10 Reasons Why Physical Exercise is good for you

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10 Reasons Why Physical Exercise is good for you Involving in physical exercise is one of the best decisions anyone can ever make. It is undoubtedly one of the most important habits anyone needs to inculcate because the benefits it offers are immense. Those benefits include:

See Also: Improve your muscle tone with these 5 callanetics exercises 1. Controls Your Weight: Physical exercise can help you burn off extra calories responsible for you piling on the extra weight. So, if you really want to lose weight, just brisk walking for 30 minutes a day will not do the job. You will have to work up some sweat doing aerobics and also cut down on fats and calories to trim the flab.

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2. Reduces Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease: Moderate exercise cuts down on the risk of both heart disease and stroke, leading causes of death. Just 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise can lower your risk for these 2 killers.

3. Helps With Sleep: Regular physical activities can do both- help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. But, don’t exercise close to bedtime as this will energize you rather than soothe you.

See Also: 14 reasons why skipping exercise is good for your body 4. Reduces Cancer Risks: Being physically active can keep you safe from breast and colon cancer. Research shows that people who regularly exercise have lower risks of colon cancer as compared to sedentary people. Similarly, physically active women carry lower risks of breast cancer.

5. Strengthens Bones And Muscles: Research shows that women can lower their risk for osteoporosis through regular exercise. Even moderate exercises like walking and swimming protect women from osteoporosis.

6. Builds Strong, Healthy Muscles: Exercise especially weight training increases and maintain muscle mass. You must have noticed that as we age, we kind of shrink. We lose both height and girth. This can be attributed to muscle shrinkage. Exercise can take care of this effectively. This helps you to maintain proper balance and prevent falls as you age.

7. Keeps You Happier: Regular exercise releases mood-enhancing endorphins into the blood stream which help keep the blues away.

See Also: What are the benefits of rope climbing exercise? 8. Energy Booster: Regular exercise improves your muscle tone and strength, and also boosts your endurance levels. This happens because exercise increases the delivery of vital oxygen to cells for conversion into energy.

9. Increases Life Span: If you want to be alive until the age of 100, exercise may be your best bet. Exercise prevents cancers, heart disease, and diabetes. Just 30 minutes of moderate activity like brisk walking can cut down on the risk of you dying prematurely. Just think about that!

10. Helps With Sleep: Insomniacs, try exercising more. Regular physical activities can do both- help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. But, don’t exercise close to bedtime as this will energize you rather than soothe you.

Resource: http://www.davinadiaries.com/10-reasons-physical-exercise-good/

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