Division 6 South July Newsletter

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THE VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 | JULY 2014 Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 6 South | Region 4 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club



A pageant show where men dressed as women! They aren’t fooling anyone…

Everyone is having fun and dancing along to the music!

Working Hard to Improve the Game Plan WRITTEN BY HORACE TSAI FROM CHAPARRAL

A Blast from the Past, Our Former Officers

Passing down the torch of insight from the OLD to the NEW


Goodbye Old Year, Hello New Year Written by: CINDY GALLEGOS, HERITAGE

Officer Training Conference JUNE 28, 2014 AT HERIATGE HIGH SCHOOL Did you like the ice breakers? Yes No Somewhat

“The school was definitely really nice, so it provided a nice location. The ice breakers were pretty interactive and I loved Marcela’s and Jessica’s workshop and Vincent’s on the spirit cheers! I liked how Vincent was very outgoing and went hardcore on the cheers when he was demonstrating them! My favorite part of OTC would definitely be the mock spirit battle we had! The lunch was very generous too! I was pleased on how filling it was and the variety of snacks lunch had!” Anonymous

“I liked splitting up everyone. That gave a more personal experience for the audience and it was easier for people to ask questions and get comfortable.” Anonymous

“I felt welcomed, the people instructing the workshops were really nice and relaxed and engaging. Everyone was committed and passionate about their position/task during OTC. The transitions from workshops to ice breakers and whatnot were smooth and easy. Lunch was very generously provided! I really like how the workshops were split up into different rooms, which made it so much more convenient.” - Anonymous

Did you like your lunch? Yes No Somewhat Other

What workshops did you attend? How to BEE a leader Kiwanis Family

“There was a great turn out of people and I feel like the entire event was wellorganized. “ - Anonymous

Partners Key Club 101 How to BEE a member How to BEEcome an officer Learn our cheers Pres/VP Duties Public Speaking Time Management Member Appreciation Secretary Duties Treasurer Duties Editor Duties

“It was my first time and like most of other Key Club events, it was a socially fun time. And I got to learn more about the basics of Key Club (such as the cheers). “Anonymous

ERICA APOSTOLOS LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hello Polar Bears! My name is Erica Apostolos. I am a senior at Heritage High and I am 16 year old. I am on my way to learning how to drive, meaning I am still in the process of getting my permit. But anyways, I am on going on my third year of being in this amazing organization! Key Club has pushed me to my limits and changed me for the better. Key Club is pretty much the love of my life. On another note I love gum, indie music, Italian food, brownies, smoothies, veggie chips, and any coffee flavored ice cream. My favorite color is peach. I love singing along to any song that I know; it is probably my worst habit. I have two brothers, three sisters, 1 nephew, and soon to have a total of 3 nieces, all of whom I love!

SHANIE KIM EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hello! My name is Shanie Kim and I attend Paloma Valley High School. I have been in Key Club for two years now and this year will be my third. Key Club is like the sky to me because it will stay the same wherever I go and will always be there for me. If there is one thing I can depend on, it is Key Club. On a less serious note, I love all genres of music except k-pop and country. My favorite foods are ice cream and macarons. Someday I would love to live in NorCal because of the weather and everything else that makes it wonderful. The last thing you should know is that my fav EA is Sally and my fav emojis are the party carrot and Santa. I LOVE YOU.

SALLY TSAI EXECUTIVE ASSITANT I’m Sally Tsai from Chaparral High School! I’ve been in Key Club for two years now and it means the world to me. Being able to serve the community in a multitude of ways while making friendships of a lifetime is simply the best. Now that I can contribute even more towards Key Club as EA, I am more than excited. Besides Key Club, I have an underlying passion for biking, dancing, and running. I am the most active person you’ll ever meet along with being crazy outgoing.


