Congregation Beth Shalom May 2021 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Annual Meeting/Slate 2021-22 ...... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes .......................................... 4 Shavuot......................................................... 5 CBS Happenings .................................... 6-7 Youth/Young Family Programming/ B’nai Mitzvah ........................................... 8 Religious School ......................................... 9 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ......... 10 Social Action ............................................ 11 Sisterhood .......................................... 12-14 Men’s Club ......................................... 14-15 Library ....................................................... 16 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 17 Shabbat Mornings ............................. 18-19 Calendar ............................................. 20-21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28

Rabbi .................................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director .......................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ............................................Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President ................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President .................................. Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61


RABBI FERRATIER’S FINDINGS It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly fourteen years since the release of the final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I happened to be out of the country, but one of my friends assured me that he would pick up a copy for me, as I was scheduled to return home only a couple of days later. I remember getting off of my flight and opening my e-mail to find an entire album of photos he had taken with his wife and children, standing in line for the release at midnight. The entire family waited in line, impatient to get this book they had been anticipating for more than a year. By the time they got home, it was nearly 4:00 am and, of course, the two children wanted to stay up so they could start reading the book. I raise this example, because I am often confronted with skepticism when I explain the tradition of the Tikkun L’eyl Shavout, the tradition of remaining awake all night studying Torah and then celebrating the morning service, which includes the reading of the Ten Commandments, at the earliest possible moment. One explanation for this custom is that the night before the Revelation at Sinai, the Children of Israel remained awake so that they would be ready to receive the Torah at the first possible instant. Anyone who has waited in line for the release of an eagerly anticipated book, movie, or electronic device can relate to the feeling of anticipation. These are moments to celebrate, and the anticipation is part of the fun. Rabbi Ferratier

In fact, I would argue that all of us, when on the cusp of a life-changing moment, (probably more significant than a book release!) find ourselves awake, eagerly (or perhaps apprehensively) anticipating the changes that await. One part of that anticipation is rehearsing the events that have led to that moment. After all, it is the history of our experience which makes the event so significant. We wouldn’t have waited in line for the 7th Harry Potter Book if we hadn’t cared so much about the first six. Our weddings would be almost meaningless without the history of the relationships which led up to them. We would care much less about the Revelation of Sinai if we weren’t invested in the Biblical story which began with creation, and traced the history of the people who would experience it, if we weren’t able to find ourselves in it. As this Shavuot approaches, I find myself feeling a similar sense of anticipation. There’s always a sense of excitement that comes with the end of the academic year and the approach of summer. This year, there is the added anticipation of our slow return to normalcy. We’ve already re-opened the Sanctuary on Shabbat mornings, and I look forward to a continual increase in the number of people who can attend. I can anticipate the resumption of in-person meetings, and we will continue hoping and planning for High Holidays in the fall. Just as we did during my first summer, I look forward to hosting several ice-cream-and-chat opportunities around Northbrook. Just as our people looked forward to the giving of the Torah, we, too, have a lot to look forward to. Chag Sameach!

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION Congregation Beth Shalom Annual Meeting 5781/2021 The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Monday, May 10, 2021 beginning at 7:45 pm with minyan and immediately followed by the meeting. The Agenda is as follows: 1. D'var Torah 2. President's Welcome 3. Committee Reports and Highlights 4. Presentation of Endowment Report 5. Presentation of the 2021-2022 Slate of Officers and Board of Trustees Members 6. Presentation and Vote on the 2021-2022 Budget 7. Presentation and Vote on Bylaw Changes OFFICERS: President VP Fundraising VP House VP Membership VP Programming VP Ritual VP School VP Social Action VP Youth Administrative Secretary Accounts Receivable Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President

Dr. Bob Spector Howard Sigal Raymond Rokni Susan Lampert Randy Samborn Bill Shulman Robyn Rosengard Suzy Hakimian Seth Schrank Linda Foster Marjorie Maxwell Howard Freidin Cheryl Braude Tanya Solomon

Bold is new to executive board or new position BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Judy Balter Harold Dembo Rick Dissen Jim Donenberg Steven Elisco Hillary Elkins Ari Footlik Annie Goldman Ellen Grossman Joanna Kaplan Andy Lebovitz Diana Lewis Karyn Liss Bret Maxwell Roz Mokhtarian Wes Nissen

Leslie Rogoff Neil Rosengard Amy Offenbach Jill Roter Brad Shaps Edna Schrank Dr. Alan Shapiro Dan Sher Laura Shulman Jay Silver Charlotte Stern Sara Weinstein Adam Weinstock Alyssa Weisbach Alan Zelkowitz Bold is new or returning to board

Respectfully submitted by the 2021 Nominating Committee: Steven Elisco (Men’s Club President), Susan Lampert, Dr. Rachel Laven, Robyn Rosengard (Sisterhood President), Randy Samborn, Seth Schrank, Brad Shaps, Deborah Solomon (Immediate Past President), Tanya Solomon (President), Alan Zelkowitz, Lily Zoberman



FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT I am lucky that I can work a paying job that I genuinely enjoy. I work as an assistant manager at a retail clothing store, and what I enjoy about the job is so much more than just selling clothes. Every day is different, determined by who walks into the store and what they need. I have an extremely limited amount of time to make a personal connection with each customer, find out what they are looking to accomplish, and then make that happen. All the while I must balance the desires of my customer, manage my co-workers, and set expectations for both customers and staff. As I go about this, I must follow the rules of the company and understand its data which drives the sales. If I expect everyone in the store to achieve a certain goal, I must first break that goal down into manageable segments. Then I must communicate how to achieve those segments and offer feedback on how to improve them by analyzing the interactions my salespeople have and showing them how to learn from the successes of everyone else. To achieve positive results, I find that it is best to lead by example. Tanya Solomon

I make sure everyone understands that although each stylist needs to do the best they can every shift for their own success, that success is for the good of the team. We need to work collaboratively for the good of both the client and the business. If the store does well by doing this, we all share in our success. Over the years, I have learned many things related to retail business from my company - how to read sales reports, how to determine the data needed to drive the store’s business, product knowledge, efficiency, and how to see the big picture just to name a few. However, many aspects of the job cannot be taught - enthusiasm, willingness to learn, how to be an ambassador for the company, authenticity, honesty, and compassion. Those are qualities which each person brings to the job and if a potential team member has those, we can teach the rest. I have found that so much of being President of the synagogue is the same as my retail job. I came into this volunteer job with enthusiasm, willingness to learn, wanting to be an ambassador for the congregation, authenticity, honesty, and compassion. I have learned many things over the last years (and truly, all my time on the Board of Trustees) how to read our budget, how to set expectations, how to balance communication and collaboration to work as part of the team. I have found that, just like at my store, when our lay leaders, staff and the congregation all come together aiming for success, we cannot help but grow and change for the better. I have often said that my theme for the two years of my term has been to “live our mission, together”. Never have I seen that carried out more successfully than in the last year- our staff have not missed a beat going from physical to digital offerings with lay leader support, and we remain committed to meeting the spiritual, educational, and social needs of our members in an all-inclusive manner. Our youngest members are learning in religious school and having fun while doing tikkun olam in USY. Our young families are coming together through parents’ night out events, family Shabbat-on-demand and ”crafternoon” activities. Our adult education and general programming have never been more successful. Morning and evening minyans are thriving, holidays are being celebrated, and we are now returning to the building for Shabbat mornings. As president, I have had a limited amount of time to lead by example, but as a board member, executive committee member, and soon a past president, I can see the big picture and continue to work towards our community’s successes as we grow and change. I continue to work collaboratively with staff and lay leaders for the good of each member of this community. And finally, I have learned more about being a leader to take back to my “real” job to continue to improve and grow there. It has been my honor to serve as President of Congregation Beth Shalom and to serve all of you. Tanya MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61


CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr

Rabbi Yitzchok Falk, of Ezras Israel in Chicago, wrote an enlightening article entitled, ‘Mocking the Poor’. He begins by quoting the Shulchan Aruch (23:1) which ruled that ‘if a man is wearing Tzitzit outside of his clothing when he enters a cemetery he must tuck them in’. It is based on Talmud and also Proverbs 17:5 which says, “He who mocks the poor man, blasphemes his Maker”.

