Sex Education Essays

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Argumentative Essay On Sex Education

Transitioning from childhood to teenage years is already awkward enough for most girls, but "the talk" is unbearable for some. Little do these young minds know that the scariest part of sex education is the lack of accurate and detailed information. A shortage of information on their own bodies can have grim effects on their sexuality later in life. Inadequate sex education for adolescents has consequently set the foundation for an orgasm inequality, favoring men over women. The nation's incomplete standards for sex education has consistently failed young women in teaching them enough about their own anatomies. An interview has been conducted with an 18 year–old cisgendered woman named Carly. The purpose was to study how well an average young woman knows herself and her own sexuality. Carly completed sex education in the state of Wisconsin. Currently in the united states there are no federal laws that dictate a uniform sexual health education curriculum (Koepsel 2016). How, and what is taught is left to each of the individual states (Koepsel 2016). As a result, a range of information is being taught to Americans, but it may or not be favorable to the student's well being. It seems rather controversial that local governments, which students can rarely participate in, choose the fate of their sexual health education. It is an unfair system that ultimately allows only those who have had extensive and medically accurate education a future in sexual well being. Carly explained

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Comprehensive Sexual Education Essay

The birds and the bees is the quintessential "sex talk" that most parents give to their children when they think the time is right. However, the typical sex talk in schools is quite different than what most parents prefer. Seventy five percent of parents want their children to be taught using the comprehensive sexual education curriculum. Only 15% of parents support abstinence only education (Kelly). Goldman writes in his article, Sex Education, comprehensive education is much more than what many people think. A comprehensive programme of school–based sexuality education addresses biological and reproductive knowledge, rational, moral and ethical values, communicating skills, decision making, negotiating relationship skills, more content...

Programs that use the REAL Act to fund their curriculums cannot mention anything regarding religion. The act also promotes lessons on avoiding sexual advances and the effects alcohol and drugs have when making decisions (Advocates for Youth). The purpose of a comprehensive curriculum is to provide young people with accurate information about sexuality, to give them an opportunity to develop their values and increase self–esteem, to help them develop interpersonal skills, to help them exercise responsibility in their relationships and to generally promote their health as an adult (Campos 9). This form of education provides information on contraceptives and interpersonal communication skills that are needed to determine individual values and skills that will help young people communicate with future partners. Reaching out to all students is something that all schools should strive to do. Comprehensive sexual education allows schools to reach out to those who are engaging in sexual acts and those who will someday in the future. Sex education should not be a choice. Teenagers need to be taught about sex so that they can protect their health and their partners' health. When Mary Calderone said, "It's a four letter word ending in K and it means intercourse, and it's the most important intercourse there is–TALK," she meant that parents need to help educate their children (Luker 117). Parents are a vital part in any child's education, especially when it comes to

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Disadvantages Of Sex Education

Sex education helps people gain the information, skills and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and initially assists with determining their individual sexuality. Unfortunately, when most students are done with sex education classes, they do not have a clear understanding of contraception and safe sex practices and the benefits they allow for. Almost everything revolves around sex or doing drugs and the peer and media pressure that follows is unwavering. Although we have a handful of children who aspire to be more successful, an alarming number of teenagers are slowly falling by the wayside, engaging in indecent sexual activity. Teens nowadays are starting to become sexually active at such a young age. It angers one to more content...

Teen mothers have poor prenatal care since they fail to attend their prenatal appointments. They are at a higher risk of experiencing pregnancy complications and post–natal depression. In addition, they tend to give birth to premature babies and low weight babies. The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the industrialized world. Each year, one out of three teenage girls becomes pregnant. Although teen pregnancy rates have dropped from 61.8 births per 1000 in 1991 to41.7 births per 1000 in 2003, pregnancy rates in the U.S still are declining at slower rates than those in other developed nations. These sobering statistics are the basis of an ongoing battle: the fight for abstinence–only versus comprehensive sex education. Although proponents of both types of sex education aim to reduce teenage pregnancy and STIs, their approaches vary greatly. Abstinence–only advocates believe that sex before marriage is immoral and harmful; they promote abstinence as the sole option to help young people avoid STIs and teen pregnancy, mentioning condoms and contraceptives only in terms of their failures rates. Abstinence advocates feel that "Americans are not suffering from lack of knowledge about sex but an absence of values. In contrast, Proponents of comprehensive sex education and abstinence–plus–education promote abstinence as a good method for avoiding

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Why Sex Education Is Important Essay

Name :Om Prakash Pandey

Instructor :Raj Kumar Baral

Roll No:416/069/070

Subject:Rhetorical & Composition (538.1)

Type of Essay:Argumentative

Date of Submission :27/07/2015

T. U Registration:6–2–301–114–2007

Why Sex Education is Important in School ?

