Real hope Series

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“Lessons from


Nehemiah 1:1-4 Focus verse 4

1. People who address felt needs don’t allow privilege to blind them from others pain. 2. People who address felt needs keep prayer as a top priority.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS continued 2. After reading Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18 Do you believe those in privilege position have a responsibility to assist individuals suffering from the pains of inequality? If so, what are some of the steps we can take to assist? What are some of the current damaging solutions? What are some of the bridges we can build moving forward? 3. When we get disturbing/distressing news about a community, what can we learn from Nehemiah about what our response should be? As we hear about those suffering from the most recent national disasters has any of those horrific events lead us to weep, fast and pray? 4. What did Nehemiah discover from his personal investigation? How would you describe the assets and partnerships available in Jerusalem? How would you describe the current assets and possible partnerships in our community?

3. People who address felt needs utilize the power of partnerships.

5. When we listen as part of the community transformation process, who are we to listen to & what are we to listen for?


What did God say to you today?

From TRUTH through TRACTION to TRANSFORMATION: What will you do about it?

1. Review Nehemiah chapters 1 & 2. What did he hear…and how did he respond? Nehemiah’s name in Hebrew means comforted by God, how did he live out his calling in comforting God’s people in the midst of a crisis?

With whom will you share this…and when?

2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003


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