August 2022 Component Manufacturing Advertiser

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By Karissa Louie

Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the


August 2022 #14277 Page #116

Discussing Simpson Strong-Tie Work Culture on the TED WorkLife Podcast


dam Grant, an organizational psychologist and bestselling author, recently featured Simpson Strong-Tie Vice President of Engineering Annie Kao on his TED original podcast WorkLife. Adam and Annie were joined by Berkeley Haas Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Jenny Chatman (full disclosure, she’s a member of Simpson Manufacturing’s Board of Directors) to discuss “The 4 Deadly Sins of Work Culture.” In the full episode, Adam speaks with Chatman about how to recognize the four deadly sins of work culture before you join an organization and shares strategies on how to shape a thriving workplace from the inside. He also shares stories from employees and their experiences with toxic cultures. You can catch this podcast episode or read the transcript of the podcast. Annie, who recently celebrated her 15th work anniversary with Simpson Strong-Tie, talks about the importance of aligning company culture and values while making sure every employee has a voice. Below are some snippets from her contribution to the podcast.

Creating a positive company culture starts at the top “Our founder, Barclay Simpson had his nine principles of doing business — it’s something that we refer to all the time. And one of [his principles], is Everybody Matters.” Annie goes on to explain, “. . . everyone wants to be a part of this winning team . . . The work that you do matters, and people who enjoy their work . . . bring that passion with them to their work.”

Continued next page

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