Congregation Beth Shalom December, 2022/January, 2023 Bulletin

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In 2004, when then Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, founded Facebook (now Meta), he and his fellow developers sought to establish a “face book”, just as its name implies. As existed on many college campuses of the time, facebook directories were distributed or made available to students so they would know the names of faces of their fellow university students. The directories made getting to know one’s fellow students easier and allowed for one to remember names and faces with even greater ease.

In 2022, it is Congregation Beth Shalom that wants your faces. I would love nothing more than to add to our own directory, ShulCloud, the faces of all our congregants. Think about it for a moment, you can’t remember someone’s name but would know their face if you saw it. Or you recently met someone and want to connect but only know them by their face. And it would be of great help to the staff and lay leadership of the congregation when putting names and faces together. While masks made that extremely difficult during the pandemic, I love seeing people’s faces once again.

Our database (ShulCloud) allows for pictures to be uploaded into the system and so this month, we have a simple request of you. Please take an individual picture of yourself (best to have someone do it for you but a selfie will work), and any additional members of your household. To be clear, a group picture won’t be able to be used, we need individual pictures.

This is a project we have wanted to work on for several years, and like many things, the pandemic put a hold on it. So now is

the time. Help us create a better database for our CBS membership by uploading or sending us pictures.

You can either upload your picture(s) yourself by following the easy instructions found below or you can email picture(s) to so that we can upload them for you.

Our CBS family is made up not only of names but of faces. Our faces, along with our names, have stories to tell, and we want all our faces to be able to tell incredible stories from our lives. Who better than our membership to appreciate and value these stories. We promise, these pictures are only going to be used for our membership profiles.

Facebook was designed to allow people to connect with one another. It has been an avenue for people to touch base with each other and has changed people’s lives for better in many ways I can personally attest to that.

Who doesn’t love seeing pictures of one’s family? I know I do and we look forward to seeing yours.

Instructions for uploading your picture(s) to your MyCBS (ShulCloud) Account: 1. Go to your MyCBS Account you must be signed in! 2. Under MyCBS drop down go to Member Directory 3. Choose the option to “Edit My Account Info” 4. Under the Heading “Change Directory Listing” you will see Picture and the option to upload your picture. Choose a picture from your computer files or desktop and upload. 5. Once you have uploaded the picture, Save Changes (bottom, right side). 6. You are finished Thank you! INSIDE THIS ISSUE Membership................................................2 President’s Message 3 Cantor’s Notes 4 Chanukah 5 Religious School.........................................6 B’nai Mitzvah/Youth..................................7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming.........8 9 Sisterhood.......................................... 10 11 Men’s Club 12 13 Social Action 14 CBS Happenings 15 20 See What’s Happening.......................... 21 Birthdays & Anniversaries.............. 22-23 Candle Lighting & Service Times........ 24 Milestones 25 Yahrzeits 26 27 Donations 28 29 Ads ....................................................... 30 31 CBS Happenings...................................... 32 Head Rabbi Aaron Melman Senior Cantor.........................................Steven Stoehr Rabbi David Chapman Rabbi Emeritus Carl Wolkin Executive Director Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning Leann Blue Director of Communications Deanne Friedman Controller ............................................Susan Karlinsky Director of Youth, Family & Young Adult Engagement.....................................Michael Schneider Director of Education Stacy Ybarra President.....................................................Bob Spector Sisterhood President Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co Presidents Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ........................................... Dylan Adler Shalom Designer/Editor Deanne Friedman SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062 3217 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom. KISLEV/TEVET/SHEVAT 5783 | DECEMBER 2022/JANUARY 2023 | VOLUME 107 ISSUE 77 RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES
Rabbi Melman
2 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847 498 4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG MEMBERSHIP Office Closings (closed all day unless noted) Monday, December 26 Monday, January 2 Monday, January 16 Religious School and CBS U Winter Break - December 18 - January 1 JOIN US IN WELCOMING THESE NEW MEMBERS TO CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Babette and Marc Kreiter Shimrit Scher and Shai Bracha Sarah and Max Veprinsky Listening
With Rabbi
and offer your input! What makes membership at Beth
meetings will
@ 10AM For members
@ 7PM For members
Tuesday, March 14 @ 11:30AM For members 80+ Ready to have fun and make new friends? Forthose that came to the YACHAD and CHAVURAH Fair, we are working on assembling yournew groups It's not too late -- watch youremail forthe interest survey and let us know what hobbies and activities you enjoy Let us help you build yourCBS community of friends, developing a strongersense of belonging and community We look forward to continuing to connect our CBS family! Membership Vice President, Sue Lampert ( CBS Executive Director,Michael Garlin (
Melman Come
What are
concerns for
community? Rabbi Melman wants to hear what is on your mind and how to enhance your CBS experience. All
be in-person at Congregation Beth Shalom. Sunday, January 15
in their 60’s Thursday, January 19
in their 70’s


Shalom Chaverim,

Is it already December? I cannot believe how quickly the fall season has flown by. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones, and that you had many thankful blessings to reflect upon. As many of you are aware, I played a significant role in furthering our Keruv Initiative (interfaith marriage welcoming) at CBS and authored a Keruv Korner column for 10 years. December was always an interesting month for writing my article because it often focused on the multi cultural challenges faced by many families in our community associated with the celebration of different holidays. However, before expanding on this further I have one final thought to share with you related to my Tiraspol experience.

After having shared the rest of my story (in my November Bulletin message) during our days of reflection between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I thought more about that hour of my life that could have had a much worse outcome. I thought I was being heroic. After all, both Tiraspol and Congregation Beth Shalom were counting on me to create a greater connection between our two communities. Now, I am not so sure I did the right thing by engaging in a conflict with the military police even though I suffered no consequences at the time. I cannot say this was true for Ana and Karolina (my hosts). They had a much different cultural context than I had which likely had a strong impact on how they experienced this situation. They were terrified at what was happening in their military police facility where we were detained, and I was being driven by my ego because I was feeling indignant. It was not intentional on my part to upset them, but even unintentional actions can lead to unanticipated negative consequences. I hope for them it became a forgotten moment, but 24 years later it is clearly not the case for me.

How does my reflective experience connect with our Keruv Initiative? I believe we as a community have significantly broadened our understanding of inclusion. Over the past 20 years, we have become a much more diverse community demographically, economically, religiously, and in how we define a family at Congregation Beth Shalom. More of us today have family members who may be struggling financially, who are not Jewish, who define religious practice differently, and who define their sexual orientation and gender in ways that are new and even confusing to many of us. We have single parent families, families that have same sex parents, and families without children. Our members range in age from 0 to 100. I have no doubt that we all will at times continue to fall short as I did in Tiraspol in being sensitive to the varying life circumstances and needs of our community, and I hope you all join me in aspiring to do our best (which hopefully means doing better) to have our congregation be all inclusive in our unified goal to meet those needs, as stated in our mission statement:

We seek to enrich the lives of our congregation through ever-evolving ideals of observance, life-long learning, and acts of kindness from this generation to the next.

We are committed to meeting the spiritual, educational, and social needs of our members through the practice of Conservative Judaism in an all-inclusive manner.

We seek to encourage involvement and create a sense of belonging by serving our community, the Jewish people, and the State of Israel.

We have several holidays occurring in December that may be celebrated by our members (or their extended families): Kwanzaa, Christmas, and of course Chanukah. May we all share our traditions and have joyous celebrations as a community.

L’Shalom, Bob

Bob Spector

This January marks the 50th yahrzeit of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the 55th for Rev Martin Luther King Jr. (parenthetically, both were born in January).

