Congregation Beth Shalom March, 2022 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Men’s Club ..................................................2 President’s Message ..................................3 Cantor’s Notes ..........................................4 Purim ............................................................5 Religious School/Youth/ B’nai Mitzvah ....................................... 6-7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming......... 8-9 Sisterhood .......................................... 10-11 Men’s Club ......................................... 12-13 CBS Happenings................................ 14-15 CBS Sisterhood ....................................... 16 Social Action ............................................ 17 Calendar ............................................. 18-19 CBS Happenings...................................... 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28

Head Rabbi ............................................ Aaron Melman Senior Cantor.........................................Steven Stoehr Rabbi ..................................................Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus ..........................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director ..............................Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education ............................ Stacy Ybarra Controller ............................................Susan Karlinsky President .....................................................Bob Spector Sisterhood President ....................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ................................................Paige Star Shalom Designer/Editor ............... Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.


ADAR II 5782 | MARCH 2022| VOLUME 99 ISSUE 69

RABBI FERRATIER’S FINDINGS Early March is a time of surprises. Will it still feel like the endless part of February, or will it tease us with the first hints of spring? Should we bundle up in our heavy coats and boots, or should we optimistically pull out our lighter-weight jackets? Rabbi Ferratier

It just so happens that it is the early part of a Hebrew month as well. Adar II begins on March 3. You might remember back around Labor Day, everyone wondered why the High Holidays were so early, and certainly none of us can forget that we lit Chanukah candles while we were still stuffed from Thanksgiving dinner. Whenever the holidays fall so “early,” it’s a pretty good indication that we’ll be going into a leap year on the Hebrew Calendar. On the secular calendar, the leap year is a single day, and mostly a source of humor. In the Hebrew calendar, it is an entire month, and we really feel its effects. When we have both Adar I and Adar II, we put off all of the commemorations which occur in Adar I until Adar II. That means if one had a birthday or a Yahrzeit on 5 Adar, this year, it occurs on 5 Adar II. Whereas Purim is normally celebrated on 14 Adar I, this year, it is on 14 Adar II. If Purim feels “late” this year, this is the reason why.

This delay seems like a perfect metaphor for the way in which many of us have been feeling. Two years into the pandemic world, it feels as though much of what we look forward to has been delayed. I can’t tell you how many people I know have postponed weddings, b’nai mitzvah celebrations, milestone birthdays and anniversaries, and vacations. It’s as though our joy has been put on hold, and the winter Omicron spikes seemed to push these things off even further. It's easy to feel discouraged, and even understandable. I think we’re all impatient, and are just ready for it all to be over. However, just like winter itself, it ends in its own time. It’s not something that we get to control. In this sense, we’ve all been stuck in Adar I, holding our breaths for Adar II. Just as with this leap year, even though the joy of our Purim celebrations is delayed by the calendar, we know it’s still coming. It’s almost here. We can taste it. We just need to hold out a little longer. Similarly, with the rest of our lives, we know that restrictions imposed by the latest surge of the virus will go away, but we are tired and impatient. However, we know it’s coming. Just as with Purim, the anticipation of our joy will make its arrival all the more sweet.

One side effect of having the holidays fall later in the spring is that winter seems a little longer. It feels like a long time since May the joy of Adar find all of us, so that we Chanukah, and usually, Purim is a bright spot can celebrate the end of winter, the coming to lighten up the endless part of winter. This of Purim, and the feeling that we can (both year, that bright spot feels delayed. literally and figuratively) breathe more easily.





Shalom Chaverim,

I hope you have stayed warm and healthy through the depths of winter. March is upon us, Spring is near, and we will soon be celebrating several joyous holidays characterized by heroism and the conquering of our fears. One of the joys of being the synagogue president is having the opportunity to meet, greet, and get to know our members on Shabbat mornings. I recently had a conversation with a member who shared with me a conversation she had with her grandmother who was well into her 90s. The Bar Mitzvah of her great grandson was approaching, and she was being urged to stay home because of the pandemic. Her response was precious and went something like this: What? I should stay home by myself while you all are at shul celebrating? If I get sick and die, it will be with my final memory being with my family in shul celebrating my great grandson’s Bar Mitzvah. This poignant story got me thinking, who is our enemy? Chris and I have unfortunately experienced the trifecta (all three of our kids) of one of a parent’s worst nightmares - a text message stating, “I’m in lockdown.” During Rachel’s freshman year at The Ohio State University, she was in a classroom when a crazed individual right outside was using a machete to attack students. She heard shots fired not realizing that security killed the perpetrator. This past December, Rebecca was in lockdown at the school where she teaches because two students were found with guns in their backpacks. Finally, over New Year’s weekend, Ari and Kayla (my son and daughter-in-law) were in the Mall of America in Minneapolis when a shooting occurred at a jewelry store within the mall and were in lockdown inside a restaurant there. Fortunately, my kids are fine, and I was probably more traumatized by these events than they were. Lockdowns, active shooters, school violence, synagogues under attack, hostage taking, political unrest, and maybe our greatest nemesis of all is an invisible killer. There is enough out there to keep us in a chronic state of high anxiety and fearfulness. My children’s unimaginable (unfortunately, now very imaginable) experiences and my unapologetic response of abject fear has had me wondering, who is my enemy? We live in a world that understandably promotes fear, but do I have to be ruled by, often to the point of feeling paralyzed by that fear? Our CBS member’s story of her grandmother offers us another perspective. Perhaps, when we reach 90 years old, we can be more pragmatic and conclude we have less to lose. It is harder to take calculated risks if we are hoping for many more decades of quality of life. I am hearing from congregants that with the recent synagogue attack in Colleyville, TX (a reminder of our vulnerability as Jews), combined with the recent surge in COVID, they are afraid to be in our building. While this saddens me, I completely understand. The world today is clearly impacting my overall heightened state of anxiety related to my family’s safety and well-being as well as my Congregation’s safety and well-being. I can live with anxiety but living in a chronic state of fear is becoming intolerable. The fear for our compromised health created by the pandemic may be the greatest assault on our spirit and mental well-being. I am working hard to not be ruled by that fear (some days are better than others). I am determined to have CBS be part of the solution for all of you as it has become for me. I believe there are ways to combat (or at least reduce the paralyzing effects of) our fears, and I am calling upon all of you to help. When you see me on Shabbat mornings share with me your victories so I can share them with everyone. I steadfastly believe in the power of our community and that the solutions are well within our grasps. Stay safe, and equally important stay hopeful! L’Shalom, Bob




