 - 23412 TX-242, New Caney, TX 77357

Hectors Mexican Restaurant

Sundays and Tuesdays – 10 and under

Dickey’s Pit Barbeque Kingwood Sundays

Golden Corral

Kids 3 and under always eat free at Golden Corral with one adult buffet purchase.


18355 Tomball Pkwy, KIDS EAT FREE THURSDAY , one free personal pizza with the purchase of a regular adult meal purchase. does not include drinks


“Don’t let fate do your planning for you”®

CiCi Cunningham, Esq. attorney at law


INTERNATIONAL, LLC JANE BYRD Regina VollmeR Real estate agent 281-216-5508 7

Mobilize Montgomery

In 2021 in the aftermath of COVID, the Lord started to reveal His heart to heal the systemic brokenness in our county. As leaders of a church, our assumption had been twofold and wrong on both accounts. First, that there were currently government agencies and other organizations who were pro-actively addressing these problems and secondly that they were gaining the upper hand in the battle.

The truth is that the damage being caused to communities by drugs, violence, human trafficking, poverty, homelessness, hunger, suicide, in-home abuse, racial tensions, political and religious differences, language and other educational barriers, fear, guilt, shame, self-hatred along with many other destructive forces were stealing, killing and destroying individuals, their families and future generations by the thousands.

If we are to believe God as He has revealed Himself in His Word, we cannot ignore this brokenness. In fact, we have been mandated to take action while believing He will co-labor with us to bring lasting change in our communities for generations to come.

For far too long we have delegated our responsibilities to the government or the schools or other organizations to meet these needs. As a result, efforts to meet the needs of our county have been very disjointed and no-one was looking at the problem as a whole. With over 600,000 people spread across more than 1000 square miles the task to take care of a county just seems daunting.

Yet Jesus said He came to set the captives free, to bring hope to the hopeless to declare the year of the Lords favor. If we look at the examples in the Bible we can see that God has shaped the world for the better when faced with far fewer resources than we have. His mandate to Abraham was for him to become a great nation that would be a blessing to all nations. To a childless 75yr old man that must have felt impossible.

Moses had an unimaginable problem with 600,000 men alone who were crying out for the most basic of human needs.

When Jesus arrived on the scene the Israelites were a defeated people living under the might of the Roman Empire. How could these people even consider their call to be the blessing to the whole world under these oppressive conditions?

Yet here we sit, in a resource rich county with hundreds of churches dozens of other ministries along with government agencies, public and private businesses and many thousands of people willing to make a difference. All they need is coordinated mobilization and the belief that when we align with God’s plans we can and will transform our county.

God has invited you and me and thousands more like us to take ownership of the brokenness all around us and spend our lives in the pursuit of being agents of transformation as we see individuals and families find hope and freedom through incremental yet powerful change.

To do this we have a simple strategy

Phase 1

1. Identify the major ongoing systemic needs of our county

2. Identify current resources that are available to meet these needs (government, schools, non-profits, ministries, churches etc.)


3. Create opportunities for those in need to be able to quickly find and avail of these current resources

Phase 2

1. Identify needs that have no current resources or are severely underreported

2. Create awareness of those needs through network channels

3. Motivate, mobilize and equip people and organizations to create solutions to overcome the brokenness

Mobilize Montgomery is in the process of building a discipleship network for business leaders who are willing to see their role and influences in the business world as their calling to bring His Kingdom to all the areas they have influence.

In addition we create events that promote awareness of the problems and cast vision and foster increased collaboration and unity among those we desire to make lasting change. This is only the beginning of winning the battle if we will all own the problem.

Mobilize Montgomery

These are pictures from our “Worship in the Park” event last October which brought together political and religious leaders in a prayer and worship event and also showcased non-profits and service ministries in our county

Growing up in Ireland during politically and economically challenged times, life demanded more attention to surviving than thriving. At the age of 17, I found real meaning in becoming a committed follower of Jesus with the understanding that He cares deeply about people and the communities they live in. Jesus offers the only true hope for all of us and He has empowered you and I to make a lasting difference in our generation. Transformation Church and Mobilize Montgomery are committed to helping you find and fulfill your unique mission in the context of your local community and for God to be honored throughout the process. Our church gathers on Sundays at 10.30am at 20350 FM 2854, Montgomery, 77316



Mobilize Montgomery:

If someone would like to help us make a difference in our county they can reach me at: 9

The Value of Families

On February 19, 1968 ‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood’ debuted on national television. As many of us know, that became a household staple for many generations. The show produced over 1700 episodes during the 33 years it was broadcast. These episodes were designed for children and the development of the next generation. In an interview with Mr. Fred Rogers, toward the end of his

career, he was asked about television’s responsibility to children, and he replied, “To give them everything that we possibly can to help them grow in healthy ways…” This was to bring value to the lives of the children.

