Spoonful - July/August 2023

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JULY | AUG NEWSLETTER 2023 Call for Candidates Join the Board and help guide the direction & future of your Co-op! Details on page 5 Special Orders at the Co-op New Local Products Anytime Egg Recipes

Hello Spoonful Readers!

July and August is when we have the best of the Local season!

"Local" is a powerful word that means so much to our community and the Common Market. When you support local businesses, you help create jobs for your friends and neighbors, investing in your community both socially and economically.

Here are some ways your support of local businesses impacts the community we live in.

• It helps with job creation and keeps our community thriving.

• Locally-owned businesses contribute a lot to charities and fundraisers in your community.

• It keeps money in the community. For every $100 you spend at local business, $60 will stay in the community . There is power in shopping local.

• Local food is fresher, tastier, and healthier.

• Local businesses are heartbeat of your community; they're owned and operated by your friends and neighbors!

• It help reduce environmental impacts.

• It promotes entrepreneurship.

• Local means better customer service and better quality. Local businesses value each of their

customers and their livelihood hangs on their satisfaction. Employees take the time to really get to know you. There is no small customer to a small business owner. The commitment to customers from local businesses have no boundaries This is what make them stand out against big box competition.

During this local season, take your family on a farm tour, make jams with local fruits, plant your own greens and vegetables in your back yard, celebrate a local week by making most of your meals with just local ingredients, learn about local farms and their history, or make ice cream with just local ingredients!

Today at The Common Market we carry products from over about 200 local vendors and farms with over 700 individual products. We have made it a company focus to find a good number of new local products every month.

Local tastes better, is fresher and it is cool. Be local, buy local.

Come and experience the Local revolution with us.

Thank you for your continued support,

Editor & Ad Sales - Susan Schulman

Design & Layout - Kayleigh Montgomery-Morris, Jenni Jones

Education & Events - Amanda Harmon

Owner Services - Mac Kio

Contact marketing@commonmarket.coop with contributions. Contact sschulman@commonmarket.coop for advertising rates.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Board, management, staff, or consumer-Owners of the Common Market. Nutrition and health information are given for informational purposes only and are not meant as a substitute for a consultation with a licensed health or dietary practitioner.


One of my favorite things about the Common Market Co-op is our commitment to buying local, sustainable, and responsible products.

Did you know that we purchase over 6000 skus from about 200 local vendors?

Did you know that we support 55 local farmers in our produce and meat departments?

Did you know that about 60 cents of every dollar spent on local goods stays in our community compared to big box retailers where only about 35 cents stay in the community?! Every time you shop at The Common Market food Coop, you are doing your part to support local businesses.

Did you know that we have classes? In the month of June alone, we had 19 classes. 11 of those were free. (Shameless plug for my free yoga class on Wednesday mornings).

• Did you know that as a MemberOwner you can reserve our Community Rooms at either store location for free? All you need to do is contact marketing@ commonmarket.coop. Be creative with how to use this benefit (language club, gardening club, spiritual get together, family reunion, children’s party). This

benefit alone makes it worthwhile. But there is more…

Did you know that as a MemberOwner you can purchase your favorite items by the case and get a 12% discount? Visit the website for details:

www.commonmarket.coop/ shop/special-order/

And my favorite; during Owner Appreciation Days. 3x per year (February, June and October) Member-Owners get a whopping 10% off of everything (yes everything) in their cart. Time to stock up on all your wellness needs, stuff the freezer, load up your shelves and fill up bags and bags of bulk items. I plan ahead, fill 2 carts, and really make the discount work for my budget!

Welcome to our 150 new MemberOwners who signed up during the June Owner Drive. If you missed it, not to worry, you can become a Member-Owner any day of the year – sign up in store or online and you’ll receive valuable coupons including one 10% off a full basket to get you started!

Please don’t forget that it's Board Election time! Make your voice heard. Be a part of the change. Run for office. Attend our Board Meetings. When was the last time you were invited to a Board Meeting at a big box retailer?

