Clarins 70th Anniversary
Interview with Virginie Courtin + the brand’s humble beginnings

The Ultimate Guide to Acne
The Ultimate Guide to Acne How to Get Clear Skin this Summer
Clarins 70th Anniversary
Interview with Virginie Courtin + the brand’s humble beginnings
The Ultimate Guide to Acne
The Ultimate Guide to Acne How to Get Clear Skin this Summer
Humber College Students Shine
Interview with Humber Students about the Cosmetic program
The I RECOMMEND issue is here for 2024. This year we had the most votes ever in the history of the program!! Check out our feature section on all the great products recommended by our beauty advisors in the
We are turning up the heat in this summer issue with some incredible celebrations. CLARINS turns 70 and I had the opportunity to sit down with Virginie Courtin – 3rd generation family member who had so much to share about the company started by her grandfather and what the future holds. MAC turns 40 – this iconic Canadian brand turns 40 this year. Read the story to see what surprises they brought back in celebration of this milestone. And Nudestix, another Canadian brand, turns 10. I chatted with one of the founders, Taylor Frankel for a recap of the past 10 years and a look ahead.
The celebrations continue with our Spotlight feature of two industry awards. The first, for Daphne Mollot of Groupe Marcelle who won the prestigious Globe & Mail best executives award. The second for Prestilux who was named among Best Managed Companies in Canada. What amazing accomplishments for both Daphne and Prestilux – Congratulations. It’s summertime so you need to take care of your skin while enjoying the weather. We have you covered. Whether it’s suncare you are looking for or skin care treatments for acne, our stories will help guide you to the best products.
Summer also brings the close of schools and we have a feature on the wonderful Cosmetics Management Certificate Program from Humber College. Take a look at what this year’s graduates had to say about the program as they share their insights, feedback and work. Are you a fan or not of artificial Intelligence (AI) ? We surveyed our beauty experts who told us they were nervous and cautious about the use of AI. See the results in our Ask an Advisor column along with a story from a blogger on the impact of AI in beauty. Our French content is filled with great new products and inspirations to get you into a new summer routine.
As always, I had a lot of fun collaborating with the entire team – our contributors Lora Grady and Vania Aguiar; our NEW graphic designer Kas (welcome to the team); and the wonderful support of Amy, Michele, Luca and Sue. Thank you all for your support, efforts, and energy.
Frank TurcoPresented by
34 Must Have Makeup
36 Superstar Skincare
38 Sun Care Saviors
30 Purr-fect Eyeliner
31 Silver Linings Take a cue from designers and celebs, and try the subtle cat eye look. Rock your grey hair proudly all summer long with these pro styling tips.
51 Ingredients 101
86 Sault, Beaute How glutathione can help you get a brighter complexion
In French, Vânia Aguiar gives the scoop on what’s hot in Quebec— and beyond for Summer.
Publisher Frank Turco
Beauty, Trends & Features Editor
Lora Grady
French Beauty Editor
Vânia Aguiar
Graphic Designer
Kas Sestito
Editorial inquiries: fturco@cosmeticsalliance.ca
Advertising & event inquiries: fturco@cosmeticsalliance.ca
Cosmetics Alliance
President and CEO
Darren Praznik
Director, Science, Regulation & Market Access
Beta Montemayor
Director Membership, Marketing and Digital Services
Amy Sutherland
Director, Finance & Administration
Michele Follows
Manager, Membership & Administration
Michele Davis
Public Policy & Communications
Susan Nieuwhof
Marketing Administrator
Luca Phillips
Cosmetics Alliance Canada, Suite 102, 420 Britannia Rd E, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3L5
We’re so excited to announce three new awards for this year’s Beauty’s Best Awards on November 8th!
Please find the nomination forms below. The deadline to submit nominations this year is June 14, 2024. Good luck to those who submit. We hope to see you all there!
This new award, in partnership with Look Good Feel Better (LGFB), will be presented to an individual or group from the cosmetics and personal care products industry that are making a difference in their community. It could be someone who carves out time every week to make a difference locally in their city or town. Or a group coming together to solve a problem or provide support to a charity or community.
With so much innovation in technology today impacting the beauty industry, the time is right for this new award category. This award will be given to a company, brand, retailer, or agency partner who demonstrates the best innovative use of technology in beauty. The use of technology is not limited to any one thing but rather open to a product, process, device, tool, ingredient, web app, or even an in-store activation.
We heard the feedback from our beauty experts and are thrilled to announce this new award category. This award will be given to an individual who demonstrates excellence in their role as a manager or team lead. The individual can manage a team of one associate or a group of many. Nominations can come from the person who works for them, works with them, or manages them.
For more information on this year’s award show, visit cosmeticsmag.com/beautys-best-awards
Daphné Mollot , VP of Innovation at Groupe Marcelle Inc., has been recognized this year with one of ROB magazine’s Best Executive Awards, celebrating the unsung executives who drive their companies forward. This prestigious award honors Daphne for everything she does and contributes to her role at Groupe Marcelle.
Daphné has been a cornerstone in the cosmetic industry since 1974. Starting with the brand Lise Watier, which was acquired by Groupe Marcelle eight years ago, she has had an incredible career in the industry. She has built and continues to build invaluable partnerships internally and externally, including with the essential beauty experts who interact with consumers every day across the retailer network. At Groupe Marcelle, she is essentially an institution, filled with knowledge, experience, and inspiring insights. She is an inspiration to all who work there and a great mentor and coach to those who join the journey.
“Daphné was the only seasoned executive who remained from the Lise Watier acquisition. She has so much history in the brand and is a part of the brand,” says David Cape, President, and CEO of Groupe Marcelle. “Most of all, Daphné is a classy individual who found her way onto the Groupe Marcelle team, and she plays a very critical role. Daphné proved to bring value, knowledge, and passion to the team, and it was clear we would have room for her in the organization forever.”
“We were just so thrilled for Daphné to be recognized for this prestigious award,” says David. “This award doesn’t make Daphné; Daphné makes the award.”
When asked how he and the organization are preparing for Daphné’s eventual retirement from the industry, David said, “We are developing a program to train junior Daphnés. We want to ensure they know and recognize, like she does, what’s going to work and not work. We aim to create a sort of Daphné university or Watier university, and of course, she will be the first pro-fessor.”
Cosmetics Magazine and Cosmetics Alliance congratulate Daphné Mollot and Groupe Marcelle on this incredible honor.
Founded in 2018, Omy Lab is a Canadian based and women-owned B Corp-certified. Dermo cosmetics company that formulates personalized skincare with its Skin AI technology.
Taking proper care of your skin comes with multiple challenges. Omy Lab was established with the objective of addressing these challenges associated with providing effective skincare solutions for a wide range of skin issues. And best of all, the cruelty-free, vegan company offers hypoallergenic products of 95%+ natural origin.
Both passionate about skincare and people, Rachelle Séguin and Andrea Gomez, the founders of Omy Lab, are seasoned skincare experts with many years of experience in the field. As entrepreneurs, they shared a strong conviction that science and technology could pave the way for real opportunities for individuals often overlooked by the cosmetics industry. Their vision was to promote more inclusive and eco-responsible practices.
Using meticulously selected ingredients with proven efficacy, the two female founders have developed a line of personalized skincare products that target a broad spectrum of skin concerns specific to each individual. OMY Lab is available on-line and exclusively at Jean Coutu stores.
Shoppers Drug Mart is making a difference on the war against plastics by being the first major retailer to offer a recycling program for private label colour cosmetics line in partnership with TerraCycle®
The global cosmetics industry produces an estimated 120 billion units of packaging every year, most of which are not accepted through curbside recycling services. In partnership with international recycling leader TerraCycle, Shoppers has launched Quo Beauty Cosmetics Free Recycling Program. Introducing a convenient solution for customers to recycle empty Quo Beauty cosmetics components and keep plastic packaging from going to landfills and incinerators. The program strategically launched during Earth month this year.
In addition to the recycling efforts this program brings, for each pound of cosmetics waste shipped in through the recycling program, $1 will be donated to Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health™. Shoppers Foundation creates equitable and accessible care for all women in Canada, empowering them to lead healthier lives.
Shopper’s partnership with TerraCycle comes less than a year after the launch of “More Planet Love” by Quo Beauty which includes over 500 products with more sustainable packaging, using recycled plastics, mono-materials, and reduced plastic packaging.
Additionally, the entire Quo Beauty lineup is vegan, cruelty-free, and PETA-certified, further contributing to a more sustainable planet.
“As we work to ensure all control brand packaging is recyclable or reusable by 2025, we continue to look for new and innovative ways to eliminate the use of single-use plastics for all product packaging,” says Pat Dean, SVP, Category Management, Shoppers Drug Mart. “We are proud to partner with TerraCycle as the first major retailer to offer a recycling program for a private label colour cosmetics line, offering more sustainable choices to Canadians and reducing our impact on the planet.”
Customers can mail in their eligible empty Quo Beauty cosmetics components by signing up on the TERRACYCLE PROGRAM PAGE and downloading a prepaid shipping label. Once collected, the cosmetic packaging is cleaned and separated by material type, and then recycled into raw formats that manufacturers use to make new products.
The following Quo Beauty cosmetics components are eligible for recycling:
Plastic and glass tubes, pots, pumps, sprays, and jars
Lipstick, lip balm, lip gloss tubes, and wands
Mascara tubes and wands
Eyeliner pencils and components
Eyeshadow and bronzer components
Foundation packaging
Powder components
Concealer tubes and sticks
Nail polish bottles, nail polish remover bottles, makeup wipes and sponges, makeup brushes, and pressurized canisters (including aerosol cans) will not be accepted through this program.
“Themajorityofcosmeticproductsarenot acceptedbycurbsiderecyclingservices duetotheircomplex,multilayerpackaging, whichoftenincludessmallcomponents suchaswands,pumps,andcapsthatslip throughthesortingmachineryatrecycling facilities,”saidTomSzaky,TerraCycle founderandCEO.“Asthefirstmajor retailerinCanadatocreateafreerecycling programfortheirownprivate-labelbeauty brand,ShoppersDrugMartissettinga greatexampleforthebeautyindustry.”
“CustomersareveryexcitedabouttheprogramandarehappytoseeQuoBeautymakingstepsintheright directionwhenitcomestobeingasustainablebeautybrand!” says Ashleigh Aliberti Manager, CB Beauty ESG Initiatives & Thoughtful Choices
The Quo Beauty Cosmetics Free Recycling Program is open to any individual, school, office, or community group. To learn more about TerraCycle’s recycling process for cosmetic packaging, please visit www.terracycle.ca/how-terracycle-recycles-beauty-products.
Sign up and join the Quo Beauty Cosmetics Free Recycling Program!
Prestilux , a frontrunner in beauty brand development, was awarded as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. This esteemed recognition underscores Prestilux’s ongoing commitment to operational excellence and business strategy.
With over 50 years of experience, Prestilux stands as one of the foremost distributors of beauty brands in the Canadian market. Offering a comprehensive suite of integrated services, Prestilux delivers tailored support to meet the diverse needs of their clients and partners.
Canada’s Best Managed Companies is one of the country’s leading business awards programs recognizing innovative and world class businesses. By joining the ranks of this year’s winners, Prestilux distinguishes itself particularly in the category of successful business strategy.
“Receiving this title is a mark of pride and success for our entire team” , says with enthusiasm Marie Farel, President of Prestilux. At the heart of the company’s success lie fundamental values: a daring entrepreneurial spirit, remarkable agility, and a strong human-centric culture. “We accept this award with gratitude and humility; it’s a recognition of the journey we’ve traversed, a genuine vote of confidence in our mission: empower beauty. Prestilux, a catalyst for growth, is the Canadian ally to sustainably build the most loved beauty brands worldwide.”
“ “OurrecognitionasoneofCanada’sBestManagedCompanies stemsfromablendoffactors,includingourunwaveringpassion forbeautybranddevelopmentthathasfueledusforover50 years,supportedbythehumanapproachandcommitmentof everymemberofourteam,” explains Nina Dyson, owner of Prestilux.
Today, the company’s portfolio includes a strategic curation of over 20 international brands, whose success and sustainable growth are supported by a modular business model offering integrated services and an omnichannel distribution ecosystem to better meet the evolving needs of clients and consumers.
As a company led and owned by talented women, Prestilux nurtures an environment where respect, closeness, and commitment are felt daily. “Weareproudofthisachievementand determinedtocontinueourmissiontoempowerbeautywithenergy,agility,andcourage,” asserts Marie Farel.
Drybar is coming to a store near you. Drybar is launching this spring at 140 Shoppers Drug Mart stores and will offer an assortment of over 100 sku’s of professional quality products including shampoos, conditioners, tools, accessories and styling products to help achieve and extend an effortless blowout at home so customers can feel gorgeous every day!
“WeareveryexcitedaboutourproductsnowbeingavailableatShoppersDrugMartinCanada. Weareseeingthe prestigehaircategorytakeoffandbelieveDrybaroffersatrulypremiumanduniquesystemofliquids,tools, andaccessoriesthatcreatetheperfectsystemtodeliverthateverydaygorgeouslookathome,” states Shannon Gorman, Senior Director of Marketing, Drybar.
Drybar is offering some of the best product pairings being served to consumers to help look and feel their best as they experience this new premium haircare line at Shoppers Drug Mart:
Buttercup Blow Dryer
($269.00 MSRP) + Liquid Glass Miracle Smoothing Sealant
($46.00 MSRP)
The Mixologist Interchangeable Styling Iron
($269.00 MSRP) + Triple Sec 3-in-1 Finishing Spray
($39.50 MSRP)
The Double Shot Oval Blow-Dryer Brush
($209.50 MSRP) + Detox Dry Shampoo ($38.00 MSRP)
Drybar products are made without parabens, sulfates, are animal friendly, and provide a selection of signature fragrances.
Drybar’s philosophy is quite simple. Focus on one thing and be the best at it: that’s blowouts. With that same goal in mind, Drybar created a line of professional quality pro ducts, tools & accessories to achieve and maintain the perfect blowout at home so consumers can feel happy and confident every day! Drybar’s product line is sold through Drybar shops in the U.S., Ulta, Sephora, Chatters, select Shoppers Drug Mart locations, and online retailers as well as drybar.com
In December 2023, Drybar announced that they were teaming up with celebrity hairstylist Bryce Scarlett, as Drybar’s official Style Director and Brand Ambassador. He will be sharing all his favourite techniques and how to achieve some of his most loved looks on @thedrybar on Instagram and TikTok.
