Spoonful May/June 2024

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MAY | JUN NEWSLETTER 2024 Summer Sweets 4 Simple Strawberry Desserts Plus: Join our Board of Directors Adaptogens for Stress Relief What's New in our Café

Hello Spoonful readers! Hard to believe it has been almost four years since our expansion to two stores, one Co-op!

I want to start by showing big appreciation to our employees, Owners, customers, and suppliers for helping us go through these past four years, it has not been easy, but with your support, we made it happen. We were able to adapt, grow and find better ways to support our community and customers and make us a stronger retail organization.

May & June is also the start of the full Local season, and where several holidays and important events happen that influence the Co-op, including Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Memorial Day. Remember, the more you shop at and support the Common Market Coop, the more we are able to support our staff and the community.

Also, we are planning several summer events including Community Yoga & Wellness Celebration on June 29th and our 50th Anniversary/Loco for Local on August 24th where we will have local vendor participation with live active demos, live music, and great specials. We hope you let us be part of your celebration with all your needs for those holidays and participate in the events we have at the stores.

When it comes to local, nobody does it better than the Common Market with over 200 local vendors with over 700 individual items available for our customers.

We are excited to have signed an extension of the lease at our Rt. 85 store and are also starting to plan for some face lift improvements at the store. More to come on this in the near future.

These past four years, we have been able to establish

the operation of the two stores with knowledgeable, committed, and passionate staff in every department. Our Café items are all produced in-house and with organic or natural ingredients, with the best sandwiches, entrees, dips, pies, and smoothies. Our Grocery department has the best and biggest Bulk and Frozen selection, and our variety of nonalcoholic products is unmatched to any other. Our natural pet section has expanded with amazing new brands that your four-legged friends will love. Our Produce department brings variety, quality, and freshness standards that place us well above our competition, sourcing from farmers who use responsible farming methods and business practices. Our Meat department has one of the biggest local and grass feed meat offerings in the area. Our fresh Seafood offerings all meet the Monterey Bay Institute sustainability standards. We carry perhaps one of the best varieties of pork from locals Leidy’s and Autumn Olive farms, amazing house made sausages, the best quality chickens in town from Bell and Evans. Our Wellness department has the best selection of natural products, a very knowledgeable and attentive Front End team. Our Administration team brings a lot of talent and commitment to help support all the initiatives in the departments through the store.

Common Market has also applied for the WIC program which we hope will be approved in the near future to better serve our community.

Things are looking good, we are going in the right direction , and our goal is to keep supporting our community through years to come.

Again, I want to express the gratitude to our Owners and Customers for giving us support and making us your favorite local grocery store.

Thank you for your continued support,

Editor & Ad Sales - Susan Schulman | Design & Layout - Kayleigh Montgomery-Morris, Jenni Jones Classes & Education - Amanda Harmon | Contributors - welcometothetable.coop Contact marketing@commonmarket.coop with

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Board, management, staff, or consumer-Owners of the Common Market. Nutrition and health information are given for informational purposes only and are not meant as a substitute for a consultation with a licensed health or dietary practitioner
contributions. Contact sschulman@commonmarket.coop

Julie Richards


Alecks Moss

Vice President

Juan Ducos


Megan Schneebaum


Joe Eastwood

Kai Hagen

Armando Martinez

Merrick McKelvie

Toby Schermerhorn


Zoë Brittain

Staff Liaison

MAY 23 6-9PM JUN 27 6-9PM

The Common Market Board of Directors meets monthly via Zoom. All are welcome to attend.

To join a meeting, please click on the ZOOM link provided on the Board of Directors page of the Common Market website.


Spring is here! As the world around us turns green with growth, there is not a better time to talk about something that lies at the core of our beloved food co-op: growing our community. It's the secret ingredient that makes us stronger, more resilient, and deeply connected to our mission. Specifically, I want to emphasize the crucial roles of growing ownership and active participation in our board of directors election through voting.

Firstly, growing ownership is about more than just numbers on paper. It's about nurturing a sense of belonging, responsibility, and shared purpose among our community members. When you become an owner, you're not just a customer; you're a co-creator of our co-op's future. Your voice matters, your ideas shape our decisions, and your support fuels our growth.

One of the most impactful ways to exercise ownership is by engaging in the board of directors election. These dedicated individuals steer our co-op, making decisions that impact us all. By participating in

the election process, whether by running for a position or casting your vote, you actively shape the direction of our co-op. Your involvement ensures that our co-op remains accountable, transparent, and aligned with our collective values. Voting, in particular, is a powerful tool for expressing your voice and influencing change. Every vote cast is a testament to our community's strength and unity. It's not just a civic duty; it's a meaningful act of commitment to our co-op's success and sustainability.

As we look ahead, let's recommit to reaching out to every corner of our community, inviting others to join us on this incredible journey. Let's encourage each other to become owners, to engage in the board election, and to exercise our rights and responsibilities as members of this vibrant co-op family.

