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APRIL 2019

Cover Art ByDaryl Kelly

All information correct at time of publishing. Please phone or email relevant galleries to confirm dates of events as they may be subject to change. Updates as news of arts events comes in each month may be viewed on Published by Corrie Scott

Welcome to Barbados Monthly Arts Events This is a completely free magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place. I encourage anyone with a visual arts event to get in contact with me at and I will add a free page for you. Let’s get the arts out there! Please, pass this magazine on to others and so help the creative side of Barbados get all the exposure possible. Corrie



society I come from demands meaning, demands understanding, and that’s pass for some cultures…Whatever is fashionable in New York is supposed to be fashionable all over the world, and that’s the arrogance that irritates me. But I don’t have to go by that New York thinking. In fact, I have to go by a culture that demands understanding of what it’s looking at or reading. ” Derek Walcott










RESULTS WITHOUT THE PROCESS By JEWEL FORDE It was like an abundance of riches when asked by Corrie Scott, a woman for whom my respect and love know no bounds, to write a column for the Barbados Visual Arts Magazine. No parameters were given – I could write about any area of the arts that I wanted; I could be benign or controversial. The only caveat was that the article had to be in by the second last week of the month and it had to be approximately 750 words. Wow!!! Has she met me? Why would she give me such unlimited power when most of my friends covertly believe that I cannot be left unsupervised and should not be allowed out without a grown up!! Anyheewww!!! When first given this assignment, I waffled for weeks about what to write and could not make up my mind. Full disclosure – I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination. I cannot draw a straight line or doodle to save my life. What I am is a television producer, and though that skillset is often referred to as the television arts and the production of a television program can utilize several artists, I don’t consider myself an artist. What I am is an untrained observer and appreciator of the arts and culture in all of its many manifestations. There I have declared my hand. In the last few weeks I had cause to be in the Bay Street area. One reason was a church service at Bethel Methodist Church. As I sat there on the hard church pew my eyes drifted to the stark ruin that is the Empire Theatre. Flanked by Republic Bank on one side, looking for all the world in its bright blue paint like the building had had a bath, and on the other side by the Barbados Water Authority building painted in a similar hue, the Empire stuck out like a sore thumb - overgrown with bush, a collapsed roof, broken windows and a rusted guard rail, it is an eye sore, a sad testimony to our rhetoric about the cultural industries and the reality of our inaction. My mind drifted back to the church service and the sermon. The reverend’s message was about process and results. He stated that people wanted a relationship with Jesus but didn’t want to go through the process and the work of building that relationship. That resonated with me on so many levels and another glance at the Empire cemented it.

The Empire Theatre was completed and opened in 1922 as the spot for drama productions and as a cinema. Historians tell us that the nearby area of Golden Square was often used by National Hero Clement Payne for meetings and that during the 1937 riots the Empire Theatre was the first building that was attacked. In 2012 historian Dr. Henderson Carter, as part of a lecture, proposed that the building be turned into a riots museum to commemorate the uprisings. Smack dab in the middle of Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison, a UNESCO World Heritage site no less, you’d think that like a Bajan Yankee seeing a plate of pudding and souse for the first time in ten years, the idea would have been implemented post haste. No dice! Over time there’s been a lot of long talk about restoring the Empire and with every successive administration, creatives are assured that the building will be returned to its former glory. The closest we have gotten to that mirage was 2013 when then Minister of Culture Stephen Lashley said that a consortium of business interests had submitted a plan to refurbish the Empire to include a microbrewery, a café, a small museum as well as a 290-seat theatre. There were mouthings in 2017 that it would be repaired in time for CARIFESTA which was held in August of that year – still no joy. Mr. Lashley gave an update in 2018 and at that time the plans had been submitted to the Town Planning Department – close but no cigar! So, I have a question - is there a timeframe by which the “consortium” should have repaired the space? If not why not? After all it is government property so will these businessmen be allowed to hold on to it indefinitely? If after all this time they are not ready, financially able or interested in the project, why not turn it over to someone who has an approved plan and a vested interest in rehabilitating the Empire? How hard can that be? The reason the Empire is in the state it is in is because there was no clear process to bring it back to life and now we have no result. Every time I hear some non-creative technocrat waxing lyrical about the economic viability of the creative and cultural industries, practically orgasmic at the amount of millions the sector has earned some over developed country, the potential to earn an equal amount of dollars for Barbados and positioning the industry to be one of the planks of the local economy it makes my teeth edge!!!!

We want to monetise our culture and the work of creatives, but we haven’t done the work or gone through the process. A few half assed stakeholders meetings with bad coffee and we pat ourselves on the back thinking that we have accomplished some great feat. Those meetings, which somehow always seem stacked either for or against a particular set of creatives are not a process neither will they yield the desired results. Meanwhile creatives can’t make a living from their art. At an art exhibition recently, I was told that a shipment of books by a local graphic artist spent nearly 2 years stuck in Customs! Nearly 2 years to clear graphic novels! Can you imagine a shipment of cement or cars or strawberries being stuck in the Port for that length of time? Some bigwig would have gotten a call, and an earful and in two twos the shipment would be on its way to market. Creatives don’t wield that kind of power. In some ways they have no one to blame but themselves. In most countries artists have formed an alliance, a union or some type of organisation that lobbies and fights on their behalf. In Barbados you would have a better chance of passing a camel through the eye of a needle than getting our creatives to form a unified body to serve the sector. In addition, our mindset still sees being creative as a side hustle…something you do when you’re not smart enough to be a doctor, lawyer, bank manager or as stress relief, not as a viable career option. Here’s a heads up - creatives want the same creature comforts as the average Joe – a home, a ride to get them to work and to be able to support their families. Yet if a creative goes to the bank, the loans officer requires every guarantee including their granny’s panty size and false teeth because the person is an artist, they clearly don’t have a day job and is therefore a flight risk. All of this being said it is not all doom and gloom. There are several artists who have stepped out in faith and earn a living from their craft or who have opened avenues for others to do so. Oneka Small immediately comes to mind. The woman is phenomenal. She pulled together a huge art exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Independence in 2016 because among all of the activities for the celebrations, visual artists were virtually unseen. She found a space in Manor Lodge, worked with friends and other artists to hang it, sent out invitations and voila – We Pledge Allegiance was born. Two floors of every style of painting, sculpture, jewellery, clay, ceramics, you name it. It was at that exhibition that I was introduced to the work of Rivenis Black and purchased a piece of digital art.

