Advertiser South 102711

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IN CELEBRATION OF: “ALL THE SAINTS” S u n d a y, October 30, 2011, is the day that many churches commemorate both the Reformation of the Christian Church and “All the Saints.” On this Sunday, both the Nassau and Stuyvesant Reformed Churches will follow a tradition set by the Church at large, almost since the very beginning of Christianity. In the sermon titled, “All the Saints,” and based upon the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:1-12, the Reverend Edward L. Van Kampen will recognize both men and women of yesteryear and of the present for their service to The Church of Jesus Christ as examples of heroic sanctity. The Nassau Reformed Church worships at 11 a.m. in its chapel on the second level of the Church-School-Building, 43 Church Street (route 20). Everyone is invited to worship. The Stuyvesant Reformed Church worships at 9 a.m. in its sanctuary at the corner of Church Street and Route 9J, in the hamlet of Stuyvesant. Everyone is invited to worship.

AP ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES AVAILABLE Please look at the Averill Park School District website, go to programs then to Adult and Continuing Education to see classes available through our Adult Education Program. You may also call Bonnie Lilly at 674-7191 for a brochure or more information. You can still enroll in the following classes: PIYO/Evening Bootcamp with Keri Stern (2 separate classes) Zumba with Shannon McMeel (using a punch card system) CPR for Family and Friends *Dexie Turner’s Exercise Classes Healthy Back Workshop *STOP ADD/ADHD Boxwood Christmas Tree *Thanksgiving Centerpiece Cardmaking Can Be Fun *Introduction to Quilting / Pick Your Own Project (2 separate classes) *Advanced Dog Training

Dear Editor, After reading in the Advertiser (10/20/11) the charge that the Nassau Republican Committee were seeking to take over the entire town government, I decided to research the charge. Mr. Fleming, Town Supervisor, Mr. McCagg, Highway Supervisor are running for re-election. Mr. Carpenter is already a Town Councilman. All are members of the Committee as is Mr. Sears who is employed as Deputy Supervisor and is now running for Town Council. Further, the Republican Town Clerk candidate is married to a committee member. When these elected officials meet, are they acting as members of the Committee or as elected officials of ALL the people? Do personal , professional and civic interests conflict with the real needs of the citizens of the town? These overlapping interests and loyalties can present real conflicts of interest in a time when voters everywhere have so little faith in any parts of our government. I am a registered Republican although I have never followed party lines in my voting. I believe in checks and balances in all levels of government, even in Nassau. Because of this I will not vote for the Republican candidates. I am paying for this letter to run, because I believe this issue is important. Paid Advertisement Sincerely, Jack O’Leary

Page 10 October 27, 2011 The Advertiser (South)

TOWN SUFFERED WITH ROBELOTTO’S FULL-TIME LEADERSHIP Letter to the Editor: Former Supervisor Robelotto wants you to think it was good that his job was supposedly “full time”. Does he really believe that doing crossword puzzles, buying car parts and going to Lebanon Valley are a full-time Supervisor’s work? In case anyone needs reminders, here are things our “full time” Supervisor (who, by the way, was one of the highest paid in the County per capita) should have been handling better: 1. Before Robelotto, Sand Lake had a huge fund balance that should have kept our Town financially secure well into the future. With his budget mismanagement, spending on pet projects skyrocketed. He played the hero by not raising taxes, but didn’t tell you where the money was coming from. The result? Goodbye fund balance. 2. Robelotto mismanaged the Town’s grant for a community van by illegally buying a vehicle that didn’t meet federal standards, acting without prior Board approval. The town is now defending a federal lawsuit because the van can’t be used by people in wheelchairs. It’s off the road, your money is gone and the disabled have no medical transportation. 3. Robelotto failed to protect Town property, refusing to spend even a small sum to repair the roof over part of the old Town Garage. That part of the building rotted, costing the Town more to demolish it than a roof repair would have cost. 4. Robelotto failed to properly oversee adoption of the new zoning. Now a court has said it was not properly adopted. He blames the Clerk for not filing a document she was never asked to file! 5. Robelotto’s majority on the board repeatedly blocked forward movement on a water system, leaving people unable to sell their home or get mortgages. 6. In Robelotto’s do-nothing Board majority, Mr. Splain refuses to work on committees and Turner and Glasser say nothing. 7. When residents ask questions and make statements, the majority are caught arrogantly calling names like “vultures” and “crazy old lady...” If that’s what full times gets us, I’ll go with Flora Fasoldt as parttime, thank you. ~David Neubauer, Averill Park Editors Note: The above article does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the Editor or the Staff of THE ADVERTISER, and for all intents and purposes is impossible to verify the truth and veracity of its contents.

GUY FORTE FOR NASSAU TOWN COUNCIL Hi, my name is Guy Forte. I am excited and honored to announce my candidacy for Nassau Town Council. By way of introduction, my wife, Sue, and I have been residents of Nassau for more than 10 years. While we didn’t know much about Nassau when we first moved here, we quickly discovered what a truly wonderful place it is to live and have developed a deep commitment to the town and the people who live here. One thing that is very important to me is serving the community. Over the years, I have been active as a member of the Village of Nassau Beautification Committee, helping to plan and put on annual summer events enjoyed by the community. I currently serve on the Village of Nassau Planning Board as well. Most recently, I helped to re-establish the Nassau Sunshine Fund. The Fund is a charitable organization that provides no-interest loans to Nassau residents who are dealing with financial emergencies, which are, unfortunately, all too common. Loans are funded through donations from members of the community, so it’s really the community taking care of its own. Among my core values are a commitment to open and transparent government and the idea that a community can only work when all of its members have a voice in what goes on and how things get done. Regardless of who you are, where you live, or what your party affiliation is, if you’re a member of the community, if you have something to contribute or a concern to be raised, it should be heard and respected. Ultimately, what happens in the community should be a reflection of the values and desires of its members. Because of these values, I believe I am the best candidate for the Nassau Town Council. I look forward to continuing my service to the community as a member of the Town Council. Vote for me on November 8th and I will work hard to represent the voices of all residents and to preserve the community character of our town.

RENSSELAER FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Corrected date - October 29th The Rensselaer Fire Department will be sponsoring a Fire Prevention Open House. This Open House will provide demonstrations and fire prevention programs for children, information on Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Program for Senior Citizens, free blood pressure clinic, plus a lot more. The Open House will be at the North End Fire Station, located on Washington Ave., near I-90 on Saturday, October 29th from 11AM to 2PM. Also available will be Breast Cancer Awareness T-shirts for sale with all proceeds going to the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer Center. For information on the open house or T-shirts, contact the Rensselaer North Station at 463-2883.

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