Congregation Beth Shalom October 2020 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Welcome New Members ........................ 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes .......................................... 4 THANK YOU 2020! ................................ 5 The Holidays Continue ............................ 6 Youth/B’nai Mitzvah .................................. 7 Religious School ..................................... 8-9 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ... 10-11 Sisterhood .......................................... 12-13 Men’s Club ............................................... 14 Social Action ............................................ 15 Library ....................................................... 16 Send-a-Kid-to-Israel Partnershiip ....... 17 Calendar ............................................. 18-19 Shabbat Mornings ................................... 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28 Rabbi .................................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Interim Executive Director ............Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ............................................Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President ................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President .................................. Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES With the Jewish holidays in the rearview mirror and with all we have dealt with over the last seven months, it’s important to look forward to any celebration. We look forward to another holiday, truly one of my favorites, Thanksgiving. I remember, quite clearly, traveling to my grandparents, in Rochester, NY, every year for Thanksgiving. I loved the celebration and truly enjoyed the time we had each year. Thanksgiving is the quintessential American yontif. It is the great American holiday and I look forward to it each year. It is a time for friends, family, food and of course, football, and it allows us to think about the things for which we are thankful. The Pilgrim Fathers who, according to American tradition, founded Thanksgiving, were deeply immersed in Judaic culture. They loved the Hebrew Bible, the study of it, and they knew its language well. Jewish people who live in New England should be especially proud of the fact that this purely American holiday, Thanksgiving, began there and has roots which lie in the distant Jewish past. The early settlers called their Plymouth Colony “Little Israel” and this was no accident. They even compared Governor William Bradford to Moses. They felt that they had fled lands of oppression and had found a new home, just as the Israelites had once fled Egyptian slavery, journeyed through the desert and, finally, Rabbi Melman

settled in the Holy Land. The Pilgrims also recalled their emigration from Holland and compared this to the return of the Jews from Babylonia to Israel under the leadership of the Biblical figures, Ezra and Nechemiah. The prayers of the early Puritans revealed the strong influence of our Hebrew Bible. We are told that the prayer composed by Governor-to-be Bradford, after the arrival at Cape Cod, included a great many passages from the book of Deuteronomy, the Psalms and even the Passover Haggadah – “You shall recite as follows before the Lord your God, ‘My father was a wandering Aramean. He went down to Egypt with meager numbers and sojourned there; but there he became a great and very populous nation. The Egyptians dealt harshly with us and oppressed us; they imposed heavy labor upon us... The Lord freed us from Egypt wherefore I now bring the first fruits of the soil which you, O Lord, have given me.’ And: “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.” According to the record, the first marriage ceremony in the new colony, held on May 21, 1621, was conducted in a manner “most consonant to the Scriptures, Ruth IV.” This is a possible reference to the statement of Boaz, who, when he declared his intention to marry Ruth, “I am also acquiring Ruth the Moabite, the wife of Mahlon, as my wife, so as to perpetuate the name of the deceased upon his estate, that the name of the deceased may not disappear from among his kinsmen and from the gate of his home town. (continued on page 2)

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS (continued from front page Rabbi Melman’s Minutes) You are witnesses today.” And the elders answered, “WE are witnesses; the Lord makes the woman that is come into thy house like Rachel and Leah who built up the house of Israel.” We understand, from the association the Pilgrims had with the Bible and the traditions of Israel, that their Thanksgiving Festival would be patterned after the Jewish festivals of thanksgiving for abundance and harvest as found in the Torah, namely, Shavuot, the festival of the first fruits, and especially Sukkot, the festival of ingathering. In his preface to his "History of the Plymouth Plantation", Governor Bradford wrote, “I have had a longing desire to see with my own eyes something of that most ancient language and holy tongue, in which the Law and oracles of God were written and in which God and angels spoke to the holy patriarchs of old time.” This was followed by some twenty-five biblical passages in the original Hebrew with their English translations. The early American Puritan colonists were so steeped in the Bible that it molded all their thinking and colored their language and influenced their festive occasions. How can we possibly do less? JOIN US IN WELCOMING THESE NEW MEMBERS OF CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Rachel and Michael Diamond Mirta and Larry Feiger Jamie and Matt Goode Anita and David Grobart Marilyn and William Keroff Rivi and Scott Kurtz Sara and Richard Kushnir Craig Sokol Alison and Cary Wolovick

All CBS Shabbat, daily minyan and holiday services are Live Streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet:


Mahzor Return Reminder

Reminder to return all Mahzor Lev Shalem to CBS by October 15th. We’ll have book carts at the front door Sunday thru Thursday from 8:00 am thru 8:00 pm. On Friday, carts will be there only until 1:00 pm. Be sure you have written your name on the bookmark we gave you, and include the bookmark in the Mahzor when you drop it off (if you don’t have the bookmark, please write your name(s) on a slip of paper). That is how we will know you have returned your books. If you choose to keep the book after October 15th, we will bill your CBS account $50 per book. We hope you found the High Holidays meaningful and inspirational, and hope we can all gather together next year.


FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT Two of the main themes from the recent High Holidays are forgiveness and kindness. We are to spend the Ten Days of Penitence identifying our failures in relationships with others during the last year and asking the people we have failed to forgive us. Only after this can we approach God and ask for God’s forgiveness and the opportunity to do better in the coming year. Many of us are familiar with the story of the man who went to the holy man to seek forgiveness for having slandered another. The holy man gave him a feather pillow. With the pillow unsealed, its feathers were scattered to the four corners of the village. The man was told to collect the feathers. When he admitted he could not, the holy man told him the same was true of the harsh words he had uttered. Tanya Solomon