I took the time to create a drama, The Lost Supper, about these prophetic gentlemen a couple of years ago and have been delighted to take it to a few other cities to present it. I was then honored to have a man I met in Louisville turn my one hour drama into a 25 minute short film. If you’d like to access it you may try this link:

Why do these two people yet remain so vibrantly familiar and important to us 50 plus years later?

Dr. John Ruskay, executive vice president emeritus of UJA Federation of New York, wrote in USCJ’s “Journeys” publication, about their continuing legacy. He writes, “People often forget, or don’t know, how unusual a friendship this was at the time. Dr. King was a Baptist minister from the segregated South of Atlanta, Georgia, who trained at Boston University. Heschel was born into a Hasidic rabbi’s family in Poland and trained as a scholar in Germany before immigrating to the United States in 1940. Still, they forged a genuine friendship based on their spiritual grounding and understanding that religion is the base on which to build a movement to end injustice and cruelty”.

He goes on to quote Heschel’s daughter, Susannah, who “recalls her father’s conviction of ‘racism is Satanism’ that launched him into the American civil rights movement”. She also wrote about her father’s relationship with Dr. King, and she said, “What brought them together was a piety that transcended differences, forged by their love of the Bible, especially the prophets. Their friendship was stoked by mutual concerns and tremendous public courage.” She recalls her father speaking passionately against racism, and engaging African American theologians and social thinkers in dialogue and listening to their experiences…. Meanwhile, Dr. King, through his friendship with Heschel, spoke out passionately on behalf of Soviet Jews, in support of the State of Israel and against the war in Vietnam.

Both Heschel and King, Susannah concludes, held firm the value of the writings of the Biblical Prophets. She ends, “…the lesson of the prophets: that God cares deeply about human beings and is pained by human acts of injustice and cruelty.”

I hope the memories of theses luminaries will continue to burn bright. I hope you will take advantage of the many interfaith programs, diversity events, Bible study with my Christian colleagues, and more that we offer at Beth Shalom. The more we learn together and about one another, the more chance we have of minimizing misunderstandings and biases based on ignorance. 36 times in the Torah it mandates that we welcome the stranger and “love thy neighbor as thyself”. Let’s engage in life with “radical amazement” of the world and people around us, and if we take what we see into the warmth of our hearts, than surely “we can overcome” the frost of “injustice and cruelty”. May this resolution be one which we honor not only in January but throughout the year and beyond.

Original by Rivka Nehorai Cantor Stoehr
DECEMBER 2022/JANUARY 2023 • VOLUME 107 ISSUE 77 5 CHANUKAH Sunday, December 18th Chanukah - 1st Candle Chanukah 5783December 18-26, 2022



Our students continue to amaze us by their dedication to learning Hebrew! They are moving quickly through the levels, asking for help as needed and even testing on non class days. We will be having an awards ceremony for students to receive their medals right before winter break. Yasher Koach to our studious students!

Seventh Grade Holocaust Studies

Our 7th grade students have been studying the Holocaust with Illinois Holocaust Museum Docent and CBS member, Mark Gelfeld. They met Tuesday evenings during October and November. Their unit culminated on Sunday, November 20th with a tour of the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Thank you to all of the parents who participated with their students as well as to Mark for yet another wonderful year!

Shabbat B’Yachad

Our first Shabbat B’Yachad of the school year is Saturday, February 4th. Our 6th grade Mechina Class will be leading the Torah Service! We hope you will join us as our students demonstrate the new skills and knowledge they have learned working with Morah Randi Simon and Morah Yaffa Davidov.

Stacy Ybarra


Daughter of Brian & Lisa Ackerman

Sister of Gabbie Ackerman

Granddaughter of Stan and Lucille Ackerman and Jerry Handler and June Handler of blessed memory

Great Granddaughter of Betty Glazer


Son of Alexander & Lana Goldman

Brother of Daniel and Joseph Goldman

Grandson of Yakov and Sofia Beyrak and Inna Goldman



Son of John & Elissa Pelts

Grandson of Caron and Jack Knopoff


Son of Steve & Zivit Blonder

Brother of Matthew Blonder Grandson of Ruth Blonder and Martin Blonder of blessed memory and Nathan and Hannah Shapiro

Shalom CBS!

I have been here about two months and I am loving each day more and more. Whether it is seeing all the families with young children participating in our amazing programs, to working with our CBS USY teens, each moment here has proven to be a meaningful experience to anyone who enters our building. And it's not just inside CBS; seeing so many happy faces during the Sukkah Hop on a sunny October afternoon showed how wonderful our community truly is.

While I am fortunate to work with several populations here at CBS, one that I meet with on a weekly basis is our CBS USY group. These dedicated teens, along with our advisor Melissa Kaplan, meet each Thursday evening in the Gloss Youth Lounge for programs that they plan. We had a name that tune night, pizza in the sukkah, and a pool party at the JCC to name a few of the fun ideas the teens came up with. I am excited to be on staff in a few weeks as many of our teens and tweens will be at Camp Chi for a weekend 'fest' with CHUSY, celebrating Shabbat, learning about leadership, and taking on tikkun olam with other Chicago area Jewish 5th-12th graders.

Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me, my wife Danielle, and our sons Judah and Ezra, to the congregation and religious school.


Michael J. Schneider

Director of Youth, Family, & Youth Adult Engagement


Happy Chanukah to you and your families!

Our Holiday Boutique was a huge success. Hopefully, you were able to get some of your holiday shopping completed. Our fabulous vendors were so appreciative of your support. Thank you to Leatte Gelfeld and Robyn Rosengard for their hard work planning and organizing the Boutique. I hope you had a chance to see the beautiful merchandise our Judaica Shop was selling at the Boutique. Diana Lewis and Darlene Padnos find such beautiful merchandise for the shop. You can always shop the Judaica Shop online at Thank you to all of our member volunteers who helped with both the Judaica Shop and the Boutique. We could not have done this event without your support.

I hope you enjoyed the Sisterhood/Men’s Club night at Bowlero. It was a great night and so much fun. Thank you to Stacy Gordon and Lawrence LeVine for setting up this event.

Rabbi David Chapman made our annual Torah Fund event a warm and enriching experience. We learned so much. Jody Sigal’s hard work organizing this event helps our Sisterhood reach our Torah Fund fundraising goal. Of course, there is still plenty of time to donate to Torah Fund. Please reach out to Jody Sigal at

Anita Obrand Pildes, Community Education and Outreach Coordinator for SHALVA spoke to us about the services offered and building healthy relationships. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton for putting this event together.

Looking ahead, the Sisterhood’s Blind Wine Tasting Event on Thursday, December 8th should be a lot of fun. We will have an evening of socializing while tasting different Kosher wines. You will be able to do some of your Chanukah shopping with our Sisterhood Judaica Shop. Please refer to the flyer for more details.

Thank you to Sandy Falkin for helping Sisterhood provide Chanukah goodie bags with candles and gelt to our Religious School children as well as for The ARK.

We have a lot of wonderful events planned in 2023. Our Vice President of Communications, Frannie Goldwin, has been sending out email blasts. If you are not receiving our information, please reach out to Frannie at Our Facebook Coordinator, Simone Toubes, is getting all of our information on Facebook and Instagram as well, so please follow us on Facebook CBS Sisterhood Northbrook and on Instagram @cbs_sisterhood_northbrook for all of our upcoming events. Finally, a special thank you to Edna Schrank, Communications Coordinator, for her hard work in preparing our many flyers, making sure all our flyers are put together for the bulletin, and for all of her technical expertise in making sure our Zoom events run smoothly.

I wish you and your families a Happy and Healthy 2023. Please join us. We have a lot of wonderful events planned for next year, and everyone has the opportunity to be part of our journey either in person or through Zoom.