In Q1, Beauty sales in Canada were up +9% based on dollars and units sold up +6% vs. last year; a healthy story for demand as this growth followed two years of units growing over +20%.
All categories saw growth in dollars and units. While Skincare drove demand +7% vs. LY, Fragrances and Hair led dollar growth, up double digits (+12% and +30% vs. LY) and continued to gain share importance. By segment, Fragrance Gift Sets posted the fastest dollar growth in Total Beauty, despite being impacted by expected promotions after the holidays.
Beauty Average Selling Price continued to increase +3% due to Year over Year increases seen in Fragrance, driven by Fragrance juices. Polarizing prices in Skincare vary by segment, with consumers “preimmunizing” their Skincare spend on body products and spending less, on average, within the facial segment. Makeup remains healthy, with a standout performance coming from Lip, which has doubled sales over two years ago.
Total Mass Beauty sales were up 3.1% to LY for the first quarter of 2024. BODY CARE led the charge growing 6.6% in dollars to Last Year. COSMETICS were up 5.6% in dollars to Last Year with HAIR CARE up also up 2.6% in dollars to Last Year.
Some of the category highlights in BODY CARE include:
COSMETICS categories that performed in Q1 include:
And in the HAIR CARE category, two best performing categories included :
Are you familiar with the technology known as AI (Artificial intelligence)? Are you familiar with the technology known as AI (Artificial intelligence)? Are you familiar with the technology known as AI (Artificial intelligence)?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.
I know a little about it.
I have used it for personal use
I have not tried it
I want to try it and see how easy it is to create stories, videos, and more
I think the technology is cool if used appropriately
It makes me nervous to think anyone can be recreated
I am not how sure I am about it, but I know it is something we all need to be aware of
Yes I do as it is here to stay and can provide benefits
No, it is scary to think what it can do
I think it depends on how it is used and applied.
I tried it and was amazed by the results
I did a facial scan of a loyal customer to help understand their skin conditions
I haven’t tried it but am curious to. I think I need more knowledge before I do.
Our beauty experts are familiar with the technology with 67% saying they do but they are split on whether it is cool or not. Most of the respondents have not tried it themselves and feel like it could have a place in the Cosmetics industry if used with good intentions. Overall, there seems to be high interest but fear of the unknown.
Smarter Shopping, Happier Customers
Smarter Shopping, Happier
Smarter Shopping, Happier Customers
Imagine walking into a spa or store where the experience is tailored to your unique needs. AI can analyze your past purchases and preferences to recommend products you’ll love, based on a real-time skin analysis with no bias or pressure for an “expert” opinion. Gone are the days of feeling pressured by salespeople or getting frustrated by wandering aisles and buying ineffective products. With AI, shopping becomes smarter, faster, and more enjoyable, leading to happier and more satisfied customers. AI is completely transforming how we discover and buy beauty products, suggesting treatments and products we might love based on our specific skin concerns.
Beauty retailers need to stay agile and embrace these advancements. By responsibly integrating AI and other innovations, the industry can continue offering exceptional products and experiences that cater to a rapidly changing market and customer wants. The most successful integrations are those that harness the power and potential of AI while still providing a human touch experience. AI is here to augment, not replace, the beauty industry. Businesses can leverage it for further growth by:
Product Development: AI can analyze vast sets of data quickly, using algorithms to search for ingredients that address clients’ skin concerns and provide accurate recommendations without opinion or bias.
Predictive Skincare:
AI can analyze skin over time, predicting future needs and recommending preventative measures.
AI skin analysis goes beyond demographics, providing a deeper understanding of an individual’s skin health. This allows for:
Proactive Outreach: Retailers and brands can identify users with early signs of sun damage and recommend appropriate preventative products.
Ingredient Targeting: If a large portion of analyzed users show sensitivity to a specific ingredient, brands can target marketing campaigns promoting paraben-free or fragrance-free alternatives.
By harnessing the power of AI skin analysis data, beauty brands and retailers can create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with individual needs, fostering loyalty and driving sales growth.
The Future is Bright with AI
The Future is Bright with AI
The future of beauty is undeniably intertwined with AI. By embracing this technology and using it responsibly, the industry can create a more personalized, sustainable, and ultimately empowering experience for every customer. Imagine a world where AI helps us not only achieve flawless makeup looks but also understand and care for our skin’s unique needs at a deeper level. AI is here to stay, and its potential to revolutionize the beauty industry is truly limitless. As AI continues to evolve, the possibilities for innovation and personalization are endless. With AI as our partner, the future of beauty promises to be not just convenient and efficient, but also deeply enriching and trans formative.
Have you always wanted longer eye lashes but didn’t want to use fakes and glue? Well thanks to Lauren Spencer and her brand Revive 7, your wait is over. Revive 7 offers a serum that lengthens lashes, and it does this within 7-21 days. And that’s just one of the fabulous products you will find in this innovative Canadian brand.
Lauren always had a desire to be successful. She opted not to become a heart surgeon in exchange for what would become a very successful career in the beauty industry, specifically focusing on eyelash extensions and her business, The Wash Bar. “Getting started certainly didn’t come easy” says Lauren. “But I always had a passion for lashes and saw the potential for long term growth”. Despite initial disapproval, Lauren pursued a lash extension course and eventually found success in the industry. Having been largely self-taught and having had no formal education in business, Lauren was anxious to get things going.
Lauren’s journey of discovering a natural lash growth serum was developed in collaboration with a chemist from Montreal. The serum contains only seven (7) ingredients and produces incredible results in just 7 to 21 days. Lauren’s company had been focusing on manufacturing lash extensions and glues, but the Covid-19 pandemic forced them to shift their focus to selling the Revive 7 serum. The product gained popularity rapidly, with orders coming in from 21 countries. The results spoke for themselves as the product’s success was due to its effectiveness and the unique combination of minimal ingredients. Lauren shared ...
“ThatarealTVcelebrityhousewife testedourproductononeeyeand waspleasedwiththeresults.
Revive 7 has an innovative suite of products promoting hair growth through various products, including a lash serum, a brow serum, a mascara, a hair oil, and a nail serum. “We have a diverse customer base with our distribution network which includes retail outlets and direct-to-consumer sales” says Lauren. “We are always looking for the next innovation to make our customer’s lives easier and provide support where they want and need it”. There are several new products in development that will provide relief for gray hair. Lauren estimates this product will launch at the end of 2024. “We still work with our original chemists along with others in the development of new product innovation.” Says Lauren.
Revive 7 recently celebrated their 10 year anniversary of Lauren credits a lot of her success to the team. When asked what she was most proud of, Lauren said “I have a lot of pride in our achievements, including expanding into 21 countries and receiving seven beauty awards.” Revive 7 has had much success outside of Canada with Australia as the largest, surpassing even Canada.
“We are excited for what lies ahead andtheproductsthatweareworking onincludingtheupcominglaunchof aproducttargetinggrayhair.”Says Lauren. “Ibelievethisproductwill bethenextbiggestthingforusand we are excited for that.
Revive 7 has had success with their beauty products and even won awards with them. “We are so proud of what we have been able to do and achieve and really appreciate the recognition.” When asked about distribution, Lauren offered the importance of keeping the products exclusive to salons and spas to support their sales partners. When asked about competition, Lauren’s stated “I don’t see any competition at the level Revive 7 is at and I really don’t spend time looking at competitors”.
When you think back to the 1950’s, so much was different and yet to be discovered. This was not any different in the beauty industry where brands, ingredients and options were quite simple back then. Jacque Courtin-Clarins had a very different approach to beauty that was both unique and innovative. He started by listening to women and then he empathized with them. He trusted plants to bring his formulas to life. He believed that true confidence comes from feeling good in your skin. He dedicated himself to making Clarins a lifelong friend, a trusted confidante and instead of telling women what they should do, he listened, understood and emphasized and Clarins was born.
The main philiosphy of the family and the company is to continue to seek out beauty and share it. In every serum, mascara and fragrance, innovation is at the core. The goal of cultivating their forward-thinking perspective on beauty while at the same time staying true to core values of honesty and respect.
For 70 years, Clarins has balanced deep values and daring innovation. They have developed stand out products made with plant extracts. They have a focus on a more sustainable today and a more beautiful tomorrow. They pioneered their vision of effective beauty, beauty that contributes to health, harmony and happiness.
Clarins has defined itself as an engaged brand from the beginning. With nature as the driving force of innovation, Clarins has always been very conscious of their impact and as they have grown, have become more and more focused on trying to reduce it.
Clarins is on track to reduce its emissions by 30% by 2025. In that same year, 2025, all Clarins skin care will be recyclable, refillable or reusable. Sourcing will be 100% sustainable and most interesting of all, 25% of their plant extracts will be sourced from the Domaine Clarins or Clarins certified farms. Yes, Clarins is not only a global beauty brand, but they are farmers now too.
We began our conversation with an understanding of how important Clarins is as a global beauty brand. Virginie was quite happy and proud to share Clarins’ strong position in the beauty industry.
“The overall ranking by country does differ, but we are proud to say we are number 1 in skincare in Europe. And in France, our homeland, number 2 is very far behind us. Although we are very proud of our positioning in most countries, we are not obsessed about being number 1” says Virginie. “Trying to be number 1 can come with some bad choices, like promotions and we do not want that for our brand.”
“For Clarins, it is more important that we grow: have more customers, new customers and younger customers” adds Virginie.
Clarins invested in Asia over 30 years ago, and today, China has become their number one market. Meanwhile, the United States has been a focus in recent years. However, the American market presents challenges due to lower customer loyalty and the constant influx of new brands.
Virginie loves to tour cities and stores. She is passionate about meeting the store associates who have been with the brand for years and have so many stories to share.
“I have met so many associates over the years” Virginie shares. “I love to hear their stories and feel their love and passion for Clarins, and being part of a family company. We are a big family and it’s so important for me to meet the teams and the beauty advisors who hear the feedback from customers.”
“It is important for me to hear them out which is one of the main reasons I travel to all of our markets.” Adds Virginie.
Of course, I wanted to know if Virginie had her heart set on being part of the family business as a little girl and she told me that it wasn’t her first choice.
“I wanted to be a doctor but didn’t love physics. I loved math, but not physics. And in France, you need to make your academic decisions early and so I decided to be part of the business.”
Virginie was part of a group of 4 female grandchildren, and they all enjoyed being part of the company at a very young age, even though some went into different fields later in life. “My grandfather only spoke of Clarins, and I am allergic to many ingredients, so it was great for me to have Clarins in my blood.” Says Virginie. When asked if Virginie had the opportunity to
influence products at a young age, she told me, “Yes of course, but not just because the Founder was my grandfather. My grandfather was a good listener and would introduce products because it made sense for the customer. He took every opinion and turned it into a product. We granddaughters also helped in the naming of the product.”
What was fascinating to me in my conversation was the discovery that Clarins was perhaps the first brand to start customer reviews (CRM). Clarins included surveys in the 1950’s with the products and customers would write hand written feedback initially with the company receiving over 300 per month and it grew from there. Some customers would write every week. Some of those handwritten surveys are now living in the Clarins archives and of course, that feedback today is now completely digital.
When asked about how they are attracting a new customer, Virginie shared that “we are growing together with our
customers. We often hear that a new younger customer learned about the brand from their mother.” One of the strategies for acquiring a younger customer is through makeup, a pillar of growth. “We are so strong in skincare and decided 2 years ago to focus on makeup as it was only 10% of our turnover, but we know it is it the first step for young women, especially lip oils and mascara.” Says Virginie. With makeup being more affordable for a younger customer, it made sense to make it a focus. Clarins also understands the importance of staying relevant in the digital space and is uber focused on their digital strategy.
The Domaine Clarins, in the heart of the French Alps, where we use regenerative farming to grow and study plants.
100% organic ingredients, grown using regenerative* farming practices.
A haven of 15 hectares nestled in the French Alps.
Discover everything we’re doing to take care of people and the planet.
6 plants grown in the Domaine Clarins are already used in 30 of our formulas.
More than 30 plant species are studied each year.
Making life more beautiful. Passing on a more beautiful planet.
*Regenerative farming is a virtuous agricultural method that is 100% natural and that replenishes soil and encourages biodiversity.
A pretty and easy look to pull off for summer, the subtle cat eye was recently spotted on runways for Christian Cowan, Retrofête, Valentino and Max Mara, and on Miley Cyrus at the 2024 Grammys.
“A subtle cat eye is a great way to amp up a daily makeup look without it looking or feeling too heavy or [over]done,” says Toronto-based makeup artist Sabrina Rinaldi. To achieve this look, Rinaldi likes to use a kohl eye pencil to create a line and subtly smudge it outward. Using kohl will allow you to clean up the edges of your line. (Without a kohl base, powder can be messy and liquid can be runny and/or set too fast.) Rinaldi then intensifies and sets the liner with a super pigmented powder eye shadow or a liquid eyeliner formula. “Powder gives a softer overall look, whereas liquid is sharper and more classic (and tends to last longer),” she says.
from top left: Makeup artist Kanako Takase created this subtle cat eye for Retrofête’s AW24 show. Makeup artists Lori Taylor Davis and Donniela Davy created this elegant look for Christian Cowan’s AW24 show. Makeup artist James Kaliardos created this glam look for Miley Cyrus at the 2024 Grammy Awards. Makeup artist Nina Rose created this look on LilyRose Depp.
Matte Kohl Eyeliner in Blackest Black, $6.95, at pharmacies nationwide, Walmart and Amazon.ca.
24/7 Shadow in Blackout, $32, at UrbanDecay.ca, Sephora and Shoppers Drug Mart.
Grey hair has appeared all over runways lately for fashion designers including JW Anderson, Batsheva and Balmain. “Ageing naturally and beautifully is still considered an act of rebellion for women in our world,” says Jason Lee, Toronto-based hairstylist and owner of Jason Lee Salon. “There is an aspect of ‘punk’ attached to women who have grown out their hair.”
Ready to embrace your greys? Ask your colourist about back-to-back highlights, which will lift out the colour on the ends. But “be prepared that they may not go fully grey the first time around,” Lee cautions. Or go for a shorter haircut to get rid of the dyed ends.
Greys often feel coarser and wirier than other hairs because of the lack of pigment, so look for smoothing products. Grey hair can also start to look dull and yellowish over time, Lee says. If that happens, use a purple shampoo once a week or bi-weekly to help make grey hair appear brighter.