Emunah Almansoori & Ari Lesser

Who doesn’t like a good party? Who wouldn’t be excited to receive an invitation to celebrate in a castle? Haman that’s who. The scheme for his party did not go as planned. How cool would it be to be told by your parent, teacher or boss that going to a party was mandated of you? Purim is such a day. It is a mandate by Jewish Law that you go to this party, that you have fun at the party and that you drink wine and dance at the party. And it is going to be such a extraordinary time that, it’s taught in our tradition that even after life as we know it comes to an end, in the Messianic times, we will be recalling and retelling the story and the details of why this party was so memorable. In the history of the Jewish People our survival has been at stake countless times. Because of our modest population count throughout the millennium, one might think we would’ve already diminished to the point of extinction. There were natural consequences of being a small tribe of people. There was also warfare and anti-Semitic attempts at exterminating our people. Times, such as the era during which Chanukah took place, there was an attempt at obliterating our spiritual peoplehood and forcing conversion to Hellenism. The Purim story is one of Haman’s attempts at our physical annihilation. He failed, we were saved and we party! This year we will be celebrating in a unique way. Of course we’ll retain the traditions of reading Megillat Esther. The other holiday traditions of sharing gifts of food with friends and gifting to the poor shall also be observed. But this year we will host two delightful people with remarkable talents and stories. Seen above are our guests, Ari Lesser and his wife, Emunah Almansoori. Ari is a singer, songwriter, rapper, and spoken word artist from Cleveland, Ohio. There are a lot of videos and articles written about his talent that you can find throughout the internet. He enjoys stepping into character and rapping on countless topics. For us he will be focusing on Purim and the story of Esther and Mordechai and Judaism, of course. He is even open to taking challenges from the audience for spontaneous rap. Emunah is a fascinating person: Born in Dubai and raised in Bahrain as a Muslim, she moved to America, met Ari and converted to Orthodox Judaism. Emunah often tells the story of her personal journey through cooking demonstrations, blending Muslim and Jewish favorites, but sadly COVID won’t let us have that much fun at this party. (see page 5 for all of our CBS Purim activities that include Ari Lesser and Emunah Almansoori) 4






Please join us for our

Kitah Aleph/Third Grade Siddur Ceremony

Friday, March 18th at 6:00 p.m. Congratulations to our students as they receive their own siddur and officially begin to study t’fillah. Daniella Aaron Hili Makno Rachel Becker Danielle Menn Henry Cohen Sloane Mokhtarian Lily Diamond Ava Offenbach Joaquin Escalante Ethan Sanders Palmer Friedman Emma Schwartz Ava Glassenberg Nora Schwartz Avery Goldwin Skylar Schwartz Alex Jeruchimowitz Sasha Toubes Meital LeVine Elise Weinstock Henry Light

Kitah Hey (5th Grade) Shabbat B’Yachad Please join us for services at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 1st as our Kitah Hey (5th Grade Class) leads services with our clergy.

LILY ZEFF Daughter of Tina & Stephen Zeff Sister of Ava Zeff Granddaughter of Lauren Wellner, Ronald Wellner of Blessed Memory, Elaine Zeff, David Zeff of Blessed Memory

LIVIA STERN Daughter of Danielle & Darrin Stern Sister of Joley Stern Granddaughter of Arlene & Leonard Brown, Wendy & David Stern


GAVIN SCHWALB Son of David & Shawna Schwalb Brother of Gaby Schwalb Grandson of Daniel & Nancy Gooze, Natan & Hannah Schwalb

JAROD GANZKOW * Son of Lisa Gaffen and Ben Ganzkow Brother of Reese Ganzkow Grandson of Beth & Sheldon Gaffen, Steve & Debby Ganzkow, Mikey Coy *Not pictured, rescheduled from January, 2022.







CBS University/Adult Ed Israel in Depth 3/20 The 4 (or 5) Tribes of Israel:

Former President Reuven Rivlin identified four modern-day "tribes" of Israel - secular, modern Orthodox, haredi, and Arab. Others add a fifth tribe - world Jewry. What can these classifications tell us about Israeli society and the religious, cultural, social, and economic identities of the nearly 10 million people who make up Israel?

4/3 Israel to the Rescue!:

Through a mix of government agencies and voluntary organizations, Israel extends emergency assistance to countries around the world at their times of greatest need, We'll get acquainted with the work of IsraAid, Mashav, and other entities that take seriously the goal of being a "light unto the nations."

Instructor: Carl Schrag Time: 10:00 – 11:00 AM Please consult the website to see if this class will be in person AND Zoom OR Zoom only. If you have questions, contact Lisa Orlov ( or Leann Blue (

Contemporary Issues in Jewish Law -- Part III ATTENTION ATTORNEYS! (Open to non-attorneys / members / non-members too!)

