Congregation Beth Shalom June/July, 2022 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Staff ...................................................... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Executive Director’s Editorial ................ 4 Religious School ..................................... 5-6 B’nai Mitzvah/Youth .............................. 7-8 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ............ 9 Sisterhood .......................................... 10-11 Men’s Club ......................................... 12-14 CBS Happenings ..................................... 15 Candle Lighting & Service Times .. 16-17 Birthdays and Anniversaries .......... 18-19 Calendar ............................................. 20-21 Milestones ................................................ 22 CBS Happenings ..................................... 23 Yahrzeits ............................................. 24-25 See What’s Happening @ CBS ..... 26-27 Donations ........................................... 28-29 Ads ....................................................... 30-31 CBS Online Calendar ............................ 32

Head Rabbi ......................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi ............................................... Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director ............................Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ................................................. Bob Spector Sisterhood President ..................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ............................................. Paige Star Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES Last year at this time I wondered how we were able to accomplish so much after living through a year and a half of a pandemic. I don’t think any of us could have contemplated that after another year had gone by, we would still be managing our way through and around COVID-19. We have begun to learn to live life with this virus and all of its mutations. Many have tried to return to life as normal, while others remain cautious and proceed very carefully as they venture out into the world. The most important thing for me to share with you is that Congregation Beth Shalom is open and has been for the majority of the last two years. We are somewhat shocked when people are surprised that we continue to operate as normal (or as best as we can with adaptations). Our services have never stopped, our programming has continued, classes have taken place, we have learned from a wide array of speakers, and we have continued to make a difference in the world for those less fortunate. This past year we welcomed people back into the building for High Holiday services. Pesach kiddushim and Shabbat kiddushim have been greatly celebrated. We celebrated with 40 B’nai Mitzvah families, 16 aufrufs, and new people reading Torah for the very first time. Our Men’s Club delivered 1465 Lox Boxes including 798 boxes to The ARK, Rabbi Melman

CJE, and local fire and police stations. Our Sisterhood has 574 members and 31 vendors were on display at the return of the Holiday Boutique. CBS offered 17 different Adult Education classes with classes taught by 12 different instructors and well over 300 individual learners. We helped people prepare for Chanukah by distributing items to make latkes, and many other holiday preparation items. I could not be more proud of how our congregation has adapted in ways that we could never have imagined over two years ago. And we won’t stop here! If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, it is that we need to be flexible and adaptable, two important words I learned as a camp counselor 30 years ago. Those two words have never been more important than right now. Doing our best to accommodate the needs of our congregants is, and should be, what we are all about. Understandably, we have lost a little sense of the family feeling here, as we were not able to gather together the way we would have liked, for a period of time. It’s time to recapture the feeling of the Beth Shalom Family. Godwilling, people will continue to feel comfortable joining us for all that we offer. We are not going anywhere and we will continue to be here for all of your needs. Have a safe and healthy summer.





Shalom Chaverim,

Chag Sameach as we celebrate Shavuot this month of Sivan 5782. I can’t believe that summer is almost upon us and that my first year as your President is almost completed. I will reflect more on my second half of the year in my August message. Honestly, I never thought too much about how Shavuot is a really BIG deal holiday in our history. Many consider Sivan 6/7 2448, the receiving of the Ten Commandments, as the seminal moment in our history. I try to imagine what it must have been like for Moses, the leader of our people for decades, to stand before God and be our emissary as the receiver of laws that have guided our behavior for thousands of years, and then to be told that he would not be allowed the right to return to our beloved Israel. What a privilege, but what a burden. Thinking of Moses trying to fulfill our people’s destiny inspires me, but it also saddens me. I wonder how alone he must have felt carrying the burden of the Jewish people. How much support did he receive from the people who cared about him? As I reflect upon being your lay leader, I want to be very clear that I am no Moses and my responsibilities pale in comparison. Before I started my two-year term, I was told by many Past Presidents that I may be taking on one of the most challenging leadership roles I have ever experienced and that I may not truly appreciate how special and privileged it is to be the President of Congregation Beth Shalom until I have ended my two years. I have relied a lot on the wisdom of this group and have received wonderful guidance and advice, but on this one I must disagree. Have I had to make some difficult decisions? Yes. Have I likely angered some of our membership? Yes. Have I at times felt quite burdened and a bit alone? Yes. Has it taken up more time than I anticipated? Yes. Have I occasionally felt frustrated? Yes. However, I have never experienced so much support, kindness, and concern from my CBS friends, colleagues, and fellow congregants. Many of you may (or may not) be aware that I was a member of my local School Board for twelve years, two years as Vice President and four years as President. Those leadership roles in my larger community do not compare to how special it is to be a leader at CBS. At a recent Shabbat Kiddush one of our fellow members thanked me for sitting with them. I was a bit taken aback because the privilege is mine to serve you, to mourn with you, to celebrate with you, and to break bread with you. I responded by saying you are the VIPs here, not me. You, Congregation Beth Shalom members, are what makes our community so special. I believe there is the ability to lead in all of us. This summer explore the leader in yourselves and think about how you can put that part of yourself to work to make the world a better place. If I could go back in time, I would give Moses a giant bear hug and say thank you. I would say to him, without you there would not have been us. Without you there would not have been laws to make us a better people. Without you there would not have been Shavuot. Chag Sameach! Have a wonderful summer!

L’Shalom, Bob




Michael Garlin

My daughter was reading a book by Rabbi Daniel Cohen, and she asked me a question. Dad, It’s right there on the front cover of the book. “Dad, what will they say about you when you are gone”? I smiled and laughed a bit and thought, hmmm, I hope they will say I was a good person. I made people smile and laugh. I was a good dad, a good husband, a good brother, and a good friend. After a few days I was really thinking about it and truly was wondering how I want to be remembered? Not only personally, but by my family, my community and the world. If I had to write my own eulogy, what would it say? To answer this question, I thought what would I do if I only had 24 hours to live? I wrote both my parent’s eulogies by answering that question. What did their perfect day look like, and it just made me smile and cry at the same time. In writing about their perfect day and what that would look like, I thought this would give everyone a much better picture of who they were. Doing this for yourself is no easy task. Here is the list of questions that I believe we all need to ask to answer my daughter’s question.         

What is worth fighting for? In your life so far, what have you taken a risk for or gone out of your comfort zone for? If you had five words to write on your headstone, what are they? When you’re feeling low, what song do you play to lift your mood and inspire you? Why? Is there a phrase that you find yourself saying frequently when you’re under stress? When you are happy or grateful? Describe your best day or your best self. What is your favorite Torah verse, poem, or motto? Why are you here? What is your life mission? What do you hope to achieve? What are your dreams? How can you realize them?

I truly believe that most of us want to live an inspired and authentic life. Following is a quote that might inspire you to answer the questions above. “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or abilities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” – William Penn

Office Closings (closed all day unless noted)


Monday, June 6 Shavuot Monday, June 20 Juneteenth Monday, July 4 Independence Day







End of the Year What a wonderful end to the school year! This month began with an amazing Chagigat HaGan Ceremony as we officially welcomed our youngest members on May 1st. During the May 6th ShabbaTONE our 4th graders partnered with Cantor Stoehr and our ShabbaTONE Band to lead services. Our 3rd and 7th graders earned pizza parties. The 7th grade class received their Minyan Minion shirts and heard a presentation from IsraelNow about the 8th grade trip to Israel. Our CBS High had their final class of the year. Finally on May 15th we ended with an awards ceremony and a Youth Bash!

