Gastro en

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Gastro guide

Gastronomy in Dalmatia has grown out of the tradition of natural and healthy Mediterranean foods based on vegetable dishes and olive oil, fish and shellfish, wine, goat and sheep milk cheeses, and fruit, including citrus fruit, maraska (maraschino) cherries, grapes, figs and almonds. The special quality of this cuisine lies in the method by which the dishes are prepared. Vegetables are cooked in very little water, seasoned with olive oil and sprinkled with herbs such as rosemary, sage, basil and marjoram. Fish is prepared as a brudet (fish soup), boiled or charcoal-grilled, while meat prepared under a baking lid acquires a unique flavour. There is a special place in Dalmatian cuisine given to fish prepared on a grill, as a brudet and boiled, but it is also offered salted or as a marinade. Predominant among the spices are laurel and garlic and the indispensable olive oil. Shellfish and crustacean are prepared as a buzara, while the Dalmatian meat speciality is the paĹĄticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi. The recipes that follow originate from all parts of Dalmatia, and together form what we customarily refer to as domestic, traditional cuisine.

Buzara mĂŠlange 40 decagrams prawns 40 decagrams mussels 40 decagrams date shells 1 dl olive oil 2 dl white wine 4 cloves garlic Chopped parsley Pepper 1 tbsp breadcrumbs

Wash the prawns, mussels and date shells thoroughly. Pour oil into the pot and add garlic, sautĂŠ until it turns golden brown. Add prawns and sear lightly. Add shellfish and cover the pot until the shellfish open. Add pepper, parsley and wine, mix well and cook 10 minutes. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs when the cooking is almost done.



Place the minced beef and pork in a bowl. Finely dice the bacon, sauté lightly in a saucepan and add chopped onion. Continue sautéing until the onion becomes glassy, and add the mixture to the meat. Add chopped garlic, a little ground nutmeg, some ground cinnamon, crushed cloves, pepper, salt and egg. Mix thoroughly adding water if overly hard.

Now take the heads of sauerkraut, separating the leaves and using a knife to thin out thicker veins on the leaves, or, if they are large, cut them in half to get small arambašići. Add a spoonful of the meat mixture to each sauerkraut leaf and roll the arambašići starting from the base of each leaf, folding the ends together well so that they do not fall apart during cooking. Cover the bottom of a casserole dish with lard and cover with the remaining pickled cabbage leaves and then pack the arambašići tightly over them. Sinj style stuffed sauerkraut rolls


Place pieces of dry-cured 2 heads of pickled cabbage (sauerkraut) meat between the aram70 decagrams minced beef (shoulder butt) bašići. Pour enough water 30 decagrams minced pork over to cover completely, cover the 10 decagrams cured bacon dish and cook over low heat for about 3 hours. Shake the 1 onion dish from time to time but 2-3 cloves garlic do not stir during Nutmeg cooking. Ground cinnamon 2 cloves Pepper Salt 1 egg 5 1 spoon lard Dry-cured mutton (koštradina) or other dry-cured meat (ribs, shoulder butt)

Komiška pogača


Komiža sweet bread Dough for the pogača is prepared in the same manner as bread dough, with the addition of a little soybean oil. The stuffing is prepared by removing the bones from salted pilchards and slicing them into small pieces.

Octopus salad 1 large octopus Onion Parsley Olive oil Vinegar Salt Pepper Capers Light-toned tomatoes Lemon

Sauté onions and tomatoes on olive oil, the dough is divided into two parts. The first part, somewhat larger, is rolled out. Cover it first with the sautéed onions and tomatoes, and then with the salted fish and parsley. Sprinkle lightly with olive oil, cover with the second layer of the dough, folding the lower layer over the top at the edges to prevent the stuffing from coming out. Pierce the top layer with a fork at several places and bake in a baker's oven. Coat it sparingly with olive oil when done.

Wash and clean the octopus thoroughly. Boil it in a covered pot in plenty of water at high heat, and later a low heat until it softens. Remove the gelatinous skin from the boiled octopus and chop into pieces. Garnish with onion, capers, tomato, parsley and sprinkle with olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice. Octopus salad is excellent as an hors d'oeuvre, and can be served as a main dish.