Sex is an essential aspect of human life. It is a natural phenomenon and without applying it the cycle of the human being cannot move ahead or cannot assume. Sex as being such an important part of our life, it is necessary for all to move detail knowledge and information about sex education. Regarding sex education everyone has their one perception. But, what exactly sex education is? Sex education is the process of developing in young people's skill so that they can have a clear idea and can make their own choice based on the knowledge they have gained about the sex. Sex education is the process of obtaining information and forming attitudes and intimacy. We live in such society where beliefs about everything have been rooted by superstitious norms and values. People ashamed while talking about the sex and don't want to talk by thinking that what images they would have in their society if they talk openly in this topic or rather they think that talking on this topic will down their prestige in society. Since a long time sex education has been a great challenge in regarding whether to consider it in school education or not. There had been many disputes about it. It's because our Nepali

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Sex education is a term community reads and hears nowadays. It has become a common thing. It is no longer considered as taboo issue in the society. In fact it can be said as a very popular and interesting topic for debates everywhere. What is sex education? Sex is defined as 'the physical act in which the sexual organs of two people touch that can result a female having a baby' (Oxford Dictionary, 2003, p. 709). In Science Daily (n.d.) sex education is defined as an education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction,sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Additionally, sex education is aimed to assist people understand their sexual developments. Furthermore, during the twentieth century, most Americans and Europeans learnt about sex through more content...

Talking to young people about sex will not encourage them to experiment sexually. Instead, it will educate students on the dangers of having unprotected sex and actions to keep themselves safe (, n.d.). For instance, sex education in schools will teach students the various birth control methods. It is important to teach students the use and the cost of birth control as well as the suitable health condition to use a birth control method (Epigee Women's Health, n.d.). The aim here is not to encourage students to be involved in sexual activities but to prevent unwanted pregnancy among adolescents and school going children. Statistics from the World Health Organization (2012) reported that pregnancy and other childbirth related problems is the number one killer of young women. Most youngsters stated that they did not know that there are ways to prevent pregnancy in the first place. Thus, it is important to keep children educated about their sexuality so that they will not get themselves into tough situations at a very young age that will not only ruin their live but also put their own lives in

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Speech On Sex Education

Sex Education Should Be Taught in Schools. While teen pregnancy has been steadily decreasing, a growing number of teens infected with std's has been increasing. Sex education in schools has helped the pregnancy issue but needs to continue to further decrease teen pregnancies and to eradicate teen std's. In addition, educators need to start the sex education classes at an earlier age. Schools that teach comprehensive sex ed have a higher sexual literacy rate, lower std rates and lower teen pregnancy rate when compared to schools that teach abstinence only or have no sex ed curriculum. A lack of understanding about sex can destroy lives. Sexually–transmitted diseases are no longer just an inconvenience, but can kill people or render them more content...

As the Authors Stokely, Anne, McMahon, Maureen, Points of View: Sex Education in Schools, 3/1/2016 "Reducing the rate of teen pregnancy and STDs requires a multifaceted approach because teen pregnancy is a complex issue with varied effects. Research has shown that effective sex education programs focus on teaching behaviors and communication skills as well as offering instruction about contraception use..."(Par 8.) It doesn't motivate anyone to have sex, instead it educates people and informs them on what the effects are such as STD's and AIDs. Many high school teens who do not grow up in a religious household are still likely to have sex before marriage, and taking this class may or may not change their minds.