Clockwise from top left: Hairstylist Sam McKnight created sleek ponytails for models at Balmain AW24. Hairstylist Justine Marjan styled models’ hair for Batsheva’s AW24 show. Models at JW Anderson’s AW24 show wore grey wigs styled by hairstylist Anthony Turner. Hairstylist Renato Campora created this silver updo for Amanda Seyfried’s 2024 Met Gala look. Tool Kit:
Serie Expert Silver Shampoo for Grey and White Hair, $42 for 500ml, at ConceptCShop.com.
Bust Your Brass Intense Repair Mask, $59 for 250ml, at LoveAmika.ca and Sephora. SILVERING Shine & Define Dry Finishing Oil, $34, at SilveringBeauty.com.
Fade away dark marks and discolouration for visibly clearer and healthier-looking skin, thanks to its brightening trio of ingredients (5% Niacinamide, 1.8% Tranexamic Acid, 1% Vitamin C), plus the exfoliant power of 8% NeoGlucosamine.
Post-acne marks are is smoother Overall skin complexion is visibly clearer *% of participants noting improvement after 12 weeks of twice daily use.
LoraGradysharesthehottestbeauty must-haves for summer.
Keep your underarms smelling fresh all season long with these aluminum-free deodorants. Stay dry with a non-sticky formula that uses diatomaceous earth to neutralize odour from sweat. Give your underarms some extra love with a 72-hour deodorant infused with vitamin B3 to moisturize and even skin tone, or a stick that’s housed in eco-conscious packaging made with biodegradable paper and recycled plastic. If you’re a fragrance lover, try an award-winning option that moisturizes with seaweed extracts and hyaluronic acid, and features notes of neroli, bergamot and basil. Or if you prefer unscented, go for a formula that’s free from artificial fragrances and is made with naturally-sourced aloe vera.
ATHENA CLUB All Over Deodorant in Match Point, $13.97, at Walmart, Jean Coutu, and Brunet. DOVE VitaminCare+72hRaspberry&RoseDeodorant, $14.97,atfood,drugandmassretailersnationwide. RAW SUGAR SimplyDeoVanillaBean+Charcoal,$13.99,at ShoppersDrugMart.
SALT & STONE Neroli & Basil Natural Deodorant, $27, at SaltAndStone.comandSephora.
TOM’S OF MAINE Unscented Deodorant, $11.99, at Walmart, ShoppersDrugMart,RealCanadianSuperstore,JeanCoutu, MetroandSobey’s.
Put your best face forward this summer with hydrating lip formulas, skin-loving foundations, buzzy new blushes and more.
Get up to 24 hours of extreme volume in a snap with this mascara. The S-shaped brush evenly coats lashes from root to tip for up to 17 times more volume. With two percent bonding complex and black baccara rose, the formula also strengthens lashes.
LANCÔME HYPNÔSE Drama Instant Extreme Volume Mascara, $45, at Lancôme.ca, Sephora, Hudson’s Bay and Shoppers Drug Mart.
A hybrid of Rare Beauty’s Soft Pinch Liquid Blush and Positive Light Silky Touch Highlighter, this formula’s highly-pigmented base contains multifaceted pearls to deliver a radiant flush. The easy-to-use blush, available in six pretty shades, glides onto skin for a buildable finish. Plus, it’s transfer-proof and water-resistant.
RARE BEAUTY Soft Pinch Luminous Powder
Blush in Cheer, $36, at Sephora.
Get medium- to high-coverage with a second-skin finish from this hydrating foundation that evens skin tone. Made with nourishing organic chamomile water and 97 percent natural origin ingredients, the easy-to-blend formula is available in 24 shades and moisturizes skin for 24 hours.
YVES ROCHER Zéro Défaut Foundation, $29.95, at YvesRocher.ca.
Too much fun in the sun? Soothe your skin with this solid gel primer stick that delivers a cooling sensation with a watery feel. The refreshing formula contains aloe, coconut water, hyaluronic acid and spring water to hydrate while prepping skin for smooth makeup application.
E.L.F. Stay Cool Primer Stick, $9, at ElfCosmetics.com now, and at Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart from July 14.
Get a lit-from-within glow from a vitamin-rich formula that instantly illuminates skin. This balm is made with micro-fine pearls that reflect light, while plant-based squalane locks in moisture. Its blend of phytosterols and amino acid also works to promote a healthy skin barrier.
MERIT DAY GLOW Highlighting Balm in Solstice, $44, at MeritBeauty.com.
This lightweight crayon combines the comfort of a lipstick with the precision of a lip liner. Available in 12 summer-perfect shades, the formula glides on easily with a creamy feel that sets for long wear. Hyaluronic acid and rosehip oil also hydrate skin for hours after application.
ILIA BEAUTY Lip Sketch Hydration Crayon in Pink Door, $36, at IliaBeauty.ca and Sephora.
Made with pH-adjusting pigments, this buttery balm adapts to your lips for a subtle custom colour. The formula, made with 98 percent natural origin ingredients, is enriched with shea butter and maracuja oil to provide 24 hours of hydration in six translucent shades.
YSL BEAUTY LoveShine Candy Glow Tinted Lip Butter in 44B Nude Lavalliere, $50, at YSLBeauty.ca, Hudson’s Bay, Sephora and Shoppers Drug Mart.
This medium-coverage foundation gives skin a luminous glow while hydrating and controlling surface oil, making it suitable for all skin types from dry to oily. Available in the same 50 shades as Fenty’s Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Foundation, the lightweight, waterproof formula also improves the appearance of dark spots and discolouration over time.
FENTY BEAUTY Soft’Lit Naturally Luminous Longwear Foundation, $54, at FentyBeauty.com and Sephora.
Get your glow on all summer long with tone-evening serums and moisturizers, smoothing lip balm, luxe body oil and more.
This serum features Melasyl, an exclusive active ingredient designed to improve the appearance of dark spots and discolouration. Along with niacinamide and thermal spring water, the formula helps visibly reduce the look of hyperpigmentation, including sunspots, post-acne marks and overall uneven skin tone.
LA ROCHE-POSAY Mela B3 Serum with Melasyl + Niacinamide, $69, at LaRoche-Posay.ca and drug stores nationwide.
This range features Alfa Technology [3R], a trio of ingredients (alfalfa seed extract, hyaluronic acid and daylily extract) shown to be more effective than retinol. This serum is enriched with vitamin C and works to reduce the appearance of dark spots while improving skin radiance and tone.
Correcting Serum, $89 for 30mL, at Nuxe.ca and Shoppers Drug Mart.
This rich cream lifts eyelid folds with just one use and works to visibly firm skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time. The treatment, made with quinoa seed extract, peptides, CoQ10 and squalane, also hydrates, firms, and defends skin against free radicals.
DERMALOGICA Phyto Nature Lifting Eye Cream, $163 for 15mL, at Dermalogica.ca and authorized Dermalogica spas, salons and skin centers.
4. Smooth Operator
Ideal for mature complexions, this serum targets five natural collagens in the skin with a blend of three peptides and plant-based sugars that help to firm, lift and hydrate face and neck skin. The lightweight gel texture quickly absorbs and provides an immediate tightening effect.
INSTITUT ESTHEDERM Intensive ProCollagen+ Serum, $119 for 30mL, at Esthederm. ca and in institutes.
Fake a good night’s sleep even if you were up late with this silky, creamy moisturizer. Ingredients such as Canadian ginseng, astaxanthin, peptides and niacinamide work together to soothe skin while boosting elasticity and radiance, evening out tone and minimizing the appearance of pores.
WATIER Luminessence Dream Glow Night Cream, $70, at Watier.com, Shoppers Drug Mart and Jean Coutu.
Get soft, visibly plumped lips with this hydrating lip balm, made with soothing blue lotus essential wax. The luxurious texture melts into lips, nourishing and protecting them. Wear it on its own or under lipstick, or apply a thick layer at bedtime for an overnight treatment.
CLARINS Hydra-Essentiel Moisture Replenishing Lip Balm, $35 for 15mL, at Clarins.com, Hudson’s Bay Company, Shoppers Drug Mart, London Drugs, Jean Coutu and Uniprix.
Lock in moisture after a shower with a blend of lipids and seven botanicals, including jojoba seed and grapeseed oils. The fast-absorbing formula (which boasts a crisp tangerine scent) nourishes and strengthens the skin’s moisture barrier, leaving a healthy glow without clogging pores.
FIRST AID BEAUTY After Shower Nourishing Body Oil, $49, at Sephora.
Recently acquired by L’Oréal Canada, this brand is known for its biotechnological approach to skincare. This night cream uses a proprietary technology that combines an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) and a retinoid to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, uneven skin tone and wrinkles.
SKINBETTER SCIENCE AlphaRet Overnight Cream, $190 for 30mL, at SkinBetter.ca and partner clinics nationwide.
Shield your skin from harmful UV rays with these new SPF launches, including buzzy balms and water-resistant formulas.
This 100-percent mineral sunscreen, with 15.5 percent zinc oxide, provides up to eight hours of hydration and is suitable for all skin types. With a lightweight texture, it can be applied as the last step in your skincare routine or used in place of your daily moisturizer.
SEPHORA COLLECTION Daily Sunscreen Cream SPF 30, $27, at Sephora.
With five percent niacinamide and peptides, this innovative formula works to reduce the look of dark spots and wrinkles while providing broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. Over time, skin looks more even, firmer and more radiant. Wear it alone or under makeup.
VICHY Capital Soleil UV+AGE Daily SPF 60, $42.95, at Vichy.ca and drug stores nationwide.
Safe for children and adults, this 100 percent mineral sunscreen stick is water and sweat resistant, has a transparent finish and can be applied to sensitive areas like lips. Its practical pocket-friendly size makes it ideal for on-the-go touch-ups, especially before and after swimming.
AVÈNE Mineral Sun Stick SPF 50, $35, at Eau-Thermale-Avene.ca and drug stores nationwide.
This 100-percent mineral filter, broad-spectrum sunscreen formula is so gentle, it can be used daily on those with allergy-prone and intolerant skin, including kids older than six months. The non-comedogenic fluid’s ultra-light texture is colourless on application, and it’s resistant to water and sweat.
BIODERMA Photoderm Mineral Fluid SPF 50+, $32.99, at pharmacies nationwide.
This translucent, non-comedogenic serum stick (rated PA+++ ) provides a dewy glow while protecting against UVA and UVB rays. Watermelon, hyaluronic acid and squalane hydrate while niacinamide works to even skin tone and prevent hyperpigmentation over time. Tip: Warm up the bullet on the back of your hand before applying.
GLOW RECIPE Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Dew Balm SPF 45, $41, at GlowRecipe.com and Sephora.
Ideal for normal to dry skin types, this sunscreen also works as a serum and primer. Made with pro-vitamin b5, hyaluronic acid and invisible SPF, this lightweight, invisible formula shields against UVA and UVB rays, helping to prevent sun damage, dark spots and hyperpigmentation.
IT COSMETICS Hello! Sunshine Sunscreen, $40, at ItCosmetics.ca and Shoppers Drug Mart.
Trendy Australian skincare brand Ultra Violette is finally available in Canada! This ultralight, super-thin formula features high-performance UV filters along with niacinamide, vitamin C and vitamin E to reduce the look of hyperpigmentation and pores, leaving a natural and radiant finish.
ULTRA VIOLETTE Fave Fluid SPF 50+ Ultralight Fragrance-Free Skinscreen, $56.50, at Sephora.
Protect your pout with this creamy balm, available in three summer-ready shades. The non-sticky formula contains mineral sunscreen non-nano zinc oxide along with naturally-sourced ingredients including phytoglycogen, seaweed extracts and vegan collagen, along with a subtle hint of colour.
ATTITUDE Oceanly Phyto-Sun SPF 30 Lip Balm in Baby Rose, $20, at AttitudeLiving.com.
@queenlatifah and @kelseaballerini are wearing Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence in shades 60 and 30.
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Humber College’s Cosmetic Management diploma program is the ideal choice for a student looking to get into the cosmetics industry. The program allows students to develop the business skills and practical cosmetic applications skills needed for a career in personal care industries including colour cosmetics, skin care and fragrances.
With an emphasis on business, the curriculum focuses on cosmetic and fashion history, computer applications, cosmetic and skin care product knowledge, colour theories and current trends. Additionally, the curriculum includes marketing and social media, cosmetic selling, retail buying, ethics and sustainability, and creative suites applications. Most importantly, students will acquire the practical skills needed to apply make-up to the face and body including special effects for film and television.
Located in Toronto, the school attracts students from all over the world looking to gain the academic knowledge and practical skills required for a career in the industry. And graduates go on to enjoy various roles in marketing, retail, design, makeup and more.
Cosmetics Magazine had the chance to connect with some of this year’s students/graduates of the program to get their perspective.
Q: What are you most proud of as you complete this program?
Ivy: the practical experience gained throughout the program. I gained invaluable insights and strengthened my skills in project development, project management and communication.
Parneet: honing my skills in cosmetic product knowledge to develop strong leadership abilities, it’s been an incredible journey of self-discovery and growth.
Q: If you had to leave a Google review on the program, what would it say?
Ivy: I would highlight the comprehensive curriculum and valuable networking opportunities. And if I had to leave the review anonymously, it would say the exact same.
CJ: As an international student seeking opportunities to further my education, I find the program to be highly effective and capable of providing valuable lessons across various courses. The faculty and school administration are accommodating, making interactions smooth and intuitive. Overall, a solid academic institution for enhancing a student’s productivity and knowledge.
Brady: I would leave a 5-star rating whether it was anonymous or not.
Parneet: Humber College has truly exceeded my expectations. From the knowledgeable instructors to the hands-on learning experiences, it’s been nothing short of exceptional.
Q: What drove you to take this program. What is your “Cosmetic” passion”?
CJ: My decision to pursue the Cosmetic Management Diploma Program was driven by a combination of personal interests and career aspirations. I have always had a passion for cosmetics and beauty products, from experimenting with makeup applications for myself and others to staying updated on the latest skincare trends. This passion naturally led me to explore opportunities to turn my interest into a fulfilling career.
Ivy: I wanted to learn new skills and be drawn to careers that allow me to express my artistic abilities in making others feel good. This program was a natural fit as it offers me opportunities to cultivate creativity and collaborate with like-minded individuals.
Brady: I have a passion for full glam makeup. I love all things colourful and love to express myself. And I want to use the skills I learned to help others feel the creative joy of makeup.
Parneet: I’ve always been drawn to the transformative power of makeup and skincare, and this program was the perfect opportunity to turn my passion into a career.
Q: What would you say to a new student who is just starting out in the program?
Ivy: Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow inside and outside of the classroom.