The deceased is poor (of spirit) for s/he can no longer perform Mitzvot. He explains that the Hebrew word Niftar, meaning deceased, also has correlation to the word, Patur, meaning exempt (from Mitzvot in this case). This lesson is further acted upon by the Chevre Kaddishe who will cut one fringe off of a person’s tallit prior to wrapping them in it for burial so as to show that this tallit, and person, are no longer “kosher” in regards to the obligation of commandments. It is up to family and friends to continue to do Mitzvot in memory of this person. This tradition, Rabbi Falk adds, reminds us that our actions in this regard “potentially elevate the soul of those who are no longer physically alive”. This month of May finds us preparing for Shavuot. Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl, in a sermon, reminds us that Shavuot is a holiday on which we recite Yizkor for those who have passed on. He speaks of the verbiage in the Torah defining the People Israel as having one heart as they camped around Mt. Sinai awaiting the Commandments. ‘On the third new moon after the Israelites had gone forth from the land of Egypt, on that very day, they entered the wilderness of Sinai’….Israel encamped there in front of the mountain. All of the verbs in this sequence of activity are in the plural form, except for ‘Israel encamped there’. …Rashi comments on the use of the singular form of the verb encamped, (which is in the singular conjunction implying) like one person with one heart. That is, the sense of unity of purpose and peoplehood enabled them to receive God’s revelation…like one person with one heart. He continues to speak of the Book of Ruth, chanted that day, and noting Ruth as King David’s great-grandmother. King David is remembered on this Yom Tov because of a rabbinic tradition that he was born and died on Shavuot (Talmud Yerushalmi, Hagigah 2.3). He adds: “My colleague, Rabbi David Wolpe, has published a wonderful book about King David, titled David: The Divided Heart. Rabbi Wolpe writes: We wish our heroes to be attractively flawed. … A minor crack in character makes the vessel seem that much more precious. … David confounds such simplicities. ... [His tale] is laced with passions, savagery, hesitation, betrayal, charisma, faith, family … He is capable of great acts, expressions of lasting piety, and of startling cruelty. ..., David dies peacefully in bed. ...God is with him. “Fissured and flawed,” David becomes the progenitor of the Messiah, precisely because of his weaknesses, his transgressions, his artifice, his divided heart. ... We see ourselves in this man, and we see this man in ourselves”. (As we do our loved ones in life and death). As we remember people whom we loved, and still love, we should do so recalling them with all their flaws and fissures. The whole heart of the Jewish people at Sinai and the divided heart of King David…remind us of the importance of responsibility for others. We depend on each other giving to one another. The idea of mitzvot are primarily for the living but, as we can learn from these passages, it is also in a very real way, for those who have passed away. We must be of one heart with those we have loved and allow any “cracks in their character” to be recognized as flaws which we all possess. On a website titled “The Velveteen Rabbi” it comments: In the Japanese art of kintsugi, "golden joinery," pottery is broken and then glued back together with powdered gold. The seams aren't disguised; they're magnified, made to sparkle. The beauty is found not despite the patched places, but in them. What would it feel like to stop trying to hide our brokenness, and instead to illuminate our beauty -- not despite our scars, but in them; not despite our sorrows, but through them; not despite our seams, but celebrating our own patchwork hearts? Whether our hearts be whole, broken or divided, I hope we can focus on the mitzvot of Shavuot and fulfill them to honor God, for ourselves and in memory of those we loved.



SHAVUOT THE MEANING OF THE HOLIDAY OF SHAVUOT Shavuot, also known as the “Feast of Weeks,” was originally celebrated as a Thanksgiving for the “First Fruits.” The Torah refers to Shavuot as “Chag HaBikkurim,” the festival of the first fruits, which our ancestors observed by bringing offerings of the best produce to the Temple. During the period leading up to Shavuot, we count each day beginning on the Second Night of Pesach. This counting, “S’firat Ha’Omer,” highlighted our ancestors’ hopes that Shavuot, the end of the Omer counting, would yield a bountiful crop. Coincidently, the Omer period encompasses many of the tragedies of our people over the generations. Therefore, it is customary to prohibit weddings during a specific part of the seven weeks as a sign of national mourning. In addition to being an agricultural festival, Shavuot is also a celebration of the Jewish Peoples’ receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Although the Torah does not identify Shavuot in this context, the Talmud has an undisputed tradition that the Torah was given at this time. Therefore, we stay up studying on the first night of the festival, and the Ten Commandments are read in the Synagogue on the first day. Of the major Jewish Holidays, Shavuot is sometimes overlooked. It doesn’t have quite the gravitas of the High Holidays, the fun (or hassle) of eating outside in the Sukkah, nor the nostalgia of Passover Seders. In fact, the folk tradition most strongly associated with it is eating dairy foods, (especially cheesecake). In a sense though, more than any other day on the Jewish calendar, it is the holiday of Jewish identity; it is the holiday which celebrates the Torah, the central teaching which is at the root of Jewish action and belief. It is so closely associated with identity, that it is the day on which we read the book of Ruth and celebrate those who choose to join our community as converts. SCHEDULE OF SHAVUOT SERVICES Sunday, May 16 Ma’ariv/Service to Welcome the Festival of Shavuot 7:45 PM Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Tikkun L’eyl Shavuot via Zoom 8:30 PM An evening of study with the clergy and members of the congregation Monday, May 17 Festival Service 9:30 AM In-person (pre-registration required) and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:45 PM Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Tuesday, May 18 Early Yizkor 8:00 AM In-person (pre-registration required) and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Festival Service/Yizkor 9:30 AM In-person (pre-registration required) and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Evening Minyan 7:45 PM Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Live Stream: In-person Service Registration: Registration for Tikkun L’eyl Shavuot Zoom:

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61



In-person Shabbat and Holiday Services Registration Congregation Beth Shalom is open for IN-PERSON Shabbat morning services and some holiday worship services. These will take place in the Kamensky Sanctuary for distancing purposes, with limited capacity (50 person maximum). During this transitional period, please limit your in-person worship so that we may accommodate more of our CBS congregants. All those attending any in-person services or programs at Congregation Beth Shalom will need to maintain an appropriate physical distance, be required to wear masks at all times and must complete the pre-registration process. If you are not feeling well for any reason or have any symptoms (fever, sinus pain, cough, reduced or altered sense of smell/ taste, stuffy nose, chills, fatigue, sore throat, joint pains, or diarrhea) you may not attend any in-person service or program at Congregation Beth Shalom. Click here to register for Shabbat Services ( Saturday, May 1, 2021 9:30 am Saturday, May 8, 2021 9:30 am Saturday, May 15, 2021 9:30 am Saturday, May 22, 2021 9:30 am Click here to register for Shavuot Services ( Monday, May 17, 2021 9:30 am Tuesday, May 18, 2021 8:00 am Tuesday, May 18, 2021 9:30 am Check the CBS website for updates: 6




Just drive up and we'll place your order in your car! Orders are due by Friday, May 7th at 4:00 pm and must be prepaid. We cannot accommodate late orders or "walk ins". Pick up is at the CBS Main Entrance on Friday, May 14th between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Purchase 4 or more cheesecakes and get a FREE reusable thermal grocery bag! Choose from these 9 delicious flavors (or get them all): 7” Original Plain $12 7” Turtle $12 9” Strawberry Topped $24 9” Original Plain $24 9” Chocolate Chip $24 9” Turtle Trio $30 9” Cookie Crazy with Oreo $30 9” Salted Caramel (made with gluten free ingredients) $30 9” Hot Chocolate (made with gluten free ingredients) $30

Go to order form to read descriptions and place your order ( MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61



It’s hard to believe that our Youth year is coming to a close. Our teens have worked so hard to continue to provide the best programming in USY, transitioning flawlessly from being in the Gloss Youth Lounge to creating the Gloss Online. I would like to congratulate all of our USY Executive Board for an outstanding year and showing time and time again why CBS USY is the best chapter in USY. As we wrap up our programming year, we have no shortage of fun and exciting programming for all ages! Our USY chapter will continue to have weekly programs each Thursday with Executive Board elections occurring on May 20th at 7:00 pm and our Culminating Ceremony happening the following Thursday, on May 27th.