According to Lee, M., Flynn, Simone Isadora, Points of View: Sex Education in Schools, 3/1/2016 "Since teen pregnancies is a major social and political issue nationwide, much of the discussion about sex education has to do with its effectiveness in reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies among young women" (Par 4) If schools are supposed to prepare students for life, it doesn't make sense to treat sex education like it don't matter. Many parents are reluctant to take the initiative and teach their children about sex, so most of the time they are educated be the T.V and other teens around

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Sex Education Should Be Taught In Schools

Single–Sex education has existed since the beginning of education itself but, it has recently reemerged in the US under the pretense that it will improve school environments and help children learn better. According to psychological studies this is not the case. There is little difference between boys and girls in terms of ways they learn, and their neurodevelopment. Separating children also does not allow for socialization between different genders. This conflicts with children's social skills and exposure to the oppositegender which makes sexism is more drastic in environments where girls are separated from boys. Single–sex education is a practice that many people believe improves schooling but, it is not proven that there are more content...

Gender roles and stereotypes are enforced through single–sex education. For example, believing that boys should learn in more tactile, energetic ways can cause an increase in aggressive behavior (Lewin). This goes hand in hand with the idea that we should not base children's education purely on gender but, use other factors such as, personality, interests, and upbringing. The argument to this is that it is important for girls and boys to learn with only their respective sex because they are able to learn in an environment with children who learn in the same manner as them. This cannot be true because each child learns differently and has unique learning needs. The part of this argument that affects students lives the most is the socialization aspect ofschool. If children are separated based on gender from a young age they may grow up without much interaction with the opposite sex; This can cause problems when these students are adults and have to work with people of the opposite sex. The former president of the American Psychology Association, Diane Halpern who has written on this topic multiple times and studied single–sex education says, "School is preparation for adult life," "How can boys and girls learn how to interact as equals in the workplace if they have no experience interacting as equals in school?" (Novotney). This shows how vital the socialization between boys and girls is, and in our society their opportunity to socialize

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Single Sex Education Essay

Most people have the idea that it is the parent's job to talk to their children about sexual intercourse when they come to a certain age, but not all parents see it that way. There are many kids who grow up clueless about sex and end up making terrible mistakes. Growing up in today 's society, sex has come to the point where it is no longer discrete and children see this and begin creating misinterpretations about sex. Parents who fail to talk to their own kids about sex and how it is important to protect themselves are blamed for their child's mistake. No one can blame the parents for not talking to their children because, not everyone may be comfortable with talking to their kids about sex and have to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and diseases. This is when the school system can play a role of providing sex education classes in high school. Sex education should be mandatory in public high schools throughout the United States in order to create a safe environment within teens by educating them how to be safe. Recently, there has been societal changes and the way sex has been portrayed, is slowly coming to a change. For many years, abstinence only until marriage has been the only exception. There are many programs today that advocate for it and many religions and cultures who strictly enforce this idea. Although it is a great idea, it does not educate the importance of sex. It does not teach how to protect yourself from

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Sex Education Should Be Mandatory

Reflection About Sex Education

If you are in college, you have more than likely had some kind of sex education in your lifetime. But just how comprehensive has that education been for most young adults in college? How much do college students really know or understand issues dealing with sex, sexual orientation, gender identities and communication in relationships? Through this study, I found people really have varying degrees of knowledge, understanding, and opinions about these topics. Most college students are perceived as uninformed about more complex situations involving sex, sexuality and gender identity. Sure, a lot of them are sexually active, but they never received a comprehensive lesson or talk regarding these topics that would help them better navigate themselves and relationships. This class has given me an extensive lesson about not just sex, but the Biology begins how individual identity, communication within relationships, pregnancy, how sex changes as you get older, and many more important lessons. When I asked most of the girls if they plan on getting their future sons circumcised, all who were asked answered with fervor, "yes, of course", but when I asked them to expand on why, they gave me no more than just, "well because that's how it is supposed to look." Most do not really understand how circumcision became popular, or really even why they want to implement this practice on their sons beyond, "well, that's how they're supposed to look." Even the men agreed that they would get their

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"The first time a parent names parts of the body, including the genitals, to a toddler or preschooler, sex education has begun (New York Times)." Although some argue they are too young; sex and drug education should be taught to every student in elementary schools across the nation. Prevention is key; education can teach these children valuable lessons that may save their life. Drug abuse in this country has reached an all new high with some of the most dangerous drugs we have ever encountered, and the ages of these drug addicts are getting younger by the day. Drugs such as Heroin have taken the lives of many across the United States, this year; these lives range in age from children to the elderly. Sex education can help prevent more content...