Together, we can continue to grow, thrive, and make a positive impact on our community and beyond. Thank you for being a part of this inspiring journey!


The Common Market Board of Directors

Call for Candidates Applications Due July 21st

Are you a Common Market Co-op Owner who is passionate about our Mission?

Your Co-op is seeking passionate, serviceoriented leaders to run as candidates for the Common Market's Board of Directors. We welcome candidates from diverse perspectives and life experiences and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. Candidates should share our commitment to the cooperative economy, social equity, community, and the environment.

Who is on the Board of Directors, and can other Owners run?

The Board consists of nine democratically elected members with staggered threeyear terms. The Board helps direct the future success and growth of the Co-op. Any current Owner in good standing who loves the Co-op business model and can work cooperatively and collaboratively is invited to run for a Board seat.

What does a Board Member's job look like?

Board Members attend each monthly Board Meeting – usually 3 hours on the 4th Thursday of the month. In addition, there may be other ad hoc meetings during the month, as well as the opportunity to volunteer at store events such as Ownerfest, participate in committees such as the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and join round tables like Lunch with Leadership. Some Board Members even travel to meetings or attend trainings with the CCMA – Consumer Cooperative Management Association.

What will we be voting on in the 2024 election?

This year, Owners will be voting to fill 3 Board seats.

When and how will the election take place?

The election will take place in September 2024 and voting will be online. Candidate information packets will be available soon, with candidate information sessions to follow throughout the summer.

I’m not ready to join the Board, what are other ways to support the Co-op?

• Participate! Vote in the election, attend a Board meeting, keep the cooperative business model strong!

• Shop regularly! That one extra shop or additional item in your cart makes a big difference in our ability to bring unique products and healthy food to our community!

• Attend an event or class! Join like-minded individuals who love to be educated about sustainability, health & wellness, and diversity, equity, & inclusion.

• Introduce your friends! We are stronger together!

Read more info and apply online at commonmarket.coop/ about/board-of-directors

why did you join the board?

A few of our Board members want to share why they joined our Board of Directors, and what values and principles helped them decide to commit their time to serving.

Julie Richards, Board President

Personal values that drive my commitment to serving on the board have three sources. Firstly, according to one of my favorite personalities, Muhammad Ali (boxer, humanitarian, and social activist), “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” Secondly, as an undergraduate intern at the Paul Robeson Cultural Center at Penn State University, I learned about Ubuntu while researching the devastating effects of the AIDs epidemic in Uganda. Ubuntu has its origins in the Zulu and Xhosa languages, and in Western Uganda a derivative of the word, obuntu, has a similar meaning – that of extending compassion to others and being aware of the thread that connects all humanity. Thirdly, I especially value the Nguzo Saba (seven principles) associated with the cultural practice of Kwanzaa. They include ideas – such as Kujichagulia (self-determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), and Ujamaa (co-operative economics) – that align with cooperative principles!

Alecks Moss, Board Vice President

I often hear a variation of the saying: once you're part of the Co-op, you're family for life! I couldn't agree more. Initially, I submitted my application to join the Board because my heart is inextricably tied to the place where I'd spent nearly a decade working. I basically grew up here from the ripe age of 19! I was elected during the onset of COVID. In addition to being a Board newbie, we faced a ton of hurdles we had never experienced and couldn't have possibly planned for. Monitoring our strategies and having a stake in the plan was incredibly rewarding. Observing the improvements firsthand really made the time spent worthwhile. Board work taught me about the power of consistent, incremental efforts. Every meeting contains a productive and thoughtful meeting of the minds. Witnessing the dedication of fellow Board members and staff who share this

same passion for the Co-op fills me with hope. Common Market is practically my second home. I can always count on delicious food and familiar faces to brighten my day and keep me motivated!

Juan Ducos, Board Treasurer

My journey into board work stemmed from a deep desire to infuse our co-op with my diverse life experiences. I realized that my unique perspective could enrich our organization, bringing fresh ideas and fostering inclusivity. By actively engaging in board activities, I aim to contribute meaningfully, ensuring that our co-op reflects the richness and diversity of our community. It's not just about serving; it's about creating a space where everyone's voice is heard and valued. This drive fuels my commitment to making a positive difference and shaping a brighter future for our co-op.

Joe Eastwood, Board Director

My commitment to board work is driven by solidarity and a passion for mutual aid. I know that our communities need access to healthy food. We need farms to be enfranchised in local food distribution, and we need good jobs for our residents. Co-ops provide a form of defense that can be used to keep food deserts at bay, without prioritizing infinite growth strategies to reward shareholders.

The Association of American Medical Colleges and USDA show that 54 million people are food insecure and 23.5 million live in food deserts. That means 1 in 6 Americans is struggling with food insecurity. Meanwhile, Amazon, Dollar General, Walmart, McDonald’s, and notably, Kroger, are among the employers with the highest number of workers enrolled in SNAP benefits.