We will have our final Kadima Lounge Night (grades 5-7) of the year on May 12th at 7:00 pm. Join us at This month our Young Families will have another Parents’ Night Out on Saturday, May 15th at 9:00 pm. Be sure to register online to reserve your spot! Lastly, I want to thank all of you, the families, for such a great Youth year. This past year has had its fair share of unimaginable challenges, and I am truly thankful for every one of you for giving our online programming a chance and joining us weekly. The successes we have had this year would not have been what they were without all of you. Eric NOAH BROOKS REINGLASS Son of Dana & Michael Reinglass Brother of Lainey Brooks Reinglass Grandson of Dennis Brooks, Kathy & Bob Levy, Bev & Howard Reinglass Great Grandson of Bernice Reinglass, Pearl & Alfred Brooks of Blessed Memory, Sydell Ross Burke of Blessed Memory, Bernice & Arnold Reinglass of Blessed Memory, Benjamin Ross of Blessed Memory, Ida & Sol Slovin of Blessed Memory

JOHN JACOBSOHN Son of Kim & Ely Jacobsohn Brother of Martin & Mitzi Jacobsohn Grandson of Rusty & Ande Sanders, Zulie Jacobsohn, John Jacobsohn of Blessed Memory

Not pictured: Ava Lehtman MAZEL TOV TO OUR B’NAI MITZVAH


ISAAC ARBEL Son of Rafi & Jennifer Arbel Brother of Joseph & Jacob Arbel Grandson of Emanuel Arbel, Lu Roth, Carmela Arbel of Blessed Memory, Donald Roth of Blessed Memory HALEY JOANNA APPELBAUM Daughter of Risa & Michael Appelbaum Sister of Eliana Appelbaum Granddaughter of Francine & William Appelbaum, Laura & Phillip Recoon

MALLORY STEINBERG Daughter of Beth & Scott Steinberg Sister of Lena Steinberg Granddaughter of Ellen & Michael Steinberg, Nancy Cleveland, Jack Cleveland of Blessed Memory



Registration Religious School registration for our next school year has begun. Registration is on-line only. Go to and click on “MyCBS” and log in to your account. Registration is for kindergarten through high school.

There are both online and in-person options. Once an option is selected there will be no changing options until the end of the first semester. For questions or concerns, please contact Stacy Ybarra at or 847-498-4100 x15. FREE tuition for student’s first year in Religious School for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades. Hiring teens! The Religious School is looking to hire youth entering 8th through 12th grades in the fall to work in the school as madrichim. All madrichim will be required to be enrolled in Jewish day school or in the CBS High Program. Apply on-line at Contact Stacy Ybarra at for more information and to set up an interview. End of Year We will be offering some in person options for the end of the year. Please look for the weekly school email which comes out at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays for more information.

OFFICE CLOSINGS (closed all day unless noted) Monday-Tuesday May 17-18 Shavuot

Eric Golberg, CBS Director of Youth and Young Family Programming, handing out bags for the Youth & Religious School Passover Chocolate Seder held on March 21, 2021.

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61

Monday, May 31 Memorial Day


CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS Which CBS YACHAD Affinity Group is right for you? Let us know what you enjoy and lets share the fun with other CBS members. Together, you will build friendships, developing a stronger sense of belonging and community. Browse our new webpage by clicking here ( affinity-groups/. We look forward to connecting our CBS family! YACHAD Committee Chair, Sue Lampert ( Membership VP, Randy Samborn ( CBS staff members Leann Blue (847.498.4100, ext. 44) and Lisa Orlov (847.498.4100, ext. 46) Movies With Melman 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Watch the movie in advance and then join us for discussion on the following Thursday night:

5/13 Keeping up with the Steins (2006) - A 13-year-old boy uses his upcoming bar mitzvah to reconcile the strained relationship between his father and grandfather. To register go to: Movies are available to rent through services like iTunes and YouTube or on other streaming services by subscription. If you need help finding any movie, email Leann ( or Lisa (



SOCIAL ACTION May Social Action Update Our committee continues to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: Did you know…. I was able to recruit several drivers from our extended Jewish community to join our Mitzvot Committee drivers who will provide transportation for those who need help getting their COVID-19 vaccinations. Please contact the CBS office who will pass the information on to me. We are collecting brown paper bags (new or undamaged) for the Vernon Township Food Pantry. Jill Olefsky is coordinating this program. She is willing to come to your home or they can be dropped off at CBS. Jill can be contacted through email, or phone, 847-272-1758. If you are willing to include 1-3 UNEXPIRED items for the Northfield Township Food Pantry, she will make sure these items are delivered. That way we will help both food pantries (Northfield does not want bags). PADS continues to provide housing for the homeless. CBS members have been generously supporting them by providing donations of needed items and monies to help offset the costs. We have also been informed that PADS is now accepting volunteers to work with the homeless in these shelters. For more info contact Sara Weinstein at The Northfield Township Food Pantry has seen its client base more than double in six months. The Pantry needs our help. Please drop off UNEXPIRED food items on the cart located at the front door of CBS. Checks (made out to the NTFP) and gift card donations can be mailed to Fern Roseman, 2415 Auburn Lane, Northbrook, IL. 60062 who will deliver them to the Northfield Township Food Pantry. You can also contact Fern at 847-564-9266. This is our community. Help us improve the lives of those in need. Now that many adults have started receiving their COVID vaccines and feeling more comfortable about resuming normal activities, it is a great time to volunteer for our The ARK shopping program. Volunteers shop for groceries and deliver them to an ARK client in our suburban area. Purchases are reimbursed from the Gold Family Sabbath Fund. It is a great family project. We try to have enough volunteers so that each will shop 3-4 times a year. For more information, contact Merrill Medansky at Do you have a social action project you would like highlighted in my column? Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Bob Spector Social Action VP

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU If you or a loved one are ill, injured, or facing surgery, please let our clergy know so we can listen, visit, or care for you in the way that you need. Please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, so that we can confidentially respond to you and be here for you.

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61

MI SHEBEIRACH LIST If you would like a name read on the Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, This name will stay on the list for three weeks. Please contact us again if you would like the name to remain on the list beyond that time.

WANT TO BE INFORMED? It is incumbent upon all of us to reach out to one another in times of sorrow, celebration, or need. If you are currently not receiving our notices or email newsletters, you can make updates to your MyCBS account and choose which emails you receive. If you need help, please contact Brenda Wasserman by email, 11

SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock is about to strike 12 Midnight and my fairy tale is about to come to an end. These past two years have been quite a ride. Although this will be my next to last bulletin article, I am beginning to wrap things up and what a ride it has been! I have looked back through my bulletin articles over the past two years and want to reflect a little on just how far we have come. The first year of my Sisterhood presidency was going quite smoothly with great programs and events along with some outstanding fundraising efforts. As we turned the corner on the winter of 2019-2020 things changed just a little. The pandemic has changed our lives in good ways and bad. As you all know I try to focus on the good in everything, so let us list all the good things from this past year.

x x x x x x

More time with the family. Learning new technology. Learning to love being outside, even in the cold. Discovering the best parts of our driveways and backyards, then realizing we have made our yards nicer. Embracing new medical advancements. Teaching our children the value of being present in the moment (really? Instagram!).