John Beutler Joe Eastwood Armando Martinez Alecks Moss Toby Schermerhorn Directors Megan Schneebaum President Merrick McKelvie Vice President Juan Ducos Treasurer
AUG 24 JUL 27
Julie Richards Secretary The Common Market Board of Directors meets monthly via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. To receive the Zoom link, RSVP on our events page by 12PM on the day of the meeting.
"If I can't find it at The Common Market, I probably don't need it."
Toby Schermerhorn Board Director The Common Market Board of Directors Dear Common Market Member-Owners & Shoppers,

Meet your Board of Directors

Read more about our Board, including bios, at commonmarket.coop/about/board-of-directors

Megan Schneebaum (she/her) President Merrick McKelvie (they/them) Vice President Julie Richards (she/her) Secretary Juan Ducos (he/him) Treasurer John Beutler (he/him) Director Joe Eastwood (he/they) Director Armando Martinex (he/they) Director Alecks Moss (she/her) Director
Toby Schermerhorn (she/her) Director

Call for Candidates Applications Due July 21st

Are you a Common Market Co-op Owner who is passionate about our Mission?

Your Co-op is seeking passionate, serviceoriented leaders to run as candidates for the Common Market's Board of Directors. We welcome candidates from diverse perspectives and life experiences and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. Candidates should share our commitment to the cooperative economy, social equity, community, and the environment.

Who is on the Board of Directors, and can other Owners run?

The Board consists of nine democratically elected members with staggered threeyear terms. The Board helps direct the future success and growth of the Co-op. Any current Owner in good standing who loves the Co-op business model and can work cooperatively and collaboratively is invited to run for a Board seat.

What does a Board Member's job look like?

Board Members attend each monthly Board Meeting – usually 3 hours on the 4th Thursday of the month. In addition, there may be other ad hoc meetings during the month, as well as the opportunity to volunteer at store events such as Loco for Local, participate in committees such as the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and join round tables like Lunch with Leadership. Some Board Members even travel to meetings or attend trainings with the CCMA – Consumer Cooperative Management Association.

Important Dates:

Next Board Meetings: July 27 & August 24 | 6 - 9PM

Board Election Info Session: July 12 | 6 - 7PM

Applications due: July 21

Ownerfest/Annual Meeting: October 14 | 12 - 3PM

What will we be voting on in the 2023 election?

In addition to filling 3 Board seats, Owners will be voting on By Law revisions during this election cycle. Information sessions will be held during the summer so Owners can preview proposed updates.

When and how will the election take place?

The election will take place in September 2023 and voting will be online. Candidate information packets will be available soon, with candidate information sessions to follow throughout the summer.

I’m not ready to join the Board, what are other ways to support the Co-op?

• Participate! Vote in the election, attend a Board meeting, keep the cooperative business model strong!

• Shop regularly! That one extra shop or additional item in your cart makes a big difference in our ability to bring unique products and healthy food to our community!

• Attend an event or class! Join like-minded individuals who love to be educated about sustainability, health & wellness, and diversity, equity, & inclusion.

• Introduce your friends! We are stronger together!

Read more info and apply online at commonmarket.coop/about/board-of-directors

Jul Aug 2023 5

What is your favorite meal to make? Crêpes, all kinds!

When you have 30 minutes of free time, what do you do?

Play with my three beautiful daughters.

If you were a fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why? Prune, because I loosen people up!

What's your biggest splurge ingredient? Flank steak.

What is your favorite clean-out-the-fridge meal? Everything but the sink burrito!

What is something always in your pantry/fridge? Eggs, romaine, potatoes

What brought you to the Co-op? Its diversity and Co-op values; very accepting, friendly, and a good place for a deaf person!

What do you like best about your job? My co-workers & management.

What's your favorite thing to make? Brown sugar buttermilk pancakes.

When you have 30 minutes of free time, what do you do?

Art, talking to family and friends, and appreciating nature.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Film and knitting/crocheting.

What's the best meal you've ever eaten? Pork tacos with mango salsa.

What's your biggest splurge ingredient? Steaks or any berries!

What's your favorite clean-out-the-fridge meal? Shepherd's pie.

What's something that's always in your pantry/fridge? Milk and eggs.

Jena Co-op Steward
Erica Co-op Steward

In Our Community

Loco for Local!

