37202 Alzafar

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The Alzafar Achbar is the Official Membership Newsletter of Alzafar Shriners: It is published monthly by Alzafar Shriners Stated Meeting ………………………….. 2nd. Thursday Monthly Chartered ………………………………………………… July 13, 1916 PHONE: 210-496-1625 San Antonio Shrine Auditorium: 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232: www.thesashrineauditorium.com Alzafar Shriners E-mail: alzafarrecorder@gmail.com Official Website: www.alzafar.org 2020 ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate ………………………………………………Marty Bartlett Chief Rabban ……………………………………….Travis Elmendorf Assistant Raddan …………………………………Robert Norman High Priest & Prophet ………………………….Rick Reyes III Oriental Guide ………………………………………Marco Zuniga Treasurer ………………………………………………David Olivares Recorder ……………………………………………….Thomas Leverett 2020 APPOINTIVE DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ………………………………..TBD 2nd Ceremonial Master ……………………………….TBD Director ……………………………………………………Donald English Marshall …………………………………………………………Ken Propes Captain of the Guard ……………………………………TBD Outer Guard ………………………………………………...TBD Chaplain ……………………………………………………….TBD 2020 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Potentate ………………………………………………..…Marty Bartlett Chief Rabban ……………………………………….Travis Elmendorf P.P. Reese L. Harrison, Jr. ………Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bob” Jett …………….Emeritus Representative Daniel M. Hutchison III …………..Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bobby” Hunt P.P. Stuart H. “Stu” Simms 2020 FINANCE COMMITTEE Potentate ………………………………………………….Marty Bartlett Chief Rabban ……………………………………….Travis Elmendorf Assistant Rabban ……………………………………Robert Norman Garrett Etheridge ……………………………………………….4 Years Gary Bausel…….. …………………………………………………3 Years Kyle Jackson …. …….……………………………………………2 Years Allen Ditmore ..…………………………………………………….1 Year ALZAFAR SHRINE PHOTOGRAPHER ………….TBD STATED MEETING The next Stated Meeting of the Alzafar Shriners will be held on February 13, 2020 at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232. Dinner is at 6:00pm on a first come first served basis. The purpose of the Stated Meeting is to receive and ballot on petitions, to receive committee reports, to discuss and take possible action on agenda matters and any such other business, as might come before it YOUR 2020 DUES CARD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ADMITTANCE TO STATED MEETINGS. BE SURE TO BRING THESE THREE THINGS: • • •

Your fez on your head Your dues card in your pocket The spirit of fun and good fellowship in your heart

Potentate Recorder

Marty Bartlett Thomas D. Leverett

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve our Alzafar Nobility. We are honored to have worked alongside all these great individuals. One man can make a difference, but one man cannot do it alone. I hope, I have made a difference and I thank you all for your time, talent and tithing. We could not have done anything without you.




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Thank you, Love The DeWalt Family


POTENTATE ELECT Marty Bartlett I decided to wait until the Friday after the elections, because you never really know what could happen at an election. Now, I am very excited to be your incoming Potentate for 2020! We have lots of plans to roll out next month, but suffice it say we will have a very exciting and fun year. I am awed by the support and encouragement that Martha and I have received these first 4 years on the Divan. We have made friendships that will clearly go on forever. It is hard to imagine what took up so much of our time before the Shrine came along (I have a feeling it was kids in school). I hope that we can live up to the faith that you have placed in us for the ensuing year. Not to get too far ahead of ourselves, but there are some early dates in this coming year that you need to get onto your calendars. The weekend of February 21-23 will be our annual pilgrimage to Laredo for the Washington Day parade. It will be a 2 day party this year, instead of 1. Friday night will be our traditional blow out at the Spring Hill Suites hotel in the parking lot. Our chief host, Kyle Jackson, and his team will be putting on quite the event. On Saturday night we will have a second big party at a private residence of one of our brothers in Laredo. It will be something special you don’t want to miss. Get with Tommy in our office in that hotel reservations are due by early Feb. Then Feb 29 (leap day) will be the annual Nobility 9 Masquerade Ball. The team is already planning some great events for the night, with the Spazmatics as our band for the evening. Cost is only $20 for all you can eat, drink and dance, so call Carol in the office soon to reserve your spot. August 16-23 is the Potentate Cruise, where multiple Texas Shrines are participating, making this a Texas-wide trip. A flyer is in this newsletter providing additional info. Much more to come next month regarding fun membership plans for the year, exciting changes to our stated meetings, and other big events planned.