Description: This class will explore Jewish history and legal precedent through examination of specific topics including Genetic Testing, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Forgiveness, Delayed Justice, Laws of War and Personal Injury. MCLE approved for attorneys for 9 CLE credits including 2 for Professional Responsibility (Ethics). Instructor: Dates: Time: Location: Fee:

Rabbi Aaron Melman TUESDAY 4/26, MONDAY 5/2, TUESDAYS 5/10, 5/17, 5/24 and 5/31 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. At CBS and Via Zoom (Multi - Access) $50 for CBS members; $100 for non-members Questions? Contact Leann Blue (ext., 44) or Lisa Orlov (ext., 46) at 847-498-4100. Register at:



CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS New YACHAD Affinity Groups are continually being formed - which one would you like to join or lead? Browse our CBS YACHAD On The Move webpage. If the activity you enjoy isn't listed, let us know and we'll look for other CBS members who share your passion. Join so many other congregants who have made new friends, building relationships and community.

We look forward to continuing to build relationships and deepen connections within our CBS family! Membership Vice President, Sue Lampert (

CBS staff members Leann Blue ( and Lisa Orlov (



SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz

Sisterhood had a great February. Almost one hundred people joined us – in-person – for Sisterhood Shabbat! Despite masks and social distancing, it felt almost (dare I say it) normal. Of course, many more joined us online, but it was wonderful to see so many people back in the synagogue. It was the warm, special evening that we remember from pre-pandemic days. Roz Mokhtarian and Elissa Pelts did an amazing job of organizing the service and coordinating all of our participating members. I cannot thank them and Jody Sigal, our Sisterhood Education VP, enough. Of course, thank you to all of the women of Sisterhood who participated in the service. It was a special evening because of all of you.

Roberta Rosenthal Kwall spoke to us about her book, Remix Judaism: Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World via Zoom. She talked to us about developing a richer set of cultural Jewish norms in a remixed world. Thank you to Debbie Bell for all of her hard work on bringing us this event. Thank you to Ellen Grossman, Sara Weinstein and Andy Widen who organized our Jan Blum Memorial Game event. The members had a great time connecting while playing classic table games of Mah Jongg, Canasta and Bridge.

Some upcoming events: Celebrate Torah Fund’s 80th Anniversary at our Torah Fund Event featuring JTS Cantorial Student, Josh Ehrlich, on Sunday, March 6th. This event will take place via Zoom. More information follows in this Bulletin on page 16. On Thursday, March 10th, Edwards Florist of Northbrook will be at the synagogue to help us design floral arrangements for our Shabbat tables. This event is offered both in-person and via Zoom. If you wish to attend online, you will be able to pick up the flowers directly from Edwards Florist and participate from the comfort of your home. Believe it or not, it’s time for Sisterhood to start getting ready to bake for Passover Kiddushim, and we will need volunteers to help. Robin Bright has generously offered to help us lead the baking which will take place from Tuesday, March 29th through Thursday, March 31st. Please go to the flyer in this Bulletin (page 9) and use the link to sign up. We cannot wait to finally be able to have Passover Kiddushim in the synagogue again. Looking forward to seeing you at CBS Sisterhood events!

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~ SHOP WITH US WHEN YOU COME TO CELEBRATE PURIM 5782--MARCH 16, 2022—MEGILLAH MANIA HALLWAY OF GIFTS: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM “Spread the word” that the CBS Sisterhood Judaica Shop has moved to Square as our online shopping platform. The Square system enables you to directly select and pay for merchandise by credit card online without contacting us. We will then contact you to arrange for curbside pick up CBS. Simply use this address For additional information or to schedule an in-person appointment, contact our Co-Managers, Diana Lewis 847-903-6175, Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531 or Donna Fox 513-378-2491 or email Diana at 10






Dr. Andrew Wagner

The CBS Men’s Club is proud to announce our 2022 KAVOD AWARD Honoree.……

Lawrence LeVine!!! The Kavod Award is our most prestigious award. Since 1973, the honor acknowledges outstanding service to the Synagogue, to the Men’s Club and to the community. Lawrence has unselfishly given many years of his time and efforts to all three of these categories. Please join us on March 19th to honor Lawrence and his family at Men’s Club Shabbat. We wish Lawrence; his wife, Amy; his children, Meital and Noah; his parents, Harold and Jill; and Amy’s parents, Jill and Les Olefsky, a hearty Mazel Tov on this special honor. Although he needs no introduction, you can read Lawrence’s bio in the flyer on the second page of this bulletin. Depending on when you are reading this, you are either awaiting the delivery of your Lox Box or have enjoyed the Kosher goodness inside of it. As always, we thank the Beth Shalom community for their support of Lox Box 2022. Thanks to everyone on the Men’s Club Board who made phone calls to sell boxes, helped pack them on March 5 th, and delivered them on March 6th. It takes many hours and the entirety of the Men’s Club for this annual program to be so successful. Our upcoming activities include:

Sunday, March 6th: Lox Box Delivery (or pick-up). Saturday, March 19th: Men’s Club Shabbat (morning services) and presentation of Kavod Award. Sunday, March 20th: Israel in Depth. Topic: The 4 (or 5) Tribes of Israel. Thursday, March 31st - Sunday, April 3rd: FJMC Shabbaton & Retreat in Los Angeles. Wednesday, April 27th: Yom HaShoah. Light your Yellow Candle (more info next month) Sunday, May 22nd: Man and Youth of the Year dinner. Thursday, June 16th: Golf Outing and Installation Dinner.

