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+ 3 Sets Of Twins

Learn About A Mother Who Gave Birth To




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ANY. Form Of Dance, Including


April 27


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Photographer: Diana Stoffel Photography Model: Rylee

4 5 6 10 14 18 22 24 28 38 46 52 56 60 62

Editor’s Letter What Is Fashion To Us? (Anais & Mirabelle) Twin Squad Aida Featured Photographer: Antwon Maxwell Fun With The Fishers Featured Babies: Prince Twins Triple Twinning Top 10 Models Cover Story-Clements Twins Be Bold, Be Fierce Almond Eyez Designs How To Become Actors: Golfieri Twins Mark Gunter’s Runway Showcase My Brother’s Keeper: Grandy Twins

Cover Models: Ava & Leah Photographer: Olesja Mueller (@olesjamueller)

Location: Los Angeles, CA Wardrobe: Left - Monnalisa collar, Stella McCartney jacket, Mischka Aoki dress Right - Fendi shirt, Mischka Aoki dress, Modern Queen Kids bow Table of Contents Picture Models: Sophia & Abby Photographer: Imagine Photography, Inc Location: Nashville, TN Back Cover Models: Taytum & Oakley Photographer: Elsie Rose Photography Designer: Baby Essentially Location Los Angeles, CA

Editor: Damon Ross DDS Creative Designer: Anthony Naylor Graphic Designer: Mandy Hernandez-Hurt Web Designer: Mohammed Rasool Consulting Editors: Angie Lozano, Erika Carey



What would life be like if you had a twin? If you ask me, it would be amazing. Just think, you would always have a friend to play with, you would have double the wardrobe, and best yet, if you ever got in trouble you could always say it was your twin. Here is what you can look forward to in Issue 11, our TWINS issue. Our cover models are the up-and-coming Clements Twins. Just starting to model a little under a year ago, Leah and Ava have taken the industry by storm. These beautiful seven year old twins are quickly on the rise to stardom and we are more than honored to have them grace this issue’s cover. Thank you to Olesja Mueller for taking such a beautiful picture! As you begin to read, you will see two of our favorite twins, Anais and Mirabelle, who tell you in their own words “What Fashion Means To Them.” Then you will find two of NYPD’s youngest cops in their article called Twin Squad. Starting with this issue, we will now feature a kid with cancer. Because this issue is about twins, we start with Aida, who with her twin sister’s help, survived cancer. Next we have our Featured Photographer, Antwon Maxwell, from the Washington D.C. area, YouTube sensations Taytum and Oakley, and our Featured Babies chosen by Mini Royalz.

4 2018

If you are a parent and you think having a set of twins is hard, try “Triple Twinning.” In this article you will read how a mother gave birth to three sets of twins and they are called the “Lang Gang.” Our Featured Dancers our the Fierce Twins, Featured Kid Designers are twins Deysha and Deyahna, owners of Almond Eyez Designs, and the Golfieri Twins talk about “How To Become Actors.” You will also be introduced to nine year old boxing phenoms, Steven and Daniel, in their article “My Brother’s Keeper.” Oh, and we can’t forget our Top 10 Model Contest Winners. Such a hard contest to just pick 10 winners. But, it's always fun! Thank you for taking the time to read our magazine! If you would like to be published in our magazine, either send us a message on Instagram and/or Facebook. You can, also, reach us via our website at For special events and opportunities, continue to follow us on Instagram @kidfashmagazine. Hope you enjoy the magazine, and I look forward to meeting you soon!!!

WHAT FASHION MEANS TO US? We love fashion because it expresses our mood and creativity. We love sporty and trendy outfits because it fits our personality. We are dancers and athletic and like to be comfortable and look fabulous too. We like to look pretty and elegant and get glammed up in gorgeous dresses. Although we’re twins, fashion allows us to express our own individuality and personalities. Modesl: Anais & Mirabelle Photographer: Luciana Nocks Dresses: Hemant & Nandita

TWIN SQUAD By Michelle Elizabeth Photographer: Lily Shames Photography

Can’t resist a man in uniform? Well, how about two of them? Pull over! That face is too cute! You’re in for double trouble with the “Twin Squad.” The Twin Squad is comprised of three-year-old fraternal twin brothers, Aaron and Evan Rolon. The Rolon brothers have been internationally dubbed “The Tiniest NYPD Officers.” How did these totally cute twins wind up with this prestigious title? It all started one day when the boys were “pulled over” by the New York Police Department in their miniature car and given a ticket as a joke. Their parents recorded the traffic stop and posted the incident on Instagram. By the next day, the video had gone viral. After that, all the local news channels wanted to do a story on the boys, and they have been Instagram famous since then.

Despite the Instafame and being well received by the community, as well as law enforcement agencies, Aaron and Evan Rolan haven’t always had it easy. The biggest obstacle they had to overcome in life was actually being born. The boys were born premature - at just 28 weeks! Being preemies, naturally, the boys had some health complications. Just to survive, they had to stay in the hospital for three months. Now that the boys are healthy, they would like to pursue a career in modeling and acting. Aaron and Evan love the reaction they get when interacting with the community and police. It always brings big smiles, and they leave a positive impression wherever they go. Their parents say that the kids love Law Enforcement, but also, have grown to love the cameras and their characters as police. 2018 7

Something else these tiny tots enjoy are donuts. Their favorite TV shows are P.J. Masks, Little Einsteins, and Paw Patrol. Their favorite YouTube channel is Super Readers. The twins are inspired by “The men and women that protect our city and keep us safe.” The boys’ biggest role models are their parents because they work hard towards making Evan and Aaron’s lives greater and creating a prosperous future for them. As a “Thank You” to the NYPD for sharing the Rolon Family’s original video, the family had a miniature police car made in honor of their new friends “In Blue” and dressed the boys up as police officers, showing them off in Times Square. It was an instant sensation and made headlines in the news again. Since then, they 8 2018

have been invited to all the Precincts and participate in various city functions. One of the funniest encounters the Twin Squad has had was when they went on a road trip and accidently got off at the wrong exit near the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. That particular exit was only for government personnel with clearance. The Twin Squad family was immediately stopped by Pentagon Police, and they thought they were in trouble. Surprisingly, the Pentagon Police recognized the twins in the back seat, as they were big fans of the Twin Squad. Before letting the family go, the officials wanted to take pictures with the boys.