I try hard to stay patient and have empathy for those around me. I realize that I cannot truly know what is happening in someone else’s world and the pressures and other difficulties they are experiencing. For that reason, I try not to judge people for their words and actions. Recently I found myself in a situation with a good friend of mine. She made a comment which I did not appreciate. I lost patience with my friend and later spoke some words about her which I immediately regretted. Sadly, just like the feathers flying out of the pillow, my words spread. I am human and I make mistakes. My frustration at her original comment had boiled over for me. Instead of showing compassion for her personal situation and either ignoring what she said or resolving things with her, I showed anger and retaliated. Later, I apologized to my friend. I explained what went wrong, took responsibility, tried to repair the situation, and requested her forgiveness. She gave it, and happily we have continued as good friends. Sometimes we fight with our closest friends and family, although they have done nothing to deserve it. As the old Mills Brothers song says, “You always hurt the one you love, the one you shouldn’t hurt at all.” The more love and trust we have in our closest relationships, the more freedom we feel to not censor our words and actions. But this lack of inhibition makes it easier to hurt that person whom we love the most. The more time we are with someone in close proximity (like during a shelter in place order) the more likely we may hurt them because they are simply present. Being more mindful of how we may hurt those we love the most, and the reasons for that behavior, can lead to positive change in that relationship. My recent situation was an excellent reminder that simply being kind and compassionate to those around us can make our world better. I make my New Year’s resolutions at the High Holidays, and I revisit them again January 1st. Two of my resolutions for this year are to be kinder and not wait until the next High Holidays to maintain my relationships. I look forward to a good year for all of us and more opportunities to build on kindness and on all our relationships. Shalom, Tanya Religious School Drive Thru Meet The Teacher and Yom Beth Shalom were held on Sunday, August 30th and we were so happy to see so many of our members in person (socially distanced, of course)!



CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr

The holiday of Sukkot is focused on a variety of mitzvot and traditions, such as lulav, etrog, Hallel, dwelling in the Sukkah and hosting guests, Hachnasat Orchim.

The openness of the Sukkah is meant to reinforce the command for us to welcome the stranger and those who are in need. (We also make a verbal declaration of such each year to our Seder table when we open the door and invite people in.) It matters not, however, if our physical doors are opened up if our spiritual doors are yet closed. Anne Lamott, an American novelist and non-fiction writer, has used this lesson.

and stranger over history and therefore should be uniquely sensitive to others who battle for their place in society. Whether it is apparent or not here in Northbrook, we are still battling against foes who work to keep the Jewish People on their heels and argue that our successes are at the cost of others’ opportunities. The sukkah reminds us of that fragility of security and comfort and safety. When another person is being choked, physically or as it pertains to opportunities in life, we must remember the lessons of Sukkot, lest the moment turns into the nightmare we have witnessed in our country recently. Let the lesson of our faith, buried in the depths of our souls, be the voice we listen to so that we need not listen to the “blood of our brother calling out from the ground”. (Genesis 4:10)

Hallel, which is said on Sukkot and the other festivals, is made up of various psalms. We sing these as testa“There's a lovely Hasidic story of a rabbi who always ments of joy and celebration. Sometimes we turn to Tehillim, Psalms, in moments of deep distress seeking told his people that if they studied the Torah, it comforting thoughts. Psalm 149 (read every day of would put Scripture on their hearts. (Al Levavecha in the Hebrew) One of them asked, "Why on our hearts, the week in our prayers) writes: “bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with shackles of iron, to and not in them?" The rabbi answered, "Only God can put Scripture inside, but reading sacred text can carry out the sentence written against them”. I find these words troubling. How can I sing this psalm to put it on your heart, and then when your hearts seek comfort from something distressing when it is break, the holy words will fall inside.” the psalm itself that brings me distress? Maybe that is why the Sukkah is made so fragile. The It reminds me of the song I wished to write with potentiality of brokenness is surrounding us at all times, and the more volatile we feel, maybe the easier Jonathan, From Chains to Change. Judgment from God it is for our hearts to open up to the needs of others. is hard to decipher and understand and we either accept it, struggle with it or dismiss it. The reference to I was working on a project with Jonathan Comisar, a kings in chains and princes in irons, can only cause me wonderful cantor and composer to collaborate on a to conjure up the imagery of the African slaves song called, From Chains to Change, the hope for brought to America with great tribal leaders fettered change in America surrounding the issues confronting in chains. And today, can we not make the inference the black community. Unfortunately we were unable to great potential leaders of the black community yet to complete it together but one of his opening lines fettered in chains of inequality? stays with me. The term ‘white privilege’ which is now frequently being used, was impetus for the open- Waiting for the change is not enough, we must be an ing verse. Speaking of early immigrants to the US and agent of change. maybe even dating back to Columbus’ time, he addresses whether those of white complexion realize Open your Sukkah, open your heart, let the word of “How their whiteness would protect them from this God in and then share it, in word and in deed. country’s greatest sin”. Being welcoming is buried into the essence of the Jewish soul. We have been treated as the outsider 4









I hope everyone had a happy new year! We had a great time with CHUSY at the Regional Kick Off program and our CBS USY Kick Off was a huge success! Our new alternative Monday programming has been a blast and we have had a ton of fun diving deeper into Israel and the weekly Parashot. This month we are continuing with a full slate of programming for all ages including our brand new all Youth Programming Panda Pals! Haven’t signed your child up for Panda Pals? No worries! Log on to our website ( youth/) for more information and to sign up!

Be on the lookout for more programming for all ages and Young Families coming very soon! Young families can stay up to date with the newest programs and more, by following us on our Young Family Facebook Page (https://!



Son of Robert Olive and Dr. Rachel Goldstein (Olive) Brother of Joshua Olive Grandson of Dr. Bernard Goldstein, Linda Olive, Dr. Jean Sinkoff Goldstein of Blessed Memory, Julius Olive of Blessed Memory

Daughter of Daniel and Daphne Frank Sister of Gabriel Frank Granddaughter of Morris and Irene Kletzel, Lee and Nancy Frank Great Granddaughter of Elena Waisbord MAXWELL SCHWARTZBERG Son of Jenny and David Schwartzberg Brother of Samuel and Benjamin Schwartzberg Grandson of Sarah and Edward Lin, Sheldon Schwartzberg of Blessed Memory, Cele Schwartzberg of Blessed Memory


Son of Gail and Michael Fink Brother of Ethan Fink Grandson of Sidney Fink, Eleanor Fink of Blessed Memory, Betty Portugal of Blessed Memory, Raymond Portugal of Blessed Memory


Son of Gail and Michael Fink Brother of Elliot Fink Grandson of Sidney Fink, Eleanor Fink of Blessed Memory, Betty Portugal of Blessed Memory, Raymond Portugal of Blessed Memory


