Division 6 South: October 2016 Newsletter

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EDITOR'S NOTE HeyKey- uties! It's October issu e! You k n ow wh at th at m ean s? W e'r e h al fway th e ter m an d Fal l Ral l y Sou th is n ext m on th ! W h o's r eady? Becau se I'm defin itel y r eady! W e h ave a l on g way to go bu t don 't for get to atten d DCM s, Fal l Ral l y Pr eps an d Ser vice even ts befor e Fal l Ral l y! October is al so th e tim e for UNICEF's Tr eat or Tr eatin g for Pr oject El im in ate. Star t gettin g th ose or an ge boxes fil l ed with m on ey. Star t pick in g th ose sm al l am ou n t of ch an ge l itter in g ar ou n d th e h ou se. Ch an ge does m ak e a l ot of Ch an ge for Pr oject El im in ate. Good l u ck to al l of you ! If you h ave an y qu estion s abou t u pcom in g even ts or an yth in g Key Cl u b r el ated, em ail m e at d 06s.k ey cl u b.d n e@gm ai l .com

Godspeed & ser vin g with a r oar , I v an ah Rai n Pal agan as Di v i si on N ew s Ed i t or

This Month's Chal l enge Fill up at least two UNICEF's Orange Box!






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Ter esa Ph am | Division Tr easu r er Hello all polar bears! I am the new treasure of Division 6 South and I'm happy to have the opportunity to serve all of you. My name is Teresa Pham and I also serve as Rancho Verde Key Club president. I am here to make sure that all dues are turned in on time as well as making sure that Division 6 South runs smooth financially. I also help by handling money during events and by finding fundraisers to raise money for PTP. A little about me is that I'm a senior, seventeen years old, I love new adventures, and long walks on the beach. I'm very awkward but that's part of my charm, so I hope we can be friends!






Ivan ah Palagan as | Divison New s Edit or It?s your Division News Editor. Well if you don?t know yet, It?s me behind all of these newsletters, website, publications and overlays for Division 6 South. This is my sixth newsletter and it's been a privilege to be a Division News Editor. I already learned a lot from being more extra (in a good way) like showing more of my creative side and being responsible with my duties. Although I?m halfway into my term, I promise to provide each and everyone of you the latest news within our division and our CNH District. Don?t be shy to email me if you need anything, I?m always here to help you with all the information you need!



REGIONTRAININGCONFERENCE Oct ober 15 - At University of California from 10 am to 4 pm. Be on your Division Attire. Please bring money for the fee $5 Presale and $7 at the door, also bring your Medical Release Form and note taking materials. Don't worry about food it's provided.


FALL RALLYSOUTH November 22 - At Six Flags Magic Mountain. Be on your Most Spirited Attire. Please bring money, your loudest voice and also bring your Medical Release Form.



I 'r ea lly lo ve I 'm g o in g t o b u y a s pir it pa c k!

t o b e a ll g ea r ed u p f o r FRS!

a ke d Do n 't b e n ll y! a t Fa ll Ra

Me t o o !



Fir st M eet in g of t h e Sch ool Year We had our first meetings with a pretty nice turnout of returning and new members. We?ve been advertising the club via our school?s club rush and have received a good interest rate, with many people stopping by to say hi. At the meeting, we did an introduction to Key Club and spoke about some of the bigger events, like fall rally and such. Then we had fun playing everyone?s favorite ice breaker, red box. While the freshman are a bit on the shy side, we hope to motivate them to be more comfortable in our ohana. We?re looking forward to working both new and old members!


Heritage Key Club hosts 3 or 4 blood drives through Lifestream annually. our first one of the year is in September and members are excited to volunteer and donate to the community. We are currently in our sign-ups period, from September 6 th to 16 th Key Clubbers sit in the quad and get people to sign up to donate blood. The actual blood drive will take place during school on Wednesday 21 st , and we hope to break 200 pints of blood. After club rush, we had many new members at our general meeting, and some already knew or seen Key Club hosting a blood drive in previous years. Only 25 could volunteer, however, so we hope that the members stay and get a chance to help run one of our future blood drives.

Clu b Ru sh


Recently hosted a club rush, where all the clubs come together to promote their club and try to recruit more members. There were many other clubs there but Key Club stood out the most; we had banners, posters, music, and spirit. We had enough to spirit to encourage people to join Key Club and become a member. There were so many people who came and were curious about Key Club, we had to make more copies of our flyers. Club rush was a success and the first meeting was even better, the room was full of new members excited to see what memories they will make in this coming term.

Ricky Ta d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gamil.com Lieutenant Governor

Gabriel Victor Fabian (951) 290-9701 d06s.keyclub.dsec@gmail.com ?Secretary

Lilianne Maloles (619) 586-7058 d06s.keyclub.ea1@gmail.com Executive Assistant

Adelle GutiĂŠrrez (951) 719-6254 d06s.keyclub.coordinator2@gmail.com Interclub Joshua Morgan (951) 229-2966 d06s.keyclub.fallrallyspirit1@gmail.com Spirit

Teresa Pham (714) 331- 6055 d06s.keyclub.treasurer@gmail.com Treasurer Zaneeya Leonardho (951) 956-0027 d06s.keyclub.servicecoord@gmail.com Service

Lyhour Lay (951) 331-8309 lyhourlay1@gmail.com Chaparral President

Mikaela Austria (951) 640-4982 d06s.keyclub.kf@gmail.com Kiwanis Family

Valerie Haines (805) 290-2678 valeriehaines20@gmail.com Murieta Mesa President

Andrew Hong (951) 294-4095 andrewhong134@gmail.com Great Oak President?

Michaella Lanuzo (951) 217-6034 michaellalanuzo@gmail.com Temecula Valley President

Gabriel Victor Fabian (951) 290-9701 292115@my.puhsd.org Paloma Valley President

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Ivanah Palaganas (951) 231-4423 d06s.keyclub.dne@gmail.com ?News Editor Cindy Tsai (951) 833-6490 d06s.keyclub.ea2@gmail.com ?Executive Assistant?

Valerie Haines (805) 290-2678 d06s.keyclub.coordinator1@gmail.com Interclub

Ryan Lam (951)-281-9118 d06s.keyclub.headcoord@gmail.com Head Task Coordinator

Joselle Anne Angeles (858) 603-3245 d06s.keyclub.fallrallyspirit2@gmail.com Spirit

Michaella Lanuzo (951)-217-6034 d06s.keyclub.servicecoord2@gmail.com Service

Aaron Suharto (951) 231-8994 d06s.keyclub.expocoord@gmail.com Service Expo

Lyhour Lay (951) 331-8309 d06s.keyclub.mrc@gmail.com Member Recognition Andrea Cadaing ?(310) 800-5534 292050@my.puhsd.org Heritage President

Arianna Pena (951) 591-3006 arianna9923@gmail.com Perris President

Abigail Carrasco (951) 219 8922 abbacus329@gmail.com Linfield President

Ivanah Palaganas ?(951) 231-4423 ivanahpalaganas.rvkc@gmail.com Rancho Verde President

Teresa Pham (714) 331-6055 teresapham.rvkc@gmail.com Rancho Verde President

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