We had such a great time at our 3rd Annual Loco for Local event! Local vendors like Maka, Simple Pleasures Ice Cream, and Twin Bears Bakery passed out free samples while we listened to live music by local band The Chicks. The Market also gave away some amazing prizes like store gift cards, free groceries, and a bike! There's nothing we love more than supporting local businesses and meeting members of our community!

Frederick Pride

The Downtown Frederick Partnership held their 10th Annual Frederick Pride The Common Market was proud to be a part of the event, celebrating love and inclusivity, and meeting members of our LGBTQIA+ community. Our team members volunteered for the event and passed out pride stickers and organic bananas to attendees.

Stuff the Bus

The Common Market is excited to participate in United Way's Stuff the Bus campaign again this year! Now through July 31, we are collecting new, unused school supplies for Frederick County Public School students in households struggling to afford a basic cost of living. Most-needed items include markers, earbuds with microphones, composition notebooks, spiral notebooks, pencil boxes, and crayons! Drop off your donations at either Common Market location.

SHIP Donations

Thanks to our community, we've been able to donate a large amount of personal care items to the Student Homelessness Initiative Partnership of Frederick County, who aim to prevent adverse outcomes from youth experiencing homelessness. We are also a sponsor of SHIP's New Horizons Summer Academy 2023, which provides 78 local high school students experiencing housing insecurity access to learning opportunities as a pathway our of homelessness and poverty. As a sponsor, The Common Market is providing snacks for the students during the 5-week program. Help us support SHIP by rounding up at the register July 12 - 26.

Bike to Work Day & Tour de Frederick

This year, we had two opportunities to connect with the bicycling community in Frederick and beyond. During the annual Bike to Work Day event in May, The Common Market passed out organic bananas to riders as they ditched their cars and pedaled to work. During the Tour de Frederick race in June, we greeted riders at a rest stop and sampled Maka wheatgrass energy drinks!

June Owner Drive

Our June Owner Drive was a huge success! Thanks to our Front End teams, our Owner Services Coordinator, and our community as a whole, we were able to welcome 150 new Owners to the Coop. That brings our total to a whopping 8,905!

Jul Aug 2023 7

Special Orders at The Common Market

An easy & convenient way to save money and support your Co-op!

Do you find yourself buying large quantities of specific items from the Co-op? Save yourself some time - and money! - buy using our Special Order Program!

Our Special Order Program allows you to order item you’d like to purchase in larger quantities - up to 10 cases at a time. It’s perfect for restaurant owners, business owners, or anyone looking to stock up! We asked our Special Order gurus, Erin and Tom, what they wanted customers to know about the program. Here's what they had to say:

What's the most unusual item you've ordered for someone?

Tom: “The items themselves aren’t so unusual, but I do wonder sometimes about the quantity that some people order. What compels a person to order 10 cases of smoked fish? Maybe I don’t want to know."

Can customers only special order things that we carry in the store, or can you find pretty much anything for them?

Erin: “Customers can order items we sell, but also other items from the same brands. For instance, Amy’s has lots of products we don’t sell in the store, but we can usually special order it for you, even if it’s something we don’t normally carry. As long as our vendors carry it, we can most likely get it for you.”

What’s the easiest way customers can special order items from The Common Market?

What should we know about Special Orders?

Erin: “It’s a great and convenient way to get items you and your family really enjoy at a discounted price. You can order full cases, so you don’t have to worry about the store not having enough of something you need when you shop.

Erin: “The easiest way is the online order form. You can look up a product’s UPC code and other information online and fill out the form, which comes directly to me (find the form online at commonmarket. coop/shop/special-order/) You can also place special orders at the Customer Service Desk.”

Why is it better to order items from The Common Market rather than Amazon?

Erin: “It’s better because our customer service is unmatched! You’re supporting a local business by shopping at the Market. Also, when you place a special order, you receive a discount off the regular sticker price (5% for all customers, 12% for Co-op Owners, and 20% for employees!)"

Tom: " When you order from a place like Amazon, that money is whisked away from your local community. The profit generated gets split up between 10,220,000,000 shares that are owned by people outside of our community and especially far outside of our incometax bracket. By ordering from us, that money stays in our community, creating a healthier, happier, and more sustainable place for all of us to work and live."