Now we understand that life in the late 60’ and 70’s is different than today, however our family values must remain the same. The next generation deserves the same “neighborhood” that we grew up in. That is the responsibility of each one of us. We must have the purpose to create and foster the value of families in a world where artificial intelligence or AI is showing up everywhere. When you rarely see anyone without a phone or device in their hands, it is time for us to invest in family values like never before.

I am not suggesting a world of make believe, I am recommending a world with real living interaction with each other. I am concerned with all of the changes that we have seen from social media, technology, television, etc, that we are losing our real connections.

The strength of the United States of America lies with in the strength of the American family. I am not discounting the strength of our military might or the oversight of the government, I am referring to the strength of your community. That strength lives in the families of your neighborhood. The question is asked, “How do we bring back true family values in 2024”?

That starts with family, and it also must start with you. You must choose to invest your time with your family. That could mean turning off the television, putting down the phone, taking a break from social media, and having a real conversion with your family. Go outside and meet your neighborhood. These are the memories that will matter. The family values will increase, because as the Bible tells us in Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What we value is where our heart will be, we must place a higher value on our families.

So, I challenge you as we enter the summer months, find ways to invest in your family and neighborhood. Make connections that will last a lifetime. When you do these things, the impact will be felt for generations. In the opening sequence of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, the stoplight is always on yellow as a reminder to kids—and their parents—to slow down a little. So, in the famous words of the great Fred Rogers, “Won’t you be my neighbor”.

Jeff Crider is the Pastor of Crockett United Pentecostal Church in Crockett Texas. He has been in the ministry for over 23 years. Jeff and his wife Deena have been married for 23 years and have 2 sons Lance and Kayse. They have served in several capacities at several churches over their 23 years of ministry.


El valor de las familias

El 19 de febrero de 1968 ‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood’ debutó en la televisión nacional. Como muchos de nosotros sabemos, eso se convirtió en un elemento básico del hogar durante muchas generaciones. El programa produjo más de 1700 episodios durante los 33 años que se emitió. Estos episodios fueron diseñados para los niños y el desarrollo de la próxima generación. En una

Jeff Crider entrevista con el Sr. Fred Rogers, hacia el final de su carrera, se le preguntó sobre la responsabilidad de la televisión con los niños, y respondió: “Darles todo lo que podamos para ayudarlos a crecer de manera saludable...” Esto fue para dar valor a la vida de los niños.

Ahora entendemos que la vida a finales de los años 60 y 70 es diferente a la de hoy, sin embargo, nuestros valores familiares deben seguir siendo los mismos. La próxima generación merece el mismo “vecindario” en el que crecimos. Esa es la responsabilidad de cada uno de nosotros. Debemos tener el propósito de crear y fomentar el valor de las familias en un mundo donde la inteligencia artificial o IA está apareciendo en todas partes. Cuando rara vez ves a alguien sin un teléfono o dispositivo en sus manos, es hora de que invirtamos en los valores familiares como nunca antes.

No estoy sugiriendo un mundo de fantasía, estoy recomendando un mundo con interacción real entre sí. Me preocupan todos los cambios que hemos visto en las redes sociales, la tecnología, la televisión, etc., que estamos perdiendo nuestras conexiones reales.

La fuerza de los Estados Unidos de América reside en la fuerza de la familia estadounidense. No estoy descartando la fuerza de nuestro poderío militar o la supervisión del gobierno, me refiero a la fuerza de su comunidad. Esa fortaleza vive en las familias de su vecindario. Se hace la pregunta: “¿Cómo recuperamos los verdaderos valores familiares en 2024”?

Eso comienza con la familia, y también debe comenzar contigo. Debes elegir invertir tu tiempo con tu familia. Eso podría significar apagar la televisión, colgar el teléfono, tomarse un descanso de las redes sociales y tener una verdadera conversión con su familia. Sal y conoce tu vecindario. Estos son los recuerdos que importarán. Los valores de la familia aumentarán, porque como nos dice la Biblia en Mateo 6:21 “Porque donde esté tu tesoro, allí estará también tu corazón”. Lo que valoramos es dónde estará nuestro corazón, debemos darle un valor más alto a nuestras familias.