Chief Rabban Ekect Travis Elmendorf Well here it is, January 2020.. Thank you Alzafar for the vote of confidence in continuing to serve you and this fraternity of ours. Brenda and I will continue to do our utmost to make you proud. To ponder new beginnings, one must not forget the past. To IS Eric DeWalt- Thank you for the years of service that you and Lady DeWalt have given the Nobility and the Divan. Especially your time and efforts in guiding our Alzafar for 2019. Many were the laughs, times well spent, the bag punches came and went; through it all your leadership never wavered. LUM Sir. To IS Marty Bartlett- The future is bright and we look forward to following your leadership and all this year’s enterprises. Only the man that sits in that chair knows the weight involved. Know that we, are here to assist and help you bear that weight. As the Divan we are a Unit unto ourselves, ever striving for the betterment and future of our fraternity. “the Band of the Hand”, if you will. Together we are stronger, unity binds us. Alzafar we begin this year with renewed Vigor, with renewed Faith, welcome 2020. Sound the horn, begin the march.

Assistant Rabban Elect Robert Norman II As I write this article, I can’t help but think about this past year and that this is the last time I will write to the nobility as your High Priest & Prophet. To say this year went by extremely fast would be an understatement. I have enjoyed being your High Priest & Prophet. It has been a great pleasure and has added to our memories. Lady Tiffany and I would like to thank you all for the support, assistance, and encouragement this past year. We tried every day to do our best in all that we did. We can only hope we have made you all proud. We are looking forward to seeing what the future holds as you have now elected us as the Assistant Rabban and Lady for 2020. We can promise you all that we will continue to go the extra mile while representing and serving you to the best of our ability. To the nobility: Lady Tiffany and I want to say THANK YOU!!! We thank you for allowing and trusting in us to serve on your Divan and look forward to 2020 as your Assistant Rabban and Lady. We are humbled and honored to have the continued opportunity to lead and serve Alzafar Shrine. When I was elected as your Oriental Guide, I said, “To the Nobility: I promise I will do my best to not let you down as I will not let myself down. I understand you have entrusted in me a huge responsibility and I don’t take it lightly.” It is my truest hope that I have succeeded in the task thus far. I will continue in my stride to be the best that I can be for the nobility and the children that we serve. THANK YOU, ALL SO, VERY MUCH!!! Some of you may remember this and some of you may be reading this for the first time. I would like to share with you a short story. When I served my lodge as Junior Warden, I accompanied my then, Worshipful Master, to the York Rite College, Masters Reception for new Worshipful Masters. The guest speaker, which was a Brother, said to the Worshipful Masters, “I challenge you new Worshipful Masters to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block”. I took this to heart. The year I was given the honor to serve my lodge as the Worshipful Master, I made a promise to the members that I would be a stepping stone for them. I made the promise when elected to your Divan that I would be a “stepping stone and not a stumbling block” for Alzafar Shrine. I will continue to lay stepping stones while on this journey and leave behind me something better for the future. This next year doesn’t slow down for anyone. Just to give you a small glimpse into what we will be in charge

of this year while raising money for the transportation fund are the following: Foreigner concert, iHop, street collection, partnering with local businesses for charity fundraising, first Friday in Seguin, the Hospital Gala, and possibly more to come throughout the year. All of this will be priority, all while planning a wedding with Lady Tiffany. Stay tuned for more information. Again, we thank you all for the opportunity to serve you.

High Priest and Prophet Elect Rick Reyes III Christmas is such a joyous time of year filled with so much to be thankful for. I’m thankful for the help each of you have given Amanda and I throughout this year. Friends like Eddie and Doreen Bowers, Eddie and Sandra Herman, James and Shelly Hoyo, Mike and Norma Long, Carlos and Juana Stanigar, Thom and Robin Hooks, Tim and Cindy Horgan, and many others all showed up to every event to assist us in ensuring yet another successful year at Alzafar came to fruition. Without the help from the units and the leadership of those units, we couldn’t have accomplished everything we did. Names like Tony Calderon, Mike Long, Jose Nino, Don English, Jon Strandlie, Jeff Hawley, Bill Willis, Mike Barnes, Tim Gressler and many others have shown up in force and proved to the masses that Alzafar can accomplish anything with good leadership and an amazing team. I know I’ve missed some names so please forgive me as I’m allowed only so much space for these articles. I know that each of you have given your all to ensure the future of our great organization and Amanda and I are truly humbled by your willingness to assist no matter the cost. Our most recent OG event was the last Round Table event for the year at The Boerne Wine Company. We had over 30 nobles and guests in attendance and fun was had by all. The purpose of the event was to enjoy everyone’s company, introduce new nobles to the nobility in attendance, and finally introduce new friends and family to our organization. I believe that we accomplished this and had a great time in the process. If I’m lucky enough to continue this journey,

