CBS August 2019 Bulletni

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Highlights ........................................... 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 4 From the Bimah/Services Under Sky ... 5 Religious School ........................................ 6 B’nai Mitzvah/Challah Bake ..................... 7 Youth/Young Family Programming ... 8-9 Adult Education/CBS High.................... 10 Get the “Scoop”/Rabbi Ferratier ........ 11 Sisterhood........................................... 12-13 Men’s Club ................................................ 14 CBS Book Chats ..................................... 15 Social Action ............................................ 16 Library........................................................ 17 Monthly Calendar ................................... 18 Birthdays/Anniversaries ......................... 19 Milestones ................................................. 20 Yahrzeits ................................................... 21 Donations ........................................... 22-25 Ads ........................................................ 26-27 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 28

Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement ……… Eric Golberg Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ........................................... Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .............................Steve Elisco USY President ............................... Brandon Wagner Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Shalom Designer/Ediitor ............. Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.

August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

AV 5779 | AUGUST 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

RABBI FERRATIER’S FINDINGS It’s great to finally be here! I hope that by the time you read this, I will be well on my way to feeling settled in! I also hope that I have had a chance to meet most of you, and if I haven’t, you’ll take advantage of the many events surrounding the beginning of school and the approaching High Holidays to introduce yourself. Back when I was teaching, this time of year was filled with stress. I would see the back-to-school commercials and start worrying about the new school year. I would receive the calendar of up-coming teacher-training, and the schedule of required meetings. Even though I loved my job, I resented the intrusion into summer vacation. Looking back, though, I realize that all of these little signs built into the schedule were actually helpful. Each time I saw a back-to-school commercial, it helped me to start transitioning from the complacency of summer into the anticipation, and then urgency, of the school year. By the time my students showed up on the first day of school, I felt prepared and ready to meet them. I always felt a little sorry for some of my colleagues who managed to ignore all of those signs, and then were often mentally and emotionally unprepared to go back to school. They would often have to stay up all night to make sure that they were ready for the first day, and they would start the year already tired. Rabbi Ferratier

The High Holidays are somewhat similar. Every year, when I walk into synagogue on Erev Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, I hear someone say “I can’t believe how quickly the holidays came up! I just don’t feel ready!” I can sympathize, but the truth is that the Jewish calendar has many built-in signposts to help us get ready. Tisha b’Av, to me, is the first sign. Since it is the only full fast on the calendar apart from Yom Kippur, it reminds me that I need to start thinking about the other fast. I don’t need to get too excited, I just need to make sure it’s on my radar. What can I do to improve myself over the next several weeks? Which goals have I accomplished this year? What can I feel proud about? What do I still need to achieve? Rosh Chodesh Elul lets us know that we’re only a (Hebrew) month away. The daily blast of the shofar at Minyan tells us that each day we’re getting closer and the urgency increases. What promises did I make which I still need to fulfill? What goals do I need to set for the coming year? What can I realistically do before the High Holidays arrive? High Holiday Ticket pick-up, although not on the ritual calendar, still tells us that we need to get our acts together and make specific plans. Who am I planning to invite to observe with me this year? Who might have experienced a loss and need a meal or an invitation to sit together at services? Selichot tells us that we have only a week to go. See Rabbi Ferratier continued on page 3



Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


Shalom. I write this article on the second day of my term as president. I am honored to begin to serve our community in this role. For those of you whom I have not yet met, I live in Northbrook with my husband David of almost twenty-five years. I am a graduate of the University of Michigan, an avid Green Bay Packers fan, and when I am not co-writing books with my father or taking long training walks with my mother, I am working at a retail store. My son Matt is twenty-three, a Tulane graduate, living in the city and working in digital marketing. My daughter Mollie is twenty and a rising junior in the nursing school at University of South Carolina.

I have been a member of Beth Shalom for twenty years and have usually been a “regular” at Shabbat morning services. About fifteen years ago, I answered a phone call asking if I would mind helping out on a committee by making a few calls. That was the turning point - I’ve been lucky to serve on many committees, the Board of Trustees, and the Executive Board with so many other dedicated volunteers and staff, all with the goal of making Congregation Beth Shalom the best it can be. I am passionate about so many things here at Beth Shalom and I know you are as well. What inspires you to walk in the door? What drives you to be a member? Whether you have been a member for one year or fifty years, whether you are four or ninety-four, I ask you to please share your Beth Shalom stories with me. Email me at I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to serving you for the next two years. Tanya Solomon

Rabbi Ferratier from page 1

What promises am I not going to be able to fully realize? Which failures require a personal apology? Which require soul searching? Which require forgiveness from others? Which require forgiveness from myself? Where can my tzedakah be most effectively and appropriately given? If we use these opportunities wisely, we can enter the High Holidays ready for the serious soul-work that they demand. We can be ready to face God, each other, and ourselves, ready to ask forgiveness and start the New Year. CBS President’s Brunch honoring Debbie and Gary Solomon June 23, 2019

Debbie Solomon with Rabbi Carl Wolkin August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

Debbie Solomon with Jill and Glen Roter, Brunch Chairpersons

Gary Solomon 3

CANTOR’S NOTES This year, Saturday, August 10th is referred to as Shabbat Hazon, the Sabbath of Prophecy. It is then that some of Isaiah’s prophecies are read as one of several weeks of Admonition by the Prophets to the Israelite people. That evening will begin the observance of Tisha B’Av, once known as the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, for it is then that the Holy Temples were destroyed in two separate moments of our history. The melodic chant of morning Haftarah is meant to be laced with the sounds of Eicha, Lamentations, which will be read later that night. The culmination of Three Weeks of sorrow come to an end the next night with the conclusion of the observance of Tisha B’Av. An interesting twist occurred to me as I read this Haftarah passage. In the words of Isaiah 1: 1 – 27 he writes: (excerpts) ….For the Lord has spoken “I reared children and brought them up – but they rebelled against Me”... Ah, sinful nation!...Brood of evildoers…Your hands are stained with crime…the faithful city that was filled with murderers… cronies and thieves… God will offer a chance to return from our wicked ways and the child need not be like the generation before it. We can change, we need not be hostage to the example and ways of those before us if we choose to walk the right path. This reminded me of an article written by a new acquaintance of mine, Chaplain James K. Martin, a member of The American Jail Association (AJA), a national, nonprofit organization that supports the professionals who operate our Nation's jails. He wrote about Al Capone. In the 1920s, Al Capone engaged in illegal activities that involved the distribution of bootlegged booze, prostitution, and murder. In order to conceal the wealth gleaned from these illegal activities, he hired a smooth lawyer nicknamed “Easy Eddie.” A very skillful lawyer, Easy Eddie’s legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a long time. Although paid very well by Capone, Easy Eddie’s conscience eventually convicted him to the point of “snitching” on his boss. On November 8, 1939, Easy Eddie’s life ended when he was gunned down in the streets of Chicago. Fast forward several years later to World War II where Lt. Commander Butch O’Hare served as a fighter pilot on the aircraft carrier Lexington in the South Pacific. During a routine mission with his squadron, he discovered that his fuel gauge was low and the plane had insufficient fuel to successfully complete his mission. Reluctantly returning to the ship, he spotted a squadron of Japanese aircraft speeding toward the defenseless American fleet. Unable to contact his squadron, he sought to divert the Japanese squadron by flying into the formation of their planes. Charging in, he attacked one enemy plane and then another. Finally, the exasperated Japanese squadron changed direction and flew away from the American fleet. This event transpired on February 20, 1942, resulting in Butch becoming the Navy’s first Ace of W.W.II, and the first naval aviator to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. One year later Butch was involved in an aerial flight and killed. He was only 29 years old. To honor this great American war veteran, O’Hare Airport in Chicago bears his name. There is a twist to this story: Lieutenant Commander Butch O’Hare was the son of Edward Joseph O’Hare, aka “Easy Eddie.” Reverend Martin goes on in his very fine article to speak about redemption and second chances and free will to become who we wish to become. I hope this New Year soon upon us will give us cause to reflect so we can spiritually and morally fly high. Cantor Stoehr

FROM THE WOLKIN FAMILY They say “It takes a village” and we know now more than ever that you are our village and our family. Since my surgery in March we have received an overwhelming number of cards, emails, donations, phone calls and gifts. Your outreach of concern and love has certainly enhanced my recovery day after day. Your full support continues to be there now as it has been since we arrived at CBS in August of 1980. We thank you for being there for us and look forward to being here with you in good health to celebrate life in the years to come. With love and hugs, Judy and Carl, Josh and Aurelia, David and Keeli 4

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43


RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Registration It’s not too late to register for classes! Go to MyCBS on the Congregation Beth Shalom website to register for kindergarten through high school. Classes for Kindergarten through 7th Grade begin on Sunday, September 8th. Classes for 8th through 12th Grade begin on Tuesday, September 10th. For questions regarding registration contact Lisa Orlov in the school office at 847-498-5352 or at Stacy Ybarra

Madrichim Are you in 8th through 12th Grade and looking to be involved at Beth Shalom and also make some money? If so, we would love to have you as a teaching assistant or madrich(a). Since our madrichim are role models for our students they are required to demonstrate their commitment to Jewish education by participating in our 8th Grade Religious School Program, our CBS High Program or a Jewish Day School. Madrichim can choose to work Sundays and/or Tuesdays and receive monthly training and monthly paychecks. Please apply on-line at Once you have completed the application you will receive an email to set up an interview. Training begins on Sunday, August 25th and classes begin on Sunday, September 8th. Contact Stacy Ybarra with any questions at 847-498-5352 or by email at

First Day of Classes Our first day of class is Sunday, September 8th for Kindergarten through 7th Grade and Tuesday, September 10th for 8th through 12th Grade.