Unfortunately, children arrive at our emergency department quite often suffering from an accidental overdose. In most cases, these children were just sampling what they see their parent's doing on a daily basis. The result of these accidental overdoses can range from no long–term effects to an anoxic brain injury, or even death of the child. Sex and drug education can start in the home before the child is even of age to attend school; it can then continue throughout the school years and all the way through high school. So many excellent, age–appropriate resources exist to engage children, adolescents, and teenagers with education. The National Institute on Drug Abuse arms parents and educators with a plethora of resources such as books, workbooks, and videos to get an age–appropriate message to all children about the dangers of drug abuse (NIDA). The advocates for youth organization believes sex education and prevention programs regarding sexually transmitted diseases have an enormous positive impact on our youth. Drug abuse is on the rise across the United States. It is uncommon in the current time to hear of a family that drug use has not impacted in some capacity. Heroin abuse is an epidemic that is substantially affecting thousands of families across the St. Louis area. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Heroin–related overdose deaths have more than quadrupled since Get more

Essay On Sex Education

Argumentative Essay: The Purpose Of Sex Education

Sex education has been a hot debate topic for decades with people coming down on all sides of the argument. Should schools have sex ed, which is a class or session that educates kids on sexually transmitted diseases, birth control and the risk of pregnancy? Should they instead focus on abstinence from sexual intercourse instead of education on making teenage intercourse safe? Which is right? Both? Neither? Well, according to many worldwide studies, sex ed isn't as effective as many would hope. This is especially true in the case of traditional sex education and how it relates to teen pregnancy numbers.

The Purpose of Sex Education:

The education aspect of sex education is of course the main focus. A good sex program will tell students all the risks associated with intercourse as a teen. It also will go over the risks of developing a sexually transmitted disease and communicate the negative element teenage pregnancy can have on a life. Abstinence programs might take a moral approach and talk about how sex should be saved until marriage as a sacred act. Ideally, this education would result in fewer instances of sexually transmitted diseases and a decrease in the number of teen pregnancies within the group of kids who went through the sex ed program. Ideally, this would be the case, but it doesn't seem to be reality.

Studies Reveal Teen Pregnancy Rates Decreased By Absence of Sex Ed, Not Their Implementation:

The UK's "Catholic Herald" recently reported on the "The Effect of

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Single sex education began in 1890, in England, for men only. Education was believed to be for men only because men usually took over the family by providing funds necessary to run a household.

Usually women learned only fundamental concepts, such as how to cook, clean, sew and care for children. Women did not attend school; rather, they learned the skill of reading and writing, and some acquired mathematics through private lessons or a tutor, but if they were rich they were sent to a boarding school where the emphasis would be on elegant accomplishments like music, dancing, drawing, painting, embroidery, and even sometimes French. Women were not allowed to further theireducation after grammar school. If they wished, more content...

In 1968, the U.S Department of Education, once the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, issued a declaration saying that school officials are responsible for providing equal educational opportunities for all, regardless of one's nationality, race, or color(Salomone 15.) Although these laws gave each person the right to attend a school of his or her choice, the creation of single sex schools brought a new definition to education. "The single–sex format creates opportunities that don't exist in the coed classroom" (Sax 1/11).

Students who attend single sex high schools have a greater chance of being less distracted than in a coeducational high school. Boys tend to lessen their aggressive edge and become communal in a single sex setting. They can just be boys and not have to worry about what girls may say because they are not in the same school. Boys can enjoy poetry and play in an orchestra. This is a tremendous contrast to a co–educational high school setting.