Registration Religious School Registration for next school year has begun. Registration is online only. Go to and click on ”MyCBS” and log in to your account. Registration is for kindergarten through high school. We will continue both group and individual classes next year. Group classes will only be in-person and individual classes will be both in-person and online. There is a new tiered pricing structure for 3 rd through 7th grades. For questions or concerns, please contact Stacy Ybarra at or 847-498-4100 x15. Tuition is FREE for student’s first year in Religious School for kindergarten, 1 st and 2nd grades. The school calendar for 2022-23 is posted on the CBS website Religious School page - religious-school/ Hiring teens! The Religious School is looking to hire youth entering 8th through 12th grades in the fall to work in the school as madrichim. Apply online at Contact Stacy Ybarra at for more information and to set up an interview. School Board If you are interested in being on the CBS School Board for the upcoming school year, please contact Robyn Rosengard, our School VP at Congratulations to our 7th Graders who have officially completed our CBS Religious School program and are ready to begin the next chapter of their Jewish education. We look forward to welcoming you into CBS High in the fall! Nadav Argentar

Sullivan Lyons

Bridget Schwartzwald

Jackson Bracey

Izelle Malkin

Ayden Shlifka

Simon Ferencz

Ella Millman

Ariella Silverman

Eden Fishman

Hanna Millman

Ella Singer

Jennifer Goldberg

Joshua Olive

Joshua Stepen

Mikah Greenberg

Charlie Patzik

Livia Stern

Leah Latash

Lola Pawlak

Anna Tamler

Samantha Lerner

Ari Rosen

Emma Wishnia

Jordyn Leven

Gregory Rosen

Lily Zeff

Gavin Schwalb Mazel Tov to our graduating seniors! We are sad to see you leave but are excited for the amazing opportunities that await you. Hallie Baer 6

Dina Levin

Samantha Kaminsky


B’NAI MITZVAH/YOUTH SULLIVAN LYONS Son of Harmon & Melissa Lyons Brother of Logan Lyons Grandson of Barbara Singer, Teddy Singer of Blessed Memory, Marsha Lyons, Irwin Lyons of Blessed Memory

ETHAN GARFIELD Son of Lindsey & Dave Garfield Brother of Sophia Garfield Grandson of Claudia & Mark Travis, Sherry & Herb Siegal, Michelle & Bruce Garfield

SOPHIA GARFIELD Daughter of Lindsey & Dave Garfield Sister of Ethan Garfield Granddaughter of Claudia & Mark Travis, Sherry & Herb Siegal, Michelle & Bruce Garfield


Youth Report I am extremely proud to share with you that the CBS USY Youth Group has been selected as the Chapter of the Year for the Chicago-banded region (CHUSY) which includes local chapters from the Chicagoland area as well as Madison and Milwaukee. This is the most prestigious award presented to one chapter each year that displays high integrity and overall excellence throughout the year. The CBS high schoolers have demonstrated to the committee how they enhanced their community, synagogue and members. This group of outstanding members have dedicated many hours collaborating together to plan activities each Thursday evening, to debriefing on how to consistently improve their work product and to learning more about what it means to be a successful leader and community member. The group is also dedicated to many programs around CBS such as participating as Madrichim and attending CBS High. They have engaged chapter members with active participation at chapter programs and events such as a human Mario Cart Night and Paws for Patrick Night. The group has a strong regional presence including having the highest attendance of any chapter at the most recent regional convention, having a member (Ashley Gitles) on the regional CHUSY board, and having several members who have planned regional programs and conventions. What makes this award even more incredible is that the teens have won it despite leading the majority of the year without a Youth Director. They have risen to the challenge and worked very cohesively together to learn what it means to lead through unexpected challenges together and achieve strong outcomes. The CBS USY Board 2021-2022 is made up of the following dedicated and strong leaders: President: Paige Star Executive Vice President: Benjamin Robins Membership/Kadima Vice President: Dylan Adler Israel Education Vice President: Elan Pissetzky Religion Education Vice President: Emma Preston Communications Vice President: Maddie Rosengard Freshman Representative: Skylar Adler

A Mazel Tov is also in order for four of our current board members who were elected to the Regional CHUSY Board. President: Ashley Gitles Membership/Kadima Vice President: Paige Star Israel Education Vice President: Maddie Rosengard Religion Education Vice President: Benjamin Robins Melissa Kaplan, CBS USY Advisor



YOUTH MAZEL TOV to our CBS USY Chapter on winning CHUSY Chapter of the Year! AND MAZEL TOV to our very own CBS USY’ers who were elected to CHUSY’s 2022 -2023 Regional Executive Board!

President: Ashley Gitles (CBS USY), Executive Vice President: Mackenzie Ball (AMUSY), Israel Affairs Vice President: Madison Rosengard (CBS USY), Membership/Kadima Vice President: Paige Star (CBS USY), Social Action/ Tikkun Olam Vice President: Mayrav Bader (SHMUSY), Religion/Education Vice President: Benjamin Robins (CBS USY), Communications Vice President: Allison Finn (BJUSY) (not listed in order of appearance)

A huge thank you to Melissa Kaplan, our CBS USY Advisor, and Seth Schrank, our CBS Youth Vice President who have been such wonderful leaders and provided tremendous guidance for our CBS USY Chapter and Youth Department!

Do you have the Congregation Beth Shalom Mobile App on your Smartphone or Tablet? If not, Download it Today! It’s free for both IOS (iPhone) and Android (Google) Search Beth Shalom Congregation and look for the familiar blue flame logo (there are many synagogues with similar names)

The CBS Mobile App will provide you easy access to:  Your MyCBS Account (be sure you know how to sign into your account!)  CBS Membership Directory  CBS Calendar (and event registrations)  Online Donations & Payments  CBS Website & Live Streaming



CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING CBS University/Adult Ed & Programming It’s Been a Great Year at CBS U…And There’s Lots More to Come! Thanks so much to Randy Samborn and our Programming Committee for all their help and advice this year. We were able to offer many classes and programs with teachers and guests from London, Argentina and all over the US! Over 320 people took classes regularly and hundreds more attended programs and speakers. Special thanks to Lisa Orlov for all her administrative help. It will be hard to top this past year’s speakers, Daniel Silva, author, and Amy Spitalnick of Integrity First for America, but we are hard at work looking to bring in great people! We already have committed to hosting a live recording of the podcast Unorthodox. If you haven’t listened to this amazing treat from Tablet Magazine, NOW is the time to start. The 3 hosts, Marc Oppenheimer, Stephanie Butnick and Liel Lebovitz will be at CBS -IN-PERSON -- on Thursday, September 8th!

There are some other great things in the works so be sure to watch your email! Here’s are the classes (SO FAR) that will be offered this summer: Jewish News Instructor: Carl Schrag Dates: Tuesdays, June 7, 14, August 2, 9, 16 & 23 Time: 10:30 –11:30am Fee: Free for CBS members $50 for non-member Friends of CBS Tai Chi Instructor: Allison Deputy Dates: 9:30-10:15am Time: Thursdays, continuing June 2 – August 25 Fee: Free for CBS members Co-sponsored by HAZAK Check our website ( page often for additional classes or speakers that may be offered over the summer! As always feel free to direct all question, comments or suggestions to: Leann Blue – 847-498-4100, ext 44 Lisa Orlov – 847-498-4100, ext 45



SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz

As we bring our 2021-2022 calendar year to a close, I would like to thank my entire Sisterhood Board for guiding us through the pandemic and come out the other side making our return to CBS so special and heartwarming. Each and every one of you showed exactly what Sisterhood is all about. We could not do it without the hard work, dedication, leadership, love and devotion from all of you. Thank you for all your help, guidance, and patience through my first year as Sisterhood President. We all worked together, through the use of technology, and allowed our members who did not feel comfortable coming into the Synagogue to continue to be every bit a part of our Sisterhood and feel the love and affection of membership through Zoom.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Culminating/Installation/Valued Volunteer Dinner. It was wonderful to see so many people attending this special evening. We honored Maria Catezone, CBS Office Manager, as our Valued Volunteer, installed our new Sisterhood Board for 2022-2023 and were entertained by John Boda, The Music Man. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton and Stacy Gordon for putting this wonderful evening together for us. I cannot believe that I am talking about it now, but Rosh Hashanah begins the evening of Sunday, September 25th. Once again, Sisterhood is coordinating the exchange of New Year’s greetings in the Synagogue Bulletin. If you would like to join in this CBS tradition, you can find additional information in this bulletin on page 11. As we start to plan our new calendar year, I am excited to welcome our Sisterhood Board for 2022-2023. I can’t wait to work with each of you. I look forward to seeing you at our Opening Event in the fall to kick off our new year. Invitations will be mailed around the end of July. Rabbi Ferratier, let me take a moment to say what a pleasure it has been to work with you these past three years. You have always supported Sisterhood, provided guidance and ideas, and helped us grow. Nevertheless, we are so proud of you as you begin your journey at your wonderful new synagogue in Herndon, VA. You will always be a part of our CBS family. We will miss you. Have a wonderful summer.