Por lo tanto, los desafío a medida que entramos en los meses de verano, encuentren formas de invertir en su familia y vecindario. Haz conexiones que durarán toda la vida. Cuando haces estas cosas, el impacto se sentirá durante generaciones. En la secuencia de apertura de Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, el semáforo siempre está en amarillo como un recordatorio para que los niños, y sus padres, reduzcan un poco la velocidad. Así que, en las famosas palabras del gran Fred Rogers, “No quieres ser mi prójimo”.

Jeff Crider es el pastor de la Iglesia Pentecostal Unida de Crockett en Crockett, Texas. Ha estado en el ministerio por más de 23 años. Jeff y su esposa Deena han estado casados durante 23 años y tienen 2 hijos, Lance y Kayse. Han servido en varias capacidades en varias iglesias durante sus 23 años de ministerio. 11
12 14 14 10 11 07 18 June 21 26 06 EVENTS 03 06/18/2024 Bugs Bunny at the Symphony Houston Symphony Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Free No Ticket Required Gates open 6:00 PM, Show 07:00 PM 06/26/2024 The Music of Pink Floyd Houston Symphony The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Free No Ticket Required Gates open 6:00 PM Show 07:00 PM June 21st Friday Night Street Night Houston Motorsports Park 11620 N. Lake Houston Parkway Houston, TX 77044 (281) 594-7590 June 14 Mercer Garden Tour 9-10am June 7 Summer Kick Off Fireworks Kemah Boardwalk 9:30pm June 6th -9th Splash Paws Summer Splash 6741 Klein Cemetery Rd. Spring Jun 11, 2024 pop up market 220 S. Bonham Cleveland TX 77327 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT June 10th Father’s Day at Kemah Boardwalk July 07/03/2024 Star-Spangled Salute Houston Symphony The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Free No Ticket Required Gates open 6:00 PM Show 07:00 PM 04 July 4th 4th of July fireworks Kemah Boardwalk 1pm, Music & Motors every 2nd Friday of the month Live Music, Car Meet, and Food Trucks on Main St! Humble TX 03 05 July 5th Friday Night Street Night Houston Motorsports Park 11620 N. Lake Houston Parkway Houston, TX 77044 (281) 594-7590

Music & Motors every 2nd Friday of the month

Live Music, Car Meet, and Food Trucks on Main St! Humble TX

July 13, Montgomery County Christmas in July, Lone Star Convention Center 9am

July 19-21

The Greatest Show On Earth®! The reimagined Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® invites Children Of All Ages® to a spectacle of superhuman feats, pushing the limits of possibility and thrilling families and fans of all generations.

Friday, July 19th: 7:30 PM

Saturday, July 20th: 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, & 7:00 PM

Sunday, July 21st: 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, & 7:00 PM


Batman (1989) In Concert Houston Symphony

The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Free No Ticket Required Gates open 6:00 PM Show 7:00 PM

July 26-28

Jurassic Quest

Walk among the dinosaurs as North America’s most popular, can’t-miss dinosaur adventure stomps into NRG Center!. KIDS & ADULTS: $22 SENIORS: $19

Friday, July 26: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Saturday, July 27: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Sunday, July 28: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Aug, 2nd Friday Night Street Night Houston Motorsports Park 11620 N. Lake Houston Parkway Houston, TX 77044 (281) 594-7590

Aug 4

Woodlands Car and Coffee For A Cause, 6pm

Aug. 9-11 Tax Free Wkend Old Town Spring

Music & Motors every 2nd Friday of the month

Live Music, Car Meet, and Food Trucks on Main St! Humble TX 13
Taste This Try That Wednesday Aug 28, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT Magnolia Event Center 11659 FM 1488 Magnolia, Tx
13 09 26 19 12 28 August EVENTS


Carter Park, Collins Park, Dennis

Johnston Park, Jesse h. Jones & nature Center, kiCkerillo-MisCher Preserve, anD PunDt Park

Offers canoe/kayak launches at for those interested in canoeing/kayaking Spring Creek, Cypress Creek, and associated waterways. Reservations are required to use a launch to access Spring Creek, Cypress Creek, or associated waterways. Reservations are not required to use the launch at Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve to access Marshall Lake.


Fishing enthusiasts can experience many unique fishing opportunities year-round, with access to fishing in Spring Creek, Cypress Creek, and stocked fishing lakes.