     

Signup for all of our events at: We are so proud and thankful of the work that our men on the Executive Board have done this year. Since September, we have been challenged to put on events with more continued and changing obstacles. We have had events in the synagogue when it was safe and online events when it was time to be careful. With a busy March, April, and May coming up, we want to acknowledge and thank our Executive Board. Executive VP Bob Goldwin Programming VP Lawrence LeVine House VP Gary Solomon Ways and Means VP Don Pike Ritual VP Alan Wernick Membership VP David Sokolovsky Treasurer Howard Freidin Financial Secretary Jim Hamilton Recording Secretary Ron Rabinowitz Corresponding Secretary David Lasky

         

We could not have done our fantastic work without this group. Steve and Andy




Paige Star

UPDATE FROM THE CBS USY PRESIDENT Things at CBS have been going great! After spending a few weeks online and adjusting to new circumstances, we are happy to finally be back in the Gloss Youth Lounge. I love the feeling of walking into the Gloss every Thursday night knowing how happy everyone is to be together and the perfect break from the stress of school.

I continuously see the CBS USY Board working together for the common goal of creating a welcoming community for all members. We have done programs like hide and seek, reverse talent show, and panda tank. CBS USY continuously has weekly Thursday night programs in the youth lounge from 7:00-9:00 pm and every week I can see progress in attendance, participation, and spirit! I can't wait to continue this year and all it has to bring!

side the sandwich bags, fruit roll ups and coin wrappers for !












SOCIAL ACTION Tracy Safron Suggests

Good Deeds Day* Sunday, April 3rd Collections are now being accepted for our annual day of giving! Bernie’s Book Bin - needs children’s books for ages birth to 6th grade (no religious, text or reference books please) Sharsharet - provides kindness bags to women undergoing breast and ovarian cancer treatments. Items requested: travel size hand sanitizers, fuzzy socks, stress balls, adult activity books, and large canvas cosmetic pouches (7”x9”) Beanie Baby’s - local organizations are collecting these small toys to give comfort to children in crises situations

Please leave these items in the CBS foyer and look for more information about our upcoming day of Good Deeds! *an international day of service that was founded in Israel and now exists in over 100 countries MARCH 2022• VOLUME 99 ISSUE 69

Groundbreaking scientist Rosalind Franklin is the fascinating subject of Marie Benedict’s latest novel, Her Hidden Genius. Benedict writes about the often unknown but key women of the past and Rosalind Franklin makes a perfect subject. Central to this captivating plot is Franklin’s quest to solve the mystery of DNA. We meet Franklin in 1947 when she is 27 years old. She has moved from London to work at a lab in Paris and is enjoying all aspects of her life there, especially the comradery with her coworkers. A problematic romantic entanglement causes Franklin to leave her beloved Paris and return to London. Franklin works tirelessly at studying DNA as a Fellow at King’s College. Ultimately the double helix structure of DNA is revealed to her with perfect clarity. Franklin’s elation in her discovery is marred when she becomes embroiled in a backstabbing race for credit. She questions who she can trust with the details of her historic discovery. Benedict successfully injects warmth into Franklin’s sterile scientific world by delving into her relationships. Franklin was raised in London and is part of a wealthy Jewish family that devotes much of their free time to philanthropy. Franklin's father would prefer his daughter apply her energies to volunteering rather than solve one of the world's greatest scientific mysteries. Although Franklin struggles to fit in with her close-knit family, she conquers adversity that comes from being a brilliant female scientist in a man's world. Her Hidden Genius is an excellent novel because it educates and entertains. Thankfully, Benedict chose to reveal the brilliance of Rosalind Franklin to us all. Have you checked out our online library catalog? You can search for a title from one of our over 12,000 items on any internet based device. Just click here and then click on Congregation Beth Shalom and search through our books, DVDs and CDs. Once you find the item, call (847)498-4100 or email us ( We can put the item aside for you to pick up! 17

Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




CBS HAPPENINGS Havdalah at Home with the CBS Clergy

Join the CBS Clergy once again as they share Havdalah from their homes Via Facebook Live from the CBS Facebook page Saturdays: March 5 @ 6:25 pm

March 12 @ 6:30 pm CongregationBethShalomNB



BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - April Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Lorna Cohen Lori Heller Michelle Schneider Nancy Elliott Judith Kaplan Lynda Wallis Doris Kessler Yetta Goldman Julie Goldstein Laura Immergluck Sharlene Sherman-Heifetz Ami Handler Rachel McDowell Monica Birnbaum Sherri Fishman Shelley Stern Sheryl Blackman Gloria Weinberg Edith Schwab Joyce Katz Barbara Bosley Paula Resnick Joyce Poticha Deanne Friedman Laurie Rosner

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8

Leona Natenberg Beth Gilford Marla Peckler Elaine Axelrod Harriette Leibovitz Eileen Samlan Gloria Snite Audrey LeCavalier Diana Bentkover Catheryn Rotstein Diane Levy Susan Schwartz Julie Snyder Hillary Elkins Melissa Lerner Elaine Michaels Karin Nussbaum Ellen Roth Diane Lebovitz Debra Zide Amy Weinstein Laurie Silverman Dayle Meliker Carly Walder Ellen Mink Carrie Rosenstein Rachel Dunn Jill Lake

9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 20 20 21 22

Sherry Weinstein Daphne Frank Anita Gordon Lauren Lustbader Bonnie Weisman Shauna Pissetzky Andrea Grouper Helen Brown Miriam Pike Mona Weiss Marlene Kerstein Carly Sear Barbara Kurnick Lynda Rose Jamie Menn Suzanne Goldberg Susan Field Paula Goldsand Marla Silverman