Co-op’s are the first and last line of community defense for nutrition and better employment. As we continue to watch private corporations deplete our options to feed our families, and observe our fellow community members find less success with employment at private corporations, we must consider how to respond effectively.

Candidate Packet Available: May 31

Board Election Info Session: June & July (Dates TBD)

Applications due: July 19

Election: August 26 - September 23

Ownerfest/Annual Meeting: October 19

Important Dates:
5 Mar Apr 2024

In Our Community

Earth Month Clothing Swap

The Common Market clothing swaps are going strong, with the third one in the books! On April 13 our earth-friendly shoppers brought gently worn items into both store locations for the opportunity to clean out their closets and freshen up their wardrobes while supporting eco-friendly practices by keeping usable items out of landfills. Leftover items were donated to the Frederick Rescue Mission.

Visible Mending Workshop

Ten people decided not to throw away their favorite fashions with holes, and instead learn from Becky Jane Sews how to beautifully and creatively mend those right up. Participants learned a variety of stitches and when to use them. With the great fabric scraps and threads that Becky brought, everyone had fun learning to sew and mend – another great way to keep textiles out of the landfill!


Common Market was excited to celebrate spring’s arrival with the second annual Plant-a-Palooza on April 27 at the Rt. 85 store. During this Earth-Month event, shoppers enjoyed chatting with local farmers and growers about seedlings and saplings, meeting eco-friendly community partners, eating free treats from South Mountain Creamery and Good Pop, and listing to live music. The first 200 event participants received a native tree from Bartlet Tree Experts.

Flower CSA

Fresh local flowers all summer long, yes please! Tara from Flourish Flowers in Myersville, MD is

delivering CSA subscriptions on the second and fourth Thursdays at the Rt. 85 store! Check out their website at flourishflowersmd.wixsite.com/flourish

Bring-a-Bag for Change

Thanks to everyone who brings reusable bags to the checkout, our Bring-A-Bag for change program was able to donate $856 to four worthy charities this quarter including Frederick City Food Council, Frederick Humane Society, The Umbrella Project, and The Interfaith Housing Alliance. This is another great reason to become a Common Market Owner, as Owners vote on which non-profits we’ll support each quarter, and each customer who brings a reusable bag automatically has 5 cents per bag donated to the program.

Watershed Cleanup

The Common Market, along with The Community Foundation of Frederick, the Mid-Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts, Attaboy Brewery and The Trail House, sponsored an annual clean up on April 14. Along the way, 76 volunteers from all generations walked 25 miles of roadway and trail, and picked up 4,760 lbs. of trash! Some of the more noteworthy finds were: a handgun,* 10-15 large trash bags filled with coconut hulls (huh?), and a wallet that we believed would have been lost decades ago that belongs to a now high-level U.S. government official.* The cleanups are done in close cooperation and coordination with the City of Frederick, Frederick County Highway Operations, and Gambrill State Park. All of this support is instrumental in making the cleanups—begun in 2004—possible! *The handgun was immediately turned over to the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, and the wallet is on its way to the owner.

Nurturing Little Green Thumbs

When my two sisters and I were youngsters, my dad had a great idea. One warm May day, as the three of us stood in the grass of our big backyard watching and wondering what he was up to, he cut 15 six-foot lengths of molding left over from our recent basement remodel, stuck them into the warming dirt of our garden in three circles, and lashed the tops of each together with twine to make three “teepee” forms. Next, he tore open a packet of pole bean seeds and gave us each a small handful. He showed us how to plant them around each wooden stake, and then he watered the soil with the green garden hose, while we ran through the spray.

Every day, we went out to the backyard with my dad to check on our seeds. When the sprouts emerged, we cheered. He showed us how to pluck out the weeds and keep the soil moist. As the beans began to grow, in the impressively speedy way they tend to in the rich Iowa soil, something amazing happened. Without any prompting or guidance from us, vines sprouting leaves and bean pods began to wind around the wooden stakes until they reached the top. The leaves and tendrils grew thicker and denser, until one day, each of us could crawl inside our little green houses and be completely alone. I remember sitting in the cool dirt, quietly marveling at the way the vines filtered and freckled the bright July sun. It is one of my fondest childhood memories. Sometimes I would pluck a tender raw bean and eat it. It tasted like spring to me — fresh and grassy. Or, I would

collect them in a bowl and bring them into the kitchen, so my mother could make them for dinner. I didn’t even mind eating them too much — with a little butter. They tasted nothing like those mushy beans from the can we had to eat in the winter, and those fresh beans prompted me to try the garden carrots, lettuces and tomatoes, too.