I could go on and on. This time in our lives has been transformative and, in some cases, helped us to get out of our comfort zone and try new things. How many of our Sisterhood members even knew what Zoom was? Through all the crazy ups and downs we never stopped moving forward. We had our meetings, we produced our events and programs and, most of all, we stayed connected to our CBS family. A year ago, my bulletin article listed my top 5 quarantine highlights and we really thought we were coming to the end of this pandemic. Well, one year later, I am here to tell you that I honestly believe that we are coming to the light at the end of this COVID tunnel. Let us reflect on those top 5 moments. 5. I have really mastered the art of puzzle completion. 4. I have improved my dishwasher loading efficiency. 3. I am improving my skills on the computer and learning how to use it to stay connected to family and friends. It is much cooler than the phone. 2. My cooking skills have improved dramatically, even though I would still vote not to do the cooking. I think I have embraced my inner chef. And the number one highlight of this quarantine experience. Drum Roll Please! 1. My family and I have sat down to the dinner table together more in the past few months than we have, in well, forever. We are rediscovering each other. We are appreciating each other and remembering how nice it is to make the time to be together. To be honest, one year later, I would not change a thing. Ok, maybe a few. Now I have the distinct honor of thanking Laurie B. Davis for planning a wonderful Culminating, Installation, and Valued Volunteer event with our speaker, Leslie Goddard, and the recognition as our Valued Volunteer. I am so honored to be recognized for my contributions to Sisterhood. HAPPY SPRING!!!! On to summer!!! With love, Robyn


CBS Sisterhood generously gave out boxes of delicious sweet treats during Pesach!



Register here:

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61



Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop Looking for the perfect Mother’s or Father’s Day gift? Invited to a Bridal Shower or Wedding? Celebrating an Anniversary or Birthday? The Judaica Shop has you covered!

Diana Lewis – or 847-903-6175 Darlene Padnos – or 847-217-4531 Donna Fox – or 847-281-7456




On Saturday evening, March 20, 2021, we had an emotional and spiritually uplifting Men’s Club Shabbat and Night of Recognition. As we transitioned from Men’s Club Shabbat to the Night of Recognition, I presented the following D’var Torah: It is just past one year since we as a Men’s Club last gathered at Congregation Beth Shalom to pack the candles for our Yellow Candle Program on March 11, 2020. As the evening progressed, social media and news reports were coming in of travel bans being enacted. By the end of the following week, we were all staying at home.

There is no question Humanity shared an awfully bad year and we are still not out of it yet. Many have suggested writing the past year off. But is that what we really want or should do? I am reminded of the poem by Rabbi Alvin Fine, “Life is a Journey”. It begins and ends with “Birth is a Beginning And death a destination And life is a Journey”. We are each responsible for creating our own life’s journey, addressing, and overcoming its challenges and embracing and celebrating its successes. The journey we have all experienced this past year needs to be remembered for what it was and take its proper place in each of our own life’s journey. So how do we do that? I believe like most things in life, we do it day by day. My favorite B’rakhah of the Ma’Ariv service is the first B’rakhah before the Sh’Ma, which we read earlier, as it describes the miracle of each day. “Praised are You Adonai our God, who rules the universe, Your word bringing the evening dusk. You open with wisdom the gates of dawn, design the day with wondrous skill, set the succession of seasons, and arrange the stars in the sky according to Your will. Adonai Tz’va-ot, You create day and night, rolling light away from darkness and darkness away from light. Eternal God, Your sovereignty shall embrace us forever. Praised are You Adonai, for each evening’s dusk.” I was reminded of that B’rakhah the day of that last snowstorm in February. The day began with heavy snow fall. I marveled at the size of the flakes, how fast it was coming down and just the overall beauty, even though I knew I had a big shoveling job ahead. At the end of the day, I went out to get the mail and was witness to one of the most beautiful sunsets of the winter. With the clouds in the western sky now broken, the sun’s rays pierced the sky creating a wonderful kaleidoscope of color reflecting against the clouds. I just stood there, taking it all in, reviewing what I did during the day and thinking how lucky I was to experience that day. May we all find beauty and experience peace in each day of our life’s journey. L ‘Shalom Steven Pictures on page 14 are screenshots taken during the Men’s Club Night of Recognition held on March 20, 2021. Pictured: top left, co-Youths of the year Geoffrey Gitles and Brandon Wagner with Eric Golberg, CBS Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement; top right, 2021 Kavod Award Winner Dr. David Hakimian with his parents, CBS members Fred and Fern Hakimian and children; bottom left, 2021 CBS Men’s Club FJMC Midwest Region Man of the Year Award Winner Scott Rogoff with his wife Leslie and Steven Elisco, CBS Men’s Club President; bottom right, several of the award winners with Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr. MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61


DONATIONS LIBRARY Tracy Safron Suggests Lilyville: Mother, Daughter and Other Roles I’ve Played by Tovah Feldshuh is a heartwarming and hilarious memoir. After reading this book, I became reacquainted with Tovah on screen by watching a 1977 episode of Newhart. Beautiful, talented, and tiny, she stole the spotlight from Newhart and Pleshette. Her career took off after starring as the original Yentl on Broadway. She was also the lead in Holocaust, the groundbreaking TV mini-series, and has 110 acting credits listed on IMDB. As an actor, she has always embraced her Jewish heritage and claims portraying Golda Meir as the greatest role of her career. Tovah, born Terri Sue, grew up in Scarsdale, N.Y. in the 1950s. Her father Sidney was a prominent NYC attorney and her mother Lily’s job was to dress well, maintain a beautiful home, and keep Sidney happy. She also insured Terri Sue and her older brother David always looked presentable and that they adhered to her strict rules. Lily is the star of this story. As well as her dedication to her acting career, Tovah spends much of her adult life seeking Lily’s approval and trying to improve their relationship. Tovah marries a wonderful Jewish man who is also a Harvard educated lawyer and they have two children. Lily’s prayers have been answered. When Sidney dies, Lily’s, true personality is finally revealed. Tovah has successfully lived a life in the spotlight without forgetting that being a beloved wife, mother, and daughter are the most important roles of her life.

Biyur Chametz Ceremony (burning of leaven) with CBS Clergy & Congregants 16


BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - June Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Talia Block Marla Kazan Fay Wasserman Paula Fohrman Becky Charous Frances Binder Diane Israel Rita Janowitz Susan Elbaum Rosalind Schwartz Rosalyn Mokhtarian Carol Abrahams Eva Footlik Gail Meyers Fern Netzky Fern King Marla Patzik Shirley Kessler Revelle Schachter Beverly Weisenberg Sheila Savitt Gabrielle Sanders Barbara Tatz Meryl Auslander Gdalina Novitsky Marjorie Maxwell Claudia Travis Lisa Orlov

1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 13

Lana Goldman Yuliya Kravtsov Risa Appelbaum Linda Weingart Jane Wein Donna Katz Geraldine Anderson Harriet Goldberg Rachel Birkner Jill Carter Simone Toubes Elyssa Siegel Ruth Baruch Helene Becker Carol Schnitzler Tammy Lew Eileen Sherman Suzanne Gilford Sandra Abrams Rachel Grossman Merle Fishman Nathan Linda Foster Leslie Berkowitz Lisa Rosengard Lawyer Laurie Shapiro Stephanie Roseman Sharon Yusim Karin Shapiro Lauri Shamis Ann Lessman Adrianne Varhula

Sue Drayer Jennifer Schwartz Beverly Binstein Lisa Ackerman Sally Evans Sandy Falkin Judy Sandack Lisa Gaffen Ann Matasar Sharon Lefkovitz Rose Goldberg Gina Silverman Melanie Arons Judi Steinberg Renee Cohen Jane Siedband Melissa Barany Judith Rowe Ilene Iglarsh

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Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)

Happy Anniversary - June Marc Glickman & Lisa Block Donald & Barbara Newman Wesley & Susan Nissen 35 yrs Howard & Judith Sandler Jeffrey Smoler & Helen Dym-Smoler Jerome & Gloria Sperber Charles & Faye Feinstein Bernard & Marlene Lipson Michael & Wendy Latash 20 yrs I. Steven & Carol Edelson 30 yrs Jeremy & Jenna Bauer Raymond & Tami Rokni Irving & Andrea Shainberg Jonathan & Rachel Laven David & Yuliya Kravtsov Charles & Cathy Schwartz 45 yrs Michael & Judith Balter Jacob & Ruth Baruch Bruce & Nancy Chudacoff Jordan & Alexandra Light Milton & Joan Blum 65 yrs William & Sherry Weinstein Gary & Sandra Abrams Joel & Susan Fink Jeffrey & Judith Graff Howard & Paula Serlin 60 yrs Michael & Donna Pekay 55 yrs David & Pauline Gimbel Jeff & Myndee Balkan Richard & Nancy Sher Andrew & Michelle Kaboff Bruce & Marla Massel William & Leslie Schloss 40 yrs Jeffrey & Hillary Cohen Stanley & Barbara Neimark Larry & Barbara Libauer David & Randi Starkston 35 yrs A. Jerald & Bonnie Rothenberg Ellis & Rebecca Sostrin 50 yrs

