Ice cream, Bread, Rice, Chips and other things that increase the chances of Breast Cancer

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Ice cream, Bread, Rice, Chips and other things that increase the chances of Breast Cancer According to a report published on August 8 in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, overweight and obese women who eat a Western-style diet may develop more dense breast tissue, possibly increasing their risk for breast cancer. See Also: Have you heard about the breast cancer detecting bra?

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The western-style diet includes food such as whole milk, high-fat cheeses and ice cream, processed meats, refined grains (white bread, pasta, and white rice). Other examples include sweets and sweetened drinks, convenience foods (pizza, French fries and chips) and sauces (mayonnaise and ketchup).

It was made known that women who ate such a diet had a 46 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer, although these study findings do not prove that the diet causes breast tissue to become denser.

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A Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high intake of fish, vegetables, legumes, boiled potatoes, fruits, olives and vegetable oil and a low intake of juices, which is what you should opt for.

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While carrying out the research, the researchers collected medical information, family and personal health history and self-reported data about diet. They also rated the density of the women’s breast tissue as seen on a mammogram. The findings were adjusted for age, weight, menopause, smoking, family history, hormone treatment and calorie and alcohol intake, the researchers said.

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And what they got was that a Western diet increases breast density. However, they added that, “This very well may be true, but more studies need to be carried out to ensure that there is not a different underlying cause that might be common amongst women with a diet high in fat and processed foods.� It’s possible that these women do not exercise, and this might be the true reason for the increased density, they concluded. Resource:

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