Essay Com Sites

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Breaking News with CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News

Immediately, when I went to, I found a link with a picture to see all information, about the terror strike in Mumbai. Also, there was links where you could click on videos to see how deadly the situation truly was. included things such as: the causalities rates and also how many people were injured. Furthermore, the site also gives information about how you could link this story to Facebook, or even Twitter, so that other people could read about what is going on around the world. With this in mind, this could and would publicity, making more people view the top stories as a result. Therefore, provided a lot of information and coverage of the terror more content...

The article did not provide as much information, as or provided about the bombing in Mumbai. Also, on this website you have the option of leaving comments, email someone, link the story to Facebook, and even on Twitter. However, there is no other article which provides, or emphasis into details more about the gruesome terror attack. On there are also videos and pictures that could be viewed to show the extent of the damage caused by the bombing. Furthermore, provided information about the previous explosions in 2008, which killed 166 people, during the terror attack. Therefore, this website provided majority of the same information, but it was just difficult to locate, the article itself. Several things within these websites, like how they stated the causalities and injured rates, as well as the location. Furthermore, they also provided pictures and video features of the targeted disaster area. However, these sites were different in many ways, also. CNN makes the article available to see and view as the top story, as for MSNBC it bolds the information using color–coded letters for the top stories. On the other hand, on Fox news you have to actually search through different tabs to locate the article you are looking for. Also, with this in mind, the

Cnn, Foxnews, Msnbc Comparison Essay
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Social media is a term that does not need to be defined, everyone knows what social media is. Even people in the most distant of places have heard, or even use, social networking sites. People today use social networking sites on a regular basis. Today's society uses sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as a way to stay in touch with current events, family members, and with their friends. According to the Pew Research Center, "seventy–six percent of [today's society] uses social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, as of July 2015, up from Twenty–six percent in 2008" (Pew Research Center). Since so many people use social networking sites, controversy has risen on whether social networking sites are good or bad for society. Research shows that social networking sites affect society is very negative ways, which include: terrorists' attacks, identity theft, cyberbullying, online predator attacks, sexting, addictions, and personality and brain disorders. Among the positive effects of social media are; small business success, finding new and old friends, and the spread of breaking news moments after the news happens. Despite social media's many positive effects, research shows that social media does more damage than good to our society. First, a big issue that has risen thanks to social media is that terrorist groups use social networking sites to not only recruit new members but also to spread fear. Los Angeles Times writers,

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Pestle Analysis Paper

Part One

According to Pestle Analysis website, there are different considerations that a company should perform to ensure the conduciveness of the environment it would like to operate. Among different considerations, they are political requirements, economic and social situation, technological requirements for effective performance, legal and environmental factors to be considered as well (Pestle Analysis, 2016). In this report, we will have pestle analyses for Vietnam,France, China and India, to understand how WICME would behave to tackle business in those countries.


France is Geographically located in the Western Europe, bordering Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain and Switzerland. Looking at the political influence more content...

Pestle Analysis, 2016 Pestle Analysis of India in 5 Steps Retrieved from:–analysis–india/

13.Pestle Analysis, 2016 What is Pestle Analysis? A Tool for Business Analysis Retrieved from:–is–pestle–analysis/ 14.Pestle Analysis, 2016 PEST Analysis of China Retrieved from:–analysis–of–china/ 15.Rani S, 2015 The World Richest Countries Retrieved from: /new–study–finds–a–better–way–to–measure–the–worlds–richest–countries/#436366c66b82 2017, Importing and Exporting in Global Market: Definition, Process and Importance Retrieved from: /lesson/importing–and–exporting–in–a–global–market.html

17.Thompson G, 2009, Vietnam: The Next China? The Next Taiwan, U article1291580.ece–between–american–and–indian–culture/–sciences/10–Major–Cultural–Differences China–and–the–United–States