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61

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Phil & Katharine Levin Alan & Karen Hoffman Harold & Andrea Kessler Lawrence & Beth Levine 65 yrs Herbert & Shirley Roskin 60 yrs Stuart & Phyllis Simon Ronald & Shelly Betman Howard & Mindy Kaplan David & Barbara Menn Charles & Karen Schulman Irving & Shirley Fuld Donald & Marcy Grant Projansky Dan & Joyce Rabinowitz Steven & Susan Stoehr Mark & Susan Jesselson 45 yrs Jeffrey & Barbara Lerch 50 yrs Allen & Sharon Lefkovitz David & Leslie Abramson 40 yrs Marshall & Barbara Dickler Leonard & Rochelle Millman Steven & Lila Weiland Martin & Barbara Winn 55 yrs Ben & Jennifer Dolin David & Audrey LeCavalier Gerald & Renee Cohen Paul & Lorna Cohen Jeffrey & Bonnie Kramer Lawrence & Sandra Levin 35 yrs Bradley & Donna Sabin Ira & Eileen Rosenbaum Foster & Dana Elliott Brian & Lisa Ackerman Jeffrey & Carol Apfelbaum Myron & Marsha Glassenberg Steven & Karen Grad 30 yrs David & Cheryl Ginsburg Ronald & Sherry Rubinstein Joel & Sharon Schwartz Paul & Susan Eisenstadt

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Robert & Arona Boron Gary & Deborah Greenspan Robert & Marla Israel Maurice & Sheila Netter Mark & Michelle Schneider Hillary & Jeremy Elkins Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin Andrew & Mona Berman David & Susanna Hakimian H. Ari & Gitie Jaffe Steve & Heidi Reitman Herbert Lesnoy & Loly Farnos Dan & Beth Levin 15 yrs Howard & Eileen Bengelsdorf Michael & Karla Goldman Murry & Sandra Randell James & Deborah Hamilton Arthur & Annlee Herbstman Tommy & Helen Rifkin Marc & Judy Samotny Don & Marilyn Sneider Morris & Irene Kletzel 50 yrs Rick & Robin Dissen 45 yrs Steven & Sandy Sandler 45 yrs Kenneth & Joan Siegan Howard & Donna Fox 50 yrs Brian & Dana Millman Arie & Julie Degabli Marvin & Catheryn Rotstein Norman & Darlene Padnos David & Diana Freeman Leonard Gilbert & Abby Strauss Enric & Hilary Braun Jim & Francine Donenberg Dennis & Ellen Mink Joel & Lee Meyers Aaron & Lauren Bauer Richard & Susan Weiss

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MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61



Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:


MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61



Donna & Craig Yale are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Harper Bari Yale Marlene Silverman is happy to announce the birth of her great grandsons, Gabriel Lev Spencer and Elan Asher Silverman Marla & Ron Zelikow are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Meyer Zev Hergott Rivi & Scott Kurtz are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Lacey Olivia Kurtz Harriette Kurtz is happy to announce the birth of her great granddaughter, Lacey Olivia Kurtz Dr. Ira and Beth Fenton are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Yisrael “Sruly” Fenton Lauren & Todd Lustbader are happy to announce the engagement of their son, Matthew, to Eva Zenilman Lauren & Todd Lustbader are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Melanie, to Zack Pollack Laura & Ron Schoeneman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Jana Chloe Schoeneman Merle Fishman Nathan is happy to announce the birth of her granddaughter, Jana Chloe Schoeneman Dr. Len & Jean Kosova are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Raegan Reese Siegler Beth & Mike Gilford are happy to announce the engagement of their son, Seth, to Lilly Morgan The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To:

Roz & Bill Harris on the passing of their daughter, Cheryl L. Tarragano Susan Karlinsky on the passing of her mother, Gail Kalish Alan Birkner on the passing of his brother, Larry Charles Birkner Stacy Ybarra on the passing of her mother, Holly Joan Fox Rachel Pulner Grossman on the passing of her father, Warren Milton Pulner


CBS Memorial Plaques

In memory of your beloved mother, Gail Kalish. We mourn your loss. Marisol Guzman

If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.

In appreciation of the kind words and donations from my CBS “family” in memory of my mother, Gail Kalish. Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky

Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in one of our sacred memorial spaces at Congregation Beth Shalom. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited.

In memory of Alan Werth Andrew Poticha Jewish Child and Family Services has a partnership with CBS Dawn Levin, our Jewish Community Liaison at JCFS, is available to offer support, assistance and make connections for congregants experiencing challenges or looking for mental health or social service resources. For more information about services provided by the Jewish Child and Family Services or to contact Dawn email: or call 847.745.5450 or visit JCFS. org.


Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque. The following member has dedicated a memorial plaques in memory of their loved one. In memory of FRIEDA LEWIN DYM by Helen Dym Smoler


YAHRZEITS May 1-7 Barbara Bessinger Fannie Binder Mollie Cherney Anne Cohen Barry Edelman Maurice Engerman Herbert Forman Sol Ganellen Phil Harris Florrie Janus Eva Lew Alex Lewitz Anne Mermel Blossom Mutchnik Anna Neer Marcia Nussbaum James Pawlak Harry Proeh Myrtle Roskin Ruth Schaeffer Lanny Young Helen Ash Charles Berg Clara Blustein Doris Byk Benjamin Dubrow Beatrice Feinstein Esther Francis Hyman Gebel Doris Goldberg Esther Heller Edythe Horwitz Theresa B. Levine Leo Liberman Gertrude Novish Ernestine Perry Allen Rubnitz Stanley E. Samuels Rose C. Sideman Bessie Solomon Dorothy Sugerman Martin Saul Warshawsky Mimi Barr Bessie Berkowitz Barbara Sharon Doppelt Wilfred Greenberg Lillian Hass Marjory R. Kreda Mary Lezak Joan Schwade Ofelia Shaftal Lillian Spitzer Harry Abrams Molly Basofin Henry Budweg Susan Burstein George Ekstein Lee Elliott Rose Held Charles Immergluck Nathan Kirshenbaum Ruth Lieberman Lena Ofengender Fannie Rabinowitz Irene Slotky Morris Vodianoy Suzanne Wilensky Elsie Zeidman Meyer Cohen Kenneth Deutsch Belle Goldin Helen Handelsman Alice Katzenstein Joyce Leven Ethel Levy Jean Maxwell David Medansky Irving Rosenberg Jeanne Nadelman Weislander Samuel H. Block Harold Crafton Gertrude Dubin

Grace Vento Friend Benjamin Gruenberg Barry Horwitz Calvin Kramer Gillian Krieger Eugene Levin Rubin Levin Ben Mandel Ira David Sokol Mary Steinberg Burton Stern Kenneth Weiss Pearl Albin Iris Bloom Jeanne Goldberg Selma Hirsch Arthur Hoover Louis Iglarsh Ann Lewis Jodi Polikov Harry Ripes Reva Schoichet Raymond Schwartz Jerome Morton Shapiro Gertrude Sideman May 8-14 Dr. Sidney Aronoff Nathan Bloom Rose Carp Sol Dolin Idelle Feldman Hymond Getzberg Morris Gitlitz Florence Goldman Zelda Leff Lawrence Rosner Gertrude Ross Abe Boomey"" Sachs Lillian Kass Simels David Nathan Slosky Emanuel Wexler Rose Block Steven T. Blum Kathleen Jo Checker Shirley Kosova Cohen Louis Cooper Evelyn Fein Isadore Gentner Harry Kaplan Louis Karlinsky Nessie Kessler Bernard Kuzan Andrea B. Medin Nathan S. Rabens Bennett Shulman Gloria Shwachman Walter Vorona Florence Baruck Esther Fogelson Samuel Goldman Perle Heftman Pearl Iglarsh Carol Keller Larry Kohn Irwin F. Malman Eddie Miller Jack Schulman Betty Steiner Herbert Wulf Diana F. Barrish Fanny Bersofsky Sylvia Chasen Harriet Chensky Florence Cohen Lillian Cohen Faye Danzig Harry J. Dunn Miriam Horwitz Esther Kulick Ilene Leon Shirley Massel Leonard Silverman