We hope you’ve had a chance to browse our Square online store. It gives you direct access to our amazing merchandise. It enables our customers to directly select and pay for merchandise by credit card online without contacting us. Then your purchases can be picked up curbside or in the CBS main office. Access our website by using: Or through the Congregation Beth Shalom website Schedule an In Person Appointment by contacting Diana Lewis 847 903 6175 Or Darlene Padnos 847 217 4531 The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~ 1st Chanukah Candle Sunday, December 18th Save the Date! Woman of Valor Sisterhood Shabbat Friday, February 3, 2023 Services 6 PM Dinner to follow services Details to follow Eva Footlik Claudy Thompson
Jackie Zelkowitz
DECEMBER 2022/JANUARY 2023 • VOLUME 107 ISSUE 77 11 SISTERHOOD Blind Wine Tasting Thursday, December 8, 2022 8 PM Congregation Beth Shalom|3433 Walters Avenue|Northbrook Enjoy tasting from a curated selection of Kosher wines along with cheese, crackers, and fruit Come for a nosh, a nip, and a schmooze Our Sisterhood Judaica Shop will be open (We are sorry but we cannot support online participation for this event, but we would be happy to share our tasting notes in our Sisterhood email) $20 Registration deadline December 5th Register For information, please contact Debbie Hamilton MAH JONGG APPLICATION It is once again time to order new Mah Jongg cards for 2023 24. If a name or address has changed from your last list, please note that when filling out the application. Applications and money MUST be received by January 20, 2023. Thank you, in advance, for making this ongoing project a success. Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City __________________________________________ # __________Standard Cards @$14.00 $__________ #___________Large Print Cards @$15.00 $__________ Total Amount Enclosed $__________ Send the application and list of CLEARLY PRINTED names and addresses along with your check, made out to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood to: Judy Greenman 3304 Lake Knoll Drive Northbrook, IL 60062

November was one of our busiest months in recent memory. We had a very successful evening with the Sisterhood, bowling in Buffalo Grove.

We then had a great Sunday morning breakfast with guest speaker, Laurence Holmes from the SCORE. Our highlight was the annual Erev Thanksgiving dinner with families enjoying the Jesse White Tumblers. We want to thank our Men’s Club Exec and Board for their support in making all of this happen.

Here are our upcoming events. Please preregister on the Square site page (

Sunday, December 11th: Israel in Depth. The topic will be Secular Israelis Find New Ways to be Jewish.

 Sunday, January 15th: Israel in Depth. The topic will be It’s More than the Egalitarian Kotel.

 Sunday, January 22nd: Men’s Club Breakfast. The ADL will be speaking about current state of anti Semitism in the United States and the role technology plays in spreading hate.

We end 2022 introducing another CBS Men’s Club Board Member, Frank Star. Frank was born in Columbus, GA, near Atlanta. His great great grandfather settled there from Germany in the 1880s. Frank’s family were active members of Temple Israel, a reform synagogue in Columbus. His father, Frank, was Temple President for multiple terms, and his mom, Barbara, was Sisterhood President, also for multiple terms. Frank had his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Israel and attended high school at Brookstone School. He played soccer, was active in student government, and graduated first in his class. Frank then attended Duke University majoring in History. A loyal fan, Frank still follows his Duke Blue Devils in all sports. At Duke, Frank was a member of the BOG Fraternity (a Bunch of Guys!), and he studied abroad for one semester at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

After graduation, Frank went to work for First American Bank, initially in DC and then in Atlanta. After a few years, Frank received his MBA from the University of Chicago. He then went to work for Ernst and Young as a consultant in banking and financial services. During his time at Ernst and Young, Frank became active in the Jewish United Fund Young Leadership Division (JUF YLD). Working on a JUF YLD Passover Committee, he met Mindy Weberman. Soon after they met, Frank’s job took him overseas to Singapore and Amsterdam, so their relationship initially was long distance (he returned home about once a month). About a year after he returned to Chicago, they got engaged and subsequently married.

In their early years of married life, Frank and Mindy lived in the city and were members of Anshe Emet synagogue. Frank left Ernst and Young, and for the last 18 years has worked in finance for United Airlines. Currently he manages the finance team supporting United’s cargo division. They moved to Northbrook and joined Congregation Beth Shalom in 2005. Mindy is very active as a wish granter and special event coordinator for Paws for Patrick, an organization that works to provide emotional support animals and therapy dogs to young people aiding them as they live with mental illness.

Frank and Mindy have two daughters. Ashley is a sophomore at the University of Maryland, and Paige is a senior at Glenbrook North. Both girls had their Bat Mitzvah at CBS, and both have been officers for the CBS USY and the CHUSY Regional Board. Their daughters were dedicated dancers from age three through high school, and Paige plays lacrosse for Glenbrook North.

Working for United made family travel easy. One special trip was to Germany to take part in a very special celebration. Mindy’s family are Holocaust survivors, and, during World War II, her grandfather and his brother hid in a barn to escape the German Army during the death marches. The woman who owned the barn secretly took care of them until it was safe to leave. For this heroic act, her descendants were awarded the Righteous Among the Nations award from Yad Vashem, and Frank and Mindy attended the award ceremony in Germany as well as visited the barn where her grandfather hid. A special trip indeed!!

Mindy is a member of the Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and Frank has been on the Men’s Club Executive Board for the last 5 years, including 2 years as Treasurer. We thank Frank and Mindy for their dedication to Congregation Beth Shalom and look forward to their continuing for years to come.

Enjoy Chanukah and Happy New Year 2023!

Steve and Andy

Steve Lessman Dr. Andrew Wagner
DECEMBER 2022/JANUARY 2023 • VOLUME 107 ISSUE 77 13 DONATIONS MEN’S CLUB Register online here:


December Social Action


Steven Elisco and his work organizing our Congregational Blood Drives.

Did you know that in the past 4 years… Beth Shalom has hosted blood drives And because of these drives… We have collected over 890 blood donations!

Much of the success of our blood drives is largely in part to the passionate work of Steven Elisco and his dedicated team. The work they do includes:  reaching out to potential donors and scheduling donation times  coordination with Vitalant Blood Center in Glenview for collection day services  providing post donation care to our generous donors

Steven and his team work year round to make Beth Shalom’s blood collection events incredibly successful.

If you would like to make a blood donation before our next collection date on Sunday, April 23, 2023, please consider giving blood at the Vitalant Blood Center at 2510 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Illinois. Use Congregation Beth Shalom sponsor code: ORD0NB05. If you really want to plan ahead, our Summer 2023 Blood Drive will be on Sunday, July 9th and the Fall 2023 Blood Drive will be on Sunday, November 5th.

Are you interested in participating in an upcoming blood drive, either as a donor or volunteer? Reach out to Steven Elisco 847-562-1443 or email him at

The bottom line is, together, as a community, we save lives. No one needs our blood unless their life is in peril! Again, a huge thank you to Steven! Kol HaKavod for all you do to make our annual collections so very successful.

Register online here

What’s coming next...January collections will be for new hats, gloves and outer wear for kids! Look for more information coming soon! Purchase Gift Cards Here

Tracy Safron Suggests

Lynda Cohen Loigman’s latest novel, The Matchmaker's Gift, is a delight to read because it has an entertaining plot and fascinating characters. The story is told in the alternating viewpoints of Sara Glikman and her granddaughter Abby. Sara made her first match in 1910 when she was ten years old. She introduced her older sister to her future husband on their ship en route to America. Sara saw a filament of light between the couple which she later learned could be the light of soulmates reaching for each other. Sara covertly continues to make successful matches but the professional male matchmakers she is competing with threaten Sara. They won’t allow her to take money for her services and Sara’s family desperately needs financial support. In 1921, the beth din rules in her favor. The men must allow Sara formal entry into the profession. Sara makes hundreds of successful matches during her lifetime.