Girls drop their shyness and begin to take risks in a single sex school setting. They become more competitive. They embrace sports like field hockey and soccer with enthusiasm without worrying about appearing like tom boys. Young Teenagers are subjected to an inundation of pressure to become adults before they are ready to do so. They grow up too swiftly. Single sex education is a gentler, more controlled atmosphere. On the contrary: some public schools which have adopted

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Single Sex Education Essay

There are a lot of issues when it comes to Sex Education in our education system. I thought that I was one of few that thought there was actually an issue until we had a discussion post about it earlier in the semester. Through that assignment I learned that it is definitely more controversial than I could have ever imagined, and I also learned that more people think that there is a problem than just me. After that discussion post I felt really passionately about this topic and what we are doing wrong to teach such a delicate subject to our children. I thought I was going to have trouble finding really good research and articles about the problems in sex education but I was yet again very wrong. If you think there is not a problem with more content...

Most of the sex education during the nineteenth and early twentieth century were based on religious and moral values. As we learned in class, teachers were supposed to have the best morals that were around, so it makes sense that talking about sex during this time was not an accepted thing to talk about or much less teach young students about. But in the early 1900s people started seriously considering what students needed to be taught in regards to sex (History of Sex Ed...). In the 40s and 50s are when things really started to take off. STDs were spreading substantially and so finally a bit of sex education was taught in the classroom. There were issues with this however because there was not an agreed method of teaching Sex Ed across the nation or even across the states (History of Sex Ed...). After contraceptives were made available, and after many debates about material and what we should be teaching kids about sex, there finally was some stability when it came to Sex Ed in the 1980s when the surgeon general made it mandatory for all public schools to teach Sex Ed (History of Sex Ed...). However, there were really no clear rules on how it would be taught, which is why we have such a big problem with it today. So why is this still an issue? Shouldn't we have this figured out by now? There are many reasons that it is a contemporary issue in society today. The first reason is that in many southern states and small towns, the schools only teach abstinence to their

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Sex Education in Georgia Presentation Rationale

Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to persuade my audience to adopt a more comprehensive Sex education program for our adolescence in Georgia. The current education, or lack thereof, has number of adolescent pregnancies continuing to place the state percentages amongst the highest in the Nation.

Audience: The prime audience for this speech is educators and voting citizens. Educators includes teachers, parents and medical staff. The audience potential for this topic goes beyond our state, it is a nationwide problem.

Significance: The significance of this topic is to persuade the audience to look at our current program and realize it is crucial to change with the times and more content...

Utilizing the TTP (teen pregnancy prevention) and the PREP, are made up of 5 components. They not only teach our children in school, but carry into the community. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control, 2016) the components are

Component 1– community mobilization and sustainability – this means that all of the populations and communities will be involved, not divided by class or financial status.

Component 2 is Evidence based – according to the DHH reviews it has decreased pregnancies, STD's, and sexual risk behaviors when used across the board at home and schools.

Component 3 increases youth access to contraceptive and reproductive health care services. So clinics offer teen friendly care. Gives access to all young people.

Component 4 is Stakeholder Education – this is to educate civic leaders, parents and community members. Make sure they have the resources needed to assist them.

And Component 5 is being able to work with diverse communities. Make sure that all cultural and language barriers are not road blocks to information needed in each

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Sex education should be increased in schools. Nearly one million women under the age of 20 get pregnant each year. That means 2800 women get pregnant each day. If students are educated about the effects sex has on their lives, it lessens their chance of having children at an early age. Knowledge about sex can also lessen the chance of kids receiving STDS. First of all, the main reason children have sex prematurely is because they are curious. Students lack knowledge about sex because they haven't been taught about it, however, when children know the consequences behind their actions and the risks they are taking they less likely to want to have sex. If we take the time to show kids what it is like to take care of a child as a more content...

In addition, unprotected sex is the result of many STDS and the cause of millions of deaths. 1 in 4 sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year.