Religious School Parents Sunday, September 8th, please plan on joining your student(s) in the Main Sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. for a brief ceremony to welcome everyone back and introduce the teachers and class assignments. Class lists will be posted that morning at 9 a.m. Upon entering the sanctuary, each family will receive a parent handbook and curriculum. We have been working hard all summer on creative and dynamic programming. We can’t wait to share it with you! 6


Shabbat With a Twist Families with children up to Pre-K, join us for challah making, stories, and songs!

Friday, August 16 11:00 – 11:45 AM

You can twist your own challah and take it home to bake, filling your house with the warm and delicious smells of Shabbat!

CBS Connections Monday, August 26th 6:30 pm @CBS Come network and meet our new Rabbi Warner Ferratier

Whether you’re a business owner, a hard-working employee, or in transition, CBS Connections can help you gain new strengths, meet new people, and be better at whatever you do. RSVP to Michael Garlin at

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

B’NAI MITVAH MAXWELL HOLDEN-HERGOTT Son of Danielle Holden & Jason Hergott Brother of Mia & Preston Holden-Hergott Grandson of Monica Holden-O'Neill & William O'Neill, Manuel Holden of Blessed Memory, Harvey & Sue Hergott


Daughter of Marisa & Dr. Steven Mandrea Sister of Max, Arielle & Mackenzie Mandrea Granddaughter of Diane & Sheldon Helfgot, Eugene & Rochelle Mandrea


Save the Date

Sisterhood and CBS University

Invite you to a

Challah Bake Thursday, September 19, 2019 at Congregation Beth Shalom Included: All ingredients Instruction Oven-ready challah to take home and bake AND MORE… Registration details to follow soon Questions: Call Lisa or Leann at 847-498-4100 or email or August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43



I hope everyone had a great summer and is getting ready for the school year! I just got back from visiting our kids at overnight camp at Camp Ramah and Camp Chi. It was great to see our youth having such a wonderful time at camp. Thank you very much to the 14 families that hosted USY on Wheels, Bus C! All of the Wheelniks had an amazing time and it could not have been done without our CBS families’ support.

We are looking forward to the Services Under the Sky series that will be taking place this month. Make sure to stop by the Young Family Service held in the CBS courtyard for games, singing, and more! We hope to see you at these fun-themed Shabbats later this month! Our USY Executive Board is already hard at work and has planned some new and exciting programs that have never been done before by our Chapter. I am incredibly excited to see all of the upcoming success that our Youth Leadership will have over the next year. I am also pleased to announce that this year we will be increasing the amount of Kadima and Chaverim programs! Our first Kadima program will be on Sunday, September 15th, and our first Chaverim event will be on Sunday, October 13th. If you have kids or grandkids going to college, be sure to fill out the CBS College Connection form. CBS College Connection is a free program to members whose children are currently attending college ($36 for non-members/grandchildren) designed to keep our college students connected to their Jewish community here in Northbrook. We send three gift cards throughout the year along with letters from the Beth Shalom staff. Even if you have done this in prior years, you still need to complete and update the form! You can find the form online at: or at With Rosh Hashanah coming up, I would like to remind everyone CBS USY is doing a honey fundraiser at ticket pick-up. Please take the time to make a donation to our Tikkun Olam fund and purchase honey. If you do not wish to purchase honey, we still love donations! Last year we raised $1,000 for Tikkun Olam. Our USY Executive Board decided to donate the Tikkun Olam money to Keshet Chicago, who will be piloting a new partnership with us this coming year, and the Lisa Alter Krule Foundation to help offset the price of conventions for our USY’ers. In addition to raising more than $15,000 for the Youth Endowment Fund, they also donated $750 to four different organizations: Mazon, JCFS, Arc, and FARF (Fanconi Anemia Research Foundation). I can’t wait for this year to begin and I look forward to seeing all of you at Beth Shalom throughout the coming year. -Eric

CBS USY Graduating Seniors 8

2019-2020 CBS USY Board

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43



Classes are two Tuesdays a month beginning on Tuesday, September 10th from 6 to 8:15 p.m. Dinner is served during class. Registration is now open through your MyCBS account. For questions contact Leann Blue at or Stacy Ybarra at or 847-498-4100.


Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43


SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

It’s hard to believe that I’m sitting writing my first bulletin article as Sisterhood President. I’m looking forward to a fantastic year with an amazing group of women. We are excited to have Lisa Barr, author of The Unbreakables, as our entertainment for our opening luncheon on Thursday, September 5th. Thank you to Frannie Goldwin and Jody Sigal for their hard work planning this important kick off to our Sisterhood year.

You should have received a membership packet in the mail by now. If you have not, please call the office or check the website. Sisterhood is planning a very fun-filled and informative lineup of events this year. We hope that you will find something that piques your interest and draws you home to CBS. Our membership has grown and in order for us to continue producing interesting and awardwinning programs we need to grow not just in numbers but in participation. I would love for you to get involved, the mailing you received has information on how tell us what you would like to do and how you would like to participate. I am looking forward to leading this dynamic organization and excited to work and grow with each of you. See you around town, Robyn Rosengard


The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop A unique shopping experience awaits you at our ~Shop Around The Corner~

Summer Hours by Appointment August 1st thru September 6th Be sure to contact us! Baked especially for you by North Shore Bakery! 1 ½ lb Round Plain Challah $5.50 1 ½ lb Lots of Raisin Challah $6.00 Honey Cake $6.50 Orders & Payment Due Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Pick up at CBS Thursday, September 26 12:00 Noon to 6:00 PM in the foyer of CBS See order form on Sisterhood website Questions? Contact Darlene Padnos


RESERVE YOUR COPY OF THE WOMEN’S LEAGUE CALENDAR DIARY. This beautifully illustrated annual pocket size calendar lists holidays, candle-lighting times, Birkat HaMazon, and other helpful information. SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR HALLWAY OF GIFTS DURING TICKET PICK-UP SEPTEMBER 8th and 9th WE’LL BE CLEARING OUT THE OLD AND BRINGING IN THE NEW (YEAR) See Sisterhood page on website for details

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43


MEN’S CLUB Steve Elisco

As I begin my two year term as your Men's Club President, I cannot help but think back to those early years.

It is truly amazing how our first generation of CBS leadership organized synagogue life with every aspect occurring at a different facility. Then as the congregation grew, finding new facilities with a larger capacity and finally, our own building. But yet they made it seem easy and normal and a sense of continuity was created. Everyone had a job to do, everyone felt they had a purpose and most important, everyone was family. I find it humbling as I now step in the shoes of that first generation of Men's Club leaders who I greatly admired and were important role models for me as a teenager and as I matured into a young man. As we start this year we begin with honoring one of our own. I am pleased to announce that Howard Minkoff was named the FJMC Midwest Region's 2019 MA'ASIM TOVIM Honoree. This award was bestowed upon Howard at the JFMC International Convention in Toronto, Canada, which was held from July 3-7. So when you see him, please extend a healthy Yasher Koach.

Pictured from left to right: Stan Greenspan, International FJMC President, Howard Minkoff, Midwest Region Ma’asim Tovim Honoree/CBS Men’s Club Member, David Goldis, Co-chair Ma’asim Tovim Awards


The Executive Board and I are busy finalizing our Calendar of Programs, but I would like to share with you some of our annual programs, which have been scheduled as follows: Opening Dinner, September 5, 2019 - let's celebrate the NFL at 100 when the Bears play the Packers Erev Thanksgiving, November 27, 2019 featuring the Jesse White Tumblers World Wide Wrap, February 2, 2020 - with a special new format by Cantor Stoehr Lox Box Delivery, March 1, 2020 - think of going Double Lox Box this year! Men's Club Shabbat, April 11, 2020 - yes, it is during Pesach. Look forward to a special Kiddush! We look forward to your participation in these programs as well as the many more yet to be announced. The CBS Men's Club will continue to be present to support all that CBS does spiritually, educationally and socially.

Marilyn and Howard Minkoff with Harvey Redfern at the JFMC International Convention

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG


August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43


SOCIAL ACTION Are you up to date on the latest world issues affecting us as Jews? Get the latest updates with our two current events experts, Jonathan Greenberg and Carl Schrag. CBS University presents Jewish News

Begins, Tuesday, August 20th Dates: Tuesdays, August 20, 27, September 3 (with Jonathan Greenberg) Tuesdays September 10, 17 & 24 (with Carl Schrag) Time: 10:30 - 11:30 am Fee: Free for CBS Members/$25 for Guests To Register Email: Lisa at or Leann at

Social Action News The following drives will be occurring over the next few months: *Sisterhood will be collecting the following for Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children's Hospital. Ronald McDonald House is an international organization that helps keep families with sick children together and near the care and resources they need. Our donations will greatly help support the Ronald McDonald House with the supplies they need to keep the house running and open to all families at no charge. Please bring your donations to Sisterhood’s Opening luncheon or leave them in the box outside the coatroom off of the CBS lobby. 1. Cleaning supplies: Lysol Wipes, Scrubbing Bubblies, toilet bowl cleaner, Windex, Soft Scrub & all-purpose cleaner. 2. Aluminum foil and full size aluminum food serving pans. 3. Gift cards to Target, Amazon, Jewel, Home Depot, Bed, Bath and Beyond (which can be purchased at CBS). *We will be providing a portion of the meal for the homeless on August 13th. Please contact me if you would like to participate and provide necessary food. *Please bring in your cell phone chargers for Northwestern Hospital and cell phones for SHALVA, new or gently used bras for ‘I support the girls’, ‘pop tabs’ for Ronald McDonald Houses, glasses for Lions Club and current dated non-perishable food items for the ARK Food Pantry and Northfield Township Food Pantry. Thanks for all you do to help CBS and the greater community, Sara Weinstein Social Action VP - or 847-477-5993 16

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

LIBRARY Shira Cohen

Dear Beth Shalom family, Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy some new books or reread some favorite classics!

