January 2011 The Record

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January, 2011

Season of Christmastide/Epiphany

The Newsletter ofThe Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John

A Word From Our Dean...

Our Worship Life Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1 10:30 AM, Rite 2 Church School Classes meet at 10:30 AM Wednesday 12:10 PM, Holy Eucharist

Dear Cathedral Family, The New Year is at hand and it will offer you and me unexpected challenges and blessings. As active Christians we should welcome such an opportunity to share our strength and purpose as 2011 unfolds. Recently, I was reading an op-ed piece in The New York Times by David Brooks. Mr. Brooks has a very wide sweep of interest and he was writing about the future of the United States and its citizens in “a middle class world.” First, he reflected that since the 19th century and in no small part, thanks to the Industrial Revolution, the United States seems to have stepped out in front of the other nations of the world in terms of its riches and power. However, in the last decade or so the rest of the world seems to be catching up with us. This change, he suggests, has caused something of a “psychological crisis” for you and me. I can’t disagree. While some may see this as a marked sign of decline and others feel that we are losing our exceptionalism, Brooks counters that in a world of relative equals we will have to learn to define ourselves not by our rank, but by our values. If Mr. Brooks were here in front of me I would say, “Point well made. This is where we of the community of faith come in.” Values is largely what we are supposed to be about: the value of each human being, the value of our natural surroundings, the value of concern for the communities in which we live and the larger community of the world, the value of freedom from sin and death guaranteed to us by Jesus, the value of life eternal insured by our Lord Himself. Just think what our Cathedral Family could accomplish in 2011 if we use our talent and energy to actually share these values and make them known to a world which so desperately needs to know where to find them! Mr. Brooks concluded that “For centuries, people have ridiculed American culture for being tepid, materialistic and middle class.” Do we not have something to share which has the potential for creating a new and more livable world, the Good News of Jesus Christ? Let’s make that our message and work in this new year! With every good wish and faithfully, Faithfully,

Harry Krauss


From The Deacon’s Bench

Dear Friends in Christ, January is always a time for reflection and renewal. As we come out of our “holiday mindset”, we are suddenly back into the everyday world of having to meet deadlines and get things done. The “magic” of the holidays now folded carefully and put into storage once more until next year. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The “magic” of the Christmas season can really come to live in our hearts each day, if we become open to that possibility. I am always stunned a little bit by the overwhelming generosity of people, for example, during the holidays. It is truly wondrous to see, as gifts are given, not only to those we know, but to those whom we never shall meet. That doesn’t have to go away at the end of the holidays and, in fact, can become part of the fiber of our lives if we try to continue to find ways to be generous throughout the year. A while back, I worked for an agency that supported a residential program. During the holidays, we would receive wonderful donations of turkey dinners and they were always received with appreciation by the residents. I used to think about how important it was for me to remember that our residents had needs that continued throughout the year. Truthfully, I don’t think I had ever thought about it in quite that way, in the front of my head before that. I was shocked by my own lack of awareness, and I saw our residents everyday! There are many ways in which we bring our daily faith to live in our actions at the Cathedral of Saint John. The Food Pantry is always in need of our help and sustenance, and many are faithful to this ministry. The City Meal Site is always looking for volunteers and there are regular helpers from the Cathedral who answer that call. Our Knitting Ministry brings the warmth of hand made articles to the sick, the aged, babies, the infirmed, as well as soldiers, sailors and those in need in the community. In the governance of our Cathedral, there are many who step forward and offer their time and talent to continue the great work set forth by our presence in this neighborhood. Our yearly pledge provides money to operate the church and allows us to continue our presence here. In the end, we know that there are many opportunities to continue to bring the “magic” of the holidays to everyday life here in Providence. I don’t believe in “New Years’ Resolutions.” I believe, rather, in the power and strength of the Gospel to move us forward, to change things that need changing and to continue to bring quiet strength to what we already do. May God bless you in the New Year, and may God propel us into constantly finding new ways to be faithful to “Love one another, as God has loved us.” Your sister in Christ, Deacon Barbara

Happy Birthday Christine Watts!! 2

BLACK HISTORY MONTH TO BE OBSERVED AT THE CATHEDRAL The month of February is observed nationally, as Black History Month. A number of events are planned in the greater Rhode Island community. The Cathedral community will, once again, recognize and celebrate Black History Month with several activities. The Cathedral’s observance will culminate on February 27th and include displays of African-American memorabilia provided by local organizations and collectors. The Diversity Committee is also attempting to arrange a gospel music experience. A highlight of the celebration will be an appearance by Michael S. VanLeeston, a long time community leader and change agent, at the 10;30 Mass on February 27th. Please save the date and plan on attending and participating in these activities.

Annual Meeting to Be held on Sunday, January, 30, 2011 On Sunday, January 30, 2011, the Annual Meeting of The Cathedral of Saint John will be held in Synod Hall. There will only be one Holy Eucharist, which will be at 9:30 AM. The Pot Luck Luncheon and the Annual Meeting will follow the service. Please plan to attend this very important meeting, where we will discuss the important issues and responsibilities of the congregation and parish for the coming year. There will be a sign-up sheet to indicate what dish you will be willing to bring. We look forward to seeing YOU there.