Abby’s parents divorced when she was a child and Sara was instrumental to Abby’s upbringing. In 1994, Sara passes away and leaves Abby her journals. Sara hoped that Abby might make a few love matches of her own, but Abby is single and working as a divorce attorney. As Abby reads the journals she wonders about her chosen profession, and senses she has a special intuition of her own. For example, an extremely wealthy woman who is divorcing her husband for no apparent reason is very distraught about the breakup. Abby wants to learn the truth behind this woman’s request while Abby’s boss’s only concern is doing what the client wants. Could matchmaking be in Abby’s future? Loigman has a special ability for writing heartwarming stories about fascinating families. The Matchmaker's Gift is a wonderful present for us all.

HAPPENINGS Register online here:
Click here to register:


Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS


Andrea Shainberg 1

Christine Stolberg 1

Mindy Lamberti 2

Barbara Petasnick 3

Linda Petchenik 3

Dawn Ferencz 3

Sara Weinstein 5

Alisa Vass 5

Joy Berks 6

Gail Fink 6

Betsy Weisbach 7

Emma Friedman 7

Delores Zemsky 7

Sonja Gebel 7

Amanda Yale 7

Abby Rogne 8

Janet Krain 8

Abby Strauss 8

Janice Miller 8

Adrienne Bauer 8

Beth Sher 8

Renee Hammer 8

Naomi Weiss 8

Roberta Friedman 9

Dafna Gordon 10 Blair Klein 10

Elyse Jacobs Stern 10

Happy Birthday - January

Dori Hakimian 10

Judith Sandler 10

Stacy Cohen 11

Deborah Solomon 11

Diana Freeman 11

Lisa Wall 11

Robin Wolf 11

Laura Horwitch 11

Robin Neidich 12

Marylyn Bogan Minkoff 12

Phyllis Mason 12

Irene Kletzel 13

Barbara Simkin 13

Julie Levy 13

Maxine Levy 13 Michelle Slosky 14 Barbara Wald 15 Randi Starkston 15

Aimee Wool 15

Barbara Long 16 Sarah Marks 17 Frannie Goldwin 17

Sharon Shifrin 17

Gloria Sperber 18

Hillary Cohen 19

Jamie Goode 19 Eileen Van 19 Merrill Medansky 20 Diane Halivni 20 Lauren Gottlieb 20

Laurel Letwat 20

Bonnie Kramer 21

Susan Brown 21

Harlie Ezgur 21 Edith Sokol 22

Lisa Block 22

Donna Ruby 22 Susan Herman 22

Sharon Krakowsky 22

Heather Weinstein 23

Donna Sabin 24

Ceil Zook 24

Stacy Dubin 25

Lisa Oblonsky 26

Lisa Adler 26

Jodi Dubofsky 26

Adele Gorenstein 27

Brenda Stone 30

Sharon Schwartz 31 Marlene Goldberg 31

Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS


Rose Blair 1

Marnie Baer 1

Evelyn Lurie 2 Anne Solar 3 Nessa Holzman 3 Fern Ellison 3 Faye Feinstein 3 Audrey Taxer 5

Helene Berns 5

Barbara Newman 6 Cheryl Shapiro 6

Mitzie Herman 7

Susan Glazer 7

Gayle Hirsch 8

Cece Shapiro 8

Bette Rosen 9

Beth Nussbaum 9

Marsha Schwartz 9

Eileen Woodhouse 9

Linda Eisenberg 9

Hope Schwartz 10

Sheryl Becker 10

Alyce Stanton 10

Melinda Dunn 11

Betty Sobelman 11

Karen Hoffman 12

Ginger Malin 12 Judy Hoke 12

Lauren Bauer 13

Happy Birthday - February

Gladys Greenberg 13

Lee Meyers 15

Carol Weintraub 15

Randee Blair 15 Susan Jesselson 16 Rebecca Becker 16 Elonna Finkle 16 Clara Boron 17 Shirley Roskin 17 Susan Nissen 17 Faye Ziegler 17 Robin Dissen 18 Nadia Eskinazi 18

Lynne Weisbart 19 Sandi Goldstein 20 Sarah Budweg 20

Inna Feldman Gerber 20

Marilyn Fish 21 Sofiya Kantor 22

Donna Rappin 22

Joan Schoeneman 22 Judith Lessin 22 Kate Shapiro 22 Marla Zelikow 22

Amanda Stern 22 Emily King 23

Marlene Cohen 23 Helen Dym Smoler 23 Sandra Koenig 23 Arlene Harris 24 Eleanor Greenberg 25 Debbie Friend 26

Renee Roth 26

Irene Blitt 27

Alyssa Horwitz 28 Beth Footlik 28

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member?

Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to:

Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


Happy Anniversary - January & February


Steven & Beryl Feinberg 2

Sharlene Sherman Heifetz & Harry Heifetz 5

Larry & Ellen Grossman 8

Jeffrey & Karen Stepen 8

Scott & Leslie Rogoff 30 yrs 9

Stuart & Alisa Vass 10

Noah & Rebecca Becker 11

Alex & Susan Freund 13

Thomas & Heidi Malkin 14

Fred & Fran Hakimian 15

Scott & Marcia Cotler 18

Larry & Stefanie Zelen 19

James & Judy Hoke 21

Norman & Eleanor Greenberg 22

Edward & Carol Kaplan 24

Ian & Lauren Rothenberg 25 yrs 24

Mark & Barbara Gelfeld 25

Howard & Randee Blair 26

Kim & Perry Shwachman 26

Carl & Judy Wolkin 26

Kevin & Cheryl Braude 28


Joseph & Ellen Mittelman 8

David & Andrea Reich 8

David & Beverly Sugar 10

Andy & Michelle Lebovitz 16

Neil & Robyn Rosengard 17

Edward & Judith Rowe 45 yrs 18

Scott & Susan Glazer 18

Janet & Burton Krain 45 yrs 19

Jay & Lori Heller 40 yrs 19

Michael & Linda Foster 20

Jay & Lissa Silver 20

Murray & Stephanie Keene 22

Stephen & Sheryl Rose 23

Ronald & Roni Pressler 25

Jay & Carol Simon 35 yrs 27


Friday Evening – December 2 (Candles 4:02 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – December 3

Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday Evening – December 9 (Candles 4:01 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – December 10

Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday December 16 (Candles 4:02 PM)

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Chanukah ShabbaTONE 6:00 PM

Saturday – December 17

Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday – December 23 (Candles 4:05 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – December 24 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday – December 30 (Candles 4:10 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – December 31

Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday Evening – January 6 (Candles 4:16 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – January 7 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday Evening – January 13 (Candles 4:24 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Diversity ShabbaTONE 6:00 PM

Saturday – January 14 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday- January 20 (Candles 4:32 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – January 21 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Friday – January 27 (Candles 4:41 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM HUGS ShabbaTONE 6:00 PM

Saturday January 28 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM

Daily Minyan (in-person and Live Streaming)**

Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM Monday Friday 7:45 AM Sunday Thursday 7:45 PM

*Mincha will take place approximately 45 minutes after the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:30 PM.

24 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847 498 4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG SERVICE SCHEDULE & CANDLE LIGHTING VISITTHE CBS PHOTO GALLERY: All CBS Shabbat, daily minyan and holiday services are Live Streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet streaming
Lighting and Service Times (All Services and Times subject to change and are Live Streamed)


Alex & Jared Kwait are happy to announce the birth of their twin daughters, Ella Doni Kwait and Romi Arlow Kwait. Jill and Robert Kahn are happy to announce the birth of their twin granddaughters, Ella Doni Kwait and Romi Arlow Kwait.

Roslyn Kahn is happy to announce the birth of her twin great granddaughters, Ella Doni Kwait and Romi Arlow Kwait.

The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To:

Ellen (Andrew) Roth on the passing of her sister, Sandra Bressler.