Mystery fans: through the month of August, the library will have a display of Daniel Silva’s books in honor of his visit to Beth Shalom!

CBS Book Nook

Rekindle your love of reading by meeting with other readers. Share your favorite recent read or come hear about recommended books in a casual atmosphere at your CBS Library. Wednesday, October 23rd 7:30pm - 8:30pm RSVP by October 15th (walk-ins are always welcome) 847-498-4100 Ext. 34 or Stay tuned for our next CBS Book Nook event! New Books at your CBS Library: -In Another Time: a novel by Jillian Cantor -Genesis, God, Creation, and Destruction by Dennis Prager -A River Could Be A Tree: a memoir by Angela Himsel -The Secret of Clouds: a novel by Alyson Richman -The Only Woman in the Room: a novel by Marie Benedict


Tracy Safron Suggests Mistress of the Ritz by Melanie Benjamin is a captivating novel based on the true story of Blanche and Claude Auzello. Benjamin’s unique story brings World War II into the luxurious Hotel Ritz on the Place Vendome in Paris. It is 1923 when Blanche Ross, a stunning American woman and aspiring actress, travels to Paris with a friend. There she meets debonair Frenchman Claude Auzello. Claude is immediately taken with the beautiful blond and soon they are married. When Claude is hired as hotel director of the Ritz, the couple is allowed to reside there. Blanche spends her days holding court with the many famous hotel guests and becomes known as the Mistress of the Ritz. Her marriage is troubled, but the lavishness of Blanche’s lifestyle keeps her mostly content. In June, 1940 the German army sets up their headquarters at the Ritz. The Auzellos find themselves living among and serving Nazis. Claude’s job is in jeopardy and he must walk a fine line between pleasing the Nazis and aiding them. Without each other’s knowledge Blanche and Claude become immersed in separate clandestine activities. Yet it’s the one secret they alone share that threatens to destroy them both. Mistress of the Ritz is carefully crafted by juxtaposing the glamour of the Ritz with the despair of World War II. It is the depth of Benjamin’s fascinating plot that illuminates the Auzellos were much more than hotel fixtures. Go to for a complete list of Tracy Safron suggestions.

We are looking for a Library Assistant who is detail oriented with a positive attitude. 10 hours a week: Sundays: 9am – 12:30 pm and Tuesdays: 3:30pm – 8:00 pm. *Can choose to complete the remaining 2 hours as your schedule permits. Rate: Not posted Qualifications - Must be at least 16 years of age -Ability to stand for extended periods of time, stoop and lift library items -Library experience and familiarity with Follett software a plus August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

Duties -Greet patrons and provide friendly and professional customer service -Handle all circulation desk matters including member registration -Check in and out materials at the circulation desk -Assist members in finding books and media -Help in processing new items -Sort and shelve materials -Assist in creating promotional materials -Perform extra duties as requested To apply: -Email your cover letter and resume to: 17



August Saturday


Services Under the Sky: Tailgate Shabbat & College Send-off BBQ Dinner

Study Minyan

August Monday

August Friday

Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert: East Meets West

Services Under the Sky: Celebrating 50th of the Moon Landing

August Friday

August Monday

Shabbat With a Twist

CBS Connections



American Friends of Israel War Disabled Foundation (AFIWDS) Visit CBS - June 21, 2019



August Friday


Services Under the Sky: Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Woodstock


Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - September Happy Birthday to the Women Vivian Koehler of the Congregation from CBS Darlene Padnos Sisterhood! Judy Shapiro

Sharon Goldman Reva Gomberg Lori Margolin Robyn Rosengard Sheri Singer Sari Weil Stacey Dembo Leatte Gelfeld Vicki Kohn Bonnie Himmelblau Linda Lieber Linda Lipschultz Debbie Sylvan Pamela Gilbert Aline Heller Karen Rosenthal Dayle Teven Amy Goldberg Rachel Gruenberg Bette Polakow Eileen Rosenbaum Judy Wexler Gita Greenwald Allison Lasner Tammy Goberstein

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9

Meryl Weis Rachel Zukerman Anita Gabel Gloria Knopoff Marcia Milten Joyce Root Carol Simon Sharon Weiss Julie Kahn Harriet Tecktiel Alissa Berman Sally Blitt Beverly Dolin Janis Strom Zena Yofonovich Patricia Dryer Karen Grad Barbara Kenzer Cheryl Kleeman Norma Rosen Cynthia Rubin Lilyan Nathan Deborah Wilensky Deborah Elbaum Dena Epstein Debra Friedman

9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17

Raquel Gershon Ivy Weingardt Lori Fohrman Marlene Greenberg Bonnie Malmed Stephanie Uhler Debra Yale Karen Moss Marlene Protus Ruthe Sacks Rhonda Ginsburg Melissa Kaplan Elayne Morgan Cindy Schwartz Beth Landau Carole Block Cindy Marder Judi Greenman Ellen Grossman Linda Hunt Judi McCarthy Sharone Shamir Brooke Friedman Era Friedman Judith Greenberg Lindsay Zelikow Kathryn Friedman Matty Shechtman Elissa Ship

17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27

Rebecca Sostrin Sherri Spector Sharon Telpner Linda Cohen Susan Eisenstadt Stacy Gordon Lauren Marks Roza Risman Shawna Schwalb Miriam Harpaz Melissa Mawrence Bonnie Rothenberg Carrie Kaplan Mardel Katz Ami Speigel

27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or

Happy Anniversary - September Brian and Shari Coleman 1 Jerry and Bobbye Friedman 1 Alan and Elayne Morgan 1 Randy and Hope Samborn 1 Stewart and Sheri Smason 1 Scott and Rhonda Ginsburg 2 Alexander and Lana Goldman 2 Jeffrey and Melissa Good 2 Gary and Denise Grad 2 Mitchel and Gladys Greenberg 35 yrs 2 Elliot and Amy Offenbach 2 Jerome and Jane Wein 2 Stuart and Rebekah Almeleh 3 Irwin and Debra Friedman 3 Harmon and Melissa Lyons 3 Scott and Lori Margolin 30 yrs 3 Robert and Marsha Schwartz 3 Matt and Alyssa Shamis 3 Kamil and Jaclyn Hakimian 4 Sofiya and David Kantor 4 Allan and Melissa Malmed 4 John and Elissa Pelts 4 David and Shawna Schwalb 4 August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

Mitchell and Adrienne Weiss 4 Jerry and Adrienne Bauer 5 Arnold and Barbara Gaffen 5 Adam and Kelly Glauberman 5 David and Amy Goldberg 15 yrs 5 Ira and Adrienne Holtzman 5 Norman and Ilene Iglarsh 5 Jay and Ginger Malin 5 Barton and Renee Osher 5 Doug and Heather Weinstein 20 yrs 5 David and Lynn Charous 10 yrs 6 Michael and Jacqueline Jacobs 6 Andrew and Rebecca Newman 6 Jeffrey and Tracy Safron 6 Dan and Beth Sher 6 David and Susan Silver 6 Bradley and Jessica Taub 10 yrs 6 Michael and Samantha Weinstein 5 yrs 6 David and Melissa Barany 7 Lee and Jennifer Menn 7 Charles and Barbara Poncher 8 Scott and Deborah Tucker 9 Steven and Rachel Birkner 10

Jaeson and Joanna Kaplan Kenneth and Edie Smithson Steven and Faye Krasner Morris and Judith Kaplan Bruce and Debbie Bell Arnie and Janet Hoffman Jerome and Estelle Agrest Mark and Michael Gennerman Naum and Julie Pleshivoy Richard and Tammy Berkowitz Bruce and Sandra Goldstein Drew and Audra Elisco

10 11 12 13 14 14 18 20 20 21 21 23


MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY: Rhonda & Irv Jacobson are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Jade Skyler Jacobson Ellen & Larry Grossman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Nash Wilder Grossman Barb & Michael Zaransky are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Estelle Rose Zaransky Jack Mangurten is happy to announce the birth of his great granddaughter, Estelle Rose Zaransky Dr. Cliff & Robin Wolf are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Kendall Paige Wolf Dr. Lee & Bonnie Malmed are happy to announce the birth of their great granddaughter, Kendall Paige Wolf Dr. Ira & Laurie B. Davis are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Evalyn “Eva” Leia Davis Francine & David Dundore are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Lila Grace Dundore Edna & Michael Schrank are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Lila Grace Dundore Dr. Lewis & Irma Amsel are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Molly Rose Amsel

The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To:

Mark Landau on the passing of his mother, Marcia Nussbaum Pam Doppelt Schwartz on the passing of her mother, Barbara Sharon Doppelt Laura Shulman on the passing of her mother, Grace Vento Friend Barbara Remish on the passing of her father, Marvin Boiko Loly Farnos on the passing of her mother, Lolita García de Farnós Edward Goldstein on the passing of his Wife, Cecelia Goldstein Barbara Menn on the passing of her mother, Cecelia Goldstein Lee Menn on the passing of his grandmother, Cecelia Goldstein Reva Gomberg on the passing of her husband, Lionel Gomberg Myndee Balkan on the passing of her father, Lionel Gomberg Neal Gomberg on the passing of his brother, Lionel Gomberg Anita Taylor on the passing of her mother, Blanche Slav Bruce Shapiro on the passing of his father, Abraham Jacob Shapiro Maida Hoffman on the passing of her brother, Norman Edelstein Ted Gilbert on the passing of his mother, Lorraine Ruth Gilbert Leonard Gilbert on the passing of his mother, Lorraine Ruth Gilbert Dr. Nathan Harpaz on the passing of his wife, Miriam Harpaz Michael Zaransky on the passing of his brother, Steve Zaransky MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Call Maria Catezone (847-498-4100) for information or to order a plaque.