Since then Artists Alliance, as the group is known, have had several pop-up exhibitions in all types of unlikely spaces like Norman Centre and Upstairs Massy Warrens for example. By bringing the arts to places where Barbadians congregate, they have created a platform to showcase work to people who would not normally attend an art exhibition. Many people have wandered through the exhibitions simply because they were in the same space and in many instances work sold. Oneka understands process and has gotten results. Perhaps what is needed is that we the people should petition the current Minster of Culture to speed up the refurbishment of The Empire. A former calypsonian, he recently told a group of artists that he was going to make the National Gallery a priority. On seeing the “yeah, we’ve heard better cocks than you crow” looks on their faces, he reminded them that he used to sit where they sit so he understands their frustrations and skepticism, but he intends to deliver. Hmmmm…. Having a culture minister who is also a creative…could that be the first step in the process? Only results will tell.

Jewel Forde #2 Constant Plantation, Dash Valley, St. George (246) 827-1465

Alicia Hartman’s eyewear designs booth in New York. Eye Q Stylist Opticians, Barbados. Using art to present her Peoples Of Barbados stylish designs of eyewear.

Alicia Hartman’s eyewear designs booth in New York. Eye Q Stylist Opticians, Barbados. Using art to present her Peoples Of Barbados stylish designs of eyewear. This image shows photography by Adrian Richards and art by Sheena Rose. More people need to do this with art and photography, craft and sculpture. Supporting each other.

'UNSEEN' Works by George Struikelblok at Queen's Park Gallery. Opening reception Wed March 27th, 6pm. Exhibition ends April 2nd. Gallery hours 10am - 6pm ( closed for lunch 1.30pm - 2.30pm) Open consecutively Thurs 27th March to Tues April 2nd Closed on Sunday 31st only Curated by Janice Whittle

BARBADOS PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MARCH THEME WAS ‘Sea & Shore’ The hashtag #bpsseaandshore was used. "Fine Art Photography is photography created in accordance with the vision of the artist as a photographer. The goal is to express an idea, a message, or an emotion.“ "this is an example of what happens when you just leave all conventional rules behind and let creativity take you to an endpoint that you like. The result may not be everyone's cup of tea, but what matters most is that you are happy with what you have created." Hugh Walker
































BARBADOS PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The Barbados Photographic Society (BPS) is founded on an appreciation for and interest in photography. Website Our Facebook Group is open to everyone with an interest in photography! You are welcome to join, share your thoughts on photography, post your work, follow the work of our members and participate in our discussions

CAN THE CREATIVE ECONOMY FLOURISH IN BARBADOS? By Sarah Thomson I’ve always believed that artists hold a special role in society. Their desire to make the world just a little more beautiful has a way of inspiring the community around them. I’ve become fascinated by the role that artists play in rejuvenating communities and creating societies that are open to new ideas and embracing change. I grew up in the core of a small city in Canada. It was the late 70s and many city centres were suffering because big box stores and sprawling suburbs had pulled people out of the city core. In our city, most of the old homes were boarded up and the tree-lined streets had seen much better days. Our local government was desperate to find a way to rejuvenate the city and had thrown all their funds behind an arts centre. It was the best decision they could have made. The centre acted like a beacon, drawing people in from the sprawling suburbs. It attracted all ages with programs in painting, ceramics, weaving etc. The classes were the normal arts offerings you might expect, but what we didn’t expect was the way the centre worked to ignite creativity within the community. Over just a few years the boarded up homes started to be fixed up, people moved back in from the suburbs. The video arcades and discount stores that had taken over the main street were replaced by restaurants and high-end boutique shops. The families that moved into our neighbourhood were entrepreneurial and creative. There is a lot of research and studies on the impact the arts have on cities, but what caught my attention were the articles on struggling communities that improved significantly simply because a non-profit, or a social enterprise, created an art centre for creative learning.

Like the small town in Canada where I grew up, many communities around the world have felt the positive economic impact that creative education stirs up. Take for example Ballycastle in Northern Ireland. Ballinglen Arts Foundation was founded by an Amercian couple who wanted to “boost local confidence and economic security by bringing international art practitioners to stay and work in the area.” They offered residency programs attracting artists from all over the world. Over the years hundreds came, people moved into the area and the local economy grew. There are hundreds of stories of small towns that have created learning opportunities in the arts, that have invested in culture, and have become stronger and more sustainable because of their investment. A study done by the University of Pennsylvania found that “In lower-income neighborhoods, cultural resources are “significantly” linked to better health, schooling, and security.” Studies in education have shown a direct connection between success in academic subjects and the participation in arts programs. There is something very powerful that happens when people learn the arts. The process of learning creativity opens people to new ideas, to new ways of thinking, and questioning the world around them. The arts and culture industry also contributes to support for environmental initiatives. When a community is open to ideas, and working collaboratively, they become a cleaner and greener community. There are many places that still cling to old colonial views of the arts as a charitable endeavor rather than a strong economic industry. And these communities all suffer from a lack of entrepreneurs and creative thinking that contributes to a strong economy. What I find inspiring about Barbados is the current of hope that seems to be igniting change, not just at the government level but within the community. I have visited Barbados for over 3 decades, and never has the drive for change been as strong as it is now. Where the arts were once viewed as an endeavor needing charitable support, the industry is starting to be recognised for the economic value it produces.