CBS YOUTH PROGRAMMING Alternate Mondays (virtual) Freshman Facetime (8-9 grade) 6:00 - 7:00 pm - 10/19, 11/9 Parsha Talk (8-12 grade): 7:00 - 8:00 pm - 10/19, 11/9 Upperclassmen Facetime (10-12): 6:00 -7:00 pm - 10/26, 11/16 Let's Talk Israel (8-12): 7:00 - 8:00 pm - 10/26, 11/16 USY Virtual Lounge Nights (9-12 grade) - Thursdays - 7:00 - 8:00 pm Contact Eric Golberg, Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement, OCTOBER 2020 • VOLUME 85 ISSUE 55


RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Welcome to 5781! What a wonderful and unusual start to the new school year. The teachers and I had enjoyed seeing everyone at the Drive Thru Meet the Teacher on Sunday, August 30th and having the time to talk with each family. We hope you are enjoying the boxes of supplies and projects that we put together for all of the students. We will have another pick-up day on November 1st after classes for materials to be used through winter break.

Stacy Ybarra

Our individual and small group Hebrew classes have been going extremely well and the teachers have commented that it is extra special to have so much time to get to know each student individually. Please be on the look out for details in our Wednesday evening all school emails regarding the special family Sukkot Program on Sunday, October 4th and the special Simchat Torah Program on Sunday, October 11th. Our 3rd through 5th grades will have a virtual fieldtrip on Sunday, October 18th to a Biblical Zoo in honor of Parsha Noach. Wishing you another wonderful month of holidays, Stacy Ybarra Director of Education












SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

I hope that your holidays were fantastic and that you enjoyed them with family and friends. I know that this year we were not in our traditional places with the usual kibitzing and Holiday greetings. However, this year was unique and in its own way still created that community and sense of belonging that we all have, especially when chanting Avenu Malkenu in the sanctuary. I want to give a special thank you to all of those who participated in the production and broadcast of our High Holiday services on our state-of-the-art streaming platform.

Even though things feel different, we still have the same goal and I hope that all of you will continue to support Sisterhood. We will provide the best programing possible given our limited use of our “home” at CBS. Throughout this past year we have adapted and grown to embrace the use of technology. We have discovered that the use of this technology has not deterred our participation. In fact, some events were attended with a higher level of participation than when they were live and in person. I am encouraged. Our programing will continue to amaze you and we promise to continue to grow and prosper in this new age. WE need YOUR participation now more than ever. We know some of our community is facing difficult times right now, so we ask those of you that can, please continue to contribute in any way you are able. SAVE THE DATE! - Wednesday, October 28 Virtual Exhibition Tour Hosted by Our CBS Sisterhood, CBS, and the Illinois Holocaust Museum THE NOTORIUS RBG See the information on page 13 Important things to know!!! Check out our ONLINE JUDIACA SHOP for all your gift giving needs Wishing you continued HEALTH and HAPPINESS, Robyn

CBS Sisterhood Social Action Project CBS Sisterhood is continuing the Social Action Project begun at WLCJ Convention 2020. We will be making fleece blankets and t-shirt shopping bags to donate to The ARK. The blankets will be given to their clients at Chanukah and the bags will go directly to the Food Pantry. We will be collecting these finished items until November 25, 2020. Since CBS is closed the donations will be dropped off at Edna Schrank’s home. Please contact Edna for questions and information Following are the YouTube directions for both: Instructions for making a Tee Shirt Shopping Bag Shopping Bag: Instructions for making a Fleece Blanket Blanket: 12

Support your CBS community at our ~Shop Around the Corner~ The best local source for unique Judaica and general giftware! While we cannot welcome you into the shop, we are happy to continue to serve CBS from the comfort of your home. View our merchandise online Order your items by sending a message to

For ordering, questions, assistance, please contact Donna Fox (h) 847-281-7456 (c) 513-378-2491 Diana Lewis (h) 847-947-2906 (c) 847-903-6175 Darlene Padnos (h) 847-998-0494 (c) 847-217-4531





MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco

Not that we wanted to, but I believe we are learning how to run a Men’s Club in a pandemic. It is amazing what can be done when you focus not on what you cannot do, but on what you can and will do. For Yom Beth Shalom we helped prepare and pass out the High Holiday packages and prayer books and assisted with traffic control. On Sunday, September 13th we built the Congregational Sukkah with small crews in shifts while wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

We held our Annual Opening Dinner on Thursday, September 17th via ZOOM, with a multiple topic trivia tournament. Those who wanted dinner ordered and picked it up at CBS and received a gift from the Men’s Club. So, with these successes behind us, we look forward to the following programs: Thursday, October 8th starting at 7:00 PM, will be the Men’s Club Steaks in the Sukkah, well, sort of. We have an interesting program planned and like the Opening Dinner, you can elect to order and pick up dinner at CBS and receive a gift from the Men’s Club whether you ordered dinner or not. Sunday, October 25th will be the first session in the Israel in Depth series. The topic will be, “What Would 'Annexation' Actually Mean for Israelis and Palestinians? And how will November 3rd Impact the Future?” Sunday, November 1st we will have a morning program. It is still in the planning stages but save the date. All these programs will be on ZOOM. We are working on breakfast options for the Sunday Morning Programs. So, as we continue to develop these programs, please look for the details and ZOOM invitations included in the CBS Byte and on the CBS Website. Together, with the Social Action Committee, we are planning a Flu Shot Clinic for Sunday, October 25th, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Just like the Blood Drives, this will be a registration only event with no walkins permitted. The same COVID-19 protocols will also be in place. It is also time again to save more lives with our final Blood Drive of the year. The Fall Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, November 8th from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. You can register by emailing me at or on the website ( using our Sponsor Code of NB05. L ‘Shalom Steven


A few important reminders We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email. If we need to communicate with you, we need to be sure we have your correct contact information.


Please check the Congregation Beth Shalom website ( for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us during these uncertain times.


Use the online calendar ( for the most up-to-date information on what is happening at CBS!