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61

Sam Singer Lee Singer Beverly Sklar Dena Slotky Sol Zisook Sophie Binstein Marvin Boiko Marsha Bosley Jack Boyansky Miguel Castellano Helen Hunt Alan Hurwick Lillian Lew Aaron Schonfeld Rose Agrest Hinda Chabner Leah Dickler Florence Dredze Libby Dubofsky Ethel Glikman Arthur Lasser Shirley Sonenfeld Alice Weinstock Arlyne Wolfson Mamie Yusim Daniel Simon Behar Sophie Berenson Dr. Lloyd Stephen Brookstein Pearl Dobrin Irving Echt Saidee Goldberg Goldie Harris Morton P Kessler Rose Kessler Leon Orchow Hyman Trubitt Ronald Wolf May 15-21 Della Albert Max Bogolub Abraham Cotton Lillian Fischer Sara Garber Cecelia Goldstein Roy Kramer Esther Malka Levitan Jeanne Lupel Sidney Markovitz Harry Silberman Aaron Speaker Lillian Zuber Arthur Michael Bloom Victor Calamaro Isadore Ellis Lolita Garcia de Farnos Margaret Fisher Carole Joyce Katz Robert H. Klein Meyer Lezak Paul Oberlander William Schwartz Sylvia Wagmeister Dr. Harry G Zuber Letty Berman Alex Garden Rose Kleinberg Barry Konlon Harry Kraft Darlene Lasser Annabelle Lebovitz Morris Lutz Allen Pergricht Pauline Ellen Raney Charles “Chuck” Salinger Walter Schulman Louis Shane Rebecca Wolkin Zelermyer Jeffrey Baitman Bob Edison Dr. Michael E Goldman Janet Heifetz Alex Jacobson

Samuel Lurie Sara Markowitz Fern Maslov Lois Palkovitz Leonard Rosenfeld Sylvia Silberman Florence Snitovsky Sam Belenke David Berger Barbara Bessinger Steffi Fischer Ronne Fisher Albert Friedman Judy Lapping Phillip Rome Rubin Silberman Fannie Silverman Max Stone Kopel Warshavky Ann Crost Aaron Greenberg Raymond L Harris Max Hoffman Bessie Lewitz David Perlik Morris Shindler Michael Trachtenberg Dorothy Geller Trutt Arnold L. Weiner Jean Wolfson Norman Zoberman Henry Alexander Leah Bleeden Bob Fatoorachi Herbert Hefter Idelle Karsen Beatrice Korenthal Dr. Hillis N. Lurie William “Bill” Miller Sylvia Polay Chaim Saruk Henry Schneider Sarah Theobald Selma R. Vishny Murray Weinberg Clara Weiss Sidney Weiss

Lillian Bass Bessie Cohen Robert S. Dick Edna Harrison Paul D. Kagen Mignon Kaplan Louis Klein Alan Merkin Eilene S. Meyerhoff Margrit Reich Ernest Smolen Mickey Weiner Jeanne Burnstein Milton Festenstein Rhoda Hammer Milton Kane Sarah Kaplan Gail Kavka Joseph Koehler Isadore Metrick Halina “Holly” Rosenberg Anne Schulman Ethel Bubman Max Frank Queenie Havers Alan Ivan Kessie Rose Lehrfeld Selma Miller Maurice Mussman Bernard Schoeneman Aaron Singer Blanche Slav Marilyn Taksin Samuel Wenet Hannah Wenig Abner West Ronald Abrahams Jason Bellows Dr. Harry Bregar Evelyn Mages Gerald Harvey Pryweller Maurice Sabin Morris Sisser Frances Stern Jason Sylvan Rick Teper Rose Tipp

May 22-28 Sharon Adler Joseph Blum Aaron Gold Phillip Gore Harry A. Greenstein Lillian Harris Maurice Kopol Ruth Koslowsky Shirley Lasky Robert Edwin Less Celia Proeh Oscar Rothleder Rose Africk Violet “Iby” Braun Lottie Copeland Ludwig Freimark Fannie Krasnove Antoinette Linville Melvin Lippe Dr. Jacob Rosen Jerome Tamler Irwin Walzer David Baren David Berliner Lewis Bernstein Alan Brin Lionel Gomberg Lotte Gruen Siegmund Kahn Gloria Kramer Minnie Weiss Miller Max R. Raffeld Isidore Shulman Judge Martin C. Ashman

May 29-31 Marshall Gary Bobroff Miriam Schwartz Coyne Ben Hammerman Edith Rose Louis Shenk Rose Epstein Marshall Graff Harry Marcowitz James Paley Saul Pearl David Rosenmutter Miriam Rosenzweig Anne Bitran Norman Edelstein Harry Isadore Fraelick Albert Goldman Alice Musick Ruth Rapoport Sylvia Rosett Oscar Rudich Barbara Sak Abraham Jacob Shapiro Dorothy Shulman Erwin Waldman Jacob Weisman


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your 18 years at CBS and Hannah's Bat Mitzvah! Alan and Eileen Samlan Rabbi Aaron Melman, Elisa, and Family In honor of Hannah's Bat Mitzvah. Helene Becker, Burt and Sheila Benjamin, Maxine Burke, Sharon Cohen, Irving and Eva Gurin, Jonathan and Denise Handler, Ellen Lipshutz, Joyce Younes Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your commission in the Army National Guard. Drs. Alan and Susan Shapiro Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you. Thank you for your service. Deborah Elbaum and Barry Rubin Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your beautiful words during the CBS Men’s Club Shabbat Service. The Rogoff Family Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your weekly prayers. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of my 70th Birthday. I wouldn't have made it without your care and concern! Marcy Canel Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas. Deanne and Jeff Friedman, Kandye and Robby Martin, The Rosenmutter and Millman Families, Jane and Lenny Siedband Sunny Robin In honor of your granddaughter, Noa’s Bat Mitzvah. Sharon Hoffman Fred Fisher In honor of your 90th Birthday! Arlene and Ray Handler Marlene Silverman For the birth of Gabriel Lev and Elan Asher, your great grandsons. Mazel Tov on the newest additions to your growing family. May you shep much nachas from them. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of Matthew Nate. Mazel tov, mazel tov to you, the proud grandparents! May you shep nachas from your newest grandchild!! We hope that Ashley is doing well. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Allan Werth and Family In memory of of Alana Werth, beloved grandma, mom, wife, sister, and dear friend to our family. Michele, Skip, Jason, Scot and Marc Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. Arlene and Ray Handler Renee Benezra In memory of Max Benezra, your beloved husband and our dear friend. Bobbye and Jerry Friedman Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Beverly and Mel Dolin, Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy, Eva and Daniel Sideman In honor of Irving and Sonja Echt. Alan and Bettina Birkner For the yahrzeit of Dorothy Glazier. Jeffrey and Davida Arnold Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of you, for the beautiful service that you delivered at my brother's funeral. Thank you, again, for the compassion and skill that you displayed during these trying times. Bob Abel Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of all your support. Lily and Harry Zoberman Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of all of your help and support for our family during a very difficult time. The Siegel Family Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of my 70th Birthday. I wouldn't have made it without your care and concern! Marcy Canel Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of your grandson, Matthew Nate! Judy and Michael Balter, Daniel and Eva Sideman Donna and Craig Yale For the birth of Harper Bari. Mazel Tov! Kandye and Robby Martin Kim Shwachman In honor of being named 2021 JUF General Campaign Chair. Dr. Jerry and Estelle Agrest Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Batler. Carrie Rosenstein Mellie Wolfson and Family In memory of Larry, again with our sympathy. He was a great guy and we will miss him. All of us at Jerome Krause Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Rick Elliott, Cindy and Bob Marder, Debra Lynn Ross Buddy Kalish In memory of Gail Kalish. Marsha and Irwin Pearlman