My family and I moved to the island last year to explore the possibility of creating an environment centre, but what we found was that the need for an arts centre to feed the community desire for creativity was a much more pressing issue. With the government struggling to carry the massive debt burdening the island, there is little funding available to sustain an arts centre. Research on changes in the tourism industry has found that both culture and environment experiences are big draws for travellers. So we decided to combine them at a centre where programs in both are offered to travellers and the community. By building an environment and arts centre that offers environmental programming and arts workshops, we can attract the affluent travellers and by combining this with a boutique hotel we can sustain the centre. I have spent the past year meeting with community organizations, artists, and business leaders and the support, advice and encouragement they have given is overwhelming. We have formed Canvas and Cave as a social enterprise with a mission to ignite creative education in the community, inspire entrepreneurs, and build the foundations Barbados needs to become selfsustaining. But I know that we won’t succeed without support and direction from the community. When I look at the future, I believe that the process of creative learning will unlock ideas within the community, build collaboration, and inspire entrepreneurs to address the larger challenges facing Barbados. Forward. Together Sarah "Loxy" Thomson CEO Canvas and Cave Inc. Cell: 246-237-7530 (Barbados) Women's Post Canvas and Cave Twitter: @ThomsonTo

Artist Alliance Barbados and Contemporary Studio Ceramics presents 'Form & Fire' March 23rd - May 24th. Two locations. EMBASSY OF ARGENTINA OPENING RECEPTION hosted by Embassy of Argentina Sat Mar 23rd, 6pm-8pm. LECTURE ON CERAMIC HERITAGE OF Barbados by Kevin Farmer Sat March 30th, 2pm - 4pm. Viewing by appointment only 830 3420 or 822 3694 NORMAN CENTRE BRIDGETOWN OPENING RECEPTION Sun Apr 28th, 3pm - 6pm POTTERY MAKING 101 Sat Mar 11th, 11am - 2pm Interactive CERAMIC EXPERIENCES Ancel Daniel and Jamila Haynes will speak on their UK ceramic education. Jamila will display her work which will stay up until May 13th Featured artists; Ancel Ancel B Daniel, Gail Riley, Lynn Haynes, Martina Pile Zahles, Melanie D'Oliveira, Juliana Inniss Curated by Oneka Small

Juliana’s love for clay started in 1990 as a student at Secondary School. She continued to work with the material establishing her Painted Earth Studio in 1995 after leaving University, offering hand painted pottery items as souvenirs to local shops in her native Barbados. In May 2002, she participated as part of a Caribbean contingent in the Biennale de la Ceramique in Andenne Belgium and it was here that she made the decision to seriously pursue ceramics. In 2007 she went on a residency with artist Lynn Pacassi- Berry in the USVI where she did a two weeks intensive course in Raku firing. Upon her return she worked diligently and mounted her first solo exhibition in ceramics in April of 2008 at The Zemicon Gallery in Barbados. In 2010 she participated in another intensive 12 day workshop in Taino Ceramics in the Dominican Republic, this exposed her to the pottery styles of the first indigenous people of the Caribbean. Juliana then travelled in 2017 to the United Kingdom continuing to explore and broaden her knowledge of alternative and atmospheric firings. She currently works in Raku, Naked Raku and Saggar firing techniques and offers training of these techniques. Juliana has public Commissions at The Barbados Hilton Hotel and the Museum of Parliament in Barbados.

“Happy to be part of "FORM & FIRE", a group Exhibition entirely dedicated to the Art of Ceramic in Barbados through the hands and skills of 6 Barbadian female ceramists who have recently joined under the name "Contemporary Studio Ceramics, Barbados". We have all worked extremely hard: Hands were busy shaping forms and kilns have been firing relentlessly. I found the level of skills of my fellow participants, Ancel B Daniel, Juliana Inniss, Lynn Haynes Melanie d'Oliviera, and Gail Riley, very high and challenging. No better opportunity for me to get back to my passion ceramic after 37 years of no production in this field. But now, time to put all this hard work together and our curator extraordinaire, Oneka Small will work her Magic and mount the the first leg of our exhibition "FORM & FIRE" at the Argentinian Embassy.�

Melanie D’Oliveira was born in England in 1971 and moved with her parents to live in Barbados at age eleven. In 1992 she returned to the UK, where she completed her degree in Ceramic Design . Following this she worked in a design studio for two years before entering education. She have always maintained her studio practice alongside teaching either full or part-time. She returned to Barbados, which she considers home, ten years ago. She is fortunate to live in the rural parish of St. Philip where some of the older traditions of Barbadian life and culture still exist; these form the stimulus for her mainly sculptural work. She draws and takes pictures of the animals on her small farm, what remain of traditional chattel houses and the wild plants to be found on the local rambling trails. She is interested in the textures to be found on crumbling coral stone ruins and decayed wooden structures, which are even more exciting when juxtaposed against the fresh vibrancy of local flora. She has participated in a number of group exhibitions in Barbados and in the U.K., most recently in the 2017 Carifesta Arts festival.