If you have not accessed your MyCBS account yet and need a new link to reset your password, please contact Brenda at



SOCIAL ACTION When the opportunity arises, I will try to highlight ongoing Social Action projects of which our CBS community may not be aware…. Did you know… that Sisterhood has partnered with I Support the Girls which is a national organization providing undergarments to women who live in homeless shelters, who are victims of natural disasters, and who are financially struggling due to the current pandemic? Since 2017 our Sisterhood had donated hundreds of articles of clothing in support of these women. A BIG shout out to our CBS Sisterhood! Our committee continues to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: We are providing supplemental food bags for students in a Northbrook school. We are hoping to add students from an additional school in Northbrook starting in September. Contact Leatte Gelfeld,, for more info. Some of our most dedicated volunteers who have shopped for and delivered groceries to The ARK clients are no longer able to do so because they are at high risk of contracting Covid. If anyone is comfortable grocery shopping and willing to do so once every month or two, please contact Merrill Medansky at All our clients are within ten miles of the synagogue, including Deerfield and Glenview. Throughout the summer, The ARK has been picking up food donations at CBS. They are in desperate need of food to stock their pantry shelves. With the Holidays upon us, The ARK’s needs are even greater. Contact Susan Karlinsky at for more information. Save these dates: Sunday, October 25, Flu Shot Clinic at CBS from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. You must pre-register - no walk-ins permitted. Sunday, November 8, Blood Drive at CBS from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. You must pre-register - no walk -ins permitted. During the months of November and December please consider purchasing new/unwrapped toys/art supplies for clients of JCFS for their holiday toy drive. We will be setting up collection bins at the front door beginning on November 2nd. Also, gift cards are welcome so parents can purchase food and gifts for their families. Buy gift cards through CBS and we earn a commission - a win for both CBS and JCFS! Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Bob Spector Social Action Vice President

The Legacy Society at Congregation Beth Shalom The purpose of the Legacy Society is to provide long term financial assistance to CBS and its members. With a successful program, we will help ensure that Congregation Beth Shalom will be here for generations to come. Think of it like L’dor V’dor, handing over the synagogue from generation to generation. We want to be here for the Jewish Community of Northbrook, not just today but for tomorrow and for it to be a second home for generations to come. Please consider making a future gift to CBS by using one of the many different methods to leave your legacy to us. If you wish to make a legacy gift or have any questions, please contact Glen Roter, our Legacy Chair, at OCTOBER 2020 • VOLUME 85 ISSUE 55


DONATIONS LIBRARY Tracy Safron Suggests Eli’s Promise is Ronald Balson’s sixth novel but his first without recurring characters Liam Taggart and Catherine Lockhart. Balson does not disappoint his reader with this unique story. Eli Rosen is the central character in a plot that at its core is about corruption and war profiteering. Eli’s strong disposition and amazing integrity are demonstrated as he proceeds with his quest to capture his former employee, scoundrel Maximilian (Max) Poleski. The plot moves between three locations over three time periods ranging from 1939 to 1966. In 1939, Eli lives with his wife and young son in Lublin, Poland and works at his family’s successful construction business. As the Nazis gain ground, the Rosen’s lives are in peril. Under duress, Eli trusts Max and pays him for protection. After the war, Eli is a leader in a Displaced Persons Camp in the foothills of Bavaria. His story continues when he moves to the Albany Park section of Chicago in 1965. Though the locations change, Eli’s mission remains steadfast. He must bring Poleski to justice for the countless crimes he has committed. Balson has again created memorable characters and a heart wrenching plot. This familiar combination guarantees readers of Eli’s Promise an entertaining and thought-provoking experience.



SEND-A-KID-TO-ISRAEL PARTNERSHIP S.K.I.P. = SEND-A-KID-TO-ISRAEL PARTNERSHIP This is the time of year when our congregation offers our third, fourth, fifth, or sixth graders and their parents or grandparents an opportunity to participate in S.K.I.P. The SEND-A-KID-TO-ISRAEL PARTNERSHIP is an agreement that provides a special savings plan for future trips to Israel for Chicago area youngsters. Beginning in any of the grades listed above, a family contributes $70 per year, our synagogue underwrites $100 and JUF funds $85. Thus, each year a total of $255 is placed in a special, interest-bearing account. If your child participates for the full seven years (grades 3 through 9), s/he will have approximately $2000 ($1785 plus interest) saved to help meet the cost of an Israel trip. SKIP funds can be used after 9th grade and up to and including age 26 for an Israel Experience program. Of course, the hope is that your child will travel to Israel using his/her accumulated funds. However, your portion of the SKIP funds are fully refundable at any time should your child not participate in an Israel program. Our thanks to the Zemsky Family who sponsors the David L. Zemsky SKIP Fund that helps to financially support this wonderful opportunity for our young people. Only Congregation Beth Shalom matches each SKIP participant’s $70 contribution with $100! The Zemsky SKIP Fund is the largest financial sponsorship among the Chicagoland synagogues. There will be more information about S.K.I.P. in the November bulletin and, of course, a letter of invitation to the program will be mailed to 3rd grade families. However, please feel free to contact Lisa Orlov for further information at 847-498-4100 ext. 46 or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Congratulations to the following SKIP graduates. Their parents have completed the necessary annual financial contributions to SKIP, and they now are eligible to use the funds to help pay for an Israel program of their choice. With the help of our own Congregation Beth Shalom and the Jewish Federation of Chicago, who match the parents’ annual pledge, each student has approximately $1800 saved to meet the cost of a trip to Israel. Participants may use SKIP funds through age 26. Congratulations to: Yonni Baruch Rachel Ben-Dov Deena Ekstein Ashley Gitles Joshua Glen Alexa Grief Jordan Melman Noah Rothenberg Abby Shapiro Benjamin Witzel More information regarding the SKIP program will appear in the November bulletin. Registration for 2020-21 will begin on November 1.



Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:







BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - November Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Janet Jacobson Arlene E. Gelman Elizabeth Neiberg Keren Makno Jennifer Schneider Maureen Edelman Deborah Stern Carrie Feldman Pamela Grad Robin Eisenberg Arlene Saretsky Barbara Libauer Laura Dobkin Karen Levin Jill Olefsky Bari Spector Annlee Herbstman Renee Osher Samantha Seidenberg Marilyn Sneider Sharon Ganellen Rebecca Kay Joyce Persky Diana Gotkin Julie Bucksbaum Linda Tepper Irma Amsel

1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10

Debra Oberman Sandra Rosen Dorothy Levko Diana Freeman Rochelle Singer-Potekin Kandye Martin Beth Hayes Shirley Israel Sandra Melnick-Sachs Elaine Pearlman Becca Tatel Marsha Goldstein Susan Wolff Robyn Elias Hope Samborn Jessica Freedman Cindy Glicksman Bobbye Friedman Maida Hoffman Karla Goldman Iris Lerner Susan Silver Rochelle Millman Shelly Betman Jenna Bauer Rhonda Jacobson Susan Kanar Stacey Schneider Ronna Heftman

10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19

Davida Horwitz Carol Kaplan Rebecca Newman Lesley Kessler Jennifer Arbel Denise Eisenberg Marsha Hochman Terry Saltzberg Jeannette Werner Barbara Kasper Deborah Greenspan Loren Schyman Joyce Rabinowitz Sheila Ander Rene Cremer Susan Fink Joan Berke Laura Lapping Rachel Goldstein Stephanie Keene Sandy Cotler Staci Studnitzer Frances Kazan Cheryl Ginsburg Marsha Pearlman

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Happy Anniversary - November Dave and Lindsey Garfield Andrew and Leanne Nathan Neal and Janis Strom Scott and Lauren Gottlieb Robert and Beth Hayes Adam and Ellen Scholl 30 yrs Melvin and Sally Zuckerman Corey and Renee Wishnia Blake and Julie Roter Steven and Laurie Silverman David and Tanya Solomon Todd and Ivy Weingardt 25 yrs Robert and Deborah Kamensky Alan and Lynda Wallis Richard and Bonnie Meltzer Howard and Rebecca Kay 55 yrs Lawrence and Debra Oberman Sandra Satinover and Morton Skidelsky 5 yrs Mitchell and Laura Schwartzwald Robert and Geraldine Gainsberg Matthew and Sara Warshauer David and Julie Goldstein Steven and Jennifer Kaplan Benji and Gwen Wolken Darrin and Danielle Stern Edward Cohen and Leslie Mareta David and Karen Levin 25 yrs Robert and Frannie Goldwin15 yrs Jordan and Hanna Shamis Robert and Jill Kahn Gary and Marla Silverman Steven and Evelyn Lurie Steven and Pamela Pearl

2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14


Sebastian Guman and Lila Elman Zachary and Emily Witt 5 yrs Lawrence and Ilene Bergman Steven and Ifaat Bosse Jeffrey and Alisa Steinberg Brian and Roberta Miller Allan and Alana Werth 40 yrs Hyman and Sharon Weiss Michael and Ilisa Gruber Eugene and Rochelle Breger Franklin and Mindy Star 20 yrs Lawrence and Amy LeVine Adam Garber and Stacey Dembo Michael and Tammy Lew Jeffrey and Lisa Schwartz Steven Witzel and Charlotte Stern Burton and Sheila Benjamin Howard and Joanne Nusbaum Daniel and Stacy Cohen David and Dana Ben-Dov Michael and Judith Greenberg Theodore and Betsy Weisbach Michael and Mindy Garlin 25 yrs Matthew and Melinda Dunn Michael and Leslie Berkowitz Howard and Cheryl Kleeman Mark and Marcy Saltzman 40 yrs Barry and Eileen Brusso Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Steven and Debbie Wulfsohn David and Faye Ziegler Steven and Marisa Mandrea Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky Lauren and Joshua Witt

14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Robert and Cindy Marder 50 yrs Bryan and Marcy Pawlak Michael and Amanda Stern David and Marlene Kerstein Lorin and Stacey Sandler Louis and Julie Bucksbaum Brad and Lauren Stein 10 yrs Sheldon and Beth Gaffen 50 yrs Richard and Terri Stein 45 yrs Ronald and Marla Zelikow Jared and Teri Robins

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Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


MILESTONES PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Sheri and Stewart Smason are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Becky, to Jason Jonesi Janet Rohde Krain and Burt Krain are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Charles ‘Charlie’ Remy Goldberg Lesley and Rick Kessler are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Carly to David Rothman Alyssa and Matt Shamis are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jacob Lev Shamis Lauri and Neal Shamis are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Jacob Lev Shamis The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Dr. Ron Widen on the passing of his sister, Shari Widen James Hamilton on the passing of his father, Bertram F. Hamilton Marci Shapiro on the passing of her father, Edward Baum Stacey Sandler on the passing of her father, Edward Baum Robyn Elias on the passing of her husband, Samuel Joseph Elias

BIMA FLOWER FUND Jeanette Schusteff, Mazel Tov on your very special birthday, may you be blessed for many years to come with good health, much joy and happiness. All our love. Sonia Berk and Family Thank you Hashem for all you have done for our family. Sarah and Al Budweg Dear Friends, thank you for our anniversary greetings and my birthday greetings. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Fern and Larry Roseman Thank you to all our CBS friends for your kind wishes on our anniversary. We appreciate you all – hope to see you soon! Janet and Arnie Hoffman In memory of Mr. Sol H. Glazier and Mrs. Judy L. Seif Davida and Jeff Arnold


Death of Esteemed Members: Melvin R. Worsek Samuel Joseph Elias

Jewish Child and Family Services has a partnership with CBS Dawn Levin, our Jewish Community Liaison at JCFS, is available to offer support, assistance and make connections for congregants experiencing challenges or looking for mental health or social service resources. For more information about services provided by the Jewish Child and Family Services or to contact Dawn or call 847.745.5450 or visit JCFS. org.