my hope is that we are able to continue having events

that are specifically set up for fun and fellowship. A very wise friend and noble once told me that with family, fraternity, and fun, we can accomplish anything, and I aim to prove that. As we “wrap” up the end of the year, Amanda and I would like to thank everyone for their support of the Children’s Christmas party this year. We wanted to have the biggest party ever and as we’re completing the final registrations, it’s shaping up to end up that way. We have almost 900 folks registered for the event and we anticipate at least another 100 folks coming out the day of. We are excited to showcase our Shrine to the public to build recognition on who we are and what we do. This party, as the many others throughout the year, will go down as one to remember. Our continued mission over the next coming years is to promote our fraternity and philanthropy in the most positive of lights. Through over the top parties and constant community contact, we should be able to accomplish this. All current board members on are board for this, my only request is that you, the nobility is too. Finally, Amanda and I would like to thank my friends and family for all their support this year. To my Dad, Past Illustrious Sir Rick Reyes II, Thanks Pop for everything this year. Your advice and unwavering support of this endeavor is very much appreciated. You’ve been there for me for every event this year and I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.

Treasure Elect David Olivares I would like to wish each of you a Happy New Year! I pray that you and your family had a blessed Holiday Season. What a great year we had in 2019. I would like to congratulate and thank the Divan for a job well done. I know that the Divan for 2020 has another great year planned and I look forward to working with them for YOU. Thank you all for the kind words and all of the support you have shown. I am truly humbled by the honor of serving you as your Treasurer for 2020.

RECORDERS CORNER By: T-Bone Tommy Leverett alzafarrecorder@gmail.com

Oriental Guide Elect Marco Zuniga AlzafarI am humbled and proud to serve this great Fraternity and its Philanthropy. Thank you for putting your Faith and Trust in myself and Lori, we promise to make you and Alzafar proud. Looking forward to the future. OK, Ok sir that is all I have…. Psst- We will talk soon.

Alzafar Rocks 2020 Elections: Many thanks to the Nobles that came out to the December Stated Meeting and participated in our elections. We have elected a new Treasurer and a new Oriental Guide to lead us into the future. We will need to elect a new Finance Committee Member soon to help us make the hard and smart financial decisions. We have to say thank you to members leaving us and welcome to new Nobles in leadership positions. I say 2020 Bring it on. We are ready at Alzafar. Anticipation: The Divan Midwinter will be held in Dallas on February 6-8, and this is a time to bring our new Divan Team together as one Unit working towards a common goal. February will also bring the first Parade of the year, Laredo, this will be a two day event so mark your calendar for February 22 & 23, 2020. This year Marty Bartlett promises an even bigger time in the Border City with not one, but two parties. Get a roommate early and plan on staying Friday and Saturday night. Call the Spring Hill Laredo to reserve your room at 956-717-0800. So take your Alzafar rocks and run to the Border!

Time to update your paperwork with the office for 2020: Every year we ask you to fill out the Leadership Form so we can put a list of all Officers of our Units and Clubs. This is how we get the word out to the Nobles. If we send you information it is your responsibility to send the email out to your Unit and Club members. Each Unit and Club also needs to send in a new Financial Report, in the old days we called this the A / B Report. Both Forms can be found on our Website at alzafar.org. Please get these reports in ASAP. Our Nobles are welcomed at the Finance and Divan Meeting each month: We meet on the second Monday with the Finance Meeting starting at 5:00 pm and the Divan following. You got to love Chinese Cookies. My last one said “Get to the point and keep it clear and simple”. With that in mind the Finance Meetings should only last an hour and the Divan meetings 1 ½ hours. I think Marty will crack the whip if we start rambling on too long. Peanut Update: My Grandson Dez, aka Peanut, was in my office the other day and he told me he was a Shriner like Papa. When I ask him what made him a Shriner he said I have a Red Fez from the Circus and Bobby Miller, aka Ice Bucket, is my friend. You would be hard pressed to find someone that gets as excited as 4 year old Peanut when he sees the Masonic or the Shrine Logo. I told Peanut if he had a passion in heart to help kids he is a very good Shriner. Come out and join us at the next event and find out why I say “Alzafar Rocks