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~ Looking forward to connecting with you via Square Support CBS Sisterhood with the click of the Mouse! Simply use this address: For additional information or to schedule an in-person appointment, contact our Co-Managers: Diana Lewis 847-903-6175, Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531 or Donna Fox 513-378-2491 or email Diana at Volunteers needed for Sisterhood’s Judaica Shop, beginning September, 2022 Do you want to be of service to our Synagogue? Do you want to be of service to our Sisterhood? Do you want to be where “The Action” is? Do you want to meet some of the Finest People? Do you have two hours - once a week to give? Please call or write us. We’d love to hear from you! We can’t sell our beautiful merchandise – if we’re not open. 10


SISTERHOOD L’ Shana Tova Greetings Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of Monday, September 25th. It is not too early to think about wishing your congregation friends a happy holiday season. If you would like to be included in the New Year’s greetings in the synagogue bulletin, please send $5 (checks can be made payable to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood) and the way you would like your name to appear in the bulletin to: Randi Starkston 2674 Lisa Court Northbrook 60062

or email her at with “New Year’s Greetings” in the email subject line or submit your greetings online here: The deadline for the New Year’s Greetings is July 22nd. Thanks!




Dr. Andrew Wagner

A wonderful year at Congregation Beth Shalom with the CBS Men’s Club is coming to an end. We survived!!! We finally got together to enjoy life inside the walls of our synagogue with fantastic events and activities. Thanks to all of you that have attended our events and thanks to those in our Men’s Club who worked very hard to make them happen. We hope you enjoy the summer and we see you again in September for another fun and meaningful year.

Hold on!!! Before our summer break of formally organized Men’s Club activities, we have one more event: The Men’s Club Golf Outing and Installation Dinner is being held on Thursday June 16th. This is another MUST-attend event. Weather will be perfect for golf and we are promised to have a great meal served back at CBS that evening. Please sign up on our website ( or refer to the flyers on pages 13-14 in this bulletin with more information. Continuing the bios of our Executive Board it is our pleasure to introduce you to our Men’s Club Treasurer, Howard Freidin. Howard has been involved in Men’s Club financial activities for many years and has rotated between Treasurer and Financial Secretary. Howard was born in Chicago, and when his family moved to Morton Grove, they became members of Northwest Suburban. After a move to Northbrook, they continued to be members of Northwest Suburban and that is where Howard had his Bar Mitzvah. He attended Glenbrook North where he ran track and cross country, and he was also active in band as a clarinetist (hopefully not all at the same time). His parents joined Congregation Beth Shalom, and Howard has fond memories of attending Men’s Club opening night dinners with his dad. Howard’s parents, Sherwinz”l and Ila Freidin were very active members of Congregation Beth Shalom for many years. Howard matriculated to the University of Illinois and majored in Actuarial Science. His first job after school took him to Vernon Hills, and, a few jobs later, he began working for Deloitte. After 40 years there, Howard retired in 2018. He met his wife Debbie Stern in classes at University of Illinois, and they reacquainted with each other years later. They got married and moved to Northbrook and joined Ezra Habonim. They later joined Congregation Beth Shalom. Debbie and Howard have three boys, Michael, Brian, and David. Brian and his wife Hannah live in Auburn, Alabama, David lives in Santa Clara, California, and Michael lives in Northbrook. Howard became involved in Men’s Club early on and has been an active member of both the synagogue and Men’s Club for many years. In his early years in Men’s Club he got involved in the Lox Box Program. He created the routing system for all our lox box deliveries that we use to this day. He now oversees all the financials related to lox box and records each and every order. This year we sold over 1,400 lox boxes and Howard can tell you about each order! From Men’s Club, Howard got involved in ritual at Beth Shalom and became Ritual VP. You can find Howard at most services all week long and he leads many times during the week. As part of his love of the ritual side of Beth Shalom, Howard is part of a program called Daf Yomi. He Studies a page of Talmud every day, reading each of the 63 tractates of the Talmud, and the program lasts 7-1/2 Years. He began in January, 2020. Howard finds time for other volunteer work including serving at the Northbrook Library and serving on the Pension Committee of Actuarial Standards Boards. As a numbers guy, Howard is currently on the financial committee for the synagogue along with his Men’s Club responsibilities. We thank Howard for his many years of service to Congregation Beth Shalom and wish him and his family well. See you at the Golf Outing and Installation Dinner!……Enjoy the Summer!... See you all very soon! Steve and Andy 12











CANDLE LIGHTING AND SERVICE TIMES Candle Lighting and Service Times (All SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND ARE LIVE STREAMED) Friday – June 3 (Candles 8:04 PM) Shabbat Service (in the Kamensky Sanctuary) 6:00 PM

Friday – July 15 (Candles 8:07 PM) Shabbat Service

Saturday – June 4 (Candles 9:15 PM) Shabbat Service Mincha* Service to Welcome the Festival (Shavuot)

Saturday – July 16 Shabbat Service Mincha

Sunday – June 5 (Candles 9:15 PM) Shavuot Festival Service 9:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv

9:30 AM 12:30 PM 9:00 PM

Friday – July 22 (Candles 8:02 PM) Services Under the Sky

9:30 AM 12:30 PM 6:00 PM

Friday – July 29 (Candles 7:55 PM) Shabbat Service

12:30 PM

Saturday – July 30

Friday Evening – June 10 (Candles 8:08 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

Saturday – June 11 Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Friday – June 17 (Candles 8:11 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM 6:00 PM

Saturday – June 25 Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Friday – July 1 (Candles 8:13 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

Saturday – July 2 Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Friday Evening – July 8 (Candles 8:11 PM) Services Under the Sky

6:00 PM

Saturday – July 9 Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:30 PM


6:00 PM

6:00 PM 8:00 AM

Friday – June 24 (Candles 8:13 PM) Shabbat Service

9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Saturday – July 23 Shabbat Service Mincha

Monday – June 6 Early Yizkor Service Shavuot Festival Service with Yizkor 9:30 AM Mincha

Saturday – June 18 Shabbat Service Mincha

6:00 PM

Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Daily Minyan (in-person and Live Streaming)** Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM Monday - Friday 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday 7:45 PM

*Mincha will take place approximately 45 minutes after the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:30 PM. **Please note: Morning minyan on Sunday & Monday, June 5 & 6, will be a part of the Shavuot Festival Services at 9:30 AM. Evening minyan on Sunday, June 5, will be a part of the evening service at 6:00 PM. Morning minyan on Monday, July 4, will be at 8:45 AM.