The dedicated parents of the Rolon twins say that the hardest part of what they do is getting the boys ready for the day, loading up the car with the mini police Range Rover and getting out of the house on time. “A typical day for us starts by spending two hours trying to get the twins out of the house. Then, we take them to day care. After school, they do activities in various police departments. Once we get home, they watch cartoons and play with their dog, Jaxon. They make a mess of the house, we clean it up, and of course, they sleep late.”

The Twin Squad family believes that “Parents and adults are the most influential people around children. Teens and kids can make a huge difference by respecting their elders, getting more involved with their community and learning about their society.” Even though the tiny tots do watch some TV, their parents believe that “TV and Social Media can be positive or negative. We feel that as long as it is monitored by adults and

Jumpsuits: Swanky Kids Boutique

limited to the amount of viewing, it can serve as a good way of entertainment and learning.” What’s the biggest goal for the adorable Rolon twins? “We hope to accomplish unity in a world that is divided. Through our ventures, we have met beautiful beings from different backgrounds and always receive a warm welcome.

We believe if everyone was conscious or aware of others’ struggles and upbringing, there would be a better understanding of our fellow neighbors, and we could live with one another respectfully.” 2018 9


the Survivor

By: Kristi Cordeau and Erika Carey Photographer: Kristine Cordeau Photography

We were getting ready for a birthday party but Aida didn’t feel well. She had low-grade fever and tummy ache. We thought maybe she picked up something from her school, and so did the doctor. This would be the first of many visits before we would ultimately know what was wrong with Aida. On September 21, 2013, we rushed her to the ER, where she had several tests and nothing came back abnormal. She didn’t have any of the traditional signs of Leukemia. We sat in the hospital with our five-year-old little girl and a bit terrified of what the doctor was going to come tell us. We knew what he was going to say, but to hear those words come out of his mouth would literally change our lives. Our family was forever changed on this day. It was not because she was diagnosed with Leukemia, but it was the day she started fighting for her life. It would take another three weeks to figure it out.

home to me. During the treatment phase, Aida, and kids just like her, are stuck inside and not able to go outside. They don’t have any power, they are sick, and people have to be careful around them, wearing masks, gloves, and even bodysuits. Luckily Aida was able to go home in a relatively short period, but there were still many precautions we had to take at home.

Kalli was a lot like Anna in the movie “Frozen.” During Aida’s initial treatment phase, Kalli would knock on Aida’s door, but she could not come outside and play. At one point Kalli felt that Aida would never come home from the hospital and she burst into tears. As a parent, that was one of the saddest days I remember throughout the whole process. Kalli wasn’t understanding that Aida would eventually come home. She missed her sister and no kid should ever have to go through Aida, at the age of five, was diagnosed with Acute Lym- this. phoblastic Leukemia on October 8, 2013. She started treatment at Methodist Children’s Hospital the next day Aida was a brave warrior princess as she battled Leukeand was not able to go back to school to finish Kinder- mia. That is what I witnessed. Through blood transfugarten with her twin sister Kallie. Aida was homebound sions, bone taps, chemo, and all the ailments that come and taught by her teacher. That was the time in their with treatment she was strong and brave. She had joy, peace, love, kindness, and even a little spice in her young lives that they would not always be together. spirit. If you have children you probably know all the words to the songs in the movie “Frozen.” But this movie hit 2018 11

Sunshine, being with friends, dipping their toes in the water, full of laughter … was all very magical and healing for the girls. It was refreshing for all of us. Soon, we realized that we were going to live life with, or without cancer. Living life is what we did. That year we camped more, we went to the beach, we let Aida and Kalli do the things that they wanted to do, with the exception of farm animals. I did follow ONE rule. We also wanted Aida to know she had cancer, but that it did not define her or our family. It was important for us to tell people about it, let them know that it gets better, and to give them hope in darkness. We wanted to show Aida and Kalli that even though this super terrible thing happened, it was going to be okay, and we could turn it around and make good things out of it. We started with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS), Light the Night, Ferrari Kids, and Man & Woman of the Year (MWOY) for LLS where they were Girl and Sister of the Year sharing her story and supporting events to raise funds to fight blood cancer.

Aida has since returned to full time public school and has been doing well for the past three years. She is excited to be a member of Student Council and looks forward to making a positive difference at her elementary school. In November, she will start tumbling. She is doing all the things that every nine-year- old little girl should do. She loves to play with her sister, friends, ride her scooter, go to the park, and go swimming. She loves the ocean and the beach. She plays with her dog, Sadie. She loves camping with her daddy, shopping, and chick-fil-a with her mommy. She most recently has decided that she is a fashionista in the making and loves shopping, designing clothes and styling those around her. Aida officially finished treatment in April 2015. She continues going to clinic visits every two months and the occasional visits to a specialist. Overall her health is great and she is living life to the fullest. She was excited to be a part of the Students of The Year campaign and looks forward to working with Kallie to help LLS continue to raise money to find a cure!

