4 Moves For Slimmer Waist And Thighs

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4 Moves For Slimmer Waist And Thighs Every lady wants that hourglass shape. And while some are naturally blessed with it, some of us need to work for it, which is why we opted for exercises that can naturally give a slimmer waist and thighs, thus, revealing the beauty of the hips. So if you are just like us, get into your workout outfit and have these exercises with us‌ See Also: 5 Effective exercises that widen your hips and enhance your lower body

Hinging Deadlift

Photo credit: darwinian-medicine.com

For a head-turning lower body, strengthening your backside is just as, if not more, important than your front. Deadlifts recruit the muscles in your hamstrings, glute, and lower back. How to do it: Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold the weights in front of your thighs, palms facing in. Maintaining a neutral spine, hinge forward from your hips, reaching the dumbbells to the ground, until your torso is almost parallel with the floor. Focus on using your glute to raise your body halfway back up [as shown] and then return to full forward hinge again. That’s one rep. Repeat 20 time’s total.

Side-Stepping Curtsy

Photo credit: yahoo.com

This travelling lunge targets your thighs, hips, and glutes plus the reaching motion adds an extra core challenge. How to do it: Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, hands clasped behind your head.

Cross your right leg behind your left and lower into a curtsy lunge, reaching your right hand to the floor *as shown+. Quickly stand back up and return to start. That’s one rep. Do 20 reps total, alternating sides each time. See Also: Men: 5 ways to lose fat around your thighs

External Hip Raise

Photo credit: pinterest.com

Build strength in your hips from the inside out with this super-effective strength move. How to do it: Loop a resistance band around your ankles and lie on your right side, supporting your upper body with your right hand and forearm. Extend both legs out, feet flexed. Brace your abs in tight and lift your top leg up to hip height, rotating your leg to turn your toes down to the floor, keeping tension on the band. Lift your leg slightly higher than hip height, pushing against band, with heel rotated up to the ceiling. Return to hip height. Repeat 20 times quickly and then switch sides. See Also: http://www.davinadiaries.com/whats-wrong-cardio-exercise/

Side-Lying Leg Lift

Photo credit: popsugar.com

This move was recently named by the American Council on Exercise as one of the very best thighs toning exercises, but it also engages your abs (you’ll feel it the next day!). How to do it: Loop a resistance band around your ankles and lie on your right side with your right arm extended on the floor, left hand in front of your body for support. Brace your abs in tight, bring your bottom leg slightly in front of your top leg (let the inside of your top foot rest on the ground), and lift your leg up to the ceiling, keeping your hips stacked. Maintain tension on the band at all times and pulse your bottom leg up and down quickly 20 times. Repeat on the other side. Source: http://www.davinadiaries.com/4-moves-slimmer-waist-thighs/

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