SHAVUOT SERVICE TIMES SCHEDULE OF SHAVUOT SERVICES Saturday, June 4 Pre-Tikkun Leyl Shavuot* (In-Person Only) 7:30 PM Ma’ariv/Service to Welcome the Festival of Shavuot 9:00 PM In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Tikkun Leyl Shavuot* Following Ma’ariv *An evening of study with the clergy and members of the congregation Sunday, June 5 Festival Service In-person and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Mincha/Festival Ma’ariv In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Monday, June 6 Early Yizkor In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Festival Service/Yizkor In-person and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Mincha In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash

9:30 AM 6:00 PM

8:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Having A Simcha this Summer?

Anniversary, Graduation, Special Birthday, Baby Naming , Auf Ruf, etc……

Consider Hosting a Kiddush on Shabbat to Celebrate!  

$180 sponsorship - includes up to 8 guests, Kiddush lunch and a custom decorated cake $500 sponsorship - includes up to 15 guests, embellished Kiddush lunch, custom decorated cake, personalized napkins and large celebration table for your guests including a floral centerpiece (For $750 sponsorship, same as above but includes up to 24 guests and two celebration tables.) $1,800 sponsorship - includes up to 50 guests, embellished Kiddush lunch, custom decorated cake, personalized napkins, choice of fabric table linens, bottle of sparkling wine.

For more info, contact Randi Simon by email or call 847-498-4100 ext.23



BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - July Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Peggy Shapiro Arlene Gitles-Hammerman Carol Neiger Lila Weiland Shirley Patzik Samuels Sheri Smason Teri Robins Julie Roter Pauline Gimbel Cheryl Singer Heidi Reitman Roselle Jacobson Ilene Bergman Lisa Dembo Tina Zeff Beryl Feinberg Linda Rodin Ilene Epstein Karen Schulman Lauren Silverman Pepi Barr Mona Berman Holly Forman Etta Kotowsky Barbara Dickler Lauren Witt Ellen Lipshutz Michelle Lebovitz

1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 12 12 13 13 13 13 15 15 16

Brittany Schwartz Linda Dick Susan Stern Donna Garfinkel Sharon Taksin Debby Kleifield Marcia Cotler Judy Decker Barbara Menn Sandra Goldstein Samantha Diamond Roberta Martin Roni Pressler Suzanne Weinstein Rivi Kurtz Carol Nadler Marlene Slavitt Jane Pomerantz Rhoda Maslov Rachel Diamond Dana Elliott Deborah Eisenberg Susan Weiss Lenore Weiss Heather Schwartz-Barasch Janet Sabin Barbara Neimark Judy Kaplan

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23

Phyllis Levinson Jodi Lasky Fern Kaplan Donielle Escalante Alene Wintroub Eileen Bengelsdorf Susan Teper Brandi Argentar Jan Obrand Ila Rabinowitz Lita Weinstein Shari Karp Marcy Pawlak Ruth Hudak Mara Smith Zelda Seiden Faye Krasner Joey Tamler Marti Sinton Sara Warshauer Barbara Wolke Barbara Ben-Dov Robin Berg

23 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30

Happy Anniversary - July Joe & Barbara Wolke Adam & Leatte Gelfeld Seth & Stephanie Roseman Joel & Judith Greenman Melvyn & Marlene Cohen Allen & Robin Berg Robert Spector & Christina Meyers Larry & Mirta Feiger Daniel Glassenberg & Karen Moss Scott & Eve Mermel Alan & Arlene Treguboff David & Donna Rosenbaum 40 yrs Sam & Becca Tatel Martin & Dayle Meliker David & Laura Horwitch Bryan & Laura Immergluck Steven & Julie Kahn 25 yrs Nathan & Joey Tamler Steven & Roz Mokhtarian Mark & Deborah Metzl David & Susan Elbaum Jack & Caron Knopoff Steven & Ann Lessman Ernest & Cheryl Fischer Geoffrey & Sari Weil Sy & Karen Zilberstein 55 yrs Joel & Randi Feiger Byron & Gail Brook Howard & Myra Moldofsky Keith & Marci Shapiro Lee & Laura Shulman Harry & Lily Zoberman Danny & Lana Zakon 60 yrs Joseph & Helene Lachman Helene Berns & Howard Freedberg Jeffrey & Susan Lasky


1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 11 11 12 12 12 15 16 16 19

Scott & Diana Bentkover Sheldon & Sharon Pike Michael Reinglass & Dana Brooks Reinglass 20 yrs Lee & Bonnie Malmed Arlen & Cece Lasinsky Neal & Mona Weiss Mindy & Frank Lamberti Joel & Gail Polisky Daniel & Amy Gottstein Alexander & Kate Shapiro Adam & Abby Rogne Barry & Sandi Marks Allan & Marsha Goldstein Jeffrey & Shari Kaminsky Jason & Amanda Yale 5 yrs David & Nancy Rabinowitz Neal & Carolyn Golden Alan & Marla Patzik Jason Hergott & Danielle Holden

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Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - August Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Andi Kessler Lana Zakon Roberta Appelbaum Deborah Kamensky Arona Boron Marlene Saltzberg Dana Ben-Dov Jean Goldrosen Amy Solar Mindy Kaplan Ellen Scholl Kimberly Grief Elissa Pelts Lori Glen Norabelle Kominsky Arlene Treguboff Sheila Mozin Julie Pleshivoy Debra Cohen Rosalie Goldberg Jodi Joffe Lisa Ginsburgh Loly Farnos Christina Meyers Marilyn Keroff Renee Orelove Jackie Zelkowitz Danielle Stern

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Anita Taylor Sherry Goldman Myra Moldofsky Shirley Grey Kim Shwachman Jordana Rosen Judy Samotny Naomi Weiss-Weil Marlene Lipson Suzy Hakimian Susan Rubin Lieba Goldman Joan Schwimmer Laura Hochstein Leanne Nathan Shari Kaminsky Susan Katz Janet Footlik Violet Warsaski Edie Korman Daina Rosen Shari Coleman Sherry Rubinstein Sharon Oberlander Ina Schneiderman Jeanette Schusteff Sheryl Katzenstein Barbara Becker Raleigh Sawyer Lynn Stollberg Laura Fishman

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Marla Massel Julie Degabli Fern Roseman Diane Cohn Laurel Jacob Wendy Seltzer Dori Wolgel Sara Kushnir Cherie Goldman Eleanor Bernstein Joanne Nusbaum Fran Brookstein Jennifer Menn Michelle Hirsch Noelle Whitehead Lori Singer Cece Lasinsky Hilary Malina Sallie Blackman Jaclyn Hakimian Johanna Gordon Monyca Flack

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Linda Lezak Shirley Fuld Rosalie Albin Debbie Bell Jody Sigal

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Happy Anniversary - August David & Janice Lasky Clifford & Robin Wolf 40 yrs Ryan & Emma Friedman Jeff & Lindsey Berman 20 yrs Harvey & Sandi Goldstein Irving & Eva Gurin Daniel & Alison Solarz David & Gabrielle Sanders Thomas & Helene Coorsh 45 yrs Melvyn & Beverly Dolin Glen & Jill Roter 45 yrs Jeffrey & Daina Rosen Theodore & Pamela Gilbert Marc & Terri Schwartz Steven & Deborah Wilensky Joel & Danielle Pekay David & Robin Allen William Shulman & Michelle Slosky Daniel & Brandi Argentar 20 yrs Norman & Linda Lieber Jerome & Jacquelyn Margolis Lester & Debra Rosen Max & Dawn Ferencz Howard Freidin & Deborah Stern Jay & Robin Neidich Dennis & Dayle Teven Brian & Jill Carter Matthew & Suzanne Goldberg Dori & Philip Wolgel Alex & Jared Kwait Eric & Marnie Baer Michael & Fern Ellison 50 yrs David & Stacy Gordon Harvey & Linda Lezak 50 yrs Craig & Rosalind Schwartz Carlton & Paula Resnick Eric & Judith Smith Ronald & Andy Widen Anthony & Mary Apple Michael & Harriet Kaplan Andrew & Ellen Roth 50 yrs