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Featured Photographer

Written by:

Madison Harrison (Instagram: @photoswithmadison)

Photography has been around for ages. It captures moments and it freezes time. From Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in the early 1800s taking the world’s first photograph to me photographing former President Barack Obama at nine years old, it is my belief that photography will never get old. I’d like to introduce you to one of my friends, Mr. Antwon Miguel Maxwell, one of today’s most talented and unsung photographers of his time. Mr. Antwon has been a friend and a mentor to me. We worked together in New York City at the KidFash Fashion Show back in November. 14 2018

Here is his story. Mr. Antwon is a beauty, fashion and celebrity photographer. He is married to his best friend and confidante, Marcia. Mr. Antwon works as a Federal Employee for the Department of Interior. The U.S. Department of the Interior is a Cabinet-level agency that manages America's vast natural and cultural resources. As an IT System Administrator, he works on computers which helps everyone to be able to do their job with ease. Some people may think that he has a very boring job, but he makes up for it with his exciting photography

Jayce & Nasir

Reagan & Payton Emma & Lina adventures. When he is not working, he loves to travel, listen to jazz, go to the movies and spend time with his wife. I met his wife and I think she is a nice person. Mr. Antwon says that his wife keeps him grounded and he loves to work with her on photo shoots. As a designer, she has a good eye, therefore they work well together. Mr. Antwon says that she offers him good advice. Even though it might not be what he wants to hear at the time, he admits, “99% of the time she’s right”. In 2010, when he and his wife moved to South Korea, Mr. Antwon thought it would be a great idea to have a nice camera to capture his experience in Asia. While there, his friend who was just starting a fashion blog asked him if he knew any photographers that could take some fashion shots. He saw an opportunity and taught himself how to use the camera. After his first shoot, he fell in love with fashion photography. Reminiscing, he says, “I loved seeing it all come together from location scouting to editing the final images”.

I asked Mr. Antwon the same question that my mom and many other people asked me when I first started my photography business at seven years old; “if you could photograph anyone in the world who would it be?” Without hesitation, he replied, “the Royal Family”. He believes that it would be an amazing experience to photograph one of the most stylish and most prominent families in the whole world inside one of their Castles. I believe that he will do it one day and when he does, I want to be there to capture his special moment, living out his dream! Mr. Antwon constantly finds himself planning new shoots and new ways to enhance his portfolio. In fact, he is currently working on a few celebrity projects, so be sure to follow him on Instagram and Twitter! God gives us each special gifts and talents to share with the world. Some people sing, others dance. Occasionally, you’ll find someone so super talented, who can pick up a camera and share the beauty of God’s creation. This is the exact reason why I love photography and why you’ll love Mr. Antwon’s work. He shares the beauty of God’s creation in every photo.

Antwon Maxwell Photographer

To learn more about my friend: Instragram: @antwonmaxwellphotography Twitter: @amaxwellphotos 2018 17

Written by: Sandra Current Photography: Elsie Rose Photography

At just 20 months old, Fisher twins, Taytum and Oakley, are already taking on the world by storm. These California girls are not only super cute models, but baby vloggers that are nothing short of social media superstars. The identical twins have over 1.6 million followers on Instagram and 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube. Wow! They’ve also made a few appearances on television and have starred in several commercials. In addition to their blossoming fame, the girls are coming into their amazing personalities, which is winning over the hearts of many around the world. You’ll love these little ladies once you get to know them a little better too! Taytum and Oakley are identical twin sisters and baby models from Los Angeles, California. Personality-wise, Taytum is described as the leader. “She’s loud, silly, super talkative, and energetic,” say her parents. Taytum is usually on the prowl looking for snacks and snuggling up with her mommy and daddy. Oakley is said to be sweet and quiet, but won’t hesitate to give her parents a little grumpy face. Thrills, exploring, and learning are what she lives for, along with her

grandpa and Minnie Mouse. Oakley always wants to go play outside and have an adventure. The girls already have such large personalities at such a young age! On set, Taytum and Oakley are said to be very expressive and wild! Photoshoots with them are always a mystery, but their personalities make the photos turn out so fun. “Somehow even with all their craziness, we always end up getting the perfect shot,” mom tells us. These fun-loving little tots love taking pictures! Their mom noticed how much the girls were drawn to the camera as soon as they were born and that’s how their modeling career began. Just like all moms, theirs was 2018 19

completely smitten by her adorable little gals and decided to snap a few candid pics. “I took a photo of them when they were only a day old and they were already posing and smiling,” she says. Some of those pictures ended up being posted to their social media account and things took off from there. The girls continued to pose to perfection, which resulted in a massive following base that loves their pictures just as much as they love shooting. As far as types of photoshoots, styled, editorial-like shoots are the most fun for them. Recreating those types of looks in a miniature version is always exciting, but the girls’ YouTube account is where all the fun takes place. The Kyler and Mad YouTube account began in November 2016, right around Taytum and Oakley’s five-month mark. On this channel, you’ll see the girls take on adult-like tasks, while their parents document everything. For example, baby shoppers, baby gym teachers, baby boxers, baby house cleaners, baby vloggers, etc. “It just looks so funny seeing miniature babies do things adults normally do,” mom says. Filming is definitely part of the daily routine, so there’s more than enough snippets of their fun adventures. Taytum and Oakley’s day normally begins with breakfast and a show. Then, the girls have bath time, playtime, and go out and about to film their daily lives on the family ‘s YouTube channel. If you’re looking to boost your following base or subscribers, be sure to post every day, incorporate creativity, stay up-to-date on trends, and collaborate with other social media favorites. That’s exactly how the Fisher family did it! They worked super hard and made sure to post on social media daily. They even set up their own collaborations to keep things interesting and ensure viewers are entertained. If you’ve seen their

“Somehow even with all their craziness, we always end up getting the perfect shot,” 20 2018

channel, you’ve seen all the fun adventures Taytum, Oakley, and the rest of the Fisher crew partake in. If you’re not familiar with their channel, check out their Instagram account @taytumanoakley, as well their YouTube channel Kyler and Mad. Be sure to look out for the Fisher twins in upcoming projects! The family plans to continue making amazing videos for your enjoyment and, eventually, dive into the traditional entertainment business. Taytum and Oakley may even be getting a few new siblings to join in on the fun in the future, so watch out for those announcements. The Fishers hope to continue their journey of spreading positivity in the world no matter what the medium. As for the girls, they’ll continue shooting fabulous photos, serving as your favorite baby vloggers, and making cameos in feature films and fun commercials. This family’s hard work has propelled them to new heights in the social media realm. Even so, family and God will always come first for the Fishers because they know they wouldn’t be where they are today without them. They are also incredibly thankful for their supporters and subscribers. They want you to know that they love every one of you! 2018 21

Featured Babies

Jonathon Zoe &

Jonathon & Zoë we’re born in August of 2016, both weighing less than 2 lbs. They were “26 weekers” that had a tough road ahead of them but have continued to defy all odds one step at a time. They’re beautiful, vibrant, one year old twins, that are full of personality! Photographer: Colleen Christi Photography Baby Model Picked by: @Mini.Royalz

295 MADISON AVENUE-12TH FLOOR NEW YORK CIT Y, NY 10017 @ ttamodels_talent

By: Michelle Elizabeth Photographer: Samantha McCleary Photography

out that Misty is genetically predisposed to hyper-ovulation, meaning that her body tends to release two eggs (instead of one) when she ovulates.