Offers free picnic pavilions with electricity and grills by reservation only at Burroughs Park, Dennis Johnston Park, Meyer Park, and Spring Creek Park. Jesse Jones Park & Nature Center and Mercer Botanic Gardens also offer free picnic pavilions by reservation only, but electricity is not available at these locations. Any parks not listed above that offer small picnic pavilions, picnic tables, or grills are available for use without a reservation on first come, first served basis only during normal park hours

Jones Park

Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center is a premier 312-acre nature preserve open daily to visitors free of charge. The park features a variety of plant and wildlife species, white sand beaches along Spring Creek, swamps and sloughs with century-old cypress trees, and a pristine floodplain located in a hardwood and pine forest. All features are accessible by over eight miles of paved, handicap-friendly pedestrian trails and several unpaved primitive trails. The Spring

Creek Greenway, with over 16 miles of paved trail system along Spring Creek, is also accessible from the park’s Judy Overby Bell Trail and Jones Bender Trail.

sPring Creek Park

This 114-acre facility features one unlighted softball field, one lighted basketball pavilion, two lighted tennis courts, a small barbecue pavilion, a large barbecue pavilion, eight RV/camper hookups, three tent camping sites, one primitive camping area, a playground, trails, picnic tables, barbecue grills, an archery range, a sand volleyball court, and a rest room/shower pavilion. Free tent & rv CaMPing

Overnight camping is offered at no cost to public RV and tent campers at Spring Creek Park. Groups and individuals are permitted to camp up to 7 continuous nights per month. Long-term camping or camping outside of designated areas is not permitted.

atasCoCita Park 17302 W Lake Houston Pkwy, Atascocita, TX 77346

7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

14 15 HEATHER GARZA HG Tax & Financial Services 700 Rockmead Drive, Suite 213| Kingwood, TX 77339 Phone (281) 446-8002 | We do the Max to decrease your Tax! SERVICES: Tax Preparation & Planning, Payroll Services, Bookkeeping, Financial Planning

Splendora ISD Reflections

The Second Semester and End of the 2023-24 school year

The second semester at Splendora ISD has proven as remarkable as the first. Our Career & Technical Education (CTE) students, with their unwavering dedication and hard work, are actively pursuing their industry-based certifications (IBCs). Our fine arts students, with their captivating performances, continue to inspire, and our athletes, with their record-breaking achievements, are setting new standards of excellence.

In the realm of CTE, our students are not just earning certifications; they are equipping themselves for their future careers and personal growth. Notably, 23 culinary arts students have earned their ServSafe Food Handlers certification, with eight seniors attaining the ServSafe Manager certification. Meanwhile, our cosmetology students, through their participation in the SkillsUSA State Competition, have showcased their talents, resilience, and determination, with several students excelling in various categories, such as Quiz Bowl, Action Skills, and Nail Art.

The theatrical prowess of our students shone through as the cast and crew of the One-Act Play “Silent Sky” advanced to bi-district, with standout performances recognized with All-Star Cast and All-Star Tech awards.

Seniors Andres Espinosa and Angelina Anderson represented Splendora ISD on the athletic front at the State Powerlifting Meet. At the same time, our girls’ track team continues to rewrite the school’s record books

with stellar performances in various events.

As we approach the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year, we are excited to see our graduating seniors embark on their next chapter and look forward to welcoming our kindergarteners as they transition to first grade. With banquet and awards ceremonies in full swing, we take immense pride in our student’s accomplishments and extend our heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated staff. Their unwavering support and commitment have been instrumental in our students’ success.

Splendora ISD’s future brims with promise and excitement, offering our students abundant opportunities for growth and success.


If you are age 15+, have a servants' heart, and are willing to volunteer at CHW for 2 - 4 weeks this summer, please contact Camp His Way at Cornerstone Church-Cleveland 27453 Highway 105 W, Cleveland (281) 592-2281 17

Believers Fellowship Church 31815 Old Hempstead Rd.Magnolia, TX, 77355 Ι Ɩ 281-350-9673

Believers Fellowship Church 21603 Rhodes Rd. Spring, TX, 77388 Ι Ɩ 281-350-9673

June 17-20, 6pm to 9pm. Woodridge Baptist/Kingwood, 5707 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77345 281-361-6800

Magnolia's First Baptist Church 18525 FM 1488, Magnolia, Texas 77354 (281) 356-8543

July 22-July 25 St Martha’s Catholic, Magnolia 281-356-2000,Scuba

June 25th - 27th: 10am to 8pm!

Grace Woodlands Church 24400 Interstate 45 N, The Woodlands, TX 77386 (832) 381-2306

JUNE 10-13 9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

Grace Presbyterian Church 10221 Ella Lee Ln

First Baptist Crockett. Kids First was developed as a FREE Summer program that helps children in the Crockett area with Biblical truths that will impact their lives for eternity. Kids First utilizes videos, crafts, games, and music to provide a safe learning experience.