There’s something about growing things that appeals to kids, and several casual studies suggest that when kids grow their own vegetables, they are more likely to eat vegetables. It was certainly true in my case. Decades later, my own son, who at 14 remains suspicious of most green things, finally became more open minded when his summer camp grew a vegetable garden.

If gardening is the way to get kids to eat more vegetables (not to mention spend more time with you), then why aren’t we all doing it? Even if you only have a small backyard plot, or room for a few containers on your deck or porch, you can get growing together.

Gardening with your kids gives them many gifts. They learn where food really comes from. They learn how to work together with others toward a common goal. They learn practical skills. They learn how fresh food tastes. They learn the feel and smell of wet dirt and mulch. And they learn that they have the power to take something as small and full of potential as a seed, and nurture it until it becomes everything it was meant to be. Just like you are doing with them.


from grocery.coop.
by permission

Fun gardening projects with kids

Tube garden

Start your seeds and recycle at the same time. Toilet paper tubes are easy for small hands to manipulate. Plant tomato, pepper, pea or bean seeds in tubes filled with potting soil, in early spring. Prop them upright in a tray or flower pot. When the seeds sprout, pop the whole tube into the garden after the soil is warm.

Salad in a box

Any window box, bucket, basket or other container with drainage at the bottom will do. Fill it with potting soil and plant a variety of lettuces and spinach scattered over the top. Press into place and water lightly. Keep the soil moist. When the greens sprout, trim off a few leaves each day to include in a salad. For kids who don’t like bitter tastes, butter lettuces are a good choice.

Mushroom garden

If your child has a daring palate, try growing mushrooms. Many companies sell mushroom growing kits that make it easy to spawn this fascinating fungus in a box at home.

Herb circles

A round container or a small circle dug out of your sod can become an herb circle. Plant basil, lavender, tarragon, thyme and edible nasturtium flowers in concentric circles. Your child can sample the different smells and tastes, and help you decide which herbs to add to which foods.

Flowers and fruit garden

For some kids, fruit is an easier sell than vegetables. Try planting watermelons, cantaloupe or honeydew melons, interspersed with native wildflowers, for a pretty and gastronomically satisfying garden experience.

Bean teepee

If you have the space, give your child a magical-seeming, ephemeral playhouse. You don’t have to use leftover molding like my dad did; any thin wooden pole or bamboo rod will work. For each teepee, put five or six poles, about 5 to 6 feet long, in the ground in a circle, approximately 3 feet in diameter. Prop or tie the tops together. Plant pole bean seeds around each stake. Water and mulch, then watch as each teepee leafs out, creating a private space just for small people.

Salsa garden, pizza garden or spaghetti garden

Devote your garden plot to a food theme kids can relate to. For a salsa garden, plant tomatoes, tomatillos, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, onions and cilantro. For a pizza garden, plant Roma tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil, spinach or whatever else you like on your pizza. For a spaghetti garden, try tomatoes, onions, garlic, oregano and thyme.

Pumpkin garden

Two or three pumpkin plants will sprawl and spawn just what you need for Halloween crafts as well as pumpkin pie, pumpkin butter, pumpkin bread, and pumpkin puree you can add to applesauce, smoothies, or even chili. Marigolds nestled between the vine make a prettier plot.

Find more ideas for gardening projects with kids and recipes for your harvest at grocery.coop.

Mar Apr 2024 9

Co-op 101: Knowledge is Power

During our 50th anniversary year, the Spoonful will be a spot where we look at everything cooperative – our business model, the Co-op principles, stories about the Common Market’s history, and more.

During the months of May and June we’ll focus on co-operative principles 5 and 8.

Principle #5: Education, Training, & Information

Cooperatives provide education and training to owners, elected representatives, staff, and the general public.

The Common Market offers a robust range of educational classes and events each month, often free or with a 50% discount to Co-op Owners (don’t forget, anyone can own a share of our business!). Topics range from health & wellness, to cooking, farm tours, vendor events, the arts, and sustainability. Monthly department manager meetings include a training session, and all staff have access to Co-op U through the National Co-op Grocers Association.

Principle #8: Concern for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Cooperatives believe we are stronger when a proactive effort is put forth to engage everyone in governance, management, and representation.

The Common Market strives to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, we offer a space where everyone feels seen and heard, and support those who have historically been underrepresented or discriminated against based on identity or ability. This is true in our hiring practices, education & training, Board representation, and vendor selection – look for our new Inclusive Trade tags while shopping. We truly believe that we are stronger together and that everyone should be given a seat at the table.

To learn more about personal benefits, community benefits and giving the gift of Ownership, visit the Own It section of our website: www.commonmarket.coop/about/own-it


Co-op Logos Through the Years

The Common Market has weathered lots of changes over the past 50 years, and that includes our signs and branding! We hope that no matter what our logo looks like, you always think of us as your go-to healthy food store.

A beautiful sign, hand painted by Charlie Russel, one of the original group of Co-op volunteers. Seen here on our first store in Downtown Frederick!