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People are spending too much time online The Internet has dramatically changed our lives over the past few decades. Through Internet technology innovation and development, the Internet provides a lot of benefits to people's life; doing business online, shopping online, playing video games and so on. With social media, people can see what is happening all over the world, searching information, resources they need, communicating with friends or family oversea. Nowadays, Internet is closely related to people's daily life; people can barely live without it. However, there are some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. For instance, with the popularity of video games, lots of teenagers are addicted into the virtual world. People spend most of their fragmented time on their phones, computers. People should understand that spending time on Internet for their daily studying and working are useful and helpful because of its fast pace and powerful searching engine. Besides that, Internet isn't that important in our daily life, because online activities cannot replace the real life. People claims that not only more and more people are using Internet to searching resources and information, but also the Internet provides a place where people can publish all kinds of information, sharing their thoughts and ideas. Internet is a place where there is an ocean of knowledge for people to exploitation and this is the biggest

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The beginning of the twentieth century was a time of great social change and economic growth in the United States. The progressive era was a time in which Americans were innovating in social welfare. In the progressive period the government needed to take action in the role of economy, regulating big business, immigration, and urban growth. Once the great depression happened in which America's economy faltered people started to panic. For Americans the main issues asked were how to make society work more efficiently. The great society era was a time of optimism after the post–world war II occurred. The creations of new federal programs were developed for those who were in need due to poverty, being disabled or old age. In more content...

They also developed group work, community organization and advocacy to help the poor. Addams was not really concern with race relations which made it hard for African Americans to survive during this era. Most reformers believed African Americans should continue being second class citizens, restricted from any participation in political life. African Americans were determine to become equals they started by creating a national organization. They formed the National Association for the Advancement of colored people (NAACP). They used education and lawsuits to advance its cause, they won the brown v. board of education a desegregation case forty years later. During the progressive era much of the politics were focused on corruption. According to Abramowitz, corruption often meant control of city or state politics by an ethnically based political machine for reformers. This machine delivered votes, jobs, and payoffs in cities in which it used to gain power in state politics. The issue of corruption slowed down the development of the social welfare reform. Civil war pensions were enacted by the labor legislation that compensated veterans once the war ended. There were negative views about the pension like it was a scheme because getting the pension depended on veteran's connection with politicians or lawyer. The issue of corruption

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The Progressive Era Essay

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Safe injection sites are a controversial issue in Canada, and have been for a long time. As society grows more and more comfortable with the idea of legalizing certain drugs, the attitude towards these safe injection sites changes. This change affects laws, politics, and society in general and is a legal and moral issue. Insite, the first safe injection site in North America, opened in 2003 in Vancouver, British Columbia to a mass of controversy that induced legislative, legal, and moral change worthy of observation and investigation. This paper will first introduce the concept of safe injection sites as well as an explanation of the harm principle in which these sites operate under, then introduce Insite, the first safe injection site opened in North America, along with appropriate statistical evidence that proves its effectiveness, followed by the issues brought up by opponents of these sites will be discussed as well as the landmark Supreme Court case that allowed for their continued existence, and finally an overview of the current legislation that threatens it.

Safe injection sites are places where chronic users of drugs such as morphine, cocaine, and heroin can go to inject drugs in a safe and sanitary environment. The site itself does not supply the drugs, but offers addiction and mental health treatment, first aid in case of overdose or injury, and sanitary means to inject drugs safely. These sites apply what is known as the harm reduction model. In her

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Safe Injection Sites : A Controversial Issue

Social networking sites are great for society, promoting increased communication and connection between hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. While some people do argue that the dangers of online networking far outweigh the benefits, it is clear that this is not the case; rather it is the other way around. Online social networking can be broadly defined as any website or other type of online communication that allows people to interact with each other. Blogging, or keeping an online journal, first became popular in the late 1990's. As blogging began to appeal to more and more people, pure social networking sites appeared. (1997–2001) was the first website that allowed users to create personal more content...

Users may reconnect with old friends, and get to know people they have become acquainted with, but do not necessarily talk to often. Social networking sites also offer comfortability. Many people prefer talking to others online, as it helps them to overcome social anxiety. They do not have to deal with the stress of what others think of them (appearance, attitude, and facial expressions) not nearly like they would if they were talking face–to–face. Users can decide when they want to talk, and take more time considering what they will say. In addition they may choose to delete posts, where if they had said something in person they would have no way to take back a word. Creative expression can be taken to a whole new level online. Social networking sites provide free messaging, blogging, photo and video storage, games, and event invitations to their users. Unique displays of art, music, and writing can be found everywhere on these sites – no two profiles are exactly the same. They are a way to express yourself, and show the world how you really feel about life. Social media additionally helps kids from low–income families become more familiar with computers and technology. One study found that almost three quarters of these poorer children have profiles on Facebook or Myspace . Through the usage of social networking sites, they have learned how to edit and upload photos and videos, and also become