Brady: Make sure you clean your makeup brushes and tools. Stay passionate, try your hardest, be mindful and grateful for the opportunities that are possible from your education.
CJ: I would advise them to stay curious and be open-minded. Establish connections with other students, school alumni, and professionals in the field. Develop relationships that may lead to job opportunities, and important discoveries.
Parneet: Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow, both inside and outside the classroom. Take advantage of networking events, internships, and industry placements to expand your horizons and make meaningful connections. And above all, stay passionate and dedicated to your craft.
Q: Congratulations on your graduation. Where do you go from here?
Ivy: Ongoing involvement in creative projects, working with reputable brands, and ultimately transitioning into an educator or training role.
Brady: I want to find a role with a brand where I can continue to grow as an artist.
Parneet: From here, I plan to gain valuable experience working in various roles within the industry to further refine my skills and knowledge.
CJ: My aspiration in the cosmetics industry is to innovate and create products that encourage individuals to be their authentic self. An industry that continues to focus on sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation.
When I was in the beauty industry [before], I felt like we didn’t need another skincare line. Everything’s been done before. But I saw was that there were these little things that we could fix in the industry, and that’s what we really set out to accomplish with Naturium. When you’re a beauty editor, you get the privilege of trying out really nice, expensive luxury products. But you realize the average person isn’t going to spend their money on those products all the time. They don’t get used up because people are precious with them. And that’s just not the way you’re going to see results with your skincare. To truly see results, you have to be consistent. So we started with that approach: You have to have accessibly priced products, it has to be a really nice experience, and you want to see results with your skin.
What made you confident that Naturium was going to stand out among so many skincare brands?
I’m lucky, because I’ve been in the skincare space as a content creator for a decade, and as a beauty editor for even longer than that. It wasn’t that I just came up with this, it was feedback from years and years of directly speaking to the customer. When you build a community online, they give you feedback— not just through DMS and comments, but you can actually see what your viewers purchase, and what they’re spending on products that they’re attracted to. I’ve had a decade of getting that feedback directly from consumers and I paid a lot of attention. I think that comes from being in a media background; we are taught to look at the analytics and what’s really working for our viewer. We took that same approach with the brand.
There’s a certain pH level that our skin is the most comfortable at. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use products that have different pH levels, but you have to be mindful about how your skin is going to react. For instance, a lot of exfoliants work best if they’re at a lower pH level, which becomes very acidic. That’s why your skin may get irritated if you over exfoliate. Some people refuse to use vitamin C, because it’s too irritating for their skin, and that’s because the average vitamin C Serum works best at a low pH (just like an exfoliant). We are constantly taking that into account with the ingredients that we’re using. It’s one of the reasons why we’re really into encapsulation with a lot of our ingredients. Encapsulated ingredients can live separate, almost like their own little formula within a broader formula. So that broader formula can be at a more comfortable pH level for your skin, and the ingredients are activated as you as you apply it.
It’s really special to build an online community and have people really trust and believe in what you’re doing and what you’re teaching them. And then to take it a step further and create a product that they are happy to purchase and use on a regular basis. They can go to a retailer like Shoppers Drug Mart where they are actually spending their time and money, so they don’t have to go out of their way to purchase it. Overwhelmingly, we get really positive feedback and to have people tell you that they that you’ve actually changed their skin is incredible.
We wanted to make sure that this brand truly is for everybody. I’m half Mexican and half Korean, and I grew up as the token. And I want to make sure that nobody feels that way. We’re not just focusing on one cultural group or gender. We don’t use fragrance in the majority of our products, because if you have a skin issue, we don’t want something to stop you from using them. I want to make sure that everyone knows that from start to finish, we have thought about everybody.
Formulated with 50 percent glycerin, linoleic-rich oils and plant-derived squalane, this hydrating body wash transforms from an oil to a milky lather.
NATURIUM The Glow-Getter Multi-Oil Body Wash, $21.99, at Shoppers Drug Mart.
The highly-stabilized I-ascorbic acid vitamin C complex in this serum works to protect skin from environmental stressors while reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
NATURIUM Vitamin C Complex Serum, $33.99, at Shoppers Drug Mart.
This nutrient-dense formula contains peptides, encapsulated vitamin C and panthenol to moisturize skin and improve texture.
NATURIUM Multi-Peptide Moisturizer, $33.99, at Shoppers Drug Mart.
Beauty, Trends and Features editor Lora Grady with Susan Yara at Naturium’s Toronto media launch.Enriched with 5% Niacinimide and Peptides – potent anti-aging actives that keep your skin smooth and youthful. This lightweight lotion prevents and corrects the appearance of dark spots and reduces fine lines, while protecting the skin against UVA and UVB rays.
Non-comedogenic, all-day hydrating moisturizer helps protect skin from damaging UV rays. Featuring Ceramides, Hyaluronic Acid and Niacinamide, which helps restore the skin barrier, retains hydration and helps soothe the skin.
Find your everyday sunscreen at
It moisturizes. It protects. And it’s invisible. This feather-light moisturizer absorbs instantly on all skin tones with sheer finish & no white cast. Available in SPF 30 and SPF 50.
This invisible sunscreen works for all skin tones to create the perfect base under makeup, while providing antioxidant protection to combat environmental aggressors.
Photoderm MINERAL
Fluide SPF 50+
Ultra light, 100% mineral formulation with Vitamin E for sensitive skin. Suitable for children (6 months+)
This ultra light, fast absorbing formula delivers invisible protection against sun damage with 80 minute water & sweat resistance and no eye irritation.
Sunscreen Stick SPF 50
Rich in antioxidants and formulated with 100% mineral sun filter, this innovative stick sunscreen’s water resistant and ideal for delicate areas, such as the eye contour, lips, nose and more. Pocket-size perfect for travel. Suitable for adults and children.
25,000 points = $10 * Redeemable Value
5,000 $ 2* pts = 2,500 $ 1 * pts = 10,000 $ 4* pts =
After four decades of breaking barriers and changing the face of the makeup industry, M · A · C has its sights set on the next 40 years.
From day one, Make-up Art Cosmetics broke the mold and laid the foundation for a platform that continues to grow 40 years later. The M·A·C story begins in 1984, when visionary founders, Frank Toskan and the late Frank Angelo, created M·A·C’s first line in 1984 out of their home and business on Carlton Street in Toronto. Their mission was to create a cosmetics line that not only inspired but served the needs of the professional makeup artist, and that it did.
“No brand has redefined the face of beauty quite like M·A·C Cosmetics,” says Aida Moudachirou Rebois, Global Senior Vice President/General Manager of M·A·C Cosmetics. “Our founders not only raised the bar for makeup quality, they elevated it as an art form and created a community that embraces the brand’s founding credo of All Ages, All Races, All Genders with open arms.”
Today, M·A·C leads the industry as the number-one prestige makeup brand on the planet with a presence across 130 countries and territories. To prove just how fabulous 40 can be and celebrate its storied history of industry disruption, M·A·C will make big waves this year with a series of special product drops that bring back some its most beloved products of all time, upgrades to its most iconic franchises, never-before-seen innovations, and an epic relaunch of the industry-leading M·A·C GLAM philanthropic campaign.
All of the iconic Disney favourites are back to celebrate 40 years of M·A·C! Consumers wanted them and MAC is bringing them back.
In an effort to make consumer’s fairytale dreams come true, M·A·C has re-released collections inspired by Disney’s Aladdin, Cinderella and Maleficent for a limited time only in celebration of their 40th. Each of these best-selling products and shades that consumers loved for decades comes in Disney packaging. “M·A·C has so much in common with the charm and wonder of Disney characters,” says Keri Blair, M·A·C Senior National Artist. “Diversity, discovery, confidence, creativity, fantasy and an unapologetic celebration of self-expression are key characteristics represented by both brands, making this dazzling collection of our past Disney favourites so fitting to celebrate our 40th anniversary,” she adds.
1. 2.
4. 5. 3.
An extremely exclusive lustrous Lipstick in a sheer and shiny pink shade.
MAC COSMETICS Lustreglass Lipstick, shade Royal Ball, $36, available at maccosmetics.ca
2. A nine-pan eye shadow palette featuring smoky metallic and desert shades.
MAC COSMETICS Eye Shadow x 9: Jasmine’s Wish, $59, available at maccosmetics.ca
An extremely exclusive gloss in a shimmery warm pink shade.
MAC COSMETICS Lipglass, shade Jewels on Jewels, $31, available at maccosmetics.ca
4. A special-edition eye shadow duo packed with two shimmery baked powders, dressed to distress.
MAC COSMETICS Mineralize Eye
Shadow Duo, shade She Who Dares, $36, available at maccosmetics.ca
An extremely exclusive six-pan eye shadow palette featuring soft neutrals and glimmering golds.
MAC COSMETICS Cinderella Eye
Shadow Palette X 6: Stroke of Midnight, $43, available at maccosmetics.ca
A special-edition Amplified Lipstickin a bold burgundy-plum shade.
MAC COSMETICS Amplified Lipstick, shade Dark Deed, $32, available at maccosmetics.ca
To celebrate this anniversary milestone and the future to come, the brand will debut a new creative anthem this February titled “I Wear M·A·C” to unite M·A·C fans around its shared values and unwavering commitment to standing up for what it believes in.
The brand’s priorities for the next 40 years include:
“Asthefirstmakeupbrandcreatedforandbymakeupartists, M·A·Chasalwaysseenmakeupasmorethanacosmetic enhancement; it’s an art form, a medium of boundless possibilitiesandcelebrationofindividuality,” says Terry Barber, Global Creative Director of Makeup Artistry, M·A·C Cosmetics. “Withartistryatourcore,M·A·Cwillcontinuetaking makeupintoanotherdimensionthroughourunparalleled creativityandprofessionalexpertise.”
M·A·C rocked the cosmetic industry 40 years ago when it put the power of professional makeup in amateur hands. The brand’s quality and performance were unlike any products cosmetics consumers had ever seen before.
Never done innovating, the brand has a slate of groundbreaking new product launches planned for 2024 which are destined to become makeup kit essentials for consumers and makeup artists alike.
“Fromdayone,M·A·Cproductshavegoneaboveandbeyond thecallofbeauty--withformulasmadetooutperform thecompetitionandinspirelimitlesscreativityandselfexpression,” says Moudachirou Rebois. “Lookingtothe future,weremaincommittedtodeliveringnewcutting-edge formulas,groundbreakingtexturesandtrendsettingshades toensurethatourcustomersexperiencetheforefrontof makeupinnovationwitheveryproducttheyuse.”
M·A·C has always been about more than making makeup. VIVA GLAM was started in 1994 to help members of its community impacted by HIV/AIDS at a time when few people or brands would discuss the issue, let alone elevate it. For 30 years, VIVA GLAM Lipsticks have given back 100% of the selling price to organizations advancing healthy futures and equal rights for all.
“Leadingwithourcorevalues,M·A·Cbecamemore thanamakeupbrand,butaplatformforchampioning theunderdoganddrivingequalityforeveryone,” says Moudachirou-Rebois, “Asweembarkon30yearsof VIVAGLAM,wewillcontinuetoharnessthepowerof ourcommunitytotransformsocietybyleadingwith thesamebraveryandheartthatdrovetheinception oftheprogram.”
To coincide with VIVA GLAM’s expanded giving model centered around sexual, gender, racial and environmental equality, the VIVA GLAM I, II and Ill lipsticks are also getting a serious upgrade through MAXCIMAL’s new silky matte-caring formula.
VIVA GLAM is also adding an ALL-NEW universal shade. The iconic Lipstick that gives back 100% has been maxed out to give lips MORE with a new silky
matte finish, new impactful names and new luxe look. Put your money where your mouth is with four iconic shades of M·A·Cximal Silky Matte VIVA GLAM Lipstick.
VIVA Heart (formerly VIVA GLAM I): This intense blue-red was created for the M·A·C VIVA GLAM launch in 1994 to make a bold statement of support for members of our community impacted by the AIDS crisis.
VIVA Planet (formerly VIVA GLAM II): Introduced in 1997, this muted pink-beige with shimmer provided a more subtle shade for those who wanted to support the VIVA GLAM cause.
VIVA Empowered (formerly VIVA GLAM III): The darkest and most dramatic VIVA GLAM shade, this bold brown-plum bowed in 2000. NEW!
VIVA Equality: To celebrate 30 years of M·A·C VIVA GLAM, this warm, mid-toned nude (VIVA EQUALITY) to its lineup to create more opportunities for fundraising.
How glutathione can help you get a brighter complexionBy Lora Grady
Along with summer heat come harsh UV rays that can quickly damage skin, causing dark spots and hyper pigmentation. That’s why (in addition to SPF!), antioxidants that fight against environmental damage are key for warm-weather skincare routines. Commonly offered in the form of intravenous infusions and shots, glutathione has gone topical. The antioxidant is becoming so popular that the worldwide glutathione market value is expected to grow to $845 million US by 2033.
“Glutathione is a gentle antioxidant,” says Dr. Renée A. Beach, Dermatologist & Founder, DermAtelier on Avenue. “It protects the skin against free radicals, pollutants and other environmental damage that results in skin discolouration or lack of radiance.” It also helps to recycle the body’s vitamin C and E, both of which are instrumental in blood vessel strength and skin tone consistency. Over the long term, glutathione helps to reduce the look of discolouration and hyperpigmentation changes.
Glutathione’s synergistic effect with vitamin C is what made it stand out as an ingredient for Paula’s Choice. “It’s a powerful antioxidant in its own right and also helps stabilize vitamin C in the formula, ensuring maximum effectiveness for skin,” says Desiree Stordahl, the brand’s
director of applied research and education. Glutathione complements vitamin C’s ability to fight off discolourations and other types of sun damage that lead to premature aging. “It’s not the first time we’ve used it in a formulation and likely won’t be the last,” Stordahl says.
Since it’s so gentle, Dr. Beach says glutathione can be used twice daily — even on areas of the skin that are traditionally sensitive, such as the area between the nose and lips. “I use it on sensitive or eczema-prone skin that tends to reactive negatively to various other products,” she adds. “It’s widely tolerable and I don’t avoid it in any particular population or skin type.” For daytime, it can be used underneath a sunscreen that contains iron oxide. Dr. Beach also recommends glutathione to patients who are tolerating retinoid therapy and seeking other helpful ingredients. “It’s a nice option for use on a day off from a retinoid to help protect the skin without potential irritation,” she says. “It’s rare that you’ll find it as a stand-alone product ingredient, but it plays nicely with other antioxidants and pigment-evening agents.”