23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 30 30 30

Happy Anniversary - April Geoffrey & Claudy Thompson 1 Jennifer & Christopher Ryan 10 yrs 1 Leann & Michael Blue 1 Elliot & Sharon Goldman 3 Ronald & Ronna Heftman 4 Joel & Amy Taub 4 Jonathan & Rhonda Simons 4 Michael & Gail Fink 20 yrs 6 Mitchell & Karin Shapiro 6 Neal & Stacey Schneider 8 Stephen & Tina Zeff 8 Michael & Ruth Hudak 9 Paul & Laura Lapping 9 Robert & Kandye Martin 9 Alan & Ilene Shapiro 50 yrs 9 Alan & Rhoda Maslov 9 Robert & Pepi Barr 12 Harold & Susan Schwartz 14 Judy & Shelly Sandack 14 Steven & Monyca Flack 14 Howard & Susan Herman 16 Denise & David Eisenberg 16 Michael & Lori Glen 16 Abby & Eli Cooper 17 MARCH 2022• VOLUME 99 ISSUE 69

Brittany & Robert Schwartz Bill & Judy Goldman Diana & Maury Lewis Scott & Meryl Weis Burt & Becky Ofsaiof 60 yrs Rob & Janet Footlik Matthew & Rada Burdeen Ephraim & Gloria Knopoff Michael & Susan Cohen Evan & Lisa Oblonsky

18 20 21 21 22 22 24 29 29 30

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Hillary & Jeremy Elkins are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Audrey Jean Elkins. Marjorie & Bret Maxwell are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Audrey Jean Elkins. Ann & Steve Lessman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Joelle Marguerite Lessman. The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Jean Kosova on the passing of her husband, Dr. Leonard A. Kosova MD. Norma Rosen on the passing of her sister, Eileen D. Berger. Dr. Neil Levin on the passing of his wife, Shari Levin. Matthew Goldberg on the passing of his father, Manny Goldberg. Adam Scholl on the passing of his father, Arnold N. “Arnie” Scholl. Cece Shapiro on the passing of her husband, Marvin Kalvin Shapiro. Jerry Shapiro on the passing of his father, Marvin Kalvin Shapiro. Lynda Wallis on the passing of her father, Marvin Kalvin Shapiro. Ellen Scholl on the passing of her father, Marvin Kalvin Shapiro.

CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque.

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU If you or a loved one are ill, injured, or facing surgery, please let our clergy know so we can listen, visit, or care for you in the way that you need. Please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, so that we can confidentially respond to you and be here for you.

MI SHEBEIRACH LIST If you would like a name read on the Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, This name will stay on the list for three weeks. Please contact us again if you would like the name to remain on the list beyond that time.

The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones. In memory of WILLIAM SCHWARTZ by Bret Maxwell In memory of NORMAN KATANICK by Robin & Rick Dissen

Death of Esteemed Members:

Dr. Leonard A. Kosova MD Shari Levin Marvin Kalvin Shapiro

In memory of JACK DISSEN by Robin & Rick Dissen In memory of SANDRA RAE COHEN by Larry D. Cohen 22


YAHRZEITS March 1-4 Violet Besser Joseph Evans Bernard Greenberg Sylvia Greenberg Morrie Hoffman Sam Kwalwaser Jeanne Lipsky Werner Neumann Chava Rabinowitz Teddy Singer Scott Sternfield Melvin Berkowitz Larry Charles Birkner Fannie Drower Helen Glazer Ethel Ruth Grinker Marlene Weil Leonard Zarovsky Benjamin Bloom Audrey Dann Sheldon Edelson Carole Beth Marcus Rabbi Sander J. Mussman Sylvia Orenstein Nina Ross Sorel Ansell Leslie “Les” Cohen Maureen Forman Florence Gotkin Ira Korman Meyer Linkow Judy Rosenthal Howard Weisman March 5-11 Dora Fein Joseph Freedman Belle Rappin Samuel H. Friedman Estelle Gottlieb Marvin Hoffman Belle Jacobs Samuel Maslov Fred Saruk Rosalie Spitzner Helen Chodash Steinfeld Rose Feinberg Morris Hauser Selig D. Lesnoy Roslyn Martin Edith Weiland Silberg Pearl Sterling Bertha Unger David Bernstein Mary Block Norman Faber Herbert Kreiter Albert Labow Harry Pestine Edward Wishnoff Ernest Jacob Karen Meyers Elizabeth Nathan Edward Zelner Joseph L. Ashman Bernard Binder


David Edelman Aaron Elisco Albert J. Kessler Susan Lasky Calvin E. Leibovitz Tillie Lerner Leonard Lobell Gus Stein March 12-18 Michael Bruce Fox Charles Gotkin Helen Roseman Charles Buddy Altman Clara Feldman Hyman A. Kaplan Ida Neiditch Rose Meltzer Durbin Ruth Goldberg Abe Israel Max Lesnoy Albert Varon Dave Wolinsky Joseph Berman Howard Orleans Milton Rohde Howard Friedman Shirley Ganellen Morris Gurvitz Harold Mermel Barbara Pinsker Anne Smith Howard Alterson Jeanette Berman Sidney Sideman Tillie Welnak Anne Hammerman Estelle Perlman Brandon Rotstein Harold Schneider March 19-25 Jack Dawson Florence Handler Julius Kaplan Adolph Pawlan Donald Richman Ruth Savitsky Martin Simon Fanny Weinstein Leonard Weinstein Hattie Fox Suzanne Mirelman Frieda Brin Claire Dankner Jaffe Mary Rosen Bertha Rosenbaum Mildred “Mitzi” Schlossberg Shirley Stolberg Kenneth Braude Arnold Dobkin Fannie Fischer Anne Gold Pearl Goldstein Mura “Mori” Kantarovich Sidney Laskin Maxeen Linderman