If you think raising one set of twins is challenging, try raising three sets of twins! Peter and Misty Lang have been blessed with three sets of spontaneous twins. Add to that one single birth and you’ve got The Lang Ganga family of nine! The kids are Alex and Lexie (9), Calista (7), Nash and Lacie (6), and Lana and Phoenix (3.5 months old). Misty has a twin brother, but other than that, there are no other twins in her family. Peter is an only child with no history of twins in his family either. Since neither family has a history of multiple sets of twins, nor did the couple use any fertility treatments to increase the odds, how did they end up with three sets of twins? It turns

The first set of twins surprised the Langs the most. Misty says, “I was always told growing up that twins skipped a generation. Now that I understand the genetics behind fraternal twinning I know better. he second set of twins were also a surprise because they didn't expect it to happen again. When it happened a third time they were amazed, thinking the odds of a third set were way too low. Everything about parenting is amplified when you have seven kids. Misty Lang says, “Having enough time, space, and money to accomplish everything can be challenging. Some moments it s absolute chaos. here are a lot of balls up in the air simultaneously. The house is rarely quiet, we face an obscene amount of laundry on a daily basis... On the other hand, we laugh often and have a lot of fun, too… Other moments are full of cuddles, peals of laughter, and practical okes. e have to be selective with activities because the expenses add up quickly… but we do our best to get out of the house.” 2018 25

Each member of the Lang Gang has their own unique personality. Lexie has just began a running program and was accepted into the highly capable program at her school. She is quiet, shy, and sweet. Her twin, Alex, reads 2-3 grade levels ahead and also excels with math. He is outgoing and reactive. Calista, the singleton, has a big personality with a great sense of humor and “is as tough as nails.” Although she enjoys pushing her siblings' buttons, she s also a fantastic big sister and loves to help. acie is a great runner, sweet, and a bit dramatic. Her twin, Nash, is observant and inquisitive. His mom describes him as “a little brainiac obsessed with dinosaurs and zombies.” They all enjoy playing outside, going to the park, reading, playing chess, watching movies, and playing Minecraft. Lana and Phoenix are the youngest twins and their personalities are just starting to develop. So far, they're happy, smiley babies who enjoy music and snuggles.

and Misty work opposite shifts so that they only need childcare for the youngest twins for 12 hours a week. After school, the kids have snacks and spend at least an hour doing homework. Misty cooks dinner most nights, and both parents contribute to dishes, laundry, and other household tasks. he big kids are usually in bed by 8pm, and that’s when they work on chores for about 0- 0 minutes. ccasionally, exie and alista stay up a little later to help with the babies so their mom can get chores done. How do the Langs keep it all together? A few times a week, Misty takes yoga classes. She says, “I practice hot yoga for my mental and physical health. We also try to keep the adage, ‘The days are long, but the years are short’ in mind. It's all about perspective.”

In the future, The Langs hope their seven children will be “Happy, well-rounded, kind, and compassionate humans who do their part to improve lives of others that Every day, Misty gets up before everyone else to pump cross their paths. o make a positive impact on the breastmilk for donation. She feeds the babies about a world they suggest that children learn early on to half hour later, then the big kids get up. The next hour always practice kindness and to put others' needs before is spent getting everyone out the door for school. Peter their own. Misty says, “They should be cognizant of the

26 2018

Top 10 things The Lang Gang Parents have learned: limited resources on our earth, and act accordingly. Additionally, children need to focus on their education, spend less time with electronics, and more time reading. We need more educated, compassionate humans on this planet.” To other parents of twins, The Lang Gang advises not to sweat the small stuff. “Don't compare your family to other families, or your twins to each other. Ask for help, or hire help if possible. Both parents need to contribute equally at home or else resentment will build and your relationship will suffer.” For example, at night one parent feeds the babies, and the other parent changes diapers and burps them. Misty continues, “Know that the first three months are the worst for many twin parents, and cherish every single moment with your double blessings. Reach out to your local parents of multiples group for support. It takes a village!”

1. If you give your kids an inch, they take a mile. Set boundaries and don't negotiate them.

2. Nothing elicits laughter quicker from children than the word "butt". You don't even need to say anything else. 3. When your kids get older you have to let go of "your way" in order to teach them household responsibilities. Eventually they figure it out, but it may take some time. . here s no handbook for parenting.

5. What works for one child may not work for another. . Sometimes you re the one who needs to apologi e.

7. Even if your kids have completely different names, you will still call them by the wrong one.

8. Quality time is more important than any toy will ever be. 9. Kids are parrots--be careful what you say!

10. It's never too early to discuss serious issues with your kids. Don't be afraid to talk to them! 2018 27

10 Kamarley & Zidanie

A ge : 6 L o c a t i o n : Brooklyn, NY P ho t o g r a p h e r :

Lily Shames Photography Fa v o r i t e T h i n g A b o u t B e i n g Tw i n s :

Literally everything.