Steve (Sandy) Falkin on the passing of his father, Jerry Falkin.

Rita (Gregg) Schneider on the passing of her mother, Simone Goodman. Eileen Sherman on the passing of her husband, Stanley Sherman.

David (Randi) Starkston on the passing of his father, Melvin Starkston.

Steven (Pam) Pearl on the passing of his brother Joseph Pearl. Sharon Weiss on the passing of her husband, Hymie Weiss.

The family of David Dragon on his passing.

The family of Zelda Seiden on her passing. Debbie Bell on the passing of her mother, Ellen Kaplan. Barbara Winn on the passing of her husband, Dr. Martin Winn.

CBS Memorial Plaques

If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.

Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year whenYizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque.

The following families have dedicated a memorial plaque in memory of their loved ones.

In memory of ISABEL HARRIET MUSSMAN by Jonathan Mussman, Toby Smithson, Melanie Mussman Brodsky

In memory of MORLEY IRA KERSCHNER by Louise Kerschner

Death of Esteemed Members: Stanley Sherman Hyman Weiss David Dragon Zelda Seiden Ellen Kaplan Dr. Martin Winn


Thank you to David Dragon’s friends, the Arnolds, the Smithsons, the Shechtmans, the Gelfelds, the Greenmans, the Bernsteins and the Roknis. I appreciate your love and kindness to David.

Fern Roseman

In appreciation of everyone who sent me leagrams in honor of my birthday.

Carol Kaplan


It is incumbent upon all of us to reach out to one another in times of sorrow, celebration, or need. If you are currently not receiving our notices or email newsletters, you can make updates to your MyCBS account and choose which emails you receive. If you need help, please contact Audrey Taxer by email,


December 1 2

Rochelle "Ricki" Berko

Libby Bogolub

Inez Broda

Sara Ceder

Aaron Glassenberg

Philip Less

Harold L. Tattleman

Alan Woodhouse

Shimon Zimmel

Charlotte Gershon

Victor Goldfarb

Morris Kroan

Fanny Redfern

Gary Schwartz

Samuel Welnak

December 3 9

Harriet Faber

Jerry Gottlieb

Howard Hoffman

Irving Horwitz

Isadore Kirschenbaum

Tillie Ruderman

Shim Schechter

Lena Schlossberg

Irwin Silverman

Hirsh Turkeltaub

Roberta Twersky

Jack Vihon

Frances Weil

Arther Barbakoff

Isidore Bertash

Ruth Dick

Dr. Marvin Goldman Morris Heller

Sylvia Kaplan

Phyllis Kaplan

Harold Klopman

Susan Krefetz

Lois Krugman Adeline Mendelson

Samuel Pearlman

David Schaeffer

Gertrude Sloan

Ricky Walowitz

Clara Agrest

Betty S Alpert

Debbie Berkowitz

Elliott A. Berman

Simon Brown

Ethel Kaplan

Barbara Kosoy

Theodore Less

Henriette Louzon

Margot Lublin

Beatrice Meeker

Ida Miller

Morris Sahlins

Ben Sarnoff

Burt Spitz

Dr. Lawrence Stone

Jeannette Usow

Ted Warshawsky

Morten Winokur

Milton Braun

Morton Cinofsky

Rose Davidovics

Carolyn Feldman

Morris Flignor

Jack Friedlander

Harold Friedman

Robert J. Grossman

Frank Horwitz

Lillian Korn

Joseph Newman

Linda Penn Meyer Rosenberg

Norman M. Schlossberg

Judith Weinberg

Charlotte "Chickie" Weiss

Gussie Barsky

Judith C. Bregman

Sandra Rae Cohen

Bertha Dishler

Mildred Fraelick

Aaron Gertzfeld

Brian Glassenberg

Lee Goldman Martin Hodes

Isaac Kantor

Meyer David Kasper

Mary Salkin

Sheila Simon

Etie Spears

Sol Spears

Esther Tipp

Jean Abrams

Maurice Alpert Nathan Altman

Dorthy Borowsky

Albert Chafetz

Greta Edelson Goldrich

Blanche Elvove Norman Field

Sam Kosoglad Jack Schneider

Kenneth Singer

Elaine Srulovitz Dr. Irving I. Stein

Bertha Stone

David Unger Abe Abel

Marcia Berns

Morris Collender

David Dobrin

Lillian Gerstein

Saul Goodman

Marvin Gordon Daniel Hoseman

Sydney Kofman

Jacob Korol

David Krasnove

Bessie Goldman Marcus

Florence Mendlo Preshkowitz

Abraham Prohovnik

Gertrude Rosin

Ruthe R. Stein

December 10 16

Martha V. Dawson Bertram Emanuel Melvyn S. Gelman Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh

Lily Kay Eljanan Kletzel

Arthur Knopoff

Lillian Lurie

Joseph Mages

Rosalyn Neidich Maurice Stanton Edith Turner

Habib S. Younes

Barney Block Vera Brooks Kalman Chabner

Sarah Cigelnik

Margaret Dayan

Evelyn Edidin Esther Flink

Bernice Goldman

Dora Hoffman

Martin Kassab

Lawrence Mark Rosenthal

Samuel Ross Jack Shapiro

Ron Shocket

Abraham Shulman

Fannie Shulman

Fannie Arnowitz

Sarah Belle Brin

Paul Buchman

Sandra Copeland Siegfried Hirsch

Goldie Karlinsky

Reuben Krako

Rose Lesnoy

Mildred Nekritz

Tessie Perlmutter

Aaron Schupack

Zena Schwartz

Zina Schwartz

Etta Soboroff

Michael Speigel

Rose Warshawsky

Richard Arnowitz

Charles Lawrence Balkan

Gershon Bitsallel

Lola Bookman

Sonja Echt

David Glaser

Gertrude C Hess

Marilyn K. Miller

Albert Ross

Max Stern Leonard Gail

Zelda Givertz

Ericka Greenberg Miriam Maling

Ben F Newman

Ida F. Schrank

Harry Segel

David Sher

Sarah Williams

Yudie Becker

Ralph Berliner

Leo Cooper

Isadore Grau

Rabbi Paul Sol Greenman

Charles Hoffman

Robert Hoffman

Norman Karlin

Robert H. Kavka

Morris Meliker

Jacqueline Rogin

Bernard Shapiro

Mark Damon Tischler

Cecil Lowenthal Weiner

David Weingart

Sylvia Baer

Harold Burland

Sally Crane Alice Ellis

Irving Gloss

Sylvia Grossman

Henry Kanar

Rovim Kelmansky William Landau

Ronald Rosenfeld Morris Simon Jack Spector

Sara Stein

Morris A Sugerman Steven Weiss Dorothea Wolf

December 17 23

Chester Barnow

Ralph Bell Samuel Butcher

Dorothy Diamond Leonard Eisenberg Arthur Goldman

Stephen L Goldsher

Stephen L. Goldsher

Florence Martha Markovich

Bernard J. Marks

Jenny Sokol

Eleanor Ellison

Nathan Finn

Sophie Twersky Fridkin

Roy J Golson

Sol Greenberg

Lyon Moses Grimson

Elie Louzon

Sydney Maxman

Jack Miller Helen Newman Leo Silverman

Pearly Simon Stanley Slaw Jack Susman

Alvin Barasch

Harry Brusso Raquel Chulef

William Isaacson

Joseph Kaiserman Reva Kaplan Louise Maslov

Marcia Faye Maslov

Arthur C. Meyers Irwin Rose Rose Saitlin

Dorothy Shainberg Anna Vishny Leah Zagorsky Harry Bergman

Sybil Bessinger

Stuart David Cohen

Joseph Gantman

Bernice Harris

Harry Lerer Rose Schwartz Ellis Sostrin

Anna Arnold Adeline Bregar

Marvin Fohrman

Leonard Goldberg Sylvia Gordon Sylvia Herman Jacob Kaplan Sol Kreisman

Joseph Marks

Ida Rifkin

Leo N Rivkin Sara Roter

Mildred Schuster Edna Strauss

Leon Weisbrod

Harvey Zuckerman

Judith Brandwein

Jean Chason Marlene Chavin

Myrtle Cole

Ruth Dolansky

Evelyn K Eisenberg

Marcus Simon Glantz

Sam Glantz

Ruth Harris

Melinda Carole Kahn Louis Kunin

Jack Linderman

Lionel Marcus Sadie Paul Dolores Rubin

Aaron Schulman

Anna Weinberg Max Werth

Madelyn Bentkover

Hilda Berman

Robert J Bessinger

Arthur Cohen

Evelyn Eisenberg Fischer

David Freidin

Raymond Kosova

Harry Orelove

Earl Polisky

Sheldon A. Shapiro

Sam Sneider

December 24 30

Molly Benjamin Dora Chapman

Lillis Fisher Lester Horwitz Doris Kahn

Esther Katzman

Burton Lloyd Marks Yetti Meerbaum Millie Miller

Marsha Engerman Nadler

Jack Rosenberg

Albert Schuster Harriet Soifer

Jeffrey Berkowitz Helen Cooper

Samuel Davidov

Joseph Goldman

Lloyd Hunt Dr. Irving Krain

Bernard Louis Kramer

Bessie Steinberg Nettler

Burton Patzik Elsie Richard Allen Weiner

Robert Weiss

Paul Ziegler

Beatrice Ackerman

Samuel Brody Bernard Greenman

Sylvia Kamm

Hyman Kopolavics

Colette M. Lopata

Betty Lorig

Phillip Metrick

Phillip Meyer Morrison

Morris Novitsky

Edith Polvy

Irving Shenfeld

Lisa Shiffers

Martin Weiss Ron Berman

Elda Busby

Tillie Copilove

Carl Fischman

Dorothy Gurtz

Anna Hoffman Helene Hoffman

Beatrice Lewis

Herman Magged

Gloria Maneloveg

Dr. Emanuel Padnos

Rosette Pestine

Sarah Shatz

Ben Wenetzky

Milton S. Wolken

Rose Blumenfeld

Joseph Burnstein

Sonia Dunn

Isadore Greenberg

Dr. Susan Greenstein

Wilbert Klass

Katherine Kresin

Sanford Lieber



Sarah Slan

Minnie Stein

Laura Zelkowitz Freda Alter

Leo Bersofsky Ceal Blum Allan R. Burke Louis R. Cohen Louise S. Cole William Factor