In memory of SYLVIA R. PEKAY by Michael Pekay


BIMA FLOWER FUND: In memory of my husband, Ronald Abrahams on his Yahrzeit Carol Abrahams We sincerely thank all our shul friends for all your good wishes on the occasion of our two grandsons recently celebrated B’nai Mitzvah. We really appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. Thank you again for thinking of us. Jeffrey and Davida Arnold To my friends at Beth Shalom, thank you for all your good wishes on my Bat Mitzvah. Joy Berks

Death of Esteemed Members: Marvin Boiko Cecelia Goldstein Lionel Gomberg Miriam Harpaz

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

YAHRZEITS August 1-2 Joe Asch Sheldon Berson Emily Chelin Charles Korenthal Leo Petchenik Annette Pierce Henry Schuster Marcia Sheryl Schwartzberg Melvin J Tecktiel Samuel Turitz Nathan Wedner Arnold Blocker Joseph Jacob Clor Jack Cohen Fay B. Dunn Herbert E. Hibnick Norman Kramer Gerald "Jerry" Kurtz Vicki Madigan Harry Messer Jacob Perlik Marilyn Z. Ross Rika Shafir Franklin Delano Sklare Dolores Warren Paul Warren Abe Wein Dr. Stephen Weisman August 3-9 Brona Burrows Julie Cooper Abe Dubinsky Marilyn Goldstein Milton Podolsky Albert Silcroft Estelle Slivnick Jacques Banayan Sarah D. Billowitz Colin Gafen Sidney Gelman Edna Lande Irwin Lapping Lola Levko Cathryn R. Livingston Esther Porec Michael Ravage Martin Rogin Sheryl Schwartzberg Irving Weinstock Sylvia Elisco Benjamin Gordon Bessie Krivit Edward Magidson Ethel Malmed Samuel Mutchnik Betty Portugal Robert Ruven Ross Sherwin Paul Ross Cecil Schmulenson Samuel B. Ullman Lucille France Yellen Ludwig Adler Carole Camp Bergman Phillip Brook Howard Faber Max Garlin Daniel Charles Johnson Joseph Kaboff Robert Kasper Irving Lefkovitz Faye Levin Edith Kaplan Levine Irving Levy Irwin Lyons Ross Much Anna Nathan Jacob Pearlman Thelma Perlik Eli Rosenzweig Arthur Samuels Joel Edward Seltzer

Gertrude Swislow Sidney Waller Ben Zisook Paula Rebecca Anderson Renate Blum Sophie Dobkin Ethel Falkin Mildred Gaiber Meyer Katzman Sadie Ruby Kaufman Laurel Hill Kaufmann Arnold Miller Vera Polisky Renee Porter Nancy Inez Schmidt Ethel Yetta Seltzer Maurice Wernick Sylvia Wishnoff Mark Lee Benzion Sidney Blumberg Nettie Brown Lillian Rothenberg Sulamith Schneider Leonard Sexner Trudy Tatz Rose Kaplan Audrey Miller Adela Mittelman Andy Rifkin Samuel Rubenstein Florence Rubin Marshall Schoeneman Anita Zelen Shipley Eva Weinstein August 10-16 Esther Appelbaum Joseph Chotiner Norman Goldman Sara Hyman Bess Kirschenbaum Max Kopol Nathan Lew Mania Malin Max Mickey Multack Albert Nemirow Naha Ozeriansky Paul Poticha Celia Rudich Fay Wolf Lillian N. Ableman Blanche Berebitsky Stuart Flack Edythe Futterman Jenny Kosova Leo Lublin Renee Malman Dori Auslander Dr. Bernard Feinstein Ronald Fishman Eva Friedlander Leila Glantz Beverly Kantor Joseph Korman Shirley Liberman Melvin Menzer Valerie Nathan Ben Patzik Lois Seiden Goldie Senator Joe Silver Herman Srulovitz Sidney C. Weil Jacob Zagorsky Moses Zelkowitz Sarah Auerbach Barry Ganek Elaine Jaspan Victor Jack Mersten Sheldon Millman Beverly Morton Sylvia Rothenberg Selma Stern

August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

Esther Wald Frances Elster Rae Feldman Erwin Gnippe Isadore Goldman Mildred Hoffman Henry T. Kaner Sidney Kramer Fred S. Lasner Bertha Lipschultz Ben E Palmer Dr. David Peckler Alexander Remish Henry Schwarzberg Rosalia Shlagman Leon Steinfeld Isadore Teplinsky Mollie Yusim Betty Sue Zeligman Jeffrey Berger Harold Binstein Benjamin Bosley Simon Davidson Elaine Edidin Sam Friedman Lillian Gold Anne Katzman Jeanette Kaufman Ruth Minkoff Ruth Morrison Rose Schwartz Esther Martin Shupetsky JoAnn Sontag Marshall Wolke Rose Abrams David Klepper Jennifer Lazar Shirley Rosenberg Jacob Samuelson Esther Shapiro Gordon Ship Meyer Shwachman August 17-23 Sol Cotler Lily Fallek Elliott Friedman Paul Goldberg Sigi Kleeman Alice Lobell Charlotte Magidson Joseph Schwartz Jerome N Weil Leah Bransky Frank Brookstein Norman Eskinazi Seymour Gagerman Milton Holzman Paul Kenzer Lillie Malis Milton K. Silverman Joe Cohen Geraldine Faber Mack Gartner Ted Glazer Meyer Greenberg Irving Hoseman Judith Kohn Noah Rabinowitz Marvin Smason Jerome M. Solomon Ann Blum Sam Cohen Herbert Friedman Esther Gelfeld Charles Greenberg Jack Herman Arthur Kerstein Jack Kramer Pearl Platt Mitchell Protus Ida Stepen Theresa Vincent

Marion Dolin Mary Epstein Beckie Feldman Bella Fisch Max Goldstein Ruth Kagan Edna Kaplan Sam Prince Ben Rosenthal Edwin Sanchick Harry Tannenbaum Bernice Fay Wiseman Harold J. Berkowitz Abraham Brin Albert Brin Rose Caprow Percy Elion Miriam Freund Michael Friedman Hannah Granok Dorothy Berlin Kagen Phyllis Kramer Fannie Levy Jerome Lipschultz Harry Rose Ancil Schatzman Ron Shlifka Harold H. Slavitt Victor Sternfield Irene Weiner Harvey Jay Wexelman Louis Wishnick Samuel J. Zagel Seymour Berkowitz Julius Cohen Tillie Doppelt Cookie Friedman Thelma Klein Dolly Levison Stephen Mareta Robert Matasar Rae Naiditch Harvey Nudelman Hyman Rosenthal Rochelle Schy Frank Shneider Bernard Sugarman August 24-30 Evelyn Dubrow Robyn Finkel Robert Fogelson Stanley Grant David Lowenthal Esther Mangoubi Irving Nekritz Ann C Newman Sarah Patzik John A. Roiter Lippman Rothenberg Natalie Sloven Rollie Ackerman Frieda Baer Morris Berebitsky Esther Maslov Aaron Meltzer Hermine Pogofsky Simon Porter Carl Rabin Elaine Rothschild Pessel Schwartz Arlene Weisberg Harriet Zemsky Marvin Dishler Charles Elisco Fanny Gagerman Betty Gartner Yusef Hakimian Harry Jonas Sophie Schatzman Sylvia Solar Evelyn R. Victor Florence Brookstone

Dr. Marvin Brown James Joseph Dick Howard Charles Floom Abram Goldberg Irving Hammer Diane Hoffman Manuel Holden Charles Hyman Shaun Kestin Sara Leviton Morris Miller Oscar Rosenberg Arnold A. Schrank Solomon R Spector Fannie Weinstein Dorothy Zakon Ruth Baum Phema Bohrer Sherry Goldberg William Levin Seymour Pressler Merle Bert Rosenberg Rose Silver Doris Smolen Shirley Spears Irving Stepen Bernard Sweet Mary Wexelman Laura Sue Barov Frieda H. Dredze Lester Fischer Lillian Fox Herman H Helfer Frieda Hoffman Anna Rotstein Enid Sachnoff Judge Harold Siegan Mike Taksin Morris Zemsky James Zucker Sally Altman Minnie Ein Ilse Gutmann Morris Harris Ann Jaffe Sandra Kantz Bernard Kaplan Adeline P Kozin Alan Nabat Hunce Naiman Benjamin Rosenbaum Ruth L. Ross Rose Shifrin Steven Teitelbaum August 31 Sherwin P. Bosse Samuel Brown Arnold Eisenberg Francine Isaacson Rose Nortman Goldie Pearlman Lawrence Weinstein Sandra Weiss Sonia Wolper Sylvia Sime Zisook