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Eileen & Steven Van Fred & Sally Blitt 35 yrs James & Susan Teper 35 yrs Jerry & Judy Shapiro Andrew & Allison Gordon 25 yrs Seymour & Beverly Binstein 70 yrs Charles & Suzanne Minkus Irving & Bette Polakow Larry & Fern Roseman David & Abby Wolff 15 yrs Ray & Bonnie Himmelblau Allen & Hope Schwartz 60 yrs Bruce J. & Cheryl Shapiro Neil & Karen Fine David & Marsha Hochman 50 yrs Alan & Bettina Birkner 50 yrs Neil & Judi Steinberg 55 yrs Richard & Lesley Kessler 40 yrs Steven & Samantha Seidenberg Alan Wernick & Jennifer Field Sheldon & Wendy Copeland Larry & Carrie Kaplan Daniel & Tracy Kazan Jerome & Alyce Stanton Fred & Enid Grabiner David & Debra Vishny 35 yrs Daniel & Julie Levy Russell & Linda Eisenberg Kenneth & Ann Genender Irving & Rhonda Jacobson Jerry & Barbara Petasnick Robert & Elissa Ship Gal & Shauna Pissetzky Mark & Beth Landau Steve & Zivit Blonder 20 yrs David Weil & Naomi Weiss-Weil Barry & Diane Cohn Albert & Nadia Eskinazi 50 yrs Daniel Mendelevitz & Sharon Ganellen Leonard & Susan Rubin Michael & Ina Schneiderman

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Neal & Lauri Shamis Jordana & Daniel Rosen 15 yrs Edward & Carole Block 55 yrs Burton & Sally Evans 55 yrs Barry & Joyce Poticha Alan B. & Susan Shapiro Erwin & Era Friedman Jeffery & Sheryl Blackman 40 yrs Les & Jill Olefsky Elliot & Renee Roth Jonathan & Alyssa Weisbach Aaron & Sammantha Starkston Jerrold & Harlie Ezgur Barry Rubin & Deborah Elbaum Bruce & Marlene Saltzberg Laurence Stern & Elyse Jacobs Stern Glenn & Donna Garfinkel Jason & Erika Harris Eric & Sheri Singer Jeremy & Stacy Dubin Michael & Lauren Silverman

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Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Rebekah Hakimian Almeleh & Stuart Almeleh are happy to announce the birth of their son, Finley Drake Almeleh. Dr. David & Suzy Hakimian are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Finley Drake Almeleh. Fred & Fran Hakimian are happy to announce the birth of their great grandson, Finley Drake Almeleh. Jane Pomerantz is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Finley Drake Almeleh. Faye & Charlie Feinstein are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Asher Emmett Rosenberg. Ellen & Larry Grossman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Lark Fay Grossman. Linda Weingart is happy to announce the birth of her grandson, Harrison David Weingart. Dr. Lenny & Jane Siedband are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Anna Brooke Siedband.

The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To:

Denise Handler on the passing of her brother, Jason Louis Kohner. Robin Dissen on the passing of her mother, Glorine Katanick. Sara Warshauer on the passing of her grandmother, Glorine Katanick. Laura Lapping on the passing of her mother, Sheila Muriel Orleans. Sandy Falkin on the passing of her father, Arthur Edelheit. Lesley Kessler on the passing of her father, Sorrell Stein. Bonnie Himmelblau on the passing of her father, Lawrence Grimson. BIMA FLOWER FUND

Many thanks to everyone who sent me very kind and thoughtful birthday wishes! Maria Catezone

Death of Esteemed Members: Roselle Jacobson Ruthe Sacks

A few important reminders 


We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email. Please check the Congregation Beth Shalom website ( for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us. Use the online calendar (https:// for the most up-todate information on what is happening at CBS! You can also save to your own calendar, share with a friend, etc. from there.

CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque. The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones. In memory of STANLEY KAZAN by Frances Kazan and sons Jonathan, David and Daniel In memory of CARL H. FOX by Eileen S. Rapoport and Mike Fox In memory of DANIEL KNOPOFF by Caron & Jack Knopoff





YAHRZEITS June 1-3 Rose Agrest Hinda Chabner Leah Dickler Florence Dredze Libby Dubofsky Ethel Glikman Arthur Lasser Shirley Sonenfeld Alice Weinstock Arlyne Wolfson Mamie Yusim Daniel Simon Behar Sophie Berenson Dr. Lloyd Stephen Brookstein Pearl Dobrin Irving Echt Saidee Goldberg Goldie Harris Morton P. Kessler Rose Kessler Leon Orchow Hyman Trubitt Ronald Wolf Della Albert Max Bogolub Abraham Cotton Lillian Fischer Sara Garber Cecelia Goldstein Roy Kramer Esther Malka Levitan Jeanne Lupel Sidney Markovitz Harry Silberman Aaron Speaker Lillian Zuber June 4-10 Arthur Michael Bloom Mitchell Braidman Victor Calamaro Antonia Munoz de Escalante Jack Dissen Isadore Ellis Lolita Garcia de Farnos Carole Joyce Katz Robert H. Klein Meyer Lezak Paul Oberlander William Schwartz Sylvia Wagmeister Dr. Harry G. Zuber Letty Berman Raymond Eisenstadt Alex Garden Rose Kleinberg Barry Konlon Harry Kraft Darlene Lasser Annabelle Lebovitz Morris Lutz Allen Pergricht Pauline Ellen Raney Charles “Chuck” Salinger Louis Shane Rebecca Wolkin Zelermyer Jeffrey Baitman Norma Selikoff Brown Dr. Michael E. Goldman Janet Heifetz Samuel Lurie Sara Markowitz Fern Maslov Lois Palkovitz Sylvia Silberman Florence Snitovsky Sam Belenke David Berger


Barbara Bessinger Steffi Fischer Ronne Fisher Albert Friedman Judy Lapping Phillip Rome Rubin Silberman Fannie Silverman Max Stone Kopel Warshavky Ann Crost Aaron Greenberg Raymond L Harris Max Hoffman Bessie Lewitz David Perlik Morris Shindler Dorothy Geller Trutt Jean Wolfson Norman Zoberman Henry Alexander Leah Bleeden Bob Fatoorachi Idelle Karsen Beatrice Korenthal Dr. Hillis N. Lurie William “Bill” Miller Sylvia Polay Chaim Saruk Henry Schneider Max Sokol Sarah Theobald Selma R. Vishny Murray Weinberg Clara Weiss Sidney Weiss Sharon Adler Joseph Blum Aaron Gold Phillip Gore Harry A. Greenstein Lillian Harris Maurice Kopol Shirley Lasky Robert Edwin Less Oscar Rothleder Sarah "Shirley" Simons

Alan Merkin Eilene S. Meyerhoff Margrit Reich Ernest Smolen Mickey Weiner Jeanne Burnstein Milton Festenstein Rhoda Hammer Milton Kane Sarah Kaplan Gail Kavka Joseph Koehler Isadore Metrick Halina “Holly” Rosenberg Anne Schulman Ethel Bubman Max Frank Queenie Havers Alan Ivan Kessie Rose Lehrfeld Selma Miller Maurice Mussman Bernard Schoeneman Aaron Singer Blanche Slav Marilyn Taksin Samuel Wenet Hannah Wenig Abner West Ronald Abrahams Jason Bellows Dr. Harry Bregar Sally Lezberg Evelyn Mages Gerald Harvey Pryweller Robert W. Rice Maurice Sabin Morris Sisser Frances Stern Jason Sylvan Rick Teper Rose Tipp Marshall Gary Bobroff Miriam Schwartz Coyne Ben Hammerman Edith Rose Louis Shenk