Wash and drain the prepared meat and place it in a suitable dish. Remove the meat from the marinade and drain, if necessary patting it dry. Then use a tapered knife to make small incisions into the meat on all sides. The incisions must be along, not across the veins of the meat. Peel the cloves of garlic and cut 8 in half lengthwise, or leave whole depending on their size. Insert one slice or clove of garlic, stick of bacon and a stick of carrot into each of the incisions. Clean and cut the onion, carrot and celery root into slices. Heat a little oil in a suitable pot. Salt the meat and sear lightly on medium heat to give it a golden brown colour. Remove the meat and pour the oil into the dish you will prepare the pašticada in. Sauté the onion in the oil, add laurel leaves and rosemary as soon as the onion begins to change colour. Braise on medium heat until the water evaporates from the vegetables. Add the seared meat, braise for a minute or two and then add the red wine. You can add the sherry and water right away, enough to cover the meat. Add salt. Cover and braise 5 minutes on 11 kg roast cut (round of veal, lamb or venison) medium heat, then reduce the flame and continue to 3-4 spoons tomato concentrate braise on low heat. Braise 15 decagrams dry-cured bacon (cured pork belly) while stirring and turning 2-3 onions the meat from time to time, 2 to 3 1 celery root hours depending on the size, 7-10 cloves garlic type and quality of the meat. 2-3 dl vinegar Add water if necessary. 1 dl oil Add prunes when the 1-4 carrots braising is almost Rosemary (one branch) completed. 2 dl red wine 1-2 dl prošek (sherry) 7 prunes 2-3 laurel leaves 9 Salt Pepper

Dalmatian pašticada


Clean and wash the cuttlefish and slice into small pieces. While cleaning remove the black ink and dissolve it in a small cup of water. Heat oil in a suitable pot and sautĂŠ diced onions. Mix in garlic, parsley and a laurel leaf as soon as the onion begins to change colour. Add the sliced cuttlefish, salt, pepper and stir in a little tomato purĂŠe or tomato concentrate. Cover and cook at medium heat. When you feel that the cuttlefish is done, pour in the white wine (fish, crab or lobster meat stock is better if you have it), and add the rice. Stir and continue cooking until the rice is done. Stir from time to time, adding fish stock if necessary. Stir in the prepared cuttlefish ink a minute before the rice is done. Remove from the flame and set to cool for a few minutes before serving the risotto. Serve hot. It may be garnished with grated cheese.

Black risotto 1 kg cuttlefish 30 decagrams rice Parsley leaves 2-3 cloves garlic 0.5 dl olive oil 1-2 tomatoes Salt Pepper 1.5 dl dry white wine 1 laurel leaf



BraÄ? vitalac is made from thoroughly washed and dried lamb intestines. The offal is washed, dried and cut into as small equally sized pieces as possible. Lung, liver, heart and spleen are placed on the spit in turns. Sprinkle with salt and roast over low heat cinders for about 30 to 45 minutes. Remove the spit from the fire and use a knife to remove the sharp edges from the spit mixture to achieve a cylindrical shape. The roasted offal is wrapped in the gut casing, and then carefully wrapped again in the intestines. Salt again and roast again over wood coals for a further 35 minutes until the intestines acquire a golden brown colour. Remove the spit from the fire, place on a wooden cutting board and carefully remove the spit from the vitalac using the two slices of bread. Slice diagonally so that each piece contains different kinds of offal.

BraÄ? vitalac Lamb intestines Liver Lung Heart Spleen Gut casing Salt, pepper, olive oil Two slices of bread and a thin spit

You can also put the tip of the spit in a bowl and firmly hold the other end while slicing the pieces from below.




A very tasty brudet can be made by placing all of the cold ingredients in a cold pot. Cook it first over medium heat, and then over low heat, until the brudet is done.

Shellfish risotto 1 kg shellfish (mussels, grooved carpet shell and others) 0.5 dl olive oil 1 tbsp breadcrumbs 3 cloves garlic Parsley 30 decagrams rice Pepper 1.5 dl dry white wine

This dish can also be prepared by first sautéing the onion, then adding the other garnishes and cooking for 5-6 minutes. After that place the fish in the pot and continue cooking.

1 kg fish 25 decagrams tomatoes 1 dl olive oil 1-3 dl dry white wine 2-7 onions 1-2 tsp vinegar 1-2 cloves garlic Parsley leaves 1 laurel leaf Salt, pepper

Clean and wash the shellfish. Place them in a pot, cover and heat on a stove until they open. Remove the meat from the shellfish. Keep the liquid that is released by the shellfish. Finely dice the garlic and parsley and sauté on oil over medium heat. Add the prepared meat as soon as the onion begins to change colour and sauté quickly, stirring frequently. Add rice. Pour in a little of the liquid released by the shellfish, white wine and water or fish stock if necessary. Boil until the rice is done. Allow a few minutes to cool and serve the risotto with grated cheese. It can be garnished with fresh chopped parsley leaves.



Gregada Anglerfish and other fish Olive oil Salt and pepper White wine Potato Laurel leaf Garlic Onion Parsley

Soparnik 1 kg flour Salt 2 kg Swiss chard 20 decagrams shallots Olive oil Garlic

Slice the larger fish into pieces and arrange in a pot: a layer of fish, a layer of thinly sliced potatoes. Add garlic, onion, parsley, and a laurel leaf over this and pour a little white wine and olive oil. Cook until the potato and fish soften.

Knead the dough out of the flour, salt and water. Let the dough set for 10 minutes. Divide into two equal parts and roll both out into thin round layers. Boil the Swiss chard and shallots, cut into slices, salt, add olive oil and spread over one of the dough disks. Cover with the other disk and fold at the edges to prevent the stuffing from falling out. Bake 30 minutes on a hearth. When the soparnik is done coat the top layer with olive oil and garlic. Slice into pieces and serve.