Meet the Artist Ancel B Daniel Ancel B Daniel is a Guyanese/Barbadian Artist born in Georgetown, Guyana, based in Barbados. Her body of work is framed around the Caribbean socio-cultural and linguistic dynamics with a focus on the changing face of the unique Caribbean cultural identity. Spanning mediums such as clay, wood, metal and glass wax, her sculptural installations and paintings depict a Caribbean narrative, embedded in an antiquated practice, juxtaposed with modern culture. Her installations are hybrid clay forms, embellished with metal and wood to create visual disparity between post and present socio cultural crosspollination dynamic. Daniel's work has been viewed in solo and group exhibitions in Guyana, Barbados and London where she has curated her first group exhibition POINT9, at the International Student House, London. She has been commissioned to conceptualize and create an art piece for Her Royal Highness Princess Ann by the International Student House, In March of 2018. Ancel Daniel is a Fine Arts graduate of the ER Burrowes School of Art,, Guyana, The Barbados Community College, Barbados and the University of Arts London, Chelsea College of Arts and Design, London.

Meet the Artist Gail Riley Gail Riley first worked with clay as part of the course work for a CXC in craft while at Queen’s College. Though enjoying the medium and collecting pieces over the years, she did not work with clay again until April 2018, when she participated in a short workshop by UK ceramicist Carolyn Genders held at The Barn Art Centre in Barbados, sponsored by the BIDC and organised by Juliana Inniss. Something clicked and she has not stopped making since, creating hand-built forms primarily using coils and pinching, and also slabs. She entered 3 pieces in the 2018 NIFCA visual arts exhibition, winning two silver awards and an incentive award for the piece ‘Whirlwind’. In November-December 2018 she participated in a workshop taught by Denis and Maggie Bell on the theory and practice of glazing. Her particular interests include exploiting the plasticity of clays to create curved forms, using natural mark makers to create texture, combining the contrasting textures of clay bodies and glazes, and the use of slip inlay (mishima) and brushed-on slip. She is excited about the variety of indigenous clays in Barbados, and has processed and made work with Chalky Mount White clay. She has also found and processed other local clays, including a grey and a pink, using them to make slips for mishima and brushing. She is further experimenting with these rarely used clays. She finds hand building with coils and pinching to be meditative, and recognized early that working successfully with clay demands respect for the nature of the material. Her work has been included in a previous exhibition held by Artists Alliance Barbados in 2018, and in an exhibition of ceramics and glassware held at the Queens Park Gallery in December 2018.

Meet the Artist Lynn Haynes Artist Alliance Barbados with Contemporary Studio Ceramics Form & Fire’ exhibition. “My journey with porcelain started with a need to find something creative to do using my hands. Pottery was suggested and I joined evening classes at BCC under the tutelage of Gloria Chung. Almost immediately she said I should be working with porcelain. Then porcelain found me at the former studio of well-known Barbadian potter Bill Grace. I was in love with the clay medium but realized immediately how difficult it was to work with. I spent summer 2016 in Tuscany, Italy, at La Meridiana International Pottery School where I found out porcelain is about the hardest clay medium to work with. Still I love a challenge and have twice been awarded silver at NIFCA for Barbadian themed creations. My plan is to introduce the inherent beauty of porcelain to Barbadians- elegant shapes, delicate sculpting with its light transmitting translucency. Functional ware promoting local themes is in the planning for 2020.”

Specialising in art supplies for the professional to student level. Offering a wide range of products OILS ACRYLICS WATERCOLOURS Golden Paints and mediums, Gamblin, Cotman, Liquitex, Reeves, Galeria, Sargent. Plus a wide range of drawing and colouring equipment. Prisma, Derwent, Reeves, Sargent, Charcoal and Pastels. Easels, Canvases, Watercolour paper, Drawing and Pastel paper. Screen printing and lino block printing supplies.Fabric paint and dyes. Waxes, pottery tools, stencils and more. Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm Saturday 8.30am – 3pm. Sunday Closed. Telephone/Fax (246) 436 2950 James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown

“Union Collaborative is transforming our City of Bridgetown, one window at a time. One of our galleries #PORTAL at our flagship project site UNION at Beckwith is an opportunity for exchange and conversation. A place to look out, while looking in. Urban renewal fueled by the arts, design and community. Watch this space for upcoming exhibits.� Yisra El

Artist Akilah Watts’ ‘Barbadians Nostalgia’. opening reception Friday March 15th, 5.30pm-8.30pm. At the Frame & Art Gallery, Cane Garden. Exhibition ends April 12th Curated by Kelly Hammack Gibson








Roseanne Ashby Myers on the Artist Alliance Barbados Artist Studio Tour. �On Thursday March 7th I spent the day on a first ever CAFA open studio tour of some of Barbados' top artists. What an absolute treat. They opened their homes and their hearts to speak about their work and journey. Thank you to all from right below- Heidi Berger, Alison Chapman-Andrews, Corrie Scott, Azizah Onifa, Oneka Small our guide and host, Kenneth "Black" Blackman, the wood surgeon, Margaret Herbert, Heather-Dawn Scott, and Doreen Edwards an up and coming artist. We rode on the bus from Bridgetown to Hastings and St. James in a rich artistic tour. Thank you Artists Alliance and visit for more information.�













Dwellings Barbados presents: Splash The Furniture Art Charity Event. Sat Feb 23rd, 6pm-9pm. Live furniture art painting by Alex Paints, Alanis Aaliyah Forde, Von Hall and Shane Eastmond. A live silent auction took place at 7:30pm All proceeds will be donated to the charities chosen by the artist. A night of specially selected wines by Wine World and delicious canapĂŠs prepared by chef Scott Ames. Hosted by Astra Babb . Tunes by DJ Paul DeCoteau

Official Crop Over mural. Artists Shane Eastmond and Von Hall. The mural will be travelling to every event.