Start your special order today! Scan here or visit: www.commonmarket.coop/shop/special-order your favorite stuff!
Erin B.
Tom F.

Sources: The CDC: www.cdc.gov/ticks/avoid/on_people.html

The Farmer's Almanac: www.farmersalmanac.com/7-natural-tick-remedies-work-27452

NPR: www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/07/04/1012643351/tick-bite-disease-safety-tips

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Visit www.commonmarket.coop/classes-events for the most up-to-date list and full descriptions.


Learn more about cooking techniques and experiment with fresh, new ingredients.


Obtain the knowledge that can help restore balance to your body & mind.


Queer Art Social!

Thursday, July 20 & August 18 | 5 - 7PM

@ 7th Street Store



Cultivate awareness and engage in the topics of local and global preservation.

Get creative, express yourself and learn new skills.

For the first-time gardener or avid green thumb to explore the potential in one's own backyard.


Exciting happenings at the co-op and around town.

Upcycled Ice Dyeing

Saturday, July 22 | 2 - 4PM

@ 7th Street

$60 or $40 for Owners

Calling all Queer creatives!!!! Come paint, draw, create, make and mingle every third Thursday of the month in our Community Room! Bring something you are working on and or start a new project! We will have a co-creative canvas going throughout the evening for those that wish to participate. This is a FREE drop-in social gathering! Music, sparkly drinks, tea and limited art supplies will be provided.

Herbalism 101 with Amy Boldt

Wednesday, July 19 | 5:30 - 7PM

@ 7th Street

$40 or $20 for Owners

Interested in learning about herbs, but not sure where to start? Join us on the green path as we dive into the magical world of plant medicine. Together we’ll explore the background of herbalism, medicine making, and an herbalist’s top 15 easy herbs everyone should know and use in their herbal medicine cabinet. This 90 minute, jam-packed workshop will have you jump started on your own herbal path. Don’t forget to bring your notebook!

Join us for a fun afternoon of tie dyeing with ice! In this workshop you will learn a variety of ice dyeing techniques, from spiral and scrunch to geodes! We will also explore basic color theory to learn how to make the most visually pleasing color combinations. Participants will go home with a total of two projects with rinse out instructions. For this workshop we are encouraging you to either buy secondhand or use a shirt that you already own, however, it is not a requirement. Because everyone is a different shape and size please bring your own clothing to dye. Please note that certain fabrics are not compatible for dying, please bring items that are 100% cotton. For sake of time and cost of supplies we ask that you only bring a total of two shirts.

Tea Tasting: Herbs for Mental Health with Ashley Hoffman

Saturday, July 29 | 1 - 2:30PM

@ 7th Street

$40 or $20 for Owners

Learn about utilizing our relationships with herbs to support our mental health individually and collectively. We will talk about plant allies that may help cope with stress, grief, and anxiety.

Ashley is an herbalist at Fox Haven Farm and a clinical mental health counseling graduate student at Hood College. Come sip and soak in some knowledge!


Don't miss out! Be sure to check our online calendar for the most up-to-date class list.


Back-to-School Clothing Swaps

Friday, August 4 | 4 - 6PM

Saturday, August 5 | 1 - 3PM @ 7th Street Store

This is a great eco-conscious opportunity to do a little back-to-school swapping and give your unwanted clothes a new home! To participate in the swap please bring at least 2 articles of clothing. If you do not wish to take any items home, we are happy to take your clothing donations, all remaining items will be donated to the Frederick Rescue Mission. Come hang out, shop, swap and meet new folks!

**This event will be held only at our 7th St. location.**

Intro to American Sign Language

[Six Week Series]

Mondays, August 7 - September 11 | 5 - 6PM @ 7th Street

$160 or $80 for Owners

This class is designed to introduce students to the culture and language of Deaf people by learning basic American Sign Language. Students will work towards gaining fluency towards the usage and communication of ASL by acquiring vocabulary, and understanding of the language with the goal of improving interactions with the large Deaf population in the area. These classes are immersive, interactive and loaded with fun games!