- Family Life Center - 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM | Wednesdays

Pre-K to 5th grade

Grace Church


June 24-26 6:30pm to 9pm


June 24-26 from 6pm to 8pm


July 26,6:30pm to 9pm July 27, 10am to 3pm July 28, 10am to noon


July 22-24 6pm to 7:30pm


Jun 17, 2024, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Porter First Baptist 24570 FM1314 Rd, Porter, TX 77365 281-354-3339 ꞁ

June 17th - 21st: 9am-12pm. Emmanuel Baptist Church 20842 US-59, Unit H, New Caney, TX 77357 281-755-5860 ꞁ

July 8-11: 9AM-12Noon

July 15-17: 5:30PM-8:30PM Wildwood United Methodist 8911 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354 (832) 934-0100


8-12 JULIO // 6:00-8:30PM

La Luz Del Mundo Comunidad Cristiana Registro Gratis Ages Pre K-5to Grado



JULY 8-12 // 6:00-8:30PM


The Light of the World Christian Fellowship Free Registration Ages: Pre K-5th Grade 19


Atascocita Branch Library

19520 Pinehurst Trail Dr, Atascocita, TX 77346

Hours: Mon. 11a-6p / Tue. 10a-8p / Wed. 10a-6p

Thu. 10a-8p / Fri. 1p-6p / Sat. 10a-5p

Phone: (832) 927-5560

Octavia Fields Branch Library

1503 S Houston Ave, Humble, TX 77338

Hours: Mond 11a-8p / Tues 10a - 6p / Wed 10a - 8p

Thurs 10a - 6p / Fri 1p - 6p / Sat 10a - 5p

Phone: (832) 927-5500

Kingwood Branch Library

4400 Bens View Ln, Kingwood, TX 77339

Hours: Monday, 10am-8pm / Tues.10am-8pm / Wed. 10am8pm

Thurs. 10am-9pm / Fri, 1pm-6pm / Sat. 10am-5pm

Phone: (832) 927-7830

20 21

Humble ISD

Reinvesting in the community and enhancing learning experiences

North Bend Elementary “Ski Lodge / Winter Sports”

Humble ISD is investing in our community by bringing to life imaginatively-themed playgrounds at our elementary schools along with fitness and obstacle courses at our middle

River Pines Elementary “The Rainforest”

schools. These engaging spaces, designed with handicappedaccessible rubber surfaces, are open to all families after school, on weekends and school holidays.

And guess what? Exciting educational opportunities don’t stop at playgrounds! Scan the QR code for enrollment information.

Shadow Forest Elementary “Ice Castle”

Jack Fields, Sr. Elementary “Space Exploration”

Oaks Elementary “The National Parks”

22 Humble innovative and an to and personally year, high their Several ISD access where
and elementary
in art, and Humble offer Education grade careers criminal science, technology, to these planning Lakeland as part
ome Explore:

Humble ISD schools offer safe, innovative learning environments and an education that is personalized to meet each student’s goals and interests. Counselors meet personally with every student each year, and twice a year in middle and high school, to support students on their educational journey.

Several campuses in Humble ISD offer elementary students access to a performing arts wheel where they can explore orchestra, band, theatre, choir, dance, and mariachi. Additionally, all elementary schools engage students in art, music, library, STEM labs, and PE classes.

Humble ISD middle schools offer a Career and Technical Education (CTE) wheel where 6th grade students can explore future careers in areas such as agriculture, criminal justice, finance, health science, hospitality, information technology, and more. Exposure to these fields aids in future course planning as students move into high

school in Humble ISD.

Humble ISD High Schools offer 40 programs of study and 179 CTE courses, which include courses in barbering, criminal justice, culinary, health sciences, information

technology and more. With more than 40 job-ready certifications to choose from, students can graduate high school and have the skills and credentials to get started on their career right away. In addition, there are over 100 Advanced Placement courses, including an International Baccalaureate Program and dual credit college courses from collegeiate partners such as San Jacinto Community College, Lone Star College-Kingwood, and The University of Texas OnRamps program. Students can also participate in JROTC programs from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to prepare for a military career.

Humble ISD has some of the most competitive athletics and fine

arts programs in the state of Texas, including mariachi and a robust eSports program.

In addition to traditional classroom learning, students have access to new, immersive playgrounds, outdoor fitness equipment, and outdoor learning spaces. These innovative learning environments offer opportunities for students to develop life skills, including collaboration, problem solving and creativity. New or additional playground and fitness equipment is being installed on handicap-accessible, poured-inplace rubber surfaces instead of mulch, over the next several years.

