Monthly parking and RTW: At last, a w in/w in?
by Diam ond Parking Services |June 19, 2024
Recent workplace surveys show that 72% of companies have mandated returns to the office. Hybrid schedules, flexible policies and in-office perks are persistent topics of discussion, with workers and managers struggling to find common ground and unite expectations 42% of companies that issued Return to Work, or RTW policies, lost more staff than anticipated. Coupled with a tight workforce, and record employment numbers, employers are increasingly willing to meet their teams halfway, and that includes on their commute
A parking garage right out of The Mat rix in Japan
Parking professionals are creating programs that fully or partially compensate commuting employees, removing one of the most persistent barriers in the RTW conversation Employers and their teams see these arrangements as a win/win; by making parking easier, less expensive, or even free, employees recognize substantive support, which in turn inspires positive response to RTW policies in general, not just those associated with parking
To make RTW easier and more attractive, companies are developing parking programs with employee experience top-of-mind, and they're doing it with agreements with parking management companies directly.
This is good news for employees, and for redeveloping workplace cultures; such programs are proving to offset loses in recruitment and retention, resulting in more unified teams, workplace longevity, and positive reports from employees.