Alzfar Motor Club Nobles & Friends, get ready for another busy year! 2020! We sincerely hope all had Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. Congratulations to our new officers for the year 2020. President: Michael Long, Vice President: Illustrious Sir Tom Young, Secretary: Oscar Flores and Treasurer: James C. Hoyo. As of now, I have no parade schedule but please mark your calendars in advance for the usual kick-off in Laredo for the George Washington Birthday Celebration Parade. This parade is February 22nd according to their website, the 4th Saturday in February. Make plans early with the Springhill Suites using the Alzafar Block of rooms or online for the best rates. We are busy getting our cars ready and look forward to supporting the Divan in the parades. We hope to see you there at all of the parades. We are always looking for new members to strengthen our club. I remind you that you need not have a special vehicle, just profess to be an enthusiast and have some fun with a great group of family-oriented nobles who love to support all that Alzafar does. One wheel, two wheels, three or more… if it’s wheels and motors, it’s us. If I may help with any information or get you a petition, I am reached at 210-872-0619 or jhoyo001@hotmail.com Send me a picture of you and your car for future issues. If Noble can think of a way to enhance our May car show, please advise. Please make our new club members feel welcome: Jon Strandlie, Michael Ethridge, Mike Barnes, Ken Whited and Jerry Cowan. Please talk about all we do to anyone who will listen, you never know when it may “spark the question” or help the children in our hospitals. We pray the children have a speedy recovery! Until next time, May the Great Architect Bless us All!


Member Lou Maulden

The Canyon Lake Shrine Club met on December 9, 2019. President Steve White welcomed everyone. Chaplain Lee Stroman said the invocation. Everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and Honors to the Texas flag. The installation of officers for 2020 was done by Installing Officer, Past Potentate Stuart Simms. The Officers for 2020 are: President–Robert Furgerson, Vice-President–Doug Minnig, Treasurer–Albert Wiggers, Secretary–Steve White. Members enjoyed the music of Pure Heart Band for the Christmas Party. Steve White reported that the merger of the Burn Center and the Shrine Houston Hospital is moving along nicely. Hopefully the merger will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2020. The Canyon Lake Shrine Club meets on the second Monday of the month at the Canyon Lake Golf Club, 405 Watts Lane, Canyon Lake, TX. Everyone is invited to join us. For more information call Steve White at 210-825-8228.

Member Ernie Clauss


THE BAND By: Richard Wallace The band performed several different types of musical selections at the Shrine’s November meeting and of course the December meeting included Christmas music. Please give us some feed back with your reactions to this “new” music. We are always looking for more performers, especially woodwinds, low brass, and percussion. We meet on Thursday evenings from 6:00pm until 7:30pm in Room 7. Come on by good music and good fellowship, a combination that’s hard to beat. If you have any questions, please call Richard Wallace at 210-219-6861 or email at rfwall@swbell.net.

The Desert Knights were busy the month November attending the Memorial Service on the 3rd, Veteran's Day Parade on the 9th, Alzafar Stated Meeting on the 14th, and the Alamo Heights Parade on the 23rd and fun and excitement was had by all. The Desert Knights enjoyed participating in these events in supporting the Alzafar Shrine Temple in bringing awareness to our cause of helping children in need of our medical treatment. Support these events also helps in bringing in new members. This unit is truly blessed to have our ladies behind us, with us and always beside us. For if not for our ladies, we would not be what we are today and that is being a fun unit that prides itself on being a family oriented unit and we pride ourselves on being a family. We even have a Family Day where we bring our 4 Wheel ATV's to the temple to practice and let our ladies and family ride our vehicles and we all have so much fun. The Desert Knights held their monthly meeting in the Director Staff meeting room and the ladies prepared a delicious meal that was enjoyed by everyone present. The Desert Knights recently held elections for the upcoming year and we will be having a Christmas Party and Installation of Officers on the



The Laredo Shrine Club hopes everyone had a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. On December 4, 2019, the Club elected the officers for 2020. Newly elected officers are: Noble Edwin Torres, President; Noble Guillermo “Memo” Salinas, 1st Vice President; Noble Javier Rodriguez, 2nd Vice President; Noble Christopher Turner, Secretary; Noble Kenn Schmies, Treasurer. Edwin Torres appointed Noble Larry Lowe as Achbar Scribe. The Club thanked Pres. Charles Whitfield for all of his hard work as President during 2019. Everyone is looking forward to a great new Shrine year in 2020. It was stated that during our last 2019 Outreach Clinic we saw 89 patients on Thursday and Friday. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL!!


By: 1st Lt Cmdr James Farless Happy New Year! Your Legion of Honor wants to wish you a wonderful New Year. With our Best Wishes to the new Leadership in every Unit. Congratulations to Tony Calderon, our new Commander, Lee Hubbard our 2nd Lt Cmdr, and the rest of our Officers. We are continuing our goals of supporting our Shrine and units to make this the best year! With the New Year, great opportunities abound to participate in parades, raise money for our Hospitals, and work together in the many projects around Alzafar. We are looking forward to working with everyone, and having fun doing it all. If you would like to know how you can become a member feel free to come to our stated meeting. We hold them on the 2nd Monday of the month with a social at 630pm. Come on over and visit, or contact us at: alzafarloh@gmail.com.