Remove the legs, pincers, heads and shell covering the front half of the prawns. Wash the prawns. Finely chop the garlic and parsley

Pour olive oil into a wide pan and heat. SautĂŠ the chopped garlic and parsley on oil, add the prawns when the garlic begins to change colour. SautĂŠ the prawns for a few minutes while stirring frequently. Add breadcrumbs, a little tomato concentrate and dry white wine.Add salt and pepper. Continue cooking 5-6 minutes over moderate heat. Remove the pan from the heat. Separate the prawn tails from the upper body and return to the saucepan. Squash the upper body pieces with a suitable kitchen implement, and then drain the sauce. Add prawn tails, wine brandy and rice. Add the necessary amount of prawn stock and boil the rice. Wait a few minutes for it to 75 decagrams prawns cool and serve the risotto 2 dl dry white wine with grated cheese. 1 spoon tomato concentrate

Risotto with prawns 0.5 dl olive oil 30 decagrams rice 3 spoons breadcrumbs 3 cloves garlic Parsley leaves 2 spoons wine brandy Salt, pepper



Octopus under a baking lid 1 kg octopus 1 kg potatoes 1 large onion 1.5 dl olive oil 1 dl vegetable oil Salt, pepper Rosemary, parsley 1 dl white wine

Marinated anchovies 1 kg anchovies 2 squeezed lemons Olive oil Capers, rosemary Laurel leaf, pepper

Remove the heads and bone of the anchovies to make a filet and soak in lemon juice for an hour. When the meat turns white it is done and may be removed and drained. Arrange the filets in a dish; add capers, dry rosemary, dry laurel leaf, peppercorns and sprinkle generously with olive oil.

Clean the octopus and place on the bottom half of a cold-oiled baking lid. Arrange cubes of potatoes and onion around the edge. Lightly salt the potatoes and sprinkle pepper and rosemary over all the ingredients. Sprinkle generously with oil and perhaps a little wine. Cover with the baking lid. Pile cinders and hot ash on and around the baking lid and bake for about 30 minutes. Lift the baking lid when the octopus is half done and add the remaining wine. Cover, replace cinders and ash and bake for another 30 minutes.


1. Konoba: Mlin / Proprietor: Toni Marinković / Address: Ante Starčevića 11, Bol, island of Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 635 376 / Payment accepted: Cash & credit cards / Seating capacity: Indoors 70, Terrace 130 / Reservations: No Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Brudet with cornmeal, fish marinade, veal prepared under a baking lid, lamb prepared under a baking lid, spit-roast lamb, vitalac (Brač style spit-roast offal). Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The old mill, a cultural monument, has been converted into a restaurant. The konoba is situated on the seaside with a cascading terrace. First class traditional meals are served in this authentic local setting.

2. Konoba: Gušt / Proprietor: Stanko Marinković / Address: Frane Radića 14, Bol, island of Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 635 911, 098 423 003 /, / Closed (seasonal): 1 Nov – 1 Apr / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors , Terrace 16 / Reservations: Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Gregada (fish stew), brudet (fish soup), Bol style pašticada (marinated meat stew), high quality fish, spiny lobster with homemade noodles, black gnocchi with dry-cured ham and cuttlefish. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the ancient core of the town of Bol. The cooking and setting aim to revive the spirit of the rich history of Dalmatian cuisine.


The island of Brač

6. Konoba: Toni / Proprietor: Toni Matulić / Address: Postira – Dol, island of Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 632 693, 091 516 65 32 /, / Closed (seasonal): from 1 Nov to 15 Mar / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 40, Terrace 60 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: 28 Lamb prepared under a baking lid with Mediterranean herbs, grilled dishes, Dol cake. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The konoba Toni is located in the Postira hinterland in the village of Dol, near the small village church. The konoba is situated in a 300-year-old house, and has for the past 35 years been a frequent destination of those 3. visiting the island of Brač. Local specialities are prepared with selected ingredients. The natural and Restaurant: healthy traditionally prepared dishes are served in an exceptionally pleasant setting. Nono Ban / Proprietor: Jakša Vrsalović / Address: Gornji Humac, island of 7. Konoba: Vinotoka / Proprietor: Mate Jakšić / Address: I. Joba bb, Supetar, island of Brač Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 647 / Tel. / Mob: 021 630 969 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / 233 /, Seating capacity: Indoors 36, Terrace 96 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Fish and seafood dishes, Dalmatian style shellfish, lobster and crab, various vegetables prepared in the Dalmatian style. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated on the second street to the seaside, in the direct vicinity of the municipal library. The proprietor is an active fisherman offering fresh fish daily.