GROVE/ON THE WALL ART GALLERY At Limegrove, Holetown Mon - Sat 10am – 6pm 246 234 9145 Curator Vanita Comissiong

NICHOLAS BARNETT Lovely wing mural by Nicholas Barnett. A commission. Out by Portvale factory. Go get your wings! FREELANCE GRAPHIC DESIGNER VISUAL ARTIST (painter/illustrator). PHOTOGRAPHER + EDITOR (manipulation/retouching) WOODCRAFTER (concept furniture + decor)

ARTSplash Gallery, Hastings, CH. CH. invites to an Exhibition of Paintings by Cuban Artist Victor Mora Saturday, 6 April 2019 from 5 - 9 pm. There will be Cuban Vintage Music. Exhibition closes 18 April 2019.

Artist Martin Superville exhibition 'Island Echoes' at The Gallery of Caribbean Art, Speightstown. Opening reception Sun March 17th, 5pm - 8pm. All are welcome. Exhibition ends April 2nd.





GINE ON MAGAZINE·Gine On?! is the online magazine brainchild of cultural practitioners DJ Simmons & Empress Zingha published every other Thursday on The husband and wife duo developed the digital publication with artists, entrepreneurs, and all the persons who support them in mind. Too many times do we hear; “Where else does events like this happen?” “Where can I hear live music?” “Anything else going on other than fetes?” “I didn't even know that was happening”. This online, access anytime hub is here; so YOU can find your next favourite time! We broadcast bare Bajan culture to thousands of users to any device connected to the world through the web portal Link with us for original video content highlighting various art personalities, new music, videos, blogs, podcasts, I mean a couple clicks opens a wealth of entertainment. We build an engaging experience for hundreds of our supporters on social media connecting the world to know wuh gine on with arts and culture right here at home. See you somewhere sometime soon... Sign up to our mailing list to make sure you always in de know at: Hosting or performing at a live entertainment event, or doing any activity progressing performing arts in the island? Forward us an email ( with more information so we can help push it for you. Let's help and support each other in the arts! Come and hear wuh Gine On!

Along with a constantly updated cool callendar of events, the site is basically set up in the categories Art, Crumbs & Rums, Follow Fashion, Community. Under Arts we tell the stories of powerful cultural influencers through video Features. Highlight strong up and coming talent in Artist Peeps. Digest the experiences of stalwarts in the industry in Craftsmen Of Our Men. We link you directly to Bajans producing quality content all over the web through the page New Brand. And coming soon you will be able to attend online workshops and masterclasses in Arts Training. Bajans love to eat and drink and through Crumbs & Rums we take you into the lives of our local farmers and vendors in Bridgetown Market. Share homegrown recipes and food & beverage blogs in Eat Bajan. Explore the diner things around here in Eating Out In Bim and link up with those street stalls who save our bellies in On De Side. Nuff content coming to fill these pages just now! Culture is only as strong its Community. Connect with some of the most engaging Bajans through our Features. See and hear the experience patrons and performers had at events under So How It Was. Discover new places to lime and truly treasure Barbados in Part You Carring Me. We are so fussy to announce Gine On TV. A variety of video specials with a Bajan flair. Be uniquely entertained by some of your favourite local personalities. Real Reactions, Ask Me Anything and Top Ten Talk already in production, with more right around the corner. You know Bajans know how to take care of ourselves and in Follow Fashion Features we direct you to some the local designers in the industry. Get tips and tricks in trends, hair and body care through Looking Like A Bajan and receive online masterclasses in hair and make up through Fashion Training. This page will be filled with vibrant content very soon so make sure you subscribe for the updates. Of course our official Gine On merchandise is also available. Hats and mugs; with fitted tees and tote bags coming soon! This site is building an archive documenting Barbadian culture to connect our passions and creativity. Make sure you hit that link to receive notifications when we post something good. Any questions, suggestions, queries or just want to send some love; contact us at Enjoy your space to be a Bajan online and make sure you check regularly because we will be pushing out consistent content for you to enjoy. Join our social media community over at @gineonmagazine on Instagram and Facebook. Love all de time. See you somewhere sometime soon










artists are already doing their job by making their work....the institutions need to come together and lobby each other and the state for the infrastructure required to push forward the sectors while making changes within their organizations to shift ground. Buy art. Build art collections. Build a national art gallery- dear mother of all the gods and goddesses- build a flipping gallery where we can show our work in the country where it is made! Develop endowed chairs to produce scholarship on the arts. Give grants to artists to simply be in their studios. Develop art hubs to bring people together who will make amazing things and sing songs to make your heart swell and produce theatre to make you weep or laugh or whatever feels you get. If the country “gathering” in 2020- I want to gather in a national art gallery please!” Annalee Davis




CDB's Vice-President (Operations), Monica La Bennett welcomed participants to the CIIF Creative Talk: Women in Creative IndustriesThink Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change

Moderator, Dr. Halimah DeShong, Head, Nita Barrow Unit, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, UWI Cave Hill (centre) with panellists (L-R) Honey Jam Barbados' Ebbonie Rowe; 2 Mile Hill's Mahalia Cummins; Fresh Milk Arts Platform's Annalee Davis and Visual Artist, Sheena Rose shared their experiences as women in the creative industries

CDB's Cultural and Creative Industries Innovative Fund Coordinator, Dr. Marielle Barrow Maignan provided participants with details about CIIF and its grants

Panellists Ebonnie Rowe of Honey Jam Barbados, 2 Mile Hill's Mahalia Cummins and moderator, Dr. Halimah DeShong, Head, Nita Barrow Unit, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, UWI Cave Hill at CIIF Creative Talk: Women in Creative Industries- Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change