Cantor Steven Stoehr In Appreciation of your kindness, wisdom and compassion for the disabled Israeli Soldiers at CBS - Fern Roseman Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In Honor of your son's Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund marriage - Fred Fisher Rabbi Aaron Melman Our grateful appreciation for Cantor Steven Stoehr Thank you for sharing your Aubrey's baby naming. Your warmth and kindness Uganda trip stories - Rita Janowitz always helps to complete the special moments in our Cantor Steven Stoehr In Honor of your outreach to the families' lives - Steven and Debbie Wulfsohn Jews of Uganda - Pam Goldberg Rabbi Aaron Melman Your kindness was greatly Jan Miller Thinking of you for good health. - Michael and appreciated blessing my son, Andrew, on his 43rd Judy Balter Birthday and for the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah. Alan and Marla Patzik For the Birth of your Diana Lee Rothbart Rabbi Aaron Melman In Appreciation of the kindness you granddaughter, Stella Harper - Debbie and Michael Kay Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your have shown to my family this year after the death of grandson, Nash Wilder - Joel and Judy Greenman, Mark and my grandmother, Mati - Ari and Staci Studnitzer Sharon Telpner Rabbi Aaron Melman and Elisa Rotman In Honor of Lee and Bonnie Malmed For the Birth of your great Jordan's Graduation - Bob and Cindy Marder granddaughter, Kendall Paige - Mark and Sharon Telpner In Appreciation of prayers for Gary Cilinie - Skip Michael and Barb Zaransky For the Birth of your Rosenmutter granddaughter, Estelle Rose - Michael and Judy Balter, Joel Amy Solar In Honor of Gene Solar - Sharon Ginchansky and Judy Greenman In Honor of the birth of our great granddaughter, Brinley Rae. Thank you for the many cards from CBS The Rotman-Melman Family In Honor of Jordan's Graduation - Joel and Judy Greenman congregants. - Lew and Eleanor Bernstein Susan Rosenthal In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Dr. and Adele Gorenstein With many thanks. - Charles and Rachel Mrs. Harold Heyman Gruenberg Joy Berks In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Alan and Marla Patzik For the Birth of your Linda and Maureen Gold granddaughter, Stella Harper - Selwyn and Janice Marcus Susan Rosenthal In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Lee and Bonnie Malmed For the Birth of your great Tov! - Linda and Maureen Gold granddaughter, Kendall Paige - Barbara Render Neal and Mona Weiss and Family In Memory of Evelyn Ira and Laurie B. Davis For the Birth of your new granddaughter, Evalyn "Eva" Leia - Bob and Cindy Marder Kalter - Allen and Robin Berg and Family, Carole and Edward Block Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your Judy and Beth Nussbaum In Memory of Gerald grandson, Nash Wilder - Michael and Judy Balter Nussbaum - Linda and Maureen Gold Edna and Mike Schrank In Honor of the birth of Lila Reva Gomberg and Family In Memory of Lionel Gomberg Grace Dundore. Mazel Tov! - Samantha and Steven - Linda and Maureen Gold, Joel and Judy Greenman Seidenberg Sheri Smason In Honor of your 60th Birthday - Rusty and The Brim Family In Memory of Lionel Gomberg - Howard, Jody and Bari Sigal Linda Eisenberg Joy Berks In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Mark and Sharyn David Besser In Memory of Rachel Besser - Jerry and Estelle Agrest Trachtenberg Laura Shulman and Family In Memory of your beloved Shel and Sandy Cotler In Honor of your grandchildren, mother and grandmother, Grace Friend - Joel and Judy Ari and Rachel's graduation - Sharon Cohen Deby Eisenberg For a Speedy Recovery - Jeffrey and Bonnie Greenman Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García Kramer de Farnós - Joel and Judy Greenman, Mark and Sharyn Gary Ciline For a Speedy Recovery - Skip and Michele Trachtenberg Rosenmutter Bruce and Juli Shapiro In Memory of your father, Seymour Politinsky For a Speedy Recovery - Elliot and Abraham - Scott and Debbie Tucker, Andrew and Mona Berman Renee Roth Anita Gordon In Memory of your husband, Harold Deby Eisenberg For a Speedy Recovery - Michael and Ina Gordon - Joel and Judy Greenman Schneiderman Barbara Menn and Family In Memory of Cecelia Goldstein Anita Gordon and Family In Memory of your husband, and father, Harold Gordon - Debbie and Michael Kay - Renee and Jerry Cohen Anita Taylor In Memory of your mother, Blanche Slav Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnós, Deb Schillie, Elliot and Leila Weiss Beverly Davis and Family In Memory of your sister, Renee Roth Blanche Slav - Leila Weiss Myndee Balkan In Memory of your father, Lionel Barbara Menn In Memory of your mother, Cecelia Gomberg - Jodi Moll Goldstein - Bruce and Marla Massel Marlene Saltzberg In Memory of your brother, Bob Nathan Harpaz In Memory of your wife, Miriam Harpaz Peiser - Karen and Michael Kesner - Linda and Lewis Cohen Barbara Menn In Memory of your mother, Cecelia In Memory of Philly Baer - Marnie and Eric Baer Goldstein - Jeffrey and Bonnie Kramer For the Yahrzeit of Milton Rubin - Deborah Elbaum and Ted and Pam Gilbert In Memory of your mother, Barry Rubin Lorraine Gilbert - Jim and Judy Hoke Gale Cook In Memory of your son, Louis Jens - Bob and Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Cindy Marder Rabbi Warner Ferratier and Luis Guzman Valerio To For the Yahrzeit of Arnold Weiner - Mark and Sharyn welcome you to our CBS family - Barbara Render Trachtenberg Rabbi Warner Ferratier and Luis Valerio In Honor of your For the Yahrzeit of David Rosenmutter - Skip wedding and Welcome to CBS - Beth and Dan Sher Rosenmutter Stan and Fran Kazan In Honor of your new home For the Yahrzeit of Michael Trachtenberg - Mark and Marlene Silverman Sharyn Trachtenberg For the Yahrzeit of Milton Rubin - Deborah Elbaum and For the Yahrzeit of Milton Rubin - Deborah Elbaum and Barry Rubin Barry Rubin For the Yahrzeit of my beloved wife and life partner, Sara Dragon - David Dragon

Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steve Stoehr Our grateful appreciation for Aubrey's baby naming. Your warmth and kindness always helps to complete the special moments in our families' lives - Steven and Debbie Wulfsohn Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In Honor of Jacob's and Ilana's Aufruf - Alana and Allan Werth


for the best of luck to you and your family - Ray and Arlene Handler Rabbi Ari and Vanessa Averbach For the Birth of your son, Isaiah Matan - Mitchell and Karyn Liss, Fran Brookstein, Ben and Jennifer Dolin, Rick Elliott, Myron and Marsha Glassenberg, Norm and Linda Lieber, Arlene Saretsky, Carole Shneider and Family, Marlene Silverman, Alan Wernick and Jennifer Field, Sharon and Joel Schwartz and Family Zelda Korol For the Yahrzeit of Leon Korol - The Korol Family Anita Gordon In Memory of your husband, Harold Gordon - Mitchell and Karyn Liss Andrew and Allison Gordon and Family In Memory of your father and grandfather, Harold Gordon - Mitchell and Karyn Liss Judy and Beth Nussbaum In Memory of your husband and father, Jerry Nussbaum - Sharon Telpner Bernard Grad Chesed Fund David and Cheryl Ginsburg For the Birth of your son, Shawn Leib - Barbara Scott Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Karen Rosenthal, Lisa and Harold Dembo, Linda Paul Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Karen Rosenthal, Tom and Helene Coorsh Carter and Meryl Auslander In Memory of your father, Louis Auslander. We're thinking of you at this very sad time in your life. - Larry and Fern Roseman Anita Gordon and Family In Memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Harold Gordon - Fred and Sheryl Katzenstein Mona Weiss In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Kalter Tom and Helene Coorsh Mona Weiss and Family In Memory of your mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Evelyn Kalter Bob and Cindy Marder Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Fred and Sheryl Katzenstein, Diana and Maurice Lewis Lee and Laura Shulman and Family In Memory of your mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Grace Friend - With all our love, Larry and Fern Roseman For the Yahrzeit of Anne Hauser - Marlene and Allan Goldberg For the Yahrzeit of Miriam Horwitz, Florence Snitovsky, Harold Horwitz, Morris Dubin, Barry Horwitz, Gertrude Dubin - Lorraine Horwitz Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Marcia Rabinowitz For a Speedy Recovery - Leonard and Phyllis Mason Cliff and Robin Wolf For the Birth of your granddaugher, Kendall Paige - Alan and Marla Patzik Alan and Marla Patzik For the Birth of your granddaughter, Stella Harper - Michelle and Mark Schneider, Robin and Clifford Wolf Shirley Samuels For the Birth of your great granddaughter, Stella Harper - Jerry and Barbara Petasnick Marla and Alan Patzik In Honor of Marla's Birthday - Rose and David Seserman Marla and Alan Patzik In Honor of Rachel and Zachary's Aufruf - Rose and David Seserman Susi and Michael Hartman In Honor of your daughter, Erika and Matt's marriage - Alan and Marla Patzik CBS Youth Endowment Fund Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Robin and Rick Dissen, Diana and Maury Lewis