Humble ISD has strong community support for innovative and safe school facilities. Now, through a limited open enrollment program, families who do not live in Humble ISD can apply for their children to attend an Humble ISD school. Parents who are able to provide transportation may apply to take advantage of all that Humble ISD has to offer! 23
Lakeland Elementary students learn violin as part of the performing arts wheel. Middle schools culinary classes compete in the Top Hat Junior Chef competiton. Students search for clues to solve a crime in the Criminal Justice section of the 6th Grade CTE Exploration Wheel. Humble High School Mariachi: Los Trés Gatos

Cleveland ISD Growing and Thriving

Cleveland ISD takes pride in its comprehensive Career Technical Education (CTE) programs. These programs empower students to explore their

interests and develop practical skills in a variety of career clusters. Whether a student aspires to be a skilled tradesperson in Construction or Welding, a culinary artist in Culinary Arts, or a future healthcare professional through Health Science programs, Cleveland ISD offers the resources and support to make those dreams a reality. These CTE programs are designed to give students a competitive edge in their chosen career paths, providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in today’s job market.


The introduction of the Community On Patrol in Schools (C.O.P.S) program is a testament to the district’s dedication to the safety and security of its students. By involving community volunteers in the oversight of school campuses, Cleveland ISD is fostering a strong sense of shared responsibility for safety. These volunteers play a vital role in monitoring various aspects of the school day, ensuring that students can focus on learning in a secure environment. The C.O.P.S program not only enhances safety but also strengthens the bond between the district and the community, creating a supportive and protective educational ecosystem.

Sorcha, the drug detection dog, has quickly become a beloved member of the Cleveland ISD family. With her keen senses and friendly demeanor, she makes the daily campus visits a positive experience for students and staff. Sorcha’s role in the district is essential in ensuring a drugfree environment where students can learn and thrive without

unnecessary distractions. Her presence is a symbol of Cleveland ISD’s proactive approach to maintaining a safe and drug-free school environment, reinforcing the district’s commitment to the well-being of its students.

In summary, Cleveland ISD’s impressive growth, commitment to academic excellence, and dedication to the safety and security of its students make it a standout district in the Texas educational landscape. The success stories of its graduates and the innovative programs in place continue to set high standards for education and provide a nurturing environment for students to flourish. Cleveland ISD is not only growing but thriving, creating a bright future for its students and the community as a whole.

Cleveland ISD is led by Superintendent Stephen W. McCanless. Mr. McCanless is a Native Texan, having been raised in and completing all of his public school years in Channelview ISD. Being from a family of 4 brothers and 5 sisters, McCanless says that education was always a topic of discussion at the dinner table. Mr. McCanless received his Associates Degree in Social Science from San Jacinto College, his Bachelor’s Degree in Literature and Master’s Degree in Education Management, both from University of Houston Clear Lake. McCanless has completed all course work for his Ed.D in Educational Supervision at Lamar University. Mr. McCanless’s philosophy is, “Every child can learn; our job is to support and inspire them in this journey.”

Cleveland ISD is led by Superintendent Stephen W. McCanless. Mr. McCanless is a Native Texan, havingbeenraisedinandcompletingallofhispublicschoolyearsinChannelviewISD.

Being from a family of 4 brothers and 5 sisters, McCanless says that education was always a topic of discussionatthedinnertable.Mr. Science from San Jacinto College, his Bachelor’s Degree in Literature and Master’s Degree in EducationManagement,bothfrom all course work for his Ed.Din Educational Supervision at Lamar University.. Mr. McCanless’s philosophyis,“Everychildcanlearn;ourjobistosupportandinspiretheminthisjourney”.

Check Out Our New Website WWW.CLEVELANDISD.ORG

Roatán Children’s Ministry

Caring for the least, the last and the lost children of Roatan, Honduras

The island of Roatan is located in the southwestern Caribbean Sea, and one of the premier destinations for cruise ships, diving enthusiast, and home of some of the best deep-sea fishing areas in the world.

The island measures only 38 miles long and 4 and 1/2 mile wide. Approximately 35,000 full-time native Honduran residents live on the island with a fluctuation of an additional 20,000 tourist from airline and cruise ship passengers invade the island on a weekly basis. There are also an estimated 18,000 Expat retirees that have permanently relocated there.

While the island is considered stunningly picturesque with its deep blue waters, mountainous topography and lush tropical rain forests, it is hard to see the absolute abstract poverty in some of the most remote areas of the island. No sources of drinkable water, no electricity, and no sewage systems, yet despite this harsh environment, the children are filled with joy playing literally with just rocks and sticks to keep them occupied and entertained.