Bonding with Baby: Infant Massage for Parents & Babies

Saturday, August 26 | 4 - 5PM @ 7th Street

$50 or $25 for Owners

In this workshop parents will gain an understanding around how to identify and respond to their baby’s cues and enjoy the developmental benefits of nurturing touch through infant massage. Parents will gain the ability to strengthen their bond with their baby, recognize their baby’s cues, and apply practice during class.

Infant Massage classes bring research into practice combining parent education with nurturing infant massage techniques. They provide a structured forum for parents to discuss parent topics, ask questions, share experiences and get support.

Classes support parents during the life-changing experience of becoming a parent, and promote the healthy growth and development of babies. Touch is our first sense to develop while in utero so it is easy to understand how it has had a large impact throughout human development. Nurturing touch and infant massage education classes are centered on enhancing the parent-child bond and increasing opportunities for communication and respectful and appropriate touch within families.


Maryland Ensemble Theatre

Local Community Theatre

A professional, collaborative theatre ensemble broadly connected to our community by inspiring passion for the arts with courageous, relevant, accessible programs that enable people to feel more, think deeper, and laugh longer.

Common Market Owners:

Owners receive 10% off any class registration for MET’s Ensemble School with the code COMMONMARKET at checkout.

Why we stand by Maryland

Ensemble Theatre:

The MET shares Common Market’s values of creating community through sustainable practices together. As a nonprofit theatre in downtown Frederick, they upcycle, reuse, and repurpose many of their set, prop, and costume materials. They are community-focused and motivated by helping everyone in our community live a life of quality.


Our Community Partners Program continues to grow, offering our owners many options to save and support local business! Visit our website to learn about all of our Community Partners

Jul Aug 2023 13

What's in Your Water?

We all want to stay hydrated, right? Drinking enough water is hard enough, without having to worry about how many chemicals are passing through your at-home filter; and filling your house with hard-to-recycle plastic water bottles isn’t very eco-friendly!

We all know that drinking water can contain metals and certain pesticides, but recently you may have heard that chemicals called PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) have started sneaking into water sources around the country and world.

What are PFAs? Known as “forever chemicals,” they are chemicals that resist grease, oil, water, and heat. They were first used in the 1940's and are now in hundreds of products including stain- and water-resistant fabrics and carpeting, cleaning products, paints, and fire-fighting foams.

The Environmental Protection Agency is working to set strict standards on these chemicals, and some states are moving to ban the use of the substances altogether. These are good steps in the right direction, but what can we do to limit our exposure to these chemicals through our own drinking water? Your best bets are active carbon filters and reverse osmosis filters. Active carbon filters do a good job at filtering your tap water, but they need to be replaced frequently to be effective - and used filters usually end up in the landfill. Reverse osmosis systems are more effective, but installing one in your home can be costly. Take advantage of Common Market's bulk filtered water machines at both store locations.

Good news - if you’re a Common Market Owner, reverse osmosis filtered water is free! You can bring in your own containers to fill in our bulk department (we also have some for purchase in the store), thus bypassing the need for individually bottled drinking water.

Learn more about Ownership here!

Jul Aug 2023 15

What's New at the Market?

1. Little Sesame Smooth Hummus - Washington, DC

Small batch hummus, freshly spun in Washington, D.C. using 100% regeneratively farmed chickpeas. Fresh lemon juice is the only preservative used. Available in 4 flavors.

2. My Dad's Chips Potato Chips - Gaithersburg, MD

Thin-sliced, kettle-cooked Russet potato chips with a robust real potato flavor. Cooked in a proprietary, patent-pending, allergen-friendly oil blend, you can never go wrong with breaking out a bag of My Dad’s Chips!.

3. Simple Pleasures Ice Cream - Washington, DC

Premium handcrafted ice cream made with full-fat cream, free from hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. Natural extracts, flavorings, fruits, and veggies from local farmers are used to create these delicious flavors.

4. Don Sebastian Handcrafted Salsa - Midlothian, VA Hispanic female owned small business creating fresh, authentic mexican salsas & dips. Located in Midlothian VA.