Harry Feuer Jack Friedman

Joseph Ely Garber Jerry Hoffman

Samuel Kriesman

William Naft

Marylin Poticha Magda Schloss

Frank Schneider

Howard Sherwin Shapiro

Steven Snyder

Richard Bergman

Tammie Bernstein Sam Birkner

Nate Coven

Estelle Drucker Sam Ellison

Abraham Gertzfeld Howard Goldstein Miriam Gomberg

Lynne Grant Sol Halperin

Jack Lasinsky

Abraham Levko Abraham Manelis

Evalyn Rosenstein Samuel Weiss

December 31 January 6

Lillian Arnowitz Gloria Berenson

Judy Coven

Theodore Fisch Bertha Flignor Diane Friedman Renee Gold

Esther Korach Bertha Libauer Newton Truger George Apfelbaum Bella Beer

Irving Fagot Martha Gebel

Anne Gebel

Joseph Gelfeld

Yolanda H. Ghidali Allen Goldberg Estelle Hodes

Janice Horwitz

Carl Joffe

Ruth Lampert Esther Lerner

Max Modneck

Sylvia Polakow Eve Schwartz

Asher Stein

Newton Truger Rosa Bender

Sheri Lynn Benham

Baruch Berman

Jennie Cranow Charlotte Field

Joe Field

William Gurvitz Miriam Israel

Harry Kurtz

Lottie Magged

Florence Dolly Nudelman

Walter Rose

Robert Ross

Edward Sanders Michael "Mike" Schrank

Vivian Schwartz

Sarah Gitel Simon Ronald Simon Carl Wagner

Robert Wershkoff

Lillian Zelikow Elaine Zelkowitz Maurice Appelbaum Samuel Bentkover

Rochelle C. Miller Annette Mozin Perlmutter Sylvia Seidler Singer

David Berger

Sherman Faber

Marsie Finerman

Fanny Freimark

Rachel Fridkin

Sophie Grossman

Gerald Horwitz

Harry Klein

Bernard Satinover

Jeanne Schneider

Rita Schwartz

Ludwig Weil

Nettie Wisse

Max Becker

Leonid Belogur

Eva Bovilsky

Florence K. Brenner

Charles Dann

Rylan Gelb

Elaine Gentner

Carole Hartzman

Lewis Jaffe

Victor Lazar

Beatrice Rohde

Harriet Rosen

Stephen Rothblatt

Nancy Strauss

David Weinstein

Dr Samuel D Werch

Irv Donn

Emily Ann Dorfman

Marvin Fox

Stanley Franklin

Ruth Gold

Harvey R. Gold

Simon Good

Norman Graff

Minnie Rose Graff

Zelda J. Leibovitz

Percy Lev

George Mayster

Lillian S Rivkin

Larry M Rosengard

Harriet Sear

Mary Tuteur

Bella Winokur

Harold Blitstein

Sherwin Freidin

Esther Halpern

Esther Kassab

Henry Kristal

Richard Kurnick

Max Malin

Sol Nadler

Pearl Sak

Thomas Schneider Anna Simon

Aaron Stolberg

January 7 13

Sadie Bass

Robert Camp

Gerald Jerry"" Cole

Jacob Dubofsky

Norbert "Norb" Eglash

Frieda Goldman

Steven J Gross Martin Jacobson

Shirley Johnson

Harry Kahn

Kate Shapiro

Shandel Taksin

Jacob Wadler

Philly Baer

Emma Klein

Maurice Klein

Flora Miller

Bella Newman

Natalie Peiser

Melvin Ross

Moshe Yashar

Irwin Bizar

Rose Ein

Miriam Elbaum

Lila Friedman

Samuel Glotzer

Barbara Goldman

David Maltz

Harriet Mandel

Leonard Nattenheimer

Patricia Newman

Lorraine Dubofsky Omens Haynes

Robert Oppman

Janet B Simons

Henry Stern Frank Weiss

Jerome Yale

Hilda Abrahams

Bessie Balter

Rose Shechtman Greenberg

Ryan B Hall

Sanford Hirsch

Arthur J Lindenberg

Clara Medvin

Marshall M. Miller

Rita Polyakov

Adel Samuelson

Ronald Schultz

Jerry Shaftal

Miriam Shay

Jack L. Simon

Harold "Sonny" Turner

Jerome N. Weiland

Beatrice Berkowsky

Florence Eisenberg

Simon Chick Handler

Charles L. "Chuck" Karp

Charles Krugel

Louis S Lerner

Francesca Miller

Ira S. Nathan

Carolyn Osher

Roza Risman

Paul Roberts Vera Rosen

William Schwartz

Arthur Shapiro

William Shay Samuel Takiff

Shirley Warshawsky

Sidney Zelkowitz

Albert Ashman

Lester Berliner

Rose Blitstein

Anna Cohen

Alan W. Davis

Bertha Dubinsky

Jennie Dubofsky

Maryam Fatoorachi

Sally Forcht Marilyn Gerstein Marlene Gurtz

Irving Jacobson Gerald Resnick

Alan Rovin

Adeline Shulman

Jean Stoltz

Seymoure Weiner

Anna Zilberstein

Mitchell Baer

Fritz Freimark

Natalie Glickman

Miriam Goodman

Max Handzel

Anita Kuzan

Sheldon Rosen

Lillian Schnitzler

Pearl Schwartz

Hyman Schwartz

Ruth Schwartz

Sharon Schwartz

Sylvia Travis Sally Wallis

Marcia Witzel

January 14 20

Nathan Bender

Maurice Bucksbaum

Paul A Cohen

Sara Cohn

Julius Goldstein

Marsha Mary Gomberg

David Halevy George Leviton

Ida Lichtenstein

Max Maslov

Toby Schakner

Jordan Siedband

Hyman Taub

Sadie Teven

Tillie Ashman

Alfred Feiger

Gertrude Grad

Arthur Grossman

Hannah Halperin

Lori Anne Hammer

Bella Katz

Mollie Millman

Dashe Pinsky Warshavsky

Annie Rosenberg

Charles Rosenmutter

Lawrence Shapiro




Margot Kass

Ernest Landesman Gussie Lasko

Sarah Marcovitch

George Sandler

Ida Simon

Harry Sweet

William Weingart

Lisa Rae Digati

Fred Fleischer Morris Friedman

Harry Futterman

Elsie Gail Fradel Lason

Edward Roth

Ann Tannenbaum

Lisa Joy Wagner

Sarah Weinstein

Howard Fox

Sylvia Greenman

Franklin Hirsch Jack Kessler

Louis Knopoff

Esther Smithson

Sarah Stollberg

Sam Swislow

Faye Tatel

Louna Younes

Joseph Bloom

Florence Collender

Helen A. Elliott

Harry Forman

Howard N. Ginsburg

Abraham Kassab Herman Korach Lillian Millman

Berenice Politinsky

Louis Rifkin

Louis J Schultz Jack Shaykin

Shirley Sigal Roese Stern Edna Weil

Joyce Winokur

Julius Jules"" Binder

Alexis Genin Selim Habib Milton Hochman

Leon Krzetowski

Selig L Lesnoy Ismael Levy Rose Michaels Akhtar Mokhtarian

Jack Musick

Rabbi Bernard Mussman

Lawrence Schwade Jacob Jack"" Sear Anna Siegel Martin Silverman

Leonard Teven

Sidy Weiss Adele Zaveduk

January 21 27

Heime Berkowitz Gertrude Blitstein

Abraham Edward Bober Isadore Brozosky

Lester Chudacoff

Frances Jablo Lillian Saks

Berel Sales Dora Samson Henry Schachter

Marvin Eugene Schatzman

Dr. Richard Shermer

Sara Siver

Idelle Weisbrod Helen Bernstein

Eugene Dechter Hyman M. Gorsky

Louis Grief

Kamal Hakimian Walter Koehler

Louis Lesnoy

Seymour Milstein Benjamin Weinstein

Tobia Weinstein Rita Zorndorf

Michael Batler

Lawrence Cohen

LeRoy Dunn Cherie Ersler

Sally Goldstick

David J Goldwasser

Larry Grossman

Joseph Joey"" Harris

Leslie Korman

Sylvia Lasinsky Tillie Orkin

Agatha Plotkin

Linda Porec

Alvin "Al" Resnick Israel Leib Sidler

Rose Singer

Claire Zelkowitz Weber

Nathan Barr

Harriet Berger

Lillian Brown

Leonard C. Cohen

Tybie Diamond

Harry Erdos

David Ira Fisher

Herman Geller

Muriel Glassenberg

Daniel Golbus

Carol Greenberg David Greenfeld

Jacob Kaplan

Jerome Kaplan

Aaron Kawer

Shirley Laskin

Howard M. Lessin

Dorothy Meisel

Bernard Mink

Aghajan Mokhtarian

Eleanor Moss

Betty Palmer

Beryl Root

Esther Rosenstein

Sam F. Rowe

Rose Shechtman

Sarah Sweet

Herman Weinstein

Harvey Ellis Berebitsky

Sam Bubman

Syra Cohn

Francis Garlin

Dorothy Isaacson Philip Meltzer

Faye Menzer

Henry J. Newman

Rose Pinchouck

Robert Roberman

Irene Schneider

Rose Shane Lena Shapiro

Clarence Spitzer

Joan Starkston

Frieda Tecktiel

David Telpner

Corrine Wolff Mollie Zelkowitz

Sam Abrams Anna Adler

Jeanette Donn

Harold Golden

Ruth Milstein

Sylvia Schneider

Philip Schoeneman

Sylvia Billowitz

Arlene Bizar

Steven Doroff

Edith Goobler

David Goodman

Harry Heftman

Abraham Kaplan

Wolf Laznowski

Sherwin Malkin

Bessie Modneck

Martin Prager

Joseph Jo Jo Solomon

Edna Speaker

Izak Taksin

Fred Wertheimer

January 28 31

Dr. Jerome E. Abrahams

Louis Cohen

Irving Cowan

Fred F. Drucker

Sam Goldman Ethel Israel

Arnold Levy

Pauline Rosenthal

Fay Steinberg Irwin Cohen

Guy Shachar

George Slan

Ruben Spivak

Sam Wolfson

Michael Bosse Hillard Crost

Max Gotteiner

Harry M. Greenberg

Stuart Letwat

Ida Rabin

Eleanor Roth

Julius Sklair

Richard Sloan

Oscar Wasserman

Ruth Baker

George Blum

Reuben Brookstone

Sue Chunowitz

Carol Gene Cohen

Dave Ein

Bruno Fischer

Shirley Jacob

Jerome Natenberg

William David Resnick

Marshall Smulson

Mollie Spector

Regina Herz Twersky Sophie Wadler

Albert Weinstein

Annette Stevens Howard Cohan Glassner S. Greene Jajkowski Herman D. Friedman Jacqueline Jacki Futterman Edward Nudelman

Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of all you do. Maxine and David Klein

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you. Thank you for the warm welcome back. Jerry and Barbara Petasnick

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the beautiful services on the holidays. Robert and Pepi Barr

Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the warm and meaningful High Holiday Services Barry Rubin and Deborah Elbaum

Mrs. Sheila Gutman For a speedy recovery. Thinking of you and wishing you a continued and complete recovery. Dennis and Dayle Teven

Rita and Gregg Schneider In memory of Simone Goodman, your beloved mother. May her memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos

David Starkston In memory of Melvin Starkson. Our condolences on the loss of your father. Joel and Laurie Shapiro

The Dragon Family In memory of David Dragon. With you in your heart as you mourn the loss of your father. I know how much he and your mother mean to you. Much love.