Prehistory of the children’s ministry dates back to approximately 2008 when Pastor Elmer Bush along with Cleve Bodden self-funded feeding and clothing these children in need.

On September 26, 2018, Roatan Children’s Ministry was formally chartered as a US registered nonprofit charity under IRS rules 501(c) 3 located in Humble, Texas and came beside Elmer and Cleve to help support this outreach children’s program.

Roatan Children’s Ministry Board of Directors is made up of five US residents with professional expertise in ministry, finance and organization (two Directors reside in Humble, Texas), with four island residents that include the island’s renowned doctor, a very well-respected teacher, beloved pastor, and fore mentioned acclaimed entrepreneur, Cleve Bodden.

The charter is specific and very focused in providing basic food staples such as flour, rice, beans, pasta, salt, and sugar. The charter also allows the organization to take in donations for clothing and shoes. Additionally, over-the-counter medicines for children are also allowed.

The children are certainly the treasure of the island. Roatan Children’s Ministry (here in throughout referred to as “RCM”) seeks to provide for the most impoverished children on the island and to bless them all in the name of Jesus Christ. The children are remarkably well mannered, and very respectful.

Since 2018, RCM has grown significantly providing food, clothing and medical assistance from around 20 children back in 2018 to now providing those essential staples to over 800 children per month with over 60 island volunteers diligently working together in a coordinated effort to reach these remote outback locations.


Also, during that time from formation to date, RCM has installed 12 McDonald size playgrounds all over the island whereby before there were absolutely no playgrounds at all on the island for the children to enjoy. We recognize that the playgrounds were beyond the scope of our 501(c)

(3) charter, yet they were all donated by a church associated program from Conroe Texas.

The logistics of getting all this food, clothing and medical supplies to the children all over the island is quite challenging and especially during the rainy season when most of these mountain roads are just mud potholes and not passable by traditional means. The ministry does have a 4-wheel drive vehicle to get these much-needed food staples to the most remote locations, yet it is still very treacherous.

The great majority of the workers are all volunteers along with the board of directors that volunteered their time and talents to ensure distribution and funding. Only two staff workers receive a meager monthly wage which insures that the vast majority of donations are used primarily for the children’s basic needs. We are delighted in the fact that Guide Star, a nonprofit rating organization, lists RCM as the highest rated in value nonprofit organization in their rating scale.

RCM also has a children’s only fishing tournament every year to honor a young RCM volunteer who passed away suddenly at the age of 15. He was cherished by all on the island as a kindhearted, Christian young man, with great promise and so therefore “The Ian Bush Memorial Children’s Fishing Tournament” was established in 2020 to honor God and remember this young man. This event has grown into the Honduran nation’s largest children’s event this year with over 500 children participating in the fishing tournament and traditional beach party. There is no cost to any of the children nor parents for this large event solely funded by donations to RCM.

RCM solely depends on the generosity of donors to maintain their objective of providing food, clothing and medical assistance to the most impoverished children on the island.

Please consider following us on Facebook by searching Roatan Children’s Ministry, or go to our website at:

Rick and Linda Swanson are founders, board members and officers for Roatan Children’s Ministry. They have been residents of Humble Texas for over 40 years and Rick Swanson currently serves on the Humble City Council. They have both been active in ministry outreach for many decades, both locally and internationally. 27

The Search is Over

After just two weeks of use, my uncle’s power wheelchair started to malfunction. It was still under warranty, so getting it fixed should have been a straightforward process. However, what followed was a frustrating and lengthy ordeal that lasted for nine long months. The company that sold him the chair promised to come out

and repair it. They made excuse after excuse, leaving him stuck in the same situation. Although the chair was functional, it was experiencing more and problems. Finally, in the eighth month, the power chair stopped working altogether.

Despite my pleas and expressing the urgency of the situation, the company showed no compassion or concern about my uncle’s needs, safety, or health issues as he struggled to use a manual wheelchair. At least ten representatives, two advocates, and one case manager from the insurance company contacted the vendor but they still refused to fix it. Finally, after I moved on, I was able to locate another company that would use the warranty to make the necessary repairs. Once the warranty had expired, they said that they would be able to use his insurance plan to make repairs if necessary.

In the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh repeatedly promised to let the children of Israel go, but each time, he changed his mind and kept them in bondage. Finally, after the last plague, he let them go free. The story of my uncle’s power wheelchair is not dramatic as that of the Israelites, but it is a reminder that we have to persevere through difficult situations before we can reach a resolution. When things don’t go as planned, and there are obstacles that we have to overcome we must never give up in the face of adversity because God is always there to help us.