Retinal, niacinamide, azelaic acid and glutathione come together in this formula to help reduce the appearance fine lines, redness and hyperpigmentation.
Overnight Clarity
Serum, $135, at TrinnyLondon.com.
The vitamin C in this lightly hydrating serum targets discolouration and improves uneven skin tone while glutathione minimizes irritation and boosts the skin’s antioxidant supply.
25% Vitamin C + Glutathione Clinical Serum, $87 for 30ml, at Sephora.
This tinted multitasker, which can be mixed with skincare, layered under foundation, or used as a highlighter, uses glutathione to brighten skin.
Glow I.V. VitaminInfused Skin
Enhancer, $53, at Sephora and the Detox Market.
Strengthened by heat and water. Invisible. Breathable. For all skin t ypes.
35 years, 4 pioneering skincare products.
As the seasons shift and the temperature rises, skincare priorities change, too. For acne-prone skin, heat and humidity means increased sweat, which can lead to more clogged pores. Sun exposure can also lead to breakouts. That’s why it’s important to take a close look at your summer routine to ensure you’re using the right ingredients.
“Acne is the result of a perfect storm: clogged pores and excess sebum create an environment where otherwise harmless skin bacteria like Cutibacterium acnes generate inflammation in the skin,” says Vancouver-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Vincent Richer.
When it comes to preventing acne, proper hygiene goes a long way, says Dr. Geeta Yadav, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Facet Dermatology in Toronto. “That includes cleansing twice daily to keep skin clean, and exfoliating regularly to prevent dead skin cell buildup that can lead to breakouts.” Dr. Yadav says it’s also important to wash your sheets and pillowcases frequently, and change out of workout clothing as soon as you can. “However, acne can’t necessarily be prevented,” she adds. Many factors go into the formation of pimples, including stress, genetics and hormones.
Some folks have a genetic predisposition to “sticky cells” within pores that may cause blackheads, says Dr. Richer, and hormonal factors can increase sebum as well. External factors like pollution and makeup can also contribute to clogged pores.
Dr. Yadav recommends a simple regimen with a salicylic acid cleanser, niacinamide and vitamin C serum, and a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer. “In the morning, follow
If you’re looking for a professional-level solution to deal with acne, the AviClear is safe for all skin types and tones. The laser treatment works to eliminate mild to moderate acne at the source in just three 30-minute treatment sessions. Safe for all skin types and tones, AviClear also helps prevent future acne by suppressing sebaceous glands.
Cutera AviClear, pricing varies (financing options available), at participating clinic locations.
that with SPF, and in the evening, apply a retinoid before your moisturizer,” she says. Remember that oily and acne-prone skin need hydration, too. “If your skin is overly dry, it’ll produce excess sebum to try to restore balance — which is exactly what you’re trying to avoid!” says Dr. Yadav. If you find yourself dealing with a pimple, avoid popping it or picking it at all costs. “This is the number one thing you should not do when treating pimples,” says Dr. Yadav. “Popping pimples can introduce more bacteria, push the pimple deeper into the skin and exacerbate inflammation, and cause scarring.”
Using hydrocolloid patches can help discourage you from touching your blemishes. Plus, the patches “remove impurities to help pimples look smaller after just one use,” Dr. Richer adds.
Discoloration left by acne can be treated with ingredients that help brighten or fade darkness, says Dr. Yadav. Vitamin C and niacinamide help reduce excess pigment, and alpha-hydroxy acids and retinoids stimulate cellular turnover. “Retinoids and vitamin C can also help improve inconsistent texture caused by acne scarring because they promote new collagen production,” says Dr. Yadav. For more serious acne scarring, you may want to consider professional treatments like laser skin resurfacing or chemical peels, she says.
If your acne doesn’t improve with over-the-counter products, see a dermatologist who can help you come up with the best treatment solution. “If you have a big pimple right before a major event, we can provide a quick injection of a corticosteroid, which will take the swelling out right away,” says Dr. Yadav. Ultimately, “every patient is different and not every route to clear skin is the same.”
When choosing skincare products, Dr. Yadav says it’s important to search for active ingredients that help clarify complexions. Here are some star ingredients to look out for.
BENZOYL PEROXIDE: “This anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredient is ideal for more tender and painful blemishes, like cysts, as they can help shrink their size while killing the bacteria that caused the pimple to form,” says Dr. Yadav. She recommends using it in a spot treatment so it can really penetrate the skin.
HYPOCHLOROUS ACID: This gentle ingredient is naturally produced by the human body, says Dr. Yadav. “It’s the substance released by white blood cells to help combat infection. It’s great at sanitizing skin.”
NIACINAMIDE: Also known as vitamin B3, this ingredient has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, says Dr. Yadav. “It helps balance oil production, and helps skin to better retain water while working to gently resurface the skin and brighten discolouration.”
RETINOIDS: Many people associate retinoids with anti-aging, but Dr. Yadav points out that this ingredient category is one of the best options for treating acne. “Retinoids work by regulating oil production, preventing sebum from being too sticky and helping it to flow more easily through the pores,” she says. This prevents congestion and stimulates cellular turnover.
SALICYLIC ACID: “This is a beta-hydroxy acid, a type of exfoliant that is oil soluble, which means it can go deeper into the skin and pores to help slough away dead skin that causes congestion and blemishes,” says Dr. Yadav. It’s a hero ingredient in cleansers, Dr. Richer adds.
Add these products to your summer skincare routine for a clearer, more balanced complexion.
1. Remove dead skin cells and combat blemishes with this gentle leave-on exfoliating treatment, made with two percent salicylic acid.
PANOXYL Clarifying Exfoliant, $19.99, at Shoppers Drug Mart.
2. This anti-inflammatory and antibacterial spray with hypochlorous acid helps calm skin while supporting the skin barrier and preventing future flare-ups.
TOWER 28 BEAUTY SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray, $38, at Sephora.
3. Formulated with two percent salicylic acid, hectorite clay, ceramides and niacinamide, this cleanser gently exfoliates while absorbing excess oil and reducing visible shine.
CERAVE Acne Control Cleanser, $21.99, at major retailers nationwide.
4. Use this serum twice daily to help reduce the appearance of stubborn dark spots and post-acne marks.
L’ORÉAL PARIS Bright Reveal 12% Niacinamide + Amino Sulfonic Acid + Ferulic Acid Dark Spot Serum, $47.99, at Amazon.ca, Jean Coutu, London Drugs, Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart.
5. With tranexamic acid, niacinamide, and vitamin C, this formula works to reduce the look of dark spots and acne marks.
NEOSTRATA Post Acne-Mark Correcting Serum, $62, at Shoppers Drug Mart.
6. Reduce redness and minimize the appearance of pores with this formula, which contains azelaic acid, hyaluronic acid and licorice root.
THAYER’S Let’s Be Clear Water Cream, $23.97, at Amazon.ca, Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart.
7. Formulated with salicylic acid, witch hazel and tea tree oil, this body spray soothes while working to unclog pores.
DERMALOGICA Clear Start Clarifying Bacne Spray, $35, at Dermalogica.ca and Sephora.ca.
8. Apply these hydrocolloid patches on pimples to help remove impurities and make them appear smaller after one use.
NEUTROGENA Stubborn Acne Ultra Thin Blemish Patches, $15.99, at Amazon.ca, Walmart and Shoppers Drug Mart.
Shark Free is an initiative spearheaded by the late award-winning filmmaker Rob Stewart, known for his documentaries “Sharkwater,” “Revolution,” and “Sharkwater Extinction.” This movement aims to eliminate shark-derived ingredients from cosmetics, highlighting the critical need to protect endangered shark species.
Many celebrities have launched their own brands, with some reaching billion-dollar valuations. These stars not only care about their skin but also prioritize eco-friendly products.
Millie Bobby Brown, known for her role in “Stranger Things,” launched Florence by Mills Beauty for Gen Zers. Her vision for a greener world reflects in her eco-friendly product design choices.
Billie Eilish, a committed animal rights and environmental activist, introduced Billie Eilish Fragrance, which includes Eau de Parfum, body lotion, and shower gel. Eilish also looks to make her products environmentally friendly as it aligns with her passion for advocating for action against climate change.
Jessica Alba’s Honest Beauty, launched in 2012 with baby products, has expanded into makeup and skincare. The brand markets itself as eco-friendly, emphasizing natural and sustainable ingredients.
In 2023, Anne Hathaway became the celebrity ambassador for Shiseido’s Vital Perfection. Shiseido has also joined the Shark Free initiative.
Squalene or squalane is used as a skin softener and moisturizer. Squalene can be made from shark liver oil, but plant-based squalene is readily available.
Marcelle, L’Oréal, Shiseido, Unilever, LUSH, Black Mountain Beauty and Plantd Skincare are just some of the companies dedicated to keeping sharks out of our beauty products.
To help your clients find ethical products, see the Shark Free list here. If the brand is not on the list, reach out and ask!
Not on our list? Join here
As the cosmetics and personal care products industry continues to respond to consumer trends, we can expect more sustainable products and celebrity endorsements to bring new excitement to the industry.
Rob Stewart: Sharkwater Extinction (the movie)
Millie Bobby Brown: FREDERIC J. BROWN, AFP Via Getty Images
Billie Eilish: Leon Bennett/FilmMagic
Jessica Alba YU TSAI
Anne Hathaway: Shiseido
NUDESTIX started 10 years ago when two Canadian sisters Ally and Taylor Frankel and their chemical engineer mom, Jenny Frankel, decided to explore and turn their love for all-out natural makeup into their own brand. The three opted for that barely-there look with only a touch of color to accentuate their finest of features. When they couldn’t find this in other makeup brands, they created NUDESTIX. NUDESTIX believes that your natural skin should thrive, and that you only need to cover here and there to get that perfectly, “go nude but better” look.
NUDESTIX believes that a huge part of maintaining a truly natural makeup look is using good-for-your skin ingredients in shades for their global community, which they call #babebosses. The Frankel’s know how much their #BabeBosses value a clean makeup routine; that’s why they make sure all products are paraben-free, gluten-free, and cruelty-free with vegan options. On top of that, the packaging is made of tin and is not only chic and made for the makeup lover on-the-go with a built-in mirror, but it’s also reusable — perfect for every eco-conscious #BabeBoss. They believe in the notion of NUDE TRUTH which for this entrepreneurial family is being sustainable, cruelty free, and offering vegan options being effortless and global. And global they are, with distribution in over 30 countries including the Middle East and India.
Recently, during a celebratory tour across Canada, we sat down with Taylor Frankel to get her views on the brand’s journey.
NUDESTIX was still a relatively young brand when the pandemic hit and impacted the beauty industry. How did you survive as a young brand? “We persevered the pandemic as a young brand by building
I believe the ‘natural look’ works well for every face. We are all born with our own unique look. When it comes to makeup, a little goes a long way. A dot here and a smudge there does the trick. Nudestix is all about embracing the beautiful in you.
Ally Frankel Co-founderI have always believed in a wash of color, so out with the crazy colors and in with the nudes. Out with the bag overflowing with compacts and brushes and in with simple makeup crayons for the face, eyes, lips and even cheeks. I think makeup should be easy, fast and— above all—fun! Nudestix is about effortless beauty - it’s ‘no-makeup’ makeup you just draw and smudge on for perfection in an instant
Taylor Frankel, Co-founder and Chief Brand Officerup our ecommerce as we had to, and by building social. Our focus was on story telling and brand awareness and we leveraged platforms like Tik Tok to do this” says Taylor. “We also pivoted our product offering. We were fortunate that we had already started product development on skincare and so we decided to launch early and did so in 2020. Even though it was not a top priority at the time, it was in our pipeline and gave us an opportunity to enter the skincare category which was growing and trending. We saw growth year over year during this time.”
Did your entry into the skincare category bring new customers?
“Skincare launched and we serviced our existing and loyal customers but also gained some new ones – it truly was like launching a new brand.” Taylor adds.
“It’s been an interesting challenge as a 10-year-old brand as we know color and with skin there needs to be loyalty, credibility, and trust. We had to find different routes to market skincare. We offered, and still offer, a 30-day results guarantee. If you don’t see results in that time, you get a full refund. We had 0% returns.”
“Our mom had been developing cosmetics for over 20 years at MAC Cosmetics.” says Taylor. “In 2000, mom joined CoverFX and was busy developing formulas while Ally and I were in our diapers. We were never girls that loved to wear a lot of makeup.” And like most families do, they would talk about things that inspired them and loved at the dinner table and one of those topics was effortless and on the go makeup. Our mom, who was busy working and parenting also felt the need for products like this too. So, it was all about lifestyle for us and that was our inspiration. And we knew we also wanted clean, cruelty-free products, which really didn’t exist 10 years ago. Back then, we didn’t know what clean was, but we wanted products that were good for our skin and NUDESTIX was made.”
“Today, we are “Clean” at Sephora and in Shoppers Drug Mart – we follow strict guidelines to earn this claim”.
“We are fortunate in that we are adaptable and nimble, and we continue to do more and innovate where we can,” adds Taylor. “We innovate our formulas to provide maximum performance and good ingredients. Our customers love us for this.”
When asked about the impact the palette era had on their business and brand, Talor offered, “we believe ‘less is more’. We noticed that most people were only using one or two colours from the palette, so it really didn’t make a lot of sense to offer multiple colours. We were pleasantly surprised by the reaction we had when we entered some new global markets. Women told us that their shades were well represented in our brand.”
The brand works with a lot of amazing artists to drive awareness especially in new markets. They also listen a lot to what customers say they love, and they try to experiment and adapt.
When asked about what the best thing for NUDESTIX would be for the next 10 years, Taylor told us that “in order to reach an inflection point in your business, you need a partner to take you to the next level. You can only do so much, and we need help such as a partner to help us scale.”
The brand has had tremendous success growing globally and much of that is credited to the support of Sephora who helped them get to new markets. Today, Nudestix has a wide distribution in the U.S, and Sephora Mexico, where it holds a spot in the top 10 of makeup brands.
What would we celebrate and talk about in 10 more years? Is category expansion in your scope?
“I am not sure we will expand into other categories as there is so much work to be done. Over the next 10 years, we would want to still be relevant as a brand. We want to offer products that are innovative.”
“We also know the importance of staying relevant for a younger consumer, so it is so important for us to create content that is good for them. We partner with influencers that resonate with that consumer. We want to stay top of mind, so we partnered with ambassadors and influencers to attract that consumer” says Taylor.