Our eye-catching sign outside the original Route 85 location, still incorporating elements from the original design. Seen here in an issue of Common Ground, the predecessor to the Spoonful Newsletter!

A modernized version of the onion logo, featuring the clever addition of a 'staple' to evoke a farmer's market crate of veggies.

The now-vintage onion logo that adorned our new Route 85 location when it opened in 2006. This logo included the 'eat, shop, learn' slogan that we still use in some of our marketing today.

Our current logo, which includes the word 'Co-op' for the first time. While some members of our community are unfamiliar with Co-ops, we think of our current branding as a conversation starter and a great opportunity to spread the word about the greatness of the cooperative business model!

Mar Apr 2024 11

What's New at the Market? A Few Fresh Finds at the Co-op!

1. Baltispore Mushroom Tinctures

Dive into a growing assortment of daily wellness mushroom tinctures, meticulously curated by a team of expert mycologists in Baltimore, Maryland. Their unique double extraction process incorporates organic grain alcohol to ensure you receive a high-quality and powerful extract that truly makes a difference in your well-being.

2. Hany's Harvest Fire Cider

Influenced by his own wellness journey, his passion for plants, and his unquenchable quest for adventure, Hany's mission is to inspire others to thrive in mind, body and community spirit by sharing the benefits of whole, raw, consciously sourced superfoods infused in his line of small batch wellness tonics.

3. Wizzie's Fresh Brewed Tea

Fresh brewed teas infused with pure fruit juices and botanicals, creating iced teas that are bold, thirst quenching and full of flavor.

4. Fat And The Moon Body Care

Herbalist formulated, hand crafted, head-to-toe body care. Continuing a legacy of herbalism, Fat and the Moon founder Rachel Budde has built her company around providing handcrafted, herbal body care products to those seeking natural, effective, and non-toxic alternatives.

5. Kitty Town Coffee

Specialty grade coffee beans that are ethically sourced, and roasted fresh. Every bag sold supports animal shelters.

1 3 Only Available @ 7th Street Only Available @ Route 85 12

6. Boba Bam Instant Boba Drink Packs

Boba is a springy, chewy tapioca ball derived from the cassava root. With a bouncy, chewy texture these little black tapioca balls take your mouth on a joyride. Will you answer the call of the boba ball?

7. Iberico Pork

Iberico Pork comes from the distinctive Black Iberian Pig. Native to areas of Portugal and central and southern Spain, the pigs’ diet of acorns and elements of the natural forests in these areas impacts the meat directly, giving it a nutty, evocative flavor.

8. Heyday Canning Co. Beans

Try out a variety of beans simmered in aromatic, vibrantly flavored sauces. Vegan, Gluten and BPA free!

9. Annie's Super Mac Shells & Cheese

Grab creamy, yummy mac and cheese that is mightier by the mouthful! Annie's Super! Mac brings you the tastes you love in a protein mac and cheese option. Each serving of mac n cheese has 15 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber.

10. Sweet Almond French Macarons

These macarons are the perfect treat for any occasion. Whether you’re having a party, gifting someone special or just want to satisfy your sweet tooth. Born in Washington DC, now in stores!

We're always on the lookout for new items! If you have suggestion for us, visit www.commonmarket.coop/connect/new-item-suggestion/ and fill out the form.

Mar Apr 2024 13


Visit www.commonmarket.coop/classes-events for the most up-to-date list and full descriptions.


Learn more about cooking techniques and experiment with fresh, new ingredients.


Obtain the knowledge that can help restore balance to your body & mind.


Cultivate awareness and engage in the topics of local and global preservation.


Get creative, express yourself and learn new skills.


Edible Landscaping & Strawbale House Tour

Saturday, May 11 | 2 - 3:30PM

@ Longcreek Homestead


Join us for a fruitful tour of edible and ecological landscapes while learning how to successfully create abundant landscapes with little to no maintenance. Food forests, mushrooms, swale gardens, living willow structures, hügelkultur beds, herb spirals, kiwi arbors, pawpaw groves… and a circular strawbale home. Tastings included. Lead by author and edible landscape designer Michael Judd at Long Creek Homestead.

Queer Art Social!

Thursday, May 16 | 6 - 7:30PM

@ 7th Street Community Room

FREE | Please RSVP

Calling all Queer creatives!!!! Come paint, draw, create, make and mingle every third Thursday of the month in our Community Room! Bring something you are working on and or start a new project! We will have a co-creative canvas going throughout the evening for those that wish to participate. This is a FREE drop-in social gathering! Music, sparkly drinks, tea and limited art supplies will be provided.



For the first-time gardener or avid green thumb to explore the potential in one's own backyard.


Exciting happenings at the co-op and around town.