June 11-17 Rose Africk Violet “Iby” Braun Lottie Copeland Ludwig Freimark Mark Gottlieb Fannie Krasnove Antoinette Linville Melvin Lippe Dr. Jacob Rosen Jerome Tamler Irwin Walzer David Baren David Berliner Lewis Bernstein Alan Brin Lionel Gomberg Lotte Gruen Siegmund Kahn Gloria Kramer Minnie Weiss Miller Max R. Raffeld Isidore Shulman Judge Martin C. Ashman Lillian Bass Bessie Cohen Robert S Dick Edna Harrison Paul D. Kagen Mignon Kaplan Louis Klein

June 18-24 Rose Epstein Marshall Graff Harry Marcowitz James Paley Saul Pearl David Rosenmutter Miriam Rosenzweig Anne Bitran Norman Edelstein Harry Isadore Fraelick Albert Goldman Alice Musick Sylvia Rosett Oscar Rudich Barbara Sak Abraham Jacob Shapiro Dorothy Shulman Erwin Waldman Jacob Weisman Anne Cohen Lillian Goldstein Stuart Harris Chiel Hornstein Ruth Factor Hurvitz Molly Kazan Ida Lambert Jeanette Saper Lee Schlaff Dr. Neil B. Straus Ida Turitz

Carlyle Weiner Irene Wertheimer Eugene Stewart Wexelman Evelyn Burstein Charles Collender Hyman Feldman Irwin Gothelf Shirley Gotteiner Abraham Graff Charlotte Fridkin Rosenberg William Travis Joseph Berenson Dick Berry Beatrice Checker Goldie Glutzer Joseph Goldman David Kaplan Sarah Krupp Alan H. Medansky Etta Padnos Sydell Rowe Louis Barron Jacob Burstein Florence Eisenberg Sheila Greenblatt Julius Herbstman Edward Kurnick Barbara Metrick Berthold Rosenthal Marian Saltzberg Mary Sandler Marvin Scott Rhoda Wax Irene Amsel Steven Gabel Lorraine Ruth Gilbert Ronnie Jacobs June 25-July 1 Marilyn Berkowitz Goldie Cohen Jeanne Franklin Marianne Freimark Carl Malmed Lilyan Pickard Norma Ravage Mary M. Strathman Abe Streicher Marcia Beth Fischer Webb Robert Irwin Africk Hyman Bramson Lottie Fuld Samuel Gold Louis Greenfield Jack Hencel Saul Joseph Jaffe Rabbi Norman Mussman Dina Oliva Bernard R. Rabens Abe M. Rosen Milton Rubin William Sher Ida Sitnick Sylvia Teplinsky Leah Vogel Adrienne Lasker Adelman Jean Kessie Sam Lewitz Nathan Saltzberg Albert Stepen Jordan Tark Emanuel Norman Flax Manya Goldlust Rabbi Morris Greenfield Sara Gritzhandler Edward L. Hammerman Marilyn Hirsch Bonnie Chelin Kanowitz Lena Lempert

Fannie Losoff Harry Marks Michael Marks Henrietta Natenberg Samuel Plotkin Israel Roter Howard Sachnoff Philip Seiden Stella Sylvan Mania Vogel Maxine Yefsky Sidney Becker Ronald Chizever Esther Eskinazi Harold Friedman Anson Glikman Leonard Goldman Ruth Bernsen Greenstein Alex Kahalnik Dr. Samuel Pogoloff Mary Raffeld Martin Schwartz Norman Silverman Betty Zelen Ben Brownstein Sydney Grabiner Milton Guberman Erwin T. Harris Karin Press Israel Gussie Maltz Fredricka Stern Prager Tillie Silcroft Sam Sokol Donald Sonenfeld Maurice Tabloff Karen Wadler Mary Eisenstein Mary Friedman Roberta Gerson Susan Glauberman Pearl Kahalnik Joseph Kessie Chaim Mainster Beverly Reibman Stuart Schwartz Martin Sklaroff Thomas Tecktiel Alyce Weisbach Sarah Ziegler July 2-8 Louis Ansell Joseph Bass Nathan Blackman Berniece Blackman Eva Childs Rev Harry Gassel Sheldon Gold Celia Kahn Simon Krivit Thelma Kwasman Evelyn Leavitt Elliot Lee Samuel Lieberman Meta McCants Evelyn Meltzer Jack Rose Minnie Rosenberg Ethel Shulman Dorothy Sier Harry Silver Esther G. Stone Rose Alter Gerald “Jerry” Fine Carl H. Fox David Gelman Irving Greenberg Miriam Harpaz


YAHRZEITS Rochelle Kluber Marc Maxman Erwin Salk Geraldine A. Brown Alvin Cohen Arlene Greenberg Rose Kawer Florence Kraft Laura Ledany Cecile Less William Lipson Ann Lopata Robert Malkin Lillian Mangurten Pauline Mason Alta Pasternak Alex Rotman Helen M. Schwartz Sam Simon Steve Zaransky Claire Ageloff Leon Friedman Eva Kosh Goldstein Lewis Greenberg Annabel Handelman Beatrice Mattenson Harvey Pestine Sarah Schecter Rose Schwartz Morris Telpner Alan Marvin Wagner Sylvia Young Rose Azine Irving Tiny Baskin Marilyn Berkowitz Ben Gomberg Arthur Greenberg Lotfollah Hakimian Lester Kozin Edward Lipson Melvyn Medansky Nathan Nahin Joseph Paprocki Richard Sandler Miriam Slosky Anna Snitovsky Lawrence Tepper Sarah Blitstein Myra Elaine Buchman Harriette Mark Fred Pinchouck Judy Troiano Ray "Rafael" Cohen Beckie Eisenberg Irwin Freedkin Lillian Freda Glantz Henny Lazar Adrian Lewis Albert Migdow Annabelle Samuels John Stevenson Evelyn Stone Wernick Walter Wolf Ben Zare July 9-15 Louis Abrahams Doris Balter Victor Beer Albert Brandelstein Lena Freedman Ernst Newton Barbara Politinsky Marie Schechtman Oscar Smith Anna Vodianoy Ruth Weisman Mary Bragman

Isadore “Ira” Drazner Leah Edelstein Julius Fishbain Louis Greenberg Alfred Kohlman Earl Rosenstein Stephan Shiffers Phyllis Wilner Joseff Wishnoff Jeanne LaPorte Yeidel Leon Baer Morris Bauer Dr. Joseph Eisenstein Lillian Good Monte Goodman Edward A. Kozin Ada L Kravits Manfred Lazar Lois Levin Wayne Long Nathan Malmed Leona Maskin Herman Metzger Philip Myers Tsvi Nussbaum Abe Ofengender Stephen David Robins William G Schultz Rose D. Schultz Ruth T. Wintroub Barbara H. Wolken David Ash Boris A. Checker Idelle Gertzfeld Susan Ginsburg Israel David Hoffman Ellen Kerschner Joseph Morrison Gail Pearlman Ruth Pestine Avraham Aryeh Rabinowitz Sarah Rome Joseph Weiland George Berman Betty Fisher Rebecca Henson Steven Laven Hope Ilene Lazar Morris Levine Benet Levine Samuel Miller Beverly Penn Miriam Ross Sara Shapiro Israel Steiner Helen Tatel Manuel Weisman Myrna Blocker Louis Boron Daniel J. Brown Faye Chapman George Diamond Ida Dickler Sue Glen Sydney Greiman Evelyn S. Marder Shirley Neiger Louis Ratsky Nathan Schmulenson Scott Robert Sherman Anne Evelyn Tossey Anna Turovitz Milton Warsaski John Erdos Israel Greenband Belle Greiman Albert Hoffman Dorothy Kahn George Kalnitz