8. Konoba: Tonći / Proprietor: Zorana Oreb / Address: Splitska bb, island of Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 717 716, 021 632 266 / Closed (seasonal): 1 Nov – 1 Apr / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 20, Terrace 100 / Reservations: Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Spiny lobster brudet, pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, prawns à la buzara, green risotto, hroštule pastry, Dol cake. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the centre of Split street on the seaside. Various traditional dishes are served in a Dalmatian setting. / Closed (seasonal): from 15 Oct to 29 Apr / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 150, Terrace 150 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Baker's oven bread, lamb prepared under a baking lid, tuna in dry-cure ham, marinated anchovies in sage, Brač cheese in sugar, high quality fish. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: To the south side of the island of Brač, along the Supetar – Bol road, in a pleasant setting with a emphasis on Dalmatian and Brač interior decoration, lies the Nono Ban restaurant. The restaurant offers a wide range of specialities based on ingredients typical of Mediterranean culture.

4. Konoba: Tomić / Proprietor: Michieli-Tomić d.o.o. / Address: Gornji Humac, island of Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 647 242, 091 225 11 99 /, / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 70, Terrace 70 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Vitalac (Brač style spit-roast offal), lamb tripe, Brač style pasta and beans, lamb prepared under a baking lid, skuta (curd cheese) with honey, sugared cheese, rožata (crème caramel). Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The konoba Tomić is situated in the centre of Gornji Humac. This konoba is part of an 800-year-old family residence. The offer of food and beverages features the homemade produce of the Michieli-Tomić family served in the restaurant's authentic setting. 5. Konoba: Kopačina / Proprietor: Ivo Zugović / Address: Donji Humac, island of Brač / Tel. / Mob: 021 647 707 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 100, Terrace 100 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Vitalac (Brač style spit-roast offal), lamb prepared under a baking lid, veal prepared under a baking lid, curd cheese crêpe, high quality fish, curd cheese and honey crêpe. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The konoba Kopačina is situated on Franjo Tuđman Square in the centre of Donji Humac and offers a spectacular view of pristine natural surroundings. One of the top restaurants offering original island of Brač specialities.


9. Konoba: Humac / Proprietor: Jakov Franičević / Address: Humac, Jelsa, island of Hvar / Tel. / Mob: 021 768 108, 091 523 94 63 / / Closed (seasonal): 1 Oct – 20 June / Payment accepted: Cash / Seating capacity: Indoors – 35, Terrace – 100 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Lamb prepared under a baking lid, octopus prepared under a baking lid, high quality fish, grilled prawns. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated 10 km from Jelsa in the settlement of Humac. There is a stunning view of the island of Brač from the konoba. The rustic setting features Dalmatian meals prepared from local produce.

10. Konoba: Nono / Proprietor: Ivo Drinković / Address: Banski Dolac, Jelsa, island of Hvar / Tel. / Mob: 091 735 23 35 / Closed (seasonal): 1 Nov – 1 May / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors – 50, Terrace - 40 / Reservations: No Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Lamb and veal prepared under a baking lid, octopus prepared under a baking lid, fish roasted on a spit, prawns à la buzara, shellfish à la buzara. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the centre of the town of Jelsa, 100 m from the church. Furnished in the authentic Dalmatian style, it delights its visitors with traditional specialities garnished with the Mediterranean herbs of the island of Hvar.

11. Restaurant: Eremitaž / Proprietor: Margita Dulčić / Address: Obala hrvatskih branitelja, Stari Grad, island of Hvar / Tel. / Mob: 021 765 056, 091 542 83 95 /, / Closed (seasonal): 15 Oct - 15 Apr / Payment accepted: Cash & credit cards / Seating capacity: Indoors – 20, Terrace - 60 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Eremitaž meat platter, shellfish à la buzara, grilled fish, salted pilchards. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: This restaurant is situated on the seaside, furnished in the Dalmatian style. The restaurant features a large selection of fresh traditionally prepared seafood.

The island of Hvar


The island of Vis


12. Konoba: Luviji / Proprietor: Roko Bacanović / Address: Hvar, island of Hvar, behind the cathedral /

Tel. / Mob: 021 741 646, 091 563 32 83 / / Closed (seasonal): 1 Oct – 1 May / Payment accepted: Cash / Seating capacity: Indoors – 35, Terrace – 40 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Fish and meat prepared in a baker's oven, octopus prepared under a baking lid, risotto with prawns, octopus salad. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in a small street behind the church on the main square of the town of Hvar. The konoba features first class white Pošip wine produced by the Luviji family and a selection of other quality wines, and offers a wide selection of traditional Dalmatian dishes. 13. Restaurant: Hanibal / Proprietor: Željko Šikać / Address: Trg Sv. Stjepana 12, Hvar, island of Hvar / Tel. / Mob: 021 742 760 /, / Payment accepted: Cash & credit cards / Seating capacity: Indoors – 80, Terrace – 120 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Island of Hvar gregada (fish stew), pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, high quality grilled fish, grilled shellfish, risotto with prawns, octopus salad. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The Hanibal restaurant is situated on Sveti Stjepan Square (Trg Svetog Stjepana) in front of the cathedral of the same name. It features a very old collection of sailing vessels and wooden sculptures. The restaurant offers predominantly original Dalmatian and island of Hvar fish specialities. 14. Konoba: Vatrica / Proprietor: Petar Cvitanović / Address: Obala Kralja Krešimira 15, Vis, island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 021 711 574, 091 5949047 / / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 25, Terrace 100 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Beans and minestrone in spiny lobster sauce, buzara mélange, pogača (sweet bread) à la Vis, black cuttlefish risotto, high quality fish. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The konoba Vatrica is situated in the centre of the town of Vis. It is an old Vis konoba situated at the corner of the waterfront. It features traditional dishes and provides a relaxing authentic Vis setting.