Millions of people die from AIDS and some are living with diseases such as; Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital warts. But if kids have no knowledge about these things, how can we expect them to know any better. In addition, another thing students need to be educated on is a teenage pregnancy. There are so many young mothers and fathers who have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. When kids become sexually active they don't think about the negative results of their actions, they just live in the moment. If students are educated about the burden of carrying and taking care of a child they may think twice about having sex. One way to show children how hard it is to raise a child as a teenager, is to bring teenage parents in to attest to the fact that parenting a child as a teen is not easy. They can tell them about the excruciating pain they went through and how difficult and sacrificial having a child is. Many teenage parents have no social life and are forced to grow up quickly because they have to bear the responsibility of taking care of a child. If students have knowledge about these things they are less likely to repeat other people's mistakes. Furthermore, the teenage pregnancy

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The Importance of Sex Education Essays

As children grow, they accumulate knowledge over the years about a variety of subjects to prepare them for the future. Children learn from parents, schools, life experiences, what they watch and other influences around them, and it can be either positive learning or negative learning. There is one subject that is difficult to teach and have control over because of misunderstandings, lack of teaching, and publicity.Sex education has been a major debate for children under eighteen, because there are some parents that want it taught in schools and others that do not because of different reasons. There are currently eighteen states and the District of Columbia that require schools to provide sex education and thirty–two that do not more content...

The reason parents are fearful of the sex talk is because they cannot or do not want to picture their child having sex, even though it is a possibility, and the child will feel embarrassed to have their parents talk to them about sex. Because of these feelings, the talk repeatedly becomes delayed, and it either does not happen at all or it happens too late after their child has already had sex. "In the latest study on parent–child talks about sex and sexuality, researchers found that more than forty percent of adolescents had had intercourse before talking to their parents about safe sex, birth control or sexually transmitted diseases" (Park). If schools had sex education classes and made them mandatory then they would actually learn about sex and sexuality like they are suppose to. "Sex education teaches them about their bodies, informs them of the risks of having sex, and teaches them about safe sex" (Blick). Learning about sex in school would be less uncomfortable for the student, because it would feel like a normal class they have to take, instead of a one on one talk with their parents, who makes it worse than it is since they do not know how to talk about it. Letting the school teach about sex and sexuality would take the pressure off of the parents, and they wouldn't have to struggle thinking of something to tell their child. Sex education in school would be a sure way to be certain that students learn about everything they need to know. Along with

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Essay on Sex Education in Schools

Sex is huge, sex is important; everyone cares and has something to say about sex. Sex sells. Sex is an immense part of life for almost everyone in the nation and the world, including youth. Teens hear about sex from their friends, from the shows they watch on television, from the music they listen to, and sometimes, once in a while, they hear about it as discussed by their parents and teachers in an educational context. In a Center For Disease Control (CDC) report from the year 2000, about 65% of 19 year–old teens were currently sexually active, with another 20% unsure if they would chose to be active or not in the near future, and only the remaining 15% choosing to be abstinent from sex at this age. Obviously the majority more content...

Should schools teach that abstinence is the key, or should they go with a more open approach and simply offer advice on how to be safe in sexual practices? Should schools and doctors distribute information on birth control, and make condoms readily available to students? Should the topic of homosexuality be included in discussions about sex in schools today? These are all important questions where there is no directly right answer.

However, one thing is undeniably true, that having sex as a teenager opens a greater chance for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and perhaps the most prevalent issue, immense impact on a teen's psyche, as at this point in their lives they are not only still growing physically, but are still growing emotionally as well.

This study will look into what methods are currently being undertaken in schools today to teach America's youth about sex, and how parents, school officials, and other adults feel about these methods. Primarily this study will use the GSS to examine the effects of gender, educational level attained, and personal history of sexual activity on attitudes towards sex education.

Literature Review

Sex education is defined by wikipedia as "education about sexual reproduction in human beings, sexual intercourse and other aspects of human sexual behavior." This