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Anything can be art, depending on who is looking at it. There are so many different definitions and types of artwork. There are paintings, sketchings, pottery, poetry, literature, music, movies, and collections; just to name a few. Some pieces of art are seen as more exquisite and picturesque than others. These masterpieces are at the stop of the hierarchal "art world." Some examples may include music by Mozart or paintings by Von Gogh. To be among the top of the hierarchy demonstrates much prestige. Although my art teacher's stained glass paintings are absolutely beautiful, they may only rank in the middle of the hierarchy. The pieces of art farther down and at the bottom of the hierarchy would include macaroni art done by kindergartners, more content...

In this way, it holds more value to me than it would to anyone else. However, if I had just a single dried flower I would be more likely to just throw it out. By being part of a collection, the flowers gain additional sentimental value and I would not be as likely to throw the bouquet away. In this way, collections allow the ordinary to become the extraordinary. Any ordinary item can be seen as a piece of art once included in a collection. Collections bring delight to not only the collectors themselves, but also to those who get to see them. However, not all collectors show their collections. This may be because they think that showing others would diminish their passion or fascination with what they collect. This could happen if the collectors receive negative feedback about their collection. If spectators were to think of the collection as stupid or useless, then the collector may feel discouraged and collecting may lose its appeal. Feedback from other people is what determines the status of any collection. As Johnson says, "All decentralized systems rely extensively on feedback, for both growth and self–regulation" (192). Therefore, if spectators see the collection as marvelous, the collector will earnestly continue collecting and looking for things that are bigger and better. This allows the collection to grow and keep the spectators interested. By increasing interest in the collection, spectators continue to give positive Get more

Gogh's Hierarchy

Essay on Website Design

Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging fromHTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content...

Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their Get more content

Recent decades, the amount of fake news seems to continue to evolve gradually on social media. Fake news can be defined as completely fabricated stories, information or news. Fake news refers to sources that intentionally fabricated information by illegal sites or unverified materials. This essay will explain the negative effects of fake news. Firstly, fake news can damage the democratic process. Secondly, it can harm enormous part of public safety. Finally, Mistrust is also caused by fake news on social media. Firstly, one of the biggest reasons is democracy can be affected by the spreading out the fake information. While the whole world is focusing on only dangers of fake news in elections. The negative impacts of democracy are more content...

As an illustration, about few months before, a Chinese woman was suspect of being part of a group to kidnap children. After examination and proof by the media, the woman was recognized as a regular at a shopping center who was a close friend to some of the staff members in the shops. As the newspapers reported the truth, the woman's name was open to the public. However, the harm was finished. The elderly woman was afraid to go out. She kept herself away from people and stayed at home the entire Chinese New Year (Asian News Monitor, 2017). (Akpan, 2016) A 28–year–old man walked into a Pizzeria and Ping Pong Bar in Washington, D.C. He was carrying a gun which was AR–15 assault rifle when he fired one or more shots. Before surrounded by police no one was hurt. The reason of this because the man got misleading information from social media then wanted to risk Lastly, another negative impact of fake news is the mistrust that it creates in society. According to statistics gathered by ABC news, when it is no longer clear what is false and what is correct, people lose their confidence in the public. Mistrust is one of the reasons that damages every society. Using fake news, this poison is injected in small doses (Beuth, P., Brost, M., Dausend, P., Dobbert, S., & Hamann, G., (2017). Misinformation can be very difficult to correct and may have long–lasting effects even after it is discredited. One reason for Get more content

After visiting and examining the PBS Web site, I was able to conclude that it is an extremely successful entertainment and educational site. The Web site has won many substantial awards, including the prestigious "Webbie Award" in 1998 and 1999. According to a recent survey, fifty–six percent of users at the PBS Web site are male and sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and forty–four. Forty–four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty–seven percent make online purchases. (Gallup/Plaw Release: Survey of 40,000 Internet Users. Fall 1998.) The design of the Web site is very bright and appealing to the eye. Its layout is inviting and easy to navigate. Its design is consistent through all pages. There are more content...