Bill and Roz Harris In memory of your beloved daughter, Cheryl. Stuart Borg, Eva and Daniel Sideman Cindy Schwartz In memory of my beloved husband, Morton Stillman. May this help needy families. Sheila Stillman Caryn Siegel and Family In memory of Barry Siegel. Friends of the Siegel Family Bette and Maish Rosen In memory of your brother, Dr. Andrew Ageloff. Rick Elliott and Family Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In honor of my 70th Birthday. I wouldn't have made it without your care and concern! Marcy Canel Alan and Bettina Birkner In memory of Larry Charles Birkner, with deepest sympathy. Linda Gold Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Sue Lampert Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Jill and Glen Roter Mazel Tov on the future! Larry and Fern Roseman Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Dr. Jerry and Estelle Agrest, Maxine Burke, Helene and Tom Coorsh, Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Maureen Gold, Elliot and Sharon Goldman, Arlene and Ray Handler, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Edie Korman, Jill and Les Olefsky, Marla and Alan Patzik, Linda and Bernie Petchenik, Barbara Scott, Marlene Silverman, Stewart and Sheri Smason Allan Werth In memory of Alana Werth. We will always remember your beloved Alana with love. Maureen Gold In memory of my beloved father, Hyman Kopolavics, and my beloved brother, Jack Kopol. Jeanette Schusteff For the yahrzeit of Bernard Grad. Carol Grad Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund In honor of the birth of our grandson, Mason Bennett. Alan and Marla Patzik Emily and Benji Patzik For the birth of your son, Mason Bennett. Sharon Yusim Marla and Alan Patzik For the birth of your grandson, Mason Bennett. Selwyn and Janice Marcus, Sharon Yusim Shirley Patzik Samuels For the birth of your great grandson, Mason Bennett. Sharon Yusim Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Laurie B. and Ira Davis, Diana and Maury Lewis, Darlene and Norman Padnos Lily Zoberman In memory of Jonathan Field Shulman. Hope and Randy Samborn Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Deanne and Jeff Friedman, Harriette Kurtz, The Kurtz Family, Sue Lampert, Mark and Sharon Telpner Bud Kalish and Family In memory of your beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Gail. Dayle and Dennis Teven Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry Wolfson. Patrick and Anita Conlon, Marvin and Cindy Topel Bill and Roz Harris In memory of your beloved daughter, Cheryl L. Tarragano. Deanne Friedman and Family Allan Werth In memory of your beloved wife, Alana. Jill and Glen Roter Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your dear brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. We mourn your loss. Lesley and Rick Kessler Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Matt, Carrie, Carlie and Tera Feldman, The Robins Family

Gold Family Sabbath Fund Tali and Gary Spencer In honor of the birth of my great grandson, Gabriel Lev. Marlene Silverman Samantha and Yoni Silverman For the birth of my great grandson, Elan Asher. Marlene Silverman Jill and Glen Roter In honor of your brother, Merrick Garland’s confirmation for Attorney General. Arlene and Ray Handler Scott Rogoff In honor of receiving the Midwest Region Man of the Year Award! Linda and Bernie Petchenik Elliot Goldman In honor of your special Birthday! Linda and Bernie Petchenik Allan Werth In memory of Alana. Stewart and Sheri Smason Mr. and Mrs. Unterberger In memory of your son, Neal. My sincere condolences. Sue Gilford Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Robin and Rick Dissen, Carol and Ed Kaplan, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky, Hope and Randy Samborn Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Marla and Alan Patzik In honor of your new grandson, Mason Bennett. Enjoy! Fern and Mitchell King Fred Fisher In honor of your special Birthday. Judy and Michael Balter Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Judy and Michael Balter, Laurie B. and Ira Davis, Reva Gomberg, Fern and Mitchell King, Caron and Jack Knopoff, Ira and Iris Lerner, Elaine and Howard Michaels, Leslie and Scott Rogoff, Jill and Glen Roter, Laura and Lee Shulman Robin Dissen In memory of Norman Katanick. Caron and Jack Knopoff Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry Wolfson. We will mourn our early Yom Tov talks. Elaine and Howard Michaels Elaine In memory of your beloved husband, Mel. Iris Lerner Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Laura and Lee Shulman Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Carol Karton In honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov on a great job! Janet and Arnie Hoffman Sara and Richard In honor of your 55th Anniversary! Janet and Arnie Hoffman Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish.Janet and Arnie Hoffman, Teri and Jared Robins High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the Purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas. CBS Sisterhood Stacy Ybarra In memory of your mother, Holly Joan Fox. CBS Sisterhood Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. CBS Sisterhood Buddy Kalish and Family In memory of Gail Kalish, loving wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and friend extraordinaire to so many who will miss her "Hellos!" Lita and Marshall Weinstein Allan Werth In memory of my very dear friend, Alana Werth, with love. Ellen and Larry Grossman Joyce Benjoya In memory of Marvin Benjoya, your beloved husband and our dear friend. Bobbye and Jerry Friedman Lynda Orlean In memory of Ronald Orlean, your beloved husband and our dear friend. Bobbye and Jerry Friedman

CBS Youth Endowment In appreciation of the Rabbis, Cantor, and Bar Mitzvah Tutor at CBS. Thank you for your wonderful input into Max's Bar Mitzvah. We were very proud of him! Rocky and Julius Levin David Hakimian In honor of you. The Dolly Moline Family Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Arlene and Ray Handler


DONATIONS HUGS Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of HUGS. Deborah and Marvin Talsky Dr. Lee Shulman In appreciation of participating in our family’s simcha. Thank you. The Patzik Family Dr. Michael and Fran Grossman In memory of Jacob Grossman. Glenn and Margie Heyman Rachel, Alan and Talia Grossman In memory of your beloved son and brother, Jacob. Jill and Glen Roter and Family, Stewart and Sheri Smason Rachel, Alan and Talia Grossman In memory of your beloved father and grandfather, Warren Pulner. Eric and Marnie Bear, Jill and Glen Roter and Family Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. Caron and Jack Knopoff, Les and Jill Olefsky, Marla and Alan Patzik, Dr. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Teri and Jared Robins, Stewart and Sheri Smason Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Lisa and Harold Dembo, Diana and Maury Lewis, Bobbi Simkin Stacy Ybarra In memory of Holly Joan Fox. May her loving memory be a blessing to your family. Eric and Marnie Baer Bill and Roz Harris In memory of your cherished daughter, Cheryl Tarragano. Fern and Michael Ellison, Sue and Ed Nadler Allan Werth and Family In memory of your wife, mother and grandmother, Alana Werth. Les and Jill Olefsky Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Shirley Patzik Samuels For the birth of your great grandson, Mason Bennett. Arlene and Ray Handler Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of your grandson, Matthew Nate. Arlene and Ray Handler The Weil Family In honor of Eva Weil's Bat Mitzvah. Bubby and Zay Zay Kitterman The Sugar Family In memory of Janna Sugar. Debbie Brinkworth and Joe Muncer, Rob and Bunny Polovin, Becky and Ellis Sostrin Phyllis Sadoff In memory of your beloved sister, Susie Neff. Our deepest condolences for your loss. Alan and Eileen Samlan Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Iris and Steve Podolsky, Drs. Alan and Susan Shapiro Robin Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Michael Spak In memory of Your beloved wife, Marsha. We are so sorry for your loss. She was really lovely woman and when we were together, we enjoyed her company. Arlene and Ray Handler Debbie Kay In memory of Brandon. Remembering him on his Yahrzeit. Nessa Holzman and Family Marvin Rotstein In memory of Brandon. Remembering him on his Yahrzeit. Nessa Holzman and Family Shaynee Jankelovitz For the yahrzeit of David Jankelovitz. David and Bev Sugar For the yahrzeit of Shirley Sostrin. Becky and Ellis Sostrin Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of Matthew Nate. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Scott Bosley, Norman and Darlene Padnos Lily Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. Scott and Katie Bosley For the yahrzeit of Robert Sonenfeld. Scott and Katie Bosley Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Linda Gold, Howard and Jody Sigal Geri Freibrun and Family In memory of your husband, Richard Freibrum. Lana and Danny Zakon Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Dr. Michael and Fran Grossman In memory of Jacob Grossman, your beloved grandson. Sheila Handwerker