18. Konoba: Bako / Proprietor: Katica Borčić / Address: Gundulićeva 1, Komiža island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 021 713 742, 098 360 469 /, / Closed (seasonal): 10 Nov – 1 Apr / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 38, Terrace 80 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Octopus in red wine, greater amberjack with capers, pogača (sweet bread) à la Komiža, spiny lobster à la buzara, spiny lobster à la brudet with cornmeal. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the centre of Komiža, on the seaside. The specialities of the konoba are traditional Komiža dishes prepared in the Dalmatian style. They are based on domestic olive oil, wines and natural herbs from the area. The konoba is also home to the Tonko Borčić Bako Archaeological Collection.

15. Konoba: Pojoda / Proprietor: Zoran Brajčić /

19. Konoba: Jastožera / Proprietor: Peša Žarko / Address: Gundulićeva 6, Komiža, island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 021 713 859 / / Closed (seasonal): from November to April / Payment accepted: Cash & credit cards / Seating capacity: / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Spiny lobster brudet, grilled spiny lobster, grilled prawns, prawns à la buzara, high quality fish. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The Jastožera was once a live lobster storage warehouse and was converted in 2002 to a restaurant featuring a diverse selection of fish specialities and island of Vis culinary delights where meals are prepared in the Mediterranean style.

20. Konoba: Pol Murvu / Proprietor: Gordana Sviličić / Address: Podšpilje – Žena Glava, island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 091 567 19 90 / Closed (seasonal): 1 Nov – 1 May / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating Address: Don Cvjetka Marasovića 8, Vis, island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 021 711 capacity: Indoors 26, Terrace 26 / 575 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Reservations: Yes Indoors 50, Terrace 65 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: – House speciality: Fish goulash from Vis, garlic in caper sauce, lentil and barley with squid goulash, fish in High quality fish grilled or wine, cuttlefish goulash, yellowtail salad, fish with chick-peas. prepared under a baking Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: lid, grilled lamb and Konoba Pojoda is situated in an inlet of about 100 metres on the coast of Vis. The specialities are veal, scrambled eggs based on dishes from old wine cookbooks, and it is served in a closed garden, where the tables are with asparagus, placed around old lemon and orange trees. pašticada (marinated 16. Restaurant: Val / Proprietor: Luca Knego / Address: meat stew) Don C. Marasovića 1, Vis, island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 021 711 with gnocchi, black cuttlefish risotto. 763 / Closed (seasonal): from October to April / Payment Short description of the offer and location of the accepted: Cash & credit cards / Seating capacity: Indoors 40, Terrace konoba: 60 / Reservations: Yes This konoba is situated near the Podšpilje area Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: in the centre of the island of Vis. The konoba Grilled spiny lobster, spiny lobster brudet, shrimp and anchovies on a bed of features a large selection of seafood and arugula, shellfish à la buzara, high quality fish. meat dishes. All of the produce is Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: naturally and locally grown. The The Val restaurant is situated in the Bay of Vis, in the Kut area, on the seaside. The konoba is also home to the largest pleasant setting features a large selection of fish and seafood specialities prepared in collection of old implements on the spirit of the best Dalmatian culinary traditions, and a diverse selection of high quality the island of Vis. wines from the island of Vis. 17. Restaurant: Stončica / Proprietors: The brothers Linčir / Address: Stončica 1, Vis, island of Vis / Tel. / Mob: 021 711 952, 091 251 22 62 / Closed (seasonal): 1 Nov – 1 Apr / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 40, Terrace 85 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Grilled lamb and kid (suckling goat), octopus prepared under a baking lid, lamb prepared under a baking lid, grilled pilchards, brudet à la Vis, spiny lobster brudet. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The Stončica restaurant is situated in the bay of the same name, next to a lighthouse dating from 1885. Nestled between pines and palms, right on the seaside, it is 8 km from the town of Vis by land, 3 miles by sea. The restaurant has been owned and operated by the brothers Linčir for ten years, who personally pick and produce all of the food served to their guests


21. Konoba: Maslina / Proprietor: Biserka Pezo / Address: Teutina 1a, Split / Tel. / Mob: 021 314 988 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 42, Terrace 42 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, fish platter, veal prepared under a baking lid, octopus prepared under a baking lid, baking lid mélange, black cuttlefish risotto, octopus salad, grilled Adriatic squid. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The konoba Maslina is situated in the heart of the city, on the northern side of Marmontova street. A quiet and secluded spot with a pleasant setting offering a large selection of fish and meat-based dishes, dishes prepared under a baking lid and a diverse selection of wines.