Another main section in the PBS Web site is called "TeacherSource." Its articles offer teachers advice on incorporating cable, video, and the Internet into their classrooms and lessons. The "Indie Scene" section concerns independent films and videos. It includes film reviews, a schedule of movies, and interviews with filmmakers. The site has two different news sections, " Online Newshour" and "News & Views." The "Online Newshour" section has up to date objective articles with many photos. It also includes a new section geared towards high school students. The "News & Views" section also deals with up to date news, but in a more subjective way. This section includes opinion articles from a variety of people concerning more controversial news issues. The section also has its own discussion group where users are able to post and reply to many different topics. Other main sections on the PBS site include Adult Learning, history, science, technology, and arts. The Web site also has its own shopping site called "ShopPBS." Here users are able to purchase videos and books about anything from the Olympics to the rainforest. The site offers users to sign up to receive a weekly email newsletter called "PBS Previews." The site also offers television listings for PBS. In addition, there is a section where users can view the annual report of PBS and find out about possible employment with the company. There is also an extensive section where people interested Get more

Website Review Essay

The Process of Designing a Website To begin the process of designing a web site you should create a paper prototype of five linked web pages.

Paper prototyping is a variation of usability testing where users perform realistic tasks by interacting with a paper version instead of a computer. With this we can obtain feedback from the user and then it be dealt with before creating a web page.

The think–aloud technique is concerned with the behaviour of an individual when performing a task.

We interviewed one user because we felt that if more users were to do the prototype, then information will be discussed. We told the participants at any time they could leave if they felt more content...

The user finds this very confusing due to the layouts of the buttons and the wording. As a result, they had to start all over again and it irritated the user.

A "submit" button was required at the final page but this was not displayed. The last page had mention that the order was completed. However, the feedback use from the think aloud technique meant that by proceeding onto another page would make the payment more reliable and sufficient.

From using the think aloud technique to get feedback, we improve our design to be a much more useful one. We put in drop down menus in appropriates places so the user would find this more convenient. The colour scheme was also changed to differentiate our website from the rest and create a better first impression on the user. We made our buttons clearer so the user can understand it better and also position them in a viewable way. Therefore using this technique has made our design more successful. (466 words)

Part 2

Discuss briefly the advantages of paper–based prototyping, with particular reference to your own prototype (not to exceed 500 words).

Essay about The Process of Designing a Website

The Advantages of Paper– Based Prototyping

Paper Prototyping is considered by many to be an easy to use and efficient tool to plot out an interface seen by the user. It has a number of advantages which we Get more content

Introduction The world has evolved into a technologically savvy and dependent society with the Internet readily available to many. Convenience and connection are vital to individuals, especially within the United States. Social networking sites have progressed to fit the demanding desires of today's technological era (Albarran 118). The progression from the first social networking sites, such as Friendster or instant messaging, to the sites used today, such as Facebook and Twitter, has made a significant impact on society. Fifteen years ago it was unimaginable the advancements the world has made in many areas, especially in technology and the worldwide web. Remaining behind a computer screen for hours was once a foreign concept, more content...

Families and friends across the nation are able to stay connected by talking or viewing profiles on social networking sites. Overall, the original intentions of social networks were meant to be beneficial to society. Social networks are extremely prevalent in today's society. Most people have some sort of social networking site, usually Facebook, by at least early adolescence. However, with these great new advancements within the last couple decades, new concerns surfaced especially for those who have grown up in the technological era, the millennials. Adolescents and young adults have been bombarded during their critical years of development with the readily available online social networking sites, along with the undeniable slogans plastered on almost every advertisement, such as "Like us on Facebook" or "Follow us on Twitter." The younger generations have been faced with many different issues than previous generations. A few decades ago, one would have never thought that adolescents and young adults would be concerning themselves with how many friends they have on Facebook or how many followers they have on Twitter, but the reality is that they are extremely concerned about this issue now. Bullying is another common issue among young individuals. Although not a new concept,

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Influence Of Social Networks On Society

Effects of Social Networking to Students




Social Networking is one of the trendiest topics being talked about by the students in Sta. Teresa College. Examples of social networking sites are Friendster, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Social Networking Sites help us to communicate with our friends, classmates, and relatives but they also allow us to communicate with other people who contribute to common interests with us. For instance a person added another person as a friend on Facebook since both of them is addicted on playing Restaurant City. Through these social networking sites, we develop virtual interpersonal relationships. Aninterpersonal relationship is a relatively long–term relationship between two or more more content...

