Vaisakhi 2020 - DARPAN Magazine

Page 91

VAISAKHI FEATURE of langar came from Mata Khivi ji, wife of the second Guru, Guru Angad Dev ji. Being in charge for serving langar, she has been praised in historical texts for her genuine generosity and passion towards serving others. The third Guru, Guru Amardas ji, implemented a rule at Sri Goindwal Sahib ji, according to which no one could meet the Guru until they had eaten langar. This rule was not even bent for the emperor, which was a revolutionary move in a hierarchical society. This Gurdwara is at the center of the inception of many religious elements including sports, Gurmukhi and langar. The importance of langar and its unique purpose can be traced back to its beginnings in India. At a time when the caste system was heavily dominant, the poor could not even enter religious temples. Using separate utensils, food was often thrown at devotees rather than served based on discriminatory grounds. The concept of Pangat, or langar, introduced a philosophy where both the king and beggar would eat the same food at the same level. Symbolically, and literally, one is not higher or lower than the other. Therefore, langar depicts

a message of equality and oneness, breaking the shackles of colour, caste, community, gender or status. There is no special treatment and nothing is hidden from the public, instilling values of humble acceptance and gratitude. Moreover, the original term being Guru Ka Langar, implicates that the langar does not belong to a specific country, person or institution. Transcending beyond discrimination, even the process of preparation, cooking, serving and cleaning is a shared experience. For this reason, it is also important to recognize that langar is not just limited to food; it entails serving people to fulfil their needs in any area – be it of medication, clothing or even education. While langar comes in many forms, the essence of serving

others wholeheartedly allows one to find in themselves the heart to give without expecting anything in return. For both the giver and receiver, the impact is a treasured experience. In the modern age, however, we must be careful in preserving the true meaning of langar, rooted in its simplicity and compassion towards humanity. As the channels through which we serve evolve, we should not compete with others, but recognize service as a catalyst of unity. Playing our role entails simple steps such as being more mindful, taking only what we need, reducing imperishable waste and promoting health. Taking these steps paves the path for one to reap maximum utility from a more wholesome experience and truly embrace the glory of langar!



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