22. Konoba: Stare Grede / Proprietor: Stjepan Žaja / Address: Domovinskog rata 46, Split / Tel. / Mob: 021 485 501, 091 264 33 22 /, / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 32, Terrace 26 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Various dishes prepared under a baking lid, Stare grede style escalope, homemade dry-cured ham, Pag cheese, pašticada (marinated meat stew), fish, prawns, octopus prepared under a baking lid. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The konoba is situated on the main road at the entrance to the downtown core. On offer are 6 to 8 daily dishes for midmorning snack and lunchtime. The konoba awaits you with local Dalmatian specialities in a stunning Dalmatian setting.

23. Konoba: Nevera / Proprietor: Renco Petrošić / Address: Put Firula 17, Split / Tel. / Mob: 021 388 736, 091 210 39 59 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 54 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Octopus with beans, pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, fish fry, fish steaks, grilled prawns, grilled squid. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the Firule quarter near the tennis centre, 50 metres from the seaside. Various specialities based on fish, shellfish, crustaceans, marinades, risottos, grilled meat and a wide selection of readymade daily dishes are served in a pleasant local setting.

The Split riviera



27. Konoba: Enoteka Terra (Enotheque Terra) / Proprietors: Jakša Kapetanović & Toni Stoilov / Address: Prilaz braće Kaliterne 6, Split / Tel. / Mob: 098 520 900, 021 314 810 / / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 50 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Octopus salami, black cornmeal with cuttlefish, black noodles with cuttlefish and anchovies, anglerfish in sparkling wine, high quality grilled fish, Dalmatian rožata (crème caramel). Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated on Bačvice beach in a 100-year-old house whose cellar was built for barrel storage. The konoba features traditional Dalmatian specialities and a large selection of quality wines.

24. Konoba: Varoš / Proprietor: Milivoj Mladina /

28. Restaurant: Noštromo / Proprietor: Zlatko Marinović / Address: Kraj Sv. Marije 10, Split / Tel. / Mob: 091 405 6666 /, / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 40 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Morski cvit (Sea Flower), Thornback ray gregada (stew), boiled spiny lobster, brudet (fish soup), Noštromo fish soup, whiting rolada with Swiss chard, pilchard marinade, squid with capers, cuttlefish soup. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The restaurant is situated near the fish market in downtown Split. The interior is luxuriously furnished in Croatian cherry wood, brown and black granite, and black marble. The setting is complemented by works of Croatia's most prized artists. The restaurant features first class specialities based on Dalmatian cuisine.

29. Konoba: Pavićeve Mlinice (The Pavić Mills) / Proprietor: Mendiana Pavić / Address: Pantana bb, Trogir / Tel. / Mob: 021 895 095, 095 905 68 90 /, / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit Address: Ban Mladenova 7, Split / Tel. / Mob: 021 396 138 / Payment transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 120, accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 70 / Terrace 80 / Reservations: Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: – House speciality: Octopus prepared under a baking lid, Dalmatian pašticada (marinated meat stew), black Fish pâté, miller's buns, cuttlefish risotto, grilled anglerfish filets in Dalmatian dry-cured ham, risotto with prawns, pašticada (marinated meat rožata (crème caramel). stew) with gnocchi, Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: dishes prepared under This konoba was opened before World War I and is one of the oldest restaurants in the city. Meals are a baking lid, grains prepared in the traditional fashion in this konoba, as it used to be in the entire Varoš (town), which gives in a bronze it a specific Dalmatian atmosphere. cauldron with cured meat, marinated anchovies. Short description of the offer and location of the 25. Konoba: Kod Joze / Proprietor: Željko Bašić / Address: konoba: Sredmanuška 4, Split / Tel. / Mob: 021 347 397, 098 448 030 / This konoba is located 3 km from Trogir heading Payment accepted: Cash & credit cards / Seating capacity: Indoors towards Split on the old road. It is situated at the 70, Terrace 60 / Reservations: Yes meetings of a river, a lake and the sea next to a Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: stunning maritime lagoon. At the heart of the Green seafood minestrone, chef's style anglerfish, risotto with prawns, rožata Pantana locality are the restored (crème caramel), high quality fish, spiny lobster brudet. Renaissance period mills. The restaurant Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: offers numerous local dishes and This konoba is situated in the old town core in the direct vicinity of Diocletian's offers accommodation in three palace. The konoba offers a unique and authentic Dalmatian atmosphere. The konoba suites in the mill tower. offers a very diverse range of dishes including fresh meat specialities to seafood specialities including several types of shellfish. 26. Konoba: Oštarija u Viđakovi / Proprietor: Nenad Viđak / Address: Prilaz braće Kaliterna 8, Split / Tel. / Mob: 021 489 106, 091 565 46 27 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 40, Terrace 60 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Dalmatian pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, anchovy risotto, grilled greater amberjack, grilled squid, gnocchi with cuttlefish, bean risotto. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated on Bačvice beach. The konoba was established in 1799 and reflects Dalmatian tradition, offering a large selection of traditional dishes.