Besse Lindenberg Sol Rosenberg Annette Schiller Sidney Sterling Florence Wald July 16-22 Elsie Birkner Jean Block Sara Dragon Bluma Elion Esther Goldman Arnold “Arnie” Goldstein Aaron Gotskind Sol Israel Gertrude Katz Joseph Kitzes Bessie G. Miller Frances Ofsaiof Theresa Pontecore Max Rosenfeld Marvin Yablong Martha Bright Miguel Castellano Leon Faratzi Dr. Victor Ganz Belle H. Greenberg Bernard Kane Harry Solowinchik Dr. Franklin Julian Star Rudolf Vogel William Wagner Muriel Deutsch Rose Gurin Semeon Izbersky George Kalter Morris Kaplan Doris Sax Kofman Ida Letwat Edward Levy Lee Markovitz Ricky Rosenberg Maria Josefa Reyes Sanchez Harry Silver Goldie Sterling Irving Williams Marion Wolf Bruce H. Brenner Victor Bright Ronald Chedeck Albert Corey Albert Cremer Sally Dickman-Chase Adele F. Gale Francine Maslov Andrew Rosenbaum Celia Scott Arnold R. Daar Irina Drozdov Marilyn Galston Bertha “Buddy” Goldman Sophie Hahn Gloria Ann Hoke Sol Katz Harold Lewis Myron H. Maxwell Maurice Osher Caroline Petasnick Allen Rotman Goldie Schwartz Henry Tischler Betty Wall Sam Wolff Max M. Ableman Meyer Blitstein Harry Coorsh Shirley Garland Carla Gohde Bertha Goldberg

Sarah Harris Charles Hessell Frieda Hoffman Richard Orrin Hoffman Norman Nusbaum Eliyahu Ross Nettie Samuels Paul Shulman Daniel Cohn Flora Fine Sam Gelfeld Harry Halpern Flora Issen Henry Levine Carol L. Rieger Irving Rubenstein James Stone Daniel B. Toubes M.D. Arthur Weil July 23-29 Rabbi Lawrence H. Charney Emil Ghidali Harriet Handler Jean Mayster Abraham Rochwerger Blanche Sabin Harvey Schneider Morris Seidler Sara Silver Isadore Simon Jerome Vogel Maurice Young Fannie Zlatkin Gertrude Boron Harry Harris Yale Hecktman Eileen Hirschtick Audree Lasser Ada Lovitt Baruch Mangurten Basha Mangurten Alex Meerbaum Nettie Meltzer Leon Mirelman Marilyn Morris Alfy Nathan Sam Solomon Ruthel Weiss Darwin Wood Esther Zoberman Joseph Cohen Ferne Elliott Allegra Faratzi Leroy Fine Seymour L. Gordon Ida Kaufman Harvey Medvin Herman Meerbaum Jeannette Petchenik Harry Schaffer Loraine B. Schonfeld Hubert Weinstein Bennett Wintroub Ida Becker Celia Brownstein Todd Chapman Gertrude Goldfarb Harry Lempert Frieda Oshroff Edward Sigman Touba Soomekh Sol Stern Bernard N. Wolper Howard Apple Sam Davis Josef Dembo Marie Eisenberg Rose Fogel

Lillian Freidin Gertrude Gettleman Mark Kalter Barbara Rudenberg Al Schwartz Aaron Stein Jeanette Streicher Dorothy Rapaport West Harold Zislis Joe Asch Charles Korenthal Ann Bolotin Kushnir Rose Lillian Lesnoy Leo Petchenik Annette Pierce Henry Schuster Marcia Sheryl Schwartzberg Melvin J. Tecktiel Samuel Turitz Nathan Wedner Arnold Blocker Joseph Jacob Clor Fay B. Dunn Herbert E. Hibnick Norman Kramer Gerald "Jerry" Kurtz Vicki Madigan Harry Messer Jacob Perlik Marilyn Z. Ross Rika Shafir Franklin Delano Sklare Dolores Warren Paul Warren Dr. Stephen Weisman July 30-31 Brona Burrows Arnold Chick Julie Cooper Abe Dubinsky Marshall Lewis Fay Marilyn Goldstein Milton Podolsky Albert Silcroft Jacques Banayan Sarah D. Billowitz Colin Gafen Jerry Heifetz Irwin Lapping Lola Levko Cathryn R. Livingston Khasan Novitsky Esther Porec Michael Ravage Martin Rogin Sheryl Schwartzberg Irving Weinstock



CBS Members participated in so many wonderful events including 60 Minutes of Jewish Music Presents: A CBS Celebration of Israel!, CBS Men’s Club Sunday Morning Program, our Yom HaShoah Commemoration, our CBS Religious School Chagigat HaGan (Kindergarten Celebration) and Good Deeds Day! Thank you to all of our wonderful congregants, students, volunteers and staff who made all of these events so meaningful and amazing!




CBS Members participated in so many wonderful events including 60 Minutes of Jewish Music Presents: A CBS Celebration of Israel!, CBS Men’s Club Sunday Morning Program, our Yom HaShoah Commemoration, our CBS Religious School Chagigat HaGan (Kindergarten Celebration) and Good Deeds Day! Thank you to all of our wonderful congregants, students, volunteers and staff who made all of these events so meaningful and amazing!



DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING Fund CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Ferratier In appreciation of Rabbi Ferratier for the meaningful Bar Mitzvah Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare weekend for our son, Simon. Max and Dawn Fund Ferencz Rabbi Melman In appreciation of Rabbi Melman for the meaningful Bar Mitzvah Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ weekend for our son, Simon. Max and Dawn Scholarship Fund Ferencz Levin Family For a speedy recovery for Manny and Elyse Millman In honor of the Baby TL. Deirdre Glynn Levin B’not Mitzvah of Hannah and Ella Millman. Denise Handler In memory of Jason Allan and Anne Spector Kohner. Gary and Debbie Solomon Sandy and Sheldon Cotler In honor of Ryan and Ari's graduations. Sharon Cohen Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Sharon Cohen In honor of Haley and Ryan's Michael Blue In appreciation of you. Thank graduations. Sheldon and Sandy Cotler you! I have very fond memories of your mom. Joy Berks For the birth of Samuel Berks. Larry and Fern Roseman Sharon Cohen Fern and Larry Roseman In appreciation Susan Karlinsky and Family For the birth of all your wonderful hospitality. Happy of Pnina Bari. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Pesach! Gail Rabin Dr. David and Suzy Hakimian, For the For the yahrzeit of Anne Hauser. Marlene birth of Finley Drake. Mazel Tov to you, Goldberg Rebekah and Stuart, Great Grandparents, Fred and Fran Hakimian, and Great Grandma Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Jane Pomerantz. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Shayle Patzik In honor of your 60th In appreciation of everyone's well birthday! Shirley Patzik Samuels wishes, thank you! Alan and Bettina Birkner Alan Patzik In honor of your birthday. A Dr. Jerry Agrest and Family In memory of very happy birthday to a very special guy in Estelle Agrest. With our deepest sympathy. my life. Shirley Patzik Samuels May her memory ever be a blessing. Linda Gold Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in In memory of Edna Rothstein. Stuart and Education Fund Kay Rothstein Carol Bookman In honor of your In memory of Arnold A. Rothstein. daughter's marriage. Edith Korman Stuart and Kay Rothstein Marilyn Brodsky For a speedy recovery. Hope you feel better soon!! Ira and Iris Lerner Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Linda Petchenik and Family In memory of Fund Bernie Petchenik, beloved husband, father and In appreciation of Cantor Stoehr. grandfather. Dennis and Phyllis Levinson Howard and Elaine Michaels Lois Nudelman and Family In memory of Cantor Stoehr In appreciation of Cantor Dr. Earl Nudelman, beloved husband, father Stoehr for the meaningful Bar Mitzvah and grandfather. Dennis and Phyllis Levinson weekend for our son, Simon. Max and Dawn Ferencz Gold Family Sabbath Fund In appreciation of Selah. Amy Zussman Fran and Fred Hakimian and Dr. David Fran Kazan In honor of the birth of your and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of Finley great grandson, Zev. Marlene Silverman Drake. Ray and Arlene Handler Herb Lesnoy In honor of your 80th Susan Karlinsky and Family For the birth birthday! Marlene Silverman of Pnina Bari. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Jamie Tessier In honor of your latest Marjorie and Brett Maxwell and Hillary achievement. Mazel Tov! Irwin and Marsha and Jeremy Elkins For the birth of Audrey Pearlman Jean. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Steve and Ifaat Bosse In memory of Selma your beloved mother Glorine. Ira and Iris Bosse. With sympathy and wishes that you Lerner find comfort and peace in cherished Ruthie Jacobson In memory of your memories. Linda Gold beloved brother. Ira and Iris Lerner Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Glorine Katanick. Wendy and Ben Roth


Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Arlene Gitles-Hammerman In memory of your sister, Roberta Grossman. Maxine Burke Max and Dawn Ferencz In honor of your son's Bar Mitzvah. Max Schrayer Dr. David and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of your grandson, Finley Drake. Michael and Judy Balter Robin Dissen and Family In memory of your mother, Glorine Katanick. Michael and Judy Balter Libby and Buddy In memory of your dear brother Ed Feder. We were sorry to hear of his passing. May his memory be a blessing. Lawrence and Debra Oberman HUGS Fund Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Glorine Katanick. Mark and Barbara Gelfeld, Gary and Deborah Solomon Charlotte Migdow In honor of your birthday. Carrie Rosenstein Cantor Stoehr In memory of Barbara Rosenbloom. Rochelle Marshak Rochelle Marshak In memory of Barbara Rosenbloom. Bruce S. Marshak Dr. Jonathan and Denise Handler In memory of Jason Kohner. Our heartfelt condolences to the entire family. David and Sheryl Schwartz Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Joy Berks For the birth of Samuel Meerovich. Marilyn Sommerfeld Dr. David and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of your grandson, Finley Drake. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Susan Stoehr In appreciation of your kindness and expertise in preparing Simon for his Bar Mitzvah. Max and Dawn Ferencz Denise Handler and Family In memory of your brother, Jason Kohner. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Glorine Katanick, your mother. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Jerry Bauer In memory of your mother, Tema Bauer. Marc and Terri Schwartz


DONATIONS Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Pnina Bari. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Jennifer and Jason Schwartz In memory of your father, Howard Fox. Bob and Beth Footlik Arlene Gitles-Hammerman and Family, In memory of Roberta Grossman. Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your sister. David and Bev Sugar Jonathan Rutman In memory of your uncle, Howard Reese. Marc and Terri Schwartz Shaynee Jankelovitz In memory of David Jankelovitz. Thinking of him on his yahrzeit. David and Bev Sugar Sandy Falkin In memory of Arthur Edelheit. Jonathan and Denise Handler Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund In appreciation of our aliyah for our 60th wedding anniversary AND the delicious CBS Pesach kiddushim! Burt and Becky Ofsaiof Linda Petchenik and Family In memory of Bernie Petchenik. Bailey and Ruth Jacobson

Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Fred Katzenstein For a speedy recovery. Elliot and Sharon Goldman The Agrest Family In memory of Estelle Agrest. Stuart and Phyllis Simon Fred and Fran Hakimian For the birth of your new great grandson. Sheila Medvin Lawrence LeVine Always deserving of honors and accolades! Michael Krule and Lisa Alter-Krule Arlene Gitles-Hammerman In memory of Roberta Grossman. Scott and Leslie Rogoff The Kurnick family In memory of Richie Kurnick. I met Richie volunteering for something at CBS a few years ago and he was just so personable and memorable. I'm saddened to learn of his passing. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew him. David and Tracey Becker

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund In appreciation of the kaddish for my son, Robert Michael Berg. Sharon Kreiter For the yahrzeits of my loved ones, Samuel Glotzer, Anna Glotzer, Jerry Kurtz, Harry Kurtz, Ethel Kurtz and Martin Glotzer. Harriette Kurtz For the yahrzeit of Marian Cohen. Burt Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Bentkover Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth For the yahrzeit of Frances Kessler. Betty of Pnina Bari! Mazel Tov and our best wishes Ashman to the family for every happiness and all For the yahrzeit of Edward Loeb. Diane God's blessings. Linda Gold Lebovitz Robin Dissen and Family In memory of In memory of my mother, Sari Leven Glorine Katanick. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Camras. Stuart Leven For the yahrzeits of Joseph and Rose Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund Elbom. Debby Kleifield Barbara and Glen Ferencz In honor of For the yahrzeit of Philip Stern. Melvyn your grandson, Simon's Bar Mitzvah. Frieda and Beverly Dolin and Michael Ankin For the yahrzeit of Morton Stillman. Dawn and Max Ferencz In honor of your Sheila Stillman son, Simon's Bar Mitzvah. Frieda and Michael For the yahrzeit of Alfred Blum. Susan Ankin Pestine Dr. Michael and Debbie Eisenberg In For the yahrzeit of Bernice Kessler. Betty honor of your new granddaughter. Mazel Ashman Tov! Dennis and Dayle Teven In memory of my father, Norman Roberta and Brian In honor of Hannah and Abrahams. Carol Abrahams Daniel's Marriage! Michael Krule and Lisa Alter- For the yahrzeit of Rochelle Lerner, Krule beloved mother, grandmother, and Marjorie and Bret Maxwell In great-grandmother. Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin appreciation of your friendship and kindness. For the yahrzeit of Lenore Gluskin, Herbert Sier beloved mother, grandmother, and Barbara Kurnick For the yahrzeit of Gerald great-grandmother. Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin S. Nussbaum. Beth Nussbaum Pay It Forward - Membership and Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Tuition Scholarship Funds your mother, Glorine Katanick, may her Sandy Falkin In memory of Arthur Edelheit. memory be a blessing. Richard and Ilene Joel and Laurie Shapiro Fischman Robin and Rick Dissen and Family In memory of Gloríne Katanick. Our deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved mother and grandmother. Lee Weisman JUNE/JULY 2022• VOLUME 102 ISSUE 72

Prayer Book Fund Stuart Borg In honor of your 91st birthday! Hedy Margolin Rosengard Museum Fund For the yahrzeits of Hattie and Carl Fox. Eileen Rapoport Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund For the yahrzeits of Edward Saltzberg and William Kaufman. Terry Saltzberg Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Glorine Katanick. Sam and Becca Tatel Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Dr. David and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of Finley Drake. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Fred and Fran Hakimian For the birth of Finley Drake. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Robin Dissen and Family In memory of your mother Glorine Katanik. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Liz and Steven Berke In memory of Joan Berke. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund In appreciation of Ukraine Relief Efforts. Howard and Randee Blair Dr. David and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of Finley Drake. Scott and Leslie Rogoff In memory of Sheila Orleans Ari Sprung Jay Lawrence and Family In memory of your father and grandfather, Clarence Lawrence. Barbara Levin and Marvin Hershman Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Bobbi Teitelbaum Wishing you a very happy Mother's Day! With much love, Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and Tanner Andy Gettleman In honor of Mother's Day. With love, Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and Tanner For the yahrzeit of Betty Steiner. Charles and Marilyn Arbetter William and Pearl Schwartz Memorial Library Fund Robin Dissen and Family In memory of Glorine Katanick. Our sympathies and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Sending you strength and healing thoughts for the unbelievable last year (and couple of months) your family has had to overcome! Jamie Berger




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