Characteristics Of A Hero Essay

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What is a Hero? There are many types of heroes (such as the ones in comic books, myths, movies, or even just everyday life heroes) but all of them have perseverance when they're going through a conflict. Heroes are role models and they're people that we look up too. They all have unique and special qualities that make one another different from each other. For example policemen battle crime everyday and when they're overcoming a conflict they have determination, courage and other traits that people admire them for and that make them as a hero. Typically a hero is admired for their achievement/actions and qualities. There once was a speech made, from a man who was admired and looked up too by many people. His name was Martin more content...

Many of us thought he was a very inspiring and wonderful man because he had achieved his goal by showing everyone that all of us are equal. If it weren't for him, there probably wouldn't be different races here in the world getting along together today. Another idea of a hero was when Gandhi had stood up for his country; India. "Gandhi led nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women's rights, and build religious and ethnic amity" plus he had "spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India". In other words Gandhi never gave up showing everyone how India should be independent. Gandhi had stood out his way by leading marches to declare independence. Gandhi had been admired for his bravery (when he was thrown in jail a few times), his confidence (he never showed any sign of weakness) and perseverance (he had never gave up). Heroes are not always people who lead marches or do things for their country. For example policemen, firefighters, nurses, lifeguards etc. are heroes everyday because they take the time to save lives. When they're going through a challenge or trying to overcome a conflict they always have courage. These people risk their own life to save someone else's. To be more specific Dr. Ginger Holt from Dallas had saved a little boy's leg. She was confident and determined to finding out what went wrong in the boy's leg and went through many procedures looking at the tests.

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What is a Hero? Essay

Characteristics of a Hero Essay

Characteristics of a Hero

"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" (Campbell 1). When we think of heroes most of us think of movie stars or professional athletes, but it's not always about your popularity or talent it can also be about how you help society. What I think make a great hero is someone who is able to overcome his or her obstacles in life, is highly motivated, and has plenty of bravery.

Overcoming obstacles may be one of the hardest parts of being a hero. I think it's the hardest because a lot of people are blocked from doing something and just quit. A great example of thistrait is Jackie Robinson. He was discriminated against because he was African–American. Even more content...

In order to be a successful hero you must be a highly motivated person. Without motivation you would not be very successful because you would have no ambition to try and make a difference in the world. I think Rodney Dangerfield is a great example of this because he started he career at just 15 and he died while he was in the middle of a movie. Also when his wife tried to make him quit he just blew their many years of happiness and divorced her. In one of his quotes he stated, "At twenty a man is full of fight and hope. He wants to reform the world. When he's seventy he still wants to reform the world" (Dangerfield 3).

Bravery is a great trait for a hero to posses. I think bravery is a key quality because you don't always know what lies ahead of you and you have to be brave to continue. A good example of this is Charles Lindburgh. He was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. I believe that took a great amount of bravery because no one had ever made it across, so he didn't know what lie ahead of him. One of his many good quotes he said, "The most effective way to do it, is to just do it", (Lindburgh 1).

So as you may see overcoming obstacles, being motivated and being outstandingly brave is key to becoming a great hero.Like overcoming obstacles was very hard for

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Characteristics Of A Hero

A hero doesn't always have to be Superman or the Flash. A hero can be someone you see every day. A hero can be someone like a teacher, a fireman, or even a mother or father, but not all the people in these positions are heroes. To be a hero one must have some special traits. A hero must be brave, dedicated, and willing to make sacrifices.

The first trait a hero must have is courage. AsL. Frank Baum wrote in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, "There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid..." This shows that even if you're afraid to do something, you do it anyway because you know it could help someone else. This is important because a hero could never have become a hero, if he/she did not take any risks. Another example of showing true courage is when someone is willing to stand up to a bully. If that person didn't stand up to that bully, then the victim would still being given two black eyes every day. On a larger scale this is important because there are many bad things going on in the world and we need people to do what's right. In conclusion, a hero has to have courage because if the hero is only a cowardly lion, than he/she can't save any lives.

While being dedicated doesn't jump out as the most heroic trait, it is the second and crucial trait one must have to be a hero. Imagine a teacher that just lets his students fail without little thought or care. This teacher just shows up and does his job Get

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Characteristics Of A Hero

Each one of the 7 billion humans on planet Earth has a hero. Humanity as we know it needs heroes because of myriad reasons, whether to solve problems or help people through times of need. Much more than a man in a cape with larger–than–life physical strength, anyone can be a hero if they have the right characteristics. Regardless of the duty a hero provides, he or she will hold common qualities that they must stand by. The three common qualities that make up a hero throughout all of history and into modern day heroes include: loyalty, bravery, and the willingness to make personal sacrifice for a common good.

No matter the hero, whether in a poem, movie, and even reality help shape the lives of people in a positive manner. Figures that show heroic qualities became exceedingly important to societies back in the Anglo–Saxons time period but also right now in the twenty–first century because they serve a purpose. When times get tough and everything seems impossible, heroes are the ones who remind us to keep on believing. We get back up again and keep fighting and believing in ourselves. Every hero faces battles, some they may win but others they may lose. We as a society can learn from these losses and understand failure helps us aspire and grow.

Loyalty, perhaps one of the most crucial qualities for a hero. A person that lacks loyalty cannot fit the characteristics of a hero because no loyalty means no reliance or trust. Loyalty defines Beowulf when he first arrives to

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