33. Restaurant: Kaštil Slanica / Proprietor: Damir Rogošić / Address: Kanjon Cetine, Omiš / Tel. / Mob: 021 861 783, 098 184 83 17 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 100, Terrace 100 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Lamb and veal prepared under a baking lid, octopus prepared under a baking lid, Homemade bread prepared under a baking lid, grilled eel, eel brudet, grilled trout, grilled frog legs, batter-fried frog legs, peasant style escargot, Dalmatian pašticada (marinated meat stew). Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The restaurant is situated in the Cetina River Canyon, 4 km from Omiš. It was built on the ruins of a medieval marketplace. Besides peace, beauty and relaxation, the Kaštil Slanica (Castle Slanica) offers a wide range of local specialities.

30. Konoba: Kamerlengo / Proprietor: Pauč Drago /

34. Restaurant: Knez / Proprietor: Marija Ćurlin / Address: Hotel Villa Dvor, Mosorska cesta 13, Omiš / Tel. / Mob: 021 863 444, 098 316 400 / / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 55, Terrace 40 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Black cornmeal, Poljica style octopus, spiny lobster cocktail, Mosor vine snail in a light sauce, baked gilthead sea bream in wine, Soup à la Knez, Poljica style crêpe with cheese. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The restaurant is situated in a luxuriously appointed and modern hotel that embodies tradition. This elegantly furnished restaurant offers a stunning view of the Cetina River canyon, the old town of Omiš and the island of Brač from its terrace. It features a wide selection of dishes and the traditional specialities of the Poljica region.

35. Konoba: U našeg Marina / Proprietor: Sanja Vušković / Address: Knezova Kačića 4, Omiš / Tel. / Mob: 021 861 328, 091 577 99 99 / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 50, Terrace 30 / Reservations: Yes Address: Vukovarska 2, Trogir / Tel. / Mob: 021 884 772 /, Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Fish marinade, boiled anchovies, high quality grilled fish, grilled prawns, prawns à Seating capacity: Indoors 30, Terrace 170 / Reservations: Yes la buzara, grilled pilchards, veal prepared under a baking lid. Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: High quality grilled fish, chef's style spiny lobster, prawns à la buzara, risotto with prawns, This konoba is situated in the old town core of Omiš where the Cetina River octopus salad, Pag cheese, Dalmatian dry-cured ham. meets the sea. The Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: konoba is 374 year The Kamerlengo restaurant is situated in the centre of Trogir's old town core. A rich culinary offer old and offers local features a number of fish and meat specialities and grilled dishes. specialities in a unique traditional 31. Konoba: Capo / Proprietor: Ivan Rožič / Address: atmosph Ribarska 11, Trogir / Tel. / Mob: 021 881 261 / www.capoere. / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 24, Terrace 80 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Octopus salad, black risotto, fried (hake, picarel, smelt, roach, prawn) marinated anchovy,marinated mackerel,marinated musk octopus. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: The Capo is situated in the very heart of the old town core of Trogir. Enjoy local specialities prepared in the traditional fashion in this authentic Dalmatian setting, beautifully complemented with archaic fishermen's and farmer's implements.

32. Konoba: Bracera / Proprietor: Milivoj Mladina / Address: Glavica bb, Dugi Rat / Tel. / Mob: 021 735 400 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 60, Terrace 100 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Octopus prepared under a baking lid, stuffed squid, fish platter, black cuttlefish risotto, risotto with prawns, grilled anglerfish filets in Dalmatian dry-cured ham. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated on the beachfront and features first class traditional dishes. The setting and offer of meals and beverages make for a real Dalmatian atmosphere.


36. Restaurant: Susvid / Proprietor: Vujčić Zdenko / Address: Kačićev trg 8, Makarska / Tel. / Mob: 021 612 732 / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 25, Terrace 100 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Marko Polo spit roast, fish salad, high quality fish, grilled vegetables and cheese. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The restaurant is situated in the centre of Makarska just below St. Mark's church. Traditional meals are served in this pleasant setting.

37. Konoba: Kalalarga / Proprietor: Mario Tomaš / Address: Kalalarga 40, Makarska / Tel. / Mob: 098 990 29 08, 091 76 46 782 / / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 24, Terrace 20 +12 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Fish and shellfish prepared under a baking lid, pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, black cuttlefish risotto, high quality grilled fish. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the oldest street in the town. It is furnished in the style of old tinel (inn) and konoba dominated by wood and stone, and which imparts a typical Dalmatian atmosphere. The cuisine on offer lends itself entirely on local tradition. Everything is prepared with fresh local produce.