YAHRZEITS October 1-2 Benjamin Q. Beckerman Morris Carl Solomon Lerner Sandra Liebman Abraham Rosenblum Marian Shadrow Rose H. Slavitt Dr. Joshua S. Vission Myron Weinstein Sidney Greene Judith L. Grossbard Florence Handzel Gerald Hirsch Libby Klein Ida Levin Beatrice Zislis October 3-9 Meyer Bengelsdorf Ozzie Dickler Florence Fischer Rochelle Friedlander Shirley Kohlman Jack Lambert Carlton Pestine Sarah Rosenberg Lillian Rosengard Francine Michelle Shapiro Ann Alterson Pnina Ben-Dov Marion Busby Sheldon Factor Anne Fields Leon Goldberg Ann Malisoff William Padnos Martin B. Pinsky Rose Sinton Morris Snitovsky Steven Strange Suzanne Cobrin Jack Copeland Joseph G. Dryer Jay Glauberman Helga Herman Ervin Kaufman Samuel Kornblath Harriette Rebarber Harry Rosen John Schneider Harry Wenig Marilyn Rovin Cooper Ann Rabens Rabbi Samuel Ruderman Benjamin J. Sacks Ben Saitlin Erwin Turkeltaub Walter Wallis Bernard Chabner Alvin Elias Ruth Erdos Ruth Freed Sam Friedman Richard Geller Gilbert Goldman Fay Gurvitz Ben Kaplan Herbert Kramer Louis Meisel Sylvia Riffer Sophie Rosenthal Libby Wolansky George Gomberg Bernard Kosova Joseph Kostow Seymour Kriesman Frieda Levine Ruth Marks Robert Roth Sarah L. Ullman Norman Wax

Estelle Wolke Marion Arbetter Joseph Arbus Elsie Joseph Joseph David Kazer Rose Klein Sander Kleinberg Francine Levy Benjamin Mikell Charles Minkoff David Platt Herman Rosin Barbara Sneider Irving Wisse October 10-16 Marshall Ander Philip Gluskin Lester Kurnick Dora Medansky Ann Ofengender Leonard A. Pierce Sherry Pine Joan Rosen Irene Shapiro Maurice Sloan Lorrayne Solomon Stella Sweet Jerry Weiss Frieda Wellner Pelet Africk Sheldon “Shelley” Berman Ben Childs Oscar William Feinberg Louis Ferratier Rose Gaffen Leonard Goldberg Rose Goldberg William Gunther Stephen Levy Yizkok Markowitz Shirley Ross Lorrayne Schwartz Anita Sidler Tilly Siegel Ralph Vihon Fela Bankier Max Binder Irving Friedlander Chuck Gold Geri Hoffman Sylvia Kanar Schwartz Elliot Sheck Ann Simon Louis Stoken Gerald Vigdor George Wasserman Lester Berger Virginia Brunegraff Miriam Eisenberg Charles Feldman Bertrand Beryl Field Jacob Fisch Chaya Fisch Nathan Glutzer Harold Lepp Max Mintz Arnie Oblonsky Anita Sidler Marley Siegel Ronald Sylvan Janet Tritsch Hy Weisenberg Rubin Agrest Harold Berman Florence Davidson Marcia Ehrlich Sadye Kramer Lillian Kramer Louis Kwasman Mina Neumann Ethyle Orelove


Gilbert Richmond Jack Sacks Leah Saruk Michael Shapiro Harold Wiseman Minnie Belstock Ida Elisco Mildred Harris Peter Herman Albert Lerner Rhoda Levin Marion Leviton Ida Roth Irving Roth Jack Weinstine Richard Weissman Hinda Winternitz Robert Abrams Isadore Albert Benson Balkan Lillian Beckerman Phillip G. Coleman Florence Dolin Esther Gordon Max Reifer Janice Roberman Frances Siegel Larry Solomon Samuel Steinberg Edith Elaine Wernick October 17-23 Lew Alterson Philip Chirtel Toby Cohen Harry Archie Dolansky Ida Ruth Edelstein David Greenberg Ida Haft Dora Richard Kahn Ann Lavine Helen Gabriel Major Mildred Rosenmutter Martha Rubin Sol Africk Sol Benson Dr. Jack Decker Aaron Israel Louis B. Karp Lee Libauer Eleanor Roberts Bernice Shaffner Morris Simels Meyer Urkov Dr. Howard Agins Leo Feather Lois Fine Samuel Fishman Benjamin Leslie Goldman Gloria Kessler Fanny Kosoglad Burton “Buddy” Mora Sophie Roitman Etta Segel Ben Siegel Irving Wellner Arthur Arnold Saul Burten Michael Lee Flax Anita F. Lapping Eunice Marcus Sara Pawlan Ely Pestine Sol Zells Betty Berg Martha Bitran Ruth Fields Herman Flower Gene Garlin Leyla Hakimian Louis Melnick Jack Radow

Charles J. Shifrin Eleanor Stein David Zaransky Irwin Axelrod Harriet Louise Freed Jerrold Glen Phyllis T. Goldman Dr. Harold Kahn Sally Oberlander Harry Rosenbaum Aaron Steven Sak Anna Weiland Maurice Feuerstein Anna Goldberg Milton Goobler Gerald Hauser Selma Koehler Gussie Kroan Shirley Lisit Stuart Schaeffer Edward Siegel Dr. David Slav Max Slavick Wallace Taine William Zelermyer October 24-30 Rose Ander B. Bart Barrish I David Chotiner Hyman Cokee Leonard Edelson Norman Gill Beverly Goldman Alvin Gordon Gertrude Heller Joe Joseph Jack Lasky Sondra Renee Lipshutz Jennie Mareta Morton Rosen William Schwartz Sol Shapiro Sylvia Stein Kenneth Treske Bertha Knopoff Auerbach Mollie Chudacoff Ilene Friedman Marvin Garfinkel Shirley Gold Sidney Jablo Fannie Kamensky Fay Nochumson John Paley Irving Pogofsky Myra Rose Molly Salky Rose Schlossberg Kenneth H. Weiner Ida Weiner Sidney Weisbach Dorothy Widen Simon Wolf Cecil Barrington Harry Chasen Melvin Ein Aaron Goldin Claire Jesselson Max Katzenstein Erwin Krule Geraldine Masur Rose Moss Charles David Pulner Sheldon Schwartzberg Abraham Snitovsky Lazar Stone Harry Aaron Wasserman Meyer Blitt Phyllis Frishman Frank Goldrosen Belle Jacobson Solomon Rubin Klein