Subject : Re: The newslet ter you’ll actually be excited to receive
LINDA ADAMS is the Field Brand Manager and Pro Artist for Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez in Canada. In her exciting role, Linda’s priorities include growing overall sales and providing education on Rare Beauty products in Canada. Linda spends much of her time working closely with Sephora, the exclusive retail partner for the brand in North America, on events as well as collaborations to increase brand awareness.
As Pro Artist, Linda has the opportunity to teach master classes to Sephora artists where she provides learning on the brand and application of the products.
We sat down for a Q & A with Linda to talk about the brand, her fave products for our I Recommend issue and the reasons why she loves them.
This issue is dedicated in part to the products that our beauty experts across all stores recommend as their faves to use on customers. With that in mind, we wanted to know your recommendations for one of the hottest brands in the market, Rare Beauty.
1. What are your top 3 “I Recommend” products from the collection?
I am obsessed with our Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer as it comes in 3 undertones. It is super lightweight and creamy and does not clog your pours. It is so great that you can also use it on problematic skin and over breakouts. I particularly like to apply it under my eyes as it helps colour correct and what I love most, is that it is sweat resistant. It’s super long lasting and the ideal product for summer.
My next recommended product is our Soft Pinch Luminous Powder Blush. This is our newest blush and had big shoes to fill. We have always been known for our liquid blush but this is a new powder from us. This new powder blush stands out as it is transfer proof, water resistant (which is hard to find), smudge proof and each one is hand polished. We hand polish every blush so that each one is just as unique as the consumer using it.
Next for me is our Perfect Strokes Universal Volumizing Mascara, which is an absolute personal fave of mine. I became loyal to this mascara and went through so many of them. It has castor oil as an ingredient, provides fuller lashes as it lengthens, curls and volumizes. It also helps with the overall health of your lashes. And this product too is water resistant of course!
2. If you had to write a google review on each of them, what would it say.
Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer is available in 48 shades so there is essentially a shade for everyone. The color blends like a dream and produces a skin like finish. It can last all day! Everything you want in a concealer and more - a definite 5 stars.
Soft Pinch Luminous Powder Blush. This item combines 2 of top selling Rare Beauty items in One a highlighter and a blush. So the consumer is getting a 2 for 1 deal and who doesn’t LOVE that.
The Perfect Strokes Universal Volumizing Mascara. I wouldn’t use any other mascara ever again. I was not loyal to any mascara brand and simply used what was in my makeup bag, but I have changed to this one and only this one. It is a game changer! This product even helps my natural lashes look better even without the mascara on.
3. What are some of your tips for using these products – the dos and don’ts?
For all of the products recommended, it doesn’t matter how great the quality is, if your skincare isn’t right so it is critical to take care of your skin first. Everyone should focus on hydrating their skin with moisturizer; then prepping their skin with a primer or hydrating spray: the Rare Beauty Always an Optimist 4-in-1 mist is a must for me, both before and after makeup application. I believe in blending with fingers as I feel the warmth of your fingers especially under eye area gives a seamless finish.
A lightweight, hydrating concealer with cake-free, medium-to-full coverage that lasts while brightening skin with a radiant finish.
Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer, $30 / 7.5 ml, available at Sephora.
A lightweight glowy blush with buildable, seamless, and silky color to keep you beaming all day.
Soft Pinch Luminous Powder Blush, $36, available at Sephora.
A universal mascara with a unique eyehugging brush to lift, lengthen, curl, and volumize every lash type for a lusher look.
Perfect Strokes
Universal Volumizing Mascara, $27, available at Sephora.
4. As a former store beauty expert yourself, how important is your expertise and knowledge when working with your clients.
It is very important to ask investigative questions and understand the skin routine of your client. I always say it is great when you can look at their skin and know what they need to do first. It is critical to steer clients in the right direction when it comes to beauty routines and purchases.
At Rare Beauty, we encourage makeup not to cover up but rather to feel good in. We like for you to see your skin and ultimately feel good about your skin.
5. What Rare Beauty product can you not live without and why?
The Perfect Strokes Universal Volumizing Mascara is definitely my number one item I cannot live without. I feel it is underrated.
The other product I love and is the Always an Optimist 4-In-1 Mist. It hydrates, sets makeup, refreshes and you can use it through all of your makeup steps. And best of all it comes in travel size.
I believe it is the closest thing to skincare from our brand.
6. What do customers and beauty experts say they “love most” about the brand?
I believe it is our ethos and what the brand stands for that customers love. The brand celebrates everyone’s uniqueness and makes people feel connected. Rare Beauty works to reduce the stigma associated with mental health and gives people access to the resources they need to support their mental wellbeing. A percentage of all sales goes to Rare Impact fund to support mental health initiatives.
The brand is really helping to make a difference. More than just a beauty brand - this is makeup to feel good in, without hiding what makes you feel unique.”
Become a Look Good Feel Better Volunteer.
Attention all makeup artists, estheticians and beauty experts –we’re looking for you! Be part of an incredible team delivering our workshops with empathy and compassion.
Help create a caring community through volunteer positions available both in-person and online.
Being an LGFB Volunteer gives me such a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I am making a difference in helping to uplift other people’s spirits; and seeing them leaving feeling empowered.
Debbie Ann, LGFB VolunteerThe Rise of Julia Dantas Beauty’s The Makeup Workshop Just like with every good makeup routine, you must start with a solid foundation. Julia Dantas, celebrity makeup artist, beauty educator and founder of Julia Dantas Beauty, has mastered her foundation and is now teaching her expertise through The Makeup Workshop. From makeup application and colour theory to photo shoots and business techniques, this beauty workshop has it all. “One of my favorite sayings is, ‘if not you then who,’” says Dantas. “My workshops are about empowering my students and giving them the confidence to do it for themselves.
No one is going to do this for them but sometimes you just need a little push or a helping hand to get you started.” And like that winged liner that refuses to be the same on both sides, there can be some hurdles along the way when companies are on the rise.
The Makeup Workshop has gone from struggling with that winged liner, to perfecting the whole glam look. This event started small but grew to its now production-like extravaganza where anyone can learn how to get started in the makeup industry. “We’ve definitely grown in terms of volume,” says Natasha Jetha, event, and sales manager for Julia Dantas Beauty, when asked about the growth of The Makeup Workshop. “But it’s also grown in terms of brands we partner with. We’ve gone from just having, like, maybe smaller businesses to having some bigger brands, like Charlotte Tilbury, Kylie Cosmetics and Rare Beauty.
“Providing its students with all the tools and resources to succeed, The Makeup Workshop not only teaches, but empowers and encourages all aspiring makeup artists, and gives them the Makeup Workshop Jetha confidence to be their own bosses. Centered around makeup, this workshop sets its students up to take the makeup industry head on by incorporating business tips and tricks into its teachings. Getting the inside scoop on things like social media, marketing and Instagram strategies is what sets this workshop apart from the rest. It ensures its students leave with the confidence and expertise to succeed in the world of makeup and entrepreneurship.
The last workshop was held November 2023, where Space on King in Toronto was transformed into a three-day interactive makeup event. The first day consisted of everything theory. Students who signed up got to learn about undertones, face anatomy and proper sanitation. The following two days were filled with practicing different makeup looks and getting their work professionally photographed.
“Everyone comes in, they get a chance to meet and go through their kits, and then we start everything off with the intro,” says Jetha. “So, we’ll go over the basics of makeup like how to match someone’s foundation, what face shapes there are, and then we’ll talk about how to, like, brand yourself as a business and how use social media to market yourself. And then Day 2 and 3 are just two different looks, so they’ll watch the demonstration, practice and then photo shoot.” Hoping to expand to the U.S. soon, The Makeup Workshop is only going up from here, but until then, the next makeup workshop will be held from March 19 to 21, 2024 at the same location, Space on King. Visit juliadantas.com to sign up and take the beauty world by storm. Inspire, educate, and empower – who knew makeup could lead to so many things!
Gentle products, minimal ingredients, simplicity for your skin – if this is your vibe then let me introduce you to Estaro Beauty, a brand-new skincare company that clears the noise and focuses on what your skin wants.
Leticia Mukendi, founder and CEO of Estaro Beauty, always had a love for makeup, but found herself gravitating more towards skincare. For years Mukendi and her god father enjoyed gardening together. He would introduce her to different plants and quiz her on their benefits. This, mixed with her background in social science and knack for research, laid the groundwork for Estaro Beauty. Mukendi’s curiosity grew and found herself looking up different plants and how their ingredients could benefit skincare products.
Mukendi dove deep into skincare research, consulting with Canadian labs and learning everything from parabens to peptides. She found that there was so much noise surrounding products and the ingredients used in them, that consumers were missing out on the simple joys of skincare. This is where Estaro Beauty steps in. These products focus on cutting through the noise and bringing in a product with minimal ingredients that you can enjoy using on your skin. “There’s a lot of focus on botanicals,” says Mukendi. “And just simple, gentle ingredients that are not harsh for your skin.” Estaro Beauty’s debut lineup is the epitome of simplicity: a cleanser, toner, oil, and cream. Each product is crafted to perfection and free from unnecessary additives with research done behind it to make sure it is not only safe but also good for you to use. It’s skincare that speaks your language – straightforward, effective, and oh-so-enjoyable.
Developing Estaro Beauty during the pandemic turned out to be a blessing in disguise. During such a unique time, Mukendi was able to slow down and really understand the industry. With extra time to refine her vision, she learned the importance of using all your senses when it comes to skincare. This led to a dedicated retail space within their headquarters, where local consumers can see, smell, and touch the products before they buy. Its chic, minimalist packaging stands out in a crowded market, embodying the brand’s commitment to elegance and purity. “If you are someone who loves beauty and enjoys that moment to yourself, taking care of your skin and really just relaxing, then you’re going to love Estaro,” says Mukendi.
The dream? For Estaro Beauty to be the go-to brand for gentle, effective skincare. A brand that not only solves your skin concerns but also connects with you on a deeper level. By focusing on what truly matters, gentle ingredients, effective formulas, and a delightful experience, this brand is set to become your new skincare obsession. You can get your hands on Estaro Beauty products through their website and in their retail space at Estaro Beauty headquarters. Get ready to fall in love with your skin, all over again.
The I Recommend awards have arrived and we had a record-breaking number of votes this year!
Each year we ask our readers and beauty advisor experts to vote on their recommended products. Their choices are complete with the reason they are their faves as well as why customers love to buy and use these products. From skincare, makeup, fragrance, and hair, the I RECOMMEND products are not judged but rather selected from the hundreds of entries and votes sent in by the beauty advisor community.
PRODUCT WINNERS should be proud and honored to have been selected for this prestige award as it comes from the field.
We strongly encourage and recommend that you highlight this win by using the I RECOMMEND winner badge on your website, on social handles and marketing materials. This year’s winners include ELF Beauty, Benefit Cosmetics, L’Oreal Paris, Lise Watier and Covergirl. Take a look at the following pages for all the winners across all of the categories.
Congratulations to all the winners of this year’s I RECOMMEND Beauty awards.
Frank Turco -
Foaming Facial Cleanser
“Gentle, yet effective. Takes off makeup easily and does not leave the skin feeling stripped. Great for acne prone skin.”
CHANEL La Mousse Cream to Foam Cleanser
“LA MOUSSE deeply cleanses and purifies the skin. It frees it from impurities, such as pollutants, dust, sweat and excess sebum, while removing traces of makeup. On contact with water, the rich cream
JOIVIANCE Hydractiv Cleansing gel
“This is one of my favorite face washes that I use. I’ve used it for over 20 years plus. It does a great job; my face is clean and fresh I don’t have to tone it’s all in one. No harsh chemicals so it doesn’t dry out my skin.”
“They really do improve the texture and firmness of the skin. Last month I picked up the New HPR formula and it’s an absolute game changer.”
“10 different types of retinol and can be used during the day.”
“This has greatly reduced the look of my dark circles. Everyone that I have recommended this too has said the exact same thing and I have never seen one of these returned.”
“I recommend this product because of its multiple advantages. It is a moisturizer, Sunscreen, and Anti-aging product all in one. Leaves no white cast behind, no greasy feeling and absolutely great effects.”
CLARINS MEN Line Control Balm
“Visibly firms and smoothed deep lines and wrinkles contains clarins anti pollution complex and is dermatologist tested as well as non comedogenic.”
COVERGIRL Mattifying Oil-Free Moisturizer
“It’s oil-free which is great when so many moisturizers can leave your skin greasy and shiny feeling. As a mattifying water cream, it leaves the skin feeling fresh and plump.”
ORLANE Anti-Fatigue Absolute Cream Poly-Active
“For the price point and what it has to offer I think it is amazing Cream. Every clientele that tries it on their hands and face loves it. I find that Orlane is comparable to Clarins and Guerlain. Amazing line that has been underrated. I really recommended it to all skin types even those who are sensitive. You will notice a difference.”
“Filorga is an incredible line of products, giving the anti-aging effects of creams 3 times the price in prestige. The cream melts into your face leaving it feeling supple and soft. All Filorga has this amazing scent, clean and uplifting.”
Volumizing Mascara
“This brush is the bsst! And the formulas isn’t heavy when applying. Proven that this gives full volumized eyelashes.”
“Can’t say enough about this easy glide, waterproof liner. It never moves from early morning until you remove it. The color range is spectacular. I never get product returned for allergies. The extra seal inside the cap means you can us it until it won’t go into your sharpener any more. Good value for your money!”
CLARINS Wonder Perfect 4D Mascara
“This is great for people with short or sparse lashes. It lengthens without clumping the lashes together. Removes easily. Comes in waterproof formula as well. Gives a beautiful natural look that can be built up for more volume. It does it all!”
ELF COSMETICS Glossy Lip Stain
“Hydrates and moistures the lips. Shiny and glossy finish for lips. Sometimes can be plumping for the lips.”
CLINIQUE Almost Lipstick
“I couldn’t recommend just 1 product because of the 2 they have, how could you pick just 1. Clinque Almost Lipstick in shades Black Honey and Pink Honey are phenomenal. Iconic packaging, yes. Soft, creamy texture, yes. Constantly selling, yes! If I see one, I buy it. I’m always worried it’ll go outof stock again and that’s just something we don’t need to happen!”
“This concealer is everything I’ve been looking for in a product. It’s hydrating, natural, has an adjustable coverage and doesn’t crease at all. I’ve been wearing it for every makeup look and Bare With Me Concealer
SHISEIDO Revitalessence Skin Glow Foundation
“Foundation and Primer. The best foundation and primer I have ever tried on my skin. Hydration, glow and longevity.”