5. Neighborgoods Kitchen Wares - Washington, DC

Inspired by the beauty of food and how it brings people together. Each product is designed and hand-packaged with love by the team in their Washington, DC home studio.


A quick look at the exciting new items gracing our shelves!

6. Goose Ridge Soaps Body Care - Hampstead, MD

Specializing in natural hand made soaps, shampoo bars, herbal salves, and body products. These handmade soaps are created in small batches using natural ingredients to create products that are gentle and nourishing for your skin. Each batch of soap is made from scratch, cut by hand, and cured for a minimum of four weeks.

7. Two Tail Treats Allergy Friendly Dog Treats - Frederick, MD

Two Tail Treats believes everyone deserves a treat! They offer an array of delectable dog treats for your best friend. Treats are made in small batches with attention and care, keeping all allergy needs in mind.

8. American Trench Socks - Philadelphia, PA

A sock drawer staple, created by this Philadelphia based fashion brand founded to bring forward the exceptional manufacturing that exists in the United States. As always, fun, colorful and stylish, these socks are also built with a cushioned foot bed, without being too thick inside your shoes.

9. Up In Arms Deodorant - Gaithersburg, MD

All natural deodorant crafted in small batches in Maryland. Using sustainably harvested ingredients and intentional production methods to create a product they take pride in using every day. They strive toward a sustainable future by working to minimize their impact on the environment and invest in their communities..

We're always on the lookout for new items! If you have suggestion for us, visit www.commonmarket.coop/connect/new-item-suggestion/ and fill out the form.

Jul Aug 2023 17
Local Edition

Eggs Anytime

An ordinary egg offers delicious versatility for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Reprinted by permission from grocery.coop. Find recipes, plus information about your food and where it comes from at grocery.coop.

Shakshuka with Spinach

Servings: 6. Prep time: 30 minutes.

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 large onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, chopped

1 red bell pepper, chopped

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon cumin, ground

1 teaspoon coriander, ground

1⁄4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon honey

1 15-oz. can crushed tomatoes

4 cups salad spinach, chopped

6 large eggs

1⁄2 cup parsley, chopped

2 oz. feta cheese (optional)

1. Drizzle the olive oil in a 12-inch skillet and place the pan over medium-high heat. Heat for a few seconds, then add the onions and stir until they start to sizzle. Reduce the heat to medium-low and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and peppers and sauté for 5 minutes longer to soften the peppers. Add the paprika, cumin, coriander, red pepper flakes, salt and honey and stir, then stir in the crushed tomatoes. Raise the heat to bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook until thick, about 5 minutes. Stir in the spinach and cook until just wilted and dark green.

2. Use the back of a spoon to make 6 indentations in the sauce for the eggs. Crack each egg into a cup and then pour carefully into the indentations. Cover the pan and cook for about 8 minutes, until the whites of the eggs are set. Test by poking the whites with a paring knife. If you like your egg yolks firmer, cook longer.

3. When eggs are done to your liking, sprinkle with parsley and feta, if desired.

4. Serve 1 egg, with about a cup of the vegetable mixture, on each plate.

Shakshuka is a dish popular across North Africa and the Middle East. Enjoy the spiced tomato sauce over warm pita wedges.

Spicy Avocado Egg Salad

Servings: 4-6. Prep time: 25 minutes; 10 minutes active.

6 large eggs

1 large avocado, divided

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄2 teaspoon chipotle powder

2 medium scallions, chopped

1 rib celery, chopped

1 large jalapeño, chopped

1⁄4 cup fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped

1. Place the eggs in a medium pot, and add cold water to cover them by an inch. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. As soon as the water comes to a full rolling boil, remove from the heat, cover and let stand for 14 minutes.

2. Drain the eggs, rinse with cold water, then place the cooked eggs in the refrigerator to chill completely. When cold, peel, rinse and chop the eggs. Place in a medium bowl.

3. Halve the avocado and remove the pit, then scoop half of the flesh into a large bowl. Mash thoroughly, then stir in the lime, salt and chipotle powder.