The Supreme Queen visit was a success, thank you Pr. Royal Carol Pavliska and your committee for a wonderful event. The performances were entertaining. Please welcome our new Princesses: Rhonda Crocker, Debbie Kingery, Jane Looke, Heidi Woodsford. 80s Theme & Dance Party Saturday 11 January 2020 7:30-10:00 p.m. (Terrace Room). There will be a Costume and dance contest, Silent Auction, 50/50, Karaoke and Munchie Bar. Donations for cash bar: Beer, setups and wine Dance and sing 1980s style. See you on the dance floor! Ticket Cost $15.00 per person. Contact Pr. Linda Purcell for tickets. Help us keep the household roster up to date. If you have new contact information such as mailing or email address or phone you may send it to the Nekhoda group account: nekohdatempleno44@gmail.com If you cannot attend the monthly sewing room, you can help by ‘FILL THE ALAMO’ container with Walmart Gift cards or cash for the sewing room which will also assist Mexico City. You can contact PQ Cindy Bausell. If you or someone you know would like to become a member of the Daughters of the Nile, Nekodah Temple No. 44, please contact any of our members or the Membership Team: PQ. Peggy Songer, PQ. Charlie Bedgood, PQ. Barbara Wells, Pr. Cindy Garza and Pr. Rita Young.

18th of December and our ladies and family will be with us. The Nobles to be installed as officers of the Desert Knight for the 2020 year are as follows: President, PP Jason Triggs, Vice President, Mike Jaeger, Treasurer George Garza Jr., Secretary, Bert Gonzales and Captain, Pete Granato. The Desert Knights meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the Director Staff Room. If you are looking for a fun, family-oriented unit to join, come by and visit with us and see what we are all about with no pressure to join. We are always looking for new members to join our "family". We ride 4 Wheel ATVs to support the efforts of Alzafar Shrine Center. Come by and visit with us, bring your wife/significant other and see what we are all about. Have some fun and help bring awareness to a great cause.


With the improvement in Drum & Bugle Corps’ performance this year, we are planning to add some new music to the program. Come on out, practice with us, and help select the new music. We are always looking for more musicians. Currently we are performing on brass instruments that are played in the band; Bb trumpets, Bb marching French horns, marching trombones, marching baritones, etc. We do have instruments that we can lend to you. We need low brass and percussion players. We are also need percussionists and we have drums for you to play. We are a very low-pressure organization in terms of expectations and very flexible concerning time commitment. Thursday evening practices in Room 8 start at 7:30pm and end at 9:00pm. If you have any questions, please call Richard Wallace at 210219-6861 or email at rfwall@swbell.net. Come on out and join us!


By the time everyone gets to read the Achbar, we should be planning or packing to go down south, Ole. Yeah, it’s that time again, it came around pretty quick, or is it that we’re getting younger and time is just flying by. All the officers want to thank everybody for supporting the club last year and asking for your support this year. We are going to have fun like we did last year. I will be reserving the room for Laredo later on this month. I will be using the same list I had last year, so if you’re not going, be sure and let me know, or if you need extra rooms. Here are the officers for this year: President: Jeff Hawley, Vice President: Past Potentate, Stu Simms, Secretary: Walt Kaster, Drill Commander: Yours truly. I need to thank everybody from the club that kept me in your prayers, along with The Great Architect, while I went through this storm. It was a hell of a drive going through it, but again thanks for all the prayers. I’m still flying low, but I’ll be back at full speed pretty soon. I have to go at a half step for now. We also need to keep a dedicated brother and noble in our prayers as he is flying pretty low, Brother Ron Trine. Being that we’re all going to the gym, may the Good Lord look over us and keep us safe and in good health, til we all meet at the Family Garden


RV CLUB By: Dave Browne

Hello all. January is here and I can’t believe we are already in another year. The Annual Christmas Party of the Rod & Gun Club was combined with the Directors Staff, and the Roustabout’s and we had a great time and will look forward to the next Christmas Party. The new Officers for 2020 were installed and they are President/Secretary Craig Noyes, Vice President Marty Bartlett, and Treasurer Mike Barnes. In other business, the club will be doing a few events that will be great fun. January and February probably aren’t good months to plan anything but, in March, as per the suggestion of Past President Bill Barker, we will do a tour of the Toyota plant on the South Side of San Antonio. It is not a walking tour and all visitors will ride in Golf Carts, more information to come. In early April I am going to plan a trip to Lucky Eagle Casino for a little fun, I am planning on us going in private vehicles and Coushatta is a little far, but, plans can always be changed. It is a New Year and good things are planned so, if you have not been to a meeting of the Rod & Gun Club in a while, please come and see some old friends and if you know of anyone interested in joining, bring them along too. That is all I have to say for this month so thank you and may there be many fish on your stringer.