Attitudes Toward Sex Education Essay
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Did you know that 24 states in the US require their public schools to teach sex education and HIV education to their students ( Do they even need to understand sex or STDs? Well of course not. That's why schools should not even teach these students sex because it's just going to be too much for the high school students' young mind, sex education will definitely motivate the students to have sex–regardless of their sexuality , and it's up to their not so busy parents to explain sex–and all its glory–to their children who are attending high school. First off, why would you want to teach high school students about sex if you know it's going to be too much for their young, innocent minds? Let's face it, once when the teacher begins to talk about the males' baby maker and the females' "foo–foo" the students are going to start laughing, or getting very uncomfortable. Very mature children, won't you say? Of course, the teachers are not going to call it "baby maker" or "foo–foo" they're going to say the correct terms. Furthermore, sex education will most likely have to touch on the more sensitive topics like sexual harassment, or prostitution. Students having to hear about innocent people being raped is already crossing the line, and learning that women and maybe men are willing to have sex just to gain money. Might as well drop the class, or start skipping it. If for some reason the students are able to handle the lessons of sex, then that means they're going to be motivated to want to have sex with each other regardless their sexuality. Evidently this class is going to motivate them, the students, to have sex, and the students are not going to give a flip about the results. They're going to eventually learn that sex can be a pleasurable action as explained in both stage three and five of Sigmund Freud's psychosexual development theory. Stage three, which is thephallic stage, states that around the age of three to five years old, the child will seek for pleasure that is centered on masturbation and/or oral sex. Furthermore, stage five of the theory, which is the genital stage, states that around the age of 12 through adulthood centers on the seeking for sexual pleasuring through romantic

Persuasive Speech About Sex Education
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Sex Education is a controversial but extremely important topic. Yet, we are doing very little to address it. Teaching sex education in schools are essential for teens to help build a strong foundation of sexual health. Although sex education must begin at home, some parents feel uncomfortable talking about the topic with their children and they believe teaching their children about sex can end up encouraging them to engage in sexual intercourse. Due to that, parents and schools try to emphasize the importance of abstinence. Parents and schools try to teach children to never have sex until they are married. However, this program is flawed because it promotes a bias perspective. The goal of the program should be to inform and more content...

Some parents argue that avoiding consequences like STDs is why school should teach abstinence instead of safe sex. Teenagers now are becoming more sexually active than ever before. If everyone keeps teaching teenagers about abstinence, they will become more curious about sex and will decide to try it themselves without any protection. American youth from the age of 15 and 24 are more likely to catch STDs than older adults (Phipps). In 2016, a study done by centers for disease control and prevention, an estimated 5,259 young people ages 13 through 24 in the 33 states reporting to CDC was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, representing about 14% of the people diagnosed that year (CITE). Some people will argue that condoms do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases, but that is a false claim because condoms are very effective to fight against STDs. A study was done in Europe with 124 couples, where one of them was HIV infected and the other one was not. In the experiment the couples that used condoms during sexual intercourse showed up with no sign of HIV transmitted to the uninfected partner. However, among the couple that were inconsistent users of condoms, 12 percent of the uninfected partners later became infected with HIV (Newmeyer). This study shows how much protection a condom provides. Just because parents are teaching their children that sex before marriage is sinful does not mean that the children will always obey. Teenagers will do it anyways without their parents

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Sex Education Are Essential For Teens

Imagine that you are a parent of a young teenage girl, and she has returned home to tell you that she is now pregnant, or maybe you have a son who has contracted HIV, perhaps you even know a young child who has been abused by a significant other. That teenager will now have to face the consequences of these events for the rest of their lives, consequences that could have been avoided had these teenagers had proper sex education. To many, sex education is a sensitive topic, and because of this students do not receive the essential information that can help to protect them. This allows students to make poor decisions involving their sex life that can negatively affect the rest of their lives. Because parents do not always provide more content...

According to Family Health International (FHI) discussions they had about what girls and boys want from each other in a relationship showed that there was a lack of respect. Some of the boys and girls even said that if a woman refused to have sexual relations then she might be beaten or raped. The FHI found evidence from the US and other countries that show that sex education can reduce the amount of behaviors that teenagers take that put them at risk for unintentional pregnancies. In a control area where sex education classes were held, researchers actually found that annual pregnancies fell from 60 to 25 pregnancies per 1,000 women ages 14–17. In a control where there was no sex education, pregnancies in that same age group actually increased. Sex education would teach teenagers about the many negative effects that teen pregnancy has. If these teenagers understood the risks, like an increased chance of maternal death, a decreased chance of graduating, and the increased chance of their child being under weight or having many other health problems, would most likely decrease the chance of these teens taking a risk that could lead to pregnancy. However, if the students still chose to take the risk and have sex, sex education would teach them about the different types of contraception they could use to help prevent pregnancy. The FHI has also Get more content

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