Sam Sak Edith Weiss Dorothy Abrams Samuel Ersler Arthur Greenbaum Sylvia Ruth Marks Janet Kahn Novin Sheldon Baitman Morris Cohen Seymour Grey Judith Lynn Orenstein Samuel Rubenstein Ida Small Ruth Wershkoff Rachel Wilets Sol Ebner George Goldman Pauline Kornblath Burton Verson March 26-31 Solomon Blum Harry Cooper Max Cwibel Ethel Grant Rose F. Klotzer Dorothy Lepp Joel E. Shellist Nettie Takiff Ted Zide Arthur Barsky Bernard Lifschitz Joaquin Jose Farnos Sylvia Footlik Mae Gershon Lenard Levy Dr. Helayne Merkin Jack Zelkowitz Agnes Berman Leonard Genender Alvin Lawrence Gitlitz Paul Mermel Mary Stoken Nathan Warshawsky Bessie Knopoff Harry Miller Goldie Belenke Avraham Ben-Dov William Elfman Joseph Fox Martin Anthony Gess Judy Kirsch Reva Messer


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of becoming a Chaplain of United States Army, Illinois National Guard. Linda and Maureen Gold, Mitzie and Stewart Herman Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of Jenna Kamensky's Bat Mitzvah. Debbie and Rob Kamensky Revelle Schachter In memory of your beloved husband, father and Saba, Henry Schachter. Our deepest condolences are with you. Aileen and Steve Simons Jean Kosova In memory of Leonard Kosova. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Renee and Jerry Cohen Drs. Laura and Steve Zaacks In memory of Dr. Richard Shermer, your beloved father. Our heartfelt condolences on the passing of your father. May his memory be for a blessing. We wish you and your family comfort in this most difficult time. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos, Joan and Jerry Schwimmer Adam and Ellen Scholl In memory of your father, Arnold Scholl. Laurie and Joel Shapiro Joyce Black and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father and grandfather Dennis. Roberta and Norm Friedman Dr. Carl and Paula Resnick In memory of Alvin Resnick. Shelly and Karen Dubofsky Amy and Michael Brown and Family In memory of Muriel Brown, proud mother, grandmother and great grandmother. The Ander Family For the yahrzeits of Seymour Milstein and Ruth Miltein. Allan Werth Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr For a speedy recovery on your recent surgery. Amy Bahcall, Larry and Paula Cohen, Donna Fox, Daniel, Karen and Ava Glassenberg, Linda and Maureen Gold, Judi and Michael Greenberg, Zelda Korol, Barbara Long, Bob and Cindy Marder, Darlene and Norman Padnos and Family, Barry Rubin, Randy Samborn, Marsha, Myron, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of Jenna Kamensky's Bat Mitzvah. Debbie and Rob Kamensky Barbara Chotiner In honor of Taylor Gichner's Bat Mitzvah. Kenneth and Ann Genender Jamie Tessier In honor of passing your exam. Irwin and Marsha Pearlman Dr. Michael Pearlman In honor of your new job. Mazel Tov! Irwin and Marsha Pearlman Becky Sostrin In memory of Ellis Sostrin. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Scott and Susie Field In memory of Norman Field. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Anna Risman In memory of Roza Risman. Linda Gold Drs. Laura and Stephen Zaacks In memory of your father, Dr. Richard Shermer. Stuart Borg, The Rokni Family Jean Kosova and Family In memory of Leonard Kosova. Arlene and Ray Handler Elaine and Howard Michaels In memory of Lisa Rae Digati. Arlene and Ray Handler Melanie Shaftal In memory of Harold Turner. Glenn and Donna Garfinkel Marc Schwartz In memory of Rita Schwartz. Glenn and Donna Garfinkel For the yahrzeits of Max Werth, Ruth Werth, Martin Prager Allan Werth


Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Joaquin A. Farnos. May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Loly Farnos Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Jean Kosova In memory of Leonard Kosova. Les and Jill Olefsky, Larry and Fern Roseman Dr. Neil Levin and Family In memory of Shari Levin. Deby and Michael Eisenberg In memory of Janice Horwitz, Harold Horwitz, and Baruch Berman. Lorraine Horwitz Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the CBS Clergy for assistance with Taylor's Bat Mitzvah. Eric and Jackie Gichner Ila Freidin In honor of your grandson Brian's recent marriage. Leonard and Phyllis Mason David Mason For the birth of your granddaughter, Avery Bail. Shirley Patzik Samuels Leonard and Phyllis Mason For the birth of your great granddaughter, Avery Bail. Shirley Patzik Samuels Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Leonard A. Kosova MD, a friend, a former long-term active Board Member, and a devoted leader in the building of this Congregation. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Jerome and Alyce Stanton In memory of Robert Roberman. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Gail Roberman and Family In memory of your husband and father, Robert Roberman. Shirley Patzik Samuels Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Phyllis and Leonard Mason For the birth of your great granddaughter. Iris and Ira Lerner Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Leonard Kosova. Susan and Peter Brown, Arlene and Ray Handler, Mark and Sharon Telpner Marc and Terri Schwartz and Family In memory of Rita Schwartz. Cece and Arlen Lasinsky Steve and Sheryl Rose In memory of your dear brother-in-law, Jerry Moss. Mitzie and Stewart Herman Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Patti Caplan In memory of Alan Caplan. Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum Gold Family Sabbath Fund Jean Kosova and Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Len Kosova. May his memory be a blessing. Michele Cohen, Fred and Fran Hakimian, Tami and Ray Rokni, Hope and Randy Samborn, Debbie and Gary Solomon Dr. Laura Zaacks In memory of your father, Dr. Richard Shermer. Lewis and Linda Cohen Elaine Michaels In memory of your daughter, Lisa Rae Digati. Jack and Caron Knopoff Alyce and Jerry Stanton In memory of your son-in-law, Robert Roberman. Bernie and Linda Petchenik Dr. Neil Levin and Family In memory of Shari Levin. We mourn the loss of your loving wife and wonderful mother. Bill and Leslie Schloss

Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Leonard A. Kosova. Maxine Burke, Dr. Lee and Laura Shulman Marc and Terri Schwartz In memory of Rita Schwartz. Judy and Michael Balter Elaine and Howard Michaels In memory of your daughter Lisa. The Rokni Family Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Dr. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz In memory of your brother in law, Abraham Amith. Arnie and Janet Hoffman Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Leonard A. Kosova. Arnie and Janet Hoffman Alyce and Jerry Stanton In memory of your son-in-law, Robert Roberman. Arnie and Janet Hoffman HUGS Fund Jean Kosova In memory of Leonard Kosova, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Laurie and Bruce Kaden, Diana and Maury Lewis Kimberly Denny In memory of Bonni Faith Toth. Bentkover and Brauer Families Neil, Lauren, Adam, Erin, Brian, Seth and Courtney and Families In memory of your beloved Shari Levin, may her memory be a blessing to all who knew her. We send our most sincere condolences. David and Andy Reich and Family, Michelle and Mark Schneider and Family Staci Studnitzer and Family In memory of your dad, Henry Schachter. Sending love and strength during this difficult time. Liz and Seth Erlich Marc and Terri Schwartz In memory of your mom, Rita. Marti Sinton Alyce and Jerry Stanton In memory of Robert Roberman. Marti Sinton Elaine and Howard Michaels In memory of Lisa. Marti Sinton Nancy Bentkover and Family For the yahrzeit of Dr. Stuart Bentkover Brother Burt and Family Gail Richardson and Family For the yahrzeit of Dr. Jacob Cohen. Burton Bentkover Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Carol Singer In honor of Carol Singer, who is a special person celebrating a special birthday. Happy Birthday! Bev and Dave Sugar Bev, Dave, Ben and Jordan Sugar In memory of Janna, on her 46th birthday and everyday. With love and thoughts of Janna and your family. Debbie Brinkworth and Joe Muncer, Jill and Brian Groark, Helene Hutensky, Marcie Weiss, Barb and Joe Wolke, Sheryl Weissman Helene Hutensky In memory of Janna Sugar's Uncle Martin Hutensky. Ruth Sugar Ault Melany and Max Shaftal In memory of your father Harold Turner. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Adrienne and Ira Holtzman In honor of your newest granddaughter, Maya. With Love. Sheryl Weissman Marc and Terri Schwartz and Family In memory of your mother, Rita. Becky Sostrin, Barb and Joe Wolke Sandy Mandell In memory of your husband, Howard Mandell. Rebecca Sostrin Jean Kosova In memory of Len Kosova. Iris and Steve Podolsky Anna Risman In memory of Roza Risman. Michael and Frieda Ginzburg

Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Ellen and Larry Grossman In honor of your 45th Anniversary, Mazel Tov! Linda and Eli Frank and Amy, Jonathan, Mirah and Rivah Ansfield


DONATIONS Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Melany and Max Shaftal In memory of your loving father. May he rest in peace. Sue Gilford In memory of my husband and my father. Roberta Fink Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Cheryl Braude, Maria Catezone, Eduardo Chavez, Jean Ferratier, Michael Garlin, Ellen Grossman, Suzy Hakimian, Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky, Jill and Glen Roter, Jody and Howard Sigal, Bob Spector, Jackie Zelkowitz In appreciation of all the help provided in celebrating Hannah and Brian's wedding, especially the cooking and serving at the Aufruf Kiddush. Howard Freidin and Debbie Stern In appreciation of Mishebeirach prayers. Rita Janowitz In memory of my dad. Karen Somers Lori Komisar and Family In memory of Baruch "Barry" Freedberg, beloved uncle and great-uncle. Sue and Shelly Karlinsky

For the yahrzeit of my much loved sister, Ellen Finn. Sheila Ander For the yahrzeit of Betty Loeb. Diane Lebovitz For the yahrzeit of Aaron Kawer. Joan Kawer For the yahrzeit of Sam Bubman. David and Faye Ziegler For the yahrzeit of my husband, Jerome Yale. Eleanor Yale For the yahrzeit of my mom, Corinne Wolf. Marcy Canel For the yahrzeit of Ruth Baker. Ira and Eileen Rosenbaum For the yahrzeit of Alana Werth, beloved wife, mother, and Nana. Allan Werth, Brian, Lindsay, Adam and Barri For the yahrzeit of Harriet Schupack, beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Diana Lewis For the yahrzeit of our father, Bernard J. Steinberg. Mitzie and Stewart HermanI For the yahrzeit of Miriam Samborn. Randy Samborn In memory of our beloved father, William "Velvel" Handler. Raymond and Arlene Handler In memory of Sylvia Steinfeld. Loving mother and grandmother. Robyn, Adam, Ryan and Jacob Elias

Len Dwares In memory of Rachel Dwares Shanfeldt. Arlyne Goldberg Adam and Ellen Scholl In memory of Arnie Scholl. We are so very sad for your loss. Wishing you strength and comfort. May his memory be for a blessing. Devra and Gregg Shutan and Family Donna Fox and Family In memory of Howard "Irv" Fox. With deepest sympathy. May beautiful memories be a source of comfort and bring peace. Linda and Maureen Gold Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Len Kosova, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Sue and Shelly Karlinsky

Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund The Perallis Family In honor of your grandchild, Stanley. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Yetta Saltzman For the birth of your great grandchild, Mitchel. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard Covey In honor of the birth of your great grandchild, Hizqiya Ishaq Covey. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund In memory of our beloved Steven Teitelbaum. Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Leonard A. Kosova. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum With deepest sympathy. May you be comforted with Jerome and Alyce Stanton In memory of Robert cherished memories and find peace. Linda Gold Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Roberman. Elliot and Sharon Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Rabushka In memory of your father, Scholarship Funds The Blanner Family In memory of Marsha Blanner. Sanford. Lisa and Dr. Evan Oblonsky Dr. Neil Levin and Family We send our deepest Cousins Lois and Harvey condolences on the loss of Shari. May her memory be Elaine and Howard Michaels In memory of Lisa. Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund a blessing!! Sara and Jay Olshansky Elliot and Sharon Goldman Barbara Kurnick In memory of your beloved Richard David Sevin and Family In memory of your beloved Scott "Richie" Kurnick, loving father of Jeffrey, son of Prayer Book Fund Esther. Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Barbara and the late Lester, brother, uncle, and friend Shelly and Karen Dubofsky In memory of your Michael Brown In memory of your beloved mother. of many. Judith Appelbaum, Marcy Canel, Elliott and beloved sister, Lorraine Dubofsky Robin and Lee Eisenberg Sharon Goldman, Lynn Lewin, David Mason, Leonard and Omens-Haynes. The Fink and Resnick Families Donna Fox In memory of Irv Fox. Our thoughts and Phyllis Mason, Burt and Becky Ofsaiof, Sabra Pitler, Diana prayers are with you at this time. Ronald and Barbara Lee Rothbart, Adrianne Varhula Rosengard Museum Fund Schwartz and Jeff and Nicole Kathy Krohn In memory of Rich Kurnick. With very Roberta Shanin In memory of Jeffery Shanin. Beloved The Palastrant Family In memory of Bill, beloved fond memories of wonderful Rich. Susie Cassidy and husband, father, and PAPA. Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and husband, father and grandfather. Thelma Blonder Family and Peaches Family Wendy Corman and Family In memory of your Judy Appelbaum In memory of your beloved son, beloved mother. Thelma Blonder Phillip. Barbara Kurnick Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund In memory of Esther Bolon. Samuel Levin Fran Brookstein In memory of my dear The Samuels Family In memory of Sharon Samuels. In memory of Dora Narteb. Samuel Levin mother-in-law, Flo Brookstein. Fran Brookstein Sam and Becca Tatel In memory of Joseph Arbetter and Oliver Steven and Howard Oster In memory of Mel In memory of Henry Schachter. Dr. Rachel and Steiner. Brian Arbetter Oster. Fred Forman Jonathan Laven Donna Fox, Jennifer Schwartz, and Family In Jean Kosova In memory of Len Kosova. Dr. Michael Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community memory of your beloved husband, father, and and Judi Greenberg Memorial Fund grandfather, Irv Fox. May his memory be a blessing. Harold and Anita Kosova In memory of your Jean Kosova In memory of Dr. Leonard Kosava. Barb Robert and Linda Lipschultz, Edna Schrank beloved brother, Leonard Kosova. Allan Werth and Michael Zaransky Dr. Neil Levin and Family In memory of Shari. A Dr. Laura Zaacks In memory of Dr. Richard beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Dayle and Shermer. Rick Elliott and Barbara Berman Dennis Teven Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Fund Ann and Steve Lessman In honor of your three Dr. Carl Resnick In memory of your brother, Al newest grandchildren. Mazel Tov! Edna Schrank Resnick. Reva Gomberg Ann and Steve Lessman For the birth of Rory Ann and Steve Lessman For the birth of your Leyser. Amy, Lawrence, Meital and Noah LeVine grandson, Rory Leyser. Reva Gomberg Ann and Steve Lessman In honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Phoebe. Leslie and Scott Rogoff Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Debbie Stern and Howard Freidin In honor of the Diana and Maury Lewis and Family For the birth marriage of Brian Freidin and Hannah Alpert. Cece and of your granddaughter, Harriet Eve. Mazel Tov and Arlen Lasinsky happiness always! Linda and Maureen Gold Ann and Steve Lessman In honor of the birth of Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund your grandson, Rory. Michael and Carol Schnitzler For the yahrzeit of Ruth Ritt. Anne Solar Jean Kosova and Family In memory of Leonard For the yahrzeit of Eugene Solar. Anne Solar Kosova, beloved husband and father. May his memory For the yahrzeit of Gertrude Berson. Herb and be a blessing. Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Edna Schrank Joyce Root





3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062

Permit 144 Northbrook, IL


Candle Lighting and Service Times (All SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19 AND ARE LIVE STREAMED) Friday – March 4 (Candles 5:27 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Friday – March 25 (Candles 6:51 PM) Shabbat Service

Saturday – March 5 Shabbat Service Havdalah at Home

Saturday – March 26 Shabbat Service Study Minyan

9:30 AM 6:25 PM

Friday Evening – March 11 (Candles 5:35 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – March 12 Shabbat Service

9:30 AM

Friday Evening – March 18 (Candles 6:43 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM 3rd Grade Siddur Ceremony 6:00 PM Saturday – March 19 Shabbat Service

9:30 AM

6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM

Daily Minyan (in-person, Live Streaming and via Zoom) Monday - Friday Mornings 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:45 PM Sunday Mornings 8:45 AM

Mincha will take place at the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:00 PM.


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