Exodus 6:8: “And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the Lord.”

You can contact Deborah at P.O. Box 1594, Humble, Texas 77347-1594 or calling (281) 878-2062. Listen to Deborah Elum’s Podcast at:

“A Fabulously Fun Read And Just Downright Hilarious!”

It is Time for a Church Overhaul! The Pastor of Sunnydale Community Church just does not know what to do. He is at his wits end with a church of rowdy ladies, a dysfunctional Deacon Board, and one nosey secretary. A Church with Spots and Wrinkles is a hilarious comedy by Deborah Elum. Price $12.95. Available at or LULU.COM and friendships will leave you thirsting for more. Wake Up and Smell the Coffee! by Deborah Elum. Price $12.95. Available at or LULU.COM.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. – Declaration of Independence

Independence Day, also called the 4th of July, is a day we celebrate when the Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress. The American colonies were tired of being ruled by Great Britain. They wanted to become their own country. But it would not have happened unless they broke away from what was keeping them oppressed. They first had to let go, and just like personal freedom, letting go is not easy.

When I speak of personal freedom, I am talking about letting go of things that are holding us back from something better. The problem with freedom is the unknown that lies on the other side of it. That’s what paralyzes us – not knowing what awaits us once we break the chains that hold us back from doing what we feel we are created to do.

The price of personal freedom is giving up the comfort of staying the same and having the courage to let go of the familiar. Fear of the unknown kills more dreams than failure ever could. We are trapped in a private war going on inside of our mind between the positive and the negative. Do not let the lies of the enemy kill what God has planned for your life. When I learned the freedom that comes with letting things go, I watched in astonishment as things started to fall into place.

Forgive yourself for the decisions and mistakes you have made. Forgive others who have hurt you, knowingly or unknowingly. Unforgiveness causes immense bitterness. Stop dragging the past into your present. Let it go and let God. Just as we are all facing challenges as a nation today, we must have the courage to make the changes that will make us better, let go of the fear of what the future holds, and trust God who holds the future.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Paula Enloe worked as a legal assistant for over 25 years and is a certified family law mediator. She is the author of the book “Lessons From My Mirror - Change Begins With Me.” Paula and her husband Noble, began having Bible Studies in their home when Covid-19 restricted public gatherings in church buildings. When their group began to grow, they founded the Family Worship Center of Plum Grove, Texas. In 2022, they moved into a building but continue to keep the home setting inside with couches, tables and chairs. Their motto is “Doing Church Differently”. They count it as their greatest privilege to share the love of Jesus to each person they come in contact with daily.


Oilfield Workers Sharing Christ Around the World

The Oilfield Christian Fellowship

The Oilfield Christian Fellowship, OCF, began unwittingly in May, 1991 during a phone conversation between Jim Teague, a Petroleum Engineer and John Bird an oilfield sales manager.

Jim asked John, “How many Christians do you know in the oil patch?” John named off several and Jim then asked, “You know that many!?” His astonishment was understandable in that the industry had some rough and tumble characters at the time and at least for him, few had exhibited their Christianity.

So, they decided to have a breakfast to get to know other Christians. After that first breakfast Houston FBC allowed them to meet monthly for lunch.

Soon chapters formed in New Orleans, Dallas, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City, Denver, Lafayette, Corpus Christi, and several other cities. New chapters include Calgary and Caracas and Northwest Lousiana. Note: There are no dues or signup fees, and attendees are only out what their meal costs.

One night in 2003 over dinner, drilling manager Mike Chaffin shared a moving story with John about taking Russian Bibles to a drilling camp in Kazakhstan which had recently left the former Soviet Union. He talked about how lives were changed. Inspired, John felt God was telling him, ‘Why don’t you design an Oilfield Bible for the oil patch.” John remembers, “It was the second time in my life that it felt God was speaking to me in such a powerful way. Shaken, I told my wife what happened. If someone were asking, was His voice audible I would answer, ‘No, it was much louder than that!”

Soon, Mike and John built the custom Oilfield Bible, God’s Word for the Oilpatch, Fuel for the Soul. In 2004 5,000 copies from The International Bible Society were printed and within a month they were gone. More were ordered. Soon a Spanish edition printing, followed by Chinese and a Portuguese New Testament. Orders continue to come in every week. This unique Bible with testimonies from men and women in the oil and gas industry is now approaching 450,000 copies in English, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese and can also be read and heard on a free Oilfield Bible app

Additional materials can be found on their website,, including the devotional, “Making the Trip With God on Route 316.” The OCF is 33
an all-volunteer
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