Real hope Series

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Dr. Christopher Dodd Pastor, NCC Dolton



Dr. Christopher Dodd BACKGROUND

Dr. Christopher Dodd is a native of Chicago and the only son born to Doshia and E.C. Dodd. He was raised on the south side of Chicago where he attended Roseland Christian Elementary School and Luther South High School. Pastor Dodd was greatly influenced by two of his former pastors, the late Pastor Lawrence E. Mosley Sr. of Lilydale Progressive Missionary Baptist Church and Bishop Horace E. Smith of Apostolic Faith Church. Dr. Dodd received his bachelor’s degree from Northern Illinois University and his Masters of Divinity Degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007. He has been married to his college sweetheart Schlonda Dodd for 19 years. They have three daughters: Kennedi, Raygan and Madison. After graduating from college, Pastor Dodd worked for several fortune 500 companies as a sales representative and manager receiving numerous awards. In 2001 he accepted his calling to the ministry. On April Fool’s Day 2006 he walked away from corporate America to pursue God’s calling on his life. In September 2006, he organized Christ Victory Assembly Church in Lansing, Illinois. In 2013 Dr. Christopher Dodd came on staff at New Community Church where we have seen tremendous growth under his leadership. He recently received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. His thesis topic was socio-economic reconciliation. Dr. Christopher Dodd currently serves as the Lead Pastor of New Community Church with campuses in Dolton and Park Forest.





“The Foundation for Transformation” Acts 12:1-5 Matthew 16:18

The Church is the foundation for transformation because it uses spiritual weapons to win in warfare. WE HAVE A FORMULA 2. The Church is the foundation for transformation because it has the power to liberate those that have been locked down. WE HAVE FREEDOM

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Describe your most positive experience in the local church? 2. What is the definition of the word ‘Church’? What does the actual meaning of the word ‘church’ imply for those of us who are part of it? 3. List and discuss three similarities to the early and modern church? List and discuss three differences? What steps can we take to get back to the basics? 4. What does it mean for us to ‘make a difference’? What steps can NCC take in making a difference in our community? 5. It has been said that the church is not called to fill pews with members but we are called to fill the world with disciples. What steps can we take to live out the Great Commission?

From TRUTH through TRACTION to TRANSFORMATION: What did God say to you today? What will you do about it? With whom will you share this…and when?

3.The Church is the foundation for transformation because we make progress in the in the face of persecution. WE HAVE FORTITUDE

2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003





“He Can Fix Me” Acts 12:1-5 Matthew 16:18

1. You can be fixed with the right Focus. FIX MY AIM 2. You can be fixed with the right Faith. FIX MY ACTIONS 3. You can be fixed with the right Fellowship. FIX MY ACQUAINTANCES

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What were several obvious issues of the woman in the passage?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS continued 3. Scripture lets us know she dealt with this issue for 12 years. What do you believe are the dangers of being plagued for this length of time? How do you believe living with this issue would affect your faith in God or church? Under Levitical law there were several barriers she faced in getting the help she needed. What are some of the current social barriers that prohibit individuals from getting the help they need? What do you believe should be the response by the community of faith? What corrupt aspects of our community might we need to address and seek to change in our pursuit of community transformation? 4. If my care group was seeking to help this woman what steps would we take? Please list three short term and long term goals?

From TRUTH through TRACTION to TRANSFORMATION: What did God say to you today? What will you do about it? With whom will you share this…and when?

What are the parallels to her experience and many of us? Describe a time when a personal issue went public? How did you navigate this embarrassing experience? 2. How has a personal issue hindered your relationship with Christ? The word “plague” is the same word that is translated “whip”. What are the areas do you believe plague our communities? 2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003





“Lessons from


Nehemiah 1:1-4 Focus verse 4

1. People who address felt needs don’t allow privilege to blind them from others pain. 2. People who address felt needs keep prayer as a top priority.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS continued 2. After reading Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18 Do you believe those in privilege position have a responsibility to assist individuals suffering from the pains of inequality? If so, what are some of the steps we can take to assist? What are some of the current damaging solutions? What are some of the bridges we can build moving forward? 3. When we get disturbing/distressing news about a community, what can we learn from Nehemiah about what our response should be? As we hear about those suffering from the most recent national disasters has any of those horrific events lead us to weep, fast and pray? 4. What did Nehemiah discover from his personal investigation? How would you describe the assets and partnerships available in Jerusalem? How would you describe the current assets and possible partnerships in our community?

3. People who address felt needs utilize the power of partnerships.

5. When we listen as part of the community transformation process, who are we to listen to & what are we to listen for?


What did God say to you today?

From TRUTH through TRACTION to TRANSFORMATION: What will you do about it?

1. Review Nehemiah chapters 1 & 2. What did he hear…and how did he respond? Nehemiah’s name in Hebrew means comforted by God, how did he live out his calling in comforting God’s people in the midst of a crisis?

With whom will you share this…and when?