Images from 2010

2010 Annual Meeting

Pentecost Sunday

2010 Annual Meeting

Dean Krauss & Dcn. Barbara at CandlelightMemorial 3

ECW News and Notes Please Save These Date! Spring 2011

Shopping Trip to Kittery, ME. More information will follow.

Sunday, March 6

Bake Sale, 8:30 to Noon.

Saturday, May 7

May Breakfast. More information to follow

Bernice Belt thanks all those who responded to the "Christmas at Sea" Seaman's Church Institute project. The knitters made many hats and scarves and others filled in with gloves, sweatshirts, playing cards, game books, lip balm, microwave popcorn, gum and more. We filled a tall kitchen 13 gallon bag! I'm sure the seamen who received them are grateful. Thank you again for your generosity.

Musical Notes of Interest 2011 Sunday, Feb. 20, 3:30 PM Museum Concerts, Four Nations Ensemble, From Venice and Versailles Sunday, April 3, 3:30 PM Museum Concerts, Haydn and the Ladies of London Sunday, April 30, 8:00 PM Museum Concerts, Les DĂŠlices, In the Apartments of the King


The Standing Notices If you are interested in Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Burial or House Blessings, please contact Dean Krauss at 401-331-4622 as soon as possible. Instruction must be held and deadlines met for each of these rites with the exception of Burial and House Blessings. Altar Flowers We are mindful that in these strained economic times the contribution of $75.00 for Altar flowers may be to expensive. We will only have flowers on the Altar the first Sunday of each month or on special occasion such as Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas. On other Sundays we will have plants at the Altar. Also, you are more then welcome to join with others to contribute the memorials for the first Sunday of the month. For those of you who wish to have flowers on the altar to commemorate a special occasion of your own, please call Miss Tinker at least two weeks in advance to give us time to make the necessary arrangements with Jephry. The Vigil Light, Cathedral Candles, Anthems, Service Music Parishioners who wish to sponsor the Vigil Light, Cathedral candles, anthems or service music during the year, to glorify God, to remember or give thanks for someone or to celebrate a special occasion, please let us know as soon as possible. The donation for the Vigil Light and candles are $10.00. To make these arrangements, please call Miss Tinker at 331-4622 The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on Tuesdays, at 9:30AM in the Deacon’s Office. The Cathedral Choir will meet for rehearsal on Tuesday evenings at 7PM. Cathedral Food Pantry News Do you like mandarin oranges? The hungry folks who come to our Cathedral Food Pantry every week sure do! It costs about 30 dollars for 60 cans, which we buy every week. If you would like to donate the funds for the fruit, please specify it on your weekly envelope. Our clients thank you! Shoppers are needed for the food pantry. If you are able to help us, please see or speak to Meg LoPresti 401-353-5473 or Leah Nastasi 401-949-2364. This ministry is extremely important and we are very grateful to the dedication of all of the volunteers who make it possible. Thank you and many blessings. Cathedral Food Pantry Schedule January 1 Felicia McBurroughs and Marge Beach January 8 K. McGowan and R. Smith

January 15 Sarah O’Gara and Meg LoPresti January 22 Emily Costa and Joe Martone January 29 Trudy Michaud and Meg LoPresti February 5 Bernice Belt and Everett Lima February 12 Lin and Andy Costa February 19 Felicia McBurroughs and Marge Beach February 26 K. McGowan and R. Smith


-Thoughts from the Senior Warden-

Another year is nearly behind us and I’m sitting here thinking of all the adjectives that can be applied to the year 2010 here at the Cathedral of Saint John. In addition to the obvious “challenging” and “daunting”, (because, after all, we do live in the real world) there are so many more. “Hopeful”, “promising”, “loving”, “caring”, “energetic”, “interesting”, “resourceful”, “thoughtful” – all of these and more describe our community as a whole. As we move forward into 2011, “challenging” will of course come with us, because it’s just a fact of life. But how wonderful it will be to also take with us all those good adjectives and to take special care that “energetic” never turns into “apathetic”. I hope we can all step up, get involved, and make 2011 a year to remember. Happy New Year Everyone. God’s Peace To All Leah

Christmas Caroling at Hallworth House!

Junior Warden’s Report: January, 2011 Blessings all!

Not too much to report this month. We did get a new “booster” water heater for the kitchen “Warewasher” and it is installed. The Soup Kitchen folks will be glad not to have to do dishes by hand anymore. Many thanks to the ECW, they donated $100.00 towards the repairs. I replaced one broken pane of glass in the windows over the Portico and expect to get to another one on the Church St. side entrance some time soon. M. Barboza & Sons have repaired the leaking roof over the Sacristy area and we’ll see if the damaged ceiling can get cleaned up and repainted at some point this winter. I’d also like to get up into the tower and put some plywood or plastic covers over the broken glass panes to keep out the wind, cold & snow. Energy Efficiency has made another round of repairs / changes to the heating system and the Church School area is warm once again. They repaired one of our old zone circulators, but have said it may need to be replaced at some point if it doesn’t keep running properly. Otherwise we’re doing OK. Merry Christmas & Happy 2011! Andy 6

News of Note in the Parish The Cathedral of Saint John Will hold its Pot Luck Luncheon & Annual Meeting On Sunday, January 30, 2011 Directly after the 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist Sign up to bring something for the Pot Luck Lunch On the Sign Up Sheet At the entrance to Synod Hall.