28 2018

Ariella & Alessandro A ge : 3 Location: NC Photographer:

Sand y Pined a Photography Fav ori te Thi ng About B eing Twins:

T he b ond they have. 2018 29

JuNiah & Justice

Ag e : 8 L o c a t i o n : E nglew ood , O hio Ph o t o g r a p h er :

Shu tterE ye Photography

F a v o r i t e T h i ng A b o u t B e i n g Tw i n s:

W e look alike, talk alike, and people c ompliment u s everyw here w e go.

30 2018

Ashlee & Alyssa

A ge : 6 Loc ati on: Bronx , NY Photographer:

Lily Shames Photography Fav ori te Thi ng About B eing Twins:

You alw ays have someone to play w ith and keep you c ompany. 2018 31

Antonio & Adaliina

Ag e : 2 W eeks O ld L o c a t i o n : T oronto, C anad a Ph o t o g r a p h e r : F rank A rz aga F a v o r i t e T h i ng A b o u t B e i n g Tw i n s:

D ou b le the b ab y kisses and d ou b le the b ab y c u d d les.

32 2018

Isabella & SofĂ­a A ge : 7 Location: NC P hotographer:

J ohan C asad iego Fav ori te Thi ng About B eing Twins:

T he u nc ond itional love and emotional c onnec tion b etw een one another. 2018 33

Skylar & Tristen

Ag e : 1 1 L o c a t i o n : W arner R ob ins, G A Ph o t o g r a p h er :

E verything Lovely Photography F a v o r i t e T h i ng A b o u t B e i n g Tw i n s :

H aving d ou b le w ard rob e.

34 2018

Samantha & Valerie

A ge : 8 Loc ati on: Brooklyn, NY Photographer:

Stephen C eneu s

Fav ori te Thi ng About B eing Twins:

W e have great memories. 2018 35

Samira & Sevil

Ag e : 9 L o c a t i o n : U kraine Ph o t o g r a p h e r : E lena Leroy F a v o r i t e T h i n g A b o u t B e i n g Tw i n s:

Playing tric ks on people b y pretend ing to b e eac h other.

36 2018

Jonathon II & ZoĂŤ

Age : 1 8 M onths Loc ati on: W ic hita, K S Photographer: R ae M assie Fav ori te Thi ng About B eing Twins:

I t’ s alw ays an ad ventu re. 2018 37

Written by: Sandra Current Photographer: Olesja Mueller Styling: Angel Tailan HMUA: Barbara Redman Location/Animals: Little Horse on the Prairie

Watch out, World! The Clements twins are here and ready take over the modeling industry! Ava Marie and Leah Rose, who hail from Orange County, California, are seven-and-a-half-year-old models and identical twins with dreams of becoming the biggest models around. They have been pouring every ounce of themselves into their passion and are currently one of the most popular set of twin models out there. If you’ve seen these gorgeous gals, you know exactly why they’re quickly on the rise to stardom. Not only are they incredibly adorable, but they have quirky personalities to match. Now, the duo is winning fans all across the nation with their fun and fierce photographs. We’re sure you’ll be fans after learning more about them, too!

Leah and Ava have been modeling for a little under a year. They started just a few weeks shy of their seventh birthday, which was this past July, and haven’t looked back since. They originally started out showcasing a pop-up clothing boutique created by their friend’s mom and took a liking to modeling from there. I mean, you can tell from their photos how much the girls love what they do. Plus, they truly seem to be naturals! When asked what they love most about modeling, Leah told us, “I like trying on new clothes, getting my hair and makeup done, and meeting new people.” Ava enjoys those things, too, but says, “I also like all of the new adventures that we go on. I like going to LA with my sister and my mom and listening to our music really loud!”

Left - Lanvin dress, MIANew York faux fur jacket Right - IKKS blue blazer, Mischka Aoki dress, ZARA collar, Modern Queen Kids cuffs

Modeling has been super fun for them, especially because they have each other to do it with. What’s better than being able to work with your twin and bestie?! There are several other aspects of modeling the girls enjoy, too, but photoshoots are a favorite. Ava loves shoots that require her to be serious and sassy, while Leah lives for shoots where she can laugh, smile and have fun. No matter what type of shoot these sisters partake in, the outcome is amazing! Having an identical twin is all the fun you can imagine. Leah and Ava have a bestie to hit the runway with and a partner in crime to help pull off fun pranks. They’re always getting mistaken for one another, so pranking people, even those close to them, is fairly easy. Just

40 2018

last year, Ava and Leah’s mom dressed them in the same clothes for school, with the same hairdo, and told them it would be funny to trick their friends. Before school started, they decided to switch shoes and backpacks, so they could pretend to be one another. When they got to school, they sat at each other’s desk and in each other’s spot on the rug. A few of their friends actually caught on and started questioning who they were, but they both kept pretending to be each other. One of their friends even attempted to out them when they were sitting on the rug, but they kept the prank going and managed to trick their teacher, too. Eventually, the girls switched back to being themselves after Ava got a little scared, but no one ever found out. Sounds pretty fun, right?! Do you think you’d prank people if you had a twin?

Identical twins can be really hard to tell apart for most people. The girls say they get confused for one another multiple times a day by strangers and friends. So, here’s a few tips for distinguishing them, if you ever have trouble. Ava normally wears a side part and has lost one front tooth, while Leah wears a middle part and is missing both front teeth. There are several other differences the girls have, along with those distinctions. Leah likes mashed potatoes and Ava doesn’t. Ava likes to play with Legos, and Leah would rather play with dolls. They even have different favorite colors! Ava loves pink, and Leah loves blue. As far as hairstyles go, Leah prefers two braids, and Ava is more of a curly girl. Wow! Did you expect them to have this many differences? No twins are exactly alike, and Leah and Ava are no exception, but there’s two things they have in common for sure, their love for modeling and their love for each other!!!

