Diamond Dialog Newsletter – Summer 2019

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Aloha, Hawaii In 1970, Diamond began parking operations in the state of Hawaii. The reason, notes Company president, Jon Diamond, can be summed up in one word — relationships. “My grandfather, Joseph Diamond, represented real estate clients in Hawaii through his legal practice. Based on his professional and personal relationships, he realized the opportunity to expand across the Pacific.” Today, nearly 5 decades later, “relationships” more than ever, are still the heart and soul of Diamond Parking Hawaii. What better way to demonstrate the value of relationships in Hawaii than to hear from Diamond’s management who actively live it every day.

Sandi Makaiau, City Manager, Oahu

that nourishes growth. It’s our cultural connection centered on honesty and trust.” Sandi explains that Oahu is the main business hub of the islands where most businesses are located. As a result, she says Diamond Parking is very visible. “I oversee our Oahu operations. We manage both attended and self parking locations. Our diverse portfolio of commercial garages, office complexes and surface lots is rapidly expanding because our teams are in sync.”

Jeff Sandborn, VP Real Estate, Hawaii

Are relationships important to be successful in Hawaii? That’s an easy question for Jeff Sandborn. “It is the single most important element for me in my 31 years of representing Diamond in the islands. We are a melting pot of cultures, Sandi K. Makaiau, City Manager, all different but all the same. Respect, trust and loyalty are the building blocks Jeff Sandborn, Island of Oahu VP Real Estate, Hawaii for creating successful relationships.” Jeff “Hawaii is the center of our brand. It’s points to a recent win as an example of our heritage. Everything is based on how showing respect pays off. “I have stayed in contact relationships with our communities. Understanding with an individual on Maui for 31 years. She had declined local culture and customs can go along way in my request to manage her property until last month. achieving success.” To illustrate the importance of Through all of those years, I always showed respect, relationships, Sandi uses the Hawaiian word “piko.” patience and was willing to assist her in any way I could “We believe we are all connected to each other, to without expecting anything in return. That’s the way we the land and to the islands. We call it “piko” which are in Hawaii.” is the umbilical cord between mother and child Continued on inside

We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter

INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Aloha, Hawaii — Building Relationships

- Ahead of the Curve: Winning New Contract

- Canadian Corner: Customer Complaint Turns Positive

- Going the Extra Mile — Exeeding Customer Expectaions


Can a customer complaint, usually deemed negative, actually turn out to be a positive? A recent appeal from a parking customer and a great story from Mike Poirier, Vice President of Operations, Diamond Parking Ltd., Vancouver, BC, demonstrates why Diamond empowers their front-line employees to address and solve complaints to the satisfaction of the customer.

Parking Customer:

“Good morning, Yesterday was the first day I had my own car back from the shop and no longer had the rental car. I purchased my parking around 8:30am and then noticed immediately it was for the wrong license plate (the rental). I was frustrated to see that PayByPhone had no option to cancel a parking session, only to extend it. So, I called your number but was on hold. I had to hang up or I’d be late to start work. I ended up having to start another parking session for my regular license plate (my own car) as I couldn’t reach anyone there about this error and didn’t want to get a ticket or towed in the mean time. So I double paid yesterday. Can you kindly consider refunding the cost of one of the parking sessions? I did everything I could to reach someone. Best regards, Amber”

Diamond Agent:

“Thank you Amber for your email. Please be advised that I’ve refunded $14.26 back onto the card, allow 7-10 business days. Regards, Sherry.”

Parking Customer:

“Thank you very much, Sherry. I really appreciate it. This is great customer service and is why I always choose Diamond over Impark whenever possible!”

Mike Poirier:

“The best way for me to answer your question is to tell you a story. I had a customer call and complain that he had received a parking violation as he arrived back at this vehicle just as his time had expired. I started by letting him know that we would take care of the ticket. He continued talking about how he thought our enforcement team was too quick to respond. When I pointed out that he was actually complimenting us for being very efficient in our job, the conversation completely shifted. Turned out he was a property owner and was so impressed with our service that he asked us to consider managing his parking property. We now manage 90% of his current portfolio, and we also gained additional clients through his referrals to local decision makers. I am convinced that without his initial appeal, we never would have gained the business.” Diamond’s problem solving process continues to be an effective tool to gain customer satisfaction, build customer loyalty, generate customer referrals and increase profitability!

AHEAD OF THE CURVE Doina Copaceanu, Diamond North Sound Area Manager In May, Diamond put another “parking feather” in its cap by winning the Port of Everett parking management contract. Doina Copaceanu, Ranked as the third largest Diamond North Sound Area Manager container port in the state, it’s the region’s premiere cargo facility as well as providing waterfront access to the public. As a result, the community asked the Port to improve their waterfront parking experience and the Port responded by contracting with Diamond. For North Sound Area Manager, Doina Copaceanu, and her team, overseeing the Port’s parking presents a unique opportunity to manage and educate a diverse parking

population. “We implement parking management services site-wide to monitor and enforce all Port regulated parking areas that include visitors, resident live-a-boards in the marina, and port employees. Diamond also supports special event parking, such as evening summer concerts. “Event parking used to free. Now, the Port charges $2. Folks coming to the concert are usually in a good mood and we want to keep it that way. Based on this excerpt from Terrie Battuello, Chief of Business Development for the Port, recent communique, Doina’s approach is working. “Thanks everyone for all your hard work to make this nice for folks. Kerri felt this process was working well and also complimented Doina on her professionalism today (we also think Doina is fantastic).” That says it all, don’t you think?


FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK It’s a proven fact that successful businesses often earn their success through longlasting, and engaged relationships with their clients and customers. It takes a dedicated amount of Jon Diamond time and energy to build good, strong, lasting business relationships today. The key to business success is winning and keeping customers. And the key to winning and keeping customers is, fostering new and managing existing relationships. I believe that we prove ourselves over time and through different activities and experiences. For example, joining a chamber, professional group, or online community, are all great environments to develop relationships. In Hawaii, Business Development Director, Nicole Nakano, is next year’s president elect of BOMA. Ask her how she achieved this milestone, and she will tell you it takes patience, tenacity, consistency and engagement, all essential elements for growing relationships. One of the greatest benefits we receive from strong professional relationships is a referral. It just may be the most powerful marketing and branding tool available. There’s no better source for new business than a referral from a satisfied customer. In our Canadian Corner column, Mike Poirier’s story about how he turned a complaint into a long-term client and then gained more business from the clients’ personal referral, is priceless. Trust, respect, and acceptance are the ingredients that build strong, long lasting business relationships. If you put in the time and work, you will be rewarded.

Seasonal shifts are a given in the parking industry. Summer is especially busy. Many cities double even triple the number of visitors who are on vacation. Regardless of the increase, Diamond employees are trained to provide the same level of customer excellence no matter what the circumstances. Case in point is the following communication forwarded to the Dialog from Sheila Irish, Regional Manager, South Sound and her Operations Manager, Shylah Hales.

To Whom it May Concern: “I feel compelled to write in abo ut the new level of monitoring being provided at the downtown Olympia parking lot WY65. We have had such issues with the homeless and drug issues that at times it has not felt safe. Recently there has been a much greater presence of monitoring which has decrea sed unwanted activity and made it a much safer place to park. Thank you for the additional patrol, the gentlem an working for you is quite pleasant.” Kristen S.

Elsewhere, summertime often means community events where Diamond plays a role. Here’s a thank you card from the Events Director of the Downtown Billings Association sent to the Dialog by Billings, City Manager, Peter Sanderson. Thanks Peter!


e all your help to mak Thank you again for e are W Sounds a success. Downtown Summer anks for d to the concert. Th ar rw fo g kin loo y all re support all your downtown See you soon, or , DBA Events Direct Lindsay Richardson

Please keep sending customer appreciation letters and notes. We love em’ in the Dialog! Send them to: dialog@diamondparking.com

Aloha, Hawaii

Continued from front page

Nicole Nakano, Director of Business Development, Honolulu

Nicole Nakano, Business Development Director, Honolulu

Nicole joined Diamond Parking Hawaii 3 years ago. Using her prior business experience in the mainland cities of Boston and San Francisco, she has established a network of professionals to generate growth and build brand awareness. “I joined The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), worked on committees, spearheaded organizational events, and now I am in line to be president elect next year.” Nicole is also an active public speaker in her community further creating relationships that can pay dividends for Diamond. “I am able to interact with key clients as well as meet new ones to get our name out in the community.” Nicole adds that she uses social media, extensive property owner and asset management research, trade shows, event sponsorships and the Diamond Dialog to find new business opportunities.

Greg Schmidt, City Manager, Maui Greg has been City Manager for 3 years. He says his parking network of surface lots and garages reaches across the island and serves to visibly connect communities. “Everyone knows each other in our business community for the most part. A property owner or landlord might have a parking or real estate question and the Diamond name is often referred immediately. It’s very gratifying.” Greg says he relies more and more on new parking technologies because a large part of his customer base is international. “Maui is a global tourist destination. With many different languages spoken, streamlining our parking systems to make payment seamless is one of our top priorities.” Greg Schmidt, City Manager, Maui

Jasmine-Victoria A. Crusat, City Manager, Big Island

Jasmine-Victoria A. Crusat, City Manager, Big Island As City Manager, Jasmine, says she focuses her team on community leadership, building relationships and working together. “I’ve worked for Diamond Parking since 2003 and being patient and supportive of the communities needs has proven to build lasting relationships. I like to walk beside my team versus leading from above. There’s no “I” in “team.” Our community leadership is a good example of just that.” Another important element of building successful relationships with clients, customers and vendors, adds Jasmine Crusat, is community engagement. “We are a proud supporter of the state of Hawaii’s Department of Transportation Adopt a Highway Program, Kailua Village Design Commission, and we volunteer time with the Rotary Club, Salvation Army, and Habitat for Humanity. Our Area Managers maintain great working relationships, and everyone on our team is held responsible for the development of our brand. We encourage a positive workplace and strive for customer service excellence.”



We want to congratulate those employees who are

We welcome your comments:

celebrating 10 or more years with Diamond Parking.

Diamond Dialog is published by Diamond Parking. For comments and suggestions please write to us at: dialog@diamondparking.com.

Thank you for your dedication! 30+ Years Janis Jeffries

Seattle United


Kenneth Williams

Seattle United


20+ Years Abebe Seyoum

Seattle Attended


Tammy Halvorson



Lorenzo Galo



Robert J. Duprie



Tilahun Wolde

Seattle Attended


Bereket Geberemedmin

Seattle United


15+ Years

To learn more about the Diamond Difference visit www.diamondparking.com

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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Diamond Parking is a full-service parking operator which prides itself on the quality of its employees. We do everything possible to accommodate our clients and make sure each and every client is satisfied.

William Feehan

Spokane Downtown


Wayne Kawamura



Randall Johnson

Home Office


Bambi Feehan

Spokane Downtown


Esmeralda Romero

Long Beach


Cathleen Conway



Matthew L. Gibson



If you are interested in joining Diamond Parking, please visit www.DiamondParkingCareers.com.

Andrew Chung



Diamond Parking is an equal opportunity employer.

John B. Fox

Long Beach


William M. Mccorkle

Santa Ana


Yohannes G. Teshome

Seattle Attended


Helen D. Yofthaye

Seattle Attended


Donny D. Everett



Ashenafi A. Mohammed

Seattle United


Zenash W. Gebre

Seattle Attended


Abdissa M. Milki

Seattle United


Indra Banes

Vancouver BC


Noorullhuda Noor

Vancouver BC


Adelina P. Clemente



Yohannes Berhanu

Vancouver BC


Such exceptional service can only be delivered by hiring the brightest and hardest working people in the industry.


10+ Years





WHAT DO YOU THINK? Your observations, ideas and opinions are very important to us. Whether you are a landlord, customer or employee, you can use Actionline to provide comments, suggestions or observations; to ask questions, voice concerns, report situations, or to forward information that you feel may need attention. Actionline is served by an independent communication services firm. Through this service, you may provide your personal contact information and receive a response directly from Diamond Parking. Or, you may provide your personal contact information, request to remain anonymous to the company, and receive a reply through the Actionline service. You may contact Actionline by e-mail at ask@actionline.com, by telephone at 1-800-426-0426 (day or night, toll-free) or by using a postage-paid mailer available at any Diamond Parking field office.

In Our Next Issue— We preview new fall parking!

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Bring us your parking challenge. We’ll find the best solution. EXPERIENCED. We draw on the substance and depth of decades of experience to assist property owners and building managers to develop comprehensive plans for maximizing their parking potential.

WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. From parking facilities in every conceivable size of commercial buildings to major hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, sports arenas, multilevel garages and ‘Park N Fly’ facilities – we’ve done it. And we can excel for you too. For more information on how we can manage your lot email: info@diamondparking.com

MENU OF OPERATIONS > Monthly Parking

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148,691 stalls

In 47 cities

At 1,914 locations

www.DiamondParking.com | 605 First Avenue, Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104 | 1-800-340-PARK

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