38. Konoba: Ivandića Dvori / Proprietor: Bekavac Hrvoje / Address: Banje 1, Brela / Tel. / Mob: 021 618 407, 098 196 70 62 / / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 60, Terrace 50 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Anglerfish brudet with cornmeal, shellfish à la buzara, high quality grilled fish, veal escalope in sage with Dalmatian dry-cured ham, crêpe filled with Maraska (sour cherry) sauce. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is part of a complex of old palaces with a view of the sea. It is situated at the entrance to the town of Brela, and has its own parking lot, rooms within the walls of the konoba and two terraces offering stunning views.

The Makarska riviera


39. Restaurant: Rustika / Proprietor: Ana Držak / Address: Radošić bb, Radošić / Tel. / Mob: 021 826 284, 091 792 06 51 / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 130, Terrace 50 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Free-range capon boiled or prepared under a baking lid, veal prepared under a baking lid, Sinjski arambašići (Sinj style stuffed sauerkraut rolls), home-style roast, sausages, dry-cured ham, frog legs with dry-cured ham, Cetin River trout, koštradina (dried mutton soup) with sauerkraut. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: The restaurant is located 2 km from Sinj on the main road heading towards the settlement of Muć. It is situated in the village of Radošić, in natural surroundings.

40. Konoba: Ispod Ure / Proprietor: Ante Mažurin / Address: Istarska 2, Sinj / Tel. / Mob: 021 822 229, 098 371 115 / / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 80, Terrace 20 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Sinjski arambašići (Sinj style stuffed sauerkraut rolls), grilled or batter-fried frog legs, freshwater crayfish, Cetin River trout, Dalmatian pašticada (marinated meat stew), Sinj style dry-cured ham, veal prepared under a baking lid. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated in the very heart of the chivalric town of Sinj. Furnished in the local style it is considered to be one of the bestappointed konoba in Dalmatia. It features all kinds of maritime fish and the specialities of the Cetina region.

41. Rural Farmstead: Gola Brda / Proprietor: Bravić Bože / Address: Čaporice, Trilj / Tel. / Mob: 021 831 503, 098 170 20 34 / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: 50 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Arambašići (Sinj style stuffed sauerkraut rolls), capon soup with cornmeal, veal prepared under a baking lid, koštradina (dried mutton soup) with sauerkraut, Sinj style doughnuts with cheese, soparnik (hot ash-baked Swiss chard pie), spit-roast free-range lamb. Short description of the offer and location of the restaurant: This rural farmstead is situated in the village of Čaporice, 3 km from Trilj.

The Dalmatian zagora



42. Konoba: Kokorići Ethno Village / Proprietor: Zvonimir Pervan /

Address: Zagrebačka 31, Vrgorac / Tel. / Mob: 021 674 208 / / Payment accepted: Cash, credit cards & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 100, Terrace 200 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Lamb and veal prepared under a baking lid, fried jota (sauerkraut and bean soup), goat cheese, dry-cured ham, pašticada (marinated meat stew) with gnocchi, spit-roast lamb. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This ethno village is situated 5 km from the town of Vrgorac, set in natural surroundings. 43. Konoba: Panorama Topić / Proprietors: Miro & Jure Topić / Address: Stjepana Radića 9, Baška Voda / Tel. / Mob: 021 620 211, 021 620 356 / Closed (seasonal): 13 Oct – 1 May / Payment accepted: Cash & credit transfer / Seating capacity: Indoors 100, Terrace 150 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Biokovo style baking lid dish, octopus prepared under a baking lid, grilled lamb chops, Topići platter, prawns à la buzara, high quality grilled fish. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated 2 km from the seaside, at 310 m above sea level, and offers a stunning view of Baška Voda, Brač and Hvar. This natural setting features various local specialities. 44. Konoba: Seljačka Kuća / Proprietor: Dragana Tvrde / Address: 21253 Gata / Tel. / Mob: 021 860 441, 091 508 76 55 /, / Payment accepted: Cash / Seating capacity: Indoors 60, Terrace 80 / Reservations: Yes Recommended Dalmatian dishes – House speciality: Lamb and veal prepared under a baking lid, soparnik (hot ash-baked Swiss chard pie), homemade pogača (sweet bread), free-range capon prepared under a baking lid, farm fresh beans, salted pilchards. Short description of the offer and location of the konoba: This konoba is situated 7 km from the town of Omiš along the Cetina River canyon. This family-run farmstead, nestled in natural surroundings, offers a large selection of local specialities.

Organization: The County of Split and Dalmatia Department of tourism Head of department: Joško Stella, dipl. oec. Domovinskog rata 2 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 400-092; Fax: +385 (0)21 400 224 Publisher: Split Dalmatia County Tourist Board Manager: Mili Razović, dr. sc. Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1 21000 Split Tel/fax: +385 (0)21 490 032, 490 033, 490 036 Text: Frane Papić Translation: SPES doo, Zagreb Proof reading: Nada Arar-Premužić Photograph: Andrija Carli Design: Stjepko Rošin Preparation for printing: Imperativ Printing: Tipomat

Legend: Road Motorway Border Boat and ferry lines Towns in County Split - centre of County Airport


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