CDB Director of Projects, Daniel Best delivered the vote of thanks at the CIIF Creative Talk: Women in Creative Industries- Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change

CIIF Creative Talk: Women in Creative Industries Creative Talk aims to create effective communication channels, build relationships of trust between funding agencies, government agencies, creative practitioners and administrators in order to establish an effective foundation for coordination. In celebration of International Women’s Day 2019, CDB partnered with UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean to stage the third event in the series, under the theme, “Women in Creative Industries: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.” Moderator, Dr. Halimah DeShong, Head, Nita Barrow Unit, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, UWI Cave Hill (centre) with panellists (L-R) Honey Jam Barbados' Ebbonie Rose; 2 Mile Hill's Mahalia Cummins; Fresh Milk Arts Platform's Annalee Davis and Visual Artist, Sheena Rose shared their experiences as women in the creative industries.

CIIF Creative Talk: Women in Creative Industries Creative Talk aims to create effective communication channels, build relationships of trust between funding agencies, government agencies, creative practitioners and administrators in order to establish an effective foundation for coordination. In celebration of International Women’s Day 2019, CDB partnered with UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean to stage the third event in the series, under the theme, “Women in Creative Industries: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.” Link to album of event

“I attended this! It was awesome! Annalee Davis was spot on as were the other panellists! There was so much frustration at the state of the arts in this town, the expectations that creatives will work for free, that being a creative is a side hustle and not a legitimate career path, the barren-ness of our spaces, and the never ending promises of a national gallery that is a pipe dream. By the same token there was so much love, camaraderie and support for each other's work and on going struggle and praise that despite all of the obstacles some of us are doing amazing work! Take a bow CDB. Let's keep this network going and growing.” Jewel Forde

‘Insurgents: Redefining Rebellion in Barbados‘ Friday, March 8th - May 31st. This exhibition, a partnership between the Barbados Museum & Historical Society, the Barbados Youth Development Council and Life in Leggings, examines the history of protests in Barbados from the 1816 rebellion featuring General Bussa to the protests for LGBTQ+ rights in 2018.

“Check out Adopt A Stop's Stop RH Littering Bus Shelter at the New Insurgents Exhibition at The Barbados Museum and Historical Society. The Exhibition contests the notion that Barbadians have been a passive people unwilling to challenge systems of oppression over time. The Exhibition is open from March 8-May 31, 2019. Check it out! Environmental activism especially around Cahill and the South Coast Sewerage Project is one of the focal points of the exhibit.� Tara Inniss-Gibbs

9th Annual Caribbean Fine Art Fair & Symposium. March 6th - 10th. For more information please go to CAFA Facebook page. Link here Paintings, sculpture, photography, fine art jewelry, drawings, original & limited edition prints, as well as new media exploring the cultural traditions of the Caribbean.

9th Annual Caribbean Fine Art Fair & Symposium. March 6th - 10th. For more information please go to CAFA Facebook page. Link here Paintings, sculpture, photography, fine art jewelry, drawings, original & limited edition prints, as well as new media exploring the cultural traditions of the Caribbean. Mission The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the interest for Caribbean art, as evidenced by major Museum shows, art fairs, publications, and the growing number of the world’s most savvy collectors adding Caribbean art to their collections. CaFA Fair - Barbados will present another significant opportunity for Caribbean art to be highlighted and for collectors and curators to find highly collectible works. It is intended to become a focal point for Caribbean visual arts, created by artists both resident in the region and in the Diaspora. Call +64 6-267 8831 Our team which will manage and market CaFA Fair – Barbados under the banner of Diaspora Now comprise the following highly experienced individuals: Jaub Brooks - Production/Social Media Loris Crawford – Director, Art Off The Main Art Fair Dr. Gloria Gordon – Author, Curator Charlene Smith - Media/PR Anderson M. Pilgrim – Curator, Artists’ Representative Steve Reid – Consultant

Books: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n - Nyam Jamaica Culinaria: The Caribbean e-books: Shake Dat Cocktail, Cocktails & Hors d'Oeuvres, Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n (4 vol), Nyam Jamaica (2 vol) (see website) Gourmand World Cookbook Awards: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n: Best Cookbook of the Year, Best Self-Published Book, Best Historical Recipes, Best Cookbook Design for Barbados (2014) 'Best Self-Published Book In The World' (2015) Nyam Jamaica: 'Best Design In The World' (20082009) - honoured 2015 at Frankfurt Book Fair for the 20 years of Gourmand World Cookbook Award - Best of the Best Design In The World (2015) Caribbean Tourism Award (2009)

Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n This amazing book by Rosemary Parkinson is on island. Two hard cover coffee table books, with a sleeve that encloses both, 656 pages and 1400 plus photos filled with history, tradition, culture, stories and recipes from Barbados.


Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n, a collector's item, has won 4 awards for Barbados – Best Photography, Best Design, Best Historical Recipes, Best Self-published Book – then against 5 of the best books in the world WON Best Self-Published Book In The World and honoured at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 with Best of the Best In The World by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015.

Do you consider what you use and discard of regularly? What are you doing on a daily basis to minimize your consumption of single-use plastics?