4. Add the scallions, celery, jalapeño, cilantro and chopped egg, and stir. Using the tip of a paring knife, cut the remaining avocado half into cubes in the shell, then use a spoon to scoop the cubes out into the salad. Fold into the egg salad, and serve.

Jul Aug 2023 19

Breakfast Quesadillas

Servings: 4. Prep time: 20 minutes.

6 large eggs, lightly beaten

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄2 teaspoon pepper

Olive oil for the pan

1 cup shredded pepper jack cheese

4 8-inch whole wheat tortillas

1 cup arugula or spinach, chopped

1 medium avocado, cubed


1. Heat oven to 200°F, if you need to keep the quesadillas warm until you serve them. Whisk the eggs in a medium bowl with salt and pepper, and set aside. Place a medium cast iron or nonstick pan over medium heat and oil or spray lightly with olive oil. Pour the eggs into the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until they are softly scrambled and still moist. Transfer to a medium bowl and stir in the pepper jack cheese. Divide the egg mixture into four portions.

2. Place a large skillet over medium-high heat for a few seconds. Carefully place a tortilla in the pan, then spoon one portion of the eggs onto half of the tortilla; sprinkle with a quarter of the arugula or spinach and a quarter of the avocado. Fold the tortilla over to cover the filling, place another tortilla on the empty side of the pan, and assemble the second quesadilla in the same way. Press lightly to seal the ingredients inside the tortillas. Using a spatula, turn the first quesadilla after about 2 minutes, being careful not to spill the filling. The tortilla should be browned and crisp. Repeat with the remaining tortillas and filling. Turn the heat down to medium if the tortillas are browning too quickly. Transfer the finished quesadillas to plates, cut each quesadilla in three wedges and serve with salsa.

The satisfying scrambled eggs and greens in these quesadillas will energize you all morning long.


Crustless Quiche Lorraine

Servings: 6. Prep time: 1 hour, 10 minutes; 25 minutes active.

8 ounces bacon, chopped

1 cup chopped onion

6 large eggs, whisked

1 cup milk

1 cup shredded Swiss cheese, divided

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄2 teaspoon pepper

2 large scallions, chopped

1. Heat the oven to 350°F. Lightly oil a 9-inch pie pan.

2. Place the chopped bacon in a large skillet over medium heat. Stir occasionally, until bacon is crisp and brown, about 4 minutes. Transfer to

a large bowl, and pour off all but a tablespoon of bacon fat (you can save for another use, or discard.) Add the onions to the pan and cook over medium heat until soft and golden, about 5 minutes. Transfer to the bowl with the bacon. Add the eggs and milk to the bowl and whisk to combine, then stir in all but 1⁄4 cup of the Swiss cheese, the salt, pepper and scallions. Pour into the prepared pan and top with reserved cheese.

3. Bake for about 45 minutes, until the quiche is puffed and golden. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes before cutting. Keeps for 4 days, tightly covered, in the refrigerator.

Jul Aug 2023 21
Pair this classic quiche with a colorful fruit salad or mixed greens tossed with a light vinaigrette.


Cracking the veil of confusing labels

Still confused?

A label can only tell you so much. Your best bet is to get to know the farmer or retailer, and ask questions. The Common Market will try our best to provide you with detailed information about the practices of the specific egg producers that we carry. Ultimately, it’s up to the shopper to decide what labels influence their egg selections.

SOURCE: takepart.com

What the devil?

The term “deviled”, in reference to food, was in use in the 18th century, with the first known print reference appearing in 1786. In the 19th century, it came to be used most often with spicy or zesty food, including eggs prepared with mustard, pepper or other ingredients stuffed in the yolk cavity.

From the archives: This article was originally printed in our July/August 2014 issue!
Dr Mimi and her staff are super to work with. In just the first month of adjustments I’m feeling improvement. Very satisfied with the whole experience. -Dale
Fill out an advertising request form here or visit www.commonmarket.coop/ connect/advertising-request-form. Contact Susan Schulman at 301-663-416 ext. 105 or email sschulman@commonmarket.coop/ ADVERTISE WITH US! LoV e Local www.commonmarket.coop 301-663-3416 Open Daily 8am - 9pm No Membership Required Both cafés now open Jul Aug 2023 23

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