Online friends

3. What is the influence of SNS to interpersonal relationship of students toward their:

3.1 Family

3.2 Friends

3.3 Teachers

Significance of the Study

The researchers determined the role of social networking sites on the social aspects of students.

Students – The result of this study will make the students aware of how does social networking sites influence them and how does it affect their interpersonal relationships. This will educate the students regarding the proper usage of social networking sites. This will help the students to improve their social life with the use of social networking sites.

Teachers– This study can help the teachers by suggesting some ways in order for them to relate with student's social activities especially with regards of using social networking sites. In line with this, teachers, as student's second parents, will know a way how to help the students if they will be encountering a problem regarding the relationship of their students with other people.

Parents – This study will help parents to understand their child's purpose of using social networking sites and for them to be aware of the influence from social networking sites that might affect their children. With enough knowledge, parents can think of possible preventive ways if their child is prone to develop a weak interpersonal relationship with other people because of too much usage and dependence from social networking

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The Design Of A Website Essay

Contents Page 1          Title page Page

2          Contents page Page 3          Section One Introduction Objectives:       To identify web–site designs that work, and to identify the reasons to why they work. What? Why? How?

Page 4          Section Two Design is the Answer What? Why? How? Page 5 /6          Section 3 and 4 Where does good web design come from? TEN RULES OF DESIGN FOR THE WEB Page 7/8     NINE RULES OF WHAT NOT TO DO more content...

How? By examination of the most frequently visited web–sites, and although a historical approach with reference to print in design. Section Two Design is the Answer What?      Web sites need to be far better designed than anything in the print medium, due to the very interdisciplinary nature of the web–site. Why? Because a magazine with even minimum design gets its information across to the reader. You buy it because you care about the issues in its headlines, if you want more you jump inside, 'print' by its nature is a tactile phenonenom; touch, smell and accessibility, and it is for that reason it will never die. But web–sites are purely visual and aural, one screen at a time. Encouraging the viewer to go beyond the first layer, even learn where to go for what is required is a common problem for designers. It is their job to bring the viewer inside through the "Dance of the seven veils",and once inside, guide them, not to confuse or frustrate them. How? Web–sites that work are sites that do what you want it to do. They do not insult your intelligence, but neither do they obfuscate. They must indicate the wealth of material lying beneath the first page, but also offer you options and alternate means of approach. The answer may lie in better selling of the 'land' – in urban planning, to use a metaphor. The solutions to timeless internet problems – navigation,

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How to Analyze a Web Site

Gina Dobbii

BSHS 351

April 5, 2012

Firpo Carr

How to Analyze a Web Site

Designing a website may vary from person to person depending on their taste and style. There are millions of websites out there, each one designed differently from another. When you want to analyze awebsite quickly and simply there are a few fast standards that all websites should follow. These are 10 steps someone can follow to analyze a website in minutes. 1. Don't make me think, this means when you go to a website you should understand it from the minute you open it up. The website should apply to what you are looking for and you should be able to go through it quickly with no problems. 2. WOW factor, when the more content...

8. Consistency, is the website the same throughout or does it change drastically as you go through the pages. A website should be consistent from the first page to the last. 9. Browser compatibility, each website allows different rules and codes for the website. Some websites might look really great if your browser is Firefox, but it might look horrible and not legible in internet explorer. If a professional designed the website they should know this and they will use codes that will make the website look great in any browser used. 10. Speed, a website should be built light and fast, if it is done right the website should be able to load in no time. Now a day you should be able to present large images with no problems and have no problems with file size and website loading time. With practice you can analyze a website in just minutes. These are just a few key points to follow when you are analyzing a website. Of course if someone who has never analyzed one before, it may be a little more difficult and might take some more time to do. We have so many websites now a days, some in which we cannot even figure out or even be able to navigate through without hundreds of pop ups coming up. I think it is important to have a crisp clean website where your visitors do not have to scroll around everywhere trying to find something. It should be