Understanding & Harnessing the Power of Emotions

Thursday, May 16 | 6 - 7:30PM

@ 7th Street Community Room

FREE | Please RSVP

Do you sometimes find yourself on the emotional roller coaster ride of life? Are the kids testing your patience regularly? Is your partner frustrating you daily? Is your boss constantly undermining your decisions and giving you more responsibility? Or do you just feel downright emotionally overwhelmed?

Join us to learn how to harness the power of your emotions and find inner strength within your unique human experience.

Harmony in Healing: Monthly Homeopathy Exploration

Tuesday, May 21 | 4 - 5:45PM

@ 7th Street Community Room

FREE | Drop-ins Welcome

Unlock the secrets of holistic healing! Join our Monthly Homeopathy Study Group – a vibrant community where curiosity meets knowledge. Dive deep into the world of natural wellness as we explore the principles of homeopathy, share insights, and empower each other on our journey to optimal health. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your holistic adventure, our study group is the perfect place to discover the transformative power of homeopathy.

The Self-Love Revolution: Unlock Your True Potential

Saturday, May 25 | 11AM - 4PM @ 7th Street Community Room

$88 ($44 for Owners)

Love is a powerful force that can bring great joy and fulfillment to our lives.

In this interactive workshop, we will explore the transformative power of love and learn how to cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with it, with ourselves and with others.



Farm Tour: Pleasant Hill Produce Saturday, June 15 | 10 - 11:30AM @ Pleasant Hill Produce $10 (Free for Owners!)

Pleasant Hill produce has been growing high quality food for the Frederick Community since 2014! Join us for a tour of their beautiful farm to learn about their organic and sustainable practices!

Harmony in Healing: Monthly Homeopathy Exploration

Tuesday, June 18 | 4 - 5:45PM

@ 7th Street Community Room

FREE | Drop-ins Welcome

Unlock the secrets of holistic healing! Join our Monthly Homeopathy Study Group – a vibrant community where curiosity meets knowledge. Dive deep into the world of natural wellness as we explore the principles of homeopathy, share insights, and empower each other on our journey to optimal health. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your holistic adventure, our study group is the perfect place to discover the transformative power of homeopathy.

Chair One Fitness Wednesday, June 19 | 10:30 - 11AM Wednesday, June 19 | 3 - 3:30PM Friday, June 28 | 3 - 3:30PM @ 7th Street Community Room

FREE | Please RSVP

Chair One Fitness is a FUN 30-minute seated exercise program for individuals who have complications standing during a fitness regimen. This includes senior citizens, those with balance deficits, injuries, disability and those in larger bodies. Please bring water and a towel.

Herbalism: 101 Thursday, June 20 | 6 - 7:30PM @ Route 85 Community Room

$40 ($20 for Owners)

Interested in learning about herbs, but not sure where to start? Join us on the green path as we dive into the magical world of plant medicine. Together we’ll explore the background of herbalism, medicine making, and an herbalist’s top 15 easy herbs everyone should know and use in their herbal medicine cabinet. Everyone will have a chance to craft their own herbal blend to take home! This 90-minute, jam-packed workshop will have you jump started on your own herbal path. Don’t forget to bring your notebook!

Charcuterie Board Demo & Workshop with Love Boards

Friday, June 28 | 5:30 - 6:30PM

@ 7th Street Community Room

$60 ($30 for Owners)

Come experience an enjoyable evening dedicated to mastering the art of creating a beautiful charcuterie board! Join Love Boards for an interactive workshop where you can discover the secrets of crafting an impressive cheese and charcuterie display that will amaze your loved ones at your next event. In this workshop, you will learn how to design and present a beautifully balanced charcuterie board, acquire new skills in cutting and styling cheese, create a professional-looking prosciutto fan, and construct the popular salami rose that adds a special touch to your board!

Community Yoga & Wellness Celebration

Saturday, June 29 | 12 - 3PM

@ Route 85 Parking Lot | FREE

Join local Yoga and Wellness partners at the Common Market on Rt. 85 for a Community Yoga and Wellness Celebration Saturday June 29 from 12 – 3 PM. Drop-in classes will be available in the tented parking lot as well as the Community Room. Meet vendors and community partners, enjoy delicious vegetarian food available in the Common Market Café.

Board Meetings

The Common Market Board of Directors meets monthly via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. To join a meeting, please click on the ZOOM link provided on the Board of Directors page of the Common Market website. Scan the code for more info or visit: commonmarket.coop/about/board-of-directors MAY 23 6-9PM JUN 27 6-9PM

Mar Apr 2024 15

1. Himalaya Ashwagandha + FOCUS

Discover the cognitive strength of Ashwagandha + Focus to help support your memory and concentration. Himalaya combines the adaptogenic power of Ashwagandha with Bacopa, Rosemary and Green Tea Extract to help you focus and help support your clarity of thought and recall.

2. Himalaya Ashwagandha + RELAX

The adaptogenic power of Himalaya Ashwagandha combined with GABA, Holy Basil and Chamomile helps you relax so your body can balance stress and energy levels to leave you feeling refreshed and rested.