“This blush is so pigmented and does not move all day whatever you do. It’s really a go to to have in your collection : you can wear it on an everyday basis or to compliment your full glam look.”
DRUNK ELEPHANT D-Bronzi Anti-Pollution Sunshine Drops
“These bronzing drops are a personal favourite. They give a glow from within while providing a great colour.”
3-in-1 Gel Polish
“Large selection of colours, easy to apply, leaves nails looking like you went to the salon.”
“Grand choix de couleurs, facile à appliquer, effet comme après un salon de beauté”
“Deeply cleans hair removing excess oils, clears the damaging effect of hard water. Maintains optimal PH levels. Safe for coloured hair non stripping.” COCO & EVE Like a VIrgin Clarifying Detox Shampoo
• JULY 23 – 25, 2024
• JANUARY 21 - 23, 2025
Earlier this year, Cosmetics Alliance received a surprise gift of a historic photograph of the 9th Annual Convention of the Association of Canadian Perfumers and Manufacturers of Toilet Articles (forerunner of Cosmetics Alliance Canada) held at the Seigneury Club (now Chateau Montebello) on June 8th,1937.
This thoughtful act was made by Mr. Paul Donaghy of TSI Turbine Solutions Inc. of Mississauga, Ontario. Mr. Donaghy advised that he found the picture when clearing out a building once used by Crown Cork & Seal and was allowed to take whatever was of interest that he found. Crown Cork & Seal were associate members in 1937 which is how the photo likely ended up in the building.
Due to Mr. Donaghy’s foresight in wanting to preserve history, and his subsequent efforts to track us down, the photograph has now found its way home and will be proudly displayed in the Cosmetics Alliance Boardroom.
Cosmetics Alliance wishes to extend their thanks to Mr. Donaghy for his thoughtfulness in preserving this wonderful piece of this industry’s history.
Cosmetics Alliance Canada will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2028.
Notre rédactrice beauté partage les tendances de la nouvelle saison
« Et puisque les rouges à lèvres et les fards proposés pour la saison sont aussi lumineux et sexy que les poudres, l’été promet d’être éclatant ! »
Tout comme le ciel estival, le maquillage volera ses teintes à l’azur des beaux jours ! Pour battre la mesure dans le ton, les paupières se pareront de fard bleu métallisé ou denim. L’été venu rimant bellement avec peau nue, le visage des belles flirtera avec le quasi naturel et les rires ne seront rehaussés que de brillant à lèvres.
L’approche minimaliste de la tendance portera certaines à miser simplement sur un mascara ou un eyeliner en camaïeu de bleus. N’est-ce pas que tout cela s’accordera à merveille avec les fraîches cotonnades de nos robes d’été ? Le teint lumineux, les yeux sublimés par les teintes des cieux d’été, il ne nous restera qu’à accentuer le volume et la longueur de nos cils pour un regard résolument sensuel.
D’ARMANI Poudre Bronzante Luminous Silk Glow, 76 $, disponible aux comptoirs Armani
DE CHANEL Baume Essentiel nuance Moonlight Kiss, 64 $, disponible aux comptoirs Chanel
DE DIOR Diorshow 5 Couleurs, nuance 933 Pastel Glow, 90 $, disponible aux comptoirs Dior
DE DIOR Huile à lèvres Lip Glow 54 $, disponible aux comptoirs Dior
DE CHANEL Duo Blush & Highlighter Jardin Imaginaire, nuance Light et Berry, 96 $, disponible aux comptoirs Chanel
DE DIOR Fard à Paupières
Mono Couleur, nuance 162 Blue Bayadere, 48 $, disponible aux comptoirs Dior
DE RARE BEAUTY Fard à Joues liquide Soft Pinch, 19 $, disponible à Sephora
DE STILA Duo pour les joues Blush & Bronze Hydro-Blur, 42 $, disponible à Pharmaprix
DE BOBBY BROWN Fard à Paupière longue durée en crème, 46 $, disponible à Sephora
DE NARS Fard à Joues, nuance Soldier Thrill, 43 $, disponible à Pharmaprix
DE STILA Brume Flouante
Fixatrice Stay All Day, 44 $ les 100 ml, disponible à Pharmaprix
DE CLINIQUE Rouge à lèvres
de longue durée Pop Shine, 34 $, disponible aux comptoirs Clinique
DE GUERLAIN Poudre Éclat Bonne Mine Naturelle
Terracotta Superbloom, 70 $, disponible au comptoir Guerlain
DE CLARINS Rouge à lèvres
Joli Rouge, nuance Beige Nude, recharge 26$ et étui 16 $, disponible à Holt Renfrew Ogilvy
DE CHANEL Stylo Ombre et Contour, nuance 44 Nuage
Bleu, 50 $, disponible aux comptoirs Chanel
Sensational Sky High, nuance
Bleu, 17,99 $, disponible en pharmacie
Le cocktail soleil et eau de mer ou de piscine a le pouvoir dorer nos crinières mais aussi de les assécher. C’est le moment plus que jamais de se rappeler que s’hydrater ne se résume pas à aval er de l’eau citronnée ou une bière gla cée ! Vu que, pour voguer crinière au vent de festival en terrasse branchée, on va à coup sûr se coiffer messy chic, sleek déstructuré ou sexy coquet, on investit en amont dans les soins coif fants garants d’un cheveu aussi souple
DE JVN Lait Coiffant pour séchage, 41 $ les 90 ml, disponible à Sephora
D’ORIBE Baume Coiffant sans chaleur Hair Alchemy, 60 $ les 150 ml, disponible sur ca.oribe.com
D’OLAPLEX Shampooing Sec
Clean Volume Detox No 4D, 41 $ les 32 g, disponiblesurca. olaplex.com
Masque Professionnel protecteur anti-dépôt, balayage ou décoloration, Serie Expert, 49 $ les 250 ml, disponible sur amazon.ca
DE GARNIER Whole Blends
Sérum au Miel pour cheveux secs et abimés, 14,49 $ les 150 ml, disponible en pharmacie
Reset Sérum réparation extrême de nuit, 67 $ les 90 ml, disponible sur sephora.ca
DE KÉRASTASE Soin antirigidité décalcifiant Fondant
Fluidité Réparateur, 60 $ les 200 ml, disponible sur sephora.ca
DE CLAIROL Coloration Nice’n
Easy permanente, 11,99 $, disponible en pharmacie
DE KMS Crème pour cheveux
Style Plage Conscious Style, 30 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur kmshair.com
DE KERASILK Activateur Cuir
Chevelu, 48 $ les 110 ml, disponible sur chatters.ca
Q : Qu’est-ce qui vous a poussée à créer votre propre collection de parfums ?
R : J’ai l’impression d’avoir passé une éternité à le faire, darling ! Dès l’âge de 13 ans, je me rappelle m’être promenée sur les marchés d’Ibiza, envoûtée par les arômes enchanteurs du patchouli et de l’encens. Depuis lors, je suis fascinée par le pouvoir invisible des parfums, captivée par leur capacité de faire émerger des souvenirs et des émotions et par la façon dont ils peuvent envoûter ceux qui vous entourent !
Un parfum peut vous transporter dans un autre monde, il peut améliorer vos sensations, vous entourer d’une aura magique !
Pendant des années, j’ai rêvé d’élargir ma garde-robe de beauté, de créer et de conserver une gamme de parfums aux forts pouvoirs émotionnels. Je voulais embouteiller et capturer les sentiments pour que chacun puisse vaporiser les émotions qu’il souhaite. Je suis ravie de pouvoir enfin partager mon concept et mes secrets avec le monde entier !
Les parfums ont le même pouvoir de transformation et d’amélioration de la confiance en soi que les soins de la peau et le maquillage. J’ai créé ma marque il y a plus de 10 ans, en innovant avec mes 10 styles faciles à choisir et à utiliser, pour aider chacun et chacune à se transformer en celui ou celle qu’il ou elle veut être ! Avec ma nouvelle collection, chacun peut décider comment il veut se sentir ! Ce sont six superpouvoirs invisibles !
Q : Parlez-nous de la qualité des ingrédients de vos parfums. Je pense que c’est quelque chose que la plupart des consommateurs ne comprennent pas – que l’on peut sentir des ingrédients de très haute qualité. Quel est l’ingrédient le plus unique que vous utilisez ?
R : Mes magnifiques parfums sont alimentés par d’incroyables molécules. Il s’agit d’une symphonie de notes et d’accords sélectionnés avec l’aide des experts parfumeurs de l’entreprise américaine « International Flavors and Fragrance » pour créer des parfums qui subliment chaque émotion !
En collaboration avec l’incroyable laboratoire de recherche LMR, nous nous sommes procuré les meilleures huiles de parfum naturelles, en veillant à ce que chaque ingrédient soit extrait avec précision et soin, aux côtés d’ingrédients synthétiques soigneusement sélectionnés ! Le LMR travaille avec des producteurs locaux du monde entier pour fournir des ingrédients de la plus haute qualité, en utilisant des méthodes d’extraction innovantes pour obtenir des huiles de parfum naturelles dans leur forme la plus pure, ce qui permet d’élever la puissance et la qualité des jus ainsi créés!
Love Frequency est mon portail d’amour global ! Avec des notes de rose essentielle romantique, de poivre rose addictif et de bois de cachemire sensuel, il vous entoure d’une aura d’amour radieux et universel !
Quant à Joyphoria, c’est le bonheur en bouteille ! Avec une note de tête d’huile de néroli exaltante et une note de fond d’extrait de gousse de vanille enchanteresse, il s’épanouit avec une note de cœur d’ylang-ylang radieux, un ingrédient floral qui dégage une aura rayonnante de soleil ! Il me donne le sentiment d’une célébration euphorique, il rayonne de positivité, il illumine mon monde ! Magic Energy me donne l’impression d’une étreinte qui m’enracine ! C’est
un mélange harmonisant de palo santo purifiant, ce bois sacré du Pérou, d’huile de cyprès terreuse et de bergamote éveillante. Chaque fois que je le porte, mon aura est nettoyée, je me sens connectée, éveillée. Darling, il faut me croire, c’est de l’énergie pure en flacon !
Calm Bliss nous transporte dans un sanctuaire intérieur de sérénité absolue ! Grâce au lavandin apaisant, à des muscs blancs purs et à un accord aqueux unique, il nous donne l’impression de flotter dans la mer. More Sex, lui, est d’une séduction addictive ! Grâce à la baie de genièvre exaltante et à un accord de cuir et de muscs sensuels et veloutés, il induit l’attraction charnelle totale et la tentation ! Chaque fois que je le porte, je me sens instantanément magnétique, carrément irrésistible ! Darling, n’oublie jamais : le dernier ingrédient magique de mes parfums, c’est toi !
Q : Combien de temps faut-il pour créer un parfum ? Pouvez-vous nous parler du processus ?
R : Pendant des années, j’ai travaillé avec des scientifiques et des maîtres parfumeurs qui ont bouleversé l’industrie, dont la sagesse et l’expertise m’ont aidée à réaliser mes rêves de parfums ! J’ai décrit ce que je voulais que l’utilisateur de mes parfums ressente, ce qui a permis de déterminer une palette spécifique de notes et d’accords à partir desquels les parfumeurs ont travaillé. Ensuite, note par note, nous avons joué avec une harmonie d’ingrédients pour créer des jus qui sentent incroyablement bon et suscitent les plus heureuses émotions qui soient ! Cela a été une expérience extraordinairement gratifiante! Avec cette collection, j’ai eu le privilège de travailler en partenariat avec les merveilleux parfumeurs qui m’ont aidée à donner vie à mes visions, mes rêves et mes études ! J’avais une vision très spécifique que je leur ai
dépeinte et ils ont été capables de la capturer grâce à l’art de la création de parfums et à la science.
J’ai brossé un tableau du monde olfactif que je voulais créer et cela a permis de déterminer une palette spécifique de notes et d’accords à partir desquels les maîtres parfumeurs ont oeuvré.
Q : Quel est votre meilleur conseil pour améliorer l’odorat d’une personne ?
R : Pour une expérience olfactive optimale, je recommande mon rituel! Il commence par une vaporisation sur les points de pulsation – oreilles, poignets, base du cou, intérieur du coude et derrière les genoux. Juste après la douche est le moment parfait. Ensuite, je vaporise mon parfum sur mes cheveux et mes vêtements ! C’est ce que j’appelle mon halo olfactif ! Mon astuce secrète est de chanter les mantras que j’ai créés pour chacun de mes parfums afin que se manifeste leur magie.
Q : Quelles sont vos fleurs préférées?
R : Darling, je suis obsédée par les fleurs ! Mon Joyphoria est comme un bouquet ensoleillé, avec un mélange radieux de fleurs blanches d’été – il est infusé avec de l’ylang-ylang, une fleur de solaris de rêve. On le vaporise et on est instantanément transporté au paradis !
Q : Y a-t-il une note de parfum que vous aimez plus que les autres ?
R : J’avoue que je ne saurais pas n’en choisir qu’une seule. Tout dépend de mon humeur, du lieu, du moment. Choisir mon parfum, c’est définir quelle journée je désire avoir. Il m’arrive ainsi de jumeler Joyphoria avec Love Frequency; More Sex avec Cosmic Power; Magic Energy avec Calm Bliss !
Q : Quel est le seul plaisir de la vie dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer ?
R : Il s’agit de mon programme de soins de la peau ! Darling, je dis toujours qu’on ne peut pas avoir une belle peinture sans une belle toile !
Ma routine commence par mon nouveau Magic Hydration Revival Cleanser, nettoyant 3-en-1 pour un nettoyage en profondeur mais aussi une hydratation de la peau qui lui procure un éclat digne d’un spa ! J’applique ensuite ma lotion tonique Genius Glow pour sentir ma peau douce comme celle d’un bébé. Je poursuis avec 3-4 gouttes de mon Magic Serum Crystal Elixir, un super aliment pour un épiderme
radieux ! Je termine en force avec mon emblématique Magic Cream. Avec ma routine de revitalisation immédiate de la peau, votre peau et votre maquillage seront toujours plus beaux.
Q : Dans une période d’incertitude, le parfum peut être une source de réconfort.
Comment pensez-vous que les consommateurs vont ressentir vos nouvelles fragrances?
R : Je crois que le parfum peut permettre à une personne de choisir la fréquence qu’elle veut émettre dans le monde !
J’ai toujours su que la partie du cerveau responsable de l’odorat
est directement liée au système limbique – la partie responsable des émotions et de la mémoire. Lorsque nous ressentons des émotions, celles-ci se reflètent dans différentes zones du cerveau, créant des schémas que l’on peut lire grâce aux incroyables progrès de la science !