The girls have already accomplished so much in their blossoming careers. They’ve managed to gather a massive following base on social media and just walked in their first Rookie USA fashion show, which they say was an amazing time! That experience has made them even more excited to be a part of future fashion shows and photoshoots. The girls are also signed to Zuri Model and Talent Agency, as well as DreamRay Model and Talent, so expect to see a lot more of Ava and Leah in upcoming projects. When the twins aren’t shooting, they’re likely spending time with family, friends, or their dog, Luci. They also love to dance, color, draw, and swim. Be sure to follow them on Instagram @clementstwins and check out to find out more about these lovely little ladies and their journey. Special thank you to Mia New York and Couture Kids on Robertson store Left - Mischka Aoki dress, Modern Queen Kids cape and cuffs, Project6NY bow Right - Givenchy dress, Billie Blush blue jacket, Modern Queen Kids feather cape

Be Bold, Be Fierce Written by: Sandra Current Photography: Kevin A Photography Dancewear: 5six78 Athletics

Alexandra and Christina, dubbed the “Fierce Twins,” are identical twin sisters with a passion for dancing. These sensational young ladies get to travel around the country doing what they enjoy most; spending time with one another and showing off their moves. Whether you’ve witnessed them in person or through social media platforms, you know these girls are incredibly talented! Not only are they talented, but you won’t meet another match as dedicated to hard work and conquering goals as these two. They push themselves in every way possible, which has allowed them to live their dream. Now, this duo is taking the dance world by storm and they have no plans of slowing down anytime soon. Let’s get to know the Fierce Twins! Alexandra and Christina are ten years old and have been dancing since the age of five. They knew early on that dance was a great way to express themselves and it has been a major part of their life ever since. Their early 48 2018

love for dance has since transitioned into interests in professional dance careers, so the girls make sure to train as often as possible. They spend approximately 15 hours a week rotating between four dance instructors to perfect their technique and work on hip-hop/krump routines. They even recruit the assistance of their mom, who has a background in ballet. In fact, they attend their mother’s workshops to complement their weekly technical training at Thr3e Live Dance Co. Christina and Alexandra also attend extra classes to work on performances and go to open classes, workshops, and conventions. They have a home studio to practice in at their leisure as well. Can you say busy! But, training is something the twins thoroughly enjoy, and they’re encouraged to take classes and learn from multiple instructors to diversify their skillset, so it’s no wonder why they have such phenomenal moves!

Their hard work is definitely paying off. I mean, have you seen them dance?! If not, you’re totally missing out! Wondering what keeps them motivated? Alexandra and Christina would tell you they understand that working at improving makes the difficult things easier over time. They know they can achieve anything they set their minds to, so they believe in striving to be your best and pushing yourself day in and day out. They go forward each and every day with this mindset and it has made them who they are today. It also helps to have amazing role models. The girls mentioned their admiration for World of Dance’s Les Twins. For those unfamiliar with Les Twins, they are incredible identical twin dancers with an insane work ethic just like Alexandra and Christina! The duo continuously inspires the girls to keep at it and perfect their craft. “We honestly love seeing everyone succeed, but seeing twins that both

You probably wouldn’t think the girls have too many differences because of being identical, but they do! Christina loves contemporary dance because it allows her to be creative and express herself through movement and emotions, while Alexandra loves lyrical dance because of the story it allows her to tell. That’s not all! Before performances, Alexandra gets a little nervous, but Christina says she gets very nervous. They both have completely different ways to manage those nerves. Alexandra pictures herself doing well on stage and imagines the post-show fun and food, while Christina attempts to clear her thoughts and remember how quickly time on stage passes. There are a few other personality differences between the two, which is common among all sets of identical twins, but there’s no question about the love these twins share for dance. It’s woven through every fiber in their body and they wouldn’t have it any other way!

have the same passion work together to achieve their mutual goal is really amazing,” says Christina and Alexandra. While dance is what Alexandra and Christina love most, the two can’t imagine what the journey would be like without one another. “Everything is more fun with Alexandra. It’s always the best to have someone by your side that knows what you are going through and is there to push you to be your best,” Christina says of having a twin. Alexandra completely agrees and says, “The best things are that you have someone who helps to motivate you to do your best, who loves you and supports you no matter what you are going through, and always wants you to succeed.” Having a twin sounds pretty cool, eh?! Sharing this unique bond is an unimaginable blessing for both of these young ladies. They get a lifelong best friend to be there for, to love no matter what, and to share excitement and happiness with. “It’s the best,” they say! Another perk of having an identical twin is getting approached by strangers. The girls truly get a kick out of it and enjoy people’s interest. It’s a unique feature that surely draws a lot of attention. 50 2018

Dance has provided amazing opportunities and opened many doors for the Fierce Twins. They’ve trained with the best of the best and even been selected for Urban Generation with Zoey Cruz and East Coast Edge Dance Team (twice!). Their greatest feat so far, they believe, is connecting with other talented and accomplished artists, which has helped carve their path of success. Make no mistake, these young ladies have worked very hard to get to where they are today. Their 10+ hours of training a week, on top of schooling and all other responsibilities, is the type of sacrifice and commitment it takes to be successful. That’s actually what they love most about dance. It’s an art form they must strive to be better at constantly. There are no short cuts in this industry. If you want it, you have to work for it, and that’s exactly what they’ve done! For those of you pursuing a career in dance or looking to improve your skills, Alexandra and Christina advise you to go to as many classes as you can and give 100% all the time! “Take beginner classes and strengthen your basics, take classes at your skill level to work on your current skills, and advanced classes to be challenged. Never be afraid to learn something new, whether it’s a new skill or a whole new genre.” The girls also stress the importance of surrounding yourself with people who motivate and support you, as well as taking opportunities you are given and striving to do your best. They believe you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind to and so do we, so GO FOR IT!!! Be sure to follow the girls on Instagram @fierce_twins5678 and check out their YouTube account. You’ll see how they earned their nickname!

Written By: Madison Harrison Photography: Andre McNeil at Olympus Studio

Deyahna & Deysha

Nicole, Sherrod, Olivia One of my favorite things is photography. However, what you may not know is that I absolutely LOVE fashion, especially fashion from the 1920s. I love to dress up in clothing from, “back in the day”, as my mom calls it. I refer to it as “the olden days”. When I go to red-carpet events and see the jaw dropping outfits, they put me in a tizzy! This is one of the reasons that it’s my dream to photograph celebrities on the red carpet at the Oscars. One day, I will. One day.

take the time to play with me on the playground for hours, just having fun! Twin Sister Designers! Wow! Tell us in your own words how that came to be? When did you realize that you not only wanted to design clothing, but that you could?