Essay on How to Analyze a Website
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FACEBOOK What is Facebook and how is it used? Even though Facebook is one of many social networking websites, it is arguably the most popular social networking website available today. Facebook allows users to easily connect with friends and family members, colleagues or any other Facebook users over the internet. The only requirements are an internet connection and a basic computing device. Once the user has created a profile, they can instantly share their thoughts, location, pictures, and videos. People interact with it using their computers, tablets, and smartphones. After a person's profile is created they can then invite friends to join their circle. After adding a few friends Facebook uses algorithms suggest more friends to help build the social network. Facebook is unique compared to other forms of online communications such as email and texts because it allows the user to communicate and share interactively friends and family all at the same time. Then receive the gratification of almost instantaneous feedback in the form of on–line comments and likes. FIGURE 1: Sample Interface for Creating Posts How was Facebook Invented? Personal communication is one of the deepest human needs. Facebook revolutionized the face of communication from a personal interaction to a personal interaction with a computer interface. The product was originally developed in 2004 by a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg and his friends as a dating website called, Get

Facebook Is The Most Popular Social Networking
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Social Media And Social Networking Sites


The social sites these days are gaining a lot of popularity with almost all of the educated youth using one or more of the social networking sites. These have played a crucial in bridging boundaries and crossing the seas and enabling them to communicate on a common platform( Dinh ,2011).The increased use of social networking sites has become an international phenomenon in the past several years. Through these websites everyone connect with their peers , share information ,reinvent their personalities and showcase their social lives (Boyd , 2007).Many people have internet on their phone and a touch of a button check their mails ,their Facebook , movie times, their bank balances etc. Some people argue that the use of social sites in the workplace leads to better employee productivity such as higher morale and other argue that the use of social networking sites in the workplace regulate in loss of labour productivity due to time wasted at work (Wavecrest, 2006).In todays world Facebook , Twitter ,Myspace are common websites for people to meet and make acquaintances.


FACEBOOK :It was founded in february 2004 and since has become the most popular website in the UK and the most popular social network in the world having social network available in 70 languages with over 800 million members worldwide and more than 425 million monthly active user including features as :

Posting ,reading and responding to advertisements


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Georgia Perimeter College

Mr. Bradley

RELI 1301 – World Religions

Spring 2011

Site Visit Report Template1

Note: Students are to read all instructions related to this assignment before completing this template. Place your responses adjacent to or below each item/question – do not delete text from this template. Remember to please use a different font size or color in order to assist me in differentiating your text from that of this template.

Student Name: Raul Leal

Name of Site Visit Location: Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah Witnesses

Religious Tradition: Christianity

Sub–tradition within Larger Religious Tradition: Jehovah Witnesses

Date and Time Attended: Sunday, 3:00pm

Address: 2341 Lake Rockaway Road more content...

Everyone is dressed in their best in suits and dresses, as they feel to dress at their best to worship God, with no jewelry as they believe to keep themselves simple.

2.4. Material culture (respond to 2.4.1 – 2.4.2 below):

2.4.1. (6) Describe the interior area where the worship service is held–its shape, mood–setting features (e.g., colors, lighting, odors, music), seating, kneeling, or other space arrangements; is any area raised or otherwise highlighted? Describe that area's arrangement.

Essay on Site Visit Report

The interior area is a medium size room which holds about 290 people, with two phrases on each side of the room which says "God is Love." Some framed pictures are on the walls of simple things as flowers, trees, and fruits. Piano music played in a soft setting is around when entering and when the members sing. No kneeling is done, just bow the heads. They sit on normal casual looking chairs during the service.

2.4.2. (7)

What religious symbols are evident? Stained glass windows, candles, incense and other sensory mood–setting features, music (instruments, sound systems, hymnals), flags, posters, banners, vestments and robes, flowers, hymnals, art, etc. No religious symbols are used in the Kingdom Hall, with no glass windows. As entering the Hall, the only things that are evident simple framed art on the walls of nature, as well a grand piano playing throughout the service.

3. Social Get more content

Essay On Website Design Trends

The world has been significantly transformed by technology so far and the change can also be witnessed in website design and development trends too. Today every company is ushering in a new website design age. Thus there is a need for developers to be at the top of the game. It's vital that you keep up with so many updates and developments happening in the web designing world released every few weeks. You are the only people whom clients and the company will always look up to for discussing feature–rich applications, latest web development frameworks, techniques, and tools to enhance UX. So don't act like uninformed or unobservant when they ask you! Well first impression is always the last impression guys! So let us dig the trends a more content...