Sonoma Van Brunt

Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund

Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of the wonderful Yom Kippur service and the moving Psalm 23 concert. They were truly beautiful. Sandra Satinover and Morton Skidelsky

Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of you. Thank you for your graciousness over the High Holidays. Jerry and Barbara Petasnick

Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the beautiful services on the holidays. Robert and Pepi Barr

Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the warm and meaningful High Holiday Services. Barry Rubin and Deborah Elbaum

Jeff Hoffen For the yahrzeit of Rosalie Hoffen. Jeff Hoffen and Cheryl Singer

Ellen and Andy Roth In memory of your sister, Sandra. Mark and Marcy Saltzman

Mark and Gail Pierce In memory of your father, Jerry Falkin. Carole Shneider, Ira and Iris Lerner

Leon Dragon In memory of David Dragon. May his memory forever be a blessing to his family. Steven and Iris Podolsky

Rabbi Chapman's Good and Welfare Fund

In appreciation of of the congregation's best wishes on our 56th wedding anniversary Marvin and Laurel Letwat Rabbi David Chapman In honor of your beautiful and moving Dvar Torah and Yom Kippur service. Sandra Satinover and Morton Skidelsky

Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of the warm and meaningful High Holiday Services. Barry Rubin and Deborah Elbaum

Rabbi David Chapman In appreciation of the beautiful services on the holidays. Robert and Pepi Barr In memory of my beloved mother, Betty Mintz. Fran Brookstein

Ellen and Andrew Roth In memory of your beloved sister, Sandra Bressler. Daniel and Eva Sideman

Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund

Donald Levine In memory of your dear friend, Terry Philips. With our sympathy. Larry and Fern Roseman

Leon and Carol Dragon and Family In memory of David Dragon. May his dear family be comforted by the sweet memories of their beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather. Norman and Darlene Padnos, Marshall and Barbara Dickler

Eileen Sherman and Family In memory of Stan Sherman. We are very sorry for your loss and we feel he was one of the kindest men we have ever known. Larry and Fern Roseman

Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund

Eileen Sherman In memory of Stanley Sherman. A friend for so many years gone by. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Keith and Marci Shapiro In memory of Jack Shapiro. Alan and Marla Patzik

Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund

Susan Stern In honor of your granddaughter Blair's upcoming marriage to Brad. Edie Korman

Sharon Weiss In memory of Hymie Weiss. Edward and Carol Kaplan, Perry Rudich

Donald Levine In memory of your beloved, Terry Philips. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz

Joel Greenman In memory of Lorraine Ganz. Fran Brookstein Gail and Mark Pierce In memory of your dear father. Sorry to hear the sad news. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Stewart and Mitzie Herman, Mark and Sharon Telpner

Fern Roseman In memory of David Dragon. You were so supportive and wonderful to him. Edward and Carol Kaplan Joe and Muriel Stepen In memory of your dear sister, Dorothy Goldman. Our thoughts are with you at this time. Stewart and Mitzie Herman

Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund

In appreciation of holiday aliyas Hedy Margolin

Joel Greenman In memory of Lorraine Ganz. Hedy Margolin In memory of Ruth Freed Hedy Margolin

Gold Family Sabbath Fund

Eileen Sherman In memory of your husband, Stan Sherman. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz

Rita Schneider and Family In memory of Simone Goodman, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Ira and Adrienne Holtzman

Ellen Flaxman In memory of Simone Goodman. So sorry for your loss. You are a wonderful daughter. Carol Berger

Maureen and Michael Jordan In memory of your dear brother and brother in law, Sy Pearlman. May his memory always be a blessing. With much love. Barry and Eileen Brusso

Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund

Ellen Grossman In honor of your special birthday. Michael and Judy Balter

Bob Marder In honor of your 75th birthday. Michael and Judy Balter

Leven Family In memory of Rosetta Teplitz. David and Tracey Becker

The Dragon Family In memory of David Dragon. His personal history was briefly recounted in the notice of his passing and blew me away. May his memory forever be a blessing. David and Tracey Becker

High Holiday Appeal 22-23

Michael Garlin In appreciation of you. Cheryl Wittenstein Susan Stoehr In appreciation of you and your wonderful teaching of Arielle Mandrea for her Bat Mitzvah. Steven and Marisa Mandrea

For the yahrzeit of Florence Fischer. Judy Neuhauser Don and Miriam Pike and Family In memory of Silvia Pike. Sending heartfelt sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Jennifer Levine


Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of HUGS at Congregation Beth Shalom. Joel and Laurie Shapiro

Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund

Tom and Barbara Schwartz For the birth of your grandson, Chase Thomas. Our congratulations to the entire family. David and Beverly Sugar

Ms. Robin Block In memory of Joshua Block. Lois Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lewis In memory of your mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Burt and Sheila Handler

Steve Falkin and Family In memory of Jerry Falkin. Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky

Miriam and Donald Pike In memory of your mother and grandmother, Silvia Pike. Les and Jill Olefsky

David and Randi Starkston In memory of Melvin Starkston. Jonathan and Denise Handler

Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund

For the yahrzeit of Dora Bosley Barbara Bosley

For the yahrzeit of Tom Bosley. Barbara Bosley

For the yahrzeit of members of my family Reva Gomberg



Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Cary Wintroub and Family In honor of Spencer’s Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov. Dennis and Dayle Teven

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wallenstein and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother. Dennis and Dayle Teven

Men's Club Youth Scholarship


Sharon Weiss In memory of Hymie Weiss. Fred Fisher

Eileen Sherman In memory of Stan Sherman. Fred Fisher

Debbie Hamilton and Family In memory of Bette Yanko Bober. Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky

Donald and Miriam Pike In memory of your beloved mother, Silvia Pike. Please accept our condolences. May you be comforted by your fond memories of her. Michael and Judith, Scott and Leslie Rogoff Greenberg

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund

For the yahrzeit of Felecia Kotowsky Irving and Etta Kotowsky

For the yahrzeit of Louis Gold. Irving and Etta Kotowsky In memory of my grandmother, Lottie Goodman. Charles and Karen Schulman

For the yahrzeit of Pauline Kessler and Hannah Kessler. Betty Ashman

For the yahrzeit of Alexander Lebovitz. Diane Lebovitz

For the yahrzeit of Morris Ritt Anne Solar

For the yahrzeit of Lennard Becker. Helene Becker

For the yahrzeit of Rose Port Steinberg, Peter Herman and Minnie Herman Stewart and Mitzie Herman

For the yahrzeit of Alvin Elias. Robyn Elias

Maureen Jordan and Family In memory of your beloved brother, Sy Pearlman. Sheldon and Beth Gaffen

Pam and Steven Pearl In memory of Joseph Pearl. Scott and Leslie Rogoff

Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund

David and Shelly Fishman In honor of your granddaughter's wedding. Naomi Weiss

Audrey Holzman In memory of your son. Naomi Weiss

Doanld Levine In memory of Terry Philips. Sam and Becca Tatel

Don and Miriam Pike In memory of Silvia Pike. David Grott

Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund

Carol and Ed Kaplan In appreciation of you thank you for your gracious hospitality. Elyse and BJ Cohn

Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund

Bob Marder In honor of your birthday! Allene and Irving Seidler

Michael Garlin In appreciation of you. Thank you for your kindness over the High Holidays. Jerry and Barbara Petasnick

Gloria and Denis Weinberg and Richard and Allison

Weinberg In honor of your families. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and sweet New Year. Susan Charnet

Ellen Grossman In honor of your special birthday. Wishing you many, many more. We are so sorry we couldn’t be there to celebrate with you. Sue Schneck

Rita and Gregg Schneider In memory of your mother, Simone Goodman. Adrienne and Jerry Harris

Diane Kohl In memory of Joel Weinstein. Pamela and Phillip Picchietti

Leon Dragon In memory of David Dragon. Jeffrey and Barbara Lerch

Jan Shuman In memory of Bernard Shuman, beloved father. May his memory be for a blessing. Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky

David and Randi Starkston In memory of Melvin Starkston, beloved father and grandfather. Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky

Lawrence B. Rosner Building Malman and Family In memory of Barbara Becker. Fern Slotky, Evan and Lisa Oblonsky




Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum In honor of your 70th wedding anniversary! Inez and Marty Rose, Sally Chenzea, Edgar Gettleman, Florie and Andy Perellis, Joel Gettleman, Merle Cowin, Naomi and Mort Becker, Robin Eisenberg Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Just because! Donald and Terrie Stewart Reich In honor of Brad and Maddie's marriage. Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Teitelbaum In honor of you. Wishing you happy birthday. All our love. Merle Cowin Sandy and Bruce Goldstein For the birth of your grandson, Ethan Porter Schwab. Mazel Tov. Robyn Elias Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Rita Schneider In memory of your mom, Simone Goodman. May her memory be for a blessing. Michael and Barbara Zaransky
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