Hello I am Jonathan Huynh from Paloma Valley High School and I am a proud of Key Club. I have been in Key Club my entire high school career and it has been an amazing experience. Over these three years I have discovered that Key Club is more than just a club. It has become a family to me. Through all of the service events and seeing how we can make a change for the better, Key Club has inspired me to pursue my dream of teaching and helping those in need in less fortunate countries. Although Key Club is my passion, I do participate in other activities and clubs. I am the Haka leader of my school’s Polynesian dance club and I co own a business for Paintball Accessories. My interests include Japanese culture (food, music, and anime), traveling, JDM cars, video games, and of course Key Club!


I’m Chris Lam from Heritage High School. This upcoming year will be my second year in Key Club. I stayed in Key Club because I wanted to get more involved in the club, but more importantly, I loved the social and family aspect. Outside of Key Club I love band and programming.


My name is Henry and I go to Great Oak High School! I have loved Key Club since freshman year due to its ability to get teens more involved in their community. Besides Key Club, I love cats and marching band. I like to spend my time watching Maury reruns as a motivation to live a good life. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese and my current addiction is tea and boba. I’m also a Cancer!


Hi, my name is Abraham Park! I’m an incoming sophomore at Great Oak High School. I love being involved in my community which is why I am in many other clubs besides Key Club; such as, Interact, Science Olympiad, and CSF. I enjoy spending time watching Netflix with my friends. On my free time I also enjoy reading. I listen to most genres of music and play the drums, guitar, and piano.


Hi my name is Jessica Xayarath (z-eye-ya-rath). I am President of Paloma Valley’s Key Club and I also serve as Fundraising Coordinator for Division 6 South. I’ve been in Key Club for 2 years, and now I will be serving my last. My years in Key Club have been nothing but good to me. Key Club has been a big part of my life and I am glad to be a part of this Ohana. To be able to serve and watch these Key Clubbers grow into bright leaders. Coming into Key Club opened my mind, into bigger and brighter things. It has taught me leadership and courage and I thank Key Club for everything it has done for me. Key Club is my Life and I love my Ohana!


My name is Justin. I’m 17 years old and am currently a senior at Paloma Valley. I was born and raised in Japan until I came to America when I was 10. At 15 I moved to Murrieta, which is where I joined Key Club! I expected an emphasis on service 24/7 until I attended Fall Rally and DCON and got a taste of what Key Club was. To me Key Club is a giant family where I can really let go and know people will accept me. I enjoy any type of music but really enjoy Motown, 90s r&b, and rap. I love reading Manga and watching anime. I hate Italian food, but have an enticement for Japanese food.




Vote for Member and Officer of the month Include explanation for nomination Vote once a month DUE the 3rd of every month

Announced at DCM; featured in following newsletter Vote on https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y1NPT4rY2I3HsNkUvwXj VkZ8DCGTsMC7wmdWTP72bjE/viewform


HOW:       


Text this number to get division updates from the Lieutenant Governor!

CMN: Children’s Miracle Network Mission: raise funds and awareness for our local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. CMN strives to save young lives battling virtually every type of childhood illness and injury.

March of dimes Mission: To help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of premature born babies.

UNICEF Mission: to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. We have partnered up with UNICEF to eliminate MNT (maternal/neonatal tetanus) from the face of the earth by 2015.

PTP: Pediatric Trauma Program Mission: to prevent unintentional injuries caused by trauma that effect young children every day. Unintentional injuries and traumas are caused by lack of awareness in bicycle safety, seatbelt safety, first aid and CPR, playground safety, etc.

: SATURDAY JULY 26TH, 2014 TBA : 


5th of every month Secretary d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com, club President, Faculty Advisor r04.advisor@gmail.com D06S_club_MRF_1415

*No abbreviations D06S_club_MRF_term

: 2 visuals 10th of every month Editor d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com, d06s.keyclub.dne@gmail.com President and Faculty Advisor D06S _ club_[Month]_Visuals Photo #- Photo Caption D06S_[MonthDigits]_EventInitials

1 article 10th of every month Editor

d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com, d06s.keyclub.dne@gmail.com President and Faculty Advisor D06S_club_[MonthDigits]_Article Author, Club Event Initials – Event Name D06S_club_[MonthDigits]_Article

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