Javascript is a super popular programming language primarily used to create web applications. It helps make the website more interactive due to its user friendliness facilitates and allows developers to add animations and other dynamic features to the web pages. It also grants them better control over the web interface. Javascript accompanies a lot of the modern web and we can say this because today all modern web browsers support JavaScript without even the hassles of a plugin software. In a nutshell, whether you are looking to build a responsive website or web applications that work seamlessly with popular web browsers. Javascript comes to your rescue. Currently ranked seventh in the list of top 50 programming languages it will be the numero uno language for front–end development by 2020. Javascript is responsible for the change that allows the users to see and interact with the site. Being the first client–side language, nearly everything you interact with on a website, is due to javascript. Thus making the language is the favorite among full stack developers.

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Static site generators are a great way to create websites Infact they are the next big website designing tools. You don't need a database to create websites These generators are able to create static websites from the text stored in files rather than in databases. It's as simplified as it can be.

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Website Analysis

Sometimes it seems like the computer game industry is dying, crushed to death by its own bulk. Every year more and more gaming companies get gobbled up into huge conglomerates like Electronic Arts, companies that mostly put out trash that is technically and visually impressive, but devoid of concept and content. However, there are some small gaming companies that buck the trend. While mostly just small groups of programmers and artists, some are huge unions of fans who, irritated with the dropping quality of computer games, have decided to use the power of the internet to get together and to produce games tailor–made to their personal preferences.

For the sake of comparison, Electronic Arts' more content...

The first level removed from EA Games is the small gaming company. Moonpod Games (, a company made up of a small but skilled group of game makers who previously worked under different companies making other games (some well known, some more obscure), is a good representative of this kind of game producer.

Just because Moonpod is a small business doesn't mean it doesn't know its web design. The site is very well done and much more informative than even the EA site it has to be, since the company doesn't have the money to make separate sites every time it comes up with a new game.

The organization of the website itself is fairly basic. A centrally–located news column makes announcements about new features, patches, or game releases. A navigation bar on the left–hand side allows easy access to the different parts of the website, and beautiful, eye–catching screenshots on the right take one to a synopsis of the games from which they come (although the buttons on the left do that as well). The contents of the center and right–hand portions change when one accesses a part of the site specific to one of the games, changing to a synopsis of and system requirements for the game in the center, and screenshots and related links on the right. All in all, it is a simple but effective design.

Without the funds available to a company like EA Games, Moonpod can't use its site simply to advertise its products. It must

Website Analysis Essay
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Web sites are just like magazines, newspapers, brochures, menus, or even directions on how to make nitroglycerin from house–hold goods, in that they all have to be put together in such a manner that whoever is reading or browsing over it will be able to clearly distinguish this from that. In this sense, a critique of any particular web site will have justification, while carefully considering also that this is an altogether new medium of information exchange. Now, all of this talk of togetherness is actually a general reference to basic design principles, such as color coordination, if color is used, text size, font choice/ style, art integration, accessibility, and just plain and simple design of the page. more content...

I'm not saying make–up is evil, but we all know what's in somewhat good taste, and what isn't. But, hey!, I could be wrong: There could actually be a great person hiding under that crusty exterior; most of the time there is. A balance needs to be achieved or at least strived for when designing a web page or any page for that matter. I'm not trying to rag on Raygun or anything, because I like A LOT of the stuff that they do, but one must not get carried away with it and ignore what one is supposed to be doing in the first place. For this reason I have chosen to pick on the Alternative X web site (, for this paper. Well, not really pick on them, but you know what I mean. So in our quest to discover the ideal web page we must look at the following things: 1) Does it make sense? Is its layout so erratic in such a way as to render the viewer blind because of the designers lack of vision and utter stupidity? 2) Organization. How and why were things placed in the places they were placed, needs to be known, or at least made seemingly apparant. 3) Since this is a web site we are critiquing, and like a Choose–Your–Own–Adventure Book one can skip to another section with almost no fear of being inquisitioned, does its "links" lead to somewhere meaningful?

The first thing one sees when first viewing this page is a yellow screen with a single "X" in the center with "alt" typed across it. Nice. Let me go off on a tangent here: I

Critique of a Website Essay
Critique of a Website
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