EARTHWORKS POTTERY (246) 425 0223 os https :// sPotteryBarbados /

ON THE WALL ART GALLERY On The Wall Gallery at Champers Restaurant, located on Accra Beach Monday - Friday Noon-4pm and 7pm-11pm . Please call for weekend hours. 246 234 9145 On The Wall Gallery At Earthworks. Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 1pm

Closed Sunday

On The Wall/Grove Gallery Mon - Sat 10am - 2pm and 4pm - 6pm email Vanita Comissiong

tel 246 234 9145


BLACK ART STUDIOS Durants Village, Holder's Hill St. James

THE BARN ART CENTRE The Barn Art Centre. A new art space. "We are offering approximately 650 sq. ft. of space for short term rentals for art and craft related workshops, classes, events, summer camps, yoga, etc., in an old plantation yard at Small Ridge in Christ Church. Juliana Inniss - 231-0335 Jo Anne Johnson - 253-8702 Email -

Created in 2016, The Barn Arts Centre is dedicated to the promotion and development of art-based learning. Our mission is to provide a unique learning environment for diverse audiences to experience a range of art based programs. The Centre provides a space for the community and local resource persons to offer and conduct classes and workshops in painting, drawing, pottery, and textiles. We are dedicated to providing an environment that is meaningful to the arts in Barbados. Located on the breezy Small Ridge Plantation in Christ Church, (just ten minutes away from Sheraton Centre. The Barn Arts Centre offers an escape from the quickening pace of life. Here you can be immersed in an environment that fosters your creativity. Our 570 square foot studio is equipped to provide more than adequate space to conduct a variety of classes and workshops. The studio is well lit and ventilated and can comfortably accommodate up to 15 persons. We offer a variety of opportunities for learners, including exhibitions, artist lectures, and single workshops, as well as adult and youth classes. Our artistic programming continues to be essential to our goal of inspiring creativity, fostering self-discovery, and nurturing an appreciation of the arts. The Founders of The Barn Arts Centre are Jo- Anne Johnson and Juliana Inniss. Jo Anne started doing ceramics as a hobby in 1982 and has operated a ceramics studio since 1987, providing services and supplies to people who wished to do slip casted ceramics as a hobby. She has taught many different finishing techniques to her students and learnt many more through experimenting, and trial and error. Juliana has been working with pottery and ceramics since 1992. She began by hand-painting local pottery with bold and colourful designs. After graduating University she made the decision to pursue her passion for art through the medium of ceramics. Juliana has worked with a number of techniques such as casted ceramics, handbuilding, surface decoration and raku firing. Juliana was first introduced to Raku in 2006 during a two week residency in St. Thomas USVI, with this exposure Juliana began mixing her own glazes, constructed her own kiln and has been Raku firing since then. /

RICHARD DAISLEY In the year 2004 I was introduced to the art of lamp working a form of glass blowing. Fascinated by the uses of a torch to bring glass to a molten state where it can then be blown and shaped with tools and hand movements, I knew then this was my passion and I fell in love with this ancient art form instantaneously. In the first year of dedicating my life to this newly found love, I realised this relationship was not going to be easy, and so I found myself at the verge of a break up. However I needed this to work and I made up in my mind to wade thru these rough waters and overcome all obstacles in which I would encounter as time passed by. I learned to appreciate this medium called Glass. I became one with it, expressing my feelings in each piece I crafted. Expressions of the heart, mind, body and soul. Feelings of happiness, sorrow, pain, pleasure, hatred and love filled each work of art as they told their own stories and I told mine. With every heated kiss from the flame upon my skin, the fire reminded me not to take it for granted. For respect was due and I often felt its wrath, when I didn't take heed. Leaving behind scars as a constant reminder. Guess its true what the old folks used too say. Play with fire, you will get burnt. As the years went by one after the other I matured not only as an artist but as an individual. For while I was molding the glass it to was molding me. Though still young in my career as an artist I aspire someday for my name to be written and remembered in histories pages, amongst the greatest artists the world has ever seen. I often look back at where I started and where I am now. I have come a might long way and I must give thanks. Thanks first and foremost to the Almighty Father, for without him who and where would I be? The Father gave me life, health, a creative mind and the ability to make my dreams come true. I was also given a strong support system. My family, friends, love ones, patrons and yes even the critics. You all played an important role in this journey of my life and for that I say thank you, from the depth of my heart. Richard Daisley Rebel Arts Glass Studios


GALLERY OF CARIBBEAN ART The Gallery Of Caribbean Art Galleries presents the works of a variety of artists Northern Business Centre, Queen Street, Speightstown, St. Peter

Tel: (246) 419-0858

Tides Gallery Tides Restaurant Balmore House, Holetown, St. James Tel : (246) 432-2084 Email:

Cell (246)230-1968

Deebles Point Art Gallery & Cafe. Featuring artists Frank Cossey, Trudi Johnson, Hilary Armstrong, Clermont Mapp, Nancy Cole-O'Geest, Keisha Hinds, Joshua Simpson, Claire EvansonCeppi, Keren Evanson. Industry Hall. East Point, St Philip. Tel 423 7943

Fresh Milk would like to thank everyone who worked with us, supported us, or took an interest in our programming & the fabulous work being done in the Caribbean arts last year. We look forward to an exciting year ahead, and invite you to reflect on 2017 with us through our annual year in review newsletter!