Deysha: I realized that I could design when I was drawing dresses while I was on the train headed to NY My friends, twin sisters, Deysha and Deyahna Nelson, and my mom said they were amazing and the lady who share my love for fashion too but they took it a step was holding the fashion show also said it was amazing. further and turned it into a business at only five years Deyahna: I realized I could design when Deysha old! They really are very talented designers. About two needed another dress and I drew one that everyone years ago, they designed a pink and black blazer for me. loved. I don't think it’s what I wanted to do at that time It’s my favorite jacket to wear when I am taking but I could, so I did :-). pictures. I love it because I feel like when they designed it, they took the time to create it just for me; What or who would you say gave you your “big taking into consideration every single detail that would break”? allow me to represent my brand. It even has my hashtag Deysha: A lady named Ms. Butterfli Tia who is the #photoswithmadison on the back! What I love most owner of Fashion Bloc in New York had me debut at her about Deysha and Deyahna is that they are not afraid to huge fashion show during NYFW in 2013. At that time I be who they are. Even though they are talented and was the only one designing. Deyahna didn't join me very busy with their business and their career, they still until 2015. 2018 53

What’s the most important characteristic you should possess if you want to make it in this industry?

Deysha: I think you need to be humble. Don't be afraid to hear, “no� because there are other opportunities out there for you. Be sure to know how to communicate what you want and who you are and be strong. Deyahna: I think in order to make it in the industry you need to be strong minded.

Tell us about the different roles each of you play within the business.

Deysha: I do the designing as well as the promoting through social media, interviews and fashion shows. I also do all the communication with the models/buyers.

Deyahna: I started off as the mini manager before I started helping to design. I don't like to do the talking or have all that attention on me. I like to handle the negotiations of selling and the back and forth corrections with our tailor.

Deyahna: I started off as the mini manager before I started helping to design. I don't like to do the talking or have all that attention on me. I like to handle the negotiations of selling and the back and forth corrections with our tailor.

Deysha & Deyahna: We both do the fabric shopping and casting of our models for fashion shows and photo shoots. What part did your family play in your success?

Deysha & Deyahna: Our family has helped us with the cost and the travel and always supporting us in helping to make any of our dreams come true. If you could change one rule in your house what would that be?

Deysha: If I could change one rule it would be to not have to sweep. Deyahna: If I could change one rule it would be to be able to stay long as I want.

If you had one superpower what would it be and why?

What do you do in your free time? We play with our baby dolls, go to the park, watch Netflix and we take swimming lessons

Deysha: My favorite question lol. I would have flying What’s next for you? We plan on getting our designs powers. into a boutique and then hopefully well known stores Deyahna: I would want freezing powers to make my very soon. own ice cream. What’s the best thing about being twins? What is one object that you own that matters more Deysha: The best thing about being twins is having a to you than anything else? special bond and having someone that understands you Deysha: My phone because I use it to post on social and has your back media. Deyahna: The best part for me is having someone to Deyahna: My 30+ babydolls who are real to me. They talk to and someone to play with at all times. all have names, special outfits and beds. When you need advice or encouragement who do you talk to?

Deysha: I talk to my sister or my mom

Deyahna: I talk to my sister or my mom

What kind of advice would you give to other children who aspire to be fashion designers?

Deysha: Be yourself and don't try to be like anyone else. Find your own path, do your research and never give up. Deyahna: Live your dream and never quit.

How do you balance your time with school, friends and your career?

Deysha: I home school so it gives me more time to focus on my career. I text and video call my friends when I can and try to go do fun things with them.

Deyahna: I home school and I dont really like to talk to people. I like to be alone and build and create if not playing with Deysha. If you could collaborate with any designer in the world, who would it be and why?

Deysha: We both like Mary Kate & Ashley Olson because they are twins like us and actors like me. Deysha: I also like Michael Kors because he is the highest paid designer right now and his birthday is in August like ours. We have some of his shoes and tops and they are very stylish. How would you describe your style?

Fashionable, fun, cool, trendy, comfortable and can be dressed up or down

Nicole, Sherrod, Olivia Where can people find you? Follow my friends on Instagram @almondeyezdesigns I hope you enjoyed learning about my friends Deysha and Deyahna. Keep on the lookout for them, they are up and coming stars. Perhaps one day they will be on the red carpet at the Oscars wearing their designs and I will be taking pictures! 2018 55

By: Jennifer Pucci Starr Photographer: Dave Feiling

Golfieri Twins, Layla and Emelia may be just four-years-old, but they have already landed the career of most adult actor’s dreams. With hit appearances on the Fox series “Grandfathered,” starring John Stamos and multiple other television appearances – as well as modeling in advertisements with mega brands such as Target and Johnson & Johnson, learning to walk and talk were right up there with learning to take a cue from a director. The Golfieri twins were six months old when a talent agent first approached them. Pursuing an acting career was far from the minds of Layla and Emelia’s parents, but they decided to give it a shot. The Twins were naturals, landing the first few auditions with ease. KidFash met with the Golfieri’s to find out more about navigating an acting career with twins.