L’aromathérapie a toujours été considérée comme un moyen d’améliorer notre humeur. Pour créer ma collection, j’ai voulu repousser les limites au-delà du domaine de l’aromathérapie traditionnelle, en travaillant avec des experts et des maîtres parfumeurs pour mettre en bouteille le pouvoir invisible des odeurs afin de nous aider à rêver, à ressentir et à recréer le monde qui nous entoure !
De Charlotte Tilbury
Eau de Parfum Calm
Bliss, 210 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur charlottetilbury.com
De Charlotte Tilbury
De Charlotte Tilbury
Eau de Parfum More
Sex, 210 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur charlottetilbury.com
Eau de Parfum Joyphoria, 210 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur charlottetilbury.com
De Charlotte Tilbury
Eau de Parfum Magic
Energy, 210 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur charlottetilbury.com
De Charlotte Tilbury
Eau de Parfum Cosmic
Power, 210 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur charlottetilbury.com
De Charlotte Tilbury
Eau de Parfum Love
Frequency, 210 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur charlottetilbury.com
LES FRAGRANCES estivales prennent un coup de frais. Attention : l’importance de trouver un parfum adapté à chaque saison est trop souvent sous-estimée. Il peut pourtant faire une différence colossale dans la façon dont les gens nous perçoivent. Des odeurs fraîches et légères à celles profondes et musquées, les eaux de Cologne se déclinent en une variété presque illimitée de notes mais, pour les jours les plus chauds de l’été, il est préférable d’opter pour les parfums des familles hespéridée, aquatique et aromatique. Ces groupes sont en effet composés de fragrances vives et stimulantes qui suscitent un regain d’énergie lorsque la canicule nous pèse.
DE VALENTINO Eau de Parfum born in Roma Donna Green Stravaganza, 215 $ les 100 ml, disponible à Sephora
D’AERIN Eau de Parfum Amber Musk, 194 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
D’AERIN Eau de Parfum Mediterranean Honeysuckle, 194 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
DE LANCÔME Eau de Parfum Figues & Agrumes, 345 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur lancome.ca
DE VIKTOR & ROLF Eau de Parfum
Flowerbomb Tiger Lily, 234 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
Point du Jour Collection Matin Lutens, 215 $ les 100 ml, disponible à Holt
Renfrew Ogilvy
DE JEAN PAUL GAULTIER Eau de Parfum Scandal Absolu, 162 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Jean Coutu
DE MUGLER Eau de Parfum
Hypersense, 170 $ les 60 ml, disponible à Sephora
DE CHANEL Eau de Parfum Chance Eau
Fraîche, 265 les 100 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Chanel
My Way Nectar, 200 $ les 100 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Armani
DE JEAN PAUL GAULTIER Eau de Parfum Paradise Garden La Belle, 185 $ les 100 ml, disponible à Jean Coutu
Scandal Absolu pour homme, 168 $ les 100 ml, disponible à Jean Coutu
D’YSL Y Elixir Cologne, 220 $ les 60 ml, disponible à La Baie
Paradise Garden Le Beau, 158 $ les 125 ml, disponible à Jean Coutu
DE PACO RABANNE Eau de Parfum Invictus, 162 $ les 100 ml, Disponible à Jean Coutu
DE RALPH LAUREN Eau de Toilette Polo 67, 140 $ les 125 ml, disponible à La Baie
Grâce au développement de la science dermatologique, nous avons appris à fréquenter de façon plus sécuritaire les rayons solaires. Et parce que tous les épidermes ne sont pas égaux face à eux –enfants ou adultes, peaux claires ou foncées – à nous de choisir un produit approprié avec le bon indice et surtout un filtre UVA et UVB imparable et qui assure un bronzage uniforme aussi bien qu’il prévient les coups de soleil ! Alors, pour un été aussi beau que chaud, voici les crèmes solaires qu’il nous faut !
D’ATTITUDE Bâton Solaire minéral teinté Sunly FPS 30, 19,99 $, disponible sur amazon.ca
Solaire Watermelon Dew Balm FPS 45, 41 $, disponible à Sephora
Solaire Hydratant Extrême pour le corps et mains, 40,50 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
D’OMBRELLE Écran Solaire
Daily UV FPS 60, 18,74 $ les 50 ml, disponible en pharmacie
DE CLARINS Crème Solaire
Visage Toucher Sec FPS 50+, 38 $ les 50 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Clarins
solaire Physical Matte UV
Defense FPS 50, 55 $ les 30 ml, disponible sur skinceulticals.ca
DE KIEHL’S Sérum UV Beyond
Screen, 57 $ les 50 ml, disponible sur sephora.com
solaire Minéral FPS 50, 57 $ les 50 ml, disponible sur functionalab.com
Soleil Gel d’Aloe Vera, 20 $ les 90 ml, disponible en pharmacie
Après-Soleil Nacré, 44 $ les 200 ml, disponible biotherm.ca
Baume Apaisant
Après Soleil 48h After Sun, 42 $ les 150 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Clarins
Le plus merveilleux soleil du monde n’est pas sans risque. Dès juin et même mai, sous prétexte de gaver de vitamine D notre peau enfin exposée à l’air du dehors, nous la mettons ingénument en péril. Requinquer un épiderme mis à mal par les rigueurs de l’hiver, cela demande du travail ! Alors, avant même de l’enduire d’un écran solaire optimal, on le gomme, le tonifie, l’hydrate à profusion. Rétinol, polymères, vitamines, hormones, acides de fruits… pour bien profiter de ces actifs révolutionnaires, il faut s’imposer un solide routine beauté !
Qu’on fasse son jogging sur les plus belles avenues en ville ou sur le sable d’une plage, une multitude d’impuretés s’agglomèrent sur notre visage et son film hydrolipidique protecteur s’en trouve outrageusement abîmé. Alors, le soir venu, on lave son minois en douceur autant qu’en profondeur en utilisant les produits nettoyants destinés à en éliminer poussière, cellules mortes, sueur, sébum et toute trace de
Deuxième étape du sauvetage : les soins hydratants. Le film qu’ils déposent sur la peau est constitué de corps gras qui retiennent l’humidité de l’épiderme et retardent son inévitable évaporation. L’été, c’est une bonne idée de préférer les émulsions légères à base de liposomes ou de cristaux liquides, dont les principes actifs répondent aux besoins spécifiques de chaque type de peau. Entre les crèmes hydratantes de jour et de nuit, les émulsions matifiantes, les fluides antipollution et les microémulsions anti-rougeurs, le rayons de beauté offrent à coup sûr le choix parfait pour votre carnation.
Les masques, appliqués hebdomadairement sous forme de crème, de gel, de poudre, de film ou d’emplâtre, sont un précieux atout pour améliorer visiblement l’état de la peau du visage, quels que soient sa pigmentation ou son grain.
À ne pas oublier, le contour de l’oeil! Parce que les clignements des yeux et les battements des paupières, qu’ils soient dus à la luminosité du soleil ou aux multiples particules de déchets charriées par le vent, sollicitent toute la journée la peau particulièrement mince et fragile qui voisine nos yeux. Choisir un excellent soin pour cette zone est donc primordial !
De Filorga Crème GlobalRepair Advanced, 168 $ les 50 ml, disponible sur ca.filorga.com
De Drunk Elephant Crème Protini aux polypeptides, 90 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
Enfin, dans ce combat contre l’assèchement et le flétrissement induits par les rayons solaires, la dernière arme mise à notre disposition mais non la moindre, ce sont les huiles essentielles, qui apaisent autant l’esprit que le corps. Nous voilà bien outillées pour plonger dans l’été !
De Keys Soulcare Crème Lissante aux Peptides, 64 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
D’Estée Lauder Crème Révélatrice de Jeunesse Revitalizing Supreme+ FPS 25, 138 $ les 50 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Estée Lauder
De Dr. Hauschka Crème de Jour Légère à la Rose, 55,50 $ les 30 ml, disponible sur drhaushcka.ca
De Belif Crème-Gel légère The True Cream, 50 $ les 50 ml, disponible sur amazon.ca
De Coup D’Éclat
Mousse Nettoyante
Oxygénante, 34,99 $ les 200 ml, disponible en pharmacie
De Byoma
Baume Fondant
Nettoyant, 19,49 $ les 60g, disponible à Pharmaprix
De Neutrogena
Gel Nettoyant
Hydratant Hydro Boost, 21,99 $ les 230 ml, disponible en pharmacie
De Lancôme
Sérum Triple H.C.F.
Rénergie Yeux, 120 $ les 20 ml, disponible à La Baie
De Fresh
Crème pour les yeux
Black Tea Advanced Age Renewal, 97 $ les 15 ml, disponible à Sephora
De Dermalogica
Soin pour les yeux raffermissant + liftant
Phyto Nature, 163 $ les 15 ml, disponible sur dermalogica.ca
D’Estée Lauder
synchronisée Advanced
Night Repair, 169 $ les 50 ml, disponible à Sephora
De Summer Fridays
Sérum de nuit pour les yeux Jet Lag, 65 $ les 15 ml, disponible à Sephora
De Dr. Hauschka
Sérum de Nuit
régénérant intensif, 140 $ les 30 ml, disponible sur drhaushcka.ca
De Rare Beauty
Brume 4 en 1 pour le visage, 40 $ les 100 ml, disponible sur rarebeauty.com
De That’So
Lotion Spray Bonne
Mine SunKiss, 72,99 $ le 50 ml, disponible sur thatsoitaly.com
De Lotus Aroma
Brume Apaisante
Quotidienne Lotus
Sacré, 23 $ les 80 ml, disponible en pharmacie
De Nudestix
Sérum Nude Glow aux Peptides, 74 $, disponible nudestix.ca
De Bobbi Brown
Sérum Lissant
Enrichit en Vitamines, 115 $ les 30 ml, disponible à Sephora
D’Estée Lauder
Sérum Lift et Fermeté
Perfectionist Pro, 114 $ les 50 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Estée Lauder
De Bleu Lavande
Parfum D’Ambiance lavande-magnolia, 20,50 $ les 120 ml, disponible en pharmacie
De Nest
Bougie Votive collection
Sunit Yuzu & Neroli, 28 $, disponible à Pharmaprix
De Nest
Diffuseur de Parfum
Ambiant collection Sunit Yuzu & Neroli, 84 $, disponible à Pharmaprix
De Clarins
Masque-Crème anti-soit réparateur
Hydra-Essentiel, 49 $ les 30 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Clarins
De Lotus Aroma
Masque Visage
Apaisant argile rose, 22 $ les 100 ml, disponible en pharmacie
De Summer Fridays
Masque Jet Lag hydratant en format mini, 35 $ les 29 ml, disponible à Sephora
De Fenty Skin
Exfoliant Visage Intense Cookies & Clean pour Pores Dilatés & Points Noirs à l’argile fouettée, 44 $ les 100g, disponible sur sephora.com
De Peter Thomas Roth
Soin Potent-C au Niacinamime, 88 $ les 50 ml, disponible sur sephora.ca
De PanOxyl
Exfoliant Clarifiant, 17, 97 $ les 118 ml, disponible à Walmart
De Chanel
Micro Sérum Lèvres
Hydra Beauty, 81 $ les 15 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Chanel
Perfect Fit Voile teinté ultrahydratant, 14,99 $ les 30 ml, disponible en pharmacie
De Dior
Le Baume en édition limitée, 81 $ les 50ml, disponible aux comptoirs Dior
De Nu-Rish
Gommage à Lèvres, 30 $ les 20 ml, disponible à Jean Coutu
De Drunk Elephant
Gouttes soleil antipollution, 50 $ les 30 ml, disponible à Sephora
De First Aid Beauty
Gouttes de Bronzage+
Éclat, 38 $ les 30 ml, disponible à Sephora
De Clarins
Lait Fondant
Auto-Bronzant visage & corps, 45 $ les 125 ml, disponible à Holt
Renfrew Ogilvy
De SkinCeuticals
Phlorentin CF Sérum antioxidant Prévenir, 208 $ les 30 ml, disponible sur skinceuticals.ca
De Trinny London
Concentré pour cou et décolleté The Elevator, 122 $ les 50 ml, disponible sur trinnylondon.com
De Dior
Sauvage La Lotion au pouvoir du Cactus, 85 $ les 100 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Dior
D’Omy Laboratoires
Baume à lèvres réparateur, 19,99 $ les 15 ml, disponible à Jean Coutu
De Dior
Sauvage Le Sérum au pouvoir du Cactus, 125 $ les 50 ml, Disponible aux comptoirs Dior
Les Dès de Chance Savons Doux Parfumés Eau Fraîche, 108 $, disponible aux comptoirs Chanel
De Naturium
Exfoliant et Masque pour le corps, 18 $ les 226g, disponible sur naturium.com
De Tanologist
Lotion Daily Glow Autobronzante graduelle hydratante, 15,99 $ les 250 ml, disponible à Pharmaprix
De Biotherm
Gommage Corps
Renovateur Biocorps, 48 $ les 200 ml, disponible sur amazon.ca
De Clarins
Crème corps Body Fit
Active Expert Capitons, 90 $ les 200 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Clarins
De Teaology
Crème pour les corps raffermissant à l’infusion de Thé Vert, 59 $, disponible à Jean Coutu
D’Yves Rocher
Crème Pieds
De Dior
Absorption Express, 12,95 $ les 75 ml, disponibles aux boutiques Yves Rocher
De Dior
Miss Dior Huile Corps
Exfoliante à l’extrait de rose, 85 $ les 175 ml, Disponible aux comptoirs Dior
Miss Dior Gelée de Douche Bienfaisante à l’extrait de rose, 85 $ les 175 ml, disponible aux comptoirs Dior
Le Domaine Clarins : au coeur des Alpes françaises, un lieu d’étude et de production de plantes issues de l’agriculture régénérative.
100% d’ingrédients bios, cultivés selon les principes de l’agriculture régénérative*
Un écrin de 15 hectares niché dans les Alpes françaises.
Découvrez toutes nos actions pour les personnes et la planète *L’agriculture
6 plantes du Domaine Clarins déjà présentes dans 30 de nos formules.
Plus de 30 espèces étudiées chaque année.
Rendre la vie plus belle, transmettre un monde plus beau.
Groupe Marcelle Celebrates Milestones
Beauty Summit 2024
Training 101 by Prestilux
Trends to Try + Ingredients 101
New in Stores for Fall And Much More!