Fresh Milk supports excellence in the visual arts through residencies and programmes that provide Caribbean artists with opportunities for development and foster a thriving art community. Founded in 2011, the organization offers professional support to artists from the Caribbean and further afield. Fresh Milk seeks to stimulate critical thinking and cultivate excellence in contemporary visual art. Its goal is to nurture artists, raise regional awareness about contemporary arts and provide Caribbean artists with opportunities for growth, excellence and success. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Tumblr:


Queen's Park Gallery

Our Mission To fuel the development of culture through training, research and the creation of opportunities in cultural industries. The Role of the NCF The NCF’s two major roles are: developmental and commercial. In its developmental role, the Foundation uses culture as a tool for national development fostering and supporting the various art forms and new cultural products. In its commercial role, the Foundation is responsible for the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals and associated events that are considered economically viable or socially acceptable. A key part of this function now includes the responsibility for the staging and execution of major governmental and national events. In addition, as culture becomes more pivotal to national and international policy, the National Cultural Foundation continues to re-assess its responsibilities in light of all its functions. FUNCTIONS of the NCF are: To stimulate and facilitate the development of culture generally To develop, maintain and manage theatres and other cultural facilities and equipment provided by Government To organize cultural festivals Assist persons interested in developing cultural expression. OBJECTIVES of the NCF are: To provide opportunities for Barbadian artists/artistes to showcase their talents with the end result being an increased demand for local work To educate Barbadians concerning their heritage To offer Barbadians and visitors alike a high quality product that informs, educates and entertains To equip our cultural workforce with technological skills and training to excel in their particular art forms To strengthen the local cultural product and in the process increase profits to the shareholders To create high quality products that will be competitive on the local, regional and international markets To maximize the role of the cultural sector in the tourism industry Rodney Ifill, Cultural Officer Visual Arts 424-0909 ext.234 Annette Nias Cultural Officer - Film and Photography 424-0909 Ext 238

The Barbados Photographic Society held its AGM Sunday 20th January, 2018 at UWI, Cave Hill, Barbados. We would like to welcome the new Executive and officers (please see listing below). The new Executive looks forward to serving you, with the help of all our members. Do write to us and put your ideas for events, workshops, exhibitions and more. Please know that the BPS Executive gives of their time, expertise (in different fields and knowledge) for free so we ask that members be willing to step up to collaborate and work on their ideas. Write to us at Within a few weeks we will have a draft for members of Field trips, events, monthly themes on our Facebook page for you to join into, exhibition ideas and much more. Members plus those who may like to join the BPS who could not make it to the meeting may contact our Treasurer, Sherlock Lord (231-5053) and make arrangements to pay. $65 for new members, $45 for annual renewal. Being a member gives you Open Wall with talks and workshops, Field Trips, exhibitions at galleries plus online exhibitions, competitions (with prizes), travel to countries with the BPS, percentages off at supporting businesses and more. BPS Facebook page / BPS Website BPS email

ABOVE BARBADOS Have a look at the higher resolution image (and zoom around) at Would you believe this is a reduced/resized image - the original is double the width/height! Above Barbados offer high-definition aerial photography and video, packages available from $500BDS. Contact Above Barbados today on 231-9583 to discuss your requirements and let us get those stunning shots from a new perspective! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on Google+

TANDEM "where function, form and meaning coexist ". This cooperative project and design store showcasing contemporary design by Barbados resident designers and artists continues at The Colonnade Mall, 1st Floor, East Wing, Broad Street, Bridgetown, Barbados. Monday ( by appointment). Tuesday - Saturday 10AM - 4PM.

BARBADOS ARTS COUNCIL BAC Gallery, #2 Pelican Craft Centre, Bridgetown (246) 426 4385

Barbados Arts Council Gallery Schedule 2019 (Subject to change. Please call the Gallery to confirm) Jan 27 - March 09 All Bajan Group show March 10 - April 06 Members Group Show April 07 - May 04 Members group show May 05 - May 18 Rental May 19 - June 22 Our Heritage [group show] June 23 - August 10 Crop Over Group Show Aug 11 - Aug 24 Rental Aug 25 - Oct 05 Little Gems Group Show Oct 06 - Oct 19 Rental Oct 20 - Dec. 07 Simply Barbados Group Show Dec. 08 - Jan 18, 2020 The Christmas Show Barbados Arts Council Gallery, # 2 Pelican Craft Village, Bridgetown, Barbados.

THE FRAME & ART COMPANY & GALLERY Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432

NIKOLAS SEALY ns/446661088688420?ref=hl

ICIL PHILLIPS’ Theatre Eyes Very up to date on both local theatre and overseas happenings. Link here

Museum of parliament The Museum is open on: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Guided tours are conducted subject to availability. Barbadian students with ID have free admission to the Museum. nt/59

Purple Palm is a local business supplying homes and businesses with the highest quality Print and Mirror furnishings. Using the artwork of many local artists in Barbados and the Caribbean plus work from around the world. We have been supplying to the hotel and villa industry for ten years, including prestigious clients such as Sandy Lane, Coral Reef, The Crane Beach Resort, Sugar Cane Club and Sandridge among others. We have also supplied numerous private villas, and work closely with local interior designers. Being directly affiliated with a 40,000 sq ft framing factory our prices are very competitive. Appointments to view our gallery at Rockley Resort can be made through Paul Hoad or Karen McGuire. 246-2332173

THE ARTSPLASH CENTRE Paint * Draw * Create & Have Fun!


A monthly programme is produced of all lectures, music and theatre events . To receive it by email or post please email or tel 436 9083 or 84



Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, UWI For further information, contact De Carla Applewhaite at 417-4776

To boldly and brilliantly pursue the adventure in everything artistic and to be a vital and uncommon cultural force in Barbados.

FRAMING YOUR ART FINE ART FRAMING LTD, Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325 FAST FRAME FACTORY, Dayrell’s Road, St Michael (246) 426 9994 shaka@fastframefactory.biZ FRAMING STUDIO At the Best of Barbados Head Office, Welches Plantation, H’way 2A

573 6904

THE FRAME & ART COMPANY Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432 ART SUPPLIES THE ART HUB James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael. Tel: 436-2950Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 5.00pm (Easy access to parking by the old Heliport Pad) LAURIE DASH, Bay Street, Bridgetown.

The quintessential guide to contemporary Caribbean chic. Caribbean travel, homes, cuisine, and people.


Published by Corrie Scott Barbados, West Indies

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