Jules Lasko Morris Marcus Joel L. Michaels Elie Moussa Morris Ritt Nathan Ross Chip Satinover Barbara Silver Joseph Snitovsky Thelma Dobkin Eli Konsistorum Chester Levine Betty Mintz Esther Ritz Beverlee Rose Phyllis Simon Anne Skidelsky Carla Sobelman Richard S. Stern Lois Sweet Lorrain Ruth Wax David Zeff Abraham Ackerman David Auerbach Joseph L. Baime Ada Berk Tom Bosley Ruth Ferdman Samuel J. Frishman Arthur W. Hafner, PhD Lillian Heifetz Joseph Anna Kramer Joseph Lesnoy Walter Julius Netter Ann Rotsin Lois Sweet Gladys Zide Sidney S. Abrams Lena Edelman Millie Ross Burton A Slotky October 31 Tauba Biterman Joseph Geneles Gladys Kostow Felecia Kotowsky Rosalyn Lasky Isaac Orkin Donald Edward Peiser Meyer David Rosenthal Bernard B. Rothblatt Warren Rubnitz Herman Salky Morris Solomon Nathan Sperling


DONATIONS Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of your special Birthday! Ethel Obrand, Larry and Fern Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Roseman Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your concern regarding Ellis' health and also wonderful job you did with Gil's Bar Mitzvah for the Mishebeirach being said. We service! We received so many compliments from our family and friends about how warm appreciate you. Becky Sostrin Jacob and Ilana Stoehr In honor of Big and intimate the service was. Thank you for Jacob and Ilana on your first anniversary. Mazel always being there for us. Lee and Joel Meyers Tov! With our love, Fern and Larry Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you making Rafi's Bar Mitzvah so beautiful and Rhonda Averbach In honor of your son, Sammy's marriage to Julia Ellis and Rebecca meaningful. We really appreciate all of your Sostrin care! Allan and Karen Lovinger Meryl and Carter Auslander In honor of Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of our daughter, Malia Polyakov, receiving a Hebrew Spencer's Bar Mitzvah Bonnie and Jeffrey Kraname. Thank you for this beautiful ceremony. mer Debbie Levin In memory of your mother Polyakov Family and grandmother, Evelyn Cotton. She was an Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of guiding our daughter, Shiraz Rothschild, in her incredible lady who will always hold a special place in our hearts. We’re sending our Bat Mitzvah training last summer at Camp deepest heartfelt sympathies during this most Ramah and in honor of her one-year anniversary of this simcha. Shanah Tovah and difficult time. We feel honored to have known her. The Massel Family Todah Rabah. Tomer Rothschild and Stacy For the yahrzeit of our fathers, Edward Palestrant Baer, Nathan Sostrin Becky and Ellis Sostrin Rabbi Aaron Melman For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Ray and Arlene HanRabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare dler Danny and Alison Solarz In honor of your Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of wedding and in gratitude and appreciation of your wishes to me on my Birthday Sharon Rabbi Melman's officiating so beautifully. Kreiter Maralyn Solar Irwin and Debra Friedman In honor of David Toubes In memory of Daniel B. your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch Toubes M.D. Ari and Eva Footlik and Sharyl Portugal Andy and Ron Widen and Family In Bruce and Debbie Bell In honor of your memory of Shari Widen Sharon and Joel Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Schwartz and Family Rick and Helen Rivkin We mourn the loss Sharyl Portugal Allan and Melissa Malmed In honor of of your beloved mother and grandmother, your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch Corinne Rivkin Michael and Mary Ann Stiefel and Sharyl Portugal Jim and Debbie Hamilton In memory of Robert and Marsha Schwartz In honor of your father, Bert Hamilton Stacy and David your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch Gordon Lin Novitsky In memory of Khasan Novitsky. and Sharyl Portugal Our sincere condolences on his passing. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew and Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Robbie Dembo In honor of you, Dr. Robbie loved him. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Dembo. Mazel Tov on receiving your PhD!! For the yahrzeit of my beloved uncle, With our admiration. Larry and Fern Roseman Samuel Lesnoy (z"l) Herb Lesnoy and Loly Ray Handler In honor of you! Larry and Fern Farnos For the yahrzeit of my beloved mother, Roseman Betty Lesnoy (z"l) Herb Lesnoy and Loly Far- For the yahrzeit of Irving Grad Carol Grad and Family nos For the yahrzeit of my beloved daughter, Caryn (z"l) Herb Lesnoy and Loly Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mason In honor of Farnos Rachel and Lee’s marriage Shirley Patzik For the yahrzeit of David Wilker (z"l) Samuels Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Phyllis and Lenny Mason In honor of For the yahrzeit of Frank Brookstein Rachel and Lee’s marriage Shirley Fran Brookstein THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS:


Gold Family Sabbath Fund Steven Bright In honor of your 65th birthday Sharon and Joel Schwartz and Family Linda Petchenik For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Maxine Burke Jim Hamilton In memory of your father, Bertram Hamilton Leon and Irene Blitt Ron and Andy Widen In memory of your sister, Shari Widen Stewart and Sheri Smason The Shapiro Family In memory of Edward Baum, beloved father and grandfather with our sincere condolences. Adrienne and Ira Holtzman Mr. and Mrs. P. Milch In memory of Toby Lisker. We're so sorry your mom passed, our love to the whole family. Helen Brown, Jeffrey Brown and Leslie Brown Mr. and Mrs. S. Feinberg In memory of Toby Lisker. We're so sorry your mom passed, our love to the whole family. Helen Brown, Jeffrey Brown and Leslie Brown For the yahrzeit of Eva Butcher Linda Tepper Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund In appreciation of the synagogue saying Kaddish every day for the 11 months for my parents, Marvin and Sylvia Rosett Bonnie and Rick Meltzer The Sandler Family In memory of Edward Baum Scott, Leslie, Marissa and Sophie Rogoff The Roseman Family In memory of Sally Roseman. May her memory be a blessing to you. Tracey and David Becker and Family High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the purchase of a Chumash Judi Steinberg In honor of you Bruce and Nancy Chudacoff Tanya Solomon In honor of being President of CBS Bruce and Nancy Chudacoff HUGS Fund Tanya Solomon In honor of the fantastic job you have been doing as president Bruce and Nancy Chudacoff Judi Steinberg For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Bruce and Nancy Chudacoff Dale Kane In memory of Bernie Kane Marnie and Eric Baer Joel Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Marti Sinton For the yahrzeit of Michael Gerson Burton Bentkover