The November rally was held at the Johnson Creek RV Resort in Ingram. It has been a few years since we rallied at the Johnson Creek Resort. The park, located in a pecan grove, is a beautiful park even in the fall. The creek that runs along the side of the park is spring fed and runs all year long. They have a platform that is over the water where you can see the catfish down below. We had a great rally with many members taking a run into Kerrville to visit restaurants, and of course visiting Gibson’s where you can find just about anything. We had the usual card games going, but we also had a few members that elected to get up a poker game. The weather was perfect and allowed us to sit out and spin yarns, which is always fun. Our December rally and Christmas party will be held at the Skyline RV Park in Bandera December 5th through December 8th. We will be holding the installation of officers at this rally. Our January rally will be held at the Bluff Trails Ranch RV Resort in Ingram. If you have an RV and want to have a lot of fun in a relaxed atmosphere with Brother Nobles and their Ladies, come out and rally with us. I know you will have a great time. Call Wagon Master Eddy Bowers (210-508-3989) or Assistant Wagon Master Michael Barnes (210-3944321) for information about the next rally. You can always call me at (210-679-7356).



ALZAFAR SHRINE SENIORS By: Daniel Coburn The monthly meeting of the Alzafar Senior’s with 20 members and 2 guests attending was held in the Shrine Terrace room on December 5th at noon. The meeting was opened by President, Daniel Coburn. Chaplain Donald Garrido, PP, gave the invocation. Honors to the American flag were presented. Masonic and Shrine organization members, Past Potentates, and Past and sitting Lodge Masters were recognized. Divan member Marty Bartlett, Chief Raban, and his Lady Martha joined us for lunch this month. A delicious catered lunch of Chicken Marsala along with a delicious Italian wedding cake was enjoyed by all attending and was shared with members of the Shrine staff. Decorations were provided by the Garrido’s, Coburn’s and Phillips’. After lunch the meeting was called back to order. Lydia and Donald Garrido and the caterer were recognized by the group for coordinating and providing such a delicious lunch and dessert. Under Sickness and Distress John Lorch reported that his lovely wife, Lois, had fallen and broken her femur but is doing well in rehab. Carl Blum was able to attend and is feeling better. All members were asked to keep those who are in sickness or distress in their prayers. Members with birthdays were subjected to a heartwarming version of the “Happy Birthday” sung by our exceptional vocalists. Joe and Margie Estlack were congratulated on their 61st wedding anniversary. Dan Coburn offered to read the minutes, but the horrified members quickly made a motion to have anyone interested read the minutes as published in the Alzafar Achbar. The motion passed. The Treasurers report was presented by Joe Estlack. We remain solvent. An opportunity was provided to Marty Bartlett to address the members. Marty reported that the Potentate’s Ball’s theme would be a Masquerade this year and will be held on February 29th. Also plans for the August 16th through 23rd Shrine Cruise aboard a Royal Caribbean ship are well under way and everyone is urged to make their reservations as soon as possible. Under old business, it was noted that David Wolfe had made a motion that the Seniors pay for the Christmas Party Lunch. The Motion had been seconded by Tex Phillips and was passed by the Seniors. Under new business, the election of officers for the year 2020 were held. Jerold Hopkins was nominated to be President. No one offered to take the position of Vice President. Outgoing President Daniel Coburn was nominated as Secretary. Joe Estlack was nominated as Treasurer, and Donald Garrido was nominated as Chaplin. There being no other nominations a vote of the members elected the stated members to their respective positions for the ensuing year. Their installation will take place during our

January meeting. The members were reminded that the last parade of the year will be in Sattler on December 14th and that Divan elections for the upcoming year will be held during the December 12th Stated Shrine meeting. Preparations are going well for the Shrine Christmas party scheduled for December 15th and members are urged to make reservations is they plan to attend. A vote was held to make Marty and Martha Honorary Seniors. It passed. It was also noted that any member 100 or more years old gets to eat for free. Dan and Yaeko Coburn volunteered to bring the food next month and Margie Estlack and Sandra Phillips volunteered to bring the dessert. Barring issues the meeting will be held at noon in the Shrine Parlors room on January 2nd. The speaker this month was Jerold Hopkins who talked about his brother, Roger Hopkins’ dedication to the Shrine and the Hospitals and how he provided a giant stuffed bear for the children each year. Jerold brought this year’s bear with him to the meeting. A raffle was held for two beautiful Santa Claus decorations donated by Sandra and Tex Phillips. $150.00 was raised by the members. Yaeko Coburn donated five beautiful poinsettias which were awarded to those with the birthdays in or closest to December. The meeting was closed with a Benediction from our Chaplain Donald Garrido.