Library Sunday On the fourth Sunday of each month, we will have “Gently Used” Books for sale in Synod Hall during the coffee hours. The proceeds will benefit the Food Pantry.

How to get your copy of RISEN & eRISEN Subscriptions to the hard copy Diocesan publication, RISEN are free! Email your address and parish to RISEN@episcopalri.org with "RISEN Subscription" in the subject field. To receive the twice monthly Diocesan publication, eRISEN, please click on the following hyperlink : http://www.episcopalri.org/NewsEvents/OurPublications/EmailNewslettereRISEN/SubscribetoeRISEN/ tabid/357/Default.aspx NOTE: If you do not have e-mail but would like to receive a copy of eRISEN, ask Miss Tinker to print you a copy.

Please Note: If you are not viewing this newsletter on line, simply copy and paste the above hyperlinks in your Internet Browser and click “Enter.”

Weekend Warriors Our Junior Warder, Andy Costa is asking for anyone who would like to help with tasks for the Weekend Warriors, please give him a call at 453-5401 or email him at treadwell2@verizon.net to hear about the list of projects that you can help with!


2010 Chapter Members The Very Reverend Harry E. Krauss, Dean hkrauss@cathedralofstjohn.org

Leonard E. Walker, Jr. lewalkerjr@comcast.net

Toni Harrison ctharrison204@aol.com

William B. McBorrough willcia1@cox..net

Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden leahnastasi@cox.net

*The Right Reverend David Joslin, Assisting Bishop dbjoslin871@aol.com

Andrew Costa, Junior Warden treadwell2@verizon.net

Jimps Jean Louis Jimps60@verizon.net

Samuel Dorbor, Treasurer samdor@taco-hvac.com

*Keith Hudson keith.hudson@verizon.net

Arline Walker, Clerk alwstan@aol.com *Non parishioners

Ballroom Dancing with Linda Succi and Company

DEADLINES FOR The RECORD The Record, our parish newsletter, is published monthly and is available by email, hard copy and on the Cathedral website. If you would like to receive the Record electronically, please give your email address to our Parish Administrator, Miss Tinker or call the church office at (401) 331-4622. Please send articles to Deacon Barbara at BMaysStock@cox.net. The deadlines for submission to The Record are as follows:

January 23 for the February edition February 23 for the March edition March 23 for the April edition 8


2 Holy Eucharist (HE) 10:30AM HE La Inglesia del Mesias 6PM 9HE 8:30&10:30AM Adult Ed. 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal 9:50 Church School 10:30AM HE La Inglesia del Mesias 6PM 16HE 8:30&10:30AM Adult Ed. 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal 9:50 Church School 10:30AM HE La Inglesia del Mesias 6PM 23HE 8:30&10:30AM Adult Ed. 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal 9:50 Church School 10:30AM HE La Inglesia del Mesias 6PM 30 HE 9:30AM Annual Meeting & Pot Luck HE La Inglesia del Mesias 6PM




26 HE 12:10PM

19 HE 12:10PM

12 HE 12:10PM

5 HE 12:10PM


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4 Prayer Shawl 9:30AM Mealsite 4PM Choir Rehearsal 7PM 11 Prayer Shawl 9:30AM Mealsite 4PM

17 Cathedral Office Closed Birthday observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

18 Prayer Shawl 9:30AM Mealsite 4PM Diversity Committee 7PM Choir Rehearsal 7PM

Choir Rehearsal 7PM


Choir Rehearsal 7PM

25 Prayer Shawl 9:30AM Mealsite 4PM




Girl Scouts 5:30PM HE & Healing 7PM 13


Girl Scouts 5:30PM Chapter Meeting 7PM 27




22 Food Pantry 11AM

15 Food Pantry 11AM

8 Ordination of John Higginbotham 10AM Food Pantry 11AM Father Roberts 6PM (SH)



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29 Food Pantry 11AM

Food Pantry 11AM



The record The Newsletter of

The Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John 271 North Main Street Providence, RI 02903 The Very Rev. Harry E. Krauss, Dean The Rev. Barbara Mays-Stock, Deacon Mr. Brink Bush, Music Director/Organist Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden Andy Costa, Junior Warden

Church Office Hours 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday Office closed on Saturday Office Phone: (401) 331-4622 Email: hkrauss@cathedralofstjohn.org deaconbarbara@cathedralofstjohn.org

The Record

Ways to Contact Us Our website: http://www.cathedralofstjohn.org Our Blog: http:// www.cathedralstjohnri.blogspot.com/ To join us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cathedralstjohn


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