Darien-McIntosh Chamber of Commerce's Monthly Newsletter

President | CEO

Coastal Georgia thinks Spring has sprung and the beautiful flowers are only overshadowed by the nearly offensive levels of pollen! I don’t know about y'all, but my car looks like it's been seasoned and ready to go to a fish fry. I send prayers for all of you affected by seasonal allergies!
Your Chamber of Commerce has been busy bees, and we have great news! The beloved Spring Golf Tournament has been rescheduled to this Fall, September 30th, 2023. We will have the standard 4-man team and registration will be live soon
The planning for the 55th Annual Blessing of the Fleet is going well. We have lined up two incredible music acts confirmed to perform for us Friday and Saturday night and are on the lookout for openers! The YMCA is finalizing details for the 5K through historic downtown Darien, and our partners at the Darien Lions Club will once again be hosting a pancake breakfast as well as organizing the parade. Registrations for the parade and presale for the pancake breakfast are available through the Chamber Website under Blessing – Lions Club events Vendor registrations are pouring in so please if you would like to be a vendor, register as soon as possible. Our sponsor opportunities are still available. This is a great way to advertise your business and contribute to this historic event I’m excited to announce that Key’s North Market and Grill will be hosting and sponsoring our VIP area on their back deck. Also, Time and Tide Charters with Captain Carlton Sawyer will be hosting the Kid’s Fishing Rodeo in partnership with the McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority We are thrilled to have so many incredible community partners to support this amazing event! Be on the lookout for more updates in the coming weeks
I look forward to seeing many of you for the Friends of Shellman Bluff St Patrick’s Day festivities which are coming up soon on March 24th & 25th. It’s a great event and brings so many wonderful people to our area.
I pray you all have a wonderful March and if there is anything I can do to assist you be sure to reach out
The Eastern Bluebird is a year round resident in Mcintosh county, but is often associated with the coming of spring because of its striking royal blue body paired with a bright orange throat (males) They enjoy grassy fields and open woods to fly around and feed on worms, insects, and various seeds. Look for them perched on a branch or fence, as well as your bird feeder this spring. Happy Birding!
According to the Mayo Clinic, each individual should drink between 2.7 and 3.7 litters of water a day!
You can nominate a local business to be next month's winner by clicking on the nomination form on the front page of our website DarienMcIntoshChamber com
H o w N i c e B e a u t y
H e a l t h y F e e t M e d i p e d i S p a
C h a n d l e r s S p r i n g e r s
C r a f t s i n t h e V i l l a g e
I t ’ s T i m e T o B e H e a l t h y
F i d d l e r C r e e k G r a p h i c s L L C
A t l a n t a G a s L i g h t