Francine Shapiro Scholarship Fund Donald Newman In Honor of your 80th Birthday - Debra and Arnold Landis Jen Schencker In Memory of Aunt Toby - Julie and David Rabbi Averbach's Good and Welfare Fund Goldstein Rabbi Ari Averbach In Appreciation of you - Renee Roth Anita Gordon In Memory of your husband, Harold Rabbi Ari Averbach Wishing you the best of luck on your Gordon - Brian and Roberta Miller, Alan and Marla Patzik, Jerry new adventure. - Alan and Eileen Samlan and Barbara Petasnick Rabbi Ari and Vanessa Averbach In Honor of your Andrew and Allison Gordon In Memory of your father, dedication to CBS and your new rabbinical position Harold Gordon - Evan Mammas Sharon and Joel Schwartz and family Anita Gordon and Family In Memory of your husband, Rabbi Ari and Vanessa Averbach In Honor of your new father and grandfather, Harold Gordon - Larry and Mellie position, your wonderful service to Beth Shalom and Wolfson

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

Gold Family Sabbath Fund Debbie Solomon Congratulations! - Marlene and Marshall Hirshman Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky Cliff and Robin Wolf For the Birth of your granddaughter, Kendall Paige - Michael and Carol Schnitzler Lee and Bonnie Malmed For the Birth of your great granddaughter, Kendall Paige - Michael and Carol Schnitzler Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Romanz In Honor of the engagement of your granddaughter, Sara - Ira and Iris Lerner Joy Berks In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Eitan and Barbara Ben-Dov, Harv, Marv and Enid Frances Binder In Honor of your 90th Birthday! Here's to many more years! - Barbara Bierig Irwin and Sandy Frishman In Honor of your granddaughter, Molly's engagement - Ira and Iris Lerner Mr. and Mrs. Irv Drovny In Honor of your grandson's marriage - Irwin and Sandy Frishman Marcia Rabinowitz For a Speedy Recovery - Sharon Cohen and Family Lew Amsel For a Speedy Recovery - Bernie and Linda Petchenik Barbara Menn In Memory of Cecelia Goldstein - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky Mike Sandler In Memory of Regina Sandler - Gary and Debbie Solomon Anita Gordon In Memory of your husband, Harold Gordon - Fred and Fran Hakimian, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Michael and Carol Schnitzler Pam Doppelt Schwartz In Memory of your mother, Barbara Doppelt - Ron and Laura Schoeneman Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Michael and Carol Schnitzler Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Joan Berke In Memory of your sister - Barbara Levine Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Gary and Debbie Solomon Congratulations! - Joy Berks Alan and Marla Patzik For the Birth of your granddaughter, Stella Harper - Mitchell and Fern King Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Bob and Cindy Marder Debbie Solomon In Appreciation of serving as president of CBS - Beth and Dan Sher Mimi Spickard In Honor of becoming President of the North Suburban Bar Association - Jeff and Barbara Lerch Edna and Mike Schrank In Honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Lila Grace - Tracey and David Becker Bob Boiko In Memory of your father, Marvin - Bernie and Linda Petchenik Lee and Val Shapiro In Memory of Rachel Besser - Mitchell and Fern King Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Michael and Judy Balter, Beth and Dan Sher, Lisa and Harold Dembo, Robin and Rick Dissen, Kevin and Cheryl Braude, Bob and Cindy Marder, Brad Shaps, Mark and Sharon Telpner For the Yahrzeit of Dorothy Shulman, Isadore Shulman - Lee Shulman HUGS - Ritual programming for families with special needs Susan Stoehr In Appreciation of your support - Joy Berks Cantor Steve Stoehr In Appreciation of your support Joy Berks Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In Honor of Jacob and Ilana's marriage - Burt Bentkover and Gail Richardson Robin Bright In Honor of Zach and Ellie's Aufruf and Upcoming Wedding - Beth Preis Mike and Edna Schrank In Honor of the birth of your graddaughter, Lila Grace - Lisa and Harold Dembo The Gomberg Family In Memory of Lionel Gomberg Burt and Sheila Handler Reva Gomberg and Gayle Brim and Family In Memory of Lionel Gomberg, beloved father and grandfather - The Orlov Family Jay Davis In Memory of Marlene Weiss, beloved mother and grandmother - Burt and Sheila Handler

August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

Anita Gordon In Memory of your husband, Harold Gordon - Eva and Daniel Sideman, Les and Jill Olefsky Andrew and Allison Gordon In Memory of your father, Harold Gordon - Evan Mammas Anita Gordon and Family In Memory of your beloved husband, father and grandfather, Harold Gordon - Kim and Perry Shwachman, The Milkens Family The Family of Chick Re In Memory of your husband, father and grandfather - Burt and Sheila Handler Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Fern and Michael Ellison For the Yahrzeit of Louis Barron, Barry Konlon - Burt Bentkover For the Yahrzeit of Roberta Gerson - Mr. Burt Bentkover Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Marcia Rabinowitz For a Speedy Recovery - Arnie and Janet Hoffman, Lewis and Irma Amsel Howie Michaels For a Speedy Recovery - Burt and Sheila Handler Lew Amsel For a Speedy Recovery - Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Michael and Barb Zaransky For the Birth of your granddaughter, Estelle Rose - Arnie and Janet Hoffman Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Arnie and Janet Hoffman Mia Adler Ozair In Honor of receiving your PhD - Arnie and Janet Hoffman Joy Berks In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Arnie and Janet Hoffman Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Arnie and Janet Hoffman High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund George Shepard In Honor of your 90th Birthday - Hedy Margolin Joy Berks In Honor of your lovely Bat Mitzvah. So proud. - Joel and Judy Greenman In Memory of our beloved father and grandfather, Julius L. Schusteff - The Coorsh Family Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Larry and Ellen Grossman Hoffman Adult Ed Scholarship Fund Shirley Samuels For the Birth of your great granddaughter, Stella Harper - Arnie and Janet Hoffman Susan Rosenthal In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Mazel Tov - Danielle and Darrin Stern Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Marty Davidson For a Speedy Recovery - Lenny and Jane Siedband and Martha Bitran Jim Ostach For a Speedy Recovery - Lenny and Jane Siedband Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Ray and Arlene Handler, David and Bev Sugar Lee and Bonnie Malmed For the Birth of your great granddaughter, Kendall Paige - Ray and Arlene Handler Brady and Marcy Zirlin In Honor of Carter and Jolie's B'nai Mitzvah - Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Darlene and Norm Padnos In Honor of Elana becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Lisa Alter Krule and Michael Krule The Handler Family In Honor of Ethan's college graduation - David, Bev, Jordan and Ben Sugar Jay and Elaine Kearnes In Honor of Jennifer's graduation from medical school - Robert and Susan Katz In Honor of Lena's Bat Mitzvah - The Steinberg Family Marla and Alan Patzik In Honor of the birth of Stella Harper - Barbara and Joe Wolke Larry and Ava Sugar In Honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary - David, Bev, Ben and Jordy Ronnie Jo Sokol In Honor of your special milestone Birthday! - David and Bev Sugar Ronnie Jo Sokol In Honor of your 70th Birthday - Helene and Marty Hutensky Rosalie Roth In Honor of your grandson, Max's Bar Mitzvah - David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar, Dee and Joel Probisky Mark Heyrman In Honor of your retirement and amazing legacy - David and Bev Sugar Kelly and Michael Goldberg and Family In Memory of Bernard Judge - David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar David and Bev Sugar In Memory of Janna - Gishie Siegel


Barbara and Tom Schwartz and Family In Memory of John Burchall - David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar Carter and Meryl Auslander and Family In Memory of Leslie Auslander - Steven and Iris Podolsky Dr. and Mrs. Mark Landau In Memory of Marcia Nussbaum - Denise and Jonathan Handler The Hutensky, Sugar and Roth Families In Memory of Max Rosenfeld - Shaynee Jankelovitz Charlotte Kohn and Family In Memory of Phil Rosenfeld - Shaynee Jankelovitz Shaynee Jankelovitz In Memory of our dear cousin, David Jankelovitz - Jonathan and Biranit Cohen Andrew and Allison Gordon In Memory of your father, Harold Gordon - Arlene Gitles-Hammerman Carter and Meryl Auslander In Memory of your father, Louis Auslander - Ellis and Becky Sostrin Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Les and Jill Olefsky, Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Ray and Arlene Handler Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Sheryl Weissman Joan Berke In Memory of your sister - Barbara Levine Edward Goldstein In Memory of your wife, Cecelia Goldstein - Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Suzanne Gilford For the Yahrzeit of Florence Kraft - Roselle Jacobson Kessler Memorial ShabbaTONE Fund Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Harry and Lily Zoberman Lee and Bonnie Malmed For the Birth of your great granddaughter, Kendall Paige - Harry and Lily Zoberman Howard and Joanne Nusbaum In Honor of your granddaughter, Zoe's Bat Mitzvah - Harold and Andi Kessler Barbara Menn In Memory of your mother, Cecelia Goldstein - Harry and Lily Zoberman Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Harry and Lily Zoberman Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Mike and Edna Schrank For the Birth of your granddaughter, Lila Grace - Kevin and Cheryl Braude Irving and Rhonda Jacobson For the Birth of your granddaughter, Jade - Perry and Kimberly Shwachman Gary and Debbie Solomon In Appreciation of all you have done for our synagogue family - Norm and Darlene Padnos Gary and Debbie Solomon In Honor of your President's Brunch - Robin and Steven Bright Larry and Ellen Grossman In Honor of the birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Kim and Perry Shwachman Joy Berks In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Marlene Silverman David Dragon In Honor of your birthday and inspiring participation in the Yom HaShoah program - Norm and Darlene Padnos Mort Skidelsky For a Speedy Recovery - Bob and Cindy Marder Lynda Wallis For a Speedy Recovery Get well soon! Carol Abrahams Sheree Feldman and Family Our condolences to your daughter-in-law and her family - CBS Board of Trustees and Staff Neal and Mona Weiss In Memory of the passing of your mother, Evelyn Kalter - Kim and Perry Shwachman, Kevin and Cheryl Braude Beth Nussbaum In Memory of your father, Jerry Nussbaum - Cary and Alene Wintroub Myndee Balkan In Memory of your father, Lionel Gomberg - Kevin and Cheryl Braude Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Norm and Darlene Padnos In Memory of Marsha Bosley - Richard and Barbara Bosley, Scott Bosley In Memory of Donald Sonenfeld - Richard and Barbara Bosley In Memory of Shirley Sonenfeld - Richard and Barbara Bosley