2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003





Reasons for Relocation Exodus 3:1-12 Focus verse 10

1. People that relocate have received a SIGN from God. 2. People that relocate SURRENDER to God. 3. People that relocate will be SUSTAINED by God. 4. People that relocate have been SUPPLIED by God.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What was the significant sign Moses received from God? Can you list some of the challenges Moses would face in completing his assignment? Describe a time you received a sign to move forward with God’s purpose for your life? How did you know it was him? What excuses did you present to God? Where are you currently in regards to completing this assignment?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS continued 2. John 1:14 states, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. This is known as the theological principle incarnational. What does it look like to dwell among the people in our community? How would this benefit understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the community? What steps can we take in becoming an incarnational ministry? 3. In Exodus chapter 4 verse 2 God asked Moses what was in his hand? What do you believe are the assets God has gifted you with to assist our church and community? 4. Exodus 3:7 “The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I concerned about their suffering.” What is some of the current misery you are facing? Who are the people in your sphere of influences that are crying out in suffering? What steps have you taken to show that you are concerned? 5. God let’s Moses know that he is not on this mission by himself. How should you respond to the fear of your assignment when you know God is present with you? Describe a time when you were able to accomplish the impossible with God being present?

From TRUTH through TRACTION to TRANSFORMATION: What did God say to you today? What will you do about it? With whom will you share this…and when?

2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003





The Road to Reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 Focus Verse 18

1. We can travel the road of reconciliation because of His compassion for us. (Thank God for His MOTIVES!) 2. We can travel the road of reconciliation because of His construction in us. (Thank God for His MAKOVER!). 3. We can travel the road of reconciliation because of His crucifixion for us. (Thank God for His METHODS!) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What’s the first thing you think of when someone says ‘reconciliation’? What’s a great story of reconciliation that you know about – for example, family members who have been at odds for 20 years and then reconciled?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS continued 2. How is dying to ourselves the Christian method for reconciliation? What are the challenges regarding dying to self? What currently needs ‘to die’ to have reconciliation in your home, church and community? 3. What is it about the cross that makes reconciliation with God possible? How does being a ‘new creation’ make you responsible for reconciliation? And with whom? Do you feel like you are a new creature? How have you personally seen your life transformed since coming to Christ? 4. What are the challenges that face the church in being reconciled to its community…and whose responsibility is it to initiate the relationship? Let’s say the Lord’s Prayer together. What is taught to us here about reconciliation?

WEEK 6 PREVIEW: Redistribution: Empowering the Poor When the body of Christ is visibly present and living among the poor (relocation) and when we are loving our neighbor and our neighbor’s family the way we love ourselves and our own family (reconciliation), the result is redistribution. It is not taking away from the rich and giving to the poor. Rather, it is when God’s people with resources are living in the poor community and are a part of it, applying skills and resources to the problem of that community, thereby allowing a natural redistribution to occur. Redistribution is putting our lives our skills, our education, and our resources to work to empower people in a community of need. Christian community development ministries find creative avenues to create jobs, schools, health centers, home ownership, and other enterprises of long-term development.

2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003





The Relevance of


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS continued 2. In verse 17 the disciples responded we only have five loaves of bread and two fish. Describe and experience in your life that pushed you to rely on God’s miraculous provision? How did this experience increase or decrease your faith?

Matthew 14:13-21 Focus verse 16

1. Redistribution is relevant when you have a Kingdom PERSPECTIVE 2. Redistribution is relevant when you have the King’s PARTNERSHIP 3. Redistribution is relevant when you follow the King’s plan for PROVISION DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. The United Nations Hunger Project ( estimates that about 24,000 people die every day from hunger-related causes, and 75 percent are children under the age of 5. With hunger so prevalent in the world, we must ask the question of how the followers of Christ are called to respond. Does Jesus ask more of us than we can provide? On their own power, all the disciples could do is send the crowd away. Jesus is teaching them here that when they are willing to believe God for great things, God is more than willing to glorify himself through providing.

3. In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus was surrounded by urgent physical and spiritual need, and we are surrounded by desperate needs in our immediate community, in Dolton, and in many urban areas. As a small group, identify 3-4 needs in the south suburbs. Pray and brainstorm as a group ways in which you could help meet those needs. Recognize that Christ stands ready to meet the deepest needs of souls and to use our lives with all the resources at His disposal. Think big – not just what you can do to meet the needs listed but what God could do if His people would willingly step out in faith in Him and obedience to Him. What hinders you from allowing Christ to use you to meet the physical and spiritual needs of others? 4. Exodus 3:7 “The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I concerned about their suffering.” What is some of the current misery you are facing? Who are the people in your sphere of influences that are crying out in suffering? What steps have you taken to show that you are concerned? 5. How important do you believe is prayer in seeing our communities transformed? Can you commit to praying for your church one minute each day? In verse 18 he asked the disciples to bring him what they collected. What do you believe God is asking you to bring in regards to seeing our church transformed?

2017 Copyright Colab Print, All Rights Reserved. Article CDRSYL no. 003


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