Personality plus: Okay we’ve said it before and we will say it again, gauge your children’s interests in the process. What may seem exciting to you could be far from it for your child. It’s a tough industry and even tougher for a child. Know what you are getting them into. However, when dealing with twins you face this same challenge times two. For the Golfieri Twins they fit in from the start. “The girls were happy, sweet and had mild temperaments,” says mom, Nicole. “They would also allow strangers to hold them which is key when getting in the business.” The Twins were too young when they first started acting to really understand the challenges ahead. Nicole says for children who are old enough it is important to manage their expectation. “It will be a big commitment and the kids will need to understand that acting can be difficult and disappointing 2018 57

at times. Moms will also want to make sure their children are comfortable around adults and take direction well.” Two can be better than one: Twin (or multiples) child actors can be a great asset when working on film or television. The long hours on set can be tiring, and not suitable for children. Child labor laws dictate strict parameters for young workers, keeping their best interests in mind. Having an identical sibling that can take over when the other isn’t feeling up to it allows for less disruptions in the production schedule. Twins or multiples are therefore appealing to the casting agents. Knowledge is power: Network with other parents in the industry. Getting feedback from those who have already been in the industry is an excellent way to find out the inside scoop. Nicole turned to other parents for feedback on agency selection. “Zuri Model & Talent was recommended to me by a mom in the business who I met on set of a commercial. The girls started with the agency at about 12 months old and we couldn’t be happier.” Don’t overdo it: A final word of wisdom, if they lose interest, don’t push it. Just as you gauge interests when you get in the business, make sure you are keeping tabs on whether they are still enjoying it throughout the entire process.

It is easy to get swept up in the excitement, but remember they are still very young and interest can change. “I don’t have specific hopes for their acting, says Nicole. “I’m a true believer that everything happens for a reason, as long as the girls love it and we have fun as a family, we will continue down this path. If their hobbies and interests change, my husband and I will stand behind them and do everything we can to support them in achieving their dreams and passions. On a final note, remember, this is not a job they can do by themselves. Make sure you are fully committed. My husband and I set rules for ourselves and our family,” says Nicole. “We committed to walking away from this business if we felt like it was hard on our children, our marriage, or our happiness as a family. I am a firm believer that the entire family must be on the same page and in agreement about pursuing a career in this business. Although it’s incredible, challenging, and exciting most of the time, this business can be exhausting, ruthless, and disappointing at times so it’s key that your family comes first, you support each other, and you’re on the same page.”

MARK GUNTER’S Runway Showcase Society Fashion Week Dallas Texas Fall/Winter 2018


my brother’s keeper By Michelle Elizabeth Photographer: Talya Hailey McCaulley

“The Grandy twins don’t play!” The sport of boxing has long been an interesting, lively, and entertaining sport to watch. The history is illuminated by tales of the legendary men who have stepped into the boxing ring. Stories of great fighters such as Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, and many others have dominated the sports pages. Now it looks like there are two new contenders who are entering the ring, fighting for their spot in boxing history. Meet nine year old twins Steven & Daniel Grandy. The Grandy twins are Pint-sized pugilists from Pennsylvania. They gained popularity recently when a homemade video of the twins boxing in the streets of Philadelphia went viral. Managed by their father, Daniel Grandy, these boxing boys have caught the eyes of millions of people around the globe. Mr. Grandy posted a video online of himself spending time with the kids like he usually does. That particular day, the boys were supposed to go bike riding with their father, but his tire went flat. Instead of their biking adventure

Outfits: Kid Kong NYC

the boys decided to get their exercise in by practicing their boxing skills. Within a couple days, they had 20-30 million views on their homemade video and now are even sponsored by Title Boxing. “The Grandy twins don’t play!” says their father. The dueling duo believes that you can never be too young to learn or teach. Steven and Daniel train hard, putting in many hours of practice at the gym. They train at least 2-3 days a week, but they don’t overdo it. They understand the need for balance. Many people think that boxing may be too dangerous for children. While it is a contact sport, it is very controlled and the children wear protective gear. Daniel Grandy is just one of many parents who believe that the benefits of the sport outweigh the risks. He says, “It

teaches the kids structure, discipline, and respect.” It’s also known to teach self-development and self-discipline in a safe space supervised by trained adults. The number one benefit of boxing is that it is a great form of exercise since it is very physically demanding. The sport requires the participant to have both strength and stamina. Many training regimens include various intense and healthy exercises such as running, jumping rope, and others high intensity activities that burn fat quickly. Boxing promotes the mastery of footwork and mobility, while practicing hand-eye coordination. To be able to pull off the fast and powerful fast punches that the sport demands, one gains upper body strength and a strong core. Boxing also improves balance and coordination. The increase in overall strength can lead to

increased bone growth, weight loss, and overall healthier being. The sport also teaches children how to defend themselves if they are ever attacked by bullies. The Grandy Twins have been picked on throughout their lives for being smaller than most kids their age. Thankfully the boys have never had to use their boxing skills to disarm a bully, but if the time ever came it’s great to know that they can defend against an attack. Psychologically speaking, boxing is a great sport for anyone. It can help one gain inner strength, learn to overcome obstacles, feel like a winner. Not to mention that it releases a plethora of feel good hormones and can boost confidence as well. How did the Grandy Twins get involved with the sport? It’s in their blood. Their Dad was raised by a single mother and he started hanging out in the gym to avoid trouble in the streets. He picked up boxing because many generations in his family did since it’s a great way to relieve stress and can be used as a form of aggression control. Kids and teens have to deal with a lot of emotions throughout their lifetime and boxing gives them a release, allowing them to let out their stress in a positive way. Naturally Steven and Daniel picked up the sport from their father. He says “They showed interest in the game right away.” At the young age of just two years old, the twins would sit in their car seats in front of the boxing ring and were fascinated. They insisted on putting boxing gloves on after spending some more time in the gym. By encouraging the Twins to pursue boxing, an active and physical hobby that they enjoy, Mr. Grandy is helping them avoid other activities that could harm them. “Having your twin brother doing the same thing you do, puts you ahead of the class because they have the ability to push each other daily,” Mr. Grandy says. They’re really not rivals. In fact, the Grandy twins always end each match with a hug. As they get older, this healthy pastime reduces the amount of time they have to participate in unhealthy habits. It’s also led to career opportunities. In addition to their Instagram page and YouTube channel, The Grandy Twins have been featured on NBC’s LITTLE BIG SHOTS with Steve Harvey and are sponsored by Raw sports and Title Boxing. 2018 65

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