3. Himalaya Ashwagandha Gummies

Himalaya’s Organic Ashwagandha Gummies made with clinically-studied KSM-66 Ashwagandha root extract provides a delicious daily source of energy and stress relief by supporting your adrenals and balancing cortisol.

4. Himalaya Ashwagandha Caplet Trial Pack

Ashwagandha has been used for centuries for stress and energy. Himalaya’s Organic Ashwagandha is a clinically-studied blend of Ashwagandha root powder and root extract that provides stress relief by supporting your adrenals and balancing cortisol.

5. Host Defense Mushrooms Capsules

Host Defense capsules are filled with certified organic mushroom mycelium grown on organic brown rice on our farm in the Pacific Northwest. All of their mushroom mycelium and MycoBotanicals capsules and contents are non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and verified for quality and safety.

1 2 3 4 5 Mar Apr 2024 17

Ripe for Picking

Scoop up fresh, local strawberries while they’re in season

— these desserts are sure to delight.

They are among the most anticipated fruits of the summer — sweet, juicy strawberries are so enticing! It’s hard to resist those plump, glossy red berries with their fresh green caps. But let’s face it: They’re also quite perishable. When you go overboard with your berry buying and are left wondering what to do with all those beauties before they go bad, turn to these dessert recipes.

Strawberry Cake

Serves 8. Prep time: 1 hour, 15 minutes; 20 minutes active.

¼ cup unsalted butter, softened

¾ cup all-purpose flour

½ cup whole wheat pastry flour

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

¾ cup sugar

1 large egg

½ teaspoon vanilla

½ cup fat-free plain yogurt

¾ pound strawberries, hulled and halved vertically

2 tablespoons turbinado sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Use a ½ teaspoon butter or vegetable oil to grease a pie pan.

2. In a medium bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, pastry flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk to mix.

3. In a stand mixer with the batter paddle, or a large bowl with an electric mixer, beat the butter until creamy, and then beat in sugar. Beat for about 2 minutes, until fluffy and light. Beat

in the egg and vanilla, scraping down and mixing again to make a creamy mixture.

4. Alternate beating in half the yogurt, half the flour mixture, then half the yogurt and half the flour mixture, just until mixed.

5. Spread the batter in the prepared pie pan. Arrange the strawberry halves on top, placing them lightly, starting along the rim, then filling in concentric circles to cover the batter completely. Sprinkle with turbinado sugar.

6. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, until the top is golden and crackly, and a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out with no wet batter.

7. Cool on a rack for 5 minutes before slicing. Keeps, tightly wrapped, for up to 4 days in the refrigerator.

A touch of butter gives this meltingly tender cake rich flavor. It’s light enough for a weeknight dessert and equally delicious for breakfast with a dollop of yogurt.

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19 Mar Apr 2024

Strawberry Walnut Scones

Servings: 8. Prep time: 45 minutes; 20 minutes active.

3 cups whole wheat pastry flour

1⁄2 cup sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄2 cup butter, chilled

1 large egg

3⁄4 cup low-fat plain yogurt

1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla

1⁄2 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped

1 cup fresh strawberries, halved

2 tablespoons sugar

1. Heat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment or coat with vegetable oil spray. In a large bowl whisk the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Cut chilled butter into cubes and work the butter into the flour mixture quickly with your fingers or a pastry blender until the mixture is crumbly but small chunks of butter remain. In a small bowl, whisk the egg, yogurt and vanilla; mix well. Make a well in the dry mixture and pour in the wet, stir just until mixed, then stir in walnuts. Place half the dough on a floured counter or breadboard and shape into a circle 8 inches across, then cover with halved strawberries. Crumble the remaining dough over the strawberries and pat to cover, and form a disk about 3⁄4 -inch thick. Sprinkle with sugar and pat to adhere.

2. Use a knife to slice like a pie into 8 wedges. Place each wedge onto the sheet pan with at least 1 inch between them. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

3. Serve warm, or cool completely and store, tightly covered, for up to 4 days at room temperature.

Mixed Berry Crumble

Serves 8. Prep time: 40 minutes; 15 minutes active.

1 cup rolled oats

3⁄4 cup light brown sugar

3⁄4 cup whole wheat pastry flour

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons lemon zest

1⁄2 cup unsalted butter, melted

4 cups fresh strawberries, stems removed

2 cups fresh raspberries

1 cup fresh blueberries

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon arrowroot or cornstarch

1 teaspoon vanilla

1. Heat the oven to 400°F. In a large bowl, combine the oats, brown sugar, flour, salt and zest. Add the melted butter and stir to mix. Reserve.

2. Place the berries in a 2-quart baking dish, and sprinkle with sugar, arrowroot or cornstarch, and vanilla. Toss gently to coat, until well combined. Crumble the oat mixture over the berries in the dish.