MAY 2021• VOLUME 91 ISSUE 61

Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund In honor of CBS Men’s Club President Steven Elisco, Men’s Club Board, and members for the incredibly special and meaningful CBS Men’s Club Shabbat Service and Annual Awards Presentation. The Rogoff Family David Hakimian In honor of you receiving the Kavod Award. Janet and Arnie Hoffman, Rabbi Stanley and Fran Kazan David Hakimian In honor of you. The Rokni Family Scott Rogoff In honor of you receiving the 2021 CBS Men's Club FJMC Midwest Region Man of the Year Award. Mazel Tov! Elliot and Sharon Goldman, Janet and Arnie Hoffman, Diana and Maury Lewis Gary Solomon In honor of being slated for Men’s Club House VP. Arlene and Ray Handler Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Laurie and Howard Jacob, Mitch and Sheri Padnos Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the yahrzeit of Sherwin Glazer. Scott and Susan Glazer For the yahrzeit of my beloved father, Sidney Grinker. Joan Berke For the yahrzeit of Edward Norman Loeb. Diane Lebovitz For the yahrzeit of Jacob Glikman. Helene Becker For the yahrzeit of Ethel Ruth Grinker. Joan Berke For the yahrzeits of Rachel Block, Shirley Krasner, and Judith Dworsky. Faye and Steven Krasner For the yahrzeits of Rose Elbom, Joseph Elbom, Jeffrey Kleifield, and the Yellow Candle. Debby Kleifield In honor of Yom HaShoah. Gregg and Rita Schneider In memory of Lillian Bentkover, on the occasion of her yahrzeit. Burton Bentkover In memory of my beloved father, Norman Marcus, on the occasion of his yahrzeit. Carol Abrahams In memory of my parents, Rose and Harry Aberman. Elyse Stern In memory of the 67th yahrzeit of my father, Maurice Berkelhamer. Rita Berkelhamer Janowitz Judith Nussbaum For the yahrzeit of Gerald S. Nussbaum. Beth Renee Nussbaum Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Please accept our sincere condolences on your loss. Michael and Judi Greenberg Alan and Betina Birkner In memory of Larry Birkner. Sandi Abel In appreciation of Daily Zoom minyan during my period of mourning. Stephen Orlinsky

Robin Dissen In memory of Norman Katanick. Jamie Berger Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Lisa Alter Krule, Leslie and Scott Rogoff For the yahrzeits of my beloved and forever missed father, Edward Saltzberg, and my grandfather, William Kaufman. Terry Saltzberg In honor of my grandmother, Rose Saltzberg's yahrzeit. Terry Saltzberg For the yahrzeits of my beloved parents, Dorothy E. and Louis J. Nurenberg. Pam and Mike Issen In memory of Ruth Dayan. May her memory be for a blessing. Linda Gold Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Cindy and Bob Marder In honor of Mason's Bar Mitzvah. Barbara Long Marcy Teitelbaum and Rick Shuman For the birth of your granddaughter, Hazel. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of your grandson, Matthew. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Jill Roter and Family In honor of Merrick's well-deserved appointment! Helene and Tom Coorsh Stacy Ybarra and Family In memory of your mother and grandmother, Holly Joan Fox. Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Edna Schrank Allan Werth In memory of your wife, Alana. Helene and Tom Coorsh, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Lily Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Shulman. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Mellie Wolfson In memory of your husband, Larry Wolfson. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Edna Schrank Robin Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Schrank. Janet and Arnie Hoffman, Stewart and Sheri Smason Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund David Hakimian In honor of you receiving the 2021 Kavod Award. Mazel Tov! Diana and Maury Lewis In memory of Thomas Binstein. Seymour and Beverly Binstein

Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Julie and Morgan Simon For the birth of Hazel Max. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Marcy Teitelbaum and Rick Shuman For the birth of Hazel Max. Robyn Elias and Family, Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Donna and Craig Yale For the birth of your granddaughter, Funds Harper Bari. Mazel Tov! Robyn Elias and Family Rabbi Melman, Cantor Stoehr, and Rabbi Ferratier In Annette Gettleman In honor of your Birthday. Happy appreciation of your compassion, effort, and support and for Birthday! Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum making CBS always feel like home!! Howard Katzenstein Karen Rish and Michael Belsky In honor of both of your Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of Mathew Nate. Ron birthdays - Happy Birthday! And get will soon, Michael! Bobbi Rabinowitz and Harvey Teitelbaum Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, Rabbi Aaron Melman, Elisa Rotman, and Family In grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Karen honor of Hannah’s Bat Mitzvah. Norma Rosen and Samuel Levin Rosenthal David Hakimian In honor of being the 2021 Kavod Award Recipient. Jill and Les Olefsky Rosengard Museum Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mort Becker In memory of your grandson. Robyn Rosengard In honor of you being named CBS Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Sisterhood Most Valued Volunteer. Leslie and Scott Rogoff Roberta Krolick and Family In memory of Marshall Krolick, Ellen Lipshutz In memory of Hal Lipshutz. Penny B Lamm Marla and Ron Zelikow In memory of Hal Lipshutz. Penny B beloved husband, father, grandfather. Sheldon and Beth Gaffen The Kraus Family In memory of Dianne Kraus, beloved wife, Lamm Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Beth and grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Ronna and Sheldon Gaffen and Family The Stern Family In memory of Norma Stern, beloved wife, Ron Heftman, Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Beth and Sheldon Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Gaffen and Family Fund Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Barb and Marlene Silverman In honor of the birth of your two new Michael Zaransky great grandsons. Rabbi Stanley and Fran Kazan Lily Zoberman and Family In memory of Jonathan Field Sandi Abel In memory of Ted Abel. Deepest sympathy to Shulman. Lisa Alter Krule and Michael Krule you and your family. We will always remember your dear Ted. In memory of the 26th yahrzeit of my mother, Maureen Gold Jeanette Belle Swislovsky Berkelhamer. Rita Berkelhamer Sandi Abel In memory of Ted Abel, our dear cousin. Ann, Janowitz Gideon, Michael and Lisa Ben-Horin Susan Karlinsky and Family In memory of your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Gail Kalish. Jane and Lenny Siedband, Sam and Becca Tatel


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Candle Lighting and Service Times (ALL SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19 AND ARE CURRENTLY BEING LIVE STREAMED) Saturday – May 1 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM

Friday Evening – May 7 (Candles 7:39 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – May 8 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Monday – May 17 (Candles 8:57 PM) SHAVUOT Festival Service Mincha/Ma’ariv

9:30 AM 7:45 PM

Tuesday – May 18 SHAVUOT Early Yizkor Festival Service with Yizkor

8:00 AM 9:30 AM

Friday – May 21 (Candles 7:53 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

Saturday – May 22 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Shabbat Yoga

Friday Evening – May 14 (Candles 7:46 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Friday – May 28 (Candles 7:59 PM) Shabbat Service

Saturday – May 15 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Study Minyan Bridges to Shabbat

Saturday – May 29 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM

Sunday – May 16 (Candles 7:48 PM) EREV SHAVUOT Ma’ariv/ Service to Welcome the Festival 7:45 PM Tikkun L’eyl Shavuot 8:30 PM

Daily Minyan* Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evenings Sunday Mornings

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM

*Please note – Evening Minyan on Sunday and Monday, May 16th and 17th, and Morning Minyan on Monday and Tuesday, May 17th and 18th, will be included in the Shavuot Festival services. Please reference the times listed.


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