DONATIONS For the Yahrzeits of my beloved husband, Julius Schusteff, my beloved sister, Rose Kay, my beloved mother, Sarah Kopolavics - Jeanette Schusteff In Appreciation of Shavuot at CBS - Dr. Harry Kanin Just Because! - Harvey and Sheila Medvin Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Sandy Zelen Happy Birthday! - Dorothy Gelman Marv Rosett and The Meltzer Family For the Birth of your great grandson and grandson, Shawn Leib - Mark and Sharon Telpner Hakimian Family In Honor of Josh's Graduation from U of I - Lisa Alter and Michael Krule Evie Hafner In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! The Gichner Family Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gutman In Honor of your grandson's Bar Mitzvah - Joan and Sheldon Banoff Barbara Scott In Honor of your grandson, Eddie's High School Graduation - Mike and Harriet Kaplan The Gilbert family In Memory of Lorraine Gilbert Bonnie and Richard Meltzer Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship Fund Gary and Debbie Solomon In Honor of your Brunch. We LOVE you both SO much! - Mom and Dad Gary and Deborah Solomon In Honor of Debbie's Presidency at Congregation Beth Shalom - Joan Solomon Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Scott and Leslie Rogoff Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky, Laurie and Howard Jacob, Amy, Lawrence, Meital and Noah LeVine Barbara Menn In Memory of your mother, Cecelia Goldstein - Laurie and Howard Jacob For the Yahrzeit of Ernest Smolen - Elliot and Renee Roth PRIDE @CBS Ellen and Larry Grossman For the Birth of Nash Wilder Nancy and Bruce Chudacoff Debbie Solomon In Appreciation of Your Presidency Nancy and Bruce Chudacoff Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the Yahrzeit of Alan Hurwick - Linda Hurwick and Family For the Yahrzeits of Albert Hoffman, Frieda Hoffman - Burt Hoffman For the Yahrzeits of Anita Resnick, William Resnick Carlton and B. Paula Resnick For the Yahrzeit of Annabelle Lebovitz - Diane Lebovitz For the Yahrzeit of Anson Glikman - Helene Becker For the Yahrzeits of Arnold Weiner, Michael Trachtenberg - Mark and Sharyn Trachtenberg For the Yahrzeit of Barbara Metrick - Lawrence Metrick For the Yahrzeits of Baruch Mangurten, Basha Mangurten - Jack Mangurten For the Yahrzeit of Benet Levine - Barbara Levine For the Yahrzeit of Beverly Penn - Benjamin and Shellie Schwartz For the Yahrzeit of Caroline Petasnick - Earl and Lois Nudelman For the Yahrzeit of Clara Blustein - Carol Blustein For the Yahrzeit of David Rosenmutter - Skip and Michele Rosenmutter For the Yahrzeit of Howard Glazier - Jeffrey and Davida Arnold For the Yahrzeit of Ethel Bubman - Faye Ziegler For the Yahrzeit of Ethel Glickman - Helene Becker For the Yahrzeit of Fannie Slotkin - Rose Goldberg For the Yahrzeit of Francine Maslov - Ed, Joanna and Buzz Maslov For the Yahrzeit of Hannah Arnold - Jeffrey and Davida Arnold For the Yahrzeits of Hannah Lewis, Harold Lewis, Alice Katzenstein, Adolph Katzenstein - Fred and Sheryl Katzenstein For the Yahrzeit of Harold Friedman - Peter and Susan Brown For the Yahrzeit of Harry Kraft - Roselle Jacobson For the Yahrzeit of Harvey Pestine - Gail Pestine


For the Yahrzeits of Henrietta Natenberg, Sidney Weil - Sheldon Natenberg For the Yahrzeit of Henry Alexander - Carole Shneider For the Yahrzeit of Hyman Wollman - Rita Hirsh For the Yahrzeit of Jeanette Berkelhamer - Rita Janowitz For the Yahrzeits of Joe Elbom, Rose Elbom, Jeffrey Kleifeld - Debby Kleifield For the Yahrzeits of Lillian Price, Kathleen Checker, Beatirce Checker - Richard Price For the Yahrzeit of Louis Goodnick - Renee Soltan For the Yahrzeits of Lynn and Pearl Rose - Jerry Moss For the Yahrzeit of Margrit Reich - Stewart and Debra Reich For the Yahrzeits of Margrit Reich, Albert Goldman David and Andi Reich For the Yahrzeits of Martin Ashman, Rose Kessler Betty Ashman For the Yahrzeits of Marvin Scott, Cecule Less, Celia Scott - Barbara Scott For the Yahrzeits of Max Stone, Dan Behar, Arlyne Wolfson - Lionel and Reva Gomberg For the Yahrzeit of Meta McCants - Karen Rosenthal For the Yahrzeit of Milton Festenstein - Susan Verson For the Yahrzeit of Nathan Schmulenson - Stuart and Phyllis Simon For the Yahrzeit of Norman Pasmanter - Barbara Render For the Yahrzeit of Pauline Mason - Leonard and Phyllis Mason For the Yahrzeit of Perle W. Heftman - Ron and Ronna Heftman For the Yahrzeit of Raymond L. Harris - Marshall Kerschner For the Yahrzeit of Rita Pestine - Gail Pestine For the Yahrzeits of Samuel Miller, Bessie G. Miller Bradley Miller For the Yahrzeit of Sarah Ziegler - David and Faye Ziegler For the Yahrzeit of Shirley Lasky - Mrs. Barbara Lasky and Family For the Yahrzeit of Susan Ginsburg - Beth Sher For the Yahrzeit of Sylvia Silberman - Gerald Silberman For the Yahrzeits of Thelma Perlik, David Perlik, Isa Becker, Max Becker, Jacob Perlik, Bertha Perlik Stuart Perlik For the Yahrzeits of Tillie Silcroft, Sophie Hahn Sanford and Rita Silcroft For the Yahrzeit of Todd Chapman - Earl and Lois Nudelman For the Yahrzeit of William Sher - Nancy and Richard Sher For the Yahrzeit of my dad, Sam Wolff - Marcy Canel For the Yahrzeit of my husband, Stephen Brookstein - Fran Brookstein For the Yahrzeit of my mother, Anna Glotzer Harriette Kurtz For the Yahrzeit of my mother, Basha Mangurten, my father, Baruch Mangurten - Jack Mangurten For the Yahrzeit of my mother, Goldie Glutzer - Ceil Zook For the Yahrzeits of my parents and brother - William Klein For the Yahrzeit of our beloved sister, Harriet Handler - Arlene and Raymond Handler For the Yahrzeit of our son Steven G. Gabel - Anita Gabel Mrs. Mitchell Goldgehn and Family In Memory of Edward "Eddie" Goldgehn - Sandy and Mike Laskov In Memory of Max D. Greenberg - Geraldine Anderson In Memory of my brother, Irvin Salky - Mitchell and Evelyn Meltzer In Memory of our dearly beloved aunt, Charlotte Fridkin Rosenberg - Ray and Arlene Handler In Appreciation of CBS and clergy - Sallie Blackman Rosengard Museum Fund Robert Shuman and Family In Memory of Bonnie Shuman, beloved wife, mother and grandmother Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Jay Davis and Family In Memory of Marlene Davis, beloved wife, mother and grandmother - Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family