FOR MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Enclosed is a contribution in the amount of $ ____________________ In Memory of __________________________________________ In Honor of __________________________________________ On the Occasion of _________________________________________ Please send acknowledgement card to: Name __________________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________ Contributed by: Name ___________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________ Mail to: Alzafar Shrine Center901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, TX 78232


Greetings to all. At our stated meeting in November, we held our elections and I am proud to announce the results: President Elect Guillermo Dehoyos, 1st Vice President Elect Tom Jackson, 2nd Vice President Elect J.B. Clarkon, Treasurer Elect Jerry Smitha, and Sexyterry Elect is yours truly (why I will never know). On Saturday 7 December we had our annual Christmas Party and Installation of Officers at the Hacienda at Scenic Loop and all of the officers were sworn in by our Assistant Raban Travis Elmendorf. At that event we had 47 members, their ladies and guests. It was a great time, a great meal and super fellowship. We have not as yet sat down to put pen to paper and come up with a plan for 2020, but we will soon and I will attempt to keep you appraised of what our plans are. We already know that our MidWinter will be in Tyler, TX and the venue will be Sporting Clays. That event will be sometime in March 2020. We have a great line up this year and are expecting great things from our elected leadership, but I would be remiss if I did not give a warm thanks to our outgoing President Bill Willis. Bill you did a great job and the entire Unit thanks you for a job well done. All of our events include family, friends and guests and are followed by a great meal. This is a fantastic unit so come on out and check us out. Don’t have a Shotgun? Don’t worry we probably have about 2030 extras. Our Monthly Stated Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month in our room, which we share the Provost Guard and the Directors Staff. We have a meal that is served between 6:15 and 6:30 pm with the meeting commencing at 7:00 pm. At our last meeting we had Beef Stew with all of the fixins by our honorary 3rd Vice President and Chef David Hadley. At that meeting we had 16 members and 8 ladies present. Of course libations are available. Feel free to come on out at check out this amazing unit. Until next month keep your powder dry and remember as long as there is lead in the air, there is hope!

FOR SALE: 2 crypts at Anchor Lodge Cemetery. Make offer. Call Bob @ 210-824-4689. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Funeral Park. Asking $4,000.00 each. For more information call Noble A. G. Pinson @ 615-746-6888. FOR SALE: 4 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each or negotiable. Call Judy Phillips @ 210-274-7713. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each. Please contact Vicki Gann @ 210-315-1325. FOR SALE: 4 adjourning plots in Brookside Memorial Park Cemetery, Houston Texas. Section 26 (Masters Lawn-Masonic Section), lot 251, spaces 3,4,5 & 6. Asking $4,995.00 each. Sell all or part.

Call Noble Johnny @ 210-328-1776. FOR SALE: #5 Arabia at Camp Alzafar. Please call Becky Hatcher Garteiser @ 210-279-6966 for details and also for showing. FOR SALE: #7 Maskat at Camp Alzafar. 2 bedroom, 2 bath cabin across from the ball park. Includes all furnishings and golf cart. Call Noble Mark Morley at 210-632-4194. FOR SALE: Harley Sportster XL1200. Low mileage. UT colors. Suffered a stroke and must give up my dream of riding. Contact Lady Colleen Rapoza @ 210-232-8375. FOR SALE: Big Tex SA30 5' X 8' trailer with 15" wheels. Has lights, turn signals, removable ramp and in good condition. Asking $875.00. Call Noble John Pendleton at 210-287-6223 to see trailer.

2020 Texas Shrine Temple Cruise We are planning a Potentate / Nobility cruise for 2020 where all Texas temples are invited on the same trip to put together a big Shrine party. The cruise will be on Royal Caribbean’s beautiful Liberty of the Seas ship, travelling August 16-23, 2020 out of Galveston to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica. In addition to some great destinations, the cruise line will be providing each room onboard ship credit, a stocked hospitality suite, a donation to our Shrine hospitals and will be throwing us some private parties on the ship. Since the kids will have just gone back to school, we are getting a big discount off the rates.