3. Bake for 25 minutes, or until the topping is golden and the juices are thick and bubbly all the way around the dish. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes before serving.

Juneteenth celebrations often feature red foods to symbolize the perseverance, strength and resilience of enslaved ancestors. Carry on this culinary tradition with a festive Strawberry Slab Pie (pictured on the facing page), which brings familiar pie ingredients together in a baking pan instead of a pie plate.


Strawberry Slab Pie

Serves 12. Prep time: 2 hours, 30 minutes; 1 hour active.

3½ cups all-purpose flour

1½ cups sugar, plus 2 tablespoons

1½ teaspoons salt, plus ¼ teaspoon

2½ sticks unsalted butter (10 ounces)

¾ cup ice water

3 pounds fresh strawberries, hulled and halved

¼ cup cornstarch

1 tablespoon fresh lemon zest

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 tablespoons half and half

3 tablespoons turbinado sugar

1. In a large bowl, mix the flour, ½ cup sugar and 1½ teaspoons salt. Cut in the butter, then drizzle in ice water as you toss with a fork. If needed, drizzle in an additional tablespoon or so of ice water to make a dough. Form into a rectangle, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Note that the crust will have a biscuit-like texture when baked.

2. Place the hulled, halved strawberries in a large bowl. Add the remaining sugar, cornstarch, lemon zest, vanilla and remaining salt. Mix.

3. Heat the oven to 425°F. Get out a 10 x 15-inch baking pan that is 1 inch deep.

4. On a floured counter, cut off one third of the dough. Roll the larger piece to 12 by 16 inches. Transfer the dough to the pan, pat lightly to fit into the pan, leaving the edges hanging over.

5. Roll out the remaining piece of dough into a piece 11 by 16 inches. Distribute the berries over the dough in the pan. Place the second sheet of dough over the pie. Fold the edges of the lower crust over the upper crust, crimp the crust and slash the top.

6. Brush the top of the pie with half and half and sprinkle with turbinado sugar.

7. Bake for 15 minutes at 425°F. Reduce temperature to 400°F. Place a sheet of foil over the pie, then bake 25 to 30 minutes, until bubbling.

Mar Apr 2024 21

New Eats & Treats!

Our Cafés have been working hard to keep things fresh and new! Here are some of the exciting things you'll find, and things to look for soon!

Korean BBQ Wings

Look for these sweet and spicy chicken wings in our Grab & Go case, and in our Hot & Ready warmer (where the rotisserie chickens are located). They're a staff and customer fave, and they're served with house made sriracha ranch!

Buffalo Cauliflower 'Wings'

Who knew cauliflower could be so good!? Our vegan Buffalo Cauliflower bites are lightly breaded and served with house made vegan ranch. They're available in the Grab & Go case, and sometimes you'll even find them on our hot bar!

Snack Packs

Great for a quick lunch or a snack between meals, these snack packs are full of protein-rich foods like hard-boiled eggs, cheese, and ham. Also look for sandwich snack packs, featuring half-sized portions of your favorite Grab & Go sandwiches!

Seasonal Dips

Throwing a party? You'll need some dips! In addition to our delicious hummus, salsa, and guacamole, we've added seasonal dips like roasted red pepper & feta, and avocado & white bean.

Sweet Treats

Our bakers have been working overtime to offer new sweet treats like blueberry lemon cheesecake (vegan option available), vegan cookie parfaits, and a lemon sprinkle cookie. We hope you'll think of us the next time you have a sweet tooth!

Coming Soon: Reusable Tableware

In the near future, our cafe will provide reusable silverware in addition to plastic utensils for those dining in our café! We are always looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact, and are exploring options for more eco-friendly packaging throughout our café as well as the store as a whole.

Love The Common Market Café? Let us cater your next event! Visit commonmarket.coop/catering for details.


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or visit www.commonmarket.coop/ connect/advertising-request-form. Contact Susan Schulman at 301-663-416 ext. 105 or email sschulman@commonmarket.coop/

Through health and wellness coaching, Alison Wexler supports people as they make the major lifestyle changes they need to improve their health and wellbeing and to prevent, combat, or recover from illness. As a culinary coach, she specialize in teaching plantbased cooking, not only because it is connected with the best health outcomes, but also because we all need to eat more plants and less animal products in order to combat climate change.


Common Market owners receive 10% off of a 3-month starter package. Our Community Partners Program continues to grow, offering our owners many options to save and support local business! Visit our website to learn about all of our Community Partners

Sand Garden Health & Wellness Coaching Health & Wellness Coaching, Culinary Coaching
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Shopper Reviews

We drive from Pennsylvania to Maryland weekly to go there. It's just good food!

- Yolanda C.

I was passing through and stopped for a few groceries and was very impressed. They had locally produced items and some unique items. The people working there were super friendly too!

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