Gary Deutsch and Family In Memory of Eugene "Deutschy" Deutsch, beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather - Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Mr and Mrs Dennis Dorman and Family In Memory of your beloved daughter, sister and granddaughter, Juliana "JuJu" Greenfield - Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Rosner Building Fund Nick Brown For a Speedy Recovery - Danny and Lana Zakon Paul Sherman and Family In Memory of your mother, Bonnie Shuman - Danny and Lana Zakon Rubenstein Library Fund Barbara Scott In Honor of Kari's college graduation and Eddie's high school graduation. Congratulations! - Gail Pestine Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Fred Fisher and Lois Fisher Joy Berks, Barbara and Allen Chandler, Steve and Matty Shechtman, Faye Albert The Gomberg Family In Memory of Lionel - Jerry and Estelle Agrest The Gomberg Family In Memory of Lonny - Barbara and Steven Blonz Michael Gomberg and Family In Memory of your father, Lionel Gomberg - The Asher Family Schwartz / Saltzberg Library Fund Gary and Debbie Solomon Mazel Tov - Mitchell and Karyn Liss Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Mitchell and Karyn Liss, Harold and Susan Schwartz Myndee Balkan In Memory of your father, Lionel Gomberg - Mitchell and Karyn Liss In Memory of my most wonderful and loving mother, Marian Renee Saltzberg - Terry Saltzberg Marlene Saltzberg and family In Memory of your beloved brother, Bob Peiser - Jill Lake Neal and Mona Weiss In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Kalter - Mitchell and Karyn Liss Schwartz Call- in Fund Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Robin and Steven Bright, Michelle and Mark Schneider Schwartz Family In Honor of Sammi becoming Samantha R. Schwartz! - Lisa Alter Krule and Michael Krule Mona Weiss In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Kalter - Art and Ethel Obrand, Mark and Michelle Schneider Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Art and Ethel Obrand Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Norm and Darlene Padnos Happy Anniversary - Barbara Levine Edna and Mike Schrank For the Birth of your granddaughter, Lila Grace - Fern and Michael Ellison, Sharon and Mark Telpner, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Larry and Ellen Grossman For the Birth of your grandson, Nash Wilder - Michael and Carol Schnitzler Ira and Laurie B. Davis In Honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Evalyn “Eva” Leia - Beth and Dan Sher Debbie Solomon In Honor of the completion of a very successful term as President of CBS - Bob and Cindy Marder Jordan Melman In Honor of your graduation from Schechter! - Mike and Edna Schrank Reva Gomberg and Family In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Mike and Edna Schrank Pam Schwartz In Memory of your mother, Barbara Doppelt - Sue and Jack Greenpan Mona Weiss In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Kalter - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky, Barbara Long, Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Mike and Edna Schrank Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Michael and Carol Schnitzler Beth Nussbaum In Memory of your father, Gerald Nussbaum - Sara Weinstein

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

DONATIONS Sophie Binstein Tzedekah Fund Steven Elisco In Appreciation of your support of my Eagle Scout project. Thank you for teaching and mentoring me. - Daniel Chertow Susan Rosenthal In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Earl and Renee Strum Reva Gomberg and Family In Memory of your beloved husband and father, Lionel Gomberg - Barbara and Larry Libauer Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Reva Gomberg, Ron and Ronna Heftman, Steve and Matty Shechtman For the Yahrzeit of Sophie Binstein - Seymour and Beverly Binstein For the Yahrzeit of Chaim Saruk - Seymour and Beverly Binstein For the Yahrzeit of Barbara Rudenberg - Ken and Edie Smithson For the Yahrzeit of Bernard Wolper - Ken and Edie Smithson

Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Fund Rabbi Ari and Vanessa Averbach With our gratitude. Wishing you the best of luck in the future. Shalom u l'hitraot. - Norm and Darlene Padnos and Family Rick and Bonnie Meltzer For the Birth of your grandson, Shawn Leib - Barbara Scott Marvin Rosett For the Birth of your great grandson, Shawn Leib - Barbara Scott David Dragon In Honor of your 96th Birthday - Marshall and Barbara Dickler Michael and Harriet Kaplan In Honor of your grandson, Mac's high school graduation - Barbara Scott Caryn and Jordan Bressler In Honor of your son, Mac's high school graduation - Barbara Scott Seymour Politinsky For a Speedy Recovery - Michele Lutz Loly Farnós In Memory of your mother, Lolita García de Farnós - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky, Joy Berks The Boiko Family In Memory of Marvin Boiko - Jill Ziegler Marc Kreiter and Family In Memory of your father - Jan Sabin Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund Gomberg - Barbara Scott and Family Capi Scheidler Congratulations on your big Barbara Menn In Memory of your mother, Cecelia accomplishment! - Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Goldstein - Ron and Marla Zelikow Harvey Teitelbaum Wishing you a very happy Father's For the Yahrzeit of my husband, Ken Weiss - Leila Day! - Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marly Weiss and Tanner Harvey Teitelbaum In Honor of your 90th Birthday Rabbi Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Bobbi Teitelbaum, Edgar Gettleman, Joel, Missy, Hannah and Sam Fund Gettleman, Marcy Teitelbaum, Saly Simona Chendea, Merle, Larry, Rabbi Carl Wolkin For a Speedy Recovery - Bobby and Pepi Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marly and Tanner, Harvey Barr, Terry and Sandi Bobroff, Fran Brookstein, Barry and Diane and Yetta Saltzman Cohn, Sheldon and Wendy Copeland, Sheldon and Sandy Cotler, Brad and Jamie Zaransky For the Birth of your daughter, Rick Elliott, The Genender Family, Myron and Marsha Glassenberg, Estelle Rose - Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Harriet Goldberg, Diane Goldman and Family, Sharon Hoffman, Michael and Barb Zaransky For the Birth of your Irwin and Marsha, Pearlman, Curt and Linda Rodin, Gerald and granddaughter, Estelle Rose - Harvey and Bobbi Irene Rogers, Arlene Saretsky, Ken and Joan Siegan, Marti Sinton, Teitelbaum Judy Sloan and Sheldon Sandack, Don and Marilyn Sneider Larry Ordower For the Birth of your granddaughter, Deby Eisenberg For a Speedy Recovery - Jim and Judy Hoke Estelle Rose - Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Ira and Laurie B. Davis For the Birth of your Mike and Edna Schrank For the Birth of your granddaughter, Evalyn "Eva" Leia - Barbara Render granddaughter, Lila Grace - Neal and Mona Weiss Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum In Honor of your 50th Alan and Jackie Zelkowitz In Honor of David and Wedding Anniversary! - Debbie and Gary Sylvan Steven's High School Graduation - Neal and Mona Weiss Barbara and Alan Merkin In Honor of your Marcy Teitelbaum In Honor of Jordan completing his granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! - Mitzie and Residency - Neal and Mona Weiss Stewart Herman Edgar Gettleman Wishing you a very happy Father's Donald Levine In Honor of your granddaughter, Olivia's Day! - Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marly high school graduation - Sheldon and Sandy Cotler and Tanner Norm and Linda Lieber In Honor of your son, Ryan's Edgar Gettleman In Honor of your anniversary - Harvey marriage - Bob and Cindy Marder and Bobbi Teitelbaum Myndee Balkan In Memory of your father, Lionel Neal and Mona Weiss In Honor of the engagement of Gomberg - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky your son, Jared, to Melanie - Marcy and Rick and Family Joe and Muriel Stepen In Memory of your dear sister, Joy Berks In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah - Ron and Ronna Ceil. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this Heftman time. - Mitzie and Stewart Herman Deby Eisenberg For a Speedy Recovery - Robin and Lee Eisenberg Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Marcia Rabinowitz For a Speedy Recovery - Elliot and Memorial Fund Sharon Goldman Rabbi Carl Wolkin For a Speedy Recovery - Sharon and Honey Bronson and Family In Memory of Allan Levick Joel Schwartz and Family The Cowin and Ordower Families Michael and Barb Zaransky For the Birth of Estelle Rose Anita Taylor In Memory of your mother, Blanche Slav - Cece and Arlen Lasinsky, Bob and Cindy Marder, Linda and Robin and Lee Eisenberg Maureen Gold, Michelle and Mark Schneider, Kim and Perry The Family of Nancy Lowenthal In Memory of Nancy Shwachman Lowenthal - Harvey and Bobbi Teitelbaum Brad and Jamie Zaransky In Honor of the birth of your Harriet Shevin In Memory of your husband, Allan daughter, Estelle Rose - Kim and Perry Shwachman Thelma Blonder Jack Mangurten In Honor of the birth of your great Anita Gordon In Memory of your husband, Harold granddaughter, Estelle Rose - Kim and Perry Shwachman Gordon - Elliot and Sharon Goldman Laura Shulman In Memory of your mother, Grace Friend - Elliot and Sharon Goldman Reva Gomberg In Memory of your husband, Lionel Gomberg - Ron and Ronna Heftman Mona Weiss In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Kalter Marcy and Rick and Family Neal and Mona Weiss and Family In Memory of your mother and grandmother, Evelyn Kalter - Gregg and Rita Schneider Pamela Doppelt Schwartz In Memory of your mother, Barbara Doppelt - Marcy Teitelbaum For the Yahrzeit of Lois Levin - Samuel Levin

August 2019 • VOLUME 73 ISSUE 43

CELEBRATE YOUR SON’S BRIT MILAH OR YOUR DAUGHTER’S SIMCHAT BAT AT CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM! Welcoming a new baby into the Jewish community is a wonderful event for our members to celebrate at our synagogue.

Have the Brit Milah or Simchat Bat at Congregation Beth Shalom! Please contact Maria Catezone, Office Manager, at 847-498-4100 or for more information and synagogue availability.



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Candle Lighting and Services

Friday Evening – August 2 (Candles 7:50 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – August 3 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM

Friday Evening – August 9 (Candles 7:41 PM) Services Under the Sky: 6:00 PM Tailgate Shabbat & College Send-off with BBQ Dinner immediately following

Saturday – August 10 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha Ma’ariv (Erev Tisha B’Av)

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM 8:30 PM

Sunday – August 11 Morning Minyan (Tisha B’Av)

8:45 AM

Friday Evening – August 16 (Candles 7:32 PM) Services Under the Sky: 6:00 pm Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Woodstock

Saturday, August 17 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Study Minyan Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM

Friday, August 23 (Candles 7:21 PM) Services Under the Sky:

6:00 PM

Saturday, August 24 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM

Friday, August 30 (Candles 7:09 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

Saturday, August 31 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM

Celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing

Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evening s Sunday Mornings

6:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM

Congrega on Beth Shalom • NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS • 847-498-4100 • WWW.BETHSHALOMNB.ORG

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