Estimated Cost Per Person Approximate Inside Cabin Approximate Outside Cabin Approximate Balcony Cabin Approximate Jr. Suite Cabin

Depending on How Soon You Book Them $800 $950 $1,000 $2,000




Sunday, August 16

Galveston, TX

Monday, August 17

At Sea

Tuesday, August 18

Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, August 19

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

Thursday, August 20

Falmouth, Jamaica

Friday, August 21

At Sea

Saturday, August 22

At Sea

Sunday, August 23

Galveston, TX

Depart 4:00pm








As you can see from the pricing, the balcony rooms will be the most popular – so don’t delay in putting a deposit down for those. The link below will take you to a web page designed exclusively for the Texas Shriners 2020 group cruise, as well as an on-line registration form where you can sign up to join the group. https://secure.vacationstogo.com/vtg/group/home.cfm?uuid=6054A9B2E04512FF8D9D411E6 A9B8903 It may be easier to contact our tour person with Vacations to Go, Donna, at 1-800-514-9986 ext. 7671 as she is very helpful answering questions and completing a booking. If you have any questions please give Marty Bartlett a call at (210) 391-0204


Smiley’s Shenanigan’s A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. My new year's resolution is to be more optimistic by keeping my cup half -full with rum, vodka, or whiskey If you’re born in September, it’s pretty safe to assume your parents started out the New Year with a Bang! I have only one resolution. To rediscover the difference between wants and needs. May I have all I need and want all I have. Happy New Year!

New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep Stop exercising. Waste of time. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff I will do less laundry and use more deodorant. I will become a vegan for a day and subsequently learn that it was a missed steak. Drink, Drink, Drink some more. Start being superstitious.


HUNTING CAMP COBBLER!! From the Kitchen of Joe Estelle Dube!!

1 Lg. C. sliced Alberta peaches or fresh peaches If fresh peaches are used, simmer 3 cups sliced and peeled fruit with 1 cup sugar for 3 or 5 minutes. Batter: sift 1 cup of flour 4 tsp baking powder, and 1 C. sugar together. Stir in 2/3d C of milk. Melt in a 6 1/2 X 10 1/2 inch baking pan ½ cup oleo and pour batter over it. Pour the peaches and juice on top of the batter. DO NOT STIR! Bake at 350 degree pre heated oven for about 30 minutes. When crust rises to the top sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake 10more minutes or until tested with a toothpick.

Spend more time at work. New Year’s Eve Toasts "Here's health to those I love and wealth to those who love me." "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we diet." "Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to." — Bill Vaughn "As you slide down the banisters of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way." "He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; he who makes one is a fool." — F.M. Knowles "Come, let us drink!" — Francis Rabelais "In victory, you deserve Champagne, in defeat, you need it." — Napoleon Bonaparte "Stir the eggnog, lift the toddy, Happy New Year, everybody." — Phyllis McGinley "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." — Ernest Hemingway "Take everything in moderation, including moderation." — Oscar Wilde "Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right." — F. Scott Fitzgerald "I used to know a clever toast, but pshaw! I cannot think of it—so fill your glass to anything and, bless your souls, I'll drink to it!"

That’s all I have!!! Until next month!! Keep the sun in your eyes!

Smiley T. McButterpants!!!

ALZAFAR HILLBILLY CLAN #152 PRESENTS THE 2020 SADIE HAWKINS DANCE!! SATURDAY, FEB 15th, 7pm Alzafar Shrine Center, Terrace Room Come get hitched, Dance and Enjoy some Kinfolk visitin’! ALL IS WELCUM! BYOB (setups available) and Bring some roadkill fur snacks! $10 fur each of y’all * tickets available at door.

Wez be havin’ a Hillbilly TV Tray contest so decorate the seat and compete! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO SHRINE TRANSPORTATION FUNDS!

JANUARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1st 3rd 7th 10th 21st

NEW YEAR'S DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors 12:00 pm LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors 7:00 pm Finance & Divan Meetings/Conference Room 5:00 pm Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom 7:30 pm NILE Stated Session/Parlors 7:30 pm MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED

_____________________________________________________________ FEBRUARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7th 11th 14th 16th 18th 23rd

Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Finance & Divan Meetings/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Sadie Hawkins Dance/Ballroom PRESIDENT'S DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED George Washington Birthday Parade/Laredo

12:00 noon 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm


MARCH CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2nd 7th 11th 14th

Masonic Youth Luncheon & Grand Masters Conference Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors 12:00 noon LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors 7:00 pm Finance & Divan Meetings/Conference Room 5:00 pm Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom 7:30 pm NILE Stated Session/Parlors 7:30 pm

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