DONATIONS Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Wishing our family and friends a Healthy and Happy New Year David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar Janet and Burt Krain For the birth of your first grandchild, Charles Remy Barry Goldberg and Michele Bresler Mr. and Mrs. Art Kahn In honor of your wedding. Mazel Tov! Burt and Sheila Handler Stuart Jankelovitz and Terri Orbuch For the birth of your granddaughter, Lillian Rosa David and Beverly Sugar Shaynee Jankelovitz For the birth of your great granddaughter, Lillian Rosa David and Bev Sugar and Family Debbie and Bruce Bell In honor of one daughter's wedding and the other's engagement! Diane Israel Dr. Irwin Silverman In honor of your retirement. Wishing you well. I am thankful for the years of caring. Rosalie Roth Ray Handler For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Geri Greenberg Rachel Zukerman For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Rosalie Roth Shaynee Jankelovitz In memory of your beloved mother, our Aunt Lil, on her Yahrzeit David and Beverly Sugar Loren Rivkin In memory of Corinne Rivkin, may her memory be for a blessing Ronna and Ted Belinky For the yahrzeit of Phillip Epstein Sheldon and Illeane Schwartz

Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Debbie and Jim Hamilton In memory of Bertram Hamilton. We are so sorry for the loss of your father. Ilene and Richard Fischman Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Becky Jacobson In honor of being named the FJMC Midwest Region Youth of the Year David and Tanya Solomon Anat Pissetzky In honor of being named the FJMC Midwest Region Youth of the Year David and Tanya Solomon Don Pike In honor of you receiving the Men's Club Man of the Year Award David and Tanya Solomon Ray Rokni In honor of you receiving the Men's Club Kavod Award David and Tanya Solomon Alex and Jared Kwait For the birth of your first child Fred Fisher Rob and Jill Kahn For the birth of your first grandchild Fred Fisher The Hamilton Family In memory of Bertram Hamilton Leslie and Scott Rogoff The Widen Family In memory of your sister, Shari Widen Leslie and Scott Rogoff

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the yahrzeits of Mildred Kessler, Isidor Kessler Betty Ashman For the yahrzeit of David Lebovitz Diane Lebovitz In memory of Dennis Neal Kessler, Max and Tillie Novak Doris Kessler For the yahrzeit of Seymour Wulbert Dorothy Wulbert Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE In memory of Ben Katz Jerome and Gloria Fund Sperber Andi Kessler and Family In memory of In memory of Molly Sperber Jerome and Corky Rivkin, beloved mother, grandmother, Gloria Sperber and great grandmother Donated with love from For the yahrzeit of Sidille Friedman Jerry your family and friends who sponsored the meal and Bobbye Friedman after the funeral For the yahrzeit of Morris Azine Jerry Andrea Kessler In memory of Corinne and Bobbye Friedman "Corky" Rivkin Friedrich Munch GmbH + CO For the yahrzeits of Allegra Faratzi, KG Florence Siedband, Leon Faratzi, David Bitran, Gracia Yacoel Leonard and Jane Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Siedband Fund For the yahrzeit of Mickey Protus In appreciation of Live Stream and Marlene Protus Zoom...they are lifesavers! Barbara Scott In memory of our beloved mother, Rachel Laven In honor of you, for being a Pearl Handler Raymond and Arlene Handler very special friend of Bette Cherney JJ Pearl In memory of my parents, Joe and Rose and Family Silver Robert Silver Charles Pearl and Family In memory of In memory of Sam Lasky Barbara Lasky Bette Cherney Richard and Barbara Bosley and Family Jeremy Pearl and Family In memory of For the yahrzeit of Marion Dolin Beverly Bette Cherney Richard and Barbara Bosley and Mel Dolin For the yahrzeit of Selma Stern Beverly and Mel Dolin For the yahrzeit of Esther Maslov Ed Maslov OCTOBER 2020 • VOLUME 85 ISSUE 55

Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Dr. Susie Brontman In memory of Corrine Rivkin Fred and Enid Grabiner Richard and Helen Rivkin In memory of Corrine Rivkin Fred and Enid Grabiner Andi Kessler In memory of Corrine Rivkin Fred and Enid Grabiner Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Darlene Padnos In honor of being named the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Marjorie Maxwell, David and Tanya Solomon Diana Lewis In honor of being named the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Marjorie Maxwell, David and Tanya Solomon Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Mom and Dad In honor of you both David and Tanya Solomon Raymond Rokni In honor of receiving the Kavod Award Mara, Reuben, Daniel, and Emma In memory of Phillip Saruk Seymour and Beverly Binstein In memory of George Shapiro, Esther Shapiro Seymour and Beverly Binstein Richard Rivkin We are sorry for the loss of your mother, Corky Rivkin Carlos and Sandy Frum Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund Garrett Ordower In honor of your special birthday. May you continue celebrating for lots of years. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Larry Ordower In honor of your special birthday. Keep them coming. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Jim Hamilton In memory of your father, Bertram Hamilton Elliot and Sharon Goldman Michael Belsky and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Diana Belsky Merle Cowin The Widen Family In memory of Shari Widen Robyn Elias The Widen Family In memory of your loving sister and aunt, Shari Widen. Our hearts and thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Judy and Jerry Shapiro Marty Rose In loving memory of your beloved mother, Gilda Rose Merle Cowin and Larry Ordower For the yahrzeit of our beloved Steven Teitelbaum Marcy and Family Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Marci Shapiro In memory of your father, Edward Baum Barb and Michael Zaransky


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Candle Lighting and Service Times


Saturday – October 17 Shabbat/Festival Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat Shabbat Yoga

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM

Friday Evening – October 2 (Candles 6:12 PM) Erev Sukkot Shabbat Service/ Service to Welcome the Festival 6:00 PM

Friday – October 23 (Candles 5:38 PM) Young Family Shabbat Service 5:30 PM Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – October 3 Shabbat/Festival Service Circle Time Shabbat

Saturday – October 24 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Friday Evening – October 9 (Candles 6:00 PM) Hoshanah Rabbah/Erev Shemini Atzeret Shabbat Service/ Service to Welcome the Festival 6:00 PM Saturday – October 10 (Candles 6:58 PM) Shemini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah Shabbat/Festival Service with Yizkor Circle Time Shabbat Study Minyan Festival Service

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 7:00 PM

Friday Evening – October 16 (Candles 5:49 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Friday – October 30 (Candles 5:28 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – October 31 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evenings* Sunday Mornings

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 7:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM

*Please note: Evening Minyan on Sundays